Alex V Nguyen - Post Graduate and Research Portfolio

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2018 School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield, UK Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture, Vietnam

résumé ALEX (Binh Vinh Duc) NGUYEN

full name nationality date of birth current location email phone

Binh Vinh Duc Nguyen Vietnamese 17.Oct.1993 Sheffield, UK (+44) 7565695033


2017 2018



University of Sheffield - United Kingdom


Concentrated in Computational design techniques, including a range of research expertise in Parametric Design, Computer Programming, 3D Interactive Prototyping, Building Information Modelling (BIM), and Environmental Simulation.




Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture - Vietnam Gained knowledge in conceptual design, architectural humanities (theory and history), technology (environmental, structural and constructional concept) and communication (representational techniques)


2016 now

2016 2017


First class Awarded the highest cumulative point in the school history Awarded the highest graduation project point in the class of 2016



Dr. Prof. Chengzhi Peng


Senior Lecturer | University of Sheffield United Kingdom Email:

Conceptual design derived from environmental simulation and Fengshui calculation, interior - landscape design and construction detailed drawings for residential and industrial projects, including a factory, a medical warehouse, two villas and a private resort. Gained confidence as a project manager while collaborating with other stakeholders.

Dr. Prof. Tsung-Hsien Wang


Lecturer | University of Sheffield United Kingdom Email:

Faculty of architectural technology, Department of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture - Vietnam Delivered lectures of specialised technological solutions and computational design in architecture. Coordinated design studios for residential and public projects. Produced publications including articles and conference papers. Gained hands-on experience in teaching, communication and research.

M.Arch. Prof. Anh Tuan Ha Senior Lecturer | Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture Vietnam Email:


Awaited Expected Distinction

Kien Xanh Architects Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam Worked as an assistant architect on residential, industrial and public projects. Acquired practical skills in collaboration, detailed drawing and on-site construction.


SOFTWARES Concept design Interior design Landscape design Fengshui calculation and advisory Graphic design Parametric Design and Modelling Ÿ Form finding and component optimisation Ÿ Construction and fabrication analysis Ÿ Plugin development



Building Information Modelling (BIM) Ÿ Architecture drawings and data management Ÿ Parametric geometry generation and calculation Ÿ IFC file analysis and modification

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Corel




Rhino and Grasshopper



Revit Dynamo Python


Programming Ÿ Data analysis and visualisation Ÿ Algorithm development

Python Python and C#


Microclimate simulation Building indoor microclimate and thermal simulation Urban microclimate simulation

Ecotect ENVImet and IES-VE

3D Modelling and Rendering Architecture Detailed Drawings Physical model making Presentation and Lecturing Research and Problem Solving

Sketchup, 3DsMax, Lumion Auto CAD





Professional working proficiency

Native or bilingual proficiency

PUBLICATIONS Nguyen, B.V.D., Watlom, T., Peng, C., Wang, T. (2018), Prototyping Adaptive Architecture - Balancing Flexibility of Folding Patterns and Adaptability of Micro-Kinetic Movements, in Kepczynska-Walczak, A, Bialkowski, S (eds.), Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018, pp. 391-400 Nguyen, B.V.D., Watlom, T., Wang, T., Peng, C. (2018), Parameterising pincone nastic movement for adaptable architecture design, in Huang, W., Williams, M., Luo, D., Wu, Y. and Lin, Y. (eds.) (2018), Learning, Prototyping and Adapting, Short Paper Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2018. © 2018, The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong Kong. Nguyen, D., Ha, T. (2018), Morphogenesis in architecture: applicability in Vietnam of an innovative concept, The VII International Scientific and Technical Conference: “THE SOLUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND REAL ESTATE”. Nguyen, D., Ha, T. (2017), A new methodology in architectural design, Part 1: The result of a natural development, Part 2: An effective methodology, Part 3: Applications in Vietnam. Kien truc va Doi song (Architecture and Life) magazine, national journal of Ho Chi Minh City Architectural association. Nguyen, D., Ha, T. (2017), Interactive architecture in contemporary context, Part 1: Interactive art in the context of Ho Chi Minh city, Part 2: Interactive architecture and its applicability. Kien truc va Doi song (Architecture and Life) magazine, national journal of Ho Chi Minh City Architectural association.

table of contents

COMPUTATIONAL ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN 1.1. KOALA The parametric Social Simulation System Software Developing

1.2. ANO The Kinetric Origami Interactive Architecture Generation, Optimisation and Fabrication

1.3. TOPO Extracting Topology data from IFC ďŹ le for building evacuation analysis

1.4. FLUID SPACE Parametric Spatial Generation Design

1.5. RHOMBUS Green BIM Integrated Facade Design

1.6. MUSIC VISUALISATION Data Processing and Visualisation


1.1. KOAL A The parametric Social Simulation System

Role : Researcher For : MSc Digital Architecture and Design (DAAD) University of Shefeld Date : August 2018 Type : Thesis Project Tool : GhPython, Grasshopper

The recently developments in computational design methods have addressed the need of translating reference data into digital input. Therefore, the uneasily quantiable data such as social and cultural references receive much less attention, thus resulting in a gap in the literature, namely, poor understanding of how people live and adapt buildings designed by architectural professions. In contrast, there are potential applications for social and cultural evaluation in architectural social science and environmental psychology, such as systematic frameworks that can be used to translate human psychological traits (personal, social and cultural) into digitised data. In Computer Science, a similar view exists in the agent-based modelling sub-area. The aims of this study is to investigate how human emotion and behaviour relational to surrounding built environment can be modelled and simulated digitally, by creating a parametric platform that provides simulation of human inhabiting changeable virtual environments involving agent-based modelling. With its innovative idea of connecting cross-disciplinary knowledge, the study is expected to produce novel applications of computational tools and to demonstrate prototypes of ‘virtually lived’ architecture, which will help architects to upgrade their design through users’ spatial engagement.

. KOALA Interface as a Grasshopper Plugin

. Research Questions

. Relationship between human, architectural space, behaviour and KOALA system's imitation

. The link between agents' individually psychological input, their behaviours and the social spatial comfort

1.1. KOAL A

. Research Methodology / Workow

. Main components of the KOALA system

. Agent's behavioural decision process

. The three layers structure of the KOALA system

1.1. KOAL A

. Case study workflow

. Example of case study output data analysis

1.1. KOAL A

. Example of case study output data analysis

1.1. KOAL A

. Example of the case study spatial modification process

. Workflow of the architect’s design process using KOALA system

. Workflow of the collective / participatory design process using KOALA system


Role For

1.2. ANO Kinetic Origami Interactive Architecture

: Co-Researcher / Designer : MSc DAAD University of Shefeld Date : March 2018 Type : Thesis Project Publication : eCAADe, CAADRIA 2018 Tool : GhPython, Grasshopper, Rhino, Kangaroo, Arduino

The development of digital applications has informed a new understanding of architecture design, in which building structures and building elements are no longer permanent, xed or immobile (Schumacher, 2010). As dynamic architecture becomes more popular and applicable, there have been immerging questions about its purpose and effectivity. One of its typical employments is to respond to changing functional and environmental requirements. Although this viewpoint has potentials in creating more sustainable and fascinating architecture, it requires careful researches and suitable strategies during the design process, to achieve meaningful mobility and efcient controlling mechanism (Megahed, 2017). This study proposes a design process that can be suitable to dynamic architecture. Developed from a dynamic component design, the process explores the balance between architectural adaptability and exibility. While an architectural component needs to be exible to be applicable to different environmental and functional requirements, the adaption process applied to a specic site transforms it and limits its exibility. Therefore, the parametric tools were used in both ways: to generate the exibility as well as to limit it to gain adaptability. In other words, the design process becomes an information feedback loop between idea development and (site-specic) possibility evaluation The concept of optimising architectural components to gain maximum effectiveness in this paper is derived from the inspiration of “morphogenesis”. As a term used in natural sciences, this process continuously evaluates geometrical forms until they reach a goal of adaptation to a specic environment or a known requirement (Roudavski, 2009). To reduce the generating time and resources, a hypothesis is proposed, in which architectural optimisation process need to be limited by sets of rules based on phasic goals, in order to gain efciency. Following this rule, the design process is proceeded in three phases: Ÿ (1) Optimisation of geometry based on efcient movement; Ÿ (2) Maximisation the effectiveness of the controlling mechanism; Ÿ (3) Balancing of adaptability and exibility based on site-analysis.

. Flexible Component Design

. Design Workflow

. Geometry Design: Concept

. Adaptive Architecture Design

1.2. ANO

. Geometry Design of ANO pattern

. Geometry Design: Parametrisation of ANO pattern

. Geometry Design: Generation of ANO patterns, choosing the best pattern based on: - Lightweight material and less structural elements required - EďŹƒcient controlling method due to homogeneous movement - Providing aesthetic and attractive architectural shape - Continuous sheltering area

1.2. ANO

. Geometry Design: Chosen Proposal









. Controlling Mechanism: Mathematical Formula

1.2. ANO MO

. Controlling Mechanism: Optimisation, choosing the suitable length of components, based on: - The range of movement, or the eďŹƒciency - The accuracy of movement

. Controlling Mechanism: The Parametric system

. Kinetic System: Workow

1.2. ANO

. Kinetic System: Virtual Prototyping

. Group Behaviour

. Kinetic System: Physical Prototyping

1.2. ANO

. Physical Prototyping: Arduino System

. Physical Prototyping: Model making

. Site adaptation: Kinetic Pavilion Structure

1.2. ANO

. Design Results and Contributions: Ÿ (1) The design process of an architectural origami pattern, which has an optimisation framework that can be applied to

other patterns; Ÿ (2) The adaptive architecture design workow, which proposes the effectiveness of using mathematical formula in movement control, and the usefulness of parametric system in structural generation; Ÿ (3) The combination of virtual and physical prototyping in simulating and processing architectural actuation, in which individual and group behaviour can be implemented together. Ÿ The new ANO pattern and component, with the ability to be applied on diverse shelter surfaces, i.e., pavilions, canopy, building façade Further development is expected to be include user-driven movement, e.g. Different sensing system to collect input data such as human movement, sound, light,... and a user-interactive behaviour system to provide playful activities.


1.3. TOPO Extracting Topology data from IFC file for Building Evacuation Simulation

Role For Date Type Tool

: Researcher : MSc DAAD University of Shefeld : April 2018 : Module submission : Python, IFCOpenShell, NetworkX

Building topology extraction and analysis has been a notable research topic in Digital architecture study. The requirement for this subject comes from the increasingly complexity of interior spaces, and the need for reducing lost in case of indoor emergencies i.e. res, terrorist attacks (Tang, 2015). There are different approaches in generating an effective algorithm, involving different input digital architecture formats. However, the majority of studies has looked into Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform as the main source for building data and geometries (Cheng and Hua, 2013). This is because a BIM le can provide the most complete virtual representation and annotation of the physical building, thus offering a more precise topological data. (van Nederveen et al., 2014). This study will introduce and evaluate three main approaches in exporting topology from BIM le as well as their applications in architecture design and building management, before providing a complete workow which is applicable in calculating the evacuation process. IFC is the BIM format used in this case study, since it is widely accepted in term of industrial interoperability and sharing information (El-Mekawy et al. 2012). It can be seen that each algorithm is suitable for specic space shape or calculating level. Therefore, to achieve a precise and convenient network simulation, a combination between them is proposed. This new workow includes three steps corresponding with three algorithms: (1) Generating the base topology network by using Coordinate-based network model, with real spatial locations (nodes) and precise relationships (networks) (2) Using Voronoi centreline-based network model to modify long shaped and vertical spaces, such as corridors and stairs to avoid wallpassing and spider-net route. Add additional nodes into the network. (3) Detailed human walking route simulation by Grid subdivision model, using spatial relationship data from the existing network. This study will continue with a detailed coding proposal for step 1. The requirement of this step is to extract correct relationships between spaces, which has not been achieved in any reference paper. Overall, there are three types of connection between spaces that need to be import: (1) Spaces connected through doors; (2) Spaces connected through virtual boundaries and (3) Spaces connected through openings. . The simulation workflow

. Case Study: Topology Map visualisation

1.3. TOPO

. The detailed workow of Spatial Topology Network Generation

. Case Study: Evacuation Data Analysis and Visualisation

1.3. TOPO

. Case Study: Evacuation Data Analysis and Visualisation

. Case Study: Evacuation Data Analysis and Visualisation

. Case Study: 3D Visualisation of Spatial ClassiďŹ cation


1.4. FLUID SPACE Parametric Spatial Generation Design

Role For Date Type Tool

: Researcher : MSc DAAD University of Shefeld : Jan 2018 : Module submission : Python, Grasshopper, Rhino, Kangaroo

‘Mountains are not cones, clouds are not spheres, and rivers are not straight lines. We cannot deny that curves and bends have an inherent beauty’ (Mandelbrot, 2016). Indeed, the previous decades have witnessed an innovative development in architecture towards curved forms. Using parametric tools, famous architectural practices such as Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA), Gehry, SANAA, UN Studio and MAD Architects have built their architectural identity from this language. Although there are controversies of these new buildings about the high construction cost and low adaptability to the surrounding context, it cannot be denied that this trend of architecture has marked a new era of technological development. Following contemporary architects’ statements, parametric curved buildings are now usually mentioned as ‘uid architecture’. In fact, the term ‘uid’ is continuously used by ZHA in Total Fluidity (2000-2010) and Fluid Totality (2010-2015). Drawing from their denition, ‘uid architecture’ can be understood as the spatial sense of seamless uidity, adapted from natural system. In addition, it is also dened as the ‘uid stream in movement’ of users or inhabitants. Therefore, ‘uid’ is both (1) the container, or the built form, and (2) the contained, or the relationship between the space and its users. There are various ways to construct a uid architecture. Generally, architects usually consider the relationship between mutual contextual elements to create an organic ‘trafc ow’ of users, then design an innovative form that is suitable to it. Since there is no real site in this project, another approach is developed, based on natural inspiration and computational process. The aim of this project is to test whether a parametric function can generate a uid interior space, regarding its contextual elements, such as dimensions and reference points. Characteristics of the space are: Ÿ The inner space is separated yet still interconnected, by a single curved surface that is derived from a parametric function simulating liquid uidity. Ÿ A parametric box and user-dened reference points are used as the context for the curved surface generator. Therefore, this uid space can be varied and applied to any box-shaped room as an installation or exible / interactive space. Ÿ A fabrication process is proposed, which suggests a simple and structurally-free method to create a uid interior space. As a result, there are three points that this project will address: (1) The process of generating and analysing the context parameters; (2) The liquid uidity simulating parametric function; and (3) The fabrication strategy. The eventual space, which is highly diversity and can provide a broad range of priority level, is proposed to be used as public and semi-public space, such as library, cafeteria, exhibition or courtyard, since it can adapt to varied social comfortable needs.

. Natural inspiration and the fluid-surface generating mechanism


. Relationship between reference points (nucleuses-points) and the surface shape

. Variations of the uid-space geometry

. Fabrication strategy

. Fabrication process


. The full Grasshopper deďŹ nition

. Assembling concept

. Physical Model

. Physical Model


1.5. RHOMBUS Green BIM Integrated Facade Design

Role For Date Type Tool

: Researcher : MSc DAAD University of Shefeld : Jan 2018 : Module submission : Revit, Dynamo, EnergyPlus

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a revolutionary development that is quickly reshaping the Architecture – Engineering – Construction industry through the way buildings are conceived, designed, constructed and operated (Hardin, 2009). As sustainable architecture emerged and widely developed during the last decade, its connection to BIM has created a new concept: “Green BIM” (Lu, 2017), or collaborative design in sustainable architecture. With its innovative applications in building data management, BIM provides a new design approach in which energy efciency performance can be analysed to facilitate the accomplishment of established sustainability goals (Wong, 2015). This integrated method requires data transferring interface that connects to energy analysis tools, for example, EnergyPlus (Sanguinetti, 2012); and evaluation based on green building certicate system (Jun, 2015). Parametric platform is also a necessary factor for proposal comparison throughout the design process (Wang, 2010). The main purpose of this study is to test the potential of BIM application in an integrated design process towards Green BIM, or collaborative sustainable design. The study is conducted on an undergraduate studio project, which is an ofce building in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. There are 3 steps that will be performed: Ÿ Creating a parametric adaptive system, in this case, a solar shading façade that directly connects to the building’s sustainability (Aksamija, 2016). Ÿ Altering the façade through simulation and analysing, using Dynamo plugin and local climate data. Ÿ Evaluating the façade’s effectiveness by analysing building performance data and comparing to LEED certicate system, using Revit EnergyPlus plugin – Insight. After this study, a basic understanding and assessment of the Green BIM design process can be achieved, which will be the fundamental for future research and development.

. Panel Design and Controlling Mechanism

. Integrating sun radiation analysis data to target facade, creating the conceptual mass facade


. BIM application in simulation and analysis of various sustainable elements and integration of green building assesment

. Energy Plus simulation output - before and after applying the facade


1.6. MUSIC VISUALISATION Data Processing and Visualisation

Role For Date Type Tool

: Researcher : MSc DAAD University of Shefeld : Jan 2018 : Module submission : Python, NetworkX, MusicXML

The main theme of this work is to visualize data. My initial idea is to use music as the source data set. In the past, there has already been many computational programming successfully visualizing music in real time, which mostly use the digital sound properties (for example, frequency, amplitude, speed, …). This approach was able to create memorizing interactive graphics, however it can be used for every sound input, thus did not adequately address the nature of music. This function which I made have a more ‘analog’ approach. Musical elements, in this case, the notes, the chords, their position, arrangement and relationship are tools that composers used to create music. Therefore, if a graphic can visualize all that factors, the user can achieve a deeper understanding of the artist’s composing process, thus providing a different viewpoint for the user, from ‘audience’ to a kind of ‘musician’. The challenge here is how to nd the music data source that can provide all those factors. Fortunately, there is one spectacular music coding-based le type that was developed for sharing musical sheet: MusicXML. There are also various website that provide Free XML le. As a result, there are two steps that the function have to address: Ÿ To extract musical variables from the XML le Ÿ To visualize those variables effectively Since the purpose of visualizing here is the ‘relationship’ between musical notes, I choose NetworkX as the suitable platform. Different types of network visualizing were experienced throughout the coding process, each has its own visual effect and provides different informative understanding from the musical piece. The next development is to create a real-time graphic that can show the arrangement relationship of the notes. In order to do that, a programming platform providing particle movement is needed. Therefore, I use Turtle and combine the data analyst of the 5th assignment with time-based movement of the 3rd assignment. In this function, there are two works to do: (1) creating the musical instrument (that have unique notes and unique positions, just as a piano); and (2) creating the player movement that shows the musical progress from the rst to the last note based on the music sheet. In the ‘musical instrument’, each turtle will present a unique note in the musical sheet. As a result, after data extraction, the note list need to be ltered and re-organized. The position of each turtle will present the name and octave of its note, calculated from the XML data. The colour of each turtle will be based on the note type (or the duration of each note). The turtle ‘player’ will move between the notes, at the same time will create a network of its footprint, showing the relationship between the notes as in the musical sheet.

. Example of Musical Network visualisation: Type 1


. Example of Musical Network visualisation: Type 2

. Example of Musical Network visualisation: Type 3

. Example of Real-time Musical Network visualisation

2018 School of Architecture, The University of SheďŹƒeld, UK Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture, Vietnam

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