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Seasonal food -celeriac
Celeriac s ero
tmay notbethemo beautifulof veg but st underneathitsknobbly e terior is aworld ofpotential anddeliciousdishes featuring that delicate celeryflavour. n e cellentlow cal low carb alternative to potatoes it s packedfullofvitalnutrients too. Raworcooked here are3ways celeriaccanspiceupyourdiet.
Scrub clean andtrima whole celeriac. Ruball over witholive oil,andplace on alargesheet of bakingfoil, root side down.Scatter over wholegarliccloves, herbsand seasoning to taste,then wrapthe foiltightlyaroundthe celeriac, placeonatrayand roastinthe bottom of an oven for hours at 0C.When cooked,unwrap,cut o thetop anddig in.
Chipoffthe oldblock
Pre-heat your ovento 0C. Peel aceleriacand cutintofat chips. Blanch inboilingwater for - minutes,drainandthrow the chipsback intothe saucepan with tbsp vegoil,seasaltand other seasoning to taste. Toss, then spread thechips over alar rge heavy baking sheet and cook in the oven for about 0- minutes.
Thisceleriacand carrot remoulade side dish a bitlike coleslaw isfullofflavourand readyina flash.Grateaceleriac andone largecarrotandput them in alargebowlwith asmall bunchofchoppeddill,6tbsp lightmayo,thejuiceofhalfa lemon andsalt andpepper. Mix thoroughly and enjoy the refreshing crunch!
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