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MemoriesofThorpe Abbotts
emoriesof hor e Abbotts
Localhistorian,Dennis Cross from Diss,shareswithushisfascinating collection of oldpostcards, focusing on adifferentvillageineveryissue. Thistime, we takeawalk down memorylane inThorpe Abbotts.
TheLion,in1912, wastheonly pubinthe village at t thattime. Thelandlordwas WilliamBaliant, whowas a also abricklayer. Thepubis nowclosed.
This1925postcard showsThorpe AbbottsSchool, at theentranceto School Lane,which wasbuiltin1862for 60 children.Theheadmistressatthistime wasaMiss FM Powell.The buildingis nowprivatehouses. Thorpe Abbotts P Place, i in1 191 ,was ad del ligh htf ful l mansion ownedbythe twoKay sisters, whowerealso the principallandownersinthe village.This photographwas t taken by ErnestAbraham,who wasthe o cial localwar p photographerduring the1914-1 warand travelledwith t troops whiletheyweretraininginthearea.
The Street,i in 1907,l looked very different to how it is today. Thepopulation at this timewasjustover200.
Harvesttimeinthe summer of194 , shows(l-r) Reggie Venton, Vera Ruddockand JoeFormanina field adjacent to theairfield. These oldhouses,seenhere in 19 0, were livedinbypeople whoworkedonlocal farms. New houseshave nowbeenbuilton otherside ofthestreet.
atedaround19 0,this postcard shows thevillagePost O ce, whichwasrun by Mrs ouise ebenham.Shealso ranthe local blacksmiths, whichher husband’sfamilyhad ownedfor generations.
If readershave anylocal postcardsofDissorthe surroundingvillages,please getin touchwithDennis after7pmon 01379651897