If you are reading this note, then you have raised your hand to be a friend of LIFE Senior Services – thank you! You also have probably heard a lot about LIFE’s Roma Berry Center for Seniors, but please bear with me, as this issue has a lot of focus on what is happening there.
While we were planning for our Roma Berry facility, I had high hopes for the difference it could make in people lives. I am happy to report it is even more vital than I had imagined it could be. It is a busy place. I was in Adult Day Health last week and watched a sing along. “You are my Sunshine” seemed to be a crowd favorite and folks joined in with unself-conscious joy.
Across the building, the PACE Clinic lobby was busy, with patients being dropped off for appointments or therapy. I love that the front desk team knows each patient by name. The gym at the Active Senior Center was quiet but full of yoga class participants. Tables were set up

for Mahjong and Rummikub. A guitar class was happening and down the sidewalk the pickle ball action was fierce.
So many people having their needs met in one space. Connections being made. The place is fulfilling its promise, and it’s a beautiful thing to see.
Eileen Ryan Bradshaw
Thanks for your supportEileen
SENIORS by the numbers
n There were 88,988 people age 100 and older in 2022 in the US—more than double the number from 1980 (32,194).
n Among adults age 65 and over in 2023, 59% lived with their spouse or partner, while roughly 28% lived alone.
n Of older adults who live alone, 17.7% live in poverty versus 6.6% who live with families.
n In FY2022, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) served 6.5 million households with an older adult. However, millions more remain unenrolled in the benefit, which means many people are missing out on vital assistance.
n Older workers report more satisfaction with their jobs than younger workers. Two-thirds of workers 65+ say they are extremely or very satisfied with their job overall compared to 51% of those 30 to 49.
n Of the civilian labor force, 9.5% is expected to be older than 65 by the year 2030.
26,792 seniors served in 2023 by LIFE Senior Services.
From the NCOA Website: U.S. Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Agriculture, US Census 2022, Pew Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
LIFELines Publishing Team: Boyd Chitwood, Kelly Kirchhoff, Greg Raskin, Lauren Zeligson
Spice of LIFE
After 87 summers of life, it remains evident Manuella has no trouble staying busy until late each evening. Manuella still hops on a John Deere mower about every week in season to mow the grass on her home property in Red Fork. She maintains several flower beds around the yard. However, she finds it easier to stand back up than to actually get herself down to flower bed level to do her work. Manuella is a regular at her church, and an avid reader and sharer of books. Her beloved husband of 58 years, Walter, died 6 years ago.
One other detail about Manuella, she is a GEM for LIFE, and gives regularly every month—and has for years.
LIFE Senior Services first pinged her radar several years ago, when she randomly picked up a copy of the Vintage Magazine. In it she read an essay by Connie Cronley which chronicled the loss of her own husband, Tulsa World columnist, Jay Cronley. So touched by the article, she began a correspondence with Ms. Cronley and also began supporting LIFE.
Manuella knows her generosity allows LIFE to provide seniors and caregivers with programs, support, resources, and unbiased information.
She said, “When I was a teenager, I worked in a nursing home and it was awful, but I’ve always had a special spot in my heart for older people ever since. I am so enthusiastic about what LIFE Senior Services does for the older folks, and not just in Tulsa, but some of the little towns around here as well. After hearing Cassie, your spokesperson, talk at a Southwest Historical Society meeting, she told us all the things that are available—I had no idea the scope.”

“... I’ve always had a specIal spot In my heart for older people ever sInce. I am so enthusIastIc about what lIfe senIor servIces does for the older folks.”
If you would like seniors to have the ability to count on your compassionate help each month, consider joining the monthly GEMs (Give Every Month) for LIFE program. Counting on your support each month will help LIFE better plan and allocate resources, thereby assisting more seniors.
10. It is rumored that dogs and babies show more affection toward monthly donors.
9. Monthly donors are generous, even more so than people who give less often.
8. Auto pay removes the stress of remembering to write a check, and you’ll support more seniors.
7. People with less stress live longer.
6. GEMs score higher on tests of intelligence than the rest. Come on, you know it’s true.
5. Intelligent people have more friends.
4. Juggling also reduces stress and boosts intelligence, but doesn’t necessarily help seniors.
3. Monthly donors stay engaged for a long period of time and build strong relationships.
2. Monthly donors maintain strong feelings of commitment for a cause.
The top reason to join GEMs for LIFE
1. Monthly donors are kind AND good looking!
>> Roma Berry Quality of LIFE
Recently, the Active Senior Center at Roma Berry hosted a luncheon. In a room packed with buzzing members, a beautiful Italian meal was served, including a cloud of sweet, home-made tiramisu for dessert. Marsha was on hand.
Marsha lives in the adjacent neighborhood and became a member when the Roma Berry center opened. After eating, she quickly sprang into support mode to help clear dishes. While carrying a handful of items to the trash, a spoon fell to the floor. Lithe as a ballerina at 73, Marsha scooped up the spoon without missing a step.
Watching Roma Berry emerge from the former Bates Elementary building, Marsha was eager to see what was going on in the new Senior Center. She initially thought the building was for housing but her neighbor Larry encouraged her to check it out.

of ten around here. The Monster Mash is tonight, that’s going to be fun. I love to dance and I’ve got my costume ready.”
A former music teacher, choir conductor, and singer, Marsha has entertained at nursing homes singing songs from her youth by artists like Judy Garland and Doris Day. She recently tried out for “Marian, the Librarian,” a role in the upcoming Music Man production, a partnership between LIFE and the Performing Arts Center’s Orbit program.
“I go to creative writing trying to keep the brain sharp. I have taken Barbara’s paint pouring class and take the art class under Ms. Rainbow. I take these classes to keep going. I’m worried about dementia, like a lot of us are. I lost my mother and her father to dementia so I try to stay active, just to keep the noodle, noodling.”
“e verythIng Is a nIne and a half out of ten around here.”
Marsha grinned and said, “I get lonesome living by myself, so now I come over almost every day. I mean why not? I can walk in the door, see friendly faces, play games, take art classes, and have fun instead of sitting home alone. That’s what is so nice, we can walk out of our lonesome life, because a lot of us do live alone. Once we come in, there are smiles everywhere, fresh coffee, and the staff is so nice to have all these things for us. Carrie [Clevenger] is the bright star of this place.”
When describing the quality of programming Marsha said, “Everything is a nine and a half out
Friendly and welcoming now, Marsha said, “While I was away in college, I worked on myself to get over being shy. Now, I smile and try to pull people in, to help shy people. Carrie sometimes will bring people over and introduce me. She calls me the Ambassador because when someone walks thru the door, I smile at them and if they smile back I say, ‘Hey, would you like to play?’ I try to be the welcome committee because I love it here.
“There is so much to do and so many fun, interesting people. This center is a godsend for me.”
Open for LIFE - Part 2
When the Roma Berry Center for Seniors opened earlier this year, LIFE took its two Active Senior Centers and merged them into one robust, creative program occupying two buildings on a bustling campus. Previously, the centers were hosted by generous, local churches. As a result, the centers’ scheduling compromised to comply with the churches’ needs for the shared spaces.

Janet, a Senior Center member and Carrie.
According to Carrie Clevenger, LIFE’s senior center director and creative energy force driving the program, “Moving to Roma Berry opens up a host of possibilities. For instance, we hosted our first Saturday dance in June with over 100 members attending. The event created a lot of buzz and energy and our members had a great time, as did a host of volunteers helping with the event. We now have more dances and other social events in the works. Weekend and evening extended hours have also started since we moved, allowing members who still work to participate in center activities.”
The shiny, new facility has attracted community attention, including many area neighbors whose curiosity built during the construction process. Carrie said, “We have 500 new members. That’s a clear indication we are heading in the right direction. Long-time members love the new pickleball courts, and the lounge area creates an inviting, open space so more people now participate in socialization events.”
“I see members makIng new frIends each and every day!”
“One thing I hear often is how much members’ loneliness has decreased—arguably the entire mission of this community place. One member in particular, Sharon, shared that the ladies she has met make her feel valued and supported and they always make a point to include her.”
The Roma Berry Active Senior Center has a wide variety of programs and activities with a little something for everyone. To see if membership is right for you, call Melodie at the center, (918) 744-6760.
Carrie noted other positive trends, “I see members making new friends each and every day. The current members truly welcome new people. They give eager invitations to line dance, play cards, and participate in art projects. Something I find rewarding is when long-time members step outside their typical activities and do something new because it looked fun.”
The annual membership fees add up to less than $8.00 a month, with scholarships available for people where the cost presents an obstacle to membership. If you’d like to give to help underwrite scholarships contact Greg at (918) 938-7643 or graskin@lifeseniorservices.org.
Scan the QR code to see why people are so excited about the new Roma Berry Active Senior Center.
Give 5 Gives
A parable about having our eyes opened. Cindy Peebles has lived in her home for over 30 years. One day after a heavy rain, she discovered a metal handle in her back yard exposed through the soft, muddy ground that had partially eroded during the storm. When she dug out the small, battered box, she discovered a treasure she never knew existed.
Through active tours and listening sessions, LIFE’s Give 5 program, the box in this story, contains information about the veiled abundance of Tulsaarea helping agencies, the treasure of the story. The organizations which participate in GIVE 5 activate people by utilizing their hands and hearts toward meaningful work, and enrich their lives on the strength of social interactions provided.

needs. For instance, upon visiting the Pencil Box Cindy said, “I was so amazed with that presentation. We all sat around a conference table, each had a manila envelope which they said contained a tablet of paper, a pencil, a paper clip, and erasers. Then, we were asked to open our envelopes and mine was empty. Someone else didn’t have an eraser, another didn’t have a pencil. It was so impactful for me to see what it is like when students and teachers don’t have what they need.
“I also learned a lot about myself. Give 5 gave me the time to think about me, what I want to do, and which volunteer options fit me and my interests best. Also, with Give 5 you can just volunteer one day a week, or once a month. It’s nice you get to set your own schedule.”
“gIve 5 gave me the tIme to thInk about me, what I want to do, and whIch volunteer optIons fIt me and my Interests best.”
Cindy said, “I was just amazed at what was out there in the community. I was re-introduced to a community I have lived in for over 30 some years and learned about so many different programs out there to help people that need help.”
Through the program’s five sessions, Cindy experienced many complex emotions. Thinking about where she might want to help, she was apprehensive of effectively working with people whose life situations would be novel to her. In addition, knowing the demands of her own family life, she worried about her ability to fulfill the obligations of an organization which tugged at her heart. Ultimately, she found the perfect fit for her situation.
Some of the sessions given by agencies were creative in how they demonstrated community
“Because of LIFE’s interest in seniors,” Cindy felt it is the perfect organization to run the Give 5 program. “Give 5 is great for people just coming out of the work force, when they want to do something, but not sure what. This way, you can find out about the various organizations and what they do for the community before committing your volunteer hours. There are so many areas I’d like to volunteer, but you can only do so much.”
Give 5 remains no-cost for people 55 and older. Each session includes lunch and meets one day a week for five weeks. New groups will begin early in 2025, don’t let them start without you. To learn more about Give 5 or reserve your space, contact Danielle at (918) 938-7635 or dhill@ lifeseniorservices.org.
Uh Oh! What Do I Do Now?
Several months ago, Marjorie woke up and thought something important was supposed to happen that day, but she couldn’t remember what. Starting to panic, she saw the SeniorLine number in her apartment and called to ask for help.
Over time, Lydia, LIFE’s SeniorLine Specialist, has learned in order to do her job effectively she needs to ask a lot of questions, listen carefully, then help problem solve. In this instance, she asked, “Do you need to go to the grocery, is a ride picking you up?” “I don’t think so.” “Do you have a doctor’s appointment?” “I’m not sure.” “Who would take you to an appointment?” “My daughter.” “Do you have her number?” “Yes!” “I will check with her. Stay right by your phone and I will call you back. Okay?”
Lydia contacted the daughter, confirming all the details of the
day’s appointment, and called Marjorie back. Marjorie was relieved to know everything was in order. She was grateful to have an advocate who could think clearly and help her solve the problem.
Keeping the number close by, Marjorie knows when she calls SeniorLine someone will answer who is kind, helpful, and will work hard to find solutions. She now frequently dials the one place to call for unbiased information or referrals dedicated to the needs of seniors.
When a new situation emerges regarding the aging process for you, or someone you know, call LIFE’s SeniorLine at (918) 6649000.
Your generosity keeps this, and so many other vital LIFE services, working for area seniors. Your kindness matters.
End of the year tax season concludes on December 31, but making Qualified Charitable Distributions through your IRA can occur yearround. It is easy and tax efficient. People 70½ or older, can make a gift of up to $100k directly to LIFE through their IRA.
Check with your tax advisor, but we find for most people making gifts directly from their IRA, the distribution dollars don’t count as taxable income. As a result, again for most, we see when income is no longer recognized, the tax burden is likely decreased.
Your gift helps LIFE care for more seniors and caregivers in need. Give Boyd a call at (539) 867-2160 to learn more.

“... lydIa has learned In order to do her job effectIvely, she needs to ask a lot of questIons , lIsten carefully and then help problem solve.”
Giving feels good. If you would like to explore giving options to see if it is right for you, contact Greg Raskin at (918) 938-7643 or graskin@LIFEseniorservices.org. You can also use this convenient QR code.
The Holiday Project
What happens to seniors who don’t have family or community connections during the winter holidays? Well, by the time you read this issue of LIFELines, circuits for the Holiday Project elves will be activated. The program will bring smiles to many seniors’ faces this year.
The project collects and distributes holiday gifts, and stockings full of essentials, for seniors who participate in one of LIFE’s programs and are in
>> happy holidays
need of a boost. Most gifts help fill basic vital needs, while others bring joy, cheer, and light for someone’s holiday season — no matter what holiday they celebrate. Last year the project served 1,300 seniors involved with LIFE Senior.
For those of you who assisted this year, thank you. If you would like to consider taking part next year, contact Danielle Hill at (918) 938-7635 or dhill@lifeseniorservices.org.

SENIORLINE: The first place to call with questions about aging services or situations. (918) 664-9000.
ADULT DAY HEALTH CENTERS: Nationally accredited centers provide safe, cost-effective care, health monitoring, and flexible daily enrichment activities in a safe, friendly, and supportive setting.
ACTIVE SENIOR CENTER: Offers a variety of social, creative, educational, and fitness activities supporting healthy aging, staying active, and sharing time with friends.
MEDICARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (MAP): Oklahoma’s most comprehensive counseling service helping beneficiaries understand and navigate Medicare Part D.
PUBLICATIONS: LIFE’s monthly Vintage Magazine and LIFE’s annual Vintage Guide to Housing & Services, Oklahoma’s most comprehensive guide to senior resources, have both won multiple National Mature Media awards.
TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TAP): The only such site in Oklahoma, the program provides assistance February –April with tax preparation for any senior, and free filing to qualifying individuals.
VOLUNTEERS FOR LIFE: Provides meaningful volunteer opportunities to seniors and retirees throughout our community.
CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: Assesses needs and coordinates personalized social, economic, and environmental support so seniors can remain safely at home.
CAREGIVER SUPPORT: Provides family caregivers counseling and support to help enhance coping strategies and improve quality of life through the aging process.
LIFE EDU: Opportunities for the entire community with online and in-person options. Offerings include wellness topics, cooking, creative writing, and more.
LIFE PACE: Provides care and comprehensive, integrated support services for qualifying individuals. PACE’s unique team-based approach results in positive health outcomes and dramatically reduced hospitalizations.
VINTAGE HOUSING: Comfortable and affordable community-based housing for seniors with limited resources.