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Art -Suffolksculptor Alice Ewing

A stunning localcast!

In herfinalarticlefor VillagePeople,artwriter KristyCampbell interviews Suffolksculptor Alice Ewing, who’s work reflectsthe localscenery


Autumn is uponus.Once again,the leaves on trees are beginning to turnandthe cold weatherisspurring on thefruit to fall. Thedaysnolongermeasure quite as long,andwegreet our woollenwearswithopenarms. This harvestseasonI have hadthepleasure ofinterviewing accomplishedanddistinctive Suffolksculptor Alice Ewing, whoseworkflourishesatthe turnofeachseasonwithnew andbeautiful decorative items commemorating theorganic andchanging sceneryofthe countryside. Aliceis aCambridge University HistoryofArtmaster’s graduate. Sheownsand runs afoundrystudiowithher partner Freddy, in Brandeston,which they started in 2016.The pair practicedunder LaurenceEdwards, whofacilitated theirlearningofthecasting process.Alice tellsus ofthe freelancecareer trajectorywithin aruralartsscene,and issues meaning to thestunning exclusive designs created intheir Riggle Streetstudio.


“Theoriginsof my ownfoundry beganwhilsttraininginthat atelier context.MyselfandFreddy built acuriouslittlefoundryset-up outofanabandonedshopping trolleyand an oldsteel bin— as soon as we clockedoffinthe main studio,we’dswitchovertoour own,runningminipours outthe back intheevenings. “Sculpture isn’ta tremendously ‘portable'process. Thestudioisfull of moulds,there arephysicaland material ideassat around waiting to becast. Asense of rootedness andofplace tends to come about quitenaturally. Youliterallyhave to ground partof yourself to see an ideaall theway throughinthis material.There’sagreat quoteby RogerDeakin whichhas always stayedwith me inthisrespect, he describesitas‘freewheeling around afixedpoint.’ “I’vegraduallydeveloped different‘areas’withinmy practiceas some ideas orprojects have taken on alifeoftheir own. My series andnow second design-studio, Pomarius,as an example.This studiobegan as a residency project; Iwas working with aheritage garden,casting theproducein bronze as away ofcelebratingthelongevityand dedicationto thesite. Thework andthe concept took on alife of its own, recreatingitselfin differentlocations. “I’vesince collaborated with fashionbrand Loewewith Pomariusand it’s wonderfulto stillhave areasontovisitbeautiful gardensaspartofthis series. My othersculpture focuses on landscapeandplace too, but with averydifferentaestheticin theoutcomes— linear,‘drawn’ worksinbronze.Alongside my work,wecontinuetooperate as foundrycastingfor other artists andrunningtheoccasional educational programmeviaThe PortableFoundryProject…so,I’ve developedmanyhats to wear!”


“The projectwithLoewe has been incredibly exciting. I’ve produceda jewelleryseriesfor theirSS21 collection,inaddition to sculptures fora stilllifeseries aspartofthesamecollection under creative director Jonathan Anderson. It waspeculiar working on thisunder thepandemic —I wascastingworksandsending them off viaUPS,alldiscussion andsigning off happening remotely or over thephone.Then, suddenly,these workssentout in littlebrownboxesfromdeepest darkSuffolk were appearing in fashion photoshoots or being worn by people andtagged on Instagram! Arecentcommission to cast afull-size lobster in bronze wasalsoprettychallenging, on a parwiththe pig’s head cast,now at theUnrulyPig,a fewyearsago!”


“Most recently,I’vehad acoupleof projectsresponding tolockdown andthe dramatic increasein lonelinessthatthishas causedin ruralcommunities locally.The Portable FoundryProject rana residency with Suffolk Art Linkin Eye,supplyingfree sculpture kits to familiesandthe localcarehome. Theoutcomesofthe kits created acollection of coins we castin bronze. People were ableto spend thesein town; an opportunity to meet up andenjoyasliceof cakeor asnack together,aswell astakingpart inthesculpture kit activities. Ialso collaborated on aprojectinWoodbridge for newparents during lockdown, repurposingacontainerto allow forcreativeworkshops to happen therefor mumsandbabieswho’d otherwiselostaccesstolocal parentgroups.”


“I’mcurrentlyworking on a collection ofcastmushrooms through theAlde Valley Festival (GalloperSandsGallery). It’s technicallyayear-longresidency through Pomarius, documenting thewonderful'fungiconsequences ' ofthere-wilding there.Locally,I’ll have pieceswiththe Art forCure show in September(25th-29th),at MerchantsTable (Woodbridge)and CambridgeContemporary. ”


“Createsomespace.I’m realising that more andmore.Thereare always things todo,togenerate, to finish. ButI’mnot surethat constant ‘directness’is necessarily thebestenergy to nurtureallthe time. Ithink youneedtohavea working‘structure’and Ithink thereneedstobesome wayof creatinga bitofundesignated spacewithinthat. “I feel quiteluckythatthislast year or sohasn’t been asdisrupted as ithasbeenfor otherfreelancers. I’vestillbeenabletoget to the studiosafelyand continuetowork. Isupposemyworkplace doesn’t necessarilykeepits boundaries; it is thestudio/foundry,butit’s also home andanywhereI’mthinking about aproject or apiece. ”

Artist: AliceEwing www.aliceandreaewing.com @aliceandreaewing www.pomarius-collecitons.co.uk @pomarius_collections

Writer: KristyCampbell www.axisweb.org/p/kristycamp @kristycamp

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