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Brand Colors
Primary Colors
Solid Color Palette
The primary brand colors are the main vehicle for brand recognition. With SgurrEnergy being inspired by nature, we project this with the most abundant color visible in nature.
Green: Depicts growth, stability, sustainability, harmony, optimism Grey: Depicts honesty, transparency, integrity, elegance
Primary Color Gradients
The primary colors of the company are Forest Green and Lime Green, and are used as a gradient. Gradient should always be from Forest Green at the extreme left, to Lime Green on the extreme right.
Two-colored Gradient
Three-colored Gradient
It should be used in communication when creating strong brand awareness is needed (e.g. cover page, digital ad...) or to highlight important information. When using the brand gradient, please be mindful of the color balance and respect the given guidance as closely as possible.
Do not invert or interchange color position, or add any third color
Do not change direction of the gradient
Secondary Colors
The secondary color palette consists of four additional colors to be used for communication, infographics or charts when the primary color palette doesn’t provide enough differentiation.
However, the balance should always be maintained and the secondary colors should never be used in a higher percentage than the primary colors. The look and visibility of all communication should always be in accordance with the core colors.