2 minute read
Das nächste bm Heft erscheint im März 2021: Der Frühling ist die Zeit der Erneuerung. Der Zauber der Natur zur mediterran langen Blütezeit bringt neues Leben in die Ortschaften und Städte Südtirols. Freuen Sie sich auf die Frühlings-Highlights 2021 im Raum Bozen. Es erwarten Sie anregende Geschichten zu den Themenbereichen Natur, Kultur und Önogastronomie.
Il prossimo numero della rivista bm è in uscita a marzo,
mese di rinascita. Bolzano e l´Alto Adige si vestono di magici colori e di nuovi profumi. La prossima edizione vi aspetta con tante storie allegre e colorate e altrettante curiosità di cultura, natura ed gastronomia.
Don’t miss the spring issue of bm-Bolzano Bozen ma
gazine. Within its pages, you’ll find the best local stories and people, together with what’s on and tips for our superb local wine and gastronomy. Available for March
QUIZ: Solution from page 9
c) Leopoldine Hofmann was a successful opera singer from petty bourgeois circumstances before she met the Habsburg Archduke Heinrich. She gave up her career in Austria and chose Heinrich, son of the Austrian viceroy in Italy and the sister of King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia. Their love has gone down in history because of the differences of status and the obstacles that were put in the way of their marriage: The two fled to Bolzano and married secretly in 1868. For a while the archduke lost the privileges of the court, later the couple was rehabilitated and lived in Bolzano for two decades. Both died of pneumonia in
Vienna in 1891. They were buried side by side in the crypt of Bolzano Cathedral.
bm Bolzano Bozen Magazine
Registrazione al Tribunale di Bolzano Registereintragung Landesgericht Bozen Nr. 11/99 - 19.7.1999 Tiratura/Auflage: 7.000 Online-Magazine: www.bolzano-bozen.it Facebook: @visitbolzanobozen Instagram: @bolzanobozen
Azienda di Soggiorno Bolzano Verkehrsamt Bozen Tourist Office Bolzano via Alto Adige 60 – 39100 Bolzano Südtiroler Straße 60 – 39100 Bozen Tel. +39 0471 307000 info@bolzano-bozen.it www.bolzano-bozen.it
Managing Editor
Paolo Pavan
Anita Rossi
Editorial staff
Alessandra Albertoni (aa), Anita Rossi (ar), Roberta Agosti, Barbara Ghirotto, Lorena Palanga, Martina Spinell, Monika Mayr, Doris Wieser
Layout & art design
ma.ma promotion Marion Maier, Valentina Cincelli
Manuela Tessaro
Peter Brannick (pb)
Fotolito Varesco Ora /Auer BZ
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Copertina/Titelseite/Cover: © Alex Filz 1.©Azienda di Soggiorno Bolzano; 2.©Alex Filz; 2a.©Alex Filz/IDM; 3.©@Casa Editrice Grazanti; 4.©PHOTO CANIO ROMANIELLO / OLYCOM 5.©Luca Guadagnini/lineematiche; 6.©Marion Lafogler; 6a.©IDM Alto Adige/Marion Lafogler; 7.©Helmuth Rier; 8.©Othmar Seehauser; 9.©Manuela Tessaro; 10.©HannesKröss HK Media; 11.©Fc Südtirol-Bordoni 12.©IDM Alto Adige/trickytine; 13.©TV Ritten/Klaus Demar 14.©Franziskaner Bäckerei; 15.©IDM Alto Adige/Frieder Blickle 16.©TV Ritten/Klaus Demar; 16a.©TV Ritten/Marco Corriero 18.©Textilfestival; 17.©Michael Guggenberg 19.©Wolfgang Thaler; 20.©Gene Glover 21.©Luca Guadagnini, Tiberio Sorvillo, lineematiche 22.©HannesKröss-HK Media; 23.©TV Ritten/Doris Obkircher 24.©TV Ritten/Sophie Pichler; 25.©TV Jenesien/ Michael Guggenberg 26.©TV Jenesien; 27.©Paolo Savio; 28.©Arena Ritten/Foto wisthaler.com 29.©Arena Ritten/ThomasProfunser; 30.©Armin Huber 31.©TV-St. Pauls/Eppan; 32.© Den Roten Hahn/Frieder Blickle 33.©miguel-a-amutio/unsplash
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