Academic portfolio.

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duc nguyen

architecture portfolio


| Saigon aquatic sport center



| Tan Son Nhat airport re-imagine



| Hochiminh city - District 3 cultural center



| Vong Dong rice processing factory


resume . Nguyen Binh Vinh Duc | +84 (0) 915689703 . capacity to work independently, under high pressure and tight deadlines . sense of responsibility and integrity . education Bachelor of Architecture Hochiminh City University of architecture | Vietnam | Sept 2011 - July 2016 . achievement Best graduation project Hochiminh City University of architecture, architecture class 2011 | Vietnam | July 2016 Second place in Loa Thanh award for national best graduation projects Vietnam Institute of Architects | Hanoi, Vietnam | November 2016 Highest cumulative grade-point average (GPA) Hochiminh City University of architecture | Vietnam | July 2016 Lawrence S. Ting scholarship for students who have best studying result Hochiminh City | Vietnam | 2011, 2012, 2013 Lixil Inax scholarship for students who have best studying result Hochiminh City | Vietnam | 2014, 2015, 2016 . work experiences and extracurricular ativities Architect (part time) Kien Xanh architect | Vietnam | July 2016 Lecturer Hochiminh City University of architecture Department of Industrial and Technical Architecture Vietnam | July 2016 Art Director Conservatory of Ho Chi Minh City, Student’s association of Pianio | 2013 - 2014

Above: diagrams of ‘The Wind Forest’ - a conceptual project designed in year 2


THE RIVER’S WINDOW Academic project | 2015 | Individual work Conceptual thinking, modeling, diagrams illustrating, text writing, presentation

Top view of the Aquatic sport center The project is a suggestion for the future development of an aquatic sport center belonging to Bason site, which was an old shipyard in the CBD of Hochiminh City, containing a complex of factories built in different time throughtout the city history. The site, under control of the military, was the largest empty site left in the CBD. Considering its size and position, any building built in this site would create possible effects onto the CBD area, and also the west side of Saigon river. The design tries to address the issue on different scales: urban, architecture, interior and the interrelationship between them, by considering the effect of the existing surroundings onto the new sport center and combining the modern urban culture with traditional elements. The project also explores the role of sport buildings in helping reshape the city. Right: images of the Bason site and its existing surroundings.


Located at the confluence of Nhieu Loc - Thi Nghe canal and Saigon river, the site holds the important position which connects the CBD area and Binh Thanh district - a large resident area. Being separated apart from the green space (Saigon zoo), the military area (the old shipyard) and the residence by rivers and boulevards, the site have the potential to develop into a multi-function public space, in this case an aquatic sport center, servicing both Saigon's citizens and national competitions.

Status quo

Current traffic flows

Proposed replacing traffic flows

Approaching to the building

proposed traffic solution.

Below: satellite map illustrating the site’s context and surroundings.

Resident area

Ben Thanh Market Binh Thanh District

Ship Shell Factory

Aquatic Sport Center

form. In order to create a modern and dynamic shape which can display the main function of the building - a water sport center, a parabola shape was chosen to be developed into a shell-like structure. However, exmining the building's relationship to the distinctive French-colonist factory nearby and Ben Thanh market, the design was upgraded with a zigzag roof, which memorizes the sloped roof from some of the city's symbolic architectures.

The proposed site

Semi-open hall The multi-functional square

Mobile / Temporary wall Diving pool

Athlete’s area

Swimming pool

Nhieu Loc Canal

Saigon zoo

The old shipyard

Site section showing the relationship inside and outside the center

interaction. The building is connected to the open space on the riverside by semi-open halls which allows wind and sunlight to move through, inspired by the Vietnamese traditional space called “ hàng hiên”. These halls can be used to welcome audiences or organize special sport events. The diving pool and swimming pool are separated by a temporary wall that can be moved aside, helping two functions to be used individually or together, when nessecary.

Saigon river Left: Presentation model showing relationship between the building and the multifunctional square

District 1 (CBD area)

Far left: Presentation model showing relationship between the building and the river


ground level floor plan. Public sport facilities, audiences’ halls and athletes’ area


main beams




wall supports




roof panels


whole structure


3rd floor plan. Audiences’ seats and competition areas

Top: Top view of the Aquatic center from the riverside Center: View of the Aquatic center from across Nguyen Huu Canh street Bottom: Unobstructed view of the competition space - the swimming pool

Responding to the function of an aquatic center, a wide-span steel structure is proposed, with main beams forming 3 parabolas and creating a dynamic shape. A warm brown color is used, referring the Vietnamese traditional material - wood, in order to bring a familiar image to Saigon’s citizens.

horizontal section. showing the audiences’ seats and the swimming pool



THE CITY OF THE SUN Academic project | 2014 | Group work Conceptual thinking, diagrams illustrating, text writing, presentation National architecture festival 2014 - Students’ short list

Full view of the proposed sustainable city natural conditions concrete industrial ground, trees can not grow.

location inside the city’s crowded area, causing traffic jam.

the site.

landscape surrounded by residences and commercial buildings.

a blank space inside the urban area causing danger for both airplanes and surroundings.

Tan Son Nhat is the largest and busiest airport in Vietnam, which had a capacity of 28 millions passengers in 2016. Being built in the late 1930s, the airport’s site was planned to service a city of 500 thousands citizens. However, as the new century brought overpopulation and uncontrolled urbanization to the city, the site is now unsuitable and is surrounded by crowded residences. In 2014, a new airport for Southern Vietnam was proposed by the government. Locating in Long Thanh - a satellite town of Ho Chi Minh City, the new airport is expected to dismiss the pressure on Tan Son Nhat site - and give back its original function as an CBD area. The project is a suggestion for the future development of Tan Son Nhat site, as an CBD area which provides what Ho Chi Minh city is lacking - a sustainable form of urban, conformed to the context and status of the site. Right: the flooded Tan Son Nhat airport which took place in early 2016. Recent study stated that as drainage channels surrounding the airport was filled because of urbanization and population growth of residences nearby, rain water and tide could not flow to the rivers or be absorbed by the ground. The airport became an urban valley and was flooded for almost 2 days.


1. status quo

Tan Son Nhat airport

2. ring road from existing traffic system

3. creating internal roads 4. connecting existing lakes, connecting existing traffic system creating the water landscape

Sai Gon CBD

Cho Lon

travel attractions

landscape axes

energy turbines

city square axes

residential and commercial buildings

5. arranging tourist attractions and clean-energy turbines

Phu My Hung

city centers: locations and service radius.

6. creating landscape axes which head towards important buildings

solar energy biology energy wind energy water treatment

7. clean-energy power plants locations

energy intake axes energy output axes

8. energy intake and output axes

sustainable approach.

Ho Chi Minh city is a big urban complex containing various communities, which have their own urban center areas servicing people living in different residences. Those centers include historic area (Sai Gon CBD district 1 and 3), China town area (Cho Lon) and modern well-developed area (Phu My Hung). However, these 3 areas are not enough for all Ho Chi Minh city’s citizens, as their service radii are limited. Considering its position and size, the site of Tan So Nhat airport is a suitable place to develop a new center area, with unique and high-technological characteristics that other city centers do not have - a sustainable approach in urban design.

residential area with water treatment plans

water landscape with parabola fountain

local market area

glass garden vegetables preservation dome

wind energy turbines

solar energy intake towers

leave-shape stadium

iconic sky tower

Top left: the glass garden planting and preserving local vegetables Top right: the solar energy intake towers and wind turbines Center left: overview of the city from the center avenue. Center right: view of the iconic tower Bottom left: water landscape with parabola fountain Bottom right: close view of part of the cultural park



THE URBAN FOREST Academic project | 2015 | Individual work Conceptual thinking, modeling, diagrams illustrating, text writing, presentation

Overall view of the Cultural center Locating in the center district of Saigon, the project aims to give a new form of Vietnamese cultural architecture, which is not rigid and monotonic as local contemporary communal centers, but is able to deliver two main cultural theses: 1. a dynamic and lively space showing the fast development of the modern urban 2. a familiar and vernacular metaphor memorizing traditional architecture of Vietnam and unique features of the city The design tries to response to these theses on different scales: urban, architecture, interior and the interrelationship between them, by combining the modern technology with traditional elements. Right: aerial view of Saigon center area, showing vast green space which is appreciated by most Saigon citizens Far right: a picture of a traditional Vietnamese communal temple (Vietnamese: Ä‘ĂŹnh), the acient architecture of native people which was used as a cutural center.


1. the site and traffic flow

2. mass area extruding

3. connecting the streets

4. intersecting to connect

5. opening the views

6. creating social squares

7. facade modelling

8. halls

9. fixed form for functions

10. creating interactive path

11. final form and facade

diagrams. Auditorium Backstage

proposed preserved buildings

existing green space

Offices Semi-open hall

Interactive path Commercial space


the site Sections showing the relationship inside and outside the center

the site.


Situated within the CBD of Saigon along with many other historical architecture as showed in above drawing, the site is a potential place for a new cultural center which can create a conversation between the young and dynamic growing economy with the rich culture and history of the city. On the other hand, the new building which contribute to the new urban fabric - must not isolate itself from the existing surroundings.

The building is a cultural complex containing two units: the first is the multi-functional auditorium and offices, the second is an educational facility with clubs and classrooms. Two units is connected by an interactive path, which also connects to streets and squares. Dividing the building into units help different activities can happen at the same time without effecting others.

the stage seating wagon system


rock concert seating wagon system

The traditional form of Vietnamese communal temple

The front yard space created by the roof

Invert and double the form

Final proposed form contemporary dance

classical opera

fashion show

fixed seats



multi-functional auditorium.

Inspired by the traditional space for communal activities - the front yard of the communal temple, in Vietnamese: “sân đình", the proposed form was created by inverting and doubling that free space. The result is two dynamic spherical surfaces, which is expected to give a familiar picture to Vietnamese people despite its modern structure and fabric.

Inspired by the effect of sunlight filtering through leaves of trees, the facade is made from one layer of translucent material (GFRP) covering the space-frame structure.

By dividing the auditorium into two parts: mobile seats and fixed seats, different functions can be used in the same space as the drawing above. This method brings great advantages to the center, as the site area is small and the building’s height is limited.


site plan. Surrounding streets and entrances

1 basic concrete structure

ground level floor plan. Halls, squares, stage, commercial space, interactive path

2 space frame

3 diagonal grid

4 whole structure


2nd level floor plan. Top: Aerial view of the Cultural center Center: View of the Cultural center from across Vo Van Tan street Bottom: Unobstructed view of the auditorium’s hall

Auditorium, offices, clubs, classrooms

The proposed structure contains two layers of concrete and space frame, creating a thermal and humid insulating mechanism by ventilation between those layers which is suitable for the hot and wet wheather of Ho Chi Minh City.



THE RICE’S FRAGRANCE the factory the field the people

. Best graduation project class 2016 . Second prize, Loa Thanh award 2016 for Vietnamese architecture student, organized by Institute of Architects Vietnam

Top view of the Rice processing factory The paddy rice industry is considered as a strategic industry of Vietnam that has became a culture associating with our traditional civilization. Since 1986, rice processing factories mainly providing white rice for exporting market have emerged in Vietnam, but uncontrolled development of the industry have damaged the natural resources, affected rice's quality and farmers’ lives. To overcome that status, the project was designed and developed based on two main theses: 1. architecture associating with traditional rice civilization of Vietnam, in which people, nature and agricultural industry harmonize and interact. 2. architecture associating with modern technology, satisfying global standards for rice quality. Right: picture of a farmer and his cows plowing his paddy field - a traditional culture of Vietnamese people Far right: aerial picture of a system of man-made canals which lead water from Mekong river to paddy fields in Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam.



Long Xuyen quadrilateral

An Giang Province

transporters polishers Vietnam

te n Pakista d Sta d ilan Unite ietnam a h V T

exporters 29%

farmers 34%

factories traders 13% 19%

Hongkong Senegal Angola Iraq Ivory Coast Taiwan Bangladesh Malaysia Cuba Indonesia Singapore Philippines

Rice price comparison: Vietnam and some countries, 1990 - 2008

Rice exporting quantity comparison: Vietnam and Thailand, 2006 - 2010

Income sharing system in contemporary Vietnam’s rice industry, 2012

Countries importing the largest quantities of Vietnamese exported rice, 2010

Source: FAO - 2012


Source: Stephen Jaffee, 2015

Source: National customs department

Vietnam rice exporting: quantity and price charts. One of the main reasons creating disadvantages in price and quality of Vietnam exporting rice is the low level of native rice processing and storage facilities that does not sastify global standard for production and food safety. processing industry farmers agriculture intermediate natural consumer resources products commodities 1a. old conception of agricultural industry

Tuong Mountain Vong Dong town

restore site

Long Xuyen quadrilateral

cooperate architecture


enterprises protect

location and site.

thesis 1: the trilateral relations.

Located in the southern area of Vietnam belonging to Mekong Delta, the site is a rural riverside plot of Vong Dong town - the highest productivity area of Long Xuyen quadrilateral, which is, on the other hand, the area provicing largest quantity of processed rice in the country, year 2015.

Agricultural industrial architecture is the key factor to agricultural and rural modernization. Nowadays, a sustainable industrial architecture not only have to be optimal to the production line, but also have to harmony with the environmental and social existing context. In Southern Vietnam, rice processing factories play an especially important role in farmers’ economical and social lives, but in contrast, the architecture of those factories which is usually out of context may caused air, water and luminous pollution.

Mekong river


Thoai Son


Hon Chong port (3200 dwt) 79.47km


My Thoi port (5000 dwt) 46,4 km

Rach Gia


Rach Gia port 41.7 km

transportation to ports.

the site

natural resources

architecture, technique

agricultural modern-ization consumer intermediate commodities products

sustainable industrial architecture

society and people

2a. new conception of agricultural modernization

2b. new method of sustainable industrial architecture design

site and nature

thesis 2: linear relations to cyclic relations The new century brought an innovation in industrial producing conception, transforming it from linear to cyclical process. Affected from the new conception, a similar phenomenon happened to architecture.


site Long Xuyen

technical negative impacts production requirements architecture line 1b. old method of industrial architecture design

Productivity per hectare > 6.5 tons / hectare > 5.5 tons / hectare > 4.5 tons / hectare > 3.5 tons / hectare > 2.5 tons / hectare > 1.5 tons / hectare

stock purchasing radius

Left: images of existing rice processing factories located in the site’s area. This industrial architectural form is popular in Southern Vietnam, profiting yet polluting the countryside, in both environmental and social aspect. Far left: a rice processing factory in An Giang using the existing river as its transport canal, which can cause water pollution and flowing jam, bringing negative impact to the site and surrounding fields’ productivity.


Long Xuyen quadrilateral

Mudslide area

1. Mass extrusion of the main processing area, blocking natural ventilation. 2. Open the path through the main processing area for natural ventilation and transportation.

Waste Input

Blocked canal

3. Develop the path, chamfer forms in order to lead the wind into the processing area.

Open blocked canal

Output 4. Chamfer more to decrease wind resistance surface area.

Flow direction

solar and ventilation analysis. One of the main problems of agricultural industrial architecture is the impact of factories to its surroundings. By limiting the position and height of architectural categories, the factory is warranted not to shade surrounding fields in the entire year, so that photosynthesis of rice plants will not be effected. By letting the wind pass through the building site, cross pollination can happen between paddy fields.

5. Develop the architecture form to the entire site.

the river.

the wind.

Arranging input and output ports to the mudslide area to minimum the impact of the factory to existing flow direction.

Modifying and developing the form to lead the wind through the building site.

S = 11,06 ha

The site

The processing line

Technical required height

Landscape and processing axes

Technical required form

Architecture form responding to the surroundings

form responding to technical requirements and surroundings. Located in a vast area of fields and rivers, the factory is designed with reasonable height and size. The form is carefully considered to not impact existing natural and social elements.

Above: presentation model showing the factory with and without the EFTE and Tensotherm roof

Above: full view of the factory from east surrounding field.


1. EFTE with opacity of 90%

2. Tensotherm material with opacity of 40

3. Tensile membrane structure

5. Purlins

6. Processing space main structure

7. Processing space facade

4. Corrugated iron roof and translucent panel

Yard of waste output

Port of waste output

Waste products processing

structure. The structure is formed by 7 layers as showed in the drawing above, in order to create a native mechanism of insulation.

Port of input Cleaning, drying and boiling

Limiting th

Auxiliary storage Garage

e impacts

Returning clean and cool a ir

environm ent to pro cessing sp Capturing ace w in d , increasing ventilating speed wind turbin e / genera Pushing he tor at and dust out of the processing area Insulating th ermal by air flow

Filtering na tura reflecting so l light, lar therma l


Water tower, water treatment

Port of finished output Yard of finished output Worker training

Garage, toilets & canteen

Limiting th

e impacts

Main processing area Weight station

Administration building


of natural

of process

ing space

to natural

Collecting, reusing rain water



organization and operation of the two-layered roof and cooling tower. The two layer roof is a spectacular form of tropical architecture, which creates a thermal insulating mechanism from natural airflow. In this design, the traditional form is upgraded with a cooling tower that can capture clear wind from high airflow, lead it to processing space to increase ventilating speed. Captured wind is also used to generate electric by a wind turbine set up inside the tower. This mechanism is proved to be able to decrease used energy up to 30%.

Garage, toilets & canteen

site plan.


The site plan is divided in to 2 parts: the administration and worker servicing part located at the front of the factory; and the processing part which took up to 30% of the construction area.

The factory’s architectural categories are isolated from the environment by isolating materials, layers of space and structure. Impacts from the environment to the processing space are also limited in order to save energy.


Above Left: view of the main processing area; Above Right: view of the cleaning, drying and boiling area

Above Left: view of the canteen from main processing area; Above Right: aerial view of the water tower and water treatment area


Above Left: full view of the administration building; Above Right: view of the workers’ dormitory

ground floor plan. The production line is developed from the international Global G.A.P and HACCP satisfied production line, enhanced to be suitable with Vietnam weather, political and social conditions. The factory’s inner transportation contains asphalt roads for trucks and cars conveying machines and products, pavement for workers. Materials and products are transported by conveyers and pipes.

Above Left: interior view of the main processing factory; Above Right: interior view of the product introduction space inside the administration building

form. The factory architectural categories’ forms are inspired from native farmers’ familiar images, such as the heap of rice (main processing area), the fountain (administration building), the arista (water tower), ...


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