Divine Purpose Magazine - 4th Quarter 2020 Issue No.8

Page 19





by Simone Stewart

It was March 2018 when I saw the WhatsApp message from my doctor’s office assistant which said, “Your test results are back and the doctor wants you to come into the office today.” I was sitting before the doctor. She was normal in her approach and told me that the results were good but one of the cancer screens was higher than normal. She asked a few questions and then proceeded to tell me that she will conduct an ultrasound. She indicated that repeat blood works would be done in three months and depending on what ultrasound showed there may be need for surgery. I got home and had a conversation with my husband, but it wasn’t until I spoke with my best friend, Arlene, that I recognized the magnitude of the problem. I asked, “There are cancer cells or tumors present, could this be real?” So the surgery date was set for April 13th 2018 at 7:00 a.m. But on April 8th I was invited to the altar at the church to pray. As I prayed, the anointing was so rich. I remember seeing a ball of fire rolling up the aisle towards the altar and as it approached, it hit me. I heard God speak so loudly as His anointing overflowed me. He said, "“Do not doubt God.” “Do you think I would have brought you this far to leave you?”

On April 12th, 2018, I was admitted to the Andrews Hospital and God’s Word reminded me that night that: He didn’t bring me this far to leave me and it is well. He didn’t create me to worry; He didn’t create me to fear. I must surrender all to Him withholding nothing. He is my strength; a strength like no other that reaches to me. I rested on the confidence of 1 John 5: 14–15: “This is the confidence we have in God, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us and if we know that he heareth us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him.” The surgery happened as scheduled with both doctors conducting the process—doctors who gratefully were both Christians. It was even told that while being operated on, there was abnormal bleeding and the doctor did the best she could, which was to plead the blood of Jesus. In the end, a hysterectomy was conducted because a dermoid cyst had taken over the one ovary I had left. To God be the glory, I can report that the results came back; CANCER FREE!


In that very service, we had a visiting pastor’s wife who went up to share her experience that culminated in two words: WRONG BODY! God told me, “I need the real you, just bare it all.” At that moment, I dared to believe God for great things.

Simone Stewart is the author of Uniquely ME, the Memoir and motivations of one woman, who dares to balance many hats. She also is the visionary behind her woman’s television talk show entitled Uniquely Me with Simone Stewart and the resident devotional blogger over at God's Daily Portion. Website: www.godsdailyportion.com Facebook: Simone Stew Instagram: @Godsdailyportiondevotional


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