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Iconography / Charts and Graph Style
Icon Style
Iconography is helpful when needing to highlight a concept or feature in a digital product while remaining a minimal asset in layouts.
When using or creating icons, the following points need to be kept in mind:
• Always use strokes to design new icons. Never use solid color shapes.
• Always use flat-stroke caps and angular corners. Never use rounded caps & corners.
Please refer to the following examples to understand how to use icon color appropriately in communications.
Icon Colors: Forest Green, Lime Green, Black
Icon Colors: White
Icon Colors: Lime Green, Slate Grey, White
The core color palette of 3 colours (forest green, lime green and slate grey) is to be used for representation in infographics and charts. These can be used in flat colours or the brand’s color gradient.
Additional colors that should only be used for infographics or charts when the core color palette doesn’t provide enough differentiation.
Visibility needs to be maintained at all times and brand colors should be preferred. In case brand colors cannot be used, gradients of colors can be used.
When all three brand colors are used in a graph or chart, Forest Green must be used for the most dominant/visible part of the chart. Second is Lime green and least dominant/visible parts should be colored in slate grey.
For single-colored graphs, gradient and transparency can be used. However, it needs to be ensured that visibility is not be hindered.
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