Digital rights are human rights as well By: Melissa Henderson Where is the social invisible hand for acts of revenge porn and harassment? Here I am again, two years later to remind you about the dangers of revenge porn. I’m not about to downplay how dangerous social media has become for people who get off on bullying , harassing, acting like assholes to whoever they want. In Issue 2 of VSZ, Sanity Addiction Part 1 takes the reader on a journey of sex, drugs and hiphop shenanigans and has this emotional climatic ending that leaves readers wanting to know more about revenge porn. Since publishing the story in 2016, friends and colleagues have approached me with questions and have even filed their own lawsuits against revengeful exes. The truthfulness of the story made it go viral and leave people with many more questions. According to a PEW Study published in 2017, 41% of Americans have been personally subjected to harassing behavior online, and an even larger share (66%) have witnessed these behaviors directed at others. But. if you see something, say something! Use the report button. As we become more connected by wires and less connected by physical interactions, people seem to think that what happens online shouldn’t have offline consequences; that online threats and harsh language somehow aren’t as harmful as sticks and stones. The power lies in educating ourselves on what constitutes harmful, criminal internet interactions. The power lies with our lawmakers to protect the rights of their constituents. The power lies with victims — and witnesses — of revenge porn telling their stories evoke change which allow us all to live more free.