Lean Management Perfect manifestation of Occam's Razor
INSTANCE ONE It was second World War. The US General, Patton inspected a series of tanks and called the Major General Collin Rutherford. He asked the Major General in the US military parlance, 'Why the bloody 32 tanks have not yet been eliminated? By the time I return from the field, I want to see that all useless tanks are removed or else, I'll dismiss you...' Rutherford did what was ordered and the 12th Marinet Tank Regiment got better and more sophisticated tanks to win the Battle of Seine.'
INSTANCE TWO Hind Motors management, Kon Nagar, Calcutta, had a casual habit of piling up the old and discarded designs of the automobiles (Ambassador cars and its precursors, to be precise). In 1956, one British survey engineer Nick Robertson found the whole system of the unnecessary piling up as redundant and immediately got away with it to increase the productivity by 75 percent!
INSTANCE THREE Toyota applied Lean management, rather conceptualized it, and got overnight success. That's why, Lean management is also known as Toyotism. In the era of off shoring, Toyota considered going closer to the Customer, i.e. they started producing in United States for supplying to the Americans. It was by the way, a way of Lean Management.
WHAT IS LEAN? Avoiding technical jargon for lay readers and simple practitioners, it'll be useful to clear the term LEAN at the outset. Almost all of us have heard the word 'lean'. 'Lean' connotes paling down to the bare minimum or bare essential. In other words, it's the finest corporate and management manifestation of Occam's Razor (attributed to William of Occam) principle. In Occam's Razor principle, we pick up the best and most suitable among seemingly best options.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR LEAN MANAGEMENT Defining value from the standpoint of the end customer. Identifying each step in a business process and eliminating those steps that do not create value. Making the value-creating steps occur in tight sequence. Repeating the first three steps on a continuous basis until all waste has been eliminated.
LEAN MANAGEMENT & KAIZEN Lean management, when yoked with Kaizen's continuous improvement, may result in exponential growth of the organization. Discerning the waste or what causes the waste, needs expertise. Reuben Fionele, the French practitioner of Kaizen and Lean management in Paris, simplifies it by giving straight steps Getting to the roots of a cause Determining its nature Categorising it Sectioning it as per the magnitude of the issue How to eliminate it How fast can it be eliminated Even while rooting it out, see to it that it leaves no remnants or vestiges known as CCG, cancerous corporate growth.
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