2 minute read
Powernote: Edna Els
Dear Friend,
May I ask you a personal question? I know we’re just coming out of Lockdown, but What SHAPE are you in?
Lately, we’ve been confronted with too many ads on Instagram with great promises of changing our shape and transforming us into objects of desire!
I don’t know about you, but it is enough to drive me into rebellion and into the fridge, letting go of all restraint and embracing the fact that Round is also a shape...
Seriously though- have you given the shape you’re in any thought? As always the million-dollar question is, ”What got you in the shape you’re in?”
In the natural I can answer that question without hesitation; ”My love for chocolate and my inborn resistance to anything that makes me sweat...” Regardless of what physical shape you’re in, nothing shapes us more in so many different areas than our relationships!
Yes, my friend, it’s Back to Basics in mentoring, we get transformed through relationships.
You’re familiar with the words; ”Your friends are a prophecy of your future and you become like those you hang out with.”
Which is wonderful if you’re satisfied with who you are and who your friends are becoming under your influence (and vice-versa).
Remember, you influence others, and they in turn influence you. Which is quite sobering, if we define Influence as putting pressure on the character of someone in order to bring about change (Good or bad, intentionally or unintentionally).
If the goal of our relationships is CHRISTLIKENESS, it puts a responsibility on us to live life in a way that makes us effective instruments in the Master’s hand to SHAPE, FORM, and TRANSFORM culture, one conversation, one person and one encounter at a time.
So, let’s take a moment to consider the acronym for our daily workout plan to get into SHAPE: S- SPEAK LIFE H- HAVE A HUMBLE HEART A- ALIGN WITH HIM, STAY IN YOUR WALL P- PUT THE PAST BEHIND YOU E-EXPECTED OUTCOME: EXPAND AND ENLARGE!!!
My prayer for us in this season is that we’ll become aware of the SHAPE we’re in, that we shape others, our world, our thoughts, and relationships as we in turn are shaped by them.
My friend, let’s take responsibility to be in the best SHAPE of our lives, knowing that our personal trainer, Holy Spirit is standing by to encourage and cheer us on!
Let’s enjoy the workout! Much love Edna
Galatians 4:19 NASBS “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is FORMED in you”
Romans 12:2 NASBS “And do not be conFORMED to this world, but be transFORMED by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”