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Buildingsustainabilityinto your everyday beautyroutine

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MuchasI love skincareand makeup products, to really look andfeelourbest we have to take care of what’sonthe inside first. Goodnutrition is vital to healthy, glowingskinand luscioushair, butthe cold winter months arefullof temptationswhenitcomes to lateparty nights,stodgy foodandexcessalcohol. So here beloware afew of my favouriteplant-based foodsandhealthhacksthat areasdeliciousas they are nutritious.


Antioxidants play akey role in protecting our skin, helping to prevent or slow damagetocells caused by free radicals. Thegreat newsisthat redwineisabundant inantioxidants,so enjoying aglass every sooften canessentially replacegoing to the gym! Iliketolookfor natural, organicand veganfriendlywinesas they’rekinder to the environment, helping to red h duce greenhouse gas emissions and increase biodiversity.

LookGood Feel Good DoGood

Madeleine White,ex-model, make-upartistandfounder of award-winning localethicalbeauty brand,Juni Cosmetics,showshow we can buildsustainabilityintoour beautyroutine.Thistimeshe looks at‘Beautyfromthe inside out’


Ha pypp guts

Our guti t sthe epicentreofour overall health.A happy tummyft ullofbeneficialbacteriaisessential for overall wellbeingandclearskin. Iliketo eat ntyoffermentedplen foods,such assauerkraut, co utconu kefir,apple cidervinegarandmiso,and I take agoodqualia ty preand probioticreligiously to ke peverythinginep check.

Healthy fats

To ke keep skin soft ndan supple it t’si s importan a tto getenoughhealthyfalth ats in ourdiets. From chia seedsandnuts, to avocado andolive oil,upping your healthyfatintakeis ultrasatisfyingin more ways than one. Notonly will youbeproviding yourbody withessential nutrients, butyou’ll feel fuller forlongertoo.

Veganise your roast

We all love afestive roast, andnut roastsarea fantasticalternative to meat when itcomestothe big celebration dinner.They canbecustomisedand adjusted to suit your taste andare fullof hearty, nutritiously-denseingredientslikenuts, lentils, driedfruitandvegetables. They tastegreat, arevery cheap to make andlast well forleftovers.

Don’tget too hungry

Eating toolittleand not oftenenough can wreak havoconyourhormone health, resultingin fatigue, outbreaksand potentiallymoreserious healthconcerns. Itry to prioritiseeating healthy, protein-rich mealsand snackstokeep my hormonesbalanced.Oneof my favouritequick snacks isapple slices topped withalmondbutter.

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