LIFE's Vintage Magazine_April 2025

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A mural in Tulsa's Blue Dome District keeps Leon Russell's spirit alive. See page 32 for more examples of vibrant outdoor art.

20 How to Make Your Money Last

Whether you have a well-padded 401K or need creative ways to stretch your resources, smart planning and flexibility can help you enjoy a fulfilling retirement.

Using Tech to Manage Money

Money management has gone online with digital payment methods and smartphone budgeting apps. Which options might be right for you?

24 Avoid These Inheritance Mistakes

A well-crafted estate plan is like a toolbox to help settle your affairs according to your wishes. Avoid these missteps as you take care of the basics.

Picture This: Outdoor Art Adventures

Murals tell the story of a city — its history, pride, and culture. Plus, the vibrant colors make the perfect backdrop for your next photo!

Create an Accurate Budget That Works

Creating and following a budget is vital to preventing financial difficulties and attaining security. Follow these tips to take control of your spending.

Photo courtesy of Oklahoma Magazine

Letter From Eileen

Dear Vintage Reader,

Money: it’s a loaded word. It can elicit so many varied emotions. At various stages of my life, I have felt guilt, joy, pride, and fear around the topic of money. In our working years, there is an in-and-out flow of funds. Once we retire, we still hope for the in-and-out flow, but at times it can feel like it is more out than in. In this issue of Vintage, you will find articles that may help you with money matters. “Strategies for Retirement Income,” “Avoid These Inheritance Mistakes,” and “Create an Accurate Budget That Works,” are all written with your financial health in mind.


LIFE also offers programs and services that can help with money management. We offer a Basics of Medicare class monthly, providing the information new beneficiaries need to get Medicare right and avoid penalties. We have our Medicare Part D clinic in the fall to review prescription drug coverage. A change in your plan’s formulary or your prescriptions could cost thousands of dollars, and it’s free to double-check to find a plan that best suits your current needs. LIFE provides free tax assistance to those 60 or older with household incomes of $68,000 or less. You can call (918) 938-7683 to set an appointment.

Sometimes a senior may qualify for financial assistance, but the application process can be daunting. LIFE’s Independent Case Managers can provide help in filling out applications for SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) or other benefit programs. LIFE’s Active Senior Center is a great value at $100 for a one-year membership. However, many insurance plans will cover that fee for their members, making it free to join. Check with your provider.

LIFE PACE offers medical care for low-income seniors with complex medical challenges, and Vintage Housing provides affordable senior housing. Both provide cost-effective solutions for seniors on very limited budgets.

From coupons and pharmacy discount programs to leveraging every senior discount meal in the city, there are ways to stretch our dollars. LIFE Senior Services is here to help.


Vol. 39, No. 10


President & CEO of LIFE Senior Services, LIFE PACE & Vintage Housing


Managing Editor


Advertising Director


Advertising Sales Representative


Graphic Designer


Assistant Editor


Copy Editor


Communications Director


Community Distribution

LIFE’s Vintage Magazine accepts advertising to defray the cost of production and distribution, and appreciates the support of its advertisers. The publisher does not specifically endorse advertisers or their products or services. LIFE’s Vintage Magazine reserves the right to refuse advertising. Rates are available upon request by calling (918) 664-9000.

© LIFE’s Vintage Magazine and LIFE Senior Services, Inc., 2025. All rights reserved. Reproduction without consent of the publisher is prohibited.

Volume 39, Issue 10, April 2025 LIFE’s Vintage Magazine (ISSN 2168-8494) (USPS 18320) is published monthly by LIFE Senior Services. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LIFE’S VINTAGE MAGAZINE 5950 E. 31st St., Tulsa, OK 74135. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK.

Good to Know /

Orbit Arts Festival

Seniors at LIFE’s Active Senior Center will perform “The Music Man” at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 10 at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center (TPAC) in a collaboration with Orbit Arts. Orbit Arts showcases Tulsa’s creative spirit and promotes community arts. In addition to the musical performance, the annual Orbit Arts Festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 26 at the TPAC. Musicians, painters, sculptors, dancers, magicians — artists of all types — will perform in the theater, the lobbies, and even on the sidewalks surrounding the TPAC. Immerse yourself in the creativity of area artists during this free family-friendly event. For more information visit tulsapac. com/orbit-arts-festival.

"The Music Man"

Thursday, April 10, 3 p.m.

Orbit Arts Festival

Saturday, April 26

Tulsa Performing Arts Center

110 E. 2nd St., Tulsa

Art in Bloom: Florigami in the Garden

The Tulsa Botanic Garden is ready for spring with a new art installation entitled Florigami in the Garden. This one-of-akind display showcases 20 installations of museum-quality metal sculptures inspired by origami, the centuries-old Japanese art of folding paper. The larger-than-life sculptures of blooming flowers, birds, grazing deer, galloping ponies, and other themes will be exhibited throughout the five formal gardens. The Oklahoma debut will also premier three new pieces by artist Kevin Box, including a 17-foot tall kinetic sculpture of colorful butterflies that will float above floral displays. Box grew up in Bartlesville and graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. His work has received numerous awards and is held in prominent collections worldwide. Admission is free for members and $15 for non-members. Children under 15 are $10.

Florigami in the Garden

March 2 – September 21

Tulsa Botanic Garden

3900 Tulsa Botanic Dr., Tulsa (918) 289-0330

Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration

What is the role of good people in perilous times? Carol Rittner, Ph.D., a Catholic nun with the Religious Sisters of Mercy and Distinguished Professor Emerita of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton University in southern New Jersey, will address the topic “Lessons From the Holocaust: Protecting Each Other in Perilous Times” at the 27th Annual Yom HaShoah: An Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration. The program begins at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 24, and is presented by the Tulsa Council for Holocaust Education of the Jewish Federation of Tulsa, The Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art, and Tulsa City-County Library. Registration is required and can be completed at

27th Annual Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration

Thursday, April 24, 7 p.m.

Temple Israel 2004 E. 22nd Place, Tulsa

Get Groovy in the Morning With Rick

Rick Couri is the new host of the Groovy Morning Show on Groovy 105.7. With a career spanning over four decades, Couri is known for his engaging storytelling, deep connection to Tulsa listeners, and his ability to make every broadcast feel like a conversation with a good friend. On the air weekdays from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., Rick delivers classic hits, local insights, and deep dives into the moments that shaped the soundtrack of our lives. Rick can kickstart your mornings with the greatest hits of the ’60s and ’70s. Get groovy with Rick on air or by livestream at

The Groovy Morning Show

6 – 10 a.m. at Groovy 105.7 Live on air and streamed at

Larger-than-life origami flowers are on display at Tulsa Botanic Garden.
Photo courtesy of BoxStudio

Tulsa Town Hall 2025 – 2026 Speaker Series


Atkins-Pritchard Foundation Speaker

Whether he’s covering AI, autonomous vehicles, the future of technology in healthcare, a post-robot world, or climate change, David Pogue is a master communicator who brings even the most non-technical audiences up to speed. His highly entertaining keynotes prove that science and technology blend brilliantly with storytelling, humor and, frequently, music and song. Pogue provides invaluable insights on how techn,ology impacts our work, businesses, health, society and connections with each other — now and into the future.


Sharma Family Speaker

Peter McBride and Kevin Fedarko were named “National Geographic Adventurers of the Year” after their yearlong trek through the entire length of the Grand Canyon, spanning 750 miles. McBride is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker and photographer while Fedarko is a New York Times best-selling author whose critically acclaimed books include “The Emerald Mile,” and “A Walk in the Park.” Hear more about their exciting adventures at Tulsa Town Hall.


Sandra West Memorial Speaker

Author Georgia Hunter was inspired by a family reunion that opened her eyes to the astounding, untold wartime stories of her grandfather, his parents, and his siblings. Her research led her to write a book, “We Were the Lucky Ones,” published in 16 languages and adapted into a Hulu series. Watch for her upcoming book, “One Good Thing.”


Jan & Bruce Saxon Trust Speaker

Peter Zeihan is an expert on geopolitics, examining issues such as food supply, aging populations, technology, and geography to predict shifting power dynamics among the world’s nations. The author of four books, he has worked for the U.S. State Department in Australia, the DC think tank community, and one of the world’s largest private intelligence companies, ultimately founding his own geopolitical firm. Zeihan will help us understand how transformative world events are not random but rather are predictable.


Helmerich Trust Speaker

Steve Hartman shares moving stories about the extraordinary people he meets in his weekly feature segment, “On the Road,” which airs Fridays on the CBS Evening News and repeats on CBS Sunday Morning. Hartman’s stories are used in thousands of classrooms around the world to teach kindness and character. Hartman has received an Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Award, four national Emmy awards, and 14 RTNDA/Edward R. Murrow awards, including a record 12 citations.

Season tickets for the 2025-2026 speaker series are on sale now.

For more information on upcoming speakers and to purchase your tickets, visit or call (918) 749-5965.

LIFElong Learning & Activities /

All classes are at Legacy Plaza East Conference Center, 5330 E. 31st St. in Tulsa, unless otherwise noted.

Community Education

Insights into Parkinson’s Disease

Part I – Understanding the Basics

Thursday, April 10 • 5:30 – 7 p.m.

Part II – Exploring Deep Brain Stimulation

Thursday, April 17 • 5:30 – 7 p.m.

Offered in partnership with Oklahoma Parkinson’s Alliance. Registrations can be made for one or both classes.

Basics of Medicare

Wednesday, April 16 • 10 a.m. – Noon

This class is designed specifically for those newly eligible or soon-to-be eligible for Medicare. Reservations are required. Call LIFE’s Medicare Assistance Program at (918) 664-9000, ext. 1189.

Healthcare Decisions Day

Wednesday, April 16 • Noon – 1 p.m.

An advance directive is an important document for adults of all ages. It allows you to specify your healthcare wishes and name a healthcare proxy should you be unable to communicate. Join us for a free lunch and get all your questions answered. Register online at, at LIFEseniorservices. org, or call 918-664-9000, ext. 1181.

Oklahoma Estate Planning

Thursday, April 24 • 10 – 11 a.m.

Attorney Brian Crain will discuss estate planning including wills and trusts, with an emphasis on special needs trusts and Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts.


Wednesday, April 30 • 9 a.m. – Noon LIFE Senior Services parking lot at 5950 E. 31st St., Tulsa

This free program enhances driver safety by making sure that your car “fits” you. From ensuring your mirrors are positioned correctly to checking your line of sight, technicians will conduct a 12-point CarFit checklist. Appointments, which take 20 – 30 minutes, are required. Contact Injury Prevention Service at (405) 426-8440 or

Redefining Aging A New Perspective on Growing Older

Aging has long been associated with decline — both physical and cognitive. However, modern science, shifting cultural perspectives, and advances in healthcare are redefining what it means to grow older. Today, aging is no longer viewed as an inevitable process of life, but as an opportunity for continued growth, fulfillment, and vitality.

One of the key shifts in redefining aging is the recognition that it is about how we choose to engage with life. Older adults are staying active longer, pursuing new careers, starting businesses, and even returning to school. Instead of retirement marking an end, it is increasingly seen as a transition into a new phase of purpose and reinvention.

Aging is being redefined as a time of emotional and intellectual enrichment. Older individuals are embracing roles as mentors, leaders, and community builders. By shifting the narrative from decline to empowerment, we can embrace aging as a dynamic, enriching journey filled with opportunity, growth, and continued contribution to society.

At the Active Senior Center at Roma Berry, seniors enjoy a vibrant and engaging environment with a variety of activities designed to promote physical health, creativity, and social connections. Fitness enthusiasts can participate in yoga, tai chi, and line dancing classes that enhance mobility, balance, and overall well-being. For those who love creative expression, the center offers art classes, pottery classes, music sessions, and theater performances allowing seniors to explore their artistic side while learning new skills.

Social events are a highlight of the community, with Bingo, dance socials, and themed parties fostering friendships and camaraderie. Additionally, educational seminars, book clubs, and group outings keep members intellectually stimulated and engaged with the world around them. The center thrives as a welcoming space where older adults can stay active, connect with peers, and embrace a fulfilling lifestyle.

We invite you to claim your seat at the table for your next adventure.

Have Questions? Need Answers?

Call LIFE’s SeniorLine (918) 664-9000


TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2025 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Exchange Center at Expo Square 4145 E 21st St., Tulsa

• The Expo Stage emceed by Lori Fullbright from News On 6

• AARP Shredding Event, 9 a.m. – Noon, east of the Exchange Center

Don’t miss Oklahoma’s largest senior event filled with information, products, and services for today’s older adults. With over 150 exhibitors, there’s something for everyone!

go to or call Carol Carter at (918) 664-9000, ext. 1219.

• Rx Take Back – Taking back expired and/or unwanted drugs for safe disposal

• Seek, Find, WIN! Play for one of ten $100 Reasor’s gift cards.

• Rescue Pets for Adoption and Paw Pals Therapy Dogs

• Free health screenings

• Free grocery totes for the first 500 people

• Free parking lot shuttles

Become a Volunteer Get Involved Volunteer for LIFE

Happy Hands

LIFE Senior Services has many volunteers who serve in Creek County, including Happy Hands volunteers who knit, crochet, sew, and craft projects distributed to seniors and children throughout Creek County. The group meets on Tuesdays, from 1 to 3 p.m., at the LIFE office in Sapulpa to work on projects; some members prefer to create all their work at home. In 2024, the group made hats, scarves, lap robes, shawls, walker bags, potholders, and coasters for over 110 senior gift bags; Teddy bears, blankets, caps, and denim totes for the Head Start children; and port pillows and hats for dialysis and cancer patients. If you would like to join Happy Hands, contact Penny Woolery at (918) 227-3844 or pwoolery@

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels of Metro Tulsa provides nourishing meals and vital wellness checks to homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities. Volunteers deliver meals, provide friendly visits, and ensure the safety of clients. Volunteers are especially needed in east Tulsa on Tuesdays, and southeast Tulsa on Mondays and Fridays. Whether you can volunteer for a few hours a week or serve as a substitute driver, your time makes a lasting impact. Join a compassionate team dedicated to supporting our most vulnerable neighbors.

Give 5

LIFE’s Give 5 program is enrolling participants for 2025 sessions! If you want to learn more about volunteer opportunities in Tulsa, consider signing up. Each Give 5 cohort meets from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Wednesday for five weeks. Participants enjoy engaging presentations from nonprofits and groups that are doing great things in our community with the help of volunteers. Then, participants board LIFE’s bus to visit nonprofits and have a behind-the-scenes look at what volunteering with them is like. To enroll for the next session or a future session, visit

Volunteers, We Appreciate You!

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and LIFE Senior Services would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all our volunteers. Whether you spend time serving meals to guests at Iron Gate, knitting blankets for kids, keeping visitors informed at the Tulsa Zoo, or one of the many other volunteer options available in our area, you are making a positive impact. We are so grateful.

At LIFE, each and every volunteer who serves directly with our programs makes a huge difference in the lives of the seniors we serve.

We have many volunteers who help make the tax filing process less stressful and expensive for seniors whose taxes are filed for free by LIFE’s Tax Assistance Program. During the Medicare enrollment season, LIFE’s Medicare Assistance Program volunteers dedicate time each week to provide seniors with valuable information about Medicare Part D plans.

Volunteers with LIFE’s Adult Day Health improve the lives of at-risk seniors by spending quality time with them. LIFE’s event volunteers enable us to host our largest fundraiser of the

year, Celebrate LIFE. They also make it possible for LIFE to showcase all things senior-related at the Senior LIFEstyle & Wellness Expo in July.

Our textile arts volunteers — the Knittin’ Kittens and Happy Hands — devote many hours to knitting, crocheting, and sewing items that bring happiness to those in need. And volunteers at our Roma Berry Active Senior Center teach classes, help at fun events, give tours to prospective members, and much more.

Every November and December, volunteers help ensure seniors in need receive stockings and gifts through LIFE’s Holiday Project, by collecting stockings at the stocking drive, wrapping gifts, and stuffing stockings. While opening his gift during a visit with his case manager, a thankful gift recipient said that it was the first time he had received a gift wrapped in a box since he was a child. Our volunteers help ensure that no one feels forgotten during this special time of year.

If you are a Volunteer for LIFE in these roles or others, know that you are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all that you do!

Would you like more information about volunteer opportunities?

To volunteer with these programs or to explore other volunteer options, contact Danielle at (918) 938-7635 or

LIFE helps seniors find fulfilling volunteer opportunities throughout Northeastern Oklahoma. Contact LIFE’s Volunteer Department for more information.

(918) 938-7635


materials available at Dollar Tree.

• 1 12” x 7” (or larger) decorative sign (we will be using the back of the sign)

• 1 or 2 pieces of wall paper (your choice)

• 3 paint sticks or a yard stick cut in three pieces the width of your sign

• Coordinating acrylic or chalk paint to go with your wallpaper

• Wood glue and hot glue

• A picture the same size or slightly smaller than your sign

April 16 • 3:30 p.m.

Fabulous Flavors /

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Do rising food prices make healthy eating on a budget seem daunting? Advance planning saves stress, time, and money. Eating healthy on a budget isn’t about deprivation; it’s about making smart choices. With a little effort, you can nourish your body without emptying your wallet.

Use these seven tips to simplify your plan:

1. Avoid dining out and cook at home when possible.

2. Cook extra quantities and freeze the leftovers or use them for another meal.

3. Start with a menu for the week and make a grocery list that incorporates healthy snacks and quick breakfasts.

4. Stick to your shopping list; impulse buys will add up quickly.

5. Avoid going to the store when hungry and try to avoid peak shopping times. Feeling

hurried or tired may cause you to rush and tempt you to buy convenience foods.

6. Try shopping online to avoid the store altogether. It’s easier to compare costs there because sale items will be highlighted. Many people say they’d rather select their own items. If that’s the case, use pick-up services for bulk items and shelf-stable products. Then you can knock out most of your shopping from the comfort of your own home. When you pick up your items, you can make a quick

Cleaning & Preparing ...


You may be surprised to learn eggplant is a fruit — it has seeds. When selecting eggplants, choose firm, heavy ones that are smooth with shiny skin. Store them in the refrigerator vegetable crisper for no longer than a week. Roasted, steamed, grilled, braised, stir-fried, or deep-fried, eggplants are a good source of fiber and low in carbohydrates, sodium, and calories.

Q: How safe are artificial sweetners?

A: Negative information and new products constantly hitting the market can cause confusion for consumers. Artificial sweeteners are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for consumption by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) within an acceptable daily intake. The GRAS amount for aspartame is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. To put this in perspective, the FDA estimates that someone weighing 150 pounds would have to consume more than 75 – 100 packets of aspartame in a day to reach dangerous levels. Sugar alcohols like Sorbitol and Xylitol are not fully absorbed by the small intestine, so they often cause digestive issues. To ease concerns, products like Stevia, Truvia, and monk fruit extract offer more natural options because they’re derived from plants.

pass through the deli and produce sections and avoid the expensive, pre-packaged pitfalls.

7. Avoid costly beverages like sodas, juices, and sports drinks. Buy meat in bulk and freeze it in smaller portions for later. Both fresh and frozen vegetables are considered equally nutritious and the frozen have a longer shelf life. That means they’re a better value because they can’t spoil before you use them. Choose options without added sauces or seasonings.


Your Nutrition Questions Answered!

LIFE’s team of expert dietitians is here to help. Get the expert answers you need to fuel your healthiest self!


Edamame is an immature soybean, still in the pod. It can be purchased shelled or in the pod, fresh, or frozen. When buying fresh, look for plump, firm, and fuzzy bright green pods. Edamame is low in calories and cholesterol. It contains protein, iron, calcium, vitamins, and fiber. Fresh edamame should be washed under cold water, patted dry, and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use or freeze within two weeks.

Julia Child's Eggplant Pizza

Recipe courtesy of Katlyn's Kitchen • Makes 8 Slices of eggplant pizza


• 1 eggplant, about 9 ounces

• 1 tablespoon salt

• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

• 10 basil leaves, cut into strips

• ⅓ cup freshly grated Parmesan

• ⅓ cup finely grated Mozzarella

• Hot pepper flakes (optional)


• 3 teaspoons of olive oil to sauté

• 3 large garlic cloves, very finely chopped

• 1 can petite diced tomatoes (14.5 ounces)

• ½ teaspoon dried Italian seasoning

• ¼ teaspoon dried oregano

1. Cut off both ends of the eggplant and slice into ¾-inch thick pieces.

2. Place eggplant on paper towels and sprinkle both sides generously with salt. Let sit for 30 minutes to draw out liquid.

3. Preheat oven to 375 F.

4. Make sauce: Heat 2 – 3 teaspoons olive oil, sauté garlic until fragrant (about 1 minute).

5. Add diced tomatoes, Italian seasoning, and oregano. Simmer until sauce thickens, breaking up tomatoes with a fork.

6. After 30 minutes, wipe salt off eggplant slices with paper towels.

7. Spray a roasting sheet with olive oil or non-stick spray and place eggplant slices in one layer. Brush eggplant with up to 2 tablespoons olive oil and sprinkle with Italian seasoning.

8. Roast for about 25 minutes.

9. Combine Parmesan and mozzarella cheeses.

10. Remove eggplant from oven and set to broil.

11. Top each slice with sauce, basil, and cheese.

12. Broil until cheese melts and slightly browns. Serve hot, with red pepper flakes if desired.

Get more from LIFE’s Vintage Magazine! Enjoy bonus content in your inbox twice a month — extra recipes, bonus puzzles, and more. Sign up with your email under the Resources tab at

Health & Fitness

Exploring Local Fitness Classes

Try These Free and Low-Cost Alternatives

We all know being active is important to our general well-being. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that regular physical activity in adults 65 and older provides immediate perks like reduced blood pressure and anxiety and long-term benefits including a lowered risk of chronic diseases, improved bone health, and a greater chance for independent living into old age.

Knowing how to start and how to stay motivated are hurdles that can be easily overcome with fitness classes. They are a fantastic solution that benefits the body and the mind, providing mood boosts and social opportunities — gateways to new friendships.

A community of fitness instructors in Tulsa and surrounding areas provide regular exercise programs. The fun and support from classmates reinforce your motives to get moving. If you’re interested in fitness, look no further! We’ve compiled a list of some great free or low-cost community programs where you can get active and have fun.


To learn more, go to

T-Town offers several free and low-cost fitness classes at many of the city’s community centers. These include age-restricted programs tailored to 50+ adults like basketball and senior exercise classes. Other low-impact exercise classes open to all age groups include cardio drumming, aerobics, and walking clubs. While some programs are only available to Tulsa residents, many welcome nonresidents. Adults 55 and over can also sign up for a free membership to access any community center fitness/weight room.


To learn more, go to

Starting on April 6, Sunday Salsa begins with a 30-minute dance lesson followed by a dance session to show off your moves! This party runs from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the Guthrie Green dock every other Sunday. Guthrie Green’s Spring Fitness series starts in May and runs through June. Catch Zumba classes on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and Mondays at 5:30 p.m., Yoga on

Pickleball, shown here at LIFE's Active Senior Center, is a fun and social way to be fit.
Members of the YMCA Iron Girls strength training program.
Enjoy free fitness classes at Guthrie Green this spring.

Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m., and Barre inside the Fly Loft building on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. All classes are free and led by a certified YMCA instructor.


To learn more, go to

The weekly fitness classes offered at the YMCA of Greater Tulsa will keep you active while having fun. You can find just about any fitness class you can think of on the class schedule like Aqua Aerobics, Adult Ballet, and Tai Chi to name a few. Active older adult classes include Chair Yoga, Cardio Dance 101, Functional Fitness, and more. Individual adult memberships start at $55.50 a month with a discount for seniors over the age of 65, plus family membership plans are available to bundle and save. A “Membership for All” scholarship program ensures no one is excluded by an inability to pay the full fee. Membership allows access to any of the 15 locations for the YMCA of Greater Tulsa —stretching as far north as Owasso and south to Okmulgee.


To learn more, go to

Members can enjoy chair fitness classes in Jenks City Hall’s community room on Tuesday and most Friday mornings from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. The first Friday of the month class is replaced by bingo. The chair fitness program focuses on improving senior mobility and strengthening. Annual memberships are available to adults 55 and older in Jenks and surrounding communities for $20 and include other scheduled activities like games, art, and monthly outings.


To learn more, go to

Owasso residents and those in surrounding communities are welcome to sign up for an Owasso Community Center membership at no cost for access to several activities and events including regular fitness programs. Exercise classes are designed for any member regardless of age. A few classes you’ll find on the schedule are Functional Movement Yoga, Cardio Drumming, Country Line Dancing, and Tai Chi for Beginners.


To learn more, go to

Broken Arrow’s Senior Center is open for adults 55 and older with a $40 membership fee for BA residents and $50 for nonresidents. Some of their popular programs include yin yoga, cardio drumming, Tai Chi for Better Balance, tap dancing, pickleball, and Zumba. Broken Arrow Seniors also offers social activities, crafts, and more.


To learn more, go to

LIFE Senior Services’ Active Senior Center at Roma Berry offers a wide array of fitness classes. Yoga, Line Dancing, and Chair Fitness are just a few of the programs offered at the Center – not to mention access to the indoor pickleball and basketball courts as well as other programs and activities like art classes and theme parties. Adults at least 50 years old can become a member for $100 a year. The Senior Center is open 7 days a week with scheduled activities every day. Find a monthly activity calendar as well as membership information at LIFE’s website under the Services tab.


To learn more, go to

Many area churches offer free and low-cost classes including Fellowship Bible Church. Their REFIT classes at are a fun workout designed for everybody. The dance cardio program can be modified for any level of movement, making it an excellent class for beginners and fitness enthusiasts. Their REV+FLOW classes focus on functional workouts to increase movement and strength. Yoga and chair exercises are also a part of this church’s fitness class routines. Catch REFIT classes on Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m. and Sundays at 6 p.m. REV+FLOW classes start at 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays. All classes are free to the public.

Caregiver Tool Belt/

Our health is invaluable; strive to care for you — all of you.

Whole-Person Approach to Healthcare

As a caregiver, you’re not just looking after a loved one’s health — you also need to care for your own well-being. A whole-person approach to healthcare addresses the brain, mind, body, and spirit. When all aspects of our being are healthy, our whole person thrives.


The brain is an organ that regulates movement, emotion, and physical functions. It processes, stores, and retrieves memories, and helps us perceive the world through our senses. The mind, in contrast, is how we experience and interpret the information the brain provides. It allows us to form new ideas, concepts, and beliefs, and plays a role in thinking, evaluating, and decision-making. While the brain is a physical structure, the mind emerges from its activity. The two are deeply connected: our thoughts influence brain chemistry, and brain health affects how we think and feel.


According to Narayana Health (2023), “The human body is comprised of 11 various organ systems that work together to maintain optimum health and functionality — integumentary (skin), skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive. These systems ensure that the body functions properly and maintains homeostasis.”


Some see the spirit as a force within a person that gives the body life, power, and energy. Others maintain that the spirit consists of one’s character and feelings. Still others describe the spirit as the unseen portion that permits the experience of spiritual awareness and communion with a higher power. Regardless of perspective, the spirit plays a vital role in well-being.

A healthy spirit fosters intuition, purpose, and faith. It contributes to the overall ability to cope with life challenges and can provide a sense of

inner peace. It fosters healthy connections within the self and with others and nourishes us beyond physical needs. It helps manage our emotional and mental health challenges by providing a sense of grounding, comfort, hope, and resilience. A healthy spirit has a positive effect on the brain, mind, and body.

A whole-person approach to healthcare could include cognitive stimulation for care recipients, such as puzzles, conversation, and music. For caregivers, activities like breathing exercises and meditation can relieve mental stress. Simple chair exercises and stretching routines benefit the body, especially when done together with a loved one. Prayer, journaling, gratitude exercises, and spending time in nature can nurture the spirit.

Emotions and reactions to life's challenges play a major role in successful outcomes in healthcare. Stress and laughter, for example, have significant effects on the whole person.


• Difficulty sleeping

• Impaired concentration and memory

• Mood swings

• Changes in brain chemistry that affect cognitive function

• Muscle tension, headaches, digestive problems, and fatigue

• Weakened immune system

• Feelings of disconnection and lack of purpose

• Physical pain

• Increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes


• Decrease pain

• Lower stress hormones

• Inspire hopeful feelings

• Defuse anger

• Relax muscles

• Improve physical and emotional health

• Release endorphins, the body’s natural “feelgood” chemicals

• Boost the immune system

• Foster emotional balance

Your health is just as important as the person you care for. Taking a whole-person approach benefits both of you because a thriving caregiver creates a thriving caregiving environment. Strive to care for you — all of you. You are so worth it.

Medicare's Preventive Services

Maximizing Your Benefits

The Affordable Care Act expanded access to free preventive care starting in 2011, allowing Medicare to offer several preventive screening services without any cost to Medicare beneficiaries. Preventive care is the care you receive to prevent an illness including exams, shots, lab tests, and screenings. Medicare generally considers a service preventive if it is recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the beneficiary meets certain criteria. These services are covered under Original Medicare at 100% of the Medicareapproved amount (meaning you will not have a copay, coinsurance, or deductible) if the beneficiary sees a participating provider.

However, you may be charged for services received that are related to your preventive services even when the preventive services are covered at 100%. The services may be considered diagnostic due to the treatment of a new or existing condition or if your provider is treating you because of certain symptoms or risk factors.


Preventive services are actions taken to detect or prevent medical problems or prevent serious

diseases. Examples include, but are not limited to colonoscopies (colorectal cancer screenings), bone mass measurement, cardiovascular screening, depression screening, diabetes screening, mammogram, and obesity screening. They also include programs for health monitoring, counseling, and education to help you take care of your own health.

If during your screening colonoscopy, your physician finds or removes a polyp or other tissue, the procedure becomes a diagnostic colonoscopy. In this case, you will be responsible for a copay or coinsurance. Additional preventive screening information can be located in your “Medicare and You” handbook and on under Preventive & Screening Services.

A diagnostic service is the care you receive when testing or treatment is ordered for a symptom or health condition you already have. These services can also be related to an illness or injury. Usually, you have a copay, coinsurance, or deductible when receiving diagnostic care from a provider.

If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, preventive services are still required to be covered with no

LIFE’s Tax Assistance Program

LIFE’s tax program still has tax appointments available to adults 60 and older with a household income of $68,000 or less in 2024. Did you know that even if you’re not required to file taxes based on your income, you can receive a $40 sales tax rebate credit? And that filing a tax return prevents others from filing one using your Social Security number?

Call to schedule your free tax appointment with one of LIFE’s IRS-trained and certified tax preparers by calling (918) 938-7683.

copay, deductible, or coinsurance if you are using a provider in your plan. If using a provider outside of your plan, you will be responsible for all or a portion of the services received. For additional information regarding coverage under your Medicare Advantage Plan, you will need to contact your plan representatives.

Keep in mind that each preventive service has eligibility requirements and guidelines. Medicare may only cover certain preventive screenings at certain times.

LIFE’s Medicare Assistance Program (MAP) can help you with questions related to preventive services and other Medicare-related questions. Call MAP at (918) 938-7683.


No matter your financial situation, smart planning and flexibility can help you enjoy a fulfilling retirement.

For Warren Lehr, retiring comfortably at 65 from a longtime stint in local government is a testament to his resolve for building wealth over the course of his career.

Lehr’s ability to make the most of his money in the decades leading up to his retirement years went beyond earning a lucrative salary as Owasso city manager. His focus on financial stewardship ultimately led him and his wife, Nina, to enjoy a well-anchored but modest retirement.

“I’ve always been a saver by nature,” Lehr said. “Between Social Security, pension, and three or four different savings accounts over the years, we’re fairly comfortable living pretty much the same lifestyle that we did before I retired.”

In March 2024, Lehr stepped down from his role in municipal leadership — a job he had held for the last decade — citing a desire to spend more time with his family and pursue other endeavors.

Pat Gable, 70, another Owasso-area retiree, followed a similar financial path as Lehr, using

her 22-year career in management and public relations at a local McDonald’s franchise to reach her retirement goals.

“We worked really, really hard to get where we are,” Gable said of her husband, Bill, and herself. “Right now, all we have is our utilities and our cost of living, and of course, the fun things that we want to do.”

Despite losing most of their savings in a 2001 investment crash, the couple rebuilt their investments over time. By doubling up on their principal payments over the years, they were able to pay off all their debt, including their home, close to retirement age.


Many seniors share some of these same experiences in their own journeys toward a stable retirement, although adopting a broader perspective for best practices could continue to benefit them, according to Natalie Haggard, a senior wealth advisor based in the Tulsa area.

Haggard encourages early retirees, for example, to focus on maximizing their 401(k) investments or starting a catch-up contribution plan after the age of 50 when the IRS allows them to contribute more. These efforts, paired with diversifying funds in other after-tax options like a Roth IRA, can lead to a more valuable nest egg, she said.

“So, people most successful in retirement are those working with a financial planner and a CPA to come up with the right mix of retirement accounts versus other accounts,” Haggard said.


While some retirees have built a well-padded 401K, others are finding creative ways to stretch their resources. No matter your financial situation, smart planning and flexibility can help you enjoy a fulfilling retirement.

“First, I would save as much as you can in your remaining working years. Then I would encourage people to not think of retirement as all or nothing. There are lots of ways to generate income without working full-time. Many of the retirees I

“I’ve always been a saver by nature. Between social security, pension, and three or four different savings accounts over the years, we’re fairly comfortable living pretty much the same lifestyle that we did before I retired.”
– Warren Lehr

know have found a lot of fulfillment in a part-time job that helps both supplement retirement savings and lets them fill their days when they’ve stepped back from a full-time career,” said Haggard.

“No matter the size of your nest egg, having a plan will offer a lot of peace of mind. Sitting down to think about exactly what the resources are, how you plan to use them, and how they can work for you through a good investment strategy can go a long way toward a more comfortable retirement.”


Haggard warns that retirees rounding the corner into their 50s and 60s often disregard new healthcare expenses that previously went largely subsidized by their employer. As such, potential healthcare recipients should eye income tax planning, and even consider lowering their income levels, to qualify for certain packages.

“When we’re putting a financial plan together, I add in a separate expense for healthcare … people tend to then be very surprised at how high that expense can be — and also how that grows every year,” Haggard said. “My caution would be to not overlook the cost of healthcare between whatever age you retire and age 65 before Medicare.”

Many people may also be unfamiliar with what types of Medicare they may need or how much those policies may cover as they progress into

their later retirement years. Haggard also cautions her clients to stay well-informed about available federal insurance program options.

“Be clear about Medicare and what the gaps are to fill in,” she added. “Medicare usually doesn’t cover as much as people think it does. Ideally, you would just plan for it in your portfolio or have a long-term care policy and at least have somebody shop that for you.”

Late retirees with established healthcare plans may also want to become more conservative in their investments — a trend that Haggard might discourage if they are still able to strike a healthy balance between continuing to save, paying their bills, and enjoying the activities that retirement brings.

Essentially, the key for all retirees, she noted, is to at least allow those investments to appreciate as long as possible while still preparing for their potential decline, ensuring that the funds are “positioned in a way that lets you sleep at night, which is more behavioral than mathematical,” she said.

“You just let them (investments) generate what they’re going to generate,” Haggard said. “You marry that with really good tax planning, and then estate planning to make sure that … you don’t outlive your money and the things that happen to it when you’re gone are what you want.”

"That would be my best advice when you reach retirement: try to be as debtfree as you can. It is so freeing being able to not have that monthly drain on your finances."
– Pat Gable

Even the strongest portfolios, however, are still prone to risks that can stifle their growth, regardless of age and market performance. Two of the most common but controlled threats, in Haggard’s experience, are carrying ongoing debt and supporting adult children.

“Those are the two things that we see are the biggest hindrances and dangers to a financial plan,” she said. “When I hear that clients have a bunch of debt and they are supporting adult children who are otherwise capable of supporting themselves, I know we have bigger challenges.”

Gable echoed Haggard’s sentiments, adding: “That would be my best advice when you reach retirement: try to be as debt-free as you can. It is so freeing being able to not have that monthly drain on your finances.”


Beyond these practical steps, Haggard encouraged those eyeing retirement on the horizon — to have a deeper conversation about the purpose behind their investments, identifying: “Here are our resources, and here’s what we want our resources to do,” she said.

“Everybody’s going to be different,” Haggard said of retirees over age 73 taking required minimum distributions or those withdrawing 4% of their savings per year. “The question that I ask

everybody is, ‘Why does your portfolio exist?’ Portfolio performance by itself is not a financial goal. What the portfolio made or didn’t make means nothing if it doesn’t support your goal. That’s where you’re going to find success if you have this overarching goal, which is, ‘I want to have this much money in retirement to do these things,’ and everything informs that.”

Lehr echoed Haggard’s advice, emphasizing the importance of not only investing in recreation and respite but also allocating both time and money toward a hobby or an avenue of service, whether it’s at a church, in a neighborhood, or through other charitable causes.

“You have to find a rhythm in retirement to strike a balance between purpose and leisure,” Lehr said. “If you’re not intentional, you will default to entertainment over service and find yourself unfulfilled, discouraged, and bored. It takes more discipline to be retired than not.”

Gable, who has prioritized giving alongside her husband in retirement, added: “We have a little bit of money that we can invest in our nonprofit of choice. We have a little bit of money that, if we see somebody in need … we can help them.”

Haggard’s passion for enabling individuals like Lehr and Gable to make the most of their retirement years ultimately stems from her desire to see them thrive in their golden years.

“It’s so fun to watch clients reach those financial goals — when they get to quit their jobs, when they get to go on that trip with their grandkids, when they get to buy that lake house,” she said. “The biggest compliment that anybody has given me is, ‘I feel better now that I’ve talked to you.’”

Bonus Content

"No matter the size of your nest egg, having a plan will offer a lot of peace of mind. Sitting down to think about exactly what the resources are, how you plan to use them, and how they can work for you through a good investment strategy can go a long way toward a more comfortable retirement."
– Natalie Haggard

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Take advantage of senior discounts at restaurants, stores, and entertainment venues.

Use available community resources like food banks, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), and your local Area Agency on Aging.

Work part-time or take advantage of freelance opportunities to supplement your income.

Downsize or find creative housing solutions such as a roommate or senior housing complex

Maximize Social Security benefits by working longer and delaying benefits.

Check to see if you’re eligible for Medicare assistance programs, Medicaid benefits, drug assistance programs, and more at the National Council on Aging Benefits CheckUp:

Plan meals to avoid food waste and reduce grocery bills. Supplement purchased items by growing some of your food.

Check out consignment and second-hand stores that sell gently used clothing and other items.

Avoid These Inheritance Mistakes

When estate planning, the adage “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” definitely applies. A well-crafted plan is much more than just a way to reduce or avoid taxes for high-net-worth individuals at their death. It functions like a toolbox to help settle your affairs. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid.


People often put off estate planning because they don’t think they’re old enough or wealthy enough to need it. Others delay because they don’t want to think about it, or they’re worried the process will be expensive and confusing. Keep in mind that if you don’t make your own plan, beware: the state has one for you and it’s unlikely to match what your own choice would be.

For example, if you become incapacitated but haven’t created a power of attorney (a legal document allowing someone you have chosen to act on your behalf in your health, financial, or legal affairs) the court will appoint someone. This person will make those decisions for you, supervising and controlling how your assets are used for your care.

Suppose you die “intestate” (without a valid will). Any of your assets, without a designated beneficiary, are distributed according to your state’s intestacy laws which are unlikely to match your own wishes for distribution.

Typically, this process is done through a courtsupervised probate proceeding, the records of which are open to the public, meaning potentially sensitive documents, like an estate inventory, are easily accessible by almost anyone. If you value privacy and control when it comes to your personal and financial affairs, create and implement a plan that reflects your choices rather than leaving it to the dictates of state intestacy laws.


Because documents like wills, trusts, and powers of attorney are legally binding, it’s always smart to consult a professional when developing your estate plan. Make sure the documents you create accurately reflect and accomplish your wishes. Online templates may be inaccurate or outdated, and a will or other related document executed improperly will not be legally binding.

If you value privacy and control in your personal and financial affairs, create an estate plan that accurately accomplishes your wishes.

When looking for professional assistance with your estate planning, Brian Crain, an attorney with South Tulsa Law, PLLC, notes that if your goal is simply to avoid probate, most Oklahoma attorneys can help you with the basics like a will, trust, and various advanced directives and related documents. However, if your situation is complicated or requires more sophisticated planning, Crain offers this advice.

“If you want an estate plan that considers a special needs family member, tax consequences of your estate, charitable giving upon your passing, you may want Medicaid (SoonerCare) in the future, or any other advanced estate planning, you should explain your specific needs to that attorney and ask him or her how would it be best to proceed,” he said. “If you are comfortable with their decision, great. If you feel that the answer was vague or confusing, you may want to consider seeking other counsel whose response seems more coherent and provides you with a sense of confidence that they can handle all of this.”


Failing to review and update asset titles and beneficiary designations can foil your estate planning efforts. Assets like life insurance and retirement plans pass according to their beneficiary designations rather than by will. It’s a good idea to regularly revisit these designations, especially when there is a lifechanging event like divorce or the birth of a child.

Even if your will states otherwise, property that is titled “joint tenancy with rights of survivorship” will pass at death to the surviving joint tenant, which may not reflect your intentions. For example, your will might indicate that everything goes to your children equally. However, if a bank account is held in joint tenancy with you and just one of your children, it will pass only to that child at your death. As a result, your children receive unequal shares when your intention was to divide your assets equally.


Leaving assets to minors, or even to adult children in some cases, can be problematic. If your children inherit as minors, a responsible adult must manage and protect the inheritance for them until they are adults. If you have a grown child with a substance abuse problem or one who has difficulty managing money, leaving assets to them outright may not be a good idea.

Because documents like wills, trusts, and powers of attorney are legally binding, it’s always smart to consult a professional when developing your estate plan.

In these situations, a trust benefiting your child and managed by a responsible trustee might be a better solution.


An executor is the person designated to carry out the stipulations of the will. If a trust is part of an estate, the trustee is responsible for both administering and managing the trust’s assets according to the deceased’s wishes. These roles can be fulfilled by the same person or two different ones.

Choosing the right individual/s for these positions is important. In general, he or she should be trustworthy, objective, financially savvy, well-organized, and able to deal calmly and fairly with potential heirs and creditors. Although adult children and spouses often serve in these roles, they may not always be the best choice. A bank with trust powers or a trust company can also serve as executor and/or trustee.


Although Oklahoma, like the majority of states, does not tax your estate at your death, there is a federal tax for those estates in excess of $13.99 million (in 2025). While this represents a large number for most people, keep in mind that in 2026 this “lifetime exemption”

amount is currently scheduled to return to the 2017 level of an estimated $7 million.

For those individuals who anticipate having an estate large enough to incur tax liability, there are methods of reducing that possibility through annual gifting, charitable contributions, and other techniques. Consult with qualified professionals (accountants and lawyers) to learn more.


Although it can be difficult to talk about our own mortality, share your estate plan with your spouse and children to help prevent confusion, conflict, and unnecessary stress. Discuss your assets so that your loved ones know where everything is should you become incapacitated.

While you can’t take it with you when you go, a well-written estate plan not only ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes at your death but also provides for your care in the event you become debilitated. Remember that your plan must comply with current law to be effective.

Consulting an expert now will save you and your heirs a lot of trouble in the future.

Estate Planning Checklist

Inventory Your Assets

Create a comprehensive list of real estate holdings, vehicles, bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and business interests. Gather recent statements from your bank, brokerage, and retirement accounts. List all liabilities, including mortgages, lines of credit, and other debt.

Determine Your Estate Planning Goals

Determine how you want your assets distributed among beneficiaries and what provisions you’ll make for minor children or dependent adults, including their care and financial support.

Assemble Your Team

Choose the individuals who will handle different aspects of your estate. In addition to an executor or trustee to manage the overall process of distributing your estate according to your wishes, you’ll need to select a guardian if you have minor children. When creating powers of attorney for healthcare and financial decisions, choose trusted individuals who share your values and make decisions that are in your best interest.

Draft Legal Estate Documents and Keep Them Updated

Work with a qualified professional to make sure your documents are properly prepared and legally valid. Review and update your documents and your plan, particularly if your situation changes (marriage, divorce, children, for example) or the current law changes. Don’t forget to update your beneficiary forms, too.

Don’t Let Your Data Rest in Peace

Remember to address your “digital afterlife.” Create a document that outlines your wishes for your social media accounts and other digital content. Include your passwords and keep the document with your other papers. Consider adding someone you trust as a legacy contact for your Apple, Google, Facebook, and other accounts.

Estate Planning with Attorney Brian Crain

for an

on estate planning, where

will delve into the essential components of wills and trusts. Special focus will be given to Special Needs Trusts and Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, highlighting their importance in safeguarding assets and ensuring care for individuals with unique needs.

Join Attorney Brian Crain
insightful presentation

Planning for Retirement and After

Create an Accurate Budget That Works

With the average life span in the United States around 78 years of age, and many more Americans living to and surpassing the age of 100, budgeting in preparation for and during retirement is crucial to make your savings last to carry you through.

Without a financial plan, even some of the savviest individuals live with ongoing spending struggles. When money is tight, creating and using a budget is vital to both preventing financial difficulties and attaining financial security. It can make the difference in being able to save for vacations, a home, or retirement.


Determining your income and expenses is the first step in creating your budget. As you do so, don’t make the mistake of failing to include all of your costs. It’s easy to overlook expenses you don’t incur on a regular schedule, such as vacations, gifts, auto maintenance, clothing, and entertainment. Bills paid quarterly or annually, such as life and homeowners’ insurance or property taxes, are often forgotten as well. Prepare to make necessary adjustments to the plan and embrace the notion of religiously following it.

An error people make at this stage is the temptation to plan for the best-case scenario. Be sure to determine the average cost of fluctuating expenditures like utilities over 12 months and budget for the high side. Have you ever seen prices go DOWN? Add up the previous year’s bills, add 5% to account for inflation, and then divide by 12 to get a monthly average.

For categories like gifts or clothing, calculate what you spend in a full year. When added up, the amount is often an eye-opener. Under this category, include outerwear, footwear, underwear and socks, sportswear, summer clothing, work wardrobe, and casual wear. Total those expenses for the year, then divide by 12 for your average monthly spending.

Finally, small day-to-day expenses are frequently disregarded. Over a month, these add up to a heap of change. Overlooked expenses may include eating out, buying a newspaper, pet expenses, or stopping for a pop or coffee. Other overlooked costs include replacing a toaster, repairing the garbage disposal, and countless other repairs and replacements over a year. Brainstorm and create categories for all these types of expenses to include in your budget.



Determining your monthly income is simple if you receive the same amount each month in Social Security or pension payments. If you still work, just multiply your weekly take-home pay by 4.3 weeks since there are nearly 4½ weeks in a month.

If your income varies because of commissions, overtime, or self-employment, calculate your average weekly pay, then multiply it by 4.3.


To determine the difference between your monthly income and expenses, add up each column individually. Then subtract total expenses from total income.

Hopefully, you’re earning more than you’re spending. If so, you can create a savings plan for travel, make additional deposits to your IRA, or increase your emergency savings.

If you have a negative difference, you’ll need to cut costs. Place a check mark next to each item you can’t reduce. Fixed expenses might include mortgage or rent and loan payments.

Next, from the items that don’t have a check mark, determine which are unnecessary or don’t provide real value to your life, and begin cutting or reducing.

Other items you can reduce include dining out, entertainment, vacations, and gifts. You might also be able to reduce some of the essential categories, such as clothing, grocery, and miscellaneous expenses. First, determine what you must spend to have your needs met. Then continue cutting and reducing until your budget balances, or preferably, has a positive balance to cover savings, emergencies, and miscalculations.

Keep in mind when making reductions, you need a realistic, detailed plan you’re able to stick to. If it helps reduce your temptation to break the budget, you might reduce several costs rather than completely eliminate a couple. Or vice versa. Just be sure to think it through.


The final step in this planning is to stick to it; that’s where it’s easy to go astray. To remain on track be sure to include unfixed expenses such as vacations, entertainment, clothing, gifts, and miscellaneous. Buy a ledger, and label a separate page for each category. When you dine out, log the expense to ensure you don’t go over your allotment by month’s end.

Keep in mind, when extra cash is floating around, it’s tempting to assume the money’s available to spend. Remember, your budget is based on averages. This means the extra $100 or $1,000 sitting in your bank account must be available to cover another expense down the road, such as property taxes or car repairs.

Attaining and maintaining financial security requires self-discipline to live within your means. By setting up an accurate budget and sticking to it, you’ll not only avoid debt and financial hardship but the stress that usually accompanies it.


Financial literacy is an essential skill for seniors, empowering them to make informed decisions about their money, secure their retirement, and manage living expenses effectively. With many seniors living on fixed incomes, understanding budgeting, saving, and investing can help them avoid financial pitfalls and maintain independence.

The Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center is a partnership between the City of Tulsa’s Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Equity and Goodwill Industries offering free oneon-one professional financial counseling to all Tulsa residents. The FEC provides personalized guidance on various topics including establishing and maintaining a budget, reducing debt, increasing savings and credit scores, and using financial products wisely.

Program Manager Masouda Bashrat said the FEC provides people with one-on-one confidential counseling. While they do not provide debt consolidation, other nonprofit companies such as GreenPath can help individuals who are facing foreclosure or have high credit card debt.

In addition to financial counseling, the FEC has free tax preparation services provided by IRS-trained volunteer tax preparers, and Bank On Tulsa, which strives to connect people with a safe and affordable bank account without fees or overdraft charges.

To find out more information about the FEC, call (918) 802-7279 or visit Financial_Wellness.asp. For debt consolidation options, visit or call (833) 213-8878 for information.

Using Tech to Manage Money Tools to Help You Spend & Save

Money management can be a challenge. When growing up, I understood that some people had more money than others, but my parents rarely discussed their financial resources. Income was considered private information that should stay that way.

It has taken me a long time to willingly look at my spending and savings habits. I remember joking that there wasn’t any point in making a budget — my paycheck disappeared each month without my having to plan for it. When Vintage staff discussed an article about digital technology that helps with money management, I signed myself up to write it because I knew Id never really come to terms with this life skill.

While online money management tools are generally safe, convenient, and accessible, they also come with potential drawbacks. Whether they are right for you depends on your comfort level with technology and your personal financial habits. Let’s explore some of the most common digital tools available today.


I was surprised to learn on a recent trip with three other older adults that only two of us used peer-to-peer payment apps like PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or Cash App. I started using PayPal in the early 2000s because it was the “currency” of choice on eBay, where I bought and sold pottery. When it became a convenient way to pay for my

share of a meal, tip a musician, or exchange money with a friend or coworker, it was a smooth transition for me.

Payment apps are usually connected to your bank account, but some offer the option of linking to a credit card or even providing a debit or credit card for users. Be sure to check for additional charges if connecting a credit card to a peer-to-peer payment app. If you receive funds, there may be a fee to transfer cash to your regular checking account.

A big advantage of peer-to-peer payment apps is that they eliminate the need for cash or checks. Though a completely cashless society may not be on the horizon, cash is certainly used less often. Some businesses and even entire communities no longer accept cash for goods and services. If you don’t want to charge everything to a credit card or use a debit card, payment apps provide a convenient alternative.


To investigate budgeting apps, I downloaded Rocket Money and signed up for a free trial. One annoying factor — I had to provide credit card information for a one-week trial. That’s usually a “no go” for me because I’m afraid I’ll forget to cancel and get charged for a while before I notice. But that’s exactly what this app is designed to prevent — it helps users see exactly where their money goes and what they pay for on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Apps like Rocket Money, Mint, YNAB (You Need a Budget), and Goodbudget help users categorize and track spending, send notifications when bills are coming due, and provide insights into spending that can be cut back. Rocket Money, for example, flagged a subscription I had forgotten about — a streaming service I signed up for to watch the Super Bowl in 2023 and had been paying for ever since. It also pointed out that I may be overpaying for certain services like my mobile phone plan. Some apps even offer bill negotiation services, though they may charge you a percentage of the savings.


Saving money can feel like an afterthought, but technology makes it nearly effortless to set aside cash. Apps like Acorns and Qapital automate saving by rounding up purchases and transferring the spare change into a savings or investment account. Digit is an app that analyzes spending habits and automatically moves small, affordable amounts into savings.

Many banks also offer automated savings features within their mobile apps, allowing users to schedule recurring transfers or set savings goals. These apps take the guesswork out of saving, making it painless to build an emergency fund, vacation budget, or retirement nest egg over time.


Managing money can be intimidating, but technology provides a variety of tools to make it easier. Whether the goal is to monitor spending, automate savings, or split a bill with a friend, there’s likely an app that can help. Just remember — these tools are only effective if used consistently. A more hands-on approach to money management using traditional methods still works. The key is finding what fits your lifestyle and comfort level while keeping your finances on track.

Online and Mobile Banking

Some people still track their spending in a check register and mail checks to pay bills, but a growing number access their checking and savings accounts online and through mobile devices. Online banking uses a web browser; mobile banking is done through an app downloaded to a smartphone or tablet. Both can simplify and speed transactions.

Mobile banking may have additional security measures, such as face recognition, but both online and mobile banking are considered safe with PINs, passwords, and two-factor authentication. Digital banking can be safer than carrying a large amount of cash or sending account information and checks in the mail. Automatic payments help ensure due dates are never missed, and notifications can be sent if your balance falls below a certain amount.

Banking apps are great for people who need access to their accounts while on the go. They enable users to check transactions in real-time, monitor balances 24/7, and deposit checks without waiting in line at the bank. Depending on the bank, there may be limits to the transactions and detailed information available through an app, but most offer a convenient way to conduct essential transactions like paying bills and transferring funds. Mobile apps lack the personal interactions some people appreciate with in-person banking and can be subject to technical outages, but they provide a time-saving and efficient way to manage finances.

Word Search / Financial Fitness

Complete the grid so each row, column, and 3x3 box contains each digit 1-9 without repeating the number.

Word Clues

Each answer starts with the letters TH.

To do this mental word game, read the clues; each one refers to a word starting with the letters TH. Answers on page 39.

Rumbling noise in the sky.

The day before Friday.

Another word for slim or slender.

Inside your neck gets sore sometimes.

Propel through the air using your arm and hand.

10 times 100.

A sudden feeling of excitement.

A person or thing likely to cause you harm.

Device for measuring temperature.

Short, thick first finger on the hand.


A bamboozable is a saying/phrase that is made up of a display of words in an interesting way. The goal is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, place, or thing that each bamboozable is meant to represent. There are six bamboozables below. Answers on page 39.

Link Words

Read across each link and decide which word the three words in each row have in common. Write the word in the last column. For example, the words ROOTS, SNAKE, and HOPPER have the word GRASS in common. Grassroots, Grass snake and Grasshopper.

Split Words: Weather

Each section below contains one half of a word. Your task is putting them together to form words relating to weather. There are a total of 9 words on the page. Print the page and when you find a word, write it on the lines below and cross out those letters in the grid.

Arts & Entertainment/

Picture This Outdoor Art Adventures

Public art, particularly murals, plays a critical role in bridging generations, providing a platform for storytelling, and sparking conversations about shared values and history. As powerful symbols of civic pride and unity, these artworks enhance the cultural fabric of an area, inviting reflection and engagement while beautifying the environment. They also make terrific spots to stop and pose for photos!

The use of murals dates back more than 3,000 years when cave paintings depicted daily life and spiritual beliefs. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo painted large-scale works on walls. And, in the early 20th century, businesses painted large advertisements on the side of buildings. Contemporary murals are a way to depict cultural pride, boast of a city’s history, and even attract tourism.

Whether it’s a day trip to Oklahoma City or a weekend in Fort Smith, a road trip offers the opportunity to explore a city’s culture through its outdoor art, including a huge array of beautiful, thought-provoking, and

“History in the Making” depicts Tulsa’s historic Black Wall Street.
A section of “The Majestic” mural at 4th and Main in downtown Tulsa.

even interactive murals. And the best part is that you can experience public art for free.


Tulsa is home to a vibrant collection of building murals that bring the city’s streets to life with color, creativity, and culture. From portraits of music icons such as Leon Russell (415 E. 3rd St.) and Woody Guthrie (102 E. Reconciliation Way), to scenes honoring the legacy of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street (100 S. Greenwood), a tour of these murals offers an opportunity to explore both the rich history and the modern artistic spirit of Tulsa.

One of the largest murals in Tulsa includes an augmented reality experience by using your smartphone. Titled “The Majestic” (410 S. Main St.), it includes art deco signs and symbols, featuring an angel at the center representing guidance, protection, and love. Scan a QR code to see the artwork by Eric Skotnes and Ryan Sarfati come to life.

Tulsa Tours offers tours of some of Tulsa’s iconic scenery including the many murals in downtown, the tunnels under downtown buildings, Art Deco architecture, and much more. For more information visit the Tulsa Tours website.


Oklahoma City’s Paseo Arts District (3024 Paseo) has a rich history and is a vibrant neighborhood filled with art galleries and lots of public art on display. The small neighborhood located near downtown has retained its Spanish revival architecture and was home to Oklahoma City’s first art gallery. If you’re in Oklahoma City, it’s definitely worth a visit.

The latest addition to the district’s public art is three, 6-foot-wide ceramic tile murals depicting the history of Paseo. While you’re there, take in all the art galleries (there are 20!) and have lunch at one of the artist-inspired cafes. There is a family-friendly gallery walk every first Friday of the month that features work from local studios, guest artists, and live music. To find out more about Oklahoma City’s murals or the Paseo District, or


Fort Smith, Arkansas transformed its downtown area with a larger-than-life depiction of three local residents on the side of a local feed mill, one of the tallest structures in town. Looming over downtown, “American Heroes” by artist Guido Van Helten (700 B St.) depicts the history and diversity of the town. The 100-foot-tall mural helped transform the arts in Fort Smith and spawned The Unexpected Project, a repeat event that has had the unexpected benefit of spurring an artistic revitalization of downtown Fort Smith. For more information, visit While you’re taking in the art, visit the downtown entertainment district, filled with art, unique shops, a farmers market, and more.

Next time you take a road trip, remember to visit murals and public art in towns for a unique way to experience the culture and spirit of a place. These vibrant expressions of creativity transform ordinary walls into powerful stories, reflecting the history, values, and dreams of local communities. Each mural adds a new layer to the fabric of the town, creating lasting memories and a shared appreciation for the beauty and diversity of human expression.

“American Heroes” looms over downtown Fort Smith, Arkansas.
The Woody Guthrie Center features a large mural of the folk singer and Oklahoma native.

Book Club/

Party Time!

There are plenty of occasions this month to celebrate. Big ones like Easter and Passover, but lesser ones, too: National Talk Like Shakespeare Day, National Jelly Bean Day, and — I call your attention to this one — National Columnists’ Day.

Back in February, though, a stretch of cold, gloomy weather coupled with even gloomier national and international news had me thinking, “Boy, what I need is a party.”

I discovered the next best thing: a new biography of Oklahoma’s famous “hostess with the mostess” Perle Mesta. Only those of a certain age likely will recognize the name, but for decades she was Washington D.C.’s most celebrated hostess. She was a wealthy society woman known for giving extravagant dinners, balls, and parties that mixed politicians and celebrities. When President Harry S. Truman appointed her envoy to Luxembourg, Irving Berlin wrote a hit musical about it, “Call Me Madam,” starring Ethel Merman.

“The Woman Who Knew Everyone”

“The Woman Who Knew Everyone” is a detailed biography by Meryl Gordon. The book’s cover, a photo of Perle with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, made me laugh and wonder if the designer read the book. Perle was close friends with presidents and first ladies from Truman through Dwight D. Eisenhower to Lyndon B. Johnson, but she got crossways with the Kennedys and they didn’t invite her into their White House.


spent her youth in Texas but called Oklahoma her home. That’s where her oil-rich father built the lavish Skirvin Hotel which today features the Perle Mesta restaurant with a James Beard-award-winning chef and famous cocktails. Widowed and extremely wealthy at age 43, she moved to Washington, D. C., and reinvented herself as a political power. Newspapers covered her soirées like the events they were, attracting the inner circle of Washington’s political society. Although the press was unkind to her personally, often noting her plainness and overweight figure, she ignored them and carried on in high spirits.

She switched political parties from Republican to Democrat, attended both parties’ national conventions, and when LBJ annoyed her she supported Richard Nixon but remained friends with both men. She was known as the “spitfire from Oklahoma.”

In Luxembourg, where the career Foreign Service officials disdained and ignored her, she took charge anyway and used her own money to give big Christmas parties for the orphanages overflowing after World War II and regular parties for the homesick G.I.s stationed in the

area. She went out into the country to meet the people and they loved her.

I didn’t know how seriously she took politics. She was a leading figure in the National Woman’s Party, an early and steady supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, civil rights, and abortion. Perle spent millions of dollars of her own money on her parties and raised millions more for political campaigns and inaugural balls. She said two things never failed to thrill her, “When I enter the White House and when I step off the plane in Oklahoma.”

“Perle, My Story”

An even better book is her memoir, “Perle, My Story,” written with Robert Cahn. It’s not her whole life story because it was published in 1960 and she lived another 15 years, but it captures the fizz and sizzle of events told by the woman who was living a great adventure. She reports who attended her parties, what they wore, and the dinner’s seating chart. She repeats conversational exchanges. When one man encouraged another to leave the city, get back to nature, and live in the country, the listener replied, “I can’t. I’m the Secretary of Agriculture.”

Her heyday was the late 1940s and 1950s, certainly imperfect times in many ways, but “Perle” captures a snapshot of people dressing elegantly for special events, singing around the piano, dancing, and laughing. Even with differences in politics and opinions, they behaved with good manners and decency to one another. We live in a different time. I miss parties like those.

Pearl Skirvin,
Perle Mesta & Robert Cahn
Meryl Gordon

Museum of Tulsa History • 2445 S. Peoria Ave., Tulsa Tulsa Historical Society and Museum

Joe Brown of Tulsa hands over a jar filled with change to bank teller John Wilkins at the Home Federal Savings and Loan in 1950.

This Month in History Banking On It


2, 1968

“2001 A Space Odyssey” Premieres

Stanley Kubrick was intrigued by science fiction but felt there were few interesting films of the genre, so he sought to create one. At the film’s debut, Kubrick considered it a failure with one actor estimating 250 people walked out, and some reviewers called the movie “immensely boring." However, many audiences and critics loved it, and the film went on to win an Oscar for Best Visual Effects and other awards.


3, 1860

Pony Express Debuts

The first Pony Express mail left Missouri and reached its California destination 10 days later through a series of rider relay teams. This delivery speed was a great improvement from the then-current cross-country mail delivery systems by ship or stagecoach which could take anywhere from three weeks to many months. Although the Pony Express system was short-lived and unprofitable, it helped win federal aid for a more economical postal system.

Sculptor Harry Bertoia stands within his sculpture and fountain during its installation at the First National Auto Bank in downtown Tulsa.

Beverly Rominger cuts the ribbon, or rope, at the 1971 grand opening of a Home Federal Savings and Loan branch in the Farm Shopping Center.


6, 1909

Explorers Almost Reach the North Pole

U.S. Navy civil engineer Robert Peary, assistant Matthew Henson, and four Inuit natives reached the point they determined to be the North Pole on their second attempt. In 1911, Congress formally recognized Peary’s claim of being the first to reach the North Pole. Decades after Peary’s death, studies found navigational errors in his travel log suggesting the team fell about 30 miles short of their goal.

APRIL 19, 1947

White House Bowling Alley Opens

President Harry S. Truman officially opened the first White House bowling alley after a group of fellow Missourians funded the construction in honor of the president. Although Truman had not bowled since he was a teenager, he launched the first ball down the alley, knocking down seven out of 10 pins. One of the pins is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

APRIL 23, 1985

New Coke Debuts

Coca-Cola changed its formula for the first time in 99 years as it faced competition from Pepsi. While the short-lived, sweeter “New Coke” performed better than Pepsi and the original Coke in blind taste tests, consumers had a sentimental attachment and flooded the company with up to 8,000 calls a day to complain. “New Coke” became known as the marketing blunder of the century.

APRIL 25, 1990

Hubble Space Telescope Placed in Orbit

The telescope was conceived in the 1940s and later built in the 1980s to give astronomers an exceptional view of space. The crew of the space shuttle Discovery placed the bus-sized space-based observatory into a low orbit around Earth. The solar-powered telescope orbits the Earth every 97 minutes and has a resolution ten times that of ground-based observatories.


Gammo’s Barbershop Tales

Enjoy fictional short stories by Oklahoma native. Books available at Amazon and original stories free via podcast on Amazon Music, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Riverside and Spotify. gammo7880/

New Book by Local Author

“Grace Garden: A Harvest of Life Lessons”, by Rod Giles, is one man’s testament to the spiritual significance of nature. These thirteen short lessons with follow-up questions create a journey of faith, growth, and the enduring power of God’s handiwork. Available on Amazon. Order today – it makes a great gift!


ALL PRO Carpet Cleaning Senior and caregiver discounts. Carpet, furniture, rug cleaning. Pet odor removed and Teflon protectant available. Emergency water extraction. Residential and commercial services. Professional truck mount steam cleaning. Carpet repairs and restretching. Prompt, professional, quality service at a fair price. Certified, insured. Veteran owned and operated. Call Thomas Fink, owner/technician, for free estimate (918) 636-6303.


Floral Haven Cemetery Plot

Veterans Field of Honor Extended. Lot 306 D Spaces 1 and 2. 2 plots,1 Vault and 2 opening and closing. $8,000. Call (918) 703-2384

Floral Haven Memorial Gardens

Four lots in Garden of Everlasting Life. Very easy to locate within the oldest area of Floral Haven. Lot 19B, Spaces 1-4. Will sell in pairs. Valued at $5,995 each and will sell for $2,500 each. Call (918) 260-8632.

Low Prices for Memorial Park Lots

Regular price $1,870 each. Section 21, Lot 77A, spaces 1 & 6, both $2,000. Section 21, Lot 23A, spaces 3 & 4, Lot 24A, spaces 3 & 4, two for $3,000, all four $5,500. Seller pays transfer fee.Contact Steven (636) 575-1469 or email

Memorial Park Cemetery

6 plots, just off Memorial in section 6, lot 353. Plots 1,2,3,4,5,6. Will split. $2,000 each. Text (918) 694-9931 or email

Memorial Park Companion Crypt

Memorial Park - Companion Crypt. Section 27, Unit 3, Row 23, Companion Crypt A. Current value - $10,925. Asking $9,750. Contact:

Memorial Park – 4 Contiguous Plots

Four plots located in Section 15 near Lake of Enchantment. Will only sell as a group. $5,000. Leave message or text (936) 443-2344.

Memorial Park Garden of the Apostles

Four spaces in section 28, lot 111, spaces 1,2,7,8. Bronze only section. Current value $2,150 each. Will sell all four, or in pairs for $1,750 each. Call or text (918) 633-6138 with message ‘Memorial Park Lots’ and a call back number.

Memorial Park, Garden of the Christus

South of the chapel. Section 15, lot 260, plots 4, 5 and 6, in a row. Will sell separately or together. Note: this is a bronze-marker only section. $1,500 each. BTW Bob Wills is buried in this section! Call John (918) 446-1730

Memorial Park – Garden of the Prophets

Available: Five adjoining spaces, including two full-sized coffin crypts, located in picturesque Section 57, Lot 398; Spaces 1-4 and Lot 399; Space 4 near the recently added Bronze Angel statue. EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS! $1,395 ($1,850 value) for each space and $699 ($950 value) for each crypt. Call/Text (714) 313-7616; email

Memorial Park Plots. Huge savings! Selling 4 burial plots at Memorial Park Cemetery in nice location. Will sell in pairs or all four. Spaces 1,2,7,8 in Lot 133 in Section 28. Only $1,250 each. Valued at $2,250 each. Call or text (918) 521-0869.


Live Beautifully! You Deserve It! Here at Moore Cleaning we are your trusted source for seniors needing assistance with home cleaning. You are our priority! We have over 23 years experience and references from our loyal customers. We customize our cleaning to meet your needs. Also offering window cleaning and organizing. Reasonable rates. Please call today to set up your appointment. Marybelle Moore (918) 671-5065.

New Season Cleaning Service New Season Cleaning Service offers residential housecleaning weekly or bi-weekly. Reasonable rates for a job well done. Accepting new customers!! Call Todd at (918) 630-0747. Visit or email newseasoncleaningservice@

Window Cleaning. Housecleaning. Window Cleaning – I make your windows shine no matter what condition they are in. Chandeliers, light fixtures and mirrors. House Cleaning – can do on regular basis, move-in or move-out, construction

clean, also will do curio/china cabinets and special projects. Experienced in all areas including detail and organization. Reasonable rates and references. Call (539) 664-1986.


Does Technology Frustrate You? Honest, patient, ethical help with your pc, modem, wifi, cell phone, email, streaming, camera, password recovery, etc. 30+ years of IT experience in Tulsa. Special rates for seniors. References available.Call or text Carmen Armstrong. (918) 688-7453.


Daytime Care For Older Loved Ones

LIFE’s Adult Day Health offers convenient, affordable daytime care at three locations in Tulsa and Broken Arrow. For more information, call LIFE’s Adult Day Health at (918) 664-9000.


AARP Smart Driver Course

Take the AARP Smart Driver Course and learn proven safe driving strategies plus possibly get a discount on your car insurance. Courses available in the Tulsa area. (866) Interested in becoming a volunteer instructor?


2MS Estate Sales...Tulsa’s Finest! Downsizing? Estate Liquidation? Let us take the worry away and maximize your return. No out of pocket expense. We specialize in senior transitions, with over 20 years in the senior housing market. My team includes realtors, moving company, senior housing and attorneys if needed. Please contact Michelle Reed (918) 691-5893 or also Facebook 2MSestatesalestulsa for a free consultation.


A New Medicare Plan! Do you know about the new Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule? Each year, starting on your birthday, you have 60 days to shop and enroll into a different Medicare Supplement plan with no medical questions! Find out more by calling MedicarePrepare at (918) 420-9999. Our local agents can answer your questions and may be able to save you money on premiums.

Medicare Assistance Program (MAP) at LIFE Senior Services provides accurate information, counseling and assistance for Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives and persons soon to be eligible for Medicare. Call MAP at LIFE Senior Services (918) 664-9000 or toll-free at (866) 664-9009.


AAA Lawns & More

Total tree and lawn care. Specializing in reasonably priced tree removal or trimming any size tree. Fence repair and installation. Insured,


honest, experienced and dependable. Veteran-owned. We are a small company with personal service. References available. FREE ESTIMATES. Call Larry. (918) 361-1299.

Affordable Leaf & Limb Removal

Affordable leaf and limb removal. Light Hauling. Veteran Owned. Senior Discount. Reasonable rates. Call (918) 697-4321.

Garden Services

Flowerbed Design. Garden Installation – specializing in Butterfly & Earthkind gardens. Schedule garden maintenance. Weeding, mulching, annual color, Spring & Fall cleanup, hedge & shrub trimming, tree trimming, tree removal, stone pathways. Call Charles (918) 636-0298.

Kimble Davis Tree Service

Specializing in large tree removal and trimming. We also perform preventative tree maintenance and trimming for the health of all your trees. Please call for free estimate. (55’ bucket truck, chipper truck, crane). Call Kimble (918) 853-5383.

Mower Repair /


All brands – Riders, ZTRs, Walk-behinds, UTVs / ATVs. Top Quality work, ASE certified Mechanic. Pick-up and delivery available. Tulsa and surroundingcounties. Maintenance specials include pick-up and delivery 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call Scott (918) 519-3869.

New Season Lawn & Tree Spring clean-up available. Mowing, trimming, leaf removal, hedge trimming, flower beds. Small tree trimming. We offer weekly, bi-weekly & year-round services. Best rates, senior discounts.Free Estimates. Accepting new customers!! Call Todd (918) 639-2262. Email, and check us out at

New Season Tree Masters

Specializing in tree removal and stump grinding. Tree trimming service available. Certified arborist on staff. Serving all of metro Tulsa with over 20 years’ experience. Fully insured. Free estimates. Contact us at or call Todd at (918) 934-4868.


Allen’s Handyman Services of Tulsa

“Your Home Improvement and Repair Specialist.” 23 years serving Tulsa seniors. “One call can do it all.” 10% senior discount. Insured. All work guaranteed in writing. No pay until job is completed. Plumbing, drain cleaning, grab bars, electrical, carpentry, painting, seamless guttering installation/repair/cleaning. Dryer vent cleaning. Roof, tile and drywall repair. Wood siding/trim replacement. Deck repair, power washing, staining. Tree


trimming. No job too small. Minimum charge for service. For free estimate, call Allen at (918) 630-0394.

Big C’s Plumbing Services

Your one-stop-plumbing shop! Call us and I guarantee you will never have to call another plumbing company. Licensed, bonded and insured for your protection...Call (918) 855-9216, tell us you saw us in the Vintage Newsmagazine and receive an automatic 10% discount. Call us now.

Bumgartner Plumbing

Licensed, with over 40 years of experience. Rates are low and based on the job, not the hour. No service call fee or travel time charge. Senior and caregiver discount. Plumbing service and repair our specialty. Honest, professional service you can count on. Lic. #82750. (918) 355-4747.

Doc J’s Heat and Air LLC

Upfront flat-rate pricing, expert techs who repair all HVAC brands, and install only dependable, quality equipment. Senior discounts! Call Doc J’s Heat & Air Tulsa at (918) 921-4240 today!

“Your Comfort is Our Business” Doc J.


New to the Tulsa area! I specialize in drywall repairs, wood repairs, matching textures, painting interior/ exterior. Insured and free estimates. Help us grow in the Tulsa community or in your community!! Call John at (918) 600-9129.

Eternal Way Construction

We can take your dreams and make them a reality. From foundation repair to roofing and EVERYTHING in between, we do remodeling, roofing, flooring, tile, carpet, drywall, painting, foundation repair, plumbing, electrical, and much more. Multiple crews for timely job starts. See our work on Facebook and Wallace (918) 819-7719.

In a Jam? Services

Around the home repairs or replacements, inside and out. Fence Repair/Replacement, Power Washing, Gutter Cleanout, Garage/ Attic Cleanout, Haul-off, Leaf/ Snow Removal, Staining/Painting, Drywall Patching/Replacement, Tile/ Flooring, Deck Repair, and much more! No job is too small. Have any questions, please give me a call. Joe Moody (918) 740-7209

JC Restores Construction

Christ centered remodeling and construction service. Services include full home renovation, flooring, fence/ deck, pavilions, bathroom and kitchen, drywall, interior/exterior paint, landscaping, wheelchair ramps, handyman services. Whatever you need we will take care of it. Including prayer! Call for free estimate (918) 509-5407

KMS Heating & Cooling

Locally owned since 1979, KMS is proud to be your new HVAC provider! Your comfort is our top priority, and our team of experienced technicians and staff are dedicated to providing you with prompt, reliable, and personalized service for all your residential and commercial HVAC needs. (918) 834-7000.

Same Day Services

Light Hauling or Moving – deliverypower washing-patio furniture-help you rearrange room furniture, lawn mowing/leaves/small paint jobs/ fence staining/fence repair/light construction/window cleaning. We are honest dependable. References. Call (918) 313-5230 estimates free.

Scrap Metal Haul Off

Free haul off/pick up of appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, hot water tanks and any scrap metal. Call John at (918) 313-4405.

Thackeray & Sons Painting and Repair

No job to big or small We do it ALL! (918) 946-1209.


75 Years Experience in Oklahoma Courts

Frasier Law Firm is a full-service Tulsa firm with decades of experience in all Oklahoma courts. We handle all matters, including probate, wills and trusts, personal injury and negligence cases. We have estate planning specialists. Reach us at (918) 584-4724 or

Full Service Estate Planning Law Firm

Trusts, Wills, Gift and Tax Planning, Powers of Attorneys and more! With offices in Sand Springs and Tulsa. Discount to Veterans and Retired Teachers. Willing to meet you in your place for no extra charge! Call Penni of the Skillern Law Firm at (918) 805-2511.



Family-owned local moving company, experienced with senior relocations. Packing, labor-only or full-service available, customized to your needs and budget. Competitive pricing; discounts available for veterans and first responders. Call us at (918) 800-4267 or visit our website at

Tulsa Movers

Pianos, Office, Home. Load or Unload Rental Trucks. Low Rates. Free Estimates. 10% discount off every move! Dependable Movers! Call (918) 836-3225


Notary Services Available 24/7 Notary available. Never closed. Will come to your home. Will go to hospitals, nursing homes, private homes as needed. Call Joanne at (918) 282-8230.



Too busy to stay organized? Overwhelmed? Return harmony to your home and life. We help with: Downsizing, relocating (pack & unpack), setting up home offices, assisting with placing shelf paper. Organizing one room or an entire house. Monthly maintenance. Disperse unwanted possessions. Seasonal transitioning. Call Pat at Organize to Harmonize: (918) 200-5991.

Home Health Services

Tulsa’s Affordable Home Care offer’s compassionate, quality home care services to individuals. We provide the following services: personal care, bathing and dressing, companionship, exercise, grocery shopping, laundry, light housekeeping, medication reminders, meal planning and preparation, oral and personal hygiene, respite care for family caregivers. We are now partnered with Veteran Affairs and accept Long term care insurance. Please call (918) 622-7820 and schedule a free consultation!!!

Keep Your Independence

We will help you smooth out those little bumps in Life. Don’t know who to call? Senior Shenanigans-Flexible/ Reliable/Affordable/Creative. In a bind? Let’s work it out together! Stay Free and Safe! Misti (817) 559-3688/ Bill (918) 934-0999.


Jack(ie) of ALL Trades

Are you going, coming, or just staying put? As "Ms PAC Ma'am" I can pack, unpack, organize, declutter, or downsize a closet, room, garage, attic, or whole house. As "Ms Fixit" I can also assemble your items, hang pictures, decorate, do small odd jobs, or minor repairs. Flexible hours. References available. AFFORDABLE! $25 hour/2 hour minimum. Jacki (918) 922-9558.


Putting Affairs in Order: something many of us don't like to think about, but deep down we understand its importance for the future well-being of loved ones. We help gather and coordinate documents/information to better prepare you for working with your professionals. Strictly confidential. Bobbi Warshaw, MPH and Bob Warshaw, MBA. (918) 852-5302;


Safety Grab Bar Supply and Installation

Including handicap accessories for Residential, Commercial, Decorative, Indoor/Outdoor, Stairways, Bathrooms, and more. Secure your space, whether existing, remodeling or new construction, we handle it all. Call before you fall! Free Estimates. Licensed & Insured with over 20 years experience. Grab Bars of Tulsa, (918) 619-7324.


Affordable Hairstyling In-Home or My Shop

With 37 years’ experience, I can help with all of your hairstyling needs. Men’s and women’s haircuts, specializing in seniors. I will come to your home or you can come to my shop. In-shop special: haircut $7 for first time customers only and perms for $50. Available Tuesday –Saturday. A Mane Event hairstyling, located near 11th and Yale at 937 South Canton. Call Mary Wilkinson at (918) 834-2686.

Manicures and Pedicures Available I provide house calls for manicures and pedicures. Call or text Yvonne at (918) 289-4171.

Salon Retro

Hair care for men and women, specializing in senior clients. First time customers receive one of the following $17. Haircut style not included, or perm and one cut $52. Long hair special wrap extra style not included. Manicures $15, pedicures $25. Experienced hairdressers and nail tech. In shop services only. Come and see us at Midtown at Highland Plaza, 5661 East 41 Street (corner of 41st and Hudson). (918) 742-3440.


Dog Walker

The Woof Pack Tulsa: Dependable dog walking services for your four-legged family in Tulsa. Helping you take care of your furry friends when you’re out! We offer dog walking and pet pop-ins. Insured. Call or text us at (918) 770-6699. Visit our website at

Home Veterinary Care

Experience Tulsa’s most convenient veterinary service in the comfort of your own home. Our goal is to develop a personal relationship with each of our clients and patients. Contact us today to schedule your house call appointment. Call (918) 892-9382 or email or visit us at


Office Space Available + Office Furniture

Nice offices in a small office building located in a great south Tulsa location are available. Close to post office, medical facilities and bus service! Ideal for professional and high-tech uses! Rentals start at $200 per month! Also have office furniture for sale or rent. Call Ty at (918) 639-1248, feel free to leave a voice mail!

Mature Transitions of Tulsa

Certified housing professional (CSHP), Senior Home Coach helping Seniors age in the right place. I educate, empower, and equip seniors and/or their adult children to provide a one source solution for their Transitions fears. When it no longer becomes safe to live at home, I help find the right place, downsize, declutter, pack move, resettle, do the estate sale/ liquidation and sell the family home. Call (918) 605-1480 today for your FREE consultation. Overjoyed NOT Overwhelmed!!!


Seniors (50+)

We are a fun-loving group of seniors over 50. We meet every Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the Golden Corral, 8144 East 21st Street. We eat at 11:00, have a short meeting and then play cards. Join us for great fun and fellowship. Questions, call Linda at (918) 955-9180.


Does Tax Time Stress You?

Let me prepare them for you! I’ve offered tax preparation services to individuals and businesses for 43 years and I love relieving people of their “tax time” stress. Come and get professional service with a personal touch. By appointment only. Call CJ’s at (918) 664-8990. (48th and Sheridan area). Senior Discounts.


My Driver Transportation Service

Let me do the driving. To and from work, airport, shopping, errands, post office, appointments. Also, LIFT VAN transportation available. Able to assist getting to and from bed. Senior sitting. Also, small breed dog boarding. 20 years experience. CLEET certified and licensed. References. Member, Better Business Bureau. (918) 491-9929.


Entrusted Transport provides non-emergency medical & senior transportation services throughout Oklahoma. Our drivers are courteous & highly professional. We assist riders all the way to check-in at your appointment OR to home, just like family would! Wheelchair vehicles available. Call (918) 290-3400, Schedule rides any date & time.



If you’ve been looking for a way you can make a difference, consider joining the Millennium Hospice team as a volunteer. Caregiver relief is so important during this difficult time. Volunteers provide that by sitting with patients for an hour or so. Training is provided. (918) 493-6555.

Volunteer for LIFE

Discover the variety of volunteer opportunities that LIFE Senior Services has to offer. Whether you want to volunteer within the organization or with one of our local non-profit or public agencies, we can find the best fit for you. (918) 664-9000.

Vintage Friends

Richard Brown In Memory of Thomas Brown, Lori Diggs, Theresa Wilson

Patricia Del Giorgio In Memory of Susan Gandall

Mitchell Sisco In Memory of Wanda Brandon

Mary Sommer In Memory of Susan Gandall

Barbara Williams In Memory of Susan Gandall






Fabulous Flavors


• 12 ounces shelled edamame, about 2 ⅓ cups

• 1 ½ cups chopped cucumber

• 1 cup diced red pepper

• 8 ounces cubed feta cheese

• ½ cup shredded carrots

• ⅓ cup sliced green onions

Edamame Salad

Courtesy of Lemon Tree Dwelling Makes 8 Servings

• ½ cup olive oil

• ¼ cup lemon juice

• 2 tablespoons fresh minced parsley

• ½ teaspoon salt

• ¼ teaspoon pepper


1. Cook edamame according to package instructions. For best results, cook al dente.

2. Prepare the veggies by shelling the edamame (if necessary) and chopping the cucumbers, peppers, and red onion. Set aside.

3. Cube the feta into 1/2 inch pieces.

4. Combine the ingredients for the vinaigrette in a small jar or container with a lid. Close the lid and shake well.

5. Assemble the salad by combining the edamame, cucumbers, peppers, red onion, feta, and vinaigrette to a medium mixing bowl. Toss gently until combined.

Fabulous Flavors


• 1 cup frozen shelled edamame

• ½ cup frozen peas

• 1 garlic clove, minced

• 2 scallions, chopped

• ¼ cup packed basil leaves

• ¼ cup olive oil

• ¼ cup parmesan cheese

Edamame & Pea Bruschetta

Recipe courtesy of Inspired Taste – Joanne Gallagher Makes 4 servings

• Salt and black pepper

• Baguette, cut into slices and toasted


1. Bring a medium saucepan of water to boil, add ½ teaspoon of salt and edamame. Cook for 4 minutes then add the peas and cook for another minute.

2. Transfer the cooked edamame and peas to an ice water bath. Once cooled, drain and put aside.

3. Pulse the garlic and scallion a few times in a food processor or blender. Add the basil leaves, edamame, and peas and pulse until the mixture is chopped into very small pieces, 3 to 4 times. With the processor running, stream the olive oil slowly into the mixture until everything is mixed.

4. Transfer to a bowl then stir in cheese, a pinch of salt, and black pepper.

5. Use a griddle or oven to toast the baguette slices. Smear about 1 tablespoon of edamame/pea mixture onto each slice.

Roasted Eggplant


• 2 medium eggplants (about 1 pound each)

• ¼ cup olive oil

• ½ teaspoon garlic powder

• ½ teaspoon salt

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper


1. Preheat oven to 400 F.

2. Cut the eggplant crosswise to make round slices, about ½ inch thick. Cut off the leafy end only after you are finished slicing, so you have more to grab onto as you slice.

3. Arrange the eggplant slices on an extra-large baking sheet in a single layer. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

4. Roast the eggplant in the oven for 30 – 35 minutes, until soft, golden, and caramelized. You can flip the slices at 15 minutes if you like, but you do not have to.

5. Serve with marinara sauce if desired.

Mediterranean Grilled Eggplant with Whipped Feta

Courtesy of The Mediterranean Dish Makes 6 Servings

Instructions for Eggplant:

1. Slice and salt the eggplant. Lay the eggplant slices on a large tray lined with paper towel. Salt the eggplant generously and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes while you work on other things. Beads of water will form. Wipe the eggplant dry and remove excess salt before grilling.


• 1 globe eggplant, sliced into ½-inch rounds

• Kosher salt

• Extra virgin olive oil

Olive Oil, Garlic, and Jalapeño Sauce

• Extra virgin olive oil

• 2 garlic cloves, minced

• 1 lemon, juice of

• 1 jalapeño, finely chopped, remove ribs and seeds if you need it to be more mild

• 1 to 2 teaspoons sumac

Whipped Feta

• 8 ounces block quality feta, drained

• ¾ cup Greek yogurt

• 1 lemon zest

• 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, more as needed

• 1 teaspoon Aleppo pepper, or red pepper flakes (to your taste)

• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

• 2-3 tablespoons toasted pine nuts, optional

• 1-2 tablespoons crushed pistachios, optional

2. Make the garlic, jalapeño, and olive oil sauce. In a small bowl, combine 3 tablespoons olive oil with the lemon juice, garlic, and jalapeno. Add a pinch of kosher salt and set aside (the lemon and olive oil will tame the hot peppers and the pungent taste of garlic).

4. Heat a gas grill or an indoor griddle over medium-high and lightly oil the grates. Brush the eggplant slices on one side with olive oil.

6. Place eggplant oiled side down first. Grill 3 to 4 minutes on this side or until some char marks form on the bottom, then turn over and brush the other side of the eggplant with olive oil. Cook for another 3 to 4 minutes or until the eggplant is tender and

good char marks have formed on both sides.

7. Arrange the grilled eggplant on a large platter and immediately season with sumac and drizzle the olive oil and jalapeno mixture all over. Add the plate of feta and warmed pita bread for serving.

Instructions for Whipped Feta:

1. In the bowl of a large food processor fitted with a blade, combine the feta, Greek yogurt and lemon zest. Blend, and while the processor is running, drizzle olive oil through the top opening, until the feta is whipped to a smooth mixture.

2. Transfer the whipped feta to a serving plate. With the back of your spoon, smooth the top of the feta, making an indentation in the middle (or a “well”). Pour a bit of olive oil all over the feta, then top with the Aleppo pepper, fresh herbs, and nuts.

Dates on a Dime

Looking for a great place to eat that won’t break the bank?


Offers 10% discount for seniors 60+

Burger King

Offers 10% discount (60+), depending on location


Offers a 10% discount and a special menu for seniors (55+), varies by location


Discounts on coffee and other beverages (55+), varies by location


Offers free coffee and other discounts, varies by location


Depending on location, free drink with purchase of a meal (55+)


10% off or free small drink (60+), varies by location


10% off for 60+

Dunkin Donuts

10% off or a free donut for 55+


10% discount (60+), varies by location

Burger King

10% discount (60+), depending on location

Krispy Kreme

10% off or a free donut with the purchase of a coffee (50+)


15% off with a Golden Apple card (60+)

Einstein Bros

10% off a Baker’s Dozen Bagels (60+)

Village Inn

10% discount

Golden Corral

Early bird discount, 1-4 pm

Monday- Friday for 60+

Waffle House

10% discount, varies by location

Jimmy’s Egg

55+ menu

Your golden years can mean you get to save on your gold (or money!) at many local and national retailers. Who doesn’t love a discount?

Some of the best, yet underutilized perks of growing older in the United States are the many discounts available to older adults.

“Older adults, without ever realizing it, are leaving billions of dollars in aid on

the table each year. That money can help pay for utilities, rent, prescription drugs, groceries, and more,” said AARP Oklahoma State Director Sean Voskuhl.

There are thousands of discounts on a wide variety of products and services,

including restaurants, grocery stores, travel and lodging, entertainment, retail and apparel, health and beauty, automotive services, and much more. These discounts – typically ranging between 5% and 25% off – can add up to save you hundreds of dollars each year.

Here are three tips to help you find the discounts you may be eligible for:

Most businesses don’t advertise them, but many give senior discounts just for the asking, so don’t be shy.

“A first stop should be visiting,” Voskuhl said. “You don’t have to be an AARP member to learn about discounts at retailers, restaurants, and even grocery stores. You can also find ways to cut your gas costs, utility bills, prescription drugs, travel expenses, and much more.”


Tuesdays at Goodwill are Senior Savings Days. Folks 60+ can get 10% off their purchases. Also on Tuesdays, Ross Dress for Less offers seniors 55+ 10% off.

Walgreens offers a Senior Day on the first Tuesday of each month, with 20% off for seniors. You must be 55+ years or an AARP member

If you enroll in an AARP or Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) membership on your 50th birthday, you will have a head start cashing in on senior discounts. Some stores that participate in AARP discounts include Ace Hardware, AT&T Wireless, Consumer Cellular, and Outback Steakhouse.

Some stores offer senior discount days, so you will want to plan your shopping trips accordingly. Be prepared to present a state-issued photo ID at all these stores upon checkout to claim your discount.

and have a myWalgreens account. offers 20% off eligible online orders several days per month as well.

If you’re looking for a discount on getting your dog groomed, Pet Smart offers seniors 65+ a 10% discount on Tuesdays for grooming. Kohl’s offers 15% off to

seniors 60 and older on Wednesdays.

Periodically, JoAnn Fabric and Craft Stores holds a Senior Day, when seniors 55+ receive 20% off. Check your local store to find out when the next Senior Day will be.

Miscellaneous Senior Savings

Aside from Senior Days, there are some amazing savings out there for seniors any day of the week!

1. Harvard Meats

This Broken Arrow meat market gives a 10% discount to seniors who are 65 and older. It’s good any day you shop, but meat bundles are excluded.

2. Michael’s

Offers a 10% discount to seniors 55+ any day of the week. You must present a valid ID at the register.

3. AutoZone

Offers a 10% discount any day of the week. Age requirements may vary. Discounts and terms are at the discretion of store managers.

4. T.J. Maxx

Offers a 10% discount to seniors 55+ any day of the week. Check your local store to confirm participation.

5. The U.S. National Parks

Offer seniors a phenomenal deal. Individuals 62+ can purchase a lifetime pass to the National Parks for $80, or an annual pass for $20. Senior Passes can be purchased at any federal recreation site, including national parks, that charges an entrance or standard amenity (day-use) fee. Proof of age and residency are required. Visit www.nps. gov/planyourvisit/senior-pass-changes for more details.

6. Oklahoma Real ID

Did you know the Oklahoma Real ID is free for adults 65+? Talk about sweet savings! Go to real-id-cost for more info.

7. Low-Cost Internet

While this may not apply to every senior adult, Cox has a program where you can get lower-cost internet if you qualify – for example, individuals who qualify for SNAP, Medicaid, or are at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Go to affordable-connectivity-program for more info. Also, seniors who are recipients of SNAP, SSI, or other government assistance can receive 50% off an Amazon Prime membership.

AARP Urges Seniors to Take Advantage of Benefits

Seniors are understandably concerned about making their dollars last in today’s economy, according to AARP Oklahoma State Director Sean Voskuhl.

“Today's cost of living has everyone taking a hard look at what they spend,” he said. “Any disposable income is gobbled up to cover the essentials; sometimes, it’s not enough. Seniors are forced to choose between groceries, prescription drugs, and a constant stream of utility rate hikes. Every penny counts, especially for those on fixed incomes.”



The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps with monthly benefits to buy groceries at the supermarket and farmers’ markets. Nearly 26 million adults 50 and older were eligible for this program in 2018.

AARP found that 63% did not take advantage of this benefit.

2. Health Care Help

Medicare Savings Program helps pay eligible older adults’ Part A and Part B deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. Older adults can save more than $2,000 per year through this program, yet more than 3 million eligible adults 65 and older are not enrolled, leaving billions in available benefits unused.

3. Low-Income Subsidy for Medicare

Rx Coverage

Also known as Extra Help, this benefit can cover monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and copayments for Medicare prescription coverage.

According to the Social Security Administration, Extra Help is worth

around $5,100 per year for eligible participants, and AARP found that about $7.6 billion a year goes unused.


Seniors can put in their zip code and search for things like food and nutrition, disability services, and many other things.



Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) recipients get a one-time payment to help defray winter heating costs. With this program, recipients get a one-time payment to help defray winter heating costs. The payment can be as high as $1,400, although the average payment is $500.


PSO Free Weatherization

Homeowners and renters with an annual household income of $65,000 or less in a home less than 2,200 square feet and at least 10 years old may be eligible for free home upgrades such as attic insulation. Visit for more information.

AARP Oklahoma State Director

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