The Royal Exchange, May 2015

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The Royal Exchange

Newsletter Date

Rosary High School

Final Exams

With the start of summer coming sooner than any of us could have

Newspaper Special points ofStaff: interest: Editor-in-chief– Caroline Mejia Co-EditorHeather Hawkins Faculty EditorMrs.Shay Contributors: Sarah Foley Heather Hawkins Kourtney Lipps Caroline Mejia Rosie RHS Senior Class 

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

by Madison Luce

expected, we seem to forget that finals are also around the corner. Although many of us are fans of cramming for that particular test the night before, this has been proven to be ineffective; so just in case any of you are wondering here are some great study tips: 

Create a schedule for the remaining days in the semester and break up each subject into smaller periods of studying

Review your notes daily; also review previous tests or study guides

Create your own study guide based on of your teacher's lectures on what will be on the final exam

Look online for study aids related to things you think you need extra practice on

Take short breaks between each study interval; also, during these intervals get some physical activity to relax the mind

Most importantly, do not wait until the night before Additionally, remember to eat a nutritious and protein packed break-

Inside this issue:

fast. The night before get to bed at a reasonable hour to get an adequate amount of rest. Although finals are extremely important, remember that

Spotlight Saint


Ask Rosie


Senior Quotes


It’s Finally Summer


Poetry Corner


some things are more important. If you are feeling rather stressed and need a break, don't feel bad about taking one! At the same time, remember that

Answer Key to Sudoku 10

fatigue and discomfort are temporary, while GPA and final scores are forever. Good luck and do great!

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Spotlight Saint

The Royal Exchange

by Sarah Foley

Many Catholics can be found wearing their brown scapular every day. But where does this tradition come from? What are the origins of the brown scapular? The scapular was presented to St. Simon Stock in the year 1251. Although not much information is known about St. Simon Stock's life story, he remains a vital saint for Catholics for passing on the Virgin Mary's message and for being so influential in the Catholic Church. There is a legend that the name Stock, which means “tree trunk,” comes from the story that as a child, St. Simon Stock

lived in the hollow trunk of an old oak tree. In actuality, there is very little known about most of his childhood. It is known, however, that numerous Carmelite Communities throughout Europe were founded by St. Simon Stock. He personally belonged to the Carmelite Order in London, where he was elected Superior-General in 1254. On July 16, 1251, Simon Stock had a famous apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was then that she presented him with the brown scapular, saying, “Receive, my beloved son, this scapular of thy Order; it is the special sign of my favor,

which I have obtained for thee and for thy children of Mount Carmel. He who dies clothed with this habit shall be preserved from eternal fire. It is the badge of salvation, a shield in time of danger, and a pledge of special peace and protection.” To this day, countless Catholics wear the brown scapular daily, remembering this day over 750 years ago when the Blessed Virgin Mary bestowed this gift upon St. Simon Stock, who remains a very great and influential saint in the Catholic Church.

Ask Rosie Dear Rosie, It seems like finals are coming closer by the minute, and I'm starting to stress out. The tests of my worst classes are on the first day, and even after reviewing in class, I still have trouble understanding what will be on the test. Plus, I always get distracted while studying at home. Do you have any tips for what I should do? Sincerely, Stressed for Tests Dear Stressed for Tests, I have to agree with you when you say how scary finals can be. However, I have a few ideas that can help you get through the hours of studying. First, you should find a quiet place that you can study at and not get distracted easily. Also get plenty of sleep, as well as having a good breakfast before you go off to school in the morning to take the final. One way to study is to use your iPad. There are a lot of great apps that are made just for studying. To name a few, there is Quizlet, Studyblue, and Flashcards by NKO. If there's something you don't understand in class, you should ask your teachers for help. If you don't have time during the day, try going before or after school. If the teacher is not there or you still don't have time, try sending them an e-mail that explains what you need help with. I hope these tips help and best of luck with finals. Yours truly, Rosie

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Senior Quotes Bernadette Augustyn


Sophia Barrett


Priscilla Betzelos

Put some windex on it. - “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”

Jill Bottarini

Today is my new favorite day. - Winnie the Pooh

Melissa Bronski

I am a triangle △

Katie Bruckner

Work hard, play hard, and be nice. - Harry Styles

Martha Buchert

Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

Victoria Butler

We do not remember days; we remember moments. -Cesare Pavese

Katherine Canfield

If somebody ever asks you to do something, do it really bad so you never have to do it again. -Paris Hilton

Cristina Carbonara

No. - Rosa Parks

Alexandra Carter

She needed a hero, so that’s what she became.

Megan Conlin

Until God opens the next door for you, praise him in the hallway.

Cara Cox

Whatever. -Hot Chelle Rae

Mary Dant

She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. -Proverbs 31:25

Isabella DavisonArancio

I digress. -Mr. I

Kellie Deane

Opaque. -Mary McSharry

Megan Deller

Who made the quizlet?

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The Royal Exchange

Madeline Deufel

Running through the 6 with my ROWS!

Colleen Dorfler

I like the mountains. There aren’t bugs in the mountains.

Cassie Duck

It’s going to begin… wait for it… clary! -Barney Stinston

Magdalene Eallonardo

And I was like… what! -Mr. Iwanski

Elizabeth Faunce

I don’t capitals, except Illinois’. It’s Chicago. -Cassie Duck

Mariella Fazio

I am Beyoncé, always. -Michael Scott

Isabella Figueras


Melody FisherLewek

Romans 12:2

Kayla Gomez

You got any snacks?

Elizabeth Hall

Can someone drive me to the train station?

Brittany Hamling

You like every boy! What’s wrong with that? - “It’s a Wonderful Life”

Jacqueline Hansen

Lebron James -Everyone

Erin Hart

We don’t remember the days; we remember the moments.

Heather Hawkins

I can’t see! I’m blind! - Erin Hawkins

Catherine Hayes

(About senior year) How would you like to be driving a car you knew was going to break down? -Steven Y. Thurlow

Audrey Henrichs

Can I be excused for the rest of my life? -Spongebob Squarepants

Katie Higgins

Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you can’t get a rainbow without a little rain.

Emma Hillary

Hobbies: magnets -Charlie Kelley

Peyton Hyatt

GOT EEMM!! -Everyone

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Katelyn Jassoy

You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who you hurts you. -John Greene

Lizzie Kaczorowski

What a goob.

Quincy Kellett

Shoutout to Rosary 4s

Lizzie Kelley

Not today

Cecelia Kinane

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. -1 Peter 4:8

Claire Knoebel

It’s relaxed. -Katie McNally

Abigail Koch

Kindness, respect, and love are gifts to be shared freely with family, friends, and even strangers. -BMK

Grace Konovodoff

Why does my body feel different from yours?

Holly Kuhn

Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day. -Winnie the Pooh

Michelle Lasota

How long until lunch?

Sarah Lawinger

Winning is every girl’s dream, but it’s my destiny. -Leslie Knope (“Parks and Recreation”)

Kathryn Leonardi

You are enough.

Melissa Marovich

It happens.

Emily Martin

Wait, is that seriously due today?

Brittany McCullough

What is I fail? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly? -Erin Hanson

Madison McDonald

Do whatever you have to do to be happy? It’s a good thing to be strange. Normalness leads to sadness. -Dan Howell and Phil Lester

Claire McGuire

I’m just here so I don’t get fired. -Marshawn Lynch

Katie McNally

It’s roasting.

Mary McSharry

Mary, do you have gum? -Everyone

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Newsletter Title

Caroline Mejia

Not bad. -Levi Ackerman

Alyssa Mertka

Friends, applaud, the comedy is over. -alleged last words of Ludwig Von Beethoven

Grace Mladenik


Marissa Morton


Mikaela Morton

What you wear always matters. You should dress every moment like it could be your last. -Michelle Jauffe

Natalie Muellner

BURN. -Michael Kelso

Rachel Neff

That’s not how it is in the real world. -Shreyas Bhat

Sarah Neidermann

Are we working hard or hardly working? -Mrs. Ahasic

Clarice Nelson

Time for the charm bomb to explode. -Tina Belcher

Morgan Nickels

Dom: It smells like apples in here! Mr. I: I think it’s all the iPads.

McKenna Novack

When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story. -Barney Stinson (HIMYM)

Jennifer Orta

Glitter is a color, and it’s my favorite.

Katie Paradis

Be without limits.

Andrea Perez

Rap game stick two pieces of candy corn on your side teeth to make it look like fangs then go in the mirror and say twilight. -Riffraff

Kristyna Perillo

By the president, do you mean Barrack Obama? -Bernie Augustine

Victoria Pho

Such is life. -18th century proverb

Michaela Ping

Never look back darling! It distracts from the now. -Edna Mode (“The Incredibles”)

Suzanne Quinn

You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are. Sierra Boggess

Jannessa RamosGalvez

How many days left? -Senior class ‘15

Volume 1, Issue 1

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Jill Reale

I got a fun-cussion! -Pesto twins

Mallory Rettenmeier

Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things. -Unknown

Mallory Rhamy

I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite. -Buddy the Elf

Elaina Ricci

Oh no.

Magaly Rodriguez

I live the life I deserve, blessed. -Big Sean

Madeline Saloga

The jello has set, the sun has risen, today’s the day, we get outta prison!

Melinda Schreiber

If you wear it with confidence, it will become a trend. -Patty

Claire Schwartz

Carpe diem: Seize the day. -”Dead Poet’s Society”

Savannah Semmler

Don’t believe me just watch. -Trinidad James

Julia Shares

This is that full out souped up automatic just can’t quite let the base hit right on time.

Dariana Slater

All the beauty in the world was made within the oppressive limitations of time, and death, and impermanence. -Cecil Palmer

Tori Sperber

Ride or die. -Dom Torretto

Jenna Streich

Know yourself.

Genevieve Talbot

You’re never even going to need to know this stuff in your life. -Mr. I

Madison Taylor

There is a stage five-blood moon.

Alexis Thomas

this is weird, even for us. -Madison McDonald

Isabel Trujillo

‘Jesus loves me’ is not the answer. -Mr. I

Nina Valaitis

Hip hip.

Haley VanDyke

Dance as though no one is watching. Sing as though no one can hear you. laugh as though heaven is on earth. -Unknown

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The Royal Exchange

Danyal VanGundy

(the emoji with the hand waving + graduation cap)

Domenique Voelsch

I feel like I’m too busy writing history to read it. -Kanye West

Joanna Wedge

I am who I am, and I can’t change. -Harry Styles

Adrienne Winkel

Ask me if I’m an orange. -Sr. Bernie

Maria Witte

Hey Elaina, what are we doing in English today? Skits

Elizabeth Yeske

I could write a diet book in two seconds. See that whole in the middle of your face? Don’t put anything in it. -Mr. Iwanski

Isabelle Ylo

It’s over. It’s done. -Frodo Baggins

Elayne Young

Elayne is too big to come with us on vacation -Mr. McGuire

It’s Finally Summer

by Kourtney Lipps

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Poetry Corner

by Heather Hawkins

Canto I: Mourning O, cruel world! What now is there? For is it not by doing that history is done? And that by this debate ironically coincidentally Con has already been refuted? History is valuable what doubt would there be? For, before thine eyes, it is already unfolding. Bushy-tailed and bright-eyed before them are we, intelligent and understanding and curious. Our mind is not an empty vacuum but filled with rose coloring and bowed promises, yes? Yes, I think. Yes, I do. I say yes. And yet echoes is no. No? Know, we cannot, at least not now, no?

Canto II: Condición Humana Ah, but behold, history has been made whether we want it to or not but want it we did and we do and we will. And upon this path we have forged we tread, all the while thinking in our heads, “Embed, we will, a new path and leave a trail.” But even as our heads, with their bowed colors and rose promises, continue to tread on ahead and walk upon this well-worn path, we are caught. Caught in the thread of the human condition. Listen to a thousand voices rising together, chiming together, beating the ground together with their fast-moving, snail-paced feet. Listen to their plea, they just want one thing: to be free. See, people are funny beings. For the answer they seek lies before them. History is one means, but do we not already employ every means in order to make ends meet? Can we not deem for ourselves the importance of the supreme, of being , of seeing?

Yes, I think. Yes, I do. I say yes. For it is within our chains and lock that key is found. No longer bound are we, but rather we are free, whole, happy.

Answer Key to Last Month’s Sudoku 2

















































































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