To say I was out of my league would be an understatement. There were four of us in the van: two senior leaders from two different organizations, a videographer, and me. Most of the week I knew my role: pick up the pieces and clean up behind the organizational leader I was assisting. I asked the questions he couldn’t, kept time and meeting notes, and ran all of the miscellaneous errands. I worked well alongside the leader I was traveling with; our giftings complemented each other. I could anticipate his needs, and he was aware of my comfort level. That morning during the outreach training, he leaned over and whispered to me, “You’re going to hate this but we’re going to split up.” “I do hate that. But I get it,” I whispered back. Panic was starting to boil in my spirit.
“I want to see as much as we can, so we’ll have to split up,” he said. I got it. I completely understood. But it didn’t sit well with my spirit. It wasn’t that I had separation anxiety losing my security blanket and safety covering. It was bigger than that. It felt like direct opposition to what God had told me months earlier—before this trip was even on the horizon. The Lord had told me this leader and I would do outreach together that summer, an especially unique word because we lived in different states on opposite sides of the country. So, I began to devise a plan where we could “accidentally” end up in the same group of four. None of my plans were feasible. God was going to have to fix this. Continued on pg. 12