Venus magazine issue 7

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I N S P I R E . C O N N E C T. C E L E B R AT E

a magazine for New Zealand women in business

Caroline Martelli

Inspiring self-belief Why treat your skin from within Change your beliefs, change your life

Free to members $11 RRP

ISSUE SEVEN March 2014





Rebecca Snow 021 554 958 Vanilla Admin

Michele Courage 021 610 317 BiDesign



Fiona Hall 021 627 822 Kiffin

Helen Ewan 021 418 826 Perfect Platters



Carolyn Banks 021 851 945 ICE

Catrina Bengree 021 0225 2866 Nourish N Nurture



Carly Shorter 027 235 9575 Venus Network

Jen Tyson 0274 407 388 Thrive Consulting



Jennifer Myers 027 612 3493 10X Hamilton/Waikato

Debbie Albrecht 027 698 3838 Colours Plus



Sadie Headland 021 272 1100 Petal Perfection

Amy Gardiner 021 401 104 Raywhite Cashmere



Rei Bennett 022 076 4807 Rei Bennett Photography

Sally Feinerman 021 900 643 Fitness Fix

8. MANAWATU Carolyn Tranter 021 353715 Baby Beginnings


Contact a manager in your region if you’d like to experience a Venus meeting as our guest

Contents 6 12 18 16

4 5 6 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 40 42 44

Editorial from Vanessa News from Venus HQ Caroline Martelli: Beautiful Beliefs Venus values Inspiring women in business Member wins Change your beliefs Why treat your skin from within Stiletto Studio Books Not for profit feature Get exercising The nature of change Get right for life The power of self discipline Businesswomen panel Giles and Liew Turn your ideas into success You have a choice Charging what you need to charge Making a difference What we learnt about ourselves How stressed are you really? Pullout business resourcce Recipe: Sundried tomato pesto

Editor: Vanessa Davey


Designer: Sheryl Nicholson Advertising sales: Carly Shorter Subscriptions: magazine-subscription/

Venus is quarterly and published by Venus Group Ltd and is a Venus membership publication. Venus is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The opinions represented in the magazine are not necessarily those of Venus Group Ltd. No responsibility is accepted for the authors’ suggestions or conclusions or for any errors or omissions. Copyright Venus Group Ltd. 2013

Belief ISSUE 7 / 2014

From Vanessa – chief ideas officer & founder enus turns 6 this March and I believe it’s important to celebrate the milestones along our business journeys. I’m going to celebrate the date of the first Venus Group meeting, 28th March 2008, with a lunch out with friends.

At the core of all I do is my purpose – helping women live their purpose. I get to do this every day within Venus as it aligns with our company’s purpose – helping women thrive in business. As the company grows another year older, I am proud to offer more and more opportunities to help you thrive in business. New to Venus is our Academy and our Business Teams both launching in a few months. These include business training and group mentoring to help you create that next level of business success. We also have a new event calendar rolling out soon offering gorgeous events to inspire and empower. You could say I’m a woman on a mission. A mission to help you create work you love, to grow a thriving business and support you to make a difference in the world. I love the question ‘what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?’ I ask myself this every few months. In fact, if I hadn’t asked this question and acted on my answer, you would not be holding this magazine in your hands. In answer to this question late last year I made the decision to start working on Business Teams – facilitated mentoring groups where 12 women work on their business and on themselves. I’m so excited to launch these around the country and am thrilled to be facilitating our Tauranga team kicking off in April. I chose to showcase a local Tauranga woman Caroline Martelli for our autumn feature. Caroline’s purpose to help women believe in themselves is inspiring and her commitment to building a business to support her and her daughter is heartfelt. Believing in yourself is a key success factor in business. I see it time and time again that the women who grow successful businesses have a deep belief in who they are and what they are here to offer. Through learning, stretching out of our comfort zones and dreaming big, our self-belief is growing as our businesses grow. Can one grow without the other? I do not believe so. If you want to grow your business, you must grow yourself too. I wish you a courageous season where you ask yourself what you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail. With love

Vanessa x

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NEWS FROM VENUS HQ AUTUMN 2014 We have just finished a 2 day training camp with our awesome Venus Regional Managers (VRM’s) here in Tauranga. We now have 14 VRM’s and I feel blessed to have such loving, dynamic and savvy women part of Team Venus. We are absolutely doing what we love – supporting women in business to create work they love. How much better can it get?



Our business training sister to the Venus Network is in development and we’ll be launching this at the end of autumn. Our Academy will include in-person and online training to help you develop the mind-set and skillset to launch and grow a successful business.

We have 7 new groups launching this season with new groups in Dunedin, Christchurch, Hutt Valley, Napier, Rotorua, Tauranga and East Auckland. If you know proactive businesswomen in these areas we would love you to invite them to an upcoming meeting, VENUS BUSINESS TEAMS LAUNCHING

We are working with our new Event Manager to organise a calendar of empowering, inspiring and valuable events nationwide. As soon as these are confirmed we will email you the details. VENUS ACADEMY IN DEVELOPMENT

Have an awe-inspiring autumn, Vanessa and Carly x

If you are looking for that next level of support and accountability, our Business Teams could be just what you are after. Have a team of passionate and purposeful women helping you work on yourself and your business. For more info visit

Vanessa Davey Founder and CEO

Carly Shorter Operations Manager /p 5

Caroline Martelli

Beautiful Beliefs

Trailing behind Caroline Martelli of M-Collections is a tribe of devotees who are in love with her gorgeous make-up and skincare, and the personal touch that accompanies them. She is in an exciting place right now, but as Kathryn Overall discovered, she has walked a brave path to be here.

Article by Kathryn Overall Photography by Logan Davey

Caroline Martelli, make-up artist extraordinaire, hairdresser, beauty advisor and the founder of the M-Collections make-up and M-Skin skincare collections, has built her business on a foundation of belief - the belief that all women are beautiful and deserve to feel that they are, the belief that offering a personal touch is paramount in the world of make-up, the belief that you can start again after losing everything, the belief that you can build a big business and still have a big heart, and the belief she is passing onto her 6 year old daughter, that you can achieve whatever you want to if you are prepared to work hard for it. /p 6

Caroline is in an exciting place right now. While she has been offering her exclusive M-Collections range through make-up parties and one-on-one consultations for seven years, 2013 was a landmark year for her business. Her brand was treated to a fresh and elegant makeover with fellow Venus member Michaela James from Design Juice, she unveiled M-Skincare, a gorgeous anti-aging natural skincare collection, and launched her brand-new website,, where women can purchase her make-up, skincare and new M-Bodycare collection in a convenient onestop shop. “I think that more and more people want that personalised touch, as well as the ease of buying when it suits them online,” says Caroline. “Apart from and sites like that, most of the make-up brands in New Zealand are available only through retailers. A lot of women say to me at parties, ‘it’s really scary going into a department store, they don’t listen, and I come out with this bag of make-up I don’t really know how to use.”

I first met Caroline several years ago and I remember admiring her radiant skin and being struck by how beautiful she is. As a fellow Venusian, I have also watched with interest as her business has grown from strength to strength, so when it came to writing this article I felt that I already had a good idea of who she was and what she was about. However, it wasn’t until we sat down to talk in the lovely East Papamoa home she shares with her mother Roseena and daughter Giavanna that I properly heard her story for the first time. That she is beautiful and on a successful path is undoubtedly true, but the overwhelming sense that I took with me when I left her place is that she is also very brave.

As a people-person, Caroline loves giving women the confidence to use make-up through her make-up parties and personal consultations. “When I see a woman, I can instantly see her beauty, every woman is beautiful,” she says. “The women who usually don’t wear makeup at all are the ones who say ‘Oh my, I can’t believe how I look’. That is what warms my heart - something has clicked in her and she’s thought, ‘I’m quite beautiful’. As women, we are so hard on ourselves. If we can give women a little bit of confidence, it can make a big difference.” Right now, Caroline is enjoying the fruits of her labour and is excited about the future, but it was a different story seven years ago. After a decade of living in the Bay of Plenty, building a successful salon in Mt Maunganui and starting a family, Caroline suddenly found herself in the throes of an awful divorce. She lost her marriage, her house, her car, her salon, and her confidence before moving in with her mother and falling into a heap. “I got everything ripped from me – not just physically but emotionally as well,” says Caroline. /p 7

Having lost her livelihood, Caroline was suddenly faced with the reality of being a solo mum and having the weight of their financial future resting firmly on her shoulders. “I remember walking out of the salon for the last time, carrying my baby in one arm, and my make-up collection in the other thinking, ‘what am I going to do now?’

During her darkest days when Caroline just wanted to hide, Caroline’s mum handed her a copy of Suzanne Paul’s biography. “It was awesome,” says Caroline. “She lost everything twice and rebuilt it again. I thought if she can do it, then I can do it too. There was this survival instinct bred in me that rose up and said ‘I’m not a victim, I’m not going to let this happen. I’m going to head forward.’” Caroline decided that she would take her make-up collection that her salon clients had loved so much and would experiment with make-up parties as a concept. “My girlfriends were like, ‘right, we’ll host some parties for you’,” says Caroline. “They were doing it to help pull me up and that’s really what launched my business. I will never forget them, they have been a pillar of strength.” Caroline had a further confidence boost when L’Oreal approached her and asked her to come on as their area manager for the Bay of Plenty. “Wendy my manager knew my story and she believed in me. If it wasn’t for them this would have been a harder journey,” reflects Caroline. As it turns out, their faith in her was well founded and Caroline became the top sales rep for the country within two years. /p 8

Even though she was thriving at L’Oreal, Caroline had promised herself that she would resign and go full-time in her own business when Giavanna started school. “I’m very driven,” she says. “I really wanted to give this a go because I totally believed in the product and from the feedback I was getting, I knew I was onto a good thing.” Her make-up parties, consultations and client orders had been simmering away for several years, but she knew it was time to up the ante. “Giavanna was starting school in July – and it got to March and I didn’t hand my notice in, and it got to April...eventually I thought, okay I’m going to have to bite the bullet,” says Caroline. “It was literally a leap for faith. People who know me really well know I have a massive belief in the universe. For me it’s the belief of knowing that I’m being guided, my gut feeling was telling me that I was on the right path.” That path led her straight to Venus in July 2012, the very week she went full time with her business. “My friend, Carly Shorter had been at me to join Venus, and I was like ‘no, it will just be a bunch of catty women’,” laughs Caroline. Carly’s powers of persuasion won her over and Caroline turned up for her first meeting at Mount Maunganui, feeling very nervous. “The women were amazing, I felt like a kid in a candy store,” says Caroline. “I sat there looking around thinking ‘these women are awesome.’ It was just overwhelming to think that they were actually interested in me and in what I had to offer. I’ll never forget that first Venus meeting, that’s why I’m still there now.” Vision, determination and good old-fashioned hard work has enabled Caroline to come a long way since then. Not one to rest on her laurels, she has already begun her expansion plan of multiplying the M-Collections experience nationally

by taking on her first three consultants who offer make-up parties and personal consultations in Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch. “For me it’s about building a business where I can support consultants – it’s their business within mine,” says Caroline. “I love hearing the girl’s excitement after they’ve done a party. It is business, but it’s also personal. I want to see them thrive.” Her short-term goal is to find the right consultants for Auckland and Hamilton, and once that is in place, her eyes are on Australia and beyond. “I want to have a profitable business, I want it to be national and international – I do want that, but it’s got to come from the heart, it always will be from the heart.” Caroline says the planning and time-management tips she learnt through her Venus Business Team have been a huge help as she has grown. “I was very much aware of my need to create a life and work balance,” says Caroline. “If I didn’t have Giavanna, I would work way too hard, but my little girl is paramount. When she is home with me, that is her time. Over Christmas I was in my make-up room packing up orders, and Giavanna came in and said ‘Mummy I’m so proud of you, you’ve done so well.’ That made me just gulp back, because she has seen how hard I have worked. I want to instill in her that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” Despite the busyness, Caroline is mindful of taking time to treat herself these days. ‘I can just keep going and going but I have to jump off and reflect and celebrate the milestones. Sometimes it’s just checking in with myself and going, ‘I have come a long way’. Caroline is the first to say she hasn’t arrived, but I think it’s safe to say she has laid the foundation for a very bright future, one she believes in with all of her heart.

Caroline Martelli 027 575 0188

Within the Venus community we celebrate and honour feminine values. We focus on celebrating our unique gifts as women. We see the importance of being open as we create work we love. As women we have a natural ability to be open, and on this foundation build strong friendships and relationships that serve us well in business. We know openness is an important value, as it’s the basis of all deeply supportive and nourishing connections in the world. In Venus we are a little non-traditional, in regards to business. We are pioneering a new path in the world, one that celebrates all of our gorgeous feminine qualities. Openness is such a lovely yet powerful value that we have chosen to shape our beliefs, our thoughts and our actions by it.

There was once a time when companies didn’t much care about what consumers had to say. They made the products they thought consumers would buy, focused on making the sale, and congratulated themselves when the revenues came in.

“A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.”

As a business owner transparency is an essential part of a smart strategy to grow your business. Rather than keeping secrets from your clients, why not engage them in your growth conversations and turn your clients into coinnovators. Powerful word of mouth is generated when trust is at the core of your relationships. And what better way to build trust then to value the opinions of your customers.

– Frank Zappa With openness shaping the future of business, we know it’s an important aspect to achieving success. Being open and honest is the best foundation for you to build and grow your business relationships. Openness is associated with freedom, flexibility and sharing. When it comes to business, being open now helps you create a point of difference in the market. Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams outlined the underlying principles supporting the power of openness in their latest book “Radical openness”. They make a compelling case for openness as the starting principle for successful business.

Sure, some might have conducted the occasional focus group or offered comment cards for feedback, but such data was typically viewed and used in a limited way, if at all. Rare indeed was the notion of forming an ongoing relationship with the consumer; rarer still was the idea that consumers might have any kind of role to play beyond that of nameless buyer.

Venus has an annual member survey where we ask for honest feedback from our community. We also ask for feedback when our leadership team ends a term, when members choose to leave the network and when our Regional Managers get together at our conference. We value our clients and our team members and believe that their contribution to our evolution will help grow Venus into the thriving community that we have envisioned it to be. /p 10

Our commitment to being open in venus ➢We are open to growing and developing ourselves ➢We are open to having our mind changed ➢We embrace diversity of thoughts, opinions, and backgrounds We are open to constructive feedback from fellow members, in the spirit of generosity ➢We openly share our thoughts and ideas with one another ➢We are honest about our strengths and weaknesses

We encourage every women within Venus to go the extra mile in being transparent and open. Being open creates opportunities for us to lead more connected and enriched lives.

Openess means keeping our minds and hearts available tonew experiences, ideas and relationships


Michele Rees-Williams | Eves Realty | Hamilton Venus

Jenny Tulloch | Pulse Personal Training | Hamilton Venus



I loved my previous roles in the medical arena, but I travelled extensively. When my Dad passed away my Mum came to live with me and she couldn’t cope with my lifestyle. Between Grandma moaning about the children and vice versa, home coming was a dreaded part of the day.

I was at a point in my life where I needed a change. I wanted to use my HR skills in a more satisfying career. I enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits that I experience from exercise. With this passion for sports and exercise I felt I could offer so much to those who wanted and needed to make exercise a part of their lives. I have a desire to help others and felt that having my own business would enable me to work with clients as I wished to and in a way that provided the most benefit to them.

I heard an advert on the radio for real estate consultants and thought, “I can do that”. It would eventually give me the lifestyle to look after an aging parent, go on camp or work from home and potentially set the children up financially for University and me for retirement. I have a huge social community involvement so it gives me the flexibility to help Habitat build a house, or respond as part of RT16 team to disasters like Christchurch or drop shelter boxes into the Philippines. I love working with people to find their first home, retirement spot or an investment. It is finding the right fit without being that pushy overbearing insincere salesperson. I love this quote “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” Venus has opened doors to other women in similar situations who have been generous with their time and thoughts. It has enabled me to grow my network and to interact and be part of lots of events I wouldn’t normally have had access to. Long term being successful is being able to provide for my family and to have those treats every now and again and to be respected within the field as a knowledgeable go-to person.

My favourite quote is “If you always do what you have always done, you always get what you always got”. I have used this in my marketing material to potential clients, but it also makes me think about how I am running my business. Venus has been so good for me in a number of ways; meeting and talking with other women who own their own businesses, the fortnightly topics make me really think about different aspects of my business and Venus referrals have grown my business. For me, success is helping as many people as possible achieve their fitness and wellbeing goals, and look to a brighter future because of this. Success for me also means having the money to do the things I want to do, and the flexibility to do these things. If I could give myself advice, when I just started out, I’d tell myself not to take things too personally, to work hard but enjoy downtime, create alliances and join Venus :)

Tell your business story and we’ll share it with the world Here is your opportunity as a Venus member to share your business story with us. We would love to celebrate your growth by publishing your story either online in or in our magazine. Our journeys help inspire and empower other women in business to turn their ideas into successful businesses.



Hawkes bay girl takes out global competition 
 Kim Davey NZ Dance Network member of Hawkes Bay Venus

World renowned speakers gather together for a global summit 
Kate O’Brien Create Yourself member of Hawkes Bay Venus





New shelterbox team member heading on 9 day gruelling uk training 
 Michele Rees-Williams Eves Realty member of Waikato Venus

5 Weeks holiday and my business grew while i was away! 
 Jenny Davison Pixie Party Supplies member of Auckland Venus

New programme launches helping you go from struggle to growth in 7 weeks! 
 Bridget Marsh Creating What Matters member of Auckland Venus

Biggest order to date kicks off 2014 
 Michele Courage Artyblox Venus Regional Manager

Kim Davey of New Zealand Dance Network (NZDN) has won a global competition called Entrepreneur ‘X’ Factor. After thousands of votes, Kim has more ‘X’ Factor than entrants from Paris, Singapore, Mumbai and over twenty other places. Entrepreneur ‘X’ Factor is a global event series run by the Rock Your Life group. Participants had to pitch their business to a group of their peers, judges and experts. “What I learnt is my dream works, and my persistence works.” Said Davey. NZDN is an International Dance Tour business that takes NZ dancers on tours to Sydney, LA and London. Dancers perform at Disneyland, take classes with worldclass choreographers, learn about auditioning and careers, make friends for life and explore the sites! To tour with NZDN visit

I’ve just launched a large global summit. We have attracted 32 incredible speakers from around the world including some of the absolute biggest names in personal development. It has created a huge buzz and raised the profile of up and coming thought leaders as well as using the platform to raise funds for my favourite global charity ‘Women For Women international’. For me this has been an amazing win as it started with one of those inspired thoughts... ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if...’

I have just been accepted into the International First Response Team for Shelterbox, an aid agency first on the ground when we have acts of terrorism, war, famine and weather disasters etc. I am off to be part of a 9 day gruelling training in May. The training is in Cornwall in England. I will have to hit the gym with some seriousness! ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide. |

My biggest win over the holiday period was taking 5 weeks off to visit family overseas and letting my staff run the business without me. It was a huge success, they did a great job and as a result I now feel more confident to hand over other things in the business rather than doing everything myself.

Are you in business but not yet profitable? Are you juggling priorities? Are you unclear where to focus your marketing? Are you scared of being salesy? But you need more customers…. Bridget has developed an online programme so you can know your customers and grow your business. You can do it at your pace, there’s no time limit on access. Marketing has 3 roles. 1. Get the attention of your prospect 2. Help them understand if you’re a ‘good fit’ and 3. Lower the risk of the buying decision. To do all 3 roles effectively you need to Know Your Customer better than you know yourself! Learn how to market and sell with Ease and Grace in 7 Simple Steps for $197+gst. Learn more at

My biggest win was selling 20 of my ArtyBlox home décor art to Vanessa Owen from Driftwood Bach in Kerikeri. Vanessa does styling for Wallace Cotton and she loved them! It was a great boost!

Change your beliefs Change your life by Vanessa Davey

If you want to change your life--right now-there’s nothing more powerful than changing what you believe. When you believe in something, it becomes truth. This is because your beliefs determine the choices you make in your life, and determine the actions that help shape your world. One of your most overlooked superpowers in life is the unbelievable power of your beliefs.

Act differently to get different results I shared this concept at the recent Venus Managers Training Camp and wanted to share it with you. Your beliefs create your thoughts that create your feelings that create your actions and provide you with the results in your life. BELIEFS > THOUGHTS > FEELINGS > ACTIONS > RESULTS When you find yourself wanting a different result in your life ask yourself the following questions: 1. What belief do I have about the situation or person or myself that is creating this result? 2. What new result do I want to have instead? 3. What supporting belief can I take on that would create this new result? 4. What action can I take on to support this belief? NEW ACTIONS > BELIEFS > THOUGHTS > FEELINGS > ACTIONS > RESULTS Every time you take this new action you shortcircuit your old belief and you start imprinting your new belief into your brain. New research from the field of Neuroscience, has now proven that ‘fake it till you make it’ actually does work in changing your beliefs, and therefore changing your life.

You are responsible for creating your own reality I love the quote from Abraham Lincoln “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” And I see this in business too – women are usually about as successful as they make up their minds to be. The beliefs you have about yourself, your business, and how you add value to the world all factor in to how successful you are and will become in the future. I’ve always seen this as the great news and the crappy news rolled into one. On one side it’s all about you – meaning you can do something about your reality in business. You can create results in your business from your mind-set and actions. On the other side – it’s all about you so if anything is going to change and grow it’s in your hands and your mind.

The importance of believing in yourself Believing I have something valuable to offer the world through my strengths and passions has been a learning curve for me. When I started Venus I believed in the power of gathering women together for a common purpose. I also believed that the journey in business is way more fun when it’s shared with likeminded women and if I set my mind to something I could do it. However it’s only been in the last couple of years, when questioned about why I grew Venus into a nationwide network, I have reflected back realising that I had a belief in myself to be able to learn what I needed to and change my beliefs and mind-set along the way in order to make a success of this business. /p 14

Be a learner for life I believe we are a work in progress. I’m continually learning about myself, my strengths, what I value, what I excel out within business and what I need to learn or outsource.

I decided then to be a learner of life. To be open to having my mind changed and to let go of the need to be right. This has been the biggest success factor in helping me grow Venus to date.

My first experience of personal development was with Landmark Education when I was 24 years old. I felt inspired and empowered when I learned there that my word creates my world. Up until that point I wasn’t conscious to what words I spoke nor what beliefs I carried around.

Believe it first, then see it

On that weekend in the Landmark Forum back in 1998, I became aware of the power of my words and from that moment on I understood that many of the beliefs I had grown up with, were not going to serve me in my future.

In his book ‘You’ll See It When You Believe It’ Wayne Dyer shares how you can transform your life by using your thoughts constructively: in other words, how to focus on a belief and see it. This is the power of our beliefs to manifest and create what we want in our lives. It turns the old school ‘I’ll see it when I believe it’ on its head and takes you from a place of reacting -I can’t do anything about my reality to creating – I have in my hands the power to create my own reality.

Notice notice notice BELIEF


The amount of belief you have determines the amount of potential you can tap into

The amount of potential you tap determines the amount of action you can take

The Belief Cycle RESULTS

The results you get determine your belief in yourself


The amount of action you take determines the results you get

I encourage you to start noticing what words you and other people use in every day conversations. Given your words are creating your world, here is your opportunity to become even more conscious of what life you are creating. By bringing your attention to this level of manifesting, you can start noticing the power of words to create your reality. As Henry Ford so aptly put it “Believe you can or believe you can’t either way you are correct”.

Why treat your SKIN from within by Janine Tait

There are many things that we eat and drink that can contribute to the problems we can experience with our skin. Being aware of these problem foods can go a long way to helping correct these issues. Some of these problem foods are obvious like alcohol. You just need to observe what happens to someone with fine, fair, sensitive skin who drinks wine to know that it is inflammatory and could make skin redness worse. But there are lots of other ‘hidden’ foods that could be ‘fueling’ the problems you may be experiencing with your skin. However more and more of our commonly eaten foods are managing to find their way onto the growing list of foods that contain phyto-chemicals that keep our skin looking beautiful. When it comes to nutrition, out of all the foods researched for skin benefits the Essential Fatty Acids appear to be the ‘stars’ offering assistance in the treatment of a wide range of skin conditions as well as generally improving skin’s hydration and beauty. Essential fatty acids are a wonderful food for skin. They are your edible cosmetics, making your skin soft, smooth and velvety. This is why the first product I ever formulated was the Bestow Beauty Oil. It is your ‘moisturiser from the inside’, reducing inflammation and redness, while keeping your skin smooth and free of blockages. The Bestow Within – Natural Food Journal (see our website is packed full of recipes that supply essential fatty acids and other nutrients to bestow you with beautiful, radiant skin…



1/2 quantity of filtered water or coconut water 1/2 quantity of apple or pineapple juice 1 banana 1 pear or apple – can be peeled if preferred (optional) 1 dsp of Bestow Beauty Oil 1 dsp of Bestow Beauty Powder A handful of leafy greens (kales, silverbeet, spinach) 1 handful of frozen or fresh dark berries (optional) Place all the ingredients in a blender to mix. Rotating your leafy greens each week will give you maximum health benefits.

BESTOW WITHIN the natural food journal volume 1

available now $19.50 for stockists - phone: 0800 455 224 | email: | web: or buy online -

Stiletto Studio

Becs Lake and her Magical Land of Cakes At just 27, Wellington local Becs Lake has turned her own obsession with creating beautiful cakes into a thriving business. Stiletto Studio (a nod to shoes, her other great love) is a magical “land of cakes” where her devoted customers come to order delicious and creative cakes for important celebrations. As a creative person, Becs finds it very satisfying to spend her week making beautiful cakes, but her favourite part of her business is witnessing her customer’s reaction to the masterpieces she creates for them. “Especially kids,” she says, “When kids walk in and see their dream cake come to life it makes all the late nights totally worth it.” But enough from us, let’s hear from the cake-queen herself! What motivated your decision to not just create amazing cakes, but to teach other people how to make them themselves? I am totally self-taught. When I first started I had real trouble just figuring out the absolute basics, so once I nailed it, I decided to teach it! I’ve met some really amazing people, have lots of regulars, and find it really satisfying when someone leaves my class totally happy and proud with what they’ve made.

You have grown a very strong Facebook presence. What impact has that had on your business? Facebook launched Stiletto Studio! I started with just friends and family following the page, it grew by word of mouth, and I now have over 3700 ‘likes’ and get 5-10 enquiries per day via Facebook. A number of my orders have even been made, planned, booked, and confirmed via Facebook alone, only meeting the customer when they pick up their cake. What has worked best for me is being ME on Facebook – not pretending to be a ‘we’ or some kind of corporation – sharing photos of myself sometimes and including little anecdotes from life. It makes the page more personal, and people find me more approachable. What part has Venus Network played in your business story so far? Venus has played a huge part. I’ve made some fantastic work contacts and connections, but also some fantastic friends. Because I work alone most of the time, my Venus group have become my “colleagues” and help get me out of my bubble once a fortnight. The women are so supportive and encouraging; they’ve been my cheer leaders the whole way through. They also hold me accountable. I bounce new ideas off them to get feedback, check pricing, and ask their opinions when I need it. /p 18

“I believe saying no and doing what you do best is more important than trying to do everything.”

What part has ‘belief’ played in your business journey? I think as a woman, self-belief is absolutely the most important. When I first started, I was so embarrassed that I did ‘cakes’ and not something more grown up or impressive like being a lawyer or a marketing manager, that I very rarely even told anyone! It took a while –and lots of support and encouragement - before I realised that teaching yourself to make cakes, starting it as a business on a whim, and then having it take off and become a successful full-time business at 27 is a huge achievement to be proud of! Now that I know I can do it, I can do anything. What beliefs have served you well recently? My new mantra is “you can’t please everyone”. It’s an old one, but it’s true – as a new business owner, and I think particularly for women – you want everyone to be happy. I took on lots of orders and customers and new things when I was starting out that I should have just said no to. I believe saying no and doing what you do best is more important than trying to do everything. READ THE FULL INTERVIEW ONLINE >>

Becs Lake Baker, painter, and tea drinker Founder & Owner of Stiletto Studio

Helping you create revenue opportunities with effective, affordable, practical marketing that works. Services include: • strategic marketing planning • hands-on help with marketing projects • professional copywriting – smart marketing begins with getting the right message to the right people If you’ve been trying to write this year’s marketing plan but haven’t yet found the time or don’t know where to start, come along to the next Marketing Workshop, happening in Auckland in April. Places are limited – to register your interest or find out more information, please contact us on or 021 555 210

books. Nourishing Nibbles


Natural eating

the natural food journal volume I

insights to nourish your soul written by: Catrina Bengree

Nourish ‘n

Janine Tait 1 & Sheryl Nicholson

NURTURE your body & mind





by Rachael Robertson

by Linda Coles

By Janine Tait & Sheryl Nicholson

By Catrina Bengree

Rachael shares her story of

Ever wondered why some

This elegantly crafted food

Catrina founded her business

seizing a once-in-a life time

business people have all the luck?

journal represents the Bestow

Nourish ‘ N Nurture in November

opportunity to lead an expedition

It’s because they talk to more

philosophy on a plate, reflecting

2009 due to a 20 year struggle

of 17 strangers to Antarctica for


creator Janine Tait’s journey

with weight obsession and yo -

12 months, as one of the youngest

of discovery in skin and inner

yo dieting. After being diagnosed

people to ever lead an expedition

Businesspeople all over the


with depression and bulimia

and one of the first women.

world are looking for new and

Janine shares her knowledge

in 1996, Catrina learnt to eat

alternative ways to market

of dermo-nutrition to create a


Featuring excerpts from

themselves and their businesses.

story of beauty, of nourishing

Rachael’s journal, the book lays

By going back to good old-

the body with simple recipes

Natural eating enables you to

bare the ups and downs and highs

fashioned small talk and saying

to cleanse, detoxify, and heal

develop a healthy relationship

and lows of leading a team in the

hello to strangers, more business

the skin through natural food

with food. It is all about how you

most challenging environment in

opportunities and connections will

combinations that are made even

eat and not what you eat. Based

the world.

arise. Put simply, people like to do

more alluring by the photographic

on four common-sense principles,

business with people they know,

imagery delivered by co-creator,

Natural eating relies solely on

like, and trust

Sheryl Nicholson.

your body’s natural instincts of

Readers will be intrigued by the remote and exotic locations, as

Bestow Within offers recipes

hunger and satisfaction. Once

well as the human aspect of ‘life

In Start with Hello, social media

that transcend diet, and instead

you are listening to your body you

on station’, through months of

and influence expert Linda

honour the largest organ of

begin to eat mindfully, enjoying all

darkness, with no way in and no

Coles, reveals how the most

our body, the skin, with recipes

your favourite foods without guilt

way out. Learn about life in the

successful businesspeople and

ranging from the revitalising,

or overindulging. Eventually you

freezer, the plane crash, how ‘the

leaders share an overlooked

mineral-rich sushi rolls to anti-

will gain peace of mind around

bacon war’ nearly derailed a $20M

and underappreciated talent—

oxidant packed Raw Chocolate

food and weight related issues.

science program and other unique

the ability to engage and

Mousse Torte.


communicate with strangers in

Bestow Within also illustrates

Her latest e-book, “Nourishing

productive, creative ways.

innovative ways to use the

Nibbles – Natural Eating

Bestow Beauty Oil and Detox

insights to nourish your soul”,

Part business lessons, part adventure, Leading on the Edge

Inside you’ll find advice on:

and Beauty powders to further

is a compilation of articles that

is full of important insights

• The practicalities of

nourish the skin with the support

Catrina has written over a 4

and practical tips for women in

networking and how to start a

of these lovingly developed edible

year period. Each story provides




positive guidelines and strategies,

• How to develop a strategy for

empowering you to eat naturally

successfully connecting with

The price is $19.50 and you can

and get off the diet/weightloss


new people

find a stockist here:

treadmill forever.

• How to network online using social networking sites stockists/

Pre-order your copy:

• How to use the art of chat to

or purchase online at:

connect with people and build


NOT for PROFIT feature

Venus member: K-M Adams

Member of Hamilton Cityside Venus Group

Dress for Success Promoting the economic independence of disadvantaged women, is the mission of Dress For Success and they fulfil their mission by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Founded in New York City in 1997, Dress for Success is an international not-for-profit organization offering services designed to help our clients find jobs and remain employed. Each Dress for Success client receives one suit when she has a job interview and can return for a second suit or separates when she finds work.

Venus member: Natalie Smith Member of Rangiora Venus Group

Big Brothers Big Sisters With a proven track record of over 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters is the world’s premier mentoring program. Each year over 280, 000 children around the world are helped to reach their potential through professionally supported oneto-one relationships. And the research shows that our mentoring works- young people with a Big Brother or Big Sister show real differences in their personal and academic lives.

Dress for Success relies on the financial contributions, in-kind donations and volunteer efforts of individuals and companies around the world who are committed to helping women take charge of their lives.

Here in New Zealand more than 700 young people each year have a mentor in one of the 15 Big Brothers Big Sisters programs operating around the country. So, whether you volunteer, donate or participate with Big Brothers Big Sisters, you will change lives. We invite you to be part of something big!

K-M ADAMS Executive Manager


K-M was on radio for many years in Hamilton, doing breakfast shows on More FM, the Breeze and Classic Hits. These days she’s a full time Mum to her 11 year old daughter Scarlett, 2 foster children one aged 4 years old and one aged 15 months, and she juggles two part time jobs - as a wedding and funeral celebrant and MC, as well as Executive Manager for Dress for Success Hamilton. K-M has a passion for the organisation and loves seeing the clients walk out of the showroom looking and feeling amazing!

I’ve always shared a passion and commitment to children and young people that might find themselves on the wrong side of the tracks. That passion has led me to many avenues advocating for children in both the faith and social work sector. My work has carried me overseas as well as here in New Zealand.

I took on the manager role at Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury three years ago and in that time have seen the organisation go from strength to strength. Our match numbers have increased significantly and so has our local profile which has positioned us to provide even more mentors to those children that need it most.

Get exercising to fuel your business growth

Often when you are running a business you put your own health on the back burner. Finding time to exercise is the last thing on your mind when you have bills to pay, clients to see all the while raising a family and managing a household. To run a successful business you must make your health a priority. And the first step on this journey is to add exercise into your daily life. In the back of your mind you know you need to start making time for your health. Although you know you should exercise, it is just something that you don’t get around to. You can’t seem to muster up the energy to go from working on your computer to working out. I’ve shared 9 simple tips to help you add exercise into your life. This will provide you with the energy and strength needed to grow your business. Start simple Commit to a simple routine to get you active. It could be stretching, yoga, a walk around the block or one of our LITE workouts in my online gym. Think of bringing a little activity and movement into each day. Make this a priority meeting with yourself. It is something that has to happen before you sit down to emails in the morning.


Get comfortable workout gear You don’t need to go out and spend loads of money on clothing to work out in, but you do want to be comfortable. Every evening before you go to bed, put that workout gear out. Then it’s super easy to put on first thing in the morning and you are half way there.


Get great music Now that you have got your workout gear on and you are up into your day. Turn up some great music to get you into the mood. Trigger the brain that it’s time to exercise. Then get into it!



Adding exercise into your life can support you in growing your business By Nicola Reilly

Plan an ideal week Plan when you are going to exercise, what you are going to do and what time each day you are going to do it. Then block out that time, make the workout happen at the time you have allocated. No excuses. Knowing that you are just doing 5 minutes means you cannot use no time as an excuse.

4 /p 22

Measure After each workout, write down exactly what you did and how you felt. Take a before photo and waist measurements and use them as a tool to inspire you. There is nothing like facts to keep you on track.


Exercise outside Fresh air and working outside takes all the benefits of exercise to a whole other level. There is nothing better than working out outside. Train with nature and get sunshine on your skin or rain on your back.


Meet a friend for a walk There is nothing like accountability to get you moving your body. Arrange to meet a friend for a walk or a workout. Instead of catching up over coffee for your next RAVE, catch up for a walking RAVE instead.


Stand more Our bodies aren’t designed to sit all day! In fact sitting all day is dangerous for your health. Include more standing in your day and your posture, your back and your energy will thank you for it.



Figure out your why Write down your reasons for wanting to be fitter and healthier. When you are clear about why, you can push through the excuses and mental chatter and just get into it.

Think of exercise as a thing you do each day, like brushing your teeth. It’s what you do to help fuel you as you grow a successful business. Inside my online gym there are workouts as short as 8 minutes that you can do in your living room. For beginners through to advanced plus full access to me as your online personal trainer. All the tools to transform your health from the inside out. Ill see you on the inside!! If you are looking for a place to start, then check out the FREE 7 day kick start. Menus, grocery lists, full video workouts and so much more.

WALKING MEETINGS 3 great reasons to work them into your schedule 1. Make you more productive 2. Help you de-stress 3. Increase energy and focus

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you keep a running account of what’s happening to you, what it means, and what you should do. In other words, your mind is constantly monitoring and interpreting. That’s just how you stay on track. But sometimes the interpretation process goes awry. Some times you put more extreme interpretations on things that happen—and then react with exaggerated feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger.


Mind-sets frame the running account that’s taking place in your head. They guide the whole interpretation process. The fixed mind-set creates an internal monologue that is focused on judging: “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad wife.” “This means my partner is selfish.”

As you hit a setback, the voice might say, “This would have been a snap if you really had talent.” “You see, I told you it was a risk. Now you’ve gone and shown the world how limited you are.” “It’s not too late to back out, make excuses.”

People with a growth mind-set are also constantly monitoring what’s going on, but their internal monologue is not about judging themselves and others in this way. Certainly they’re sensitive to positive and negative information, but they’re attuned to its implications for learning and constructive action: What can I learn from this? How can I improve? How can I help my partner do this better? The opportunity here is to change your internal monologue from a judging one to a growth-oriented one. A change in mind-set enables you to pursue your goals more effectively. HOW CAN YOU CHANGE FROM A FIXED MINDSET TO A GROWTH MINDSET?

As you approach a challenge, that voice might say to you “Are you sure you can do it? Maybe you don’t have the talent.” “What if you fail—you’ll be a failure” “People will laugh at you for thinking you had talent.” “If you don’t try, you can protect yourself.”

As you face criticism, you might hear yourself say, “It’s not my fault. It was something or someone else’s fault.” You might feel yourself getting angry at the person who is giving you feedback. “Who do they think they are? I’ll put them in their place.” The other person might be giving you specific, constructive feedback, but you might be hearing them say “I’m really disappointed in you. I thought you were capable but now I see you’re not.”

STEP 2. RECOGNIZE THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE How you interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is your choice. You can interpret them in a fixed mind-set, as signs that your fixed talents or abilities are lacking. Or you can interpret them in a growth mind-set, as signs that you need to ramp up your strategies and effort, stretch yourself, and expand your abilities. It’s up to you.

As you face challenges, setbacks, and criticism, listen to the fixed mind-set voice and...

Step 3. Talk back to it with a growth mind-set voice AS YOU APPROACH A CHALLENGE: THE FIXED-MINDSET says “Are you sure you can do it? Maybe you don’t have the talent.” THE GROWTH-MINDSET answers, “I’m not sure I can do it now, but I think I can learn to with time and effort.” FIXED MINDSET: “What if you fail—you’ll be a failure” GROWTH MINDSET: “Most successful people had failures along the way.” FIXED MINDSET: “If you don’t try, you can protect yourself and keep your dignity.” GROWTH MINDSET: “If I don’t try, I automatically fail. Where’s the dignity in that?” AS YOU HIT A SETBACK: FIXED MINDSET: “This would have been a snap if you really had talent.” GROWTH MINDSET: “That is so wrong. Basketball wasn’t easy for Michael Jordan and science wasn’t easy for Thomas Edison. They had a passion and put in tons of effort. AS YOU FACE CRITICISM: FIXED MINDSET: “It’s not my fault. It was something or someone else’s fault.” GROWTH MINDSET: “If I don’t take responsibility, I can’t fix it. Let me listen—however painful it is– and learn whatever I can.” Then...

Step 4. Take the growth mind-set action Over time, which voice you heed becomes your choice. Whether you take on the challenge wholeheartedly, learn from your setbacks and try again or hear the criticism and act on it is now in your hands. Practice hearing both voices and practice acting on the growth mind-set. See how you can make it work for you.


Helping clients get right for life

Stef Crowley shares her business story in a Q & A with Venus, and the success factors that have helped her create a thriving healing centre in Mount Maunganui.

Describe your business We are a massage centre with a huge difference. We use the combination of Massage & Acupressure to gain faster, more long-lasting results and greater pain relief. Our approach is to use the best recipe of techniques to achieve fast, longlasting results, actively taking you towards your goal. We are a team of three women who all have different areas of expertise; Jade is our Massage and Clinical Reflexologist who works to manage and even reverse internal imbalances and illnesses, such as IBS, diabetes and depression. Tracy is our deep tissue and sports specialist, working with amateur and professional sports people to maximise their potential. I combine massage and some of the latest energy techniques in the world, to permanently piece by piece pull out negative energy blocks, often creating profound life-shifts.

Why are you in the particular business that you are in? Even as a child I sought to help others. I believe I have found my purpose in this world and can’t imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life.

I live to change people’s lives (as corny as that sounds) and nothing buzzes me more than having a client report back meaningful changes that have occurred for them. It makes my day to know that I have helped someone start living a happy, more care-free life.

Who do you serve best? We serve people who are tending towards the natural and holistic side of life and healing. These people are often looking for an alternative to mainstream treatments and medications. They are people looking for a proven way out of pain. With my energy treatments I’m finding more and more people are coming from what we could consider a mainstream or even corporate background. The ‘not typically hippy’ types looking to find better balance in their lives. Wanting to move away from stress and overwhelm. I believe people in general are not finding resolution to their problems with pills and seek a more natural form of healing.

Could you highlight some of your business growth and successes to date? Taking the step into opening my own clinic. I have worked successfully, by myself, in my own business for 9 1/2 years. I looked inside myself and saw a need to step up into another level of professional authenticity. I needed to offer what I was really passionate. A combination of massage and energy healing.

Being the Massage Therapist for the Bay Of Plenty Steamers rugby team for the last 3 year. Then contracting to The Waikato Chiefs in 2013. Though it’s not my area of direction now, it allowed a great insight into remedial massage and I found new ways of treating injuries. It was also great fun. Factors important to my success include a strong belief that I will never fail. Thanks to many hours of my own personal development, I understand the importance of standing strong in my own authenticity and having clarity for what I stand for - both personally and professionally. I am always, always reading, investigating and searching for new, better and more efficient ways to help and treat people. I continually refine what I do and share important tips and helpful information to clients if I believe it will help them to help themselves. I believe if people have the tools and are empowered to use them, they are more likely to succeed.

What part has Venus played in your business story so far? I found the Papamoa Venus Group a great introduction to the process of networking. Initially it taught me the basic know-how of identifying what you offer and who you serve. It was a huge confidence booster for me and has completely

changed my perception of what networking is. It’s not a room full of scary people who want to unhinge you. It’s a group of friends who you just haven’t met yet. It’s all about building win-win relationships and THAT’S what I love about where business is heading in the 21st century. Building great relationships between businesses and strengthening relationships with our clients is really what it is about now.

What inspired you to get into business? It was a newspaper which happened to fall on the table in front of me which initially led me to train in the Diploma of Therapeutic Massage, pure and simple happen-stance or was it some sort of synchronicity? I’m not sure, but I had returned from 5 years of solo overseas travel and my parents hit me with the hard question of “So, what are you going to do now?” It literally fell down, opened to a page and there was an advertisement for the local Massage and Naturopath College, and that was pretty much that, my passion was born The catalyst for me going into business for myself was largely due to the corporate management structure which wasn’t able to allow the level of client care and time which I see as imperative in my line of business. I saw that some people needed additional help to teach them tools to help them manage their situation. I decided that I was going to give them the tools in my own professional space. It took me a further 2 years to really discover who I was in business and be clear about what made my service unique in the market.

What is one piece of advice you would give to women who are in the first two years of running a business? Get really clear on who you are and what you want for your clients. Dare to be different - if that is what you are. Different from the rest is a great thing and something to celebrate. Right for Life Massage & Energy Centre Suite 2, 52 Girven Road Mt Maunganui, Tauranga Ph. 07-572 0800


How to be more productive and make more money in the time you have available. How do you work for yourself the same way you worked for someone else? I call it ‘employing yourself’ One of the major challenges I see small business owner’s face is the ability to work for themselves as hard as they worked for a boss. When I worked

for someone else, I turned up early, or at least on time, I stayed longer and did WAY more than I was actually paid for! I grew their business with passion, enthusiasm, dedication and commitment.

When I started working for myself over 15 years ago, I realised that without a boss I could do what I liked with each hour of each day. Many people say that is the one attractive thing about working for yourself, however it can also be one of the biggest traps a small business owner will face. How you spend your time each day is vital, you can always get more money but you can’t get more time! Let me share with you some of the tips and strategies I have used to overcome being unproductive and procrastinating.

STRATEGIES TO HELP YOUR PRODUCTIVITY Self-discipline is vital for achieving success, overcoming negative habits, sticking to your decisions and following them through. Here are eight strategies that with self-discipline can help you be more productive and make more money, with your time.


Watch out for obvious and sneaky thieves of time, Emails, friends popping by, shuffling paper, administration, social media, surfing the internet, other peoples ‘emergencies’ etc…


Learn to apply the ‘3D rule’ to everything that pops up and comes your way. Do it, delegate it or delete it.


Use ‘time chunking’ or another similar method to organise your days in advance.


Schedule in YOU time first and build the rest around that – if you don’t care for yourself you will not finish the race.

Prioritise your tasks and DO the things that make you money first every day, sometimes these are things you don’t like to do as much, and often involve marketing/ sales and closing deals.



Emails come LAST in your day, unless you are disciplined do not check your emails when you arrive at your work space or desk!


Clear your inbox – Free yourself up. Unsubscribe to things, and apply the “3D rule” to every email, adopt a ONE TOUCH policy for your emails. Do it, delegate it or delete it!


TURN up for work – On time – focussed and well dressed for the job every day. Household tasks – appointments – coffee groups – shopping – personal phone calls or visits do not happen in work time. Be strong and draw some boundaries. The people that try to steal our time are not going to pay our bills when we don’t make money in our business. Be willing to learn, be flexible, be disciplined so you can look back in 1 year or 5 years’ time and say “I am glad I paid the price of discipline”. To your success, Jen

Jen Tyson, Thrive Consulting Experienced and trusted small business growth specialist.


BECKS ARMSTRONG Clinical Hypnotherapist Shine Hypnosis | Member of Takapuna Venus, North Shore

DENISE SIMONS Personal Development Coach Relate | Member Papamoa Venus, Bay of Plenty

Rebecca is passionate about helping people discover the power of their extraordinary minds to help overcome fears and phobias, discover and remove limiting beliefs, enhance fertility naturally and enjoy a relaxed and gentle childbirth.

Denise takes a holistic approach and believes we, as human beings, are not one dimensional so therefore considers the mind, body and spirit of who a person is when working with her clients.


Have you consciously examined your own beliefs as part of your development as a businesswoman? As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I recognise the benefits of aligning conscious thought and unconscious behaviours with my goals. Beliefs are held at a subconscious level so hypnosis helps me identify and transform beliefs that can limit my success, and gives me the confidence in my ability to make a real difference in my clients’ lives.


Have you consciously examined your own beliefs as part of your development as a businesswoman? Yes indeed, because behaviour is important and my behaviour depends on my beliefs. Everything I do can be traced back to beliefs I hold about myself and / or others.


I practise noticing my thoughts as I believe that you are what you think and what you think is what shows up. Every belief and thought matters because that thought will compel you into action or not.


Do you believe it is valuable for every businesswoman to become aware of her own beliefs and self-talk around her business? Yes. We are what we think so if our thoughts and beliefs are hidden from our view we could be communicating something that we do not wish to. Successful people step forward to create opportunities. What opportunities are you interested in creating?

Do you believe it is valuable for every businesswoman to become aware of her own beliefs and self-talk around her business? Absolutely! We unconsciously act in accordance with what we believe, so our beliefs determine our behaviours and success. If you’re not aware of your beliefs and self-talk, how do you know if they’re supporting, limiting, or selfsabotaging your progress? In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed hold women back in business? A fear of public speaking or presenting to groups is a common belief which often results in missed business opportunities. Undervalued self-worth is also common, by changing these beliefs business women become comfortable charging fees that represent their true value and begin attracting clients willing to pay this. In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed serve women well in business? Self belief! To quote Henry Ford “If you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Imagine what you could achieve when you believe at your deepest levels that you are a capable, confident and successful businesswoman! printed and framed or bound in a fabulous album…it’s just the best feeling.



In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed hold women back in business? I am in overwhelm – help, I can’t do it, my family comes before me, I can’t do what I want until my children grow up and don’t need me, my business doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things.


In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed serve women well in business? I am valued, I am successful, this is for my family, it is important to me to show that I can juggle all that comes my way, I can have it all, I am a role model, I am a great person, mum, partner and business women, I make a difference.


KAREN DEGEN Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner Set Free with EFT | Member of Christchurch Central Venus, Canterbury

CATHERINE NEWTON Business Mentor Catherine Newton International | Member of Ponsonby Venus, Auckland

Karen is a Health, Happiness and Success Coach, EFT Practitioner, Trainer and Speaker who is fascinated by the human mind. She works with clients in New Zealand and internationally in person and via skype.

Catherine works with entrepreneurs who have a burning ambition to move from struggle to significance, using practical strategies combined with universal success principles.

1 Have you consciously examined your own beliefs as part of your development as a businesswoman? My job is to free people from the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are holding them back. For me to be successful in doing that I most certainly have to examine my own! 2 Do you believe it is valuable for every businesswoman to become aware of her own beliefs and self-talk around her business? It’s essential! Unfortunately most limiting beliefs are subconscious so we can’t find them in ourselves. Even if we do, acknowledging them does not necessarily change them. 3

In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed hold women back in business? The belief ‘I’m not good enough’. If you don’t believe for instance that you deserve to be successful, or that it’s safe to be rich, or that you are a good enough person, you will never attract success. Limiting beliefs about money block the path too, e.g. money is hard to come by, or you have to work hard for it. In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed serve women well in business? The people who are most successful believe in themselves. They believe they can do it, will be successful and will make great money. It is not just the absence of negative beliefs, but using the mind to actively think, expect and believe the absolute best. It is having a positive mind-set that sets the successful women apart. This is something that I teach people, because there is quite an art to it. The beliefs you hold when things are going badly are important too. Studies show that when things are going badly successful people believe that it will be a short term thing and everything will soon go back to being great.


Have you consciously examined your own beliefs as part of your development as a businesswoman? I learnt very early on to be successful women entrepreneurs you must have self-belief and a firm belief that you are destined to be great. That you CAN do it!


Do you believe it is valuable for every businesswoman to become aware of her own beliefs and self-talk around her business? The more you know yourself, the more you can believe in yourself and the more you do that; the less you worry what others say about you. Your dream to build your business and help more people is based on a burning desire. The stronger you feel about that the more you will persist in doing whatever it takes, no matter what.


In your role, what kind of beliefs have you noticed serve women well in business? Let me share this answer in a personal story- or an epiphany I had about beliefs….Just a few years ago, my business looked very different. I was struggling to get clients, and I was in fear around money. Finally, I made a decision: to make my business work, no matter what.


That decision brought with it a lot of self-reflection. During one of these times, I found myself thinking about the words “I can’t afford it.” It was an “Oh, sh*t” moment. (There’s no other way to put it.) Here’s what I realized that day. Every time I told myself “I can’t afford it,” what I believed was, “I don’t have the ability to create the money.” I was in fear, not in faith. So, I decided right then and there that I would completely eliminate the words “I can’t afford it” from my vocabulary, for good. Now, with my new belief in myself, I ask a different question. “How can I? Always remember that YOU are a powerful creator! Believe that and anything is possible!

High level accounting services at realistic and competitive prices for the SME market LOOKING TO CHANGE TO A NEW ACCOUNTANT BEFORE END OF FINANCIAL YEAR?

Giles & Liew Partnership was formed in February 1997 between two enterprising women accountants, Annette Giles and Dawn Liew. Determined to get out of the “rat race”, Annette and Dawn initially set up business from their homes. Rapid expansion and Annette’s desire to live on the sandy shores of Waihi, later led to the partners purchasing an 11-acre lifestyle block in Manukau to house the main office, and the opening of a further office at Waihi. The practice was incorporated as a limited liability company in April 2005, to reflect the valuable management contributions by the whole team. Due to rapid expansion, the Auckland office was relocated to a commercial premises in Ryan Place, Manukau City in January 2009 and the Waihi office moved to 34 Rosemont Road in September 2009 to a more accessible site. Each move to absorb the growth of the firm. In April 2011 Giles & Liew opened its doors in Tauranga, starting out with 2 staff in a small residential office, it wasn’t long before the firm was moved to a larger office, employing 5 fulltime staff. The firm specialises in providing sound tax advice to small to medium sized businesses by providing high quality accounting services at realistic and competitive prices. The “Giles & Liew” environment is essentially home based and relaxed, where clients are made to feel part of the family. If by chance the friendly atmosphere doesn’t make you feel right at home, then the office pets will, as they just love to greet the clients and make them feel welcome.

We offer a full range of taxation services. We will work with you to ensure you pay no more tax than legislation requires. We provide a complete service of assistance and advice in each of these areas: • Preparation of annual tax returns • GST/FBT/ACC obligations • Advice on, and implementation of, tax effective business structures. • Managing any IRD audits or disputes • Advice on tax payments and management of arrears Is your business needing financial management help? Every business requires up-to-date, accurate financial information. We can relieve you and your staff of the enormous burden of all your accounting needs, including preparation of your annual accounts and periodic management accounts for tax. Do you have a conflict needing resolution? 80% of disputes are resolved quickly and affordably at mediation. Why litigate when you can mediate. Please phone Annette, an accredited Leadr Mediator, for your no obligation mediation services consultation.

Giles & Liew Tauranga 26 Fourth Avenue, Tauranga Ph: 07-571-1542 | Fax: 07-571-1589 PO Box 15073, Tauranga

Turn your ideas into success Why your business needs a budget by Annette Giles of giles and Liew

Observing, and controlling income and expenditure is key to business success. By budgeting the inputs and outputs of funds provides for planning ahead and allows a good source of control and guidance over your businesses finances. It is not only imperative that you know how to make money, but also that you know how to spend it wisely. Writing a budget is one of the main principals for allowing you to turn your ideas of success into a reality. Budgeting allows you to track business expenses and also sales required to keep your business growth going full steam ahead -- or at least afloat. It also allows for problem areas to be spotted before they snowball, so that a change of course can be implemented. BENEFITS OF DRAWING UP A BUSINESS BUDGET: • • • •

Manage your money effectively Allocate appropriate resources to project areas Monitor performance Meet your objectives

• • • •

improve decision-making Identify problems before they occur Plan for the future increase staff motivation

The information which filters out from your budget lets you adjust your plans or expectations for the future. WHAT IS A BUDGET? A budget is a list of anticipated sales, expenses and capital expenditure which allows an owner to analyse when to spend or when not to. It is especially useful when the business is seasonal and the owner can see trends of when they will have surplus funds and when they (for example) may need funding from a bank or external source. A budget allows an owner to compare expected income and expenditure with actual which help them focus on how the business is performing and is it producing the results as expected. Actual expenditures and revenues each month can be updated into a 12 month budget so that you know you’re on target to meeting your objectives and progressing. You may choose to consult an accountant in preparing a budget, but it is also achievable that you can prepare it yourself. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE A BUDGET? If you don’t have a budget, you may not have a complete understanding into whether your business is successful from year to year, until the accountant produces your end of year statements. Budgets allow for immediate action as they are produced and monitored on a monthly basis. Running a business without a budget is like driving to an address without directions, you hope you’re going the right way, but you don’t actually know.

Introducing The Computer Medic, a team of savvy IT professionals who fix computers and service companies from Auckland to Omaru. Tauranga based, the company started in Taupo relocating to Tauranga, Bay of Plenty in 2012 moving again into a larger premises last Christmas to accommodate the steady growth of the company. Run by husband and wife team, Andrew and Michelle Wood, the team consists of three Microsoft Certified Engineers and the recent addition of an in-house Graphic Designer and two Account Managers. The Computer Medic handles everything computer related from sales, service and repairs on PCs, laptops, phones and tablets with onsite and remote servicing of computers and printers. So what separates The Computer Medic from the rest of the IT Crowd? “It’s all about personal service” says General Manager Michelle Wood, “we pride ourselves on providing a tailor made solution which works for your business”.

24/7 IT support your business can rely on! And The Computer Medic has a lot on offer, from VOIP (internet calls), Virtual Servers, Network & Security setup through to custom built computers and repairs, and with a comprehensive network of business associates on hand the guys can cater to any requirement. A recent business partnership has also enabled The Computer Medic to offer high end printers from Brother at a very competitive cost and they are now Tauranga’s premier Authorised Service Centre for Brother, Epson, Fuji Xerox and Samsung printers.

From left: Andrew Wood, Phil Reed, Michelle Wood, Kurt Duncan and David Bell.

With the in-house Graphic and Web Designer on staff professionally designed brochures, business cards and websites can also be provided. The Computer Medic embraces technology and constantly updates their services, equipment and skill set ensuring you are always at the forefront of what is available on the market. With remote access via the internet, location is not an issue for software upgrades and servicing. Onsite servicing is also provided for the wider Bay of Plenty region and a courier service is available nationwide. With an easy to remember Freecall number, 0800 00 1950, and a recently launched online store at where you can get significantly reduced prices, the team are only a call or mouse click away.

0800 00 1950 35 Chapel Street, Tauranga

You have a choice in every moment It is fantastic feeling good. However, there are times that this isn’t the case. We can’t be happy all the time, it’s the Yin and Yang of life. We do have a choice as to how long we want to stay in our disempowered space. We do have a choice when we move back into our empowered natural state. The following strategies can help you move back to feeling good and back to being in love with your life!


ACKNOWLEDGE HOW YOU’RE FEELING Own and say how stressed, angry, sad etc you feel.


Slow your breathing When we’re stressed our heart rate gets faster and adrenaline pumps throughout our body. This stress puts us into fight or flight mode. By slowing down your breathing you’ll begin to reconnect with what’s real and move out of thinking mode and into feeling mode/heart mode.


Watch your thoughts This is easier when we are in heart mode, which is present moment living.

Tracy has a new eBook out, which is filled with simple yet profound tips and tools that will encourage and inspire you to fall more in love with your life. You can learn more at


Ask yourself what you’re making the situation mean Is it the truth or is your imagination running the show?


Let go of one thing that’s a ‘should’ Remember you don’t have to do everything on your ‘to do’ list. It’s important to check in with what you want to do.


Stop and add a moment of happiness to your life Get outside and go for a walk, or stop and have a cup of tea. You will look at the situation differently when you’ve stepped away for a while.


Look in the mirror and really look at yourself You are doing the best you can right now. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Give yourself the gift of self-love for the EXACT space you are in right now and then gently begin saying more kind words to yourself.


Call a friend Choose this person wisely. Choose someone who will nurture you and help you to see a different perspective, not someone who enables you to stay in the disempowered state. If you do all of these strategies and still feel blue I suggest you start a mantra; “I’m willing to feel better”, or “I’m willing to let go” Being willing to change can make all the difference. Remember the more you resist how you’re feeling, the more it will persist. Acknowledge, love yourself and let go. In every moment you have a choice.

Article by Tracy Manu

CHARGING WHAT YOU NEED TO CHARGE Many business experts talk as if business owners are completely logical when they make business decisions. But we’re not. We justify our decisions with logic, but the truth is our emotions and beliefs impact on every decision we make. From who to work with, to how much to charge. Sometimes the influence of emotions and beliefs is a positive thing. And sometimes our pre-existing beliefs can cause trouble. We are our own harshest critics, and many of us are “people pleasers”. We have an irrational fear that if we charge too much, or refuse to discount, not only will we not get the work, but people won’t LIKE us. Its nice when people like you, but giving away your work at a discount leads to problems. If you’re under earning in your business, then you have to work longer hours. This can destroy your work/life balance, it can lead to resentment, and may eventually kill the passion that led you into business in the first place. How can you have a positive impact on the people around you if you’re burnt out?

Only once you’re clear about what your rate needs to be, can you think about discounting. If you can clearly state your discount policy, then you won’t have to make it up on the run when someone asks you for one. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to discount at all. Be prepared to educate your clients as to why you charge what you do. Maybe you can point to testimonials from previous customers; maybe you specialise in their particular problem; or maybe you work in a way that means there will be less billable hours to them. It’s true that higher prices may mean you don’t get some jobs. That’s OK. You can’t work for everyone, and clients who buy on price are seldom the ones you want to keep. Higher prices may mean you DO get some jobs you would have previously lost out on – pricing is a powerful indicator of quality in many people’s minds. Charging what the numbers say you need to charge can be a scary step. Get support if you need it; from your Venus Group and from your friends and supporters. And I bet you anything they believe you’re worth more.

To begin with, you need to be clear in your own mind about how much you need to charge. You need to figure out the direct costs of sales for each job. There’s your salary. Make sure it fits with industry standards. Don’t just think of direct labour costs here, you need paid sick leave and holidays, possibly even employer Kiwisaver contributions. Add in overheads – all those lovely bills that come in whether you’re earning or not. And finally, allow some money for the business to grow.

By Sarah McMurray /p 36

THE POWER of a PAUSE When it comes to pricing, a pause is a businesswoman’s best friend. Imagine the scenarios below, and see how a pause can help.

SCENARIO 1 The time has come to talk pricing with a potential client. • Calmly state your price and payment terms • Now Pause • Hold the silence. Most likely if you speak now, you’ll offer a discount. • Remind yourself why you have to charge that, and why you’re worth it • Let them state their objection (if any) • Answer the objection • Ask for the sale


• •

Someone directly asks for you to work for free, or at a sizeable discount. If you are someone who might agree in order to be agreeable, and resent it later. Remember to Pause Say, “Let me think about that, and I’ll email you tomorrow” Email them the next day – “I’m not able to do the work for the amount you suggested. But how about….” (Make a suggestion that values your time and expertise)

bringing you the latest in stylish quality partyware for all your events & occasions

Browse & buy online

Michele has been part of the pharmaceutical industry for 10+ years in Europe and NZ, and worked for some of the largest International companies, initially in sales and latterly as a sales and marketing/business manager. She consistently ranked in the top two in all sales awards nationally and internationally throughout her career. Those sales skills, alongside the business acumen, ensure Michele brings a wealth of knowledge, professionalism and attention to detail and outstanding communication to her clients. Michele brings a fresh creative approach to her work with her marketing and event management background, combined with her customer centric focus, to create a service second to none in the industry. She loves working with people to find just the right property for them; whether that be their first home, a retirement spot or an investment property. As a single parent, Michele’s need to be successful for her family inspired her to make the move into real estate. This lifestyle now supports her juggling the many balls she has on the go. She loves the flexibility that comes with managing her own time. Giving something back to the community with her involvement with St John’s as an Ambulance Officer, member of the RT16 Rescue Team, Scouts/Cub Leader and Instructor for Mountain Safety Council are a testament to her integrity, honesty and values based behaviour. Michele loves being able to make a difference in other people’s lives, both within her professional life matching people with their dream properties and in her community. Michele’s advice to women just starting out in business • Stay flexible - if something isn’t working be open to doing things differently • Stamp your personality on your work – don’t be bland • Have a great business plan and a coach who guides, suggests and steers you in the right direction

Michele Rees-Williams 027 322 2243 Hamilton Cityside Venus Group

What we learnt about ourselves as businesswomen in 2013 Members of our Rangiora Venus Group in North Canterbury share what they learnt about themselves in 2013 – taken from their last meeting of the year.

1. I’m a survivor 2. I’m not to put myself as the lowest of priorities anymore 3. Some things are harder than they look 4. I cope with stress better than I thought I would 5. Taking care of myself matters 6. However bad things get, they will get better 7. I’m a planner and an organiser, so when things don’t go to plan I understand that I struggle 8. I can still be organised despite my living conditions 9. Not everyone is as lovely as us Venus ladies and sadly I need to be tougher sometimes than I would want to be 10. I can be tough but still be me 11. Never throw away my fat clothes 12. I’m not good at saying no 13. I’m sensitive, I accept that and I am not putting it to good use 14. I’m going to be okay

To each of you Venus women as we approach 2014 with our strengths and weaknesses, laughter and tears, business highs and lows, above all know you are never alone. There are at least 14 other business women feeling, felt or about to feel, the same. Rangiora Venus Group

3 simple secrets for Stress-Busting by Fi Jamieson-Folland I’d just turned 28 when I first felt the sharp chest pain, radiating down my arm and up my throat. Given my family history of heart disease, extensive tests were organized, however even the angiogram came back clear. Sure, this was a relief, although my doctor’s suggestion that there was simply nothing wrong didn’t sit well with me. After doing some of my own research, I found stress could be a major factor in how I was feeling and I realized that my stress levels with working very long hours, weren’t helping. We all know that a certain amount of stress is just part of life, although things had gone a bit far…. time to take some of my own advice! Through bouts of overwhelm, I figured I needed to begin somewhere and after just a month of taking baby steps towards lowering my stress levels, I got traction. People began noticing the difference and asking me what I was doing, and this was the birth of my 3 best kept secrets. The first step – CHECK IN How are you tracking with your stress levels? Do you feel relaxed even under daily pressures? Or do you often feel like your nerves are on edge? Stress is surprisingly common for many kiwis, and behind many health challenges – from headaches, poor digestion, and loss of sex drive - to fluctuating weight and even autoimmune disorders. Take our 3 minute ‘Am I stressed?’ test to check in with how stressed you are right now.

Rate your stress level with my quiz on the next page...

AM I STRESSED? Put a tick next to any that would describe how you’ve felt over the last month… It’s sometimes a challenge to focus I am irritable or experience mood swings It’s tough to get back into my work on Mondays It’s a challenge to cope with all the things on my plate I lack energy I always feel like I’m on the go – it’s a challenge to relax I’m strung out because of something that happened out of the blue I feel like I need a coffee to pick me up or a glass of wine to relax


I’m short of breath / sometimes notice my breathing is shallow I’m losing my sense of humor How did you go? Add up your total number of ticks. 0-3 LOW STRESS You’re going great! Want to keep things this way? Pick one of the 3 Secrets that jumps out at you, and go for it! 4 – 7 MEDIUM STRESS Time to stop and reassess your lifestyle. Take on two of the Secrets that resonate the most. 8-10 HIGH STRESS Woah! You’re getting some strong hints and good on you for listening! Get cracking with all the 3 Secrets. The 3 Secrets are easy to do… although easy NOT to do!

3 simple secrets for Stress-Busting Y – YOU TIME Even if it’s just 5 minutes of nothing-time initially


Regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress = fatigue, headache, upset stomach, muscle tension, change in sex drive, feeling dizzy


Say stress has a negative impact on their personal and professional life


Regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress


Reported lying awake at night due to stress *Source: American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, NY. Research Date: 7.28.2013

E – EXERCISE Start with a brisk 15 minute walk A – DEEP BREATHES Deep breathing supplies your body with oxygen and helps bring your mind into the present. Perfect to fit into YOU time. Add in one new thing at a time. This is about gradually building healthy habits into your lifestyle. How many times does it take to solidify a new habit? Believe it or not, it’s ninety! So it’s worth pacing yourself, you’ll get there by keeping it simple, and remembering one thing at a time. /p 41

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer and health mentor.

PULLOUT BUSINESS RESOURCE HOW TO GET STARTED ON WRITING YOUR MARKETING PLAN Most owners or managers have a vision for their business and how they want to grow it. But those ideas, dreams and goals remain just that – ideas, dreams and goals – until you take one very important write them down. Writing down what you plan for your business does a few very important things. First, it makes your plans real, tangible, achievable. Second, documenting your ideas in a marketing plan will help you gain

clarity and focus. And most importantly, writing down your ideas turns them from dreams into projects. With the clarity, focus and a project mindset that a marketing plan will help you gain, you’re well on your way to turning those dreams into reality and to propelling your business further. If you haven’t yet put a marketing plan together because you haven’t found the time, or perhaps you simply do not know where to start, the questions below will help you get started.

Tagline or hook


In a few concise sentences, how would you describe your business to strangers or people you meet in networking situations? Who are you, what do you do, what do you offer, who do you serve, who can you help?

Client problems

Why do clients seek out a company like yours? What is the problem that they need solving?

Solutions and outcomes

How can you help clients get rid of that problem that is keeping them up at night? What do they end up with?

Target audience

Think about targeting as prioritising, not limiting. Who do you want to approach first? Who do you want as a client before others? Once you convert them, others will follow. Another way to think of it is to ask, if you have limited marketing funds, where do you want to allocate them first – toward attracting which client segment?

Needs and messaging

What does your target audience need to know before doing business with you?

Where to market

Once you’ve identified your target audience, where can you find them? What do they read or watch? What websites do they use? What news do they follow? What groups do they belong to?

Ideas are just ideas until you write them down. Plans lead to actions, and actions lead to results. © R. Mathewson, Maple Marketing Ltd

PULLOUT BUSINESS RESOURCE MARKETING PLAN TEMPLATE Scheduling in your marketing activity and ideas is a great way to make sure that you’re doing some proactive marketing every month. It will remove any last-minute stress around coming up with ideas for content, will help keep you on track with your marketing expenses, and the consistency of messaging and brand presence that it creates will build up awareness and credibility of your brand in the marketplace. SOCIAL MEDIA

















If you’ve been trying to write this year’s marketing plan but haven’t yet found the time or don’t know where to start, come along to the next Marketing Workshop, happening in Auckland in April. Places are limited – to register your interest or find out more information, please contact or 021 555 210


¾ cup of sundried tomatoes ½ cup of pine nuts 2 garlic cloves, chopped Bunch of herbs ¼ cup of olive oil ¼ cup of Bestow Beauty Oil 1 tablespoon of fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper Gluten free / refined sugar free / dairy free

Place all ingredients except the olive oil into the blender, scraping down sides occasionally, until almost smooth. With motor running, add oil in a steady stream. Blend and serve. Tomatoes are full of beta–carotene, a phytochemical that helps protect your skin against sun damage. The lycopene it contains, while helping protect us from prostate, lung and stomach cancers, also makes skin less likely to get sunburnt. One study showed an average of 40% less redness after being exposed to the sun. Another study of 40–50 year olds showed that those with high skin lycopene levels had smoother skin and less wrinkles!

Recipe from BESTOW WITHIN - a natural food journal /

No time to manage your Social Media?

Job Done (for you)


growth through knowledge… Post


for all your business insurance needs


Write Plan


Connect. Engage. Interact.

+gst per month

“Hayley goes above and beyond to support her clients.” Kevin, Hamilton “When Hayley reviewed my life insurances it was easy and simple!” Melissa, Hamilton

Hayley invites you to call for a coffee and a chat Email: Phone: 07 834 3075 or 027 727 5722 A disclosure statement is available upon request and free of charge | phone 04 297 1040

Responsive Reliable IT

Quality Work, Care for People

For businesses and social-profits whose IT is critical. Serving the Wellington-Manawatu region for over 10 years. Full IT solutions and service. No charge for IT Strategic Review and Recommendations to Venus members. Limited availability. Please call or email now to book.


Chris Henderson Director DDI: 09 307 8507 | M: 021 242 8748

Debbie Albrecht of Colours Plus Personal Image Consultant/Stylist Phone 03 313 5296 or 027 698 3838

NORTH SHORE The Travel Brokers Contact: Carolyn Hedley Phone: 09 416 1799 Mobile: 027 294 7744 carolyn

Carolyn has been in the holiday industry for over 20 years so can use that experience in planning your next holiday so everything runs smoothly. She can organise your family holiday, Coach Tour, Cruise, or your African Safari and put this all together to save you time and money and stress.

Wealth Works Ltd Contact: Kim Gallie Phone: 09 306 5820 Mobile: 021 331 395

Wealth Works Ltd works with you to create wealth and financial security. Our focus is to create a personalised financial strategy plan to: Help you build wealth and manage your assets, Protect your family’s future and the assets you have worked hard to create and Help you achieve your lifestyle goals today, tomorrow and in the future.

SilverStone Jewellery Contact: Lori Trigwell Phone: 09 473 5299 Mobile: 021 184 6467

Easy, secure online shopping for gorgeous handmade silver jewellery that sparkles! We are an Auckland based manufacturing jewellery company that stocks a massive range of sterling silver jewellery plus designs and creates all gold jewellery to order, and makes one off designer sterling silver jewellery.

Edible Blooms 09 4422260 027 2383535

Edible Blooms New Zealand offers a unique twist on flowers and gift hampers. Our range of chocolate flower bouquets, fresh fruit bouquets, cake pop blooms and gourmet gift baskets can be ordered easily online and delivered New Zealand wide.

Milestone Financial Services Contact: Katharina Tetzlaff Phone: 09 950 6810 Mobile: 021 201 4874 katharina.tetzlaff@milestone.

Milestone Financial Services North Ltd is a family owned and operated business giving advice on everything from Investment, Financial and Retirement Planning to Insurance and Mortgages. Kat is a Registered Financial Adviser, specialising in Insurance.

Pain and Health Management

Beyond Health Contact: Jan Stein Phone: 09 414 4960 Mobile: 0274741 932

At Beyond we offer unique forms of treatments and therapies, based on the principles of bio-energetic and informational medicine. In a nutshell “working towards finding the root cause” of why you are not performing at 100%.


Viva Expeditions – South America Travel & Tours Contact: Rachel Williams Phone: 098894214

Viva Expeditions specialize in small group expeditions and tailor made tours for all travellers to South America. Let our team of Latin America travel specialists help plan your trip of a lifetime.


New Zealand Home Loans Contact: Jenny Aitken Mobile: 027 253 6692 Jenny.Aitken@nzhomeloans.

Do you have a mortgage? New Zealand home Loans is a dedicated home loan provider, committed to helping clients become debt free faster. 100% NZ owned and the largest home loan lender outside the four main banks.


Residential & Commercial Lending




NORTH SHORE Beyond Health Contact: Jan Stein Phone: 09 414 4960 Mobile: 0274741 932

Pain and Health Management


Red Beach Early Learning Centre Contact: Cathy Zuill phone 09 4266217

Lindsey Carroll

T: 09 413 6555 M: 021 079 1336 E:

Phone: 09 478 3018 Mobile: 021 152 3116


At Beyond we offer unique forms of treatments and therapies, based on the principles of bio-energetic and informational medicine. In a nutshell “working towards finding the root cause” of why you are not performing at 100%. Red Beach Early Learning Centre is a unique preschool, with an impressive history of consistently providing Excellence in Education and Care, delivered by an experienced, professional teaching team. High quality early childhood education cannot be substituted or sacrificed. It is at the heart and core of everything we do. Outsource jobs to Outbox that you don’t have time for – Website creation and maintenance, MailChimp newsletters, Social Media and more… Can you afford not to call our award winner service?

Experienced, friendly nutritionist specialising in helping women lose weight and keep it off through education and support. No fad diets. Real food, real results. Contact me now!



People Architects Contact: Tracey McDowall 021 043 4829 PeopleArchitectsNewZealand


Maple Marketing P: +64(0)21 555 210 F: +64 (0)9 521 2528 E: renata@maplemarketing. PO Box 25761, St Heliers, Auckland 1740


New Zealand Home Loans Contact: Jenny Aitken Mobile: 027 253 6692 Jenny.Aitken@nzhomeloans.

People Architects are specialists in career coaching and training. We support clients to make fulfilling career decisions, conduct a successful job search and move forward with confidence.

Maple Marketing specialises in helping businesses get the right message to the right people. We help businesses create revenue opportunities with effective, affordable, practical marketing that works.

Do you have a mortgage? New Zealand home Loans is a dedicated home loan provider, committed to helping clients become debt free faster. 100% NZ owned and the largest home loan lender outside the four main banks.


Investment advising

Craigs Investment Partners Contact: Claire Dower Phone: 09 919 7422 Mobile: 021 808 047

Craigs Investment Partners Limited is one of New Zealand’s largest investment advisory and management firms, offering personalised investment solutions to private, corporate and institutional clients.

Office products & supplies

Robyn Skeates Office Interiors Phone: 09 444 9000 Mobile: 021 935 999

We are office furniture, design and fitout specialists, based in Auckland. We take pride in making your office furniture decisions simple and risk-free while still delivering style and exceptional value.

Brookfields Lawyers Contact:: Janice Harland Phone: 09 985 6906 Mobile: 021 772 920

Brookfields Lawyers has a strong history of providing legal services of the highest standard. Our legal and support personnel pride themselves on the quality of those services and the friendly, welcoming way in which we deal with our clients.

Face & Body Contact: Margaret Walsh Phone: 09 817 4807 Mobile: 027 473 5914 faceandbodybeautytherapy

Award winning Face & Body provides quality Beauty Therapy services to Titirangi, servicing a loyal clientele base of 11,000 clients annually. The company is based in a two storey cottage overlooking the bush and harbour and houses three beauty therapy rooms providing bespoke skin and therapy treatments.

restaurants & cafes

Functions and Events Contact: Dominique Lowry Phone: 09 528 6463 www.functionsandevents.

Organising a party, dinner, meeting, Christmas function or team building event? Let Functions & Events do the leg work for you. Complimentary venue search service. 22 venues available.


Making Magic Happen Ltd Contact: Gaelene Adams Wood Phone: 09 817 2936 Mobile: 021 453 886 gaelene@makingmagichappen. com www.makingmagichappen. com

Making Magic Happen works with the Talent Dynamics suite of products to achieve meaningful, measurable, profitable change in business. Talent Dynamics is the #1 Business Development Pathway for accelerating trust and flow.




Commercial Law

love the way you work

CIL Investments contact: TRACY MALCOLM 021494166

Leigh Judd Law Leigh Judd Phone: 09 973 0798 Mobile: 021 116 3455

Leigh Judd is the principal of Leigh Judd Law a boutique law practice that provides expert legal advice in relation to all matters to do with property, commercial and trust law.

BAY OF PLENTY Hands on Osteopathy Contact: Jane Edmondson Phone: 07 213 0806

Osteopathy is a safe, gentle and effective treatment using hands-on techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of health problems, aiming to relieve pain, discomfort and restriction.

ANZ Contact: Lisa Hall Phone: 07 5577175 Mobile: 0274 990451

I am a Home Lending Specialist, for all types of residential property transactions. First Home Buyers, New Purchases, Investment properties, New Home Builds. I am available to come and see you at your home, workplace or wherever suits you.


Jemma’s Homebased Child Care Contact: Jenny Tyrell Phone: 0800-536627 Email:

JeMMa’s is a privately owned homebased childcare service, where childcare is offered in carefully selected Educarers homes. We believe that homebased care is the next best thing to learning at home with parents.


Jarrah Construction Limited Contact: Merle Rankin 07 578-5316 Justin Mobile: 027 275-1646 Facebook page: Jarrah Construction Ltd

As Registered Master Builders and Licensed Building Practitioners, we are your one stop shop for building projects. We do Design and Build, Renovations, Office Fit outs, Commercial projects. No job is too small.


Personal Style Ltd Contact: Margaret Stodart 07 575 7415 021 234 8561

Personal Style workshops are unique to NZ and designed for Kiwi women. Simple, timeless concepts with easy, practical applications all explained in a relaxed way, saving you time and money.

Hands on Osteopathy Colleen Ryan Wellness Solutions Certified Kinesiology and BodyTalk Practitioner Mannatech Executive NZ Director Tutor and Public Speaker 07 823-5054 021 160-3725 therapist/2684

Colleen uses safe and effective natural healthcare treatments and services that targets the cause behind symptoms. Kinesiology uses the art of muscle testing to identify specific needs so you can enjoy more personal bests and better outcomes in all areas of your life. Cost effective and affordable wellness care for living today.





Healthcare for the 21st century

Colleen Ryan Certified Practitioner Kinesiology BodyTalk Real Food Nutrition

You will feel so good you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it! Ph: 07 823 5054 Mb: 021 160 3725

HAWKES BAY Expertease Theatre Ltd Contact: Juliet Cottrell 0274585438

Expertease! is an entertainment service for conferences and events. We provide customised characters for comedy sketches at conference dinners, awards nights and other celebrations. We also provide roving characters for street theatre entertainment.

Interior design

Smoke N Mirrors Contact: Jodie Robertson 027-2729688 06-8700288

Jodie has a great sense of style and meticulous attention for detail and a natural flair which can transform any room. 10 years experience in Melbourne real estate, photography and design. Design menu for you to choose from which I will assist you in making the right choice for your next project.

Beauty Therapy

Simply Indulgent Contact: Fiona Ritchie 06 211 3952

Simply Indulgent provides skin treatments for women who want results. We take the time to understand your health, lifestyle and skin concerns. pigmentation, lines and wrinkles, sensitivity, or acne and design skincare programme just for you.


NOW Contact: Pip Thompson 0800 GET NOW ( 438 669)

NOW is a service led, fair and transparent telecommunications company offering broadband and calling services to businesses and consumers in Hawkes Bay and Rotorua.

Financial advice

anita_aitken-taylor@ Office phone 06 8771952, or mobile 021 849 097

Camelot’s objective is to assist you identify and achieve realistic goals, and become your Financial Partners for Life. We enable you to reap the rewards, and enjoy your life more.

performance coaching

linda4performance@gmail. com 0210 228 6459 PerformanceCoachingNZ

Hi I’m Linda and I’m passionate about helping women like you create the life you REALLY want. Do you want more time with your kids, do more of the things you love, make more money in your business or become more effective at work and at home? I provide the skills, structure and support so you can be empowered to be all you are meant to be in business and in life. Please call me 0210 228 6459 I would love to help.

holistic therapy

maintaininyourhealth@ Phone 027 284 3781 or (06) 845 2179 www.naturaltherapypages.

Holistic natural therapy Clinic offering: Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Iridology, Nutrition, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, Hormonal (Endocrine) balancing, Ear Candle Therapy, Flower Essences, Chakra (Energy) balancing. Testing of Blood Pressure, Blood Sugars, and Digestive Imbalances. Phone: 06 834 0771

At Black & White Accounting our goal is to provide our clients with complete certainty in all aspects of their accounting needs, complete certainty of fees and complete certainty of delivery timeframes.

Corporate Event Management

accounting services



Aqua Filter Products Contact: Lisa Moger Phone: 0800 426 426 Mobile: 021 100 3243 www.aquafilterproducts.

Bringing the World’s Leading Water Purification Products to New Zealand. We sell an extensive range of water filters, water coolers, shower filters, UV Filter Systems and water treatment systems to the domestic, rural and commercial markets.


Central Media Graphic Design Contact: Lynn Peck 04 499 0030

Lynn Peck, Central Media Design, will write, edit, design and print manage your publications. Lynn has worked across many sectors – small and medium businesses, global companies, education, government, charitable trusts, law. 15+ years experience.

Catherine Fleming Accredited Bowen Therapist 04 2933069 0273484792

I am an accredited Bowen Practitioner with Bowtech. The Bowen Technique is a gentle effective healing modality that is suitable for everyone from new born babies to the frail or elderly. It addresses all levels of the body musculoskeletal framework, fascia, nerves and internal organs.

GTB IT Solutions Ltd Sarah McMurray 04 297 1040

IT to empower your business! We design and deliver reliable IT to kiwi enterprises and organisations, to give you a competitive edge, with your budget in mind and backed by responsive service.

Ragini Rags 2 Fitness Contact: Ragini Vandrey Mobile: 021 251 4193

Rags 2 Fitness Mobile Personal Training

JAG Legal Contact: Nicola Jones Phone: 04 939 2366 Lower Hutt Office Phone: 04 297 2361 Kapiti Office

Merv Gaskin and Nicola Jones are thrilled that their practice has expanded and they are now here to help you with all your legal issues. If you need assistance with any legal issue please call.

Cupcake Sweeties Contact: Christina Hall Phone: 04 577 2962 Email: christina@

Cupcake Sweeties are an online and retail business based in Lower Hutt, Wellington. We specialise in delivering gorgeous boxes of custom cupcakes and have a huge range of specialist cake decorating supplies and hold classes.

Bowen Practitioner






Helping you look and feel fit and healthy all year round in the privacy of your own home. No contracts or membership fees. 30 or 60 minute training sessions.




Gibson Sheat Lawyers Paula Campbell ddi: +64 4 916 6454 paula.campbell@gibsonsheat. com

Buying or selling property can be stressful! I make it as easy as possible. With communication via email and text message my clients are always up-to-date regarding their property transaction. For professional, efficient conveyancing services contact

Adaptive Technology Solutions Genevieve McLachlan 04 528 7600 or 021 224 2875

Leading Communication Experts. Discover a whole new world of communication. have more confidence and be comfortable using your computer, lap top, tablet or smart phone. Trusted and experienced we provide a wide range of flexible technology solutions including assessment, products, personal technology shopper service and training.

Defined Contact: Carlene Dredge Phone: +64 4 9748640 Mobile: +64 21 877666

Business coaching to empower small businesses to reach the next level, increase profits, create high performing teams and have more time.

NZ Travel Brokers Contact: Zaheda Davies Phone: 04 976 7865 Mobile: 021 733 659

Zaheda has been in the Travel industry for over 25 years having worked in India, Russia and NZ. She has specialised in Corporate travel in the last 10 years with a boutique agency and is now a Travel Broker committed to providing personalised service - for pleasure or business travel.

kd one, skincare & cosmetics Contact: Kareen Holland Phone: (04) 473 1239 Mobile: 021 0697940

kd one has created a range of instinctively natural skincare and cosmetics which are perfect for people who are concerned about parabens, petrochemicals and synthetic ingredients, ingredient/product traceability and the effect of products on your health and the environment.





kd one

SKINCARE & COSMETICS by Kareen D Holland Kareen D Holland 021 069 7940 NATURAL INGREDIENTS – NO CHEMICALS Created by Kareen D Holland Professional make-up kd one store artist Entrance foyer, Morrison Kent House 105 The Terrace, Wellington 6011

CHIROPRACTIC Free eyelash tint and brow shape with any product purchased

Kareen D Holland 021 069 7940 kd one store Entrance foyer, Morrison Kent House 105 The Terrace, Wellington 6011

Cheyne & Sissons Chiropractic Contact: Shelley Cheyne Business Phone: 04 2377711 Email:

Chiropractic therapy is especially useful in treating back pain, migraines, headaches generally, neck pain and peripheral joint pain.





Mary Kay Consultant Contact: Linda Fraser Phone: (03) 337 0698 Mobile: 027 414 7580 BeautyDirect

On-line shopping in your own time 24/7 and in your own way! Enter consultant number 006057nz at check out. Free Freight on orders over $180. $3.99 Freight on orders under $180. www. When you like my page, be sure to check the “Add to interest list” option if you want to receive all my updates.

Williams McKenzie Contact: Tania McKenzie Phone: (03) 311 8142

Good advice from good people. The team at Williams McKenzie know all about delivering sensible and costeffective solutions to their clients. Its 2 partners and 2 solicitors’ have a thorough understanding across a wide range of legal areas which means clients not only enjoy sound advice, but the benefits of a local and well-connected staff. receive all my updates.

An Extra Pair of Hands Contact: Jane Richardson Phone: 0800535355 extn 3 Mobile: 021357523

A One stop shop for Home Services including regular home cleaning, spring cleaning, Ironing, Oven cleaning, regular garden maintenance, Seasonal tasks.


Join a Venus Networking group and you can: Enjoy the support and friendship from likeminded businesswomen Receive referrals for new business

JOIN REFER THRIVE HOW DOES IT WORK? Groups of up to 22 businesswomen meet for a 1 hour facilitated meeting each fortnight. Starting at 9 or 9.30am our meetings give you the opportunity to present a 1 minute promo spot about your business and share referrals and wins with the group. WHAT IS THE COMMITMENT ? Attend every fortnightly meeting Organise at least one business meeting with another member each fortnight Actively look for opportunities to refer your members

Increase your confidence in networking and selling yourself Learn smart marketing strategies and define your marketing message

clean, green thinking Make your mark without leaving one. Kale Print use vegetable based inks which substitutes for the harsh solvents used in the printing process. Vegetable based inks are renewable and clean. When printed on our certified sustainable paper it is the best option for eco-sensitive design and printing. Kale Print is currently working towards accreditation of the Enviromark label which is a certification of responsible environmental practises. This covers such processes as recycling, power efficient operations and safe working practises.


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T. C E L E B


for a magazine women New Zealand in business

Follow your dreams


The true

joy in e lif

Sarah Laurie in the

happiness business

ISSUE SIX December 2013


winter issue

The true

joy in



Spring clean your body


ISSUE FIVE September 2013



T. C E L E B


a magazine for New Zealand women in business

Sarah Laurie in the

happiness business

3,000 printed copies of Venus Magazine are distributed throughout New Zealand, our digital version is sent to over 3,500 professional women and we now have 10,000+ unique website visitors a month they can read our magazine free online.

enquiries: At Project Market we think being true to yourself and your ideas is what makes a brand sparkle, whizz and pop. Today you are YOU, that is TRUER than true. There is NO ONE alive who is YOUER than YOU! - Dr Seuss -

Photo: Helen Chapman Photography

Once we discover the “who about you� we can successfully build a brand and develop marketing communications that will be loud and proud.

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Visit and download our exciting new brand strategy worksheets so we can show the world who you really are! x Cherie & Maya Marketing | Communications | Graphic Design Cherie 027 733 3915 & Maya 022 096 5401 Follow us on Facebook or check us out online:


7/02/14 11:04 AM




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