Anticipating the worst and making today as bad as tomorrow might be. A very simple guide. A meditation in words and photos By Todd Vogel
Tomorrow will come soon enough, keep in mind though every day is today. None of this is new. Much you already know.
Three things to look at:
Worry does not work.
Focus on the positive.
The world does not have to be such a bad place.
This book has lots of pictures. They are alternate possibilities for tomorrow.
Worry does not work I If worry worked there would be late night info-mercials selling you accessories and implements to help you worry better.
Worry does not work II If worry worked you would be able to buy a watch which reminded you when to worry.
Worry does not work III If worry worked you would not have to worry because it would have solved all the problems.
Focus on the positive I Instead, reverse your course. Spend your time anticipating good.
Focus on the Positive II Take an action which may bear positive results. Smile.
Focus on the positive III Being optimistic works. Studies by many crackpots have shown this to be true. What if they happen to be right? (note: the list of great crackpots includes Galileo) Positive attracts positive, so does negative, but we’re not going there any more are we?
Take a deep breath. Remember, this is today. Turn the page.
Finding a wonderful place I Some of it is how you look at things. If you spend your days looking at the ground sooner or later you will find dog feces and mud. (Just as you thought you would.) If you spend your days looking at the sky you will see birds and trees, light and stars.
Finding a wonderful place II It is also depends what you focus on, looking down you can see flowers, and moss, and puppies. And wonderful critters who live in the mud.
Finding a wonderful place III Most of all it is your attitude which makes all the difference. If you need be shown this give a two year old child a bucket of mud - then stand back. What does this child know that you have forgotten? Every day is today. Every moment is now.
Photos and text by Todd Vogel Copyright 2009 all rights reserved other titles, videos, copies of these photos and contact information available at
Now, was that so hard?
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