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Page 4B • The Vindicator • Thursday, March 28, 2013

City of Liberty considers Farmers Market/ 936-776-6950. Invincible Eagle Band ~ Save the Date Market Days in Liberty March 28 There will be a meeting on Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, Liberty City Hall, 1829 Sam Houston on the possibility of starting a Farmers Market and/or having Market Days in Liberty. All interested parties are welcome to come and share their ideas and concerns. For more info., please call Liberty City Hall at 936-336-3684.

Hardin UMC Living Last Supper March 28 The Hardin United Methodist Church will be acting out The Last Supper on Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 pm. The Hardin United Methodist Church is located at 1005 FM 834 West in Hardin. This is 1 mile west of Texas 146. There will be one performance only. This event will be outside. Bring a lawn chair.

Performances: Fri., April 5, 6 p.m. Relay for Life, LHS Stadium Wed., July 3, TBA, Liberty Municipal Park

SpiritHorse Events April 5 Chili’s Give Back Day - to SpiritHorse Therapeutic Riding Center Liberty is Thursday, March 21, 11 a.m - 10 p.m. Tell your server that you support SpiritHorse and they will get 10% of your ticket. It costs you nothing but a few kind words. SpiritHorse provides riding lessons to special children and adults, returning veterans, and abused children FREE of charge. Boots, Chaps, and Cowboy Hats - First annual fund raising dance benefiting SpiritHorse Therapeutic Riding Center - Liberty is Friday, April 5 at the Elks Lodge on FM 563 in Liberty. Jason West and West of the Trinity band is donating their time that night. Tickets are $10 pre-sale and $15 at the door. Ticket sales begin March 1 and be purchased at Liberty Tack in Liberty or by calling Lisa at 409-594-1096 or Donna at 936-641-0165.

First Baptist Devers & First Baptist Daisetta Youth Present “The Last Days Of Christ” March 29-30

Public Art Show April 1-18

The Youth of First Baptist Church Devers & First Baptist Church Daisetta will re enact “The Last Days Of Christ”. We would like to invite you to join us at Joe Herring’s Farm. Friday & Saturday March 22, 23, from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at 15 PR 1056 (Highway 90 East to Rice Belt RD. - turn right at CR 1050 and go to 2nd driveway on left Devers, Texas). Everyone is welcome. We will have free food, drinks, and dessert. Come and be blessed. For

Lions Broom & Mop Sale April 1

7653 or (936) 776-6950

We cordially invite you with family and friends to our revival Sunday morning service: 10:45 a.m. no Sunday evening service. Monday 1st - Thursday 4th Morning services: 11:00 a.m.. covered dish lunch each day at noon. Evening services: 7:00 p.m. Evangelist & Music with Sam Craig 106 East Avenue A (corner of Avenue A & Gates St.) Devers, Texa. For More Information call: Pastor, Rick Edwards @ (936) 549-7653 or (936) 776- 6950

Dayton Community Center is hosting a Public Art Show April 1-18, 2013. Anyone may enter. For more info., contact Amanda Wilson at 936-258-6630. Get your ti ckets!

The Liberty Lions Annual Broom & Mop Sale will be held April 1. More info., Page 9B.

A Bake Sale will be held at Brookshire Brothers Grocery in Liberty Sat., March 30 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. benefitting the Chris Fregia Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Easter Eggs-travaganza and drama March 30 Hardin UPC is having an Easter Eggs-travaganza and drama March 30, @ 10:30 a.m. at 656 CR 2010 in Hardin. The drama team will be featuring 2 exciting presentations. A song ministered through sign language and a modern drama performance revealing how the world pulls at an individual. This moving story is between our Savior and His love for His child. After service there will be a funtabulous Easter egg hunt and refreshments! Hardin UPC is growing, come check us out! For more information call Stephanie Blume 318-450-0731

Easter Sunrise Service ~

Liberty Municipal Park 7 a.m. Liberty Ministers United invite the community to an Easter Sunday sunrise celebration at Liberty Municipal Park’s basketball pavilion. Bring your lawn chairs.

Easter Sunrise Service ~ Palms Memorial Park, March 31

Sterling Funeral Home and TheDayton Ministerial Alliance will host the Annual Palms Memorial Park Easter Sunrise Service Easter Sunday, March 31 at Palms Memorial Park on SH 146, with worship, prayer and a sermon. Everyone welcome.

2013 Ames Easter Trail Ride & Rodeo March 30-31 Our Mother of Mercy Church in Ames will hold its Annual Easter Rodeo Weekend including a Kick-off Trail Ride and Calf Roping on Saturday, March 30 beginning at 9 a.m. and the Rodeo on Sunday, March 31 with Showtime at 3 p.m. Saturday’s activities include a Trail Ride from 2-5 p.m. with a dance featuring Brian Jack & the Zydeco Gamblers at 6 p.m. and Lil’ Nate & the Zydeco Big Timers at 10 p.m. On Sunday J. Paul & the Zydeco Nubreeds will perform starting immediately after the Rodeo. Free admission to the dances with Rodeo weekend wristband. Lots of great food, cold drinks and crafts vendors. For information, please call the Church Office at 936-336-3004 or Lionel Hebert at 936-3366702.

REVIVAL-First Baptist Church Devers March 31-April 4 We cordially invite you with family and friends to our revival March 31 through April 4 at First Baptist Church Devers, 106 East Avenue A (corner of Avenue A and Gates St.) in Devers, Texas. Sunday morning service: 10:45 a.m. No Sunday evening service; Mon., April 1 through Thurs., April 4 Morning services: 11 a.m.; Covered dish lunch each day at noon Evening services: 7 p.m. ; Evangelist and Music with Sam Craig For More Information call Pastor, Rick Edwards at 936-549-7653 or

Liberty Municipal Library

Boots, Chaps & Cowboy Hats April 5 SpiritHorse Therapeutic Riding Center - Liberty will host their first annual “Boots, Chaps, and Cowboy Hats” fundraising dance on Friday, April 5 at the Elks Lodge located on FM 563 in Liberty. Jason West and West of the Trinity band will provide the music with the doors opening at 7:00 p.m. Food and drinks will be available to purchase. Tickets are $10 per person pre-sale and $15 per person at the door. Ticket sales begin March 1 and can be purchased at Liberty County Tack located at 3502 E. Highway 90 or call Lisa at 409-594-1096 or Donna at 936-641-0165. All proceeds benefit SpiritHorse Therapeutic Center - Liberty. SpiritHorse offers riding lessons to special children and adults, returning veterans, and abused children free of charge. Although SpiritHorse does get some of its operating costs from grants, the majority of funds come from the surrounding communities. Thank you for your donations of feed, hay, and printing, and tack. The staff and the horses appreciate them.

Drive One 4-UR School April 6 You can Drive One 4-UR School at Liberty High School Sat., April 6 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. This event is sponsored by B. J. Ford in Liberty and Ford Motor Company. Take a FREE test drive and Ford Motor Company will donate $20 per test drive, up to $6000, to the Liberty High School Class of 2013. All proceeds will be used for Project Graduation.

13th Annual Eagle Pointe Golf Tournament April 12 sponsored by: Thrif-Tee Food Center Eagle Pointe Golf Club, 12440 Eagle Drive, Mont Belvieu • www.eaglepointonline. com. Hole sponsorships are $100, including lunch for two. Sponsorship sign will be posted on the course during the tournament and at the Club House during the meal. The meal will include a barbecue lunch plate and will be served from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Make checks payable to: Dayton Chamber of Commerce, 801 S. Cleveland, Dayton, TX 77535. For more information, call Elizabeth Ellis or Dusty Theriot at 936-257-2393, fax 936-2572394 or email:

Dayton Rotary Barbecue April 13 The Dayton Rotary Club will be holding a fund raising BBQ on Saturday, April 13th to benefit the Scholarship Fund and the many other community projects it supports. The BBQ will be held on the Security State Bank parking lot at the corner of FM 1960 and Highway 321 in Dayton, and they will be serving from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM (or until sold out). Plates will be $9.00 and will consist of brisket, potato salad, and beans. Whole briskets will be available for $48.00. For tickets or to order whole briskets in advance, please contact Brooks Hiller or Josephine Perry at 936-258-8040 (Heritage Mortgage Company) or any member of the Rotary Club.

Story Time April 3, 2013

Secret Agent Splat! By Rob Scotton

Splat the Cat notices that something isn’t quite right in his house. First the toy ducks his father makes start to go missing. Then they are mysteriously returned but, strangely enough, without their beaks. Who could possibly be causing all of this trouble? To solve the mystery, Splat musters up his courage and rises to the challenge as Secret Agent Splat. Join the Story Time friends for Rob Scottons’ wacky cat-and-mouse story, Secret Agent Splat and discover the answer to this mystery. Preschool children 3 to 5 years of age are welcome to attend Liberty Municipal Library’s Story Time and the activities that follow. Story Time starts at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Story Time is free to all and is a great way to introduce the love of books to children. The Liberty Municipal Library is located at 1710 Sam Houston Ave. in the Geraldine D. Humphreys Cultural Center in Liberty. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 1 to 5 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. For more information about the Liberty Municipal Library’s Story Time Program please call the library at 936-336-8901.

Benefit for Richard Bracewell April 7

Richard Bracewell was in a single vehicle auto accident the morning of Dec. 3 while on his way to work. He spent a total of 27 days in the hospital on two different occasions with all but 10 days in ICU. He broke his left pelvis bone, shattered his right ankle and leg, broke his ribs and nose along with a major gash in his leg, cuts, scrapes, bruises, internal bleeding. Richard has had a total of four surgeries and is wheelchair bound until his body has healed enough to start physical therapy. Once he starts physical therapy it will be determined if he will have full use of his right foot as he has lost feeling in part of it. A few hundred thousand dollars (in medical bills) have accumulated so far and physical therapy bills are sill to come. It is anticipated for Richard to be out of work for a year. Anything you can donate or do to help Richard and his family will lessen their stress and make the healing process a little easier. Thank you in advance and know any help is greatly appreciated. For plate tickets or more information on how to help, contact Thersa Krobot, 281-633-1609 or email: Richard Bracewell is from Liberty, Texas. His parents are Carl and the late Audrey Bracewell. He is a Liberty High School Alum, son of Carol Bracewell. His brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Brenda Bracewell, live in Hardin. SPJST Hall, 13609 Hwy. 36, Needville, TX 77461. Dine in or to go plates 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Chicken Fried Chicken Plates $10, catered by Ron’s Chuck Wagon.

A Candlelight Vigil for crime victims and child abuse victims which will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at the Liberty Center, City of Liberty Municipal Complex, 1829 Sam Houston Ave., Liberty, Texas. The purpose of the vigil is to help the public honor victims of crime, their families and those who serve them and to alert the public to the realities of crime, and express hope for a less violent future. The vigil is a part of the local observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, which is scheduled for the week of April 21 to April 27, 2013.

Ranch Party benefitting Devers ISD Education Foundation April 20 Circle your wagons on APRIL 20 at Hendersons’ Spindletop Ranch and join us for our first annual RANCH PARTY benefiting the Devers ISD Education Foundation. Boot scoot to the country western tunes of B.B. & Company band, bid on awesome silent auction items, enjoy a cold beer, margarita and wine and dine on mesquite smoked prime rib with all the trimmings. The fun starts at 6:00 p.m. under the canopy of 100 year old oak trees on a working cattle ranch. Advance ticket purchases required. General Admission Tickets $100 per person. To get your tickets now & for more info., contact Tina Blake: 409-880-9382 or, or stop by Shamrock Equipment Rental in Devers (the week of April 1). Kindly respond by April 12.

First Baptist Church Devers Revival more information call: Pastor, Rick Edwards (936) 549- March 31 - April 4, 2013 Chris Fregia Memorial Scholarship Bake Sale March 30

Crime Victims’ Candlelight Vigil April 18

Do you need more zzzzzs?

More than 18 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, though an estimated 95 percent go undiagnosed and untreated. If you are experiencing difficulty concentrating, are sleepy during the day, or always feel tired, you may have a sleep disorder. Attend a free seminar on the signs of sleep disorders, hosted by Dr. Aparajitha Verma, medical director of the San Jacinto Methodist Sleep Center. Includes a tour of the Sleep Center. To RSVP, please call 832-556-6543.

Thurs., March 28, 6 p.m. Garth Campus Community Room 4401 Garth Rd., Baytown

Dayton Ole Tyme Days April 19-21 The Dayton Ole Tyme Days Festival will be held April 19-21 on the grounds of the Dayton Community Center, 801 S. Cleveland St., in Dayton. Save the date for a weekend filled with fun for the entire family ~ Arts & Crafts, Live Music, Car Show, Carnival, Barbecue Cookoff, Junior Chili Cookoff, Tractor Show and the DOTD Pageant. Friday Night’s Dance features music by John Farley and the Wild Turkeys Saturday Night’s Dance starts at 7 p.m. featuring The Southern Breeze Band and Jason Cassidy taking the stage at 9:30 p.m. Admission $10 over 12; $5 ages 2-12; and children under age 2 FREE. All proceeds benefit the youth scholarship fund.

See for more info.

Fun Time at Jones Library

Come join us for Story Time at Jones Library in Dayton, on Wed., April 3 at 10 a.m. for 3 to 5 year olds. Come and enjoy the story The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The story will be followed by fun and activities. Jones Library is located at 801 S. Cleveland - Suite A in Dayton. Please call 936-258-7060 for further information.

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