Fluid space

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ARC6811 - FINAL PROJECT Design-To-Fabrication

fluidspace B. PORTFOLIO

Binh Vinh Duc Nguyen - 170119713 MSc Digital Architecture and Design School of Architecture University of Sheffield

IDEATION As mentioned previously in the proposal statement, the aim of this project is to test whether a parametric function can generate a uid interior space, regarding its contextual elements, such as dimensions and reference points. To simulate the uid nature of liquid, two characteristic of this state of matter are considered (Figure 1 and 2):

Figure 1 Comparison of atoms density between solid (a), gas (b) and liquid (c) state

Ÿ e medium density of molecules (atoms), comparing to

Figure 2 Model of atom structure, with attraction between nucleus and electrons.

gas and solid state. Ÿ e attraction between nucleus and electrons that form each atom. A parametric function is created following this particle behaviour, which involves steps: Ÿ A number of 3d points populated inside a user-customized

box will be treated like elections, while a set of reference points will act like nucleuses (Figure 3). Ÿ A kangaroo function will be used to create attraction between electrons and nucleuses, which results in movements of electrons towards their chosen nucleuses. Groups of electrons are distributed equally to nucleuses (Figure 4). Ÿ A patch surface which goes through all the electron points will be generated, presents the uid space (Figure 5).

Figure 3 Populating 3d electrons-points inside the context (boundary) box

Figure 4 Electron-points are attracted to nucleuses - user customized points within given distance

Figure 5 Creating the patch surface which goes through all the electrons-points

Figure 6 ickening and cutting the uid-surface x into the boundary box

is parametric uid surface will make the based box become a uid interior space. User-customized parameters also brings in nite result variations. Notable strengths of this function are: It effectively simulates the nature of liquid, in this case, the uid ow of the surface between equally-distributed and attracted points. Ÿ Diversity. For example, the larger the number of electronspoints, the more complex the surface will be. Different 3dpopulated point sets provide different surface. Ÿ Flexibility. By changing the nucleuses-points’ position, the user can custom the surface in terms of semi-open and semi-close interior space (Figure 7). Ÿ Adaptability: e surface adapts to its context, in this case, the box. In other words, the box size determines its inner uid space. Ÿ

Figure 7 Section of the uid-surface showing the relationship between the referent points (red points) and the surface. Since the surface goes through electrons-poitns, nucleuses-points positions become semi-open interior space. By changing the reference points, users can alter the shape of the uid-surface.

DEVELOPMENT To effectively express the ‘ uid’ concept, the nal box-shaped model has ‘ uid’ characteristic in both of its interior space and base. e uid space is constructed from contour sections of the surface, while its base is made from 3D printer (Figure 8). erefore, the parametric function below (Figure 9) is a combination of three steps: (1) Creating the uid surface and getting its contour section for interior space; (2) Creating the uid base BREP for 3D printing; and (3) Layout sections into planar curves for laser cutting. is process follows three points of the project from the proposal statement: (1) e process of generating and analysing the context parameters; (2) e liquid uidity simulating parametric function; and (3) e fabrication strategy. Input parameters

Figure 8 Parametric model and nal physical model of the project

Creating the ‘ uid’ surface and getting its contour sections


Intersection between the sections and the base, planar layout for laser cutter

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Creating the ‘ uid’ base for 3D printting


e trimmed uid surface


Contour sections

Figure 9 e full grasshopper function from design to fabrication


e fabrication uid space


e base BREP for 3D-printing


Planar layout for laser cutting Figure 10 Steps inside the grasshopper function

THE FLUID SURFACE / SPACE ere are 6 steps in the grasshopper function creating the uid surface/space (Figure 11): 1. Input parameters, including the rectangle size, the reference points (nucleuses), the number of populated points. 2. Kangaroo function: (a) Keeping the electrons / points move on the line created between them and the chosen nucleus; (b) Limiting the distance between electrons and nucleus; and (c) Keep nucleuses at their position (anchor) 3. Patch surface through all the electrons / points, high exibility value create the exact surface. 4. ickening the surface and intersect it with the boundary box. 5. Get contour sections base on 2 values: the real life material thickness and the space between each section. 6. Extrude sections to have digital visual effect.


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4 Figure 11: Grasshopper function of the uid surface/space

10 points 1

20 points 2

30 points

THE BASE e base surface is made for 3d printing. It also helps assembling laser cut sections to right positions. e grasshopper process is similar to the uid surface, but with some adjusting (Figure 14): 1. e base boundary box with parameters determining its size and position 2. Kangaroo function with similar mechanism as the uid surface 3. e patch base surface that go through all the base electrons/points. 4. Creating the base BREP for 3D printing, which includes the base surface and other three sides forming a ‘box’, intersecting it with the upper uid contour sections. Assembly holes are also added to easily connect the contour sections with the base.


40 points







Figure 12: Different variations of the uid space in each computational step


3 4 1 2 Figure 13: Grasshopper function of the base BREP for 3D printing

Figure 14: Computational steps creating the base BREP for 3D printing

FABRICATION Beside the 3D printing base, other elements of the model is made by laser cutting, therefore a planar-layout function is required, including: 1. Layout all contour sections on the XY plane for laser cutting 2. Creating the box faces with assembling holes, to put contour sections into their right position.



BOX SIDES WITH ASSEMBLING HOLES Fabrication method: Laser cutter

FLUID SURFACES Fabrication method: Laser cutter

THE BASE Fabrication method: 3D printer

Figure 16: Assembly concept

Figure 15: î Že laser-cutting fabrication Grasshopper function ands its result (planar layout sections and box sides)

Figure 17: î Že physical model

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