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April 2023 Issue 390 Puff ‘n Stuff Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch
Figure 1 Pre-78 Mustang of Barry Fairbrass

Well, first Editorial. Hope it goes better than the first email…

I committed to being Editor until the AGM, but as I didn’t start until this issue, I will extend the tenure until October. I may well continue past this, but this depends on:

1. How much I enjoy it, and

2. The level of support I get with articles and trip reports because I won’t be attending everything.

I volunteered to do this because I believe pretty much that you get out of a club what you put in. I have a disability, (maybe many according to my wife), but this is something I can do.

I would really like to see more MY FIRST CAR STORIES. I enjoy reading them and there must be hundreds out there among the membership. It really makes you realise how much life has changed.

I will try and follow the standard set by Gerry; however, it was evident when I watched him do the last issue that he is more artistic than I could be with the photos.

The cover photo Mustang is from the Pre-1978 race series. The car is completely and utterly immaculate having had initially a full nut and bolt restoration then final assembly into a period-correct race car with glass windows, full interior trim, all steel bodywork with all exterior trim, correct 450BHP Windsor engine and gearbox sitting on 15” Torq Thrust D’s with treaded tyres. Information and photo thanks to Wayne Perkins from Queenstown.

Copy deadline for next edition by the 25thof each month

Circulation: 223

© 2023 The opinions and information presented here are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the club or its officers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information or opinions expressed. E&OE.

2 Editorial


Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie, Allan Porter, Bryan Anderson

Daffodil Day Co-Ordinator: Graham Taylor, Wendy Martin

Times: Alan Sutton, Greg Doran, Bill Crooks Moped Rally: John Martin

Phone: E-Mail: Partner: Patron: John Loudon 448 7192 - Sheila Committee Chairman: Noel Hassed 442 3908 Bernice Vice Chairman: John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280 John Club Captain: Bert Turnbull 027 434 2339 bert.turnbull1940 Jenny Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose Committee: Gaynor Miller 021 977 946 (Chris) John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel Rose Grindley 021 454 371 Garry Property Caretaker: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene Clubrooms: John Wilson id. id. id. Don & Lynne Yeaman 443 2730 Parts Convener: John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda Steve Reynolds 022 167 0872 Bev Don Yeaman id. id. id. Idle Torque: Don Yeaman id. id. id. Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan id. id. id. Area Reps: Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 Sharron Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl
id. id. id.
Central Otago Vintage Car Club (including Queenstown & Wanaka)


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Wed 12 Apr 7/8pm Club Night. Guest Speaker is Ed Taylor from Warbirds over Wanaka, interesting guy with a good tale to tell. He will have his wife with him so please ladies join your husband/ partner for this meeting.

Sun 16 Apr Sunday Run is to Mt Cook, leave club 8.45 am, meet others at Tarras opposite shops, a wide grass area, leave at 9.15 am. Travel to Omarama (1 hour travel time) and meet up at Wrinkly Ram for Coffee. Depart Omarama 11.30ish travel to Mt Cook. Travel time 1 hour approx.

When approaching the Village a short distance before T intersection, a sign points to right “Hooker Valley” take this road a short distance to car park and large shelter for self-catered picnic lunch.

After lunch options include: explore walks, drive round to Tasman Glacier car park, or just go for a coffee at the Old Mountaineer Café. You can also visit the Hermitage and a cafe on the mezzanine above reception does coffee and cabinet-type food (last time Bert was there, he thought it was reasonably priced). Home under own steam, whenever.

Thurs 27 April Thursday Run TBC. Probably Alexandra area. Early May Graham Taylor will also be taking a small tour to Akaroa, Call Graham if you want to know more.

The Clubroom & Parts Sheds are located at Litany Street, Cromwell

Club Nights – doors open from 7pm on 2nd Wednesday of the month (except Jun & Dec)

Midweek Muster at the Parts Shed – Wednesday mornings from 8:30am, except for Club Night Wednesdays



VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Sat-Sun 8-9 Apr

Wheels @ Wanaka (see flyer). Club members will be involved as volunteers (as marshals), or in the “Tractor Club” etc. We need more people to help park cars from 8 ‘till 10 on the Saturday, and where possible VCC cars will be parked together with the flag flying! If you can help, contact Murray Pryde on 03 443 5020 or Also enter your vehicle online at

20 to 25 Apr

Sat-Sun 22 Apr


Will update next month

Arrowtown Autumn Festival. See entry form at the back or

Highlands Festival of Speed.



Report and Photos contributed by Ewen Duthie. Thanks Ewen.

On Saturday 18th March 16 cars arrived at Ashburton for the start of the tour. Amongst them were Roddy and Yvonne Maxwell in their 1935 Chev and myself and Murray George in my 1955 Austin A90 from the Central Otago branch and my good friend Keith Heineman with co-driver Colin Adam in his 1930 Model A from Dunedin. Also, a Rover 90 and in day 3 a Hillman Hunter joined us from the North Island.

We all meet at the Ashburton VCC Clubrooms and had a look through the club’s Museum before we had a light evening meal and briefing from the organisers Alon and Tracy Mayhew for the upcoming event.

Day 1. We left Ashburton traveling to the east and south crossing over the main road and heading to Geraldine. After a bit of a tour behind Geraldine, we headed north, zig-zagging up the plain on whatever gravel roads Alon had found. We had lunch at Rakia before continuing north. I did a short detour into Kaiapoi to catch up with my daughters for ½ an hour then continued to Rangiora. Normally it would be 110Km from Ashburton to Rangiora, but we covered over 330kms that day. Dinner and evening get-together was at the 5 Stags that night.

Day 2. We left Rangiora heading South to Cust and then on a variety of gravel roads north to Waimak Classic Cars. After looking through the collection it was lunch at Amberley and a zig-zag trip via Gore Bay coming into Cheviot from the east. About 240 kms that day. Dinner, and get-together was at the Cheviot Lodge that night.

Day 3. With the Hillman Hunter joining us we headed west on a loop in the country back roads then north to take Leader Road through to Waiau. For coffee. While on more gravel roads heading to Hamner we came to a ford, the Rover 90 had continued through it before the rest of us


got there and was on the other side. He did tell us it was up over his door sills as we surveyed it. Keith in the Model A was keen to go through it and found that keeping to the left it wasn’t as deep. After watching the Model A go through I decided The A90 would be fine and went through with no issues. The rest of the crew chickened out and did a 10km detour to get to Hamner.

One of Alon’s observations that night was that all the cars that crossed the ford had male co-drivers and all those that didn’t had female co-drivers.

We arrived at Hamner for lunch and had a free afternoon. 4 of us climbed aboard the model A and headed up Jacks Pass to the start of the Moleswoth Station and down Jollies Pass back to Hamner on pretty rough roads full of potholes. Meeting and dinner was at 5 Stags that night.

Day 4 We left Hamner on the main road heading west over the Lewis Pass and all met up at the turn off to the Maruia Saddle Road. Once all cars arrived we headed over the saddle in convoy. This is a very narrow road zig zagging its way to enter Murchison from the east. A great trip through the bush, I would love to do it again sometime. We met that night at the Mataki motels and then on to the Murchison Sport and Recreation Centre where the locals set up a display of their vintage cars. That night a community group supplied our evening meal there.

Day 5 -2 more cars joined us and we headed down the Buller Gorge with a detour into Westport for coffee. Then south turning east before Greymouth up the north of the river, via Taylorville continuing around Lake Brunner zig zagging our way to Hokitika. Another big day with 340kms travelled. We met on the seafront and most of us sat outside with fish and chips that night.

Day 6 was on to Haast stopping at Ross and Fox to look at collections of cars and motorbikes, stopping at Franz Joseph for lunch. The MG traveling with us had the bearings seize in its alternator so was towed the last few kms to Haast by the model A. We all met at the Heartland Hotel and had dinner there.


Day 7 We left Haast in the pouring rain stopping at Makarora for coffee. After coming over the top of the pass the weather cleared and a light blue 1300 came towards us. It was Graham Taylor and Don Yeaman, coming to meet the tour. After a detour around Wanaka, we arrived at Wanaka Machine Hire for a look at Alan Dippies’ great collection of tractors and cars etc. After lunch it was on the final leg to Cromwell and after a couple of back roads ending up home. We met at the Lake Dunstan Motels that night then on to the clubrooms with a meal catered by the Black Rabbit. Thanks to Alf O’Sullivan for opening the rooms and parts shed for us.

We managed to get a prize for doing all the route and going through the Ford and the Maxwell’s got the furthest travelled in the South Island.

A total of 2140 km travelled from when we left Cromwell to arriving back a week later. We had a great week and met a lot of interesting people. I would recommend this trip to anybody.


Helpful info from Gerry Spencer

If anyone's car or motorcycle has broken down, or you're keen to do some tinkering on an engine, Haynes Manual AllAccess has just released over 280 car and motorcycle manuals from their extensive back catalogue, bringing the total to over 980 manuals!

The best way to access will be via this page: Access is free using your Library card and pin/password.

It is likely CODC library Users would also be able to access this as QLDC and CODC libraries use the same card system.



The weather was perfect. Autumn day but warm with plenty of sunshine. Did I mention that is one of the reasons we wanted to retire to Central Otago?

Only two of us turned up to the clubrooms for the start which didn’t bode well but dead-on time we left for Cardona. The scenery was fantastic and we took the opportunity to take a small diversion at the Redbridge Strawberry Farm, which have got to be the best strawberries I have ever had.

We took a short cut along Riverbank Road and ended up following the Taylor Morris 1100 up the valley. Sitting on near 100k we could not help but notice how flat it handled and how small they are compared with todays cars. I suspect that Graham’s car weighs half of what my Range Rover does.

The turnout was good. Ten cars, eight of them VCC eligible, the oldest being Neil & Liz Webster’s 1926 Sunbeam, and twenty odd people. The cars attracted a fair bit of attention and photo-taking from tourists, and some tourists from Mumbai


asked Gerry to start the pick-up. The 7.4 L engine may be the largest they have knowingly seen in a passenger vehicle.

Nice to see a couple of cars I hadn’t seen before. I liked the two pickups and the Chev.

The lunch, dining outside in the grounds, was very pleasant. Good company and a pleasant way to spend the day.


A few years ago, I was asked to be Acting Manager of a group of Environmental Resource Planners. They were much younger and more earnest than me. Eventually one of them asked me at a team meeting. “How many gas guzzlers do you own, and how do you justify this from an Environmental point of view?” Being honest I replied. “Five, and it is very good for the Environment,” She looked at me in disgust and asked. “How do you justify that?”

I replied. “Well, I am pretty particular about who drives them, so if I drive one, mostly there are four not being used so Environmentally that is a great outcome” There was silence at the meeting. This is a true story.

Figure 2 Thanks To Gerry Spencer

This month’s Sunday run was to Kidd’s Bush, which is a popular picnic and camping area on the shores of Lake Hawea. The beach is covered with flat pieces of schist - perfect for skipping across the placid waters of the lake. The camp has toilet and barbecue facilities. Opposite the picnic area is the start of a 30-minute nature walk through mountain beech forest. If you have time available, you can walk to the Sawyer Burn Hut. The track leads up through native forest before opening onto a sub-alpine grass spur with superb views of Lake Hawea, the beech forest and nearby high-country stations. Walking to the hut and back will take around six hours. Kidd’s Bush is off the Hawea to Haast Highway drive west from Lake Hawea township on State Highway 6.

A smaller than normal group headed to Kidd's Bush picnic and the bush walk. A nice day out with a couple of new members and a few of the regulars.

. Figure 3 From Bernice Hassed Figure 4 Bernice Hassed


Our guest speakers for March were Helen Scholes and Barbara Emmett. They discussed one of Cromwell’s best-kept secrets – a free visitor attraction that has something for the whole family. When the Clyde dam was completed in 1990, Cromwell’s main street disappeared under Lake Dunstan.

Some of the historic buildings dating back to the gold rush of the 1860s were saved or lovingly rebuilt on higher ground, creating the Cromwell Heritage Precinct. Step back in time to the gold rush and explore heritage buildings, many with artisan businesses in them, located on the shore of beautiful Lake Dunstan.

Figure 5 Credit Cromwell Heritage Precinct


It’s Thursday night and we are back from the mid-week run to the Wedderburn Tavern. We were keen. We arrived a day early at the car club for the start, something about mid-week and being retired and not paying too much attention to the calendar.

We really enjoyed the outing and the company. About nine cars and 20 people so a good turnout for the first of these runs.

I have a soft spot for the Holdens, I presume given the spec it was a 179, and possibly it is a twin carb model given the sound when it started. I didn’t get a chance to talk to the owner. I have started planning a refresh of the motor on my own XU1 and that will happen over the next few months, but it might not be seen on many club trips because I suspect I can’t drive it anymore, given my leg issues.

The v3000 is an example of what I believe the VCC should be encouraging. It is part of our motoring heritage. Certainly, I recall being stopped a few times by the black and white version of these. There are few examples left but they are part of the NZ history. If we are not going to restore them, we should find the best and look after then. They are only original once!


I have been reflecting on comments from Noel and Graham about how few cars are being restored these days, and I think there maybe two contributing issues, one the cost of VCC cars and the cost of restoration. Maybe one of our roles is preservation of survivor cars like the V3000.



National Executive Meeting 4/3/2023 continued 5/3/2023

Matters arising from August 2022 Executive meeting:

There was considerable debate on the amended notice of motion about the club and branch names. It was unclear if we were voting on the motion or simply accepting that it was constitutional and allowing it to go out for consultation.

Apparently, it is constitutional and has since been circulated to members. (Editor; see next section.)

There have been nominations received from both Nelson and Hastings to host the next International Rally.

The online membership application form now defines what “suppression” means for both individuals and vehicles.

President’s Report:

• A breakdown of members’ ages shows almost 55% over 70. We still have some way to go attracting younger members.

• There will be several vacancies on the National Management Committee this year with the President, both Club Captains, the Speed Stewart and Tony Bartlett not standing for re-election. Also the Secretary/Treasurer position is already vacant. This is a loss of a lot of experience at one time highlighting the need for longer terms with some sort of overlap, hopefully this will be addressed in the new constitution.

• Progress is still being made with NZTA. on 12-month WOFs. The transport Minister has advised that the best way to achieve this as an exemption under existing legislation. NZTA have asked the Federation of Motoring Clubs how they could achieve oversight/monitor monitoring. FOMC are looking at our VIC system and the Hot Rod Association’s Certification system as two possible ways to achieve this.

National Office:

• Overall the online membership system is still working well but there have been problems getting branch approvals back. National Office will now process VICs etc. for new and transferring members if no reply is received within a reasonable time.

• There is now increased access for Branch Secretaries to branch data via the online branch portal. There will be a mail out shortly to check members data.



• An updated Technical Code will be released shortly, it will be clearer as to what is required and considerably shorter as a lot of repetition had crept in over the years.

• Included will be links to the NZTA requirements, lapsed vehicle process a check list.

• Training sessions will be provided and VICs will then go online. Note: sign-off will still come from local signatories.

Other items:

• Biofuels mandate has been scrapped (at least for now) so I guess we won’t be seeing ethanol in our fuel for a while.

• The Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association are reappointing their certifiers. Their aim is to have certifiers that take a more realistic approach to what is required for old vehicles.

• Given the variety of feedback on the make-up of the National Committee/Board under the new constitution a discussion refined paper (with fewer options) will be produced. The new constitution does not have to be in place until December 2025.

• There was some discussion about the Club’s national day. Including a shift from the August date, how much recognition we get and a change of beneficiary. It was decided to leave it as is and continue to develop the relationship with the Cancer Society, both locally and at a national level.

• The Federation of Motoring Clubs will be conducting a survey of member clubs and some individual members of those clubs to get some idea of the impact of their membership on the country’s economy. This data will be useful when lobbying Government on issues affecting members.

• The VCC’s strategic plan was presented and this has been circulated to members. Contact a member of the branch committee if you have any feedback and if necessary we can discuss at a club night.

• After a long discussion on the Length of Membership awards it was decided to essentially maintain the status quo but to investigate national office carrying the whole cost.

• Hawkes Bay branch entered the local heritage awards under the “group” category highlighting the Driving our History tag line. While they didn’t win they were highly placed and gained some excellent exposure for the club.



10 January 2023

Having read the Management Committee Assessment and Comments, and other input, the following changes have been made to the proposed Notice of Motion as described below:

Clause 1.1 has reverted to how it's worded at present, with no additional words at the end about not envisaging name change.

The proposed Clause 1.2 with remarks about the context of the word "vintage" as used in the Club's name has been deleted.

The proposed Clause 1.3 has now been incorporated in an expanded Clause 4.2 where it best applies, bearing in mind that the Club's status as a founding member and the NZ representative of FIVA is very relevant, and worthwhile documenting here, as is the Club's status as a founding member of the New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs (NZ FoMC).

The former proposed Clause 1.4 is now therefore renumbered as proposed Clause 1 .20

Proposed Clause 15.10 b) now refers only to consistency as it applies to branches' constitutional names.

the procedure to be subject to further comment and submissions from branches and members to 30/4/23.

Note the intent of the NOM is not to enable branches to adopt promotional names that ability is believed to already exist. The proposed Clause 15.10 c) is consistent with the existing powers and obligations of the Executive to exercise governance, and to facilitate an appreciation by the Club, and other agencies, of terms as may be used in any branch promotional names.


Current Clause wording:

1. Name

1 .1 The name of the organisation shall be "The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)", referred to in this Constitution as the "Club".

2. 4. Powers

4.2The Club may liaise with any organisation whose aims are similar to, or compatible with those of the Club.

3. 15. Branches

15.10 Each Branch shall become a duly incorporated Branch of the Club and register as such under the provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, and any

The NOM as lodged in January 2022 and as refined and "presently worded" after considering the Management Committee's assessment, and all other comments received, "has at all times been consistent with the current VCC Constitution and the VCC's aims and objects", this being "the sole criteria for giving such NOM formal status".
We ask that the NOM as "presently worded below" be given formal status by the Executive so it can move to the next stage of

amendments thereof and with the sanction of the Executive shall adopt Branch Rules not inconsistent with these Rules.

Alter Clause wording to:

4. Name

1 .1 The name of the organisation shall be "The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)", referred to in this Constitution as the "Club"

1 .2 The Club is acknowledged in New Zealand statutes as being "The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand", and may, when dealing with and supplying services to other bodies, refer to itself by such name with the Club's registered name shown as a supplementary heading.

5. 4. Powers

4.2 The Club may liaise with any organisation whose aims are similar to, or compatible with those of the Club, and did exercise this power by becoming a founding member of both the worldwide body named Federation Internationale Vehicules Anciens (FIVA), of which the Club is the authorised New Zealand representative; and also of the New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs (Inc.), (NZ FoMC).

6. 15. Branches

15.10 a) Each Branch shall become a duly incorporated Branch of the Club and register as such pursuant to any enabling provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and any amendments thereof, and with the sanction of the Executive shall adopt Branch Rules not inconsistent with these Rules.

15.10 b) Pursuant to Clause 15.10 a), each Branch shall adopt a registered name that is consistent with the registered name of the Club.

15.10 c) Any Branch may, with the oversight of the Executive, (ref. Clause 6.1), adopt and use an operational or promotional name that incorporates alternative descriptors to refer to some, but not necessarily all, of the categories of Clubeligible vehicles that are otherwise described in Clause 3 of the Constitution. Periodically, definitions where appropriate may be included in the Club's Bylaws for information.

Expanded Explanation•

The general consensus from discussion at the 2021 AGM was to retain and protect the current Club name.

Several Branches in recent years have indicated they would like to change the registered name of their branch in order to better inform members and prospective members of the kinds of vehicles that are catered for by the Club.

The fact that there is another avenue open to branches to achieve this objective appears not to have been widely known, and therefore not followed up by branches. It has become clear that some branches believe they have been stymied in their endeavours to better promote themselves, and frustrations have been evident in that


regard. Our proposed Notice of Motion will make this alternative avenue for achieving branch objectives self-evident by incorporating helpful information and referencing a procedure in the clauses of the Club Constitution.

The Management Committee, in its assessment of the NOM, have advised that we are not creating something that doesn't already exist, however, our intent is for the Club Constitution to be informative, relevant and helpful by inserting applicable clauses.

Whereas for some years the national body of the Club has itself effectively adopted and used another name when providing its services to other agencies, (without necessitating a change to its registered name), we believe it is appropriate the Constitution be amended to draw attention to the ability of Branches to promote themselves using their preferred terms, for their target audience and the wellbeing of the Club, while maintaining their registered branch status. This is envisaged as being managed with a degree of oversight and management that is commensurate with the Executive's existing obligation to govern the Club, pursuant to Clause 6.1 of the Club's Constitution.

There is provision in the proposed new Clause 15.10 c) to periodically include definitions of terms that may be favoured by Branches in the Club Bylaws, from time to time, for helpfulness and guidance.

Note that this is already currently done with respect to terminology used by the Club, particularly by the Vehicle Technical Committee, and this practice facilitates discussion and interaction between the Club and other bodies and agencies. This can be achieved by way of remits to the Club Executive, which conform to a separate procedure from Notices of Motion, but are often complementary to them.

Proposer: Tony Bartlett(06/01474) Seconder: Rodney Clague(06/01480)


The Otago Rally is based around Dunedin and is the first round of the 2023 Brian Green Property Group New Zealand Rally Championship. This component of the event features New Zealand’s leading competitors in modern, state-of-the-art 4WD turbo rally cars, including the exciting AP4 and R5 rally cars.

Of interest our members, the event also incorporates the International Classic Otago Rally, for pre-1982, 2WD cars. This event has grown in leaps and bounds since its inception in 1997, to the point where it is the leading event of its type in the Southern Hemisphere.

Hayden Paddon winning the 2015 Otago rally outrightin aclassic Escort

A 50-year collection of car magazines. First one brought in Cromwell in 1972. Wheels, Sports Car World, Road and Track, Autonews, Classic Driver, Hot Rod NZ and USA, Beaded Wheels and many others. Bring boxes. Must take all. Mostly in good condition. Price $Free to good home

Contact Editor


(Member’s wanted/sell adverts free for 3 months)

Full Page $300 (for 12 months)

Half Page $150 “

Quarter Page $80 “

→ Contact the Ed for info


At the next AGM in June there are some positions becoming available so please give them your consideration:

Club Captain

Bert has done a great job the last three years and has shown a pattern to emulate. The role is to organise Sunday Runs and speakers or other activities for Club Nights.

Parts Convener

Please speak with John Martin about what is involved.

Also, some more Committee Members would be nice.


Stickers for COVCC members

Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high-quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the bodywork. (They are easily removed with a hairdryer.) Cost $3 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd

114 Shortcut Road, Luggate. 443 1416

027 248 9942


Return Address: c /3 Shine Lane RD 3 Pisa Mooring Cromwell 9383

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