Venus magazine issue five

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I N S P I R E . C O N N E C T. C E L E B R AT E

a magazine for New Zealand women in business

The true

Sarah Laurie in the

joy in


Spring clean your body

ISSUE FIVE September 2013



happiness business

Contents 16 4 31 15

3 4 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 29 31 35 37

Editorial: A flourishing spring


Book review

Inspiring happiness: Sarah Laurie Venus values Meeting topic Venus marketplace Venus business expert: Tina Kennedy The true joy in life The power of positive story-telling Businesswomen panel Spring clean your body Meet the Venus team Not for profit feature Thoughts on a successful exit Dreams worth dreaming Increase your profit 5 tips - business finances Happiness is not a goal Sustain growth online Venus success feature

Editor: Vanessa Davey


Designer: Sheryl Nicholson Advertising sales: Carly Shorter Subscriptions:

Venus is quarterly and published by Venus Group Ltd and is a Venus membership publication. Venus is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The opinions represented in the magazine are not necessarily those of Venus Group Ltd. No responsibility is accepted for the authors’ suggestions or conclusions or for any errors or omissions. Copyright Venus Group Ltd. 2013

A flourishing SPRING... Happiness ISSUE 5 / 2013 Spring is my favourite season as it brings new growth, new beginnings and warmer weather. Our theme this issue is happiness and is one of my favourite subjects. Whether you call it joy, bliss, being in the flow, wellbeing, contentment or fulfilment, Happiness is a state of being, a conscious choice that is simply delicious to experience and something I have been fascinated with since I can remember. I believe happiness starts with being honest with myself and learning to understand and accept myself for who I am and who I am becoming. Happiness also means learning to accept my personal circumstances and accepting what can be changed and what cannot. As businesswomen we have golden opportunities to shape our businesses and our lives around that which brings us joy. After reading the Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor I realised it’s not merely a lovely luxury to focus on happiness, it is essential to the success of our businesses, our families and our lives. Many of us have started our own business out of a desire to be happier. Business ownership is a great vehicle to create joy both in our client’s lives and in our own lives. Our spring issue is filled with deliciousness.

Image by

We hear Sarah Laurie’s business story and her tips to create a happier life. Tina our gorgeous life coach shares her daily success blueprint, a lovely process to help you create your ideal day. Leanne, our online marketing expert, explains the importance of creating a strategy before venturing online with your marketing. Kathryn our communications strategist shares how the power of positive story telling can help you engage your clients on a head and heart level and Annette, our savvy accountant, shares five tips to help you keep your business finances in order. I feel blessed to be working with our nine Regional Coordinators who are a dynamic, passionate group of women. I’m inspired daily by our cool Venus HQ team Carly, Sheryl and Jeanette. And I’m absolutely honoured to be part of your journey in business. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and wish you a flourishing spring.

Vanessa x


Sarah Laurie ~ In the Happiness Business Sarah Laurie is well-loved by women all over New Zealand for her warmth, her wisdom and her personally road-tested tips for creating a happy and beautiful life. For seven years now she has been sharing her inspiring lifestyle and well-being insights through her NEXT magazine column, the highlights of which were distilled into her first book ‘Change Your Life’, released in 2010. Sarah is also the secret weapon behind a growing number of successful business-women in her role as a business and lifestyle coach, the visionary behind the gorgeous ‘Lifestyle Couture’ stationery range, wife to chiropractor husband Nick, Mum and chief afterschool taxi service to Sophie (14) and Will (13) and the daily walker of a gorgeous chocolate-brown labrador called Jack. It’s a decent line up of responsibilities by anyone’s standard, and the fact that she manages it all with poise and grace is evidence that she truly practices what she preaches. Oh, and did I mention she also tours the country twice a year with her ‘Lifestyle Essentials Seminar Series’? In fact, when I chatted with Sarah over a green tea in her North Shore home overlooking Murrays Bay, she was right in the middle of her winter seminar tour. “I just love it,” smiles Sarah. “I love running these seminars and this ‘Inspire’ series has gone really well.”

Article by Kathryn Overall Photography by Logan Davey

Just three days earlier, I had attended her Tauranga seminar. As a presenter, Sarah is passionate and authentic in equal measure. Her content was overflowing with inspiring lessons, full of honest wisdom, practical insights and peppered with personal stories. As I watched how the women in the room responded to her, it struck me that Sarah is much like the wise older sister you always wished you had, affirming and encouraging, but also able to tell it like it is - unwilling to let you get away with weak excuses that will not serve you in the long run.

As a writer and speaker, Sarah Laurie’s influence is far-reaching. As a beautifully successful business and lifestyle coach for women she has many insights to share with the Venus community. Kathryn Overall went to her Winter Lifestyle Essentials seminar and chatted with Sarah over a green tea in her North Shore home to glean her wisdom on our behalf.

The messages Sarah shares are both simple and profound, including insights such as, ‘understand your core values and live in alignment with them, maintain daily happiness habits, operate from your gifts and strengths, live from inner inspiration not external motivations’. Taken at face value you could be forgiven for thinking that these strategies represent a lovely, fluffy philosophy of living that might be nice luxuries for those who have time, but don’t really speak to the everyday realities of your average Kiwi woman. You could be forgiven perhaps… but you couldn’t be more wrong. Sarah may be petite, but she’s no lightweight. She’s a very smart cookie and all of her well-being and happiness principles are rooted in rigorous research and are very practical. “I am aware that many of the principles I teach appear cliché, but they are very wise words, and we often just brush over them,” says Sarah. “I like to take these concepts that seem a bit generalized, break them down and make them really simple, useable, and functional in our lives.” In 2012, her Lifestyle Essentials seminar series focused on the physiology of wellbeing, something Sarah is very passionate about. “I think it’s really important for women to realise how our bodies are designed and how every one of the ‘soft’ well-being and success principles I advocate actually have a really robust science behind them,” she explains. Sarah says she is naturally a glass half-full kind of girl, but is quick to point out that women can cultivate a positive outlook with the right intent - something she has seen evidence of over and over with her coaching clients. “Our brains and bodies are listening to us!” she says. “We need to be checking in and asking ourselves, ‘is what we’re thinking, saying and doing serving us in terms of creating the future or the business that we’re looking to create’? Our brain is always looking for patterns to follow; the more consistently it sees patterns the more they become the norm.”

“I personally see happiness and success as completely interlinked. When we are at are our best we flourish and we get the best results for ourselves”

As it turns out, the decision to hit the road with her seminar series was the result of Sarah taking some of her own advice to heart – that of aligning your business focus with your core values and personal inspiration. In the middle of last year, she had just launched her gorgeous stationary range and despite the excitement of that milestone, she found herself feeling a bit disgruntled. “All of my time was being consumed with shipping and freight and factories, selling, pricing and spreadsheets,” explains Sarah. “I just don’t love that side of things! I had to stop and say, ‘what is it I love about my business again?’ Contribution is one of my core values; I love sharing what I have learnt with women. Re-orienting my business around what inspires me definitely brought me back into a happier flow.” Inspiration is perhaps another one of those cliché terms we need a fresh perspective on and Sarah is quick to offer one. “’Inspired’ can perhaps come across as this kind of dreamy place we come to, but it’s actually not,” says Sarah. “It’s about being on form and being focused and living in alignment with what’s important to you – and being energized as a result.”

Two and a half days a week, Sarah works one-on-one with her clients from her coaching offices on Queen Street. The businesswomen who come to see her are typically self-employed and in the first few years of a passion-led enterprise. Sarah takes a holistic approach to business coaching and always incorporates lifestyle and well-being aspects into the picture. “I personally see happiness and success as completely interlinked. When we are at are our best we flourish and we get the best results for ourselves,” she explains. She is a firm believer in incorporating a well-being plan from the beginning of a business and one of the ways she helps her clients to do this is by helping them schedule their time beautifully and to build daily happiness habits into their lives. “Women are usually quite inspired when they are starting out in business, and do have a great abundance of energy in the beginning,” reflects Sarah. “This can’t last. Our bodies are designed to be able to maintain a high-energy pace for a while, but there comes a time when the tables turn and we start to burn out.”

Sarah remembers that when she first sat down to write her own daily happiness habits she couldn’t think of any. “As women, we often become so busy with all the responsibilities and the things we have to get done in our life, that often we have forgotten what we enjoy,” she says. “Re-discovering those things is very important to sustain us personally as our business develops and grows.” Far from being an ethereal concept, the daily happiness habit approach is very practical. “It’s about taking small amounts of time to do little things each day,” explains Sarah. “It might be sitting down and having a cuddle with your child on the couch, walking your dog, just stopping and looking at the view or reading a book for 10 minutes before bed – anything that is meaningful to you and anchors you in feeling that life’s good.”




S W.




The thing that impressed me most about Sarah was how authentic she was. On Friday I heard her key messages, on Monday I caught a glimpse of how fully she embodies them. Her home is light and inviting with a sunny outlook – much like Sarah herself. Order and beauty reign. Everything has its place, and though she was right in the middle of touring around the country, there was time for everything and not a hint of rush. Even when I was running late for our appointment due to an accident on the motorway, she was unflappable - despite having afternoon commitments with the children after our scheduled meeting. We were sorting it out via text messages on my way to her house and her final text message to me was, ‘everything will be perfect’. And, funnily enough, it was.




SARAH’S BUSINESS HAPPINESS tips Be Clear on Your Vision Our vision inspires us. Our daily tasks and responsibilities in running a business can drain us. When you become drained and disillusioned it is important to be able to focus on the bigger picture – your dream for your business – in order to remain productive and on task. Plan Your Week In Reverse When we plan out our time, typically we put all our work engagements in and then try and sneak in some lifestyle or well-being appointments around the periphery - if we put them in at all! I encourage you to book some well-being appointments into your calendar before you book in your business appointments. It might be walking the dog each day, or meeting a friend for coffee once a week. You need to give those things that look after your health and energy the same level of importance as your business meetings. Create Good E-mail Habits Our email in-boxes can be a vortex that we disappear into for hours at a time, responding to everyone else’s priorities and neglecting our own. I like to think of both our e-mail inbox and our phone messages as being for our convenience. Of course, we need to be accessible, but a great habit to develop is to check your inbox at appointed times each day, and shut it down in between. Avoid checking your in-box first thing in the morning. Use those valuable early hours to accomplish important tasks while your mind is fresh. Create a Lovely Work Environment When we are in the early stages of our business, we have lots of ideas, as well as lots of responsibilities. We need to create a works pace that looks after both of those aspects. Order creates calm, and productivity. Systems support us with our time management. Creating an office space that is both organised and beautiful will help us in being efficient, and, well who doesn’t feel inspired when in lovely surroundings? Focus on the Money, Honey. Most women don’t focus enough on making money in the first few years of their business. The driving force that makes your business successful will be your passion, but without an appropriate focus on money you will not be able to sustain that passion for the long term. Appreciate the value of money in your business, and that your product or service is valuable. In the early days, decide how much you want to earn, and then work out where that’s going to come from.

he Venus Network is different; we are a supportive, caring community where women feel inspired to grow, celebrated in their achievements and amongst likeminded women all committed to succeed. We are a business community dedicated to supporting women achieve profitable sustainable growth in their business. We connect our members to new clients, trusted suppliers and strategic alliance partners. Our values are at the heart of everything we do — how we live, how we work and how we serve the New Zealand business community. Our culture provides a foundation to achieve our purpose: to help New Zealand women THRIVE IN business.

We generously contribute and give We make a positive difference to others by giving and contributing with joy and love. Our generous giving enriches our lives and the lives we give to with meaning, fulfilment and happiness. Contributing to others in a positive way can improve health, make you happier and

What we can give We believe every women has something to contribute to this network and to one another; be it time, money, wisdom, ideas, feedback, resources, friendship or support. Whatever our circumstances we can have a positive influence on the lives of one another within this business community. “We may only be one person in the world. But we may be the world to one person.”

“We may only be one person in the world. But we may be the world to one person.” Why we choose to give We believe that giving is a fundamental need, one that benefits both the recipient of the gift and the giver. Giving brings meaning to our lives. When we give, we have a chance to make an incredible impact to others. And when you give without expecting a return, you reap even more benefits. • • • •

It can make a positive difference to another member There are emotional, physical and financial benefits to you It can help you achieve your full potential It can bring you more meaning, fulfilment and happiness

Benefits of giving • • • • •

New relationships A feeling of security Good health A sense of empowerment, pride and accomplishment Happiness, peace and love

How we give When you give expecting a reward, you won’t receive one. When you give with joy, selflessness and love you benefit greatly. The attitude you bring to your giving will reflect the benefits you gain. It is through the connections you make within Venus that you can learn about yourself, about the world around you and even your purpose. Other people are a mirror in which you can see yourself. We are all interconnected and here at Venus we choose to give with passion and enthusiasm.


MEETING TOPIC – Frequently Asked Questions for your business Every fortnight at Venus I write a meeting topic to help our members develop their marketing message and their sales conversation for their business. For a recent topic I asked members to share with their group the top FAQ’s for their business.

What is an FAQ list/page? FAQ stands for frequently asked questions. It is a list of questions frequently asked by prospects or current clients about different aspects of a business’s services or products. The answers are typically shown with the questions. The most common place to display a list of FAQ’s is on your website. However you could also put it into a sales pack, include in your brochure or on your social media business page.

Why have an FAQ webpage? • Improves your Google search rankings by the inclusion of keywords in your questions and answers • Saves both prospects and yourself time; they get instant information • Improves sales conversion; helps prospects to reach a decision • Extends support to clients; Helpful for new users of your product or service

How do I create an effective FAQ webpage? To write an effective FAQ page, think of the questions that prospects ask most often. Do they ask about your products features? Do they request proof of credentials? Whatever it is that your prospects want to know, incorporate this into your Q & A.

7 tips to consider while creating your FAQ page 1. Find Your Keywords Get together your list of keywords and searched terms for your industry/type of business. Use these to develop your questions around. You can research keywords with google by searching for ‘google adwords keyword tool’.

2. FAQ or WAQ? For a long time FAQs have been misused, instead of real and relevant content, businesses put questions they “wished” users would ask (WAQ, Wished to be Asked Questions). It’s very important to put prospects needs first. Cover topics that are really important to them. 3. Keep it Simple You don’t need to clarify every single question that may pop up about your product or service, just the key ones that your prospects keep asking you. 4. Speak to Any Objections That Hinder Sales FAQs are a great place to answer any sales objections. Let’s say one of the objections you hear most often about your product is that it costs more than competitor products. Use a question and answer to explain why your product offers more value than your competitor’s. 5. Create Links to Your Main Pages FAQs give you an opportunity to promote some of your main pages and some of your more obscure ones too. Simply write a question that targets those pages and then include a link in your answer. The links will drive traffic to those pages and will also help the search engines to find them too. 6. Remember the Call to Action At the end of the FAQ, make sure one of your last questions is a call to action. Tell the prospect how she can get more details, request further information or buy from you. After reading all that great information, she should be ready to take the next step, so be sure to guide her along. 7. Make It Easy to Ask a New Question If someone can’t find the answer to their question within your FAQ, it’s likely they’ll want to ask you directly. Make sure you include a question form or a contact form that’s easily accessible from your FAQ page. For many people, FAQ pages are often the first page they go to after Home. The value an FAQ page brings to your website is well worth the effort in doing one. Vanessa Davey CEO Venus Network



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ARE YOU HAPPY WITH TELECOMMUNICATIONS AT YOUR WORKPLACE? In this age of technology, we are inundated with offerings from telecommunications carriers – every company claims they will keep you connected and save you a buck at the same time. But it can be overwhelming to assess all of these options.

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Q&A with our Venus Business Expert Tina Kennedy

Hi, I’m Tina, mother of five + specialist coach for mothers who are ready to live their dream life. The defining moment in my life happened when I was on the verge of a meltdown. My life was pure crazy, out of control! I was struggling to keep up with my kids’ routines, my marriage was in ‘time out’, my childcare business was stressful. I had lost my dreams and was chasing perfection.

My life is now fun and loving, my kids are secure and happier and I love my slimmer healthier body (with no headaches or migraines). My lifelong dreams came true and as a result I decided to devote the rest of my professional life to helping mothers have the life they have always dreamed of having but thought was impossible.

To make matters worse, my health was at an all-time low – migraines, backaches, bad sleeps and weight gain. I wasn’t feeling successful in any area of my life. My life was affecting my entire family. I’d lost sight of my dreams. I knew urgent change was needed. Instead of ignoring the issues and waiting for someone else to solve them, I started researching guilt, happiness, modern motherhood, love and relationships. I became a life coach, sold my business and started living my dreams. I decided that my life could be everything I wanted it to be.

What are you most proud of?

Could you describe your business ‘in a nut-shell’? I help women who feel trapped in lives they don’t love. I give them a trusting space to stop and discover what is not working and then support them to take actions to create lives they DO want. Why are you in the particular business that you are in? In what ways is it a reflection of your personal passions and values? My business is life coaching. I love to help women and believe when mothers are well, families and communities thrive. I owned childcare centres for many years so supporting children and families is a passion and priority for me. Who gains the most value from what you offer? I specialize in helping working mothers and women in business. Being a mother of five teenagers and a business owner for many years I can empathise with their struggles and daily challenges.

I’m most proud of the success and progress of my clients. Their transformations inspire me every day. What part has the Venus Network played in your business story so far? Venus has been wonderful for growing my business. About 60% of my coaching business comes from referrals from Venus. The network of women and sharing of ideas is really encouraging. What is one piece of advice you would give to women who are in the first two years of running their own business? Starting a new business takes both vision and determination. It is often much harder than you initially think and there will be many challenges along the way. Take each challenge as an opportunity to grow and develop new skills. Be kind to yourself, always. /p 13

by Vanessa Davey

I found a gorgeous quote by author Robert Hastings ‘sooner or later we must realize there is no one station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip’ and it’s only since starting work on this issue of our magazine that I fully understand what this quote meant and how true it is. I’ve grown up believing that I’ll feel happy when I achieve my goals. I’ve realised recently that once one goal was achieved, I just created a new goal to reach for. If I was going to enjoy my life rather than just enjoy the moment I achieve my goals, I’d need to change my focus and enjoy the ride, rather than the destination. I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned about happiness in my 38 years on the planet.

Plan things to look forward to I have found that putting something yummy in my calendar for a month or two ahead is an awesome way to create happiness in my day to day life. I’m currently developing our first ever Regional Coordinator Conference which is happening 13/14 September. I’m so excited to be bringing our team together and the personal, professional and team development that is going to happen over those two days. I am also celebrating my 39th birthday this month and have a long lunch planned with my girlfriends along with an afternoon of pampering, girlie style.

Image by /p 14

Create work that you love We spend so many hours working, why waste them doing something you just don’t love. You are meant to love your work, and if you don’t, then find or create new work that you do enjoy. This is the journey I’ve been on with Venus and am rediscovering my strengths (check out, my passions (read The Passion Test) and my values (read Amanda’s article in this issue). With this wholistic picture of who I am and what I love I can create a role within Venus where I flourish and where I can be most effective at serving the business.

Nurture your inner circle Our life is enriched by the relationships we have with those special people in our life. Be courageous to reach out to people and ask for support and remember that you need to invest time and love into relationships for them to blossom. As a recovering workaholic I make sure I spend time each week investing in and making time for my friendships. I only make time for people who support, inspire and love me. And I make sure there is always a little room just in case someone else fabulous comes into my life.

Daily morning rituals

Vanessa Davey

I have learned that happiness is a daily choice that I make with my thoughts and my actions. People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. Thanks Abraham Lincoln for this beautiful quote and it really sums up my view on happiness. You really do need to first start with the belief that you can be happy and with a mind you have all the necessary ingredients to be happy. If you want to experience more joy in your life I invite you to start an enquiry into what makes you happy. Listen and watch out for moments that you feel content and put together a list so you can create your days from this. I believe you are the only person to ask as it’s an answer that comes from within.

Every morning for the past eighteen months I have jumped out of bed, got a hot drink and sat down to read my focus file. This is a folder I create each year filled with things I’m grateful for, my dreams, my business plans, my goals, my strengths and what inspires me. This helps me focus my thoughts and mind-set for the day ahead. I have recently started journaling and it’s been amazing. I now have a space where each morning I write thoughts, feelings and questions that normally just swirl around in my head. This process brings clarity and serenity to my morning. It’s my time to talk with my intuition, my higher self and allowed me the space to engage with myself in a way that is nonjudgemental and freeing. From all the wonderful words within this issue of Venus /p 15

THE POWER OF POSITIVE story-telling by Kathryn Overall

“And they all lived happily ever after…” Human-beings are drawn to stories like moths to the flame; the need for narrative, hard-wired deep into our consciousness. Stories are powerful enough to capture the multi-layered realities of our complex lives – engaging us on a heart level as well as a head level, valuing emotion as much as information. They also capture our attention and our imagination in a way that facts, figures and bullet-points never can. When it comes to our business communications we sometimes default to dry, distant, informationdriven business language in an effort to be professional – forgetting that professional doesn’t have to mean impersonal! The temptation is to assume that information will sell your business for you - that people will take in the facts, figures and benefits we diligently feed them and figure out for themselves how that will impact their world. But that approach really only engages peoples intellect. Brand story-telling is the art of capturing and telling the stories within your business that help people to engage with you on a head and heart level and to connect with you in a meaningful way. By telling the stories of your happy clients, you are helping people to imagine how your service or product might positively impact them in the same way.

ONCE UPON A TIME… I first discovered the power of positive storytelling when I was working in a marketing role at Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI). BTI offers teaching, counselling and social work qualifications and part of my role was to develop a social media strategy that would help to drive student recruitment. At the time, there was plenty of information available to prospective students on the BTI website - all the important things someone would need to know like entrance requirements, fees, timetables, paper descriptions etc. But when people rang up to find out more, their questions were not fact-based, but feeling-based. They wanted to know what the campus ‘vibe’ was like, what life would be like for them if they came to study at BTI - and they wanted to hear it, not from me, but from the students who were actually experiencing it. So, with this in mind, we built storytelling into our social media strategy. In the same month that we launched our Facebook page, I began interviewing one BTI staff member, one student and one graduate every month – capturing their unique stories and experiences on camera. We didn’t just turn it into a glorified BTI testimonial – we were genuinely interested in capturing their story, finding out what their study meant to them in the context of their lives, what their career hopes and dreams were, what the first year in their job was

really like, finding out what moved and motivated them in their chosen profession. By making them, instead of BTI, the hero of the story, the content we created was authentic and interesting and as they told their own story they ‘sold’ the key benefits of the BTI experience in a much more convincing way than we ever could have. STORYTELLING + SOCIAL After capturing our conversations on camera, I created a you-tube clip for each person’s story and wrote a blog article about their experiences. Both of these pieces of story-telling content were fed out through our social channels such as Facebook and our e-newsletters, but they also had a nice long shelf-life on the BTI blog and YouTube channel and will continue to influence people’s decision to study at BTI for many years to come yet. I captured three stories per month for around 18 months overall which built up a good library of

stories on the BTI You-Tube channel. Collectively, these you-tube clips have been viewed over 17,000 times over the last few years. Good stories can work hard for you! They can become part of your business sales team – and best of all, they don’t need an office or sick leave. Engage Communications is a Tauranga-based communications boutique designed to serve women with something valuable to share with the world. {Hosted by Kathryn Overall} Brand Storyteller |Facebook Mentor| Writer| Communications Strategist | Songwriter |Social Marketing Consultant |

5 tips to Capture YOUR First Happy Client Stories To kick-start your business storytelling endeavours, identify two or one three clients who you have a good relationship with and who have had a happy experience of your business. Ask them if they would be willing to share some of their experiences with two you and for you to tell their story. Explain to them that other clients really value being able to hear the experiences of others. You may also like to offer them some of thank-you gift to thank them for their willingness and their time.


Write a list of at least 5 thoughtful questions to send to your client. The secret to getting good stories begins with asking great questions!

If you are creating you-tube clips, get them to answer the questions on four camera. However, if that feels a bit hi-tech, creating mini-articles, or Q&A interviews that live on your website or blog can be just as effective. In this case, your client could respond to the questions in writing. After the client has answered the questions you could then turn that five into a simple Q&A article, with a short introduction. See the Venus Member profile on Anna Mollekin of Alm Creative in this issue for an example of this.


When do you feel HAPPIEST in your business

JULIE BAINES, a personal trainer from One On One Fitness, runs a fitness studio in the heart of Hamilton City and is dedicated to helping her clients turn their fitness goals into reality.

1 When do you feel Happiest in your business? When I can see my clients are enjoying their exercise work outs with me and they are seeing their own progress. I love being able to share my knowledge on exercise, healthy eating and a balanced lifestyle. 2 Do you feel the well-being of your business depends on your personal well-being? It is my top priority – how can I expect my clients not to feel good if I am not. I strive to balance things in my busy life but make sure I come first most of the time so I can help others. To ensure I can do this, I eat healthy for training and energy and enjoy regular, consistent exercise. What sort of client feedback makes you smile the most? It has to be when my clients laugh and smile with me in my studio whilst exercising! Can’t get better than that.



What helps you to stay positive on the tough days? I try and avoid tough days, I consistently revisit why I am doing what I do. I love to share my passion for health and fitness and pass on what I have learned to others. I enjoy helping people find ways to balance their lives and be happy about exercising.

5 How do you celebrate your achievements and milestones? I try and celebrate my milestones on a daily basis. When I get confirmation I’m getting it right for myself, my family and clients I celebrate by going out for dinner with my family.

LIANE BOWDEN from Pinnacle Property Management Ltd, specialises in residential property management in the greater Wellington area.

When do you feel Happiest in your business? I’m happiest when I know that a property is being well cared for and the owners asset is not at risk. It is also a delight to see tenants living in a property as if it were their own, and making it their home.



Do you feel the well-being of your business depends on your personal well-being? I have back-up personnel for my business (i.e. contingency plan A, B & C) but on a normal business day I am the sole provider of Pinnacle’s services, so my well-being is paramount. My choice to run a business of this size and nature, is based around the ability it gives me to have flexible working hours, enabling me to spend time with my children. That in itself provides me with a good work life balance but making time solely for myself to enjoy some of my own passions is still a work in progress!!


What sort of client feedback makes you smile the most? It can be a simple email saying “Thank you Liane” or “We trust your judgment”. Trust for all parties plays a huge role in obtaining successful outcomes in property management and something I work on every day by providing the best possible service for my clients. What helps you to stay positive on the tough days? The knowledge that I have saved someone else from the stress and anxiety that can result from tenancy situations.


How do you celebrate your achievements and milestones? To a small extent for someone like me who works independently and often in solitude, being a member of Venus gives me an arena to share my successes. Certainly a small jig in the middle of the room isn’t unheard of when achievements are realised but being in a position to raise a glass of wine while sharing a meal with family and friends, certainly ticks all the boxes for me.


MONIQUE BRADLEY from Starlight Media House www. is a professional entertainer along with providing creative solutions for your complete online presence management, brand promotion, online marketing, content creation, website and more.

1 When do you feel Happiest in your business? I love it most when the two parts of my role are balanced, when I get time to create and hide and time to shine. Do you feel the well-being of your business depends on your personal well-being? In my field, I AM my business. As one of the new spokespeople for I am a firm believer in nurturing the self. I endeavour to eat great nutritional food that keeps my ‘fires stoked throughout the day’ and make conscious choices to do things that help me maintain my wellness and happiness!


3 What sort of client feedback makes you smile the most? I love it when children tell me I’m the silliest lady they have ever met. I love it when I speak or sing at an event and people feel some sort of emotional response. I love it when people can watch themselves on video and realise they actually are ok. What helps you to stay positive on the tough days? Knowing that I have no plan B. I have no back-up plan so I just have to keep going with what I know and trust that a door will always open - and it always does. If it’s a really rough day I access one of my, what I call ‘joy triggers’ - such as looking at funny cat pictures or watching comedy shows like ‘Miranda’.


How do you celebrate your achievements and milestones? I jump around a lot, speak in a high excited voice and I mostly take a stroll down the promenade with my Partner Pete for a coffee to take time to reflect on it.


CHERIE HAWKINS, Chief Copywriter and cheerful GoGetter from and is a freelance web writer and web marketing consultant.

When do you feel Happiest in your business? Working with passionate people and watching them succeed (Sounds like the Venus Philosophy!). It is a buzz to meet people, listen to what they do and then write content for their website, brochures and other promotional material.


Do you feel the well-being of your business depends on your personal well-being? Well I know that I can’t do a top job without feeling energetic and creative. It is so important for me to know how to pace myself so I can add value to the copy I create. Without feeling energized then you can’t pass that energy into your work and that for me shows.


What do you do to nurture your own happiness/wellbeing? Just the simple things really, a walk along the beach is the perfect remedy. A quiet mind produces some incredible creativity and after a nice refreshing stroll along the beach I am usually raring to go.


What helps you to stay positive on the tough days? I was lucky enough to go on the Get Brain Smart course and my focus file has been a real rock to go to on those days when I need it the most. It makes me realize what makes me happy, what I am most grateful for, how far I have come and a million other amazing things.


How do you celebrate your achievements and milestones? One of my little treats is buying new books or gorgeous magazines. I love how in Venus we talk about our wins every fortnight too because it is so easy to forget how well we are all doing. Also giving myself a day off every now and again to just do nothing is a real treat!



your BODY

Spring is a time of awakening and renewal. Traditionally, for most cultures, spring was seen as a signal to detoxify and replenish the body after a winter diet of preserved foods, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy and meat. With the advent of refrigeration and a wide variety of imported foods, we now have year round access to fresh fruit and vegetables. However, winter’s departure is still an ideal time to use herbs that tone, revitalise and detoxify our bodies after months of comfort food. Leafy greens are exceptionally good for our health and their benefits are still being discovered. They are a quick, convenient way of boosting your daily servings of vegetables and unlike juices, they are a complete food, full of fibre. The blending process makes the greens easy to digest, making it a much simpler way for our bodies to access the valuable nutrients they contain. They also have alkalising properties that counter the many foods we eat that make our bodies too acidic. Green smoothies contain loads of anti-oxidants and phytonutrients to promote good health and beauty. There are also claims they help with weight loss. Some researchers believe they aid by decreasing a person’s appetite through the action of a compound called thylakoid. This might also be the reason many fans of these delicious drinks claim they help to reduce sugar and junk food cravings. The flow on effect from increasing our greens and decreasing the junk food and sugar is that we are more likely to have a lovely balance of the correct bacteria in our digestive tract. Cutting edge research shows that there is a definite connection between the type of bacteria in our digestive tract and whether or not we find it easy to lose weight. Try this smoothie recipe that I was given by Karen Niven ND, our local naturopath and a fellow Venus member, at one of her fabulous cooking classes.

“One of th your body e easiest ways to spr ing is b smoothie, y committing to ha clean v full of leaf y greens, e e a green very day.”

LIVER FRIENDLY green SMOOTHIE ½ quantity of coconut water ½ quantity of water ½ a lemon A handful of leafy greens (kale, parsley, spinach, silver beet, chard, or any other green vegetable that can be wrapped around your finger). It is advisable to rotate your greens rather than have the same one continuously 1 green apple 1 tablespoon each of Bestow Be Cleansed and Bestow Beauty Oil Sweeten with stevia if required Cut the lemon and apple into smaller pieces to be kinder to your blender. You may wish to peel the lemon (but leave the pith) and apple if they are conventionally grown or you would prefer your drink to have a smoother consistency. However, lots of goodness is found in the peel if they are organically grown so you may work up to leaving them on in time. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until smooth. Sweeten to taste with Stevia. Stevia doesn’t spike your insulin levels like other sweeteners and it is available at your local organic store or health food shop. /p 20

BRUSHING THOSE TOXINS AWAY! Dry skin brushing is a wonderful detoxification aid as your skin is your body’s largest eliminative organ and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day (that’s why it’s also known as our third kidney). If you dry brush regularly your skin will be noticeably smoother with an improvement in colour, texture and clarity and you can improve conditions such as cellulite and water retention. The basic tool for dry skin brushing is a firm, natural bristled, with a head about the size of the palm of the hand. HOW TO BEST USE YOUR DRY SKIN BRUSH: The most effective home treatment for dry skin brushing is to brush your skin everyday before your shower or bath for approximately 5 – 10 minutes. You can use any of the following strokes, making sure you always work the strokes towards the heart: • Brisk straight strokes, usually 15-20cm long with each stroke overlapping slightly to cover the entire area being worked on. Work in the direction towards the heart. • Brisk circular strokes, the size of the circle dependent on the area of the body being worked on. Tiny circles for the feet, larger for the legs, larger still for the back.

Start from your feet and move upwards, using a light pressure in areas where your skin is thin (inner thighs or neck) and harder pressure on places like the soles of the feet. The skin should achieve a healthy pink glow, which indicates an increased blood flow. Redness can be a sign of irritation. Before finishing showering, try alternating hot and cold to further stimulate blood flow and rev up your circulation. Apply a good quality moisturiser or cold pressed oil like jojoba to your damp skin after getting out of the bath or shower to further promote softness, improve skin texture and cell renewal. Clean your dry brush each week with warm soapy water and leave in the sun to dry. By Janine Tait, director Bestow Beauty


BEAUTY FROM THE INSIDE OUT At this time of year I add the Bestow Be Cleansed natural detox to my smoothie to promote its spring cleaning effect. Bestow Be Cleansed is a pleasanttasting powder blended from detoxifying super foods and herbs, including organic flax fibre, sunflower seeds, slippery elm, almonds, citrus pectin, ginger and liquorice. It naturally detoxifies the bowel and liver, gently eliminates toxins, soothes the intestinal tract and promotes healing of the gut lining.

SPECIAL VENUS OFFER Bestow Be Cleansed Detox Powder & Body brush

Every purchase of Bestow Be Cleansed receives a complimentary body brush. Offer ends October 31st, 2013. See our website for a stockist near you.

phone: 0800 455 224 | email: | web: /p 21



Rebecca Snow 021 554 958 Vanilla Admin

Carly Shorter 027 235 9575 Venus Network



Anna Chandler 021 856 656 Ray White Ponsonby

Michele Courage 021 610 317 BiDesign



Jennifer Myers 027 612 3493 10X Hamilton/Waikato

Catrina Bengree 021 0225 2866 Nourish N Nurture



Carly Shorter 027 235 9575 Venus Network

Michele Courage 021 610 317 BiDesign



Kate O’brien 027 920 4441 Create Yourself

Debbie Albrecht 027 698 3838 Colours Plus

VENUS IS A COMMUNITY DESIGNED TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE PROFITABLE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH in your BUSINESS Contact a coordinator in your region if you’d like to experience a Venus meeting as our guest /p 22


Vanessa Davey Founder and CEO I wanted to create a business network that was different, a community where women felt inspired to grow, celebrated in their achievements and amongst likeminded women all committed to succeed. I believe that is what Venus has become and the vision I had when starting Venus continues to excite me as more women join our business family. I love that Venus provides the platform for our members to grow their networks, their businesses and ultimately themselves.

Sheryl Nicholson Digital Manager and Designer

Carly Shorter Operations Manager I love that my role in Venus allows me to grow and develop the network while working alongside our New Zealand wide Coordinator and Facilitator teams. I love the support, friendship and guidance our members receive from one another. We have the coolest women as part of our Venus family and I am so proud of the difference we’re making in the world.

It has been a great pleasure to work with Vanessa from the beginning of Venus.I have seen her business grow and flourish in this time. Six years ago there was one Tauranga group now there are 35 nationwide with more being added! I feel very much a part of the Venus Network even if much of my work is behind the scenes. I love working with Vanessa and am proud of what we create together.

NEWS FROM VENUS HQ Venus News Spring 2013 Winter saw Venus launch new groups in Hamilton, West Auckland, Central Auckland and the North Shore. We now have 34 Venus Networking Groups across New Zealand and will be launching new groups in Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa and the Kapiti Coast before the end of 2013.

We have started planning for a rocking 2014 already. We’ve got some wickedly cool things in development. Here’s a sneak peek: • Online marketplace so you can sell products through your very own Venus store

• •

Grow to 50 networking groups with new groups launching in Auckland, North Shore, Hawkes Bay, Palmerston North, Gisbourne, Bay of Plenty and Christchurch. Regional Venus Conferences - to inspire, connect and celebrate you. Venus Retreat – a weekend away to develop yourself as a businesswomen. Mastermind Teams – develop your business skills to fast track profitable growth. /p 23


Venus member: Deborah Bush

Chief Executive Endometriosis New Zealand Deborah has had a national and global influence on health promotion and prevention of endometriosis and pelvic pain. She is recognised as an expert in her field having also contributed to the literature through published articles and books. As a former teacher, Deborah developed the world’s first Menstrual Health and Endometriosis education programme for secondary schools in 1997. She is a popular, entertaining and motivational speaker frequently presenting at many national and international conferences. Her own business, EPP Coaching and Consulting integrates into clinics offering multi-disciplinary expertise for women and girls with endometriosis and pelvic pain. Deborah’s many awards include: • Queens Service Medal (QSM). • Paul Newman Award for Services to Women’s Health. • ‘International Outstanding Service Award’ commemorating 100 years of International Women’s Day. • Zonta International ‘Woman of the Biennium Award’. • World Endometriosis Society, Ambassador – the first non-medic in the world. • Next Woman of the Year, Health and Science, 2012.

Endometriosis New Zealand (ENZ) grew from small beginnings in 1985. Within a year it became the NZ Endometriosis Support Group, because hundreds of women reached out for help. The founding members Margaret McKenzie, Deborah Bush and the late Joan Moultrie, had been recently diagnosed with endometriosis, a very common condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found growing outside the uterus in places where it shouldn’t be. It can cause debilitating pain, long-term suffering, and compromised fertility and have a profound effect on all aspect of quality of life. Endometriosis runs in families, you can’t catch it and it affects at least one in ten girls and women. Endometriosis can be well treated and managed but there is still no cure. ENZ makes a substantial difference, reaching between 18,000 - 22,000 each year through its specialised and unique initiatives, programmes and services. It is world-renown for its award winning secondary school educational programme, ‘me’ (Menstrual Health and Endometriosis). ENZ receives no government funding and is completely reliant on grants, fund raising and donations. It has been wonderful experiencing the mutual benefits forged through our relationship with Venus. Contact us:

To quote the judges: “Deborah is a pioneer, a visionary, a highly effective entrepreneurial lay person in a specialist medical world, bringing relief from disability and pain to thousands of women.” Contact: 027 2768576 /p 24

Happiness is when your business pays you back for all your hard work! Thoughts on a successful exit

Business is hard work. It is a roller coaster ride and the lows can be as draining as the highs are rewarding.

By Laura Humphreys Starting our own business is often driven by a belief that the freedom we will get from being self-employed will increase our happiness. We have a dream of being paid to do what we love, to be independent and in control of our destiny.

It isn’t the easiest approach (it’s easier to just go to work each day and focus on the task in front of you rather than spend time building a valuable asset) but as with most accomplishments in life – greatness doesn’t come easy.

And yet for many small business owner operators, the reality does not match the dream. You end up working longer hours, paying yourself less money, taking fewer holidays and a truckload more stress.

Laura Humphreys has built and sold a number of successful businesses, using a formula that she now teaches business owners around the world. For more information about Laura’s programmes email laura@ or visit

Sound familiar? Business is hard work. It is a roller coaster ride and the lows can be as draining as the highs are rewarding. Sometimes you are just not going to feel that happy. So what keeps you going when you want to quit? What will keep you leaping out of bed even when you know there is a tough day ahead? I believe the answer lies in your exit strategy. Having a plan for a business so great in the future that it will pay you back for all your hard work. Imagine building a business so valuable that someone else wants to pay you a lot of money for it. Or a business so well designed that it feeds you income even when you are not there.


Get the right attitude – believe your business is capable of greatness


Ensure your business model is capable of growth and be willing to re-engineer it


Paint a clear picture of what your business looks like in the future


Work backwards with key milestones


Focus on the core strategies and actions you need to work on for the next 12 months to get you to the first milestone. /p 25

DREAMS WORTH DREAMING visions and values by Amanda Fleming

When your imagination is engaged, energy is released, ideas flood in and action becomes compelling - you become a vehicle for the manifestation of a Vision. So how do you find a compelling Vision? Releasing your imagination to roam free over the possibilities and potentials of something that captures your attention is often where Visions begin. A single individual ‘see’s’ how something could be better, different, more uplifting, more fun. It might arrive in your consciousness in a moment staring out a window, or in the face of an overwhelming problem, as an answer to a question arising inside of you, as a flash of inspiration - a seed. If that seed has ‘legs’ - if it’s potent with life force, it will germinate and grow and you will find yourself with all sorts of support invisible before that moment. This is the magic of synchronicity, serendipity, meaningful co-incidence, purpose, passion and commitment. The flow of energy from the un-manifest to the manifest seems to go something like this: Our attention is drawn to something - a problem, a yearning, a ‘noticing’, and if it is resonant with us as an individual, if we are attracted, if we feel a ‘click’ inside we experience dreaming and wishing and fantasizing about it. If the dream/wish/fantasy has any substance (just like mass) it moves towards desire/want/ gets ‘energised with passion’ - the fuel of action.

Image by

This energising is an attractor (thoughts have ‘gravitational pull’) to that which will help the process along and moves us towards ideas/strategies/plans aligned with our dream. Plans then become actions that have consequences (or results). The way we interact with those consequences helps us stay on track and make the inevitable corrections required to keep us on track until little by little (and sometimes big by big) our Vision (the disembodied idea) spirals to ground as manifest perceivable reality - a dream fulfilled, a vision manifest and alive in the world, continuously evolving until it’s purpose is fulfilled and a new vision is born. This whole process is easy to see in hindsight when we hear the Visionary tell their story of how their idea became reality and yet whilst we are ‘in it’, we can become blinded to the process, despondent in the face of obstacles or deluded by our egos. The challenge is to stay conscious and focused on the horizon we are headed for, and open to everything that will enable us to succeed.

Is your Vision life affirming? Does the idea of it feel like a valuable contributor to the Whole in some way? Having a clear vision gives us purpose and meaning in our day to day activities. When your vision serves others, it is even more motivating than when it only serves yourself. Dare to dream big - at this time on this planet we need more BIG dreamers with BIG hearts and BIG minds we can all do our bit to dream and behave our way to a positive future for Humanity and our little home address in the vastness of ‘our’ Universe - Earth. Whether your enterprise is big or small, individual, business, or community - Happy BIG dreaming! Amanda Fleming is Director of PRESENTER AT LARGE LTD, an organisation dedicated to contributing to the evolution of human consciousness in individuals and organisations. You can download a free basic values clarification exercise at

Disconnected or irrelevant visions don’t have much impact. Everyone knows someone who is full of ideas that never get to ground. Visions born of solid values/principles have a foundation on which to stand. So get clear about your values. The question to ask is “What is REALLY important to me?” Getting clear about your values opens a whole new world for some people. It can prompt life changes in relationships, careers, changes in direction and personal evolution. Decision making becomes much easier and procrastination dissolves in the light that is clarity. This shakes down all the way through to day to day behaviour in every moment. If someone asked you - “What are your values?” would you be able to respond immediately, without really thinking about it? If they asked “What is your Vision for your Life? What is your Vision for your community? Your species? Your planet? What is your you notice cynicism or hope in your answers - are you a victim to ‘what is’ or a beacon of faith able to move towards possibility? Do you have the humility to risk doing ‘bellyflops’ in order to move a great idea forward or are you so afraid of humiliation you are paralysed?

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INCREASE YOUR PROFIT BY FOCUSING ON THE IMPORTANT TASKS IN your business Having a successful business is not all about getting your emails & desk cleared, opening the mail or doing the banking, it is about you as the business owner learning to delegate your work to your “efficient” staff and focusing on what can make your business grow. You may think that putting yourself out there and connecting with new people and potential clients is not your responsibility and someone else can look after this task, but you are the face of your business and what people know and buy into, without this clients tend to become disinterested and may leave for your competition. Stephen Covey who wrote “The seven habits of highly successful people” has provided some useful information on prioritising your work load so that you can focus on what is important. Below is a diagram to explain. Level 3-4 work can wait, you may say it’s important, maybe, but they are not tasks which increase your profit or sales. A lot of these tasks can be done when the business has ceased for the day or better yet delegated out. So in a sense it’s not important.

IMPORTANT LEVEL 1-2 • Communicating with people • Business know how by way of reading • Attending seminars • Meeting with like minded people • Planning & implementing plans • Networking and building relationships

However level 1-2 focuses on running your business well and its growth rate, this work may seem non-urgent and what you would normally try to avoid due to being too busy and lack of time, but it is the most important. This can be why a lot of business people find themselves with the same profit year to year because they are not focusing on what can grow their business. Just in case you were wondering is this you, read the following example and see if it sounds familiar: You’re flooded with work but you have a friend in the same industry that is semiretired and could help you do some of the work which would increase profits. Have you contacted them yet? “NO” because you’re too busy and don’t have enough time. Due to this lack of time your business will not progress. Look at scheduling in more level 1-2 activities in your week and get creative with delegating in minimising level 3-4 activities. By Annette Giles

IMPORTANT LEVEL 3-4 • • • • •

Opening mail Checking emails Doing banking Clearing desk General administration

TIPS TO KEEP your business FINANCES IN ORDER KEEPING BUSINESS AND PRIVATE PAYMENTS SEPARATE A new lunch box for your child isn’t a business expense, however your business credit card happened to be handy so is used for payment. By all means, pay back your business for the private expense, or vica versa, however if it’s going to be right from the start you actually have to keep a good accounting record. By having a separate bank account and credit card for the business, hours of work will be saved and deductible expenses kept track of in one place, making easy to find at a later date.



BRING IN A PROFESSIONAL Accountant’s intimate understanding of the industry and tax laws will save you money nearly every time. It is always tempting to save money and do it yourself, however it’s highly unlikely that in the end it turns out to be more cost-effective. Accountants are known to find more deductions, whilst keeping you penalty-free. When things get technical or taxes are due, save time, money, and the headache and bring in a trusted professional.


SCHEDULING IN Put aside 15 minutes every week to organise your finances, not letting anything take priority during this time. You’ll find you are able to make more informed financial decisions and everything will be organised when tax time nears. Finances are a very pressing issue, but when you find time every week, you’ll feel your stress levels at the end of the financial year fall fast.

FINALLY, DON’T FORGET TO GET PAID This seems obvious, but you would be surprised at how many businesses don’t correctly track invoices or customer payments. If this isnt done correctly, it could be months before you become aware you have outstanding monies owing. Payments could be collected late or even missing altogether. Make sure you are using a system which is properly tracking payments due and recording when paid, how long clients are taking to pay, and those you’ve had difficulties in the past collecting payments from.


Anette Giles Partner Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants Ltd

Are you paying more tax than you need to?


CONSIDER YOUR PEOPLE When looking for insights into businesses spending, remember to properly record what would be your biggest expense: labor. Whether paying a number of employees or yourself the sole employee on the payroll, always track the cost of wages, benefits, overtime and anything else associated. By tracking your spending on labor, and benefits, you may discover more money to incentivize your staff or that you’re overspending on this expense. Doing the sums now can help with making improved financial decisions later.

Call us for your FREE tax health check Tauranga 07 571 1542 We specialise in providing small and medium sized businesses with high level accounting services at realistic and competitive prices.

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CREATE YOUR IDEAL DAY DAILY SUCCESS BLUEPRINT NAME IT! I’m not feeling so great. What am I feeling right now?

CHOOSE IT! If I could pick any feeling to have today, what would it be? Choose three feelings you would like to have right now.

CREATE IT! What can I believe to create these feelings for myself?

What do I need to do today to help fuel these feeling?

What’s one thing that I can stop doing that is not serving me? Greater life balance, health and happiness /p 30

HAPPINESS is not a GOAL, it is a way of LIFE

Many of us want to feel happier and deeper levels of satisfaction in our daily lives.


Research tells us that when we feel happy our relationships thrive, our businesses are more profitable, we parent better and life is generally much more enjoyable.

Buying a bigger home, shiny new car, having a bigger bank account balance, a new puppy, baby, sparkling diamonds (my favorite) or those new boots on sale will not make you more satisfied and happy in your life.

If there were a proven recipe for ‘happiness’ the world would be overflowing with joyful happy people. The reality however is that over 70% of doctors visits are now for stress related sickness and illnesses and antidepressant and anxiety prescriptions are at an all time high. The pursuit of happiness has become an uphill struggle for many and particularly women juggling multiple responsibilities in their lives. As a coach for busy women there are two things I have observed over time. The first is that happiness is daily work – a commitment that starts every morning when you wake up. The second is that happiness cannot be found externally.



K e n ne d


They are what we could call short term fixes. They make us feel happier for a few days or maybe even a few weeks but sooner or later the lack of satisfaction and pursuit for happiness will return. HAPPINESS IS A DAILY DECISION AND TAKES WORK Happy people choose to be happy and you can too. Every morning we get to choose how we want to feel. Committing your mornings to creating a mindset that enables happy thoughts and feelings is the most important and valuable work we can do. Stress, upset and anxiety based feelings is optional. If you want to talk more about creating greater happiness in your life email me to see if I can help you in your journey. In the mean time I’ve created a daily success blueprint for you to help you do the mind work that supports greater happiness and inner peace. Taking the time to purposefully work on your desired feelings is an important step in creating the life you deeply yearn for. You can download your own copy

INTRODUCTORY OFFER $50 coaching session, skype, phone or in-person 021 1907 979



Surround yourself with the right advisors A focus on creating win-win relationships gives Michelle Mortlock the attitude to succeed

Image by Logan Davey

Michelle started her Chartered Accountancy career in Tauranga in the 1990’s. After a couple of years in the UK and a few more years in Auckland she moved back to Tauranga in 2010 with her husband and two children. Recently joining the team as an associate at Finn & Partners based in Te Awamutu, Michelle has been tasked to grow the practice in Tauranga. Her company offers everything from basic tax accounting to business advisory and everything in between. Michelle chose accounting because she enjoys working alongside business owners as they grow successful businesses. Her favorite clients are those open to new ideas and to exploring new avenues. People who are prepared to learn and grow with the experience so she can help them thrive in business. Michelle shares “Hard work is a must to get ahead in life, but you must do what you are good at and leave the other jobs to people who are good at those jobs”.

Throughout her career Michelle has dealt with a number of industries including manufacturing, wholesalers and retail. With her extensive knowledge base Michelle is also known as the rescuer, having saved many businesses by installing new accounting software, training staff or implementing internal processes. She is developing a network of contacts and likes to connect her clients with mutually beneficial contacts.

The Venus Network has helped Michelle develop new networks and learn more about how other women are finding the business journey. “Venus also helps me think about a unique topic each fortnight, some I have already addressed and some I need to address!”

Michelle’s highlights of business growth and success include the loyalty of her clients, some who have stayed with her for over ten years. She is proud of becoming a valued member of her clients business. Helping lost directors find their way again by improving reporting and providing an independent view is another highlight.

I asked Michelle to share one piece of advice she would give to women who are in the first two years of running their own business “Surround yourself with the right advisors who can guide you in the right direction without making the decisions for you.”

The factors Michelle believes that have been important in her success are down to her friendly and welcoming personality and a restless desire to always be open to learning more about ways she can help her clients. /p 32

Michelle Mortlock Chartered Accountant Finn & Partners, Tauranga phone: 07 578 5803

Check our website for our next jewellery workshops!

The huia tree

NEXT OPEN DAYS: Labour weekend and from boxing day for 2 weeks

Food blog and graphic design

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from the heart

(behind The Porch Cafe)

Looking for a conference speaker? Got a team to train? Need an MC for your next event?

As a keynote speaker and master of ceremonies Carly, offers fun, entertainment and first-class delivery that will give your audience an event to remember!

Carly Shorter Professional Speaker, Trainer, Venus Operations Manager and all round wicked chic!

With sparkle, flair and professionalism Carly loves what she does - you can not only hear it - you can feel it. This is not just a job, this is who she is and why she has a reputation that is second to none. Call her to book her for your next event! | 027 235 957 /p 33 /p 34

To sustain on-going growth online, you need a great strategy It seems to be common today that people spend lots of time and money on getting a website online, then do nothing with it. Your website should be your best salesperson, yet for most people, that salesperson is stuck in the corner and never spoken to or listened to. THE PURPOSE OF YOUR WEBSITE First and foremost it’s pays to know why you have a website. Is your website meant to educate? Do you want it to generate sales? Would you like it to generate leads? Are you looking for brand awareness? Or is there a combination of the above? The start of your journey Once you have built your website and it’s live, you are at the start of your online marketing journey, not as some believe at the end. If you are to maximise your investment in your website, getting it online is just the beginning. Just like hiring a salesperson, you have to make sure they have all the right information and all the tools they need and you must talk to them on a regular basis to find out what customers are saying to them. Build with your future goals in mind It is important to determine where your business is at today and where you would like it to be in the future. With this information you can create a web strategy that aligns with your goals and has the capability of growing with you as your business grows. You can’t manage what you don’t measure Now you have a website that has a purpose, next in developing your strategy is measuring what is happening and how your website is working. Questions to ask yourself are what is my website doing? How is it tracking? What is happening behind the scenes? To really find out if your website is working it’s important to track and measure its effectiveness. You may have heard of Google Analytics which is tool that shows you what is happening on your website, yet few people know what this powerful tool tells you about your website.

The benefits of working with an online marketing company The growth plans for your business will dictate your goals for your website. If you are a businesswoman with a big vision for your business, utilising the power of online marketing could be invaluable in fast tracking you’re sales and building a thriving business. And to really capitalise on your website investment it may prove essential to work with an online marketing company so you can reach your goals. Work alongside an online marketing company and they can design a solid strategy that is focused on helping you use your website to grow your business. They not only help you to build a website, they improve your online presence, they guide you through a process of growth and they help you with a plan of attack. Great online marketing companies are your treasure hunters, skilled not only in marketing, but in design, analysis and strategies to help you and your business prosper. Not only do they dig out the gold but they provide you with goals, sales funnels and creative online features to really help your business turn your web presence into a fully functioning business model that helps your business earn more revenue. Questions to think about before engaging the services of an online marketing company • Are they focused on your profit or their profit? • Do they analyse your website results and provide you with an action plan to continue growing • Do they take the time to get to know your business and your goals • Do they provide you with traffic to site statistics but not work on the functionality of your site • Do they design websites without considering the marketing aspect of online growth

Leanne Chapman Director and Internet Strategist, Redcow Marketing Our offering to you covers, web design, web development, web marketing, strategic planning and goal setting as well as providing you with all advice in terms of best planning for success online. /p 35

Sign up for Engage Insights and receive a FREE Facebook Growth Checklist Want to receive fortnightly social marketing insights created with women just like you in mind?

Apart from the usual goodness, I will send you a bonus Facebook Growth Checklist Visit and click on Engage Insights (under the Like button) to enter your details.

Grown in Waipara, this range of deliciously unique handcrafted wines is made with pleasure to be enjoyed with good food and great company. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR VENUS MEMBERS Please contact me for orders and stockists Stephanie Henderson-Grant E: W: Ph: (64) 3 314 6961 M: 021 222 2354 /p 36

VENUS SUCCESS feature OTHER WOMEN REMARK THAT YOU ARE A VERY POSITIVE PERSON TO DEAL WITH. IS THIS SOMETHING THAT YOU HAVE CULTIVATED INTENTIONALLY? I am a people’s person and I love engaging with people. A client walks in and I would hope a friend walks out. I think a positive attitude is extremely important especially in the workplace. Even if you are having a bad day, you should always remain professional and never let it show. When dealing with clients they are your only focus and you should always be ‘present’ in that moment.

ANNA MOLLEKIN Serendipity was written into Anna Mollekin’s business story from the beginning. In the week that Anna left her fulltime job to begin Alm Creative - a boutique graphic design company delivering innovative, quality design and print solutions - she wrote a list of things she needed to do to kick-start her brand-new business. On that list was, ‘Find a networking group’, so when an industry friend walked into Anna’s office raving about the Venus group she had just visited, Anna was paying attention! The following week, Anna began both her business journey and her Venus membership and has been happily thriving in both ever since. Going from strength to strength within her first two years of business, Anna has built up a loyal client base, expanded out of her home office into a dedicated studio space and employed her first full-time employee. We caught up with Anna to discover some of the factors in her positive growth. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY IN YOUR BUSINESS? Alm Creative is an extension of myself creatively. Design is second nature to me, and being able to design everyday for my clients and getting paid for it is what life’s about – as they say, ‘do a job you love and never work a day in your life’! As Alm Creative grew, account and administrative work began to take over my design hours and art directing. So I could get back to what I love and do best, I now have a full-time account manager, Denise Wilson, who is extremely busy and a wonderful asset to Alm Creative.

WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE SOME OF THE KEY FACTORS IN YOUR RAPID AND SUCCESSFUL GROWTH SO FAR? Our mission statement is to “treat every brief like our defining moment.” Everything in our business is measured against this, from our business decisions to the projects we deliver. I have persevered in maintaining a solid reputation for quality – I think being a trusted brand is of the utmost important. We have a strong focus on customer service and effective communication with our clients. I believe going the extra mile really counts in business today. I am also extremely driven and hard working. By being strategic in my growth, measuring risks properly and planning ahead I have created a progressive business. I am currently working with a fabulous Business Mentor who is really empowering. We will continue to build a strong reputation for quality design and being leaders in innovative graphic and print solutions and customer service. WHAT PART HAS VENUS PLAYED IN YOUR BUSINESS STORY SO FAR? Venus has been integral in my growth as a business owner. It has provided me with a vast range of professional business contacts to confidently recommend to people when they need help. It has provided me with collaboration partnerships as well as a vast amount of clientele through quality referrals. It is very uplifting being surrounded by motivated and empowering businesswomen. An added bonus too is the friendships I have made on my journey. /p 37

TOLL-FREE 0800 ALM CHAT (256 2428) INTERNATIONAL +64 7 888 7200 STUDIO 27 Arawa Street, Matamata, New Zealand STUDIO HOURS 9:00am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday /p 38




by John Anderson /

Book review by Tracy Manu of Blossom Lifestyle Coaching

by Tarisha Tourok Re-Ignite Your Love Coach

If I were looking for an epitome for the quote ‘jump and your wings will appear, ‘Only Two Seats Left’ The Incredible Contiki Story by John Anderson would have to be it.

Do you feel stuck and frustrated in your love life? Do you resent your man for not giving you what you need? Do you feel you are missing out on life’s great joys and rewards?

This inspirational story follows John’s journey from a young man who wanted to travel, to a hugely successful entrepreneur, who’s simple idea, became a worldwide travel company called Contiki.

If you are ready to deepen intimacy with your partner and enjoy a more fulfilling and passionate relationship, this guide can help you. Tarisha Tourok shares the very best of her many years helping women just like you create more passionate, more satisfying, and more meaningful relationships.

With a ‘big picture’ mindset and the confidence to have faith and take risks, the Contiki team stayed ahead of the competition and paved the way for extraordinary world travel and an exceptionally successful business. John’s ability to clearly articulate both the success and challenges within his company, make for a great read. It also gives you an opportunity to take an introspective look at your own businesses, clarifying where you can learn from his amazing ride and make what you love a huge success too! Packed with adventurous tales and some hairy escapades, this book will inspire you to jump and trust that your wings can appear too.

This book will show you how to: Create a fulfilling and exciting relationship, Enjoy a delicious sex life, ignite the spark of deep love for you in your man’s eyes, become a priority for your partner, feel more confident and radiant in your own body, connect to your sensuality and sexuality and become a magnetic woman Get started transforming your relationship right now. Download your first chapter free at: /p 39

Or even in just one personal session? Stress Management Specialist and Licensed 'Heal Your Life'® consultant Camilla Watson brings you the life-changing 'Achieve Your Dreams'® workshop as well as a variety of seminars and personal sessions to free you from your boundaries and limitations.

Make 2012 your year for healing and growth.

Next 'Achieve Your Dreams'® Workshops, March & Oct. Early-bird Specials and Venus Discounts available, book now. Ph: 04 2347522 E: | phone 04 297 1040

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For businesses and social-profits whose IT is critical. Serving the Wellington-Manawatu region for over 10 years. Full IT solutions and service. No charge for IT Strategic Review and Recommendations to Venus members. Limited availability. Please call or email now to book. Do you need admin support but don't want to commit to a full time resource? If you don’t have the time or expertise to make your work look and sound the best, then Administration on Demand can help you save time and frustration.

• Word processing (typing, reformatting, mailings) • PowerPoint presentations • Spreadsheets – budgets, graphs • Proof Reading – grammar & formatting Call or email today for an obligation free quote Nicola Tohill 09 570 9937 or 027 500 3433


Chris Henderson Director DDI: 09 307 8507 | M: 021 242 8748

Debbie Albrecht of Colours Plus Personal Image Consultant/Stylist Phone 03 313 5296 or 027 698 3838

 growth through knowledge…

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for all your business insurance needs

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A disclosure statement is available upon request and free of charge

Job Done (for you)


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Hayley invites you to call for a coffee and a chat Email: Phone: 07 834 3075 or 027 727 5722

No time to manage your Social Media?


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Recruitment giving you a headache? A recruitment specialist for SMEs. Let us take the time, stress and hassle off your hands so you can focus on what is important to you. A reliable and professional service that guarantees excellent results or your money back. Let us be the recruitment specialist in your business.

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Enter promo code “VENUS” to get a 10% discount off all gifts. Can be used as many times as you like! /p 41

NORTH SHORE The Travel Brokers Contact: Carolyn Hedley Phone: 09 416 1799 Mobile: 027 294 7744 carolyn

Carolyn has been in the holiday industry for over 20 years so can use that experience in planning your next holiday so everything runs smoothly. She can organise your family holiday, Coach Tour, Cruise, or your African Safari and put this all together to save you time and money and stress.

Wealth Works Ltd Contact: Kim Gallie Phone: 09 306 5820 Mobile: 021 331 395

Wealth Works Ltd works with you to create wealth and financial security. Our focus is to create a personalised financial strategy plan to: Help you build wealth and manage your assets, Protect your family’s future and the assets you have worked hard to create and Help you achieve your lifestyle goals today, tomorrow and in the future.

SilverStone Jewellery Contact: Lori Trigwell Phone: 09 473 5299 Mobile: 021 184 6467

Easy, secure online shopping for gorgeous handmade silver jewellery that sparkles! We are an Auckland based manufacturing jewellery company that stocks a massive range of sterling silver jewellery plus designs and creates all gold jewellery to order, and makes one off designer sterling silver jewellery.

Edible Blooms 09 4422260 027 2383535

Edible Blooms New Zealand offers a unique twist on flowers and gift hampers. Our range of chocolate flower bouquets, fresh fruit bouquets, cake pop blooms and gourmet gift baskets can be ordered easily online and delivered New Zealand wide.

Milestone Financial Services Contact: Katharina Tetzlaff Phone: 09 950 6810 Mobile: 021 201 4874 katharina.tetzlaff@milestone.

Milestone Financial Services North Ltd is a family owned and operated business giving advice on everything from Investment, Financial and Retirement Planning to Insurance and Mortgages. Kat is a Registered Financial Adviser, specialising in Insurance.

Pain and Health Management

Beyond Health Contact: Jan Stein Phone: 09 414 4960 Mobile: 0274741 932

At Beyond we offer unique forms of treatments and therapies, based on the principles of bio-energetic and informational medicine. In a nutshell “working towards finding the root cause” of why you are not performing at 100%.


Viva Expeditions – South America Travel & Tours Contact: Rachel Williams Phone: 098894214

Viva Expeditions specialize in small group expeditions and tailor made tours for all travellers to South America. Let our team of Latin America travel specialists help plan your trip of a lifetime.


New Zealand Home Loans Contact: Jenny Aitken Mobile: 027 253 6692 Jenny.Aitken@nzhomeloans.

Do you have a mortgage? New Zealand home Loans is a dedicated home loan provider, committed to helping clients become debt free faster. 100% NZ owned and the largest home loan lender outside the four main banks.


Residential & Commercial Lending





Investment advising

Craigs Investment Partners Contact: Claire Dower Phone: 09 919 7422 Mobile: 021 808 047

Craigs Investment Partners Limited is one of New Zealand’s largest investment advisory and management firms, offering personalised investment solutions to private, corporate and institutional clients.

Office products & supplies

Robyn Skeates Office Interiors Phone: 09 444 9000 Mobile: 021 935 999

We are office furniture, design and fitout specialists, based in Auckland. We take pride in making your office furniture decisions simple and risk-free while still delivering style and exceptional value.

Brookfields Lawyers Contact:: Janice Harland Phone: 09 985 6906 Mobile: 021 772 920

Brookfields Lawyers has a strong history of providing legal services of the highest standard. Our legal and support personnel pride themselves on the quality of those services and the friendly, welcoming way in which we deal with our clients.

Face & Body Contact: Margaret Walsh Phone: 09 817 4807 Mobile: 027 473 5914 faceandbodybeautytherapy

Award winning Face & Body provides quality Beauty Therapy services to Titirangi, servicing a loyal clientele base of 11,000 clients annually. The company is based in a two storey cottage overlooking the bush and harbour and houses three beauty therapy rooms providing bespoke skin and therapy treatments.

restaurants & cafes

Functions and Events Contact: Dominique Lowry Phone: 09 528 6463 www.functionsandevents.

Organising a party, dinner, meeting, Christmas function or team building event? Let Functions & Events do the leg work for you. Complimentary venue search service. 22 venues available.


Making Magic Happen Ltd Contact: Gaelene Adams Wood Phone: 09 817 2936 Mobile: 021 453 886 gaelene@makingmagichappen. com www.makingmagichappen. com

Making Magic Happen works with the Talent Dynamics suite of products to achieve meaningful, measurable, profitable change in business. Talent Dynamics is the #1 Business Development Pathway for accelerating trust and flow.



love the way you work /p 43

BAY OF PLENTY Hands on Osteopathy Contact: Jane Edmondson Phone: 07 213 0806

Osteopathy is a safe, gentle and effective treatment using hands-on techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of health problems, aiming to relieve pain, discomfort and restriction.

ANZ Contact: Lisa Hall Phone: 07 5577175 Mobile: 0274 990451

I am a Home Lending Specialist, for all types of residential property transactions. First Home Buyers, New Purchases, Investment properties, New Home Builds. I am available to come and see you at your home, workplace or wherever suits you.


Jemma’s Homebased Child Care Contact: Jenny Tyrell Phone: 0800-536627 Email:

JeMMa’s is a privately owned homebased childcare service, where childcare is offered in carefully selected Educarers homes. We believe that homebased care is the next best thing to learning at home with parents.


Jarrah Construction Limited Contact: Merle Rankin 07 578-5316 Justin Mobile: 027 275-1646 Facebook page: Jarrah Construction Ltd

As Registered Master Builders and Licensed Building Practitioners, we are your one stop shop for building projects. We do Design and Build, Renovations, Office Fit outs, Commercial projects. No job is too small.





Aqua Filter Products Contact: Lisa Moger Phone: 0800 426 426 Mobile: 021 100 3243 www.aquafilterproducts.

Bringing the World’s Leading Water Purification Products to New Zealand. We sell an extensive range of water filters, water coolers, shower filters, UV Filter Systems and water treatment systems to the domestic, rural and commercial markets.


Central Media Graphic Design Contact: Lynn Peck 04 499 0030

Lynn Peck, Central Media Design, will write, edit, design and print manage your publications. Lynn has worked across many sectors – small and medium businesses, global companies, education, government, charitable trusts, law. 15+ years experience.

Ragini Rags 2 Fitness Contact: Ragini Vandrey Mobile: 021 251 4193

Rags 2 Fitness Mobile Personal Training

JAG Legal Contact: Nicola Jones Phone: 04 939 2366 Lower Hutt Office Phone: 04 297 2361 Kapiti Office

Merv Gaskin and Nicola Jones are thrilled that their practice has expanded and they are now here to help you with all your legal issues. If you need assistance with any legal issue please call.

Lush Lashes Petone Contact: Karyn Weller Phone/Text: 04 212 4850 or 021 971970 Email: karyn@lushlashespetone. Address: 199 Jackson Street, Petone

Specialists in Semi Permanent Eyelash Extensions. The Ultimate Accessory! Beautiful Sexy Eyes 24-7! No More Mascara. Available in various lengths,thickness’s, colours and curls to suit everyone! (open 7 days day or night, by appointment to suit)



ery day of t he week

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r a free eyelash consultation. We have many able and are conveniently located at St Petone



50 or 021 971 970 THERAPY /p 45

Helping you look and feel fit and healthy all year round in the privacy of your own home. No contracts or membership fees. 30 or 60 minute training sessions.





kd one

Defined Contact: Carlene Dredge Phone: +64 4 9748640 Mobile: +64 21 877666

Business coaching to empower small businesses to reach the next level, increase profits, create high performing teams and have more time.

NZ Travel Brokers Contact: Zaheda Davies Phone: 04 976 7865 Mobile: 021 733 659

Zaheda has been in the Travel industry for over 25 years having worked in India, Russia and NZ. She has specialised in Corporate travel in the last 10 years with a boutique agency and is now a Travel Broker committed to providing personalised service - for pleasure or business travel.

kd one, skincare & cosmetics Contact: Kareen Holland Phone: (04) 473 1239 Mobile: 021 0697940

kd one has created a range of instinctively natural skincare and cosmetics which are perfect for people who are concerned about parabens, petrochemicals and synthetic ingredients, ingredient/product traceability and the effect of products on your health and the environment.

SKINCARE & COSMETICS by Kareen D Holland Kareen D Holland 021 069 7940 NATURAL INGREDIENTS – NO CHEMICALS Created by Kareen D Holland Professional make-up kd one store artist Entrance foyer, Morrison Kent House 105 The Terrace, Wellington 6011

CHIROPRACTIC Free eyelash tint and brow shape with any product purchased

Cheyne & Sissons Chiropractic Contact: Shelley Cheyne Business Phone: 04 2377711 Email:

Kareen D Holland 021 069 7940 kd one store Entrance foyer, Morrison Kent House 105 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 /p 46

Chiropractic therapy is especially useful in treating back pain, migraines, headaches generally, neck pain and peripheral joint pain.





Mary Kay Consultant Contact: Linda Fraser Phone: (03) 337 0698 Mobile: 027 414 7580 BeautyDirect

On-line shopping in your own time 24/7 and in your own way! Enter consultant number 006057nz at check out. Free Freight on orders over $180. $3.99 Freight on orders under $180. www. When you like my page, be sure to check the “Add to interest list” option if you want to receive all my updates.

Williams McKenzie Contact: Tania McKenzie Phone: (03) 311 8142

Good advice from good people. The team at Williams McKenzie know all about delivering sensible and costeffective solutions to their clients. Its 2 partners and 2 solicitors’ have a thorough understanding across a wide range of legal areas which means clients not only enjoy sound advice, but the benefits of a local and well-connected staff. receive all my updates.

An Extra Pair of Hands Contact: Jane Richardson Phone: 0800535355 extn 3 Mobile: 021357523

A One stop shop for Home Services including regular home cleaning, spring cleaning, Ironing, Oven cleaning, regular garden maintenance, Seasonal tasks. /p 47


“Over 80% of our business is through contacts of contacts at Venus” Tanya, RecruitNZ – Auckland

“I’m continually amazed by how supportive and caring my Venus Group are” Tracy Manu, Blossom – Auckland (see photo, right) Venus is a community designed to help you achieve profitable, sustainable growth in your business. Join one of our 35 Venus Groups throughout NewZealand and use the sisterhood of businesswomen to fast track your business growth.

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