he pandemic has changed how we all do business, and it’s impacted vegan companies just the same as non-vegan. However, what vegan companies have that others don’t is a loyal, passionate community behind them who believe in their mission. We’ve seen countless stories of supporters, customers, friends and fans rallying around vegan brands in need over the last year, which is why business support platform Vegan Business Tribe have teamed up with the UK’s biggest crowdfunding platform Crowdfunder to help a group of their members go through a fundraising programme as a collective group. From mushroom beer to creating resources for schools to be more inclusive for vegan children, each business has set
their own funding goals and are aiming to raise their own money, but coming together as a group has meant all the companies have been able to support each other in building their fundraising campaigns, swap tips, ask questions and get extra group support from both Vegan Business Tribe and the team at Crowdfunder. Crowdfunder have also created a special landing page on their website to promote all the members as a group, meaning if someone comes to support one vegan company, they may well see another who they also think deserves backing at the same time. Many businesses turn to the idea of crowdfunding as a way to raise funds, but the idea of going into a crowdfunding campaign on your own, especially if you’ve never tried to raise money before, can be
daunting. You hear stories of brands raising huge amounts going into hundreds of thousands of pounds, but only about a third of companies successfully reach their funding target. And the truth is that there is far more work to running a successful campaign than just recording a catchy video and putting up a funding page. Any people who come to your crowdfunding page are mostly brought there by your own efforts, and there’s a simple rule of thumb formula you can use: on average, 1 in 20 people who visit your Crowdfunding page will make a donation and the average donation amount is £50. Therefore if you wanted to raise £3,000 that will require you getting 1,200 people to visit your page. This is why promotion and publicity is the lifeblood of any campaign, and many companies look to build up an audience first before launch-