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The Vindicator • Thursday, March 28, 2013 • Page 1B

Hey Kids! Easter is here and you can have a colorful holiday season by getting out your paints, crayons or colored markers and entering our Easter coloring contest. Color all the pictures. And, if you entry is judged as best, you could win one of these great prizes:

First Prize: $50 • Second Prize: $25 • Third Prize: $10 CONTEST RULES: 1. Contest is open to boys and girls ages 5-8. 2. Entries will be judged on the basis of neatness, color and technique. 3. Paints, felt-tip markers, crayons or colored pencils may be used. 4. All entries must be the work of the artist (parents of younger children may assist with entry form, and the entry must be received at The Vindicator, 1939 Trinity, Liberty, TX 77575 by Fri., March 29 at Noon. 5. All entries are non-returnable and become the property of The Vindicator. 6. Decisions of the judges are final.




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