When choosing a college, there are many factors at hand. One that’s often at the top of most people’s list is affordability.
Out of the 75 four-year colleges here in the Volunteer State, MTSU’s tuition and fees remain the lowest among the state’s three largest universities. For many students, the cost to attend MTSU is no more expensive than choosing to go to a community college. Thousands of students at MTSU qualify for some kind of assistance and/or scholarships, including the HOPE Scholarship, which provides students up to $2,250 each semester if they maintain a certain GPA. Pell Grant recipients often have little to no tuition fees or costs at MTSU. Around 40 percent of our students graduate with little or no debt because of scholarships and other programs.
Spring 2020 graduate, Angele Latham is one of those students.
Enrollment Coordinators in the MT One Stop work with current and incoming students to make sure they are connected with the appropriate aid and scholarship offerings based on eligibility.
"Around 40 percent of our students graduate with little or no debt because of scholarships and other programs"
"Scholarships were absolutely vital to my education. I did not have any financial support to make it through college, and as a high school graduate from a very small town, I didn't have enough money saved up to even get me through one semester. If it weren't for scholarships - both private and institutional - I would never be where I am today. Scholarships are definitely an underutilized resource that students need to take better advantage of,” Latham said.
The new semester is just around the corner, but it’s not too late to apply to MTSU. And you could even attend tuition-free. Beginning in the Fall of 2020, first-time freshmen paying in-state tuition and attending the University full-time could do just that – attend school tuition-free! 66 • VIP CLARKSVILLE MAGAZINE
With the lowest tuition and greatest value of the state’s three major comprehensive universities, tuition and fees at MTSU can be covered by federal aid and other scholarships for students who fall within the income and academic criteria set by state and federal governments.
MTSU also recently unveiled three new guaranteed scholarships for qualified freshmen.
University President Dr. Sidney McPhee previously said the scholarships were designed for “prospective freshmen in our region who are now considering higher education options that are closer to home due to the ongoing uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 crisis.”
Applications for the three awards – the Lightning Scholarship, the Blue Raider Scholarship, and the Future Alumni Scholarship – will be accepted until August 14. The Fall semester begins 10 days later on Monday, August 24. Last month a task force made up of faculty, staff, students, and community members recommended a “modified” reopening for the University in the fall. A mix of on-campus, hybrid, and online courses will be offered.
And while life looks a little different than it did last year this time on campus before the novel COVID-19 pandemic, we promise you that the University will do everything to keep its students, faculty, and staff safe. We’re here to help you find your True Blue path. We’re here to help you stay on course.