Thursday, March 28, 2013
See Section C
Vol. 126, No. 13, Section A
75 cents
Ames Easter Rodeo at TVE Fairgrounds this weekend • Happy Easter! Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Contest Winners (L-R) Scarleth Sarai Lopez of Woodrow Wilson Junior High in Dayton; Dillan Ferguson, Devers ISD 5th grader and state winner; and Liberty High School Senior Faith Calico read their prize winning essays Thursday evening, March 21, to D.A.R. members, guests, teachers, and superintendents. Congratulations Scarleth, Dillan and Faith on a job well done!
Essay Celebration By Carol Skewes, Publisher Thursday evening, March 21, members of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented the winners in the American History Essay Contest their awards at the Price Daniel Meeting Room. Faith Calico, a senior at Liberty High School won with her paper “How did the faith and courage of Christopher Columbus give to mankind a New World? Her sponsor teacher was Janie Broussard. Scarleth Sarai Lopez of Woodrow Wilson Junior High in Dayton won with her paper on Nancy Hart: “Forgotten Patriots who supported the American struggle for independence”. Her instructor, HEB Award Winning Teacher Cindy Jones was present for the celebration. Last, but definitely not least, Devers ISD fifth-grader Dillan Ferguson wrote in the same category “Forgotten Patriots who supported the American struggle for independence” with his paper “Charles Carrell of Carrolton”. Dillan won the state title as well in his division. His teacher, Vivian Kirkland, was present, as was his grandfather, Raywood Mayor Roland Fielder. Each student read his/her paper aloud for guests with superb articulation and characterization. It was a delight to see and hear them perform their stories. The chair of the essay contest is Mary Willingham Partlow.
See more photos online at
Hardin ISD Jr. High Students and Teachers Moving to 1:1 Computing
Hardin ISD Jr. High students returned from Spring Break excited and ready to learn with new technology at their fingertips. After years of research and planning, Chromebooks were provided for each student for daily use in the classroom. Home use is also recommended to allow students to further expand their learning outside of the school setting. Chromebooks are mobile devices designed specifically for web use and are ideal for education. The mission of the 1:1 program is to create a collaborative learning environment for all learners. This environment will enable and support students and teachers to implement technology into daily learning, enhance engagement, and promote self-directed lifelong learning.Students will transition from consumers of information to creative producers and owners of knowledge. In this world of opportunities, the Hardin ISD Board, Administration, and Staff are excited to be able to better prepare our students for their ever-changing futures. Thank you to our Board, Superintendent, Administration, community and parents for their continued dedication to not only support but enhance education for our students. A special thank you to Mrs. Muldrow and the Technology Team for the hours of research and time to take on this important task and a huge thank you to the teachers who are embracing different methods of teaching in this new world of education. For more information, please visit the Hardin ISD website at www.
Welcome new Lions Roberts and Hardin
(L-R): New Lions Joseph Roberts and Glennda Hardin were sworn in by Lion Jesse Lopez at the Mon., March 18, 2013. These new Lions have already been put to work helping in the Liberty Jubilee Lions Fish Fry. Lions Serve.
Alana Inman, Manager of the Sam Houston Regional Library & Research Center was recently sworn in as the newest L i b e r t y Rotarian by Rotarian Ed Pickett. Inman will have one year to complete a checklist of Rotarian duties to tradein the new member red badge for a blue badge.
Inman newest Liberty Rotarian
Dayton to get three new buses
Contributed photo Michael Kuhrt, Superintendent Dayton ISD, Tami Pierce, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Melanie Owens, Operations Coordinator, Lisa Werner, Route Specialist Dayton ISD, Liberty County Judge Craig McNair and John Hebert, AERCO Board Member.
LISD Education Foundation Strategies
photo by Carol Skewes Front row (L-R): Directors: Patty Watson, Betty Reeves, Patricia Tanner, Foundation Coordinator Laura Castle. Back row (L-R): Bruce Mintz, David Castle, Foundation President Brandon Davis, Dr. Cody Abshier, Donna Greak, Margaret Gardzina, Lameka Trahan, Kimber Hinch and Lance Lawrence.
The Liberty ISD Education Foundation met March 25 to strategize for the coming year. Student/Faculty recognition will continue to be a priority as will raising resources for Innovative Teaching Grants. The Liberty ISD Education Foundation is a 501(c) (3) organization, established in 2007. The Foundation works to foster increased community and corporate support to provide financial resources above and beyond the school district’s normal operating budget. With more state budget cuts on the way, the LISD Education Foundation is determined to continue to provide educators with the tools that will ensure LISD students they are supported in their quest for Academic Excellence. For more information, go to, or contact the Foundation Coordinator at
Dayton ISD has been awarded a grant in the amount of $96,828 toward the replacement of 3 new school buses from the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Clean Vehicles Program and the Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization (AERCO). This grant was made possible through the efforts of Liberty County Judge - Craig Mc Nair, Liberty County Commissioner’s Court and Michael S. Kuhrt- Dayton ISD Superintendent. The new buses will be equipped with the latest equipment and the cleanest available engines, providing the students of Dayton ISD with safe and reliable transportation to and from school. The AERCO Board President, Ed Feisenger, its members and Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Clean Vehicles Staff continue to provide funding for heavy-duty vehicle replacement projects within the Houston-Galveston eight county non-attainment region.