Asa Narinder
“One person can change the world.” This notion is daunting for many, how can one person really help earth’s current state of emergency? I am a plant-based recipe developer whose passion for a better world has led to the cultivation of The Veg-N Society.
Above: ‘Small Steps Big Change’ - Asa and the Veg-N Society’s first online conference event poster, which welcomed Namdhari Sikhs from all over the globe, including the spiritual head of the Namdhari Sikh Community, Sri Satguru Uday Singh Ji
The Veg-N society is a spiritually inclined non-profit organisation committed to encouraging plant-based diets and a conscious living, we are driven by the Namdhari Movement’s cultural assets and ideologies. Our launch conference was titled; Small Steps, Big Change, where we provided a basis for action to the shared global challenge of climate change by encouraging a plant-based diet. Whilst a plant-based diet is about abstaining from animal products entirely, not everyone is ready for that plunge and we believe that any steps taken towards this lifestyle is a step in the right direction. Our conference was hailed a spectacular success where we