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COMMUNITY The Vindicator • Thursday, March 21, 2013 • Page 5B

Pack 55 Webelos at Camp Urland

Three Webelos Scouts from Pack 55 attend Webelos Woods Camp at

Camp Urland in Woodville, Texas. Webelos in attendance were Blaine Rich,

Daniel La Cour, and Preston Walker. The boys worked on five activity badges,

cooked over open fire, retired flags, and even earned their Polar Bear

award for camping in freezing temperatures Saturday night. Pack 55 is chartered

by Liberty First United Methodist Church.

Black & Gold Pep Rally Pics Liberty High school competes in UIL Academics competition On Saturday, March 23, 20 Liberty High School students traveled to Tarkington High School to compete in the District 22 UIL Academic Competition. The students returned with nineteen awards including three 3rd place medals, three 2nd place medals, and five 1st place medals. Nine of the students placed high enough to advance to the Regional Meet at Blinn College on April 20. Those advancing are: Davisha Papillion-Calculator Applications, Erin ZacharyFeature Writing, Alexis Williams-Ready Writing, Joan Ochoa-Number Sense,

Leroy Gary-Science and the Literary Criticism team who dominated the competition with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places – Evelyn Brady, Key Buchanan, Michael Seay, and Hudson Standish. Congratulations to all of these students for representing Liberty High School well. News Writing – Erin Zachary – 5th Ready Writing – Lauren Revia – 4th, Alexis Williams – 1st Science – Cori Clevenger – 5th, Leroy Gary 1st Spelling and Vocabulary – Emily Bond 6th Calculator Applications

– Maggie Fuertes – 4th, Davisha Papillion – 3rd, and 2nd Place for the team Feature Writing – Erin Zachary – 1st Informative Speaking – Garrett Bohannon – 5th Literary Criticism – Hudson Standish – 4th, Michael Seay – 3rd, Key Buchanan – 2nd, Evelyn Brady – 1st, and 1st place team Mathematics – Juan Ochoa – 6th Number Sense – Juan Ochoa 3rd Questions contact: Glenn Zamazal at Liberty High School

Upcoming Job Fair features speed networking sessions BAYTOWN, TX – The clock winds down, hands reach across the table for quick shakes goodbye, and at the sound of the buzzer, prospective employees will move on to the next table. It’s called speed networking and is just one of the many highlights to be featured at the Ninth Annual Lee College Job Fair. “The concept of speed networking became very popular in the past decade and is derived from speed dating,” explained Lee College Student Career and Employment Specialist Cindy Fletcher. The practice involves pairing business prospects together for brief meetings during which they share their professional backgrounds and business goals. In this instance, prospective employees will be paired with a variety of professionals.” Sponsored by the Association of Former Lee College Students (FormerLEE), the one-hour event pairs participants with a different professional every five minutes, allowing prospective employees to gain exposure to a variety of careers, personalities, infor-

mation and interview styles. “Free time” at the end of the event enables participants to follow-up with volunteers. “Former- LEE is an avid supporter of the annual Lee College Job Fair,” said Lee College Director of Grant Development and Alumni Relations Ginni Whitten. “Many of our members are long-time, well-respected business owners with a wealth of experience and insight, and they enjoy sharing this with prospective employees.” “The benefit of networking with a professional is that it provides the job seeker with a greater understanding of some of the habits, tools and changes they need to be successful in their search,” Fletcher added. “It could be something as simple as dressing a little more professionally, or making direct eye contact, or something bigger, like fine-tuning a resume. This is feedback a seeker would not normally receive after a job interview, and it’s free.” The free advice rounds out an event that will offer mock interview sessions,

and opportunities to network with representatives from more than 30 employers including Chevron Phillips, Shell Oil, Samson Controls, and others. “This is a great event for our community,” Fletcher continued, “and we’re hoping for a great turnout.” The Ninth Annual Lee College Job Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, March 28, in the Lee College Sports Arena. The speed networking event will be held from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. The events are free and open to the public. Employer registration will be available until March 21, 2013. For additional information contact Cindy Fletcher at Lee College in Baytown, Texas, serves a geographic area of more than 280,000 residents that includes the Goose Creek, Anahuac, Barbers Hill, Crosby, Dayton, Devers, East Chambers, Hardin, HardinJefferson, Huffman, HullDaisetta, and Liberty Independent School Districts. To learn more about Lee College, visit

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