By Linda Faas
A Zoo for You!
eople come for the camels and fall in love with Lyric, the New Guinea Singing Dingo! The exotic camel is the magnet attraction that has made Camel Safari a must-see experience for visitors to the Virgin Valley. For five years, Guy Seeklus has welcomed tourists and locals alike to enjoy his collection of Dromedary and Bactrian camels. He has recently branched out to offer three unique tours of his 176acre riverside compound, where he now houses over sixty animals. Camel Safari has earned status as a certified zoo with a trained zoologist, Allie Singer, onsite. Guy, Allie, and other staff members introduce visitors to every animal in the paddocks and barns as they chauffeur them around in electric golf carts.
Dorothy (mom on the left) & Baby Sam, born in February
| VIEW ON MAGAZINE |May/June 2021