Yuichi Hirako (JP) I SPROUT I Oct. 13 - Nov 25 2017

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YUICHI HIRAKO SOLO EXHIBITION SPROUT OCT. 13 – NOV. 25 Galleri Christoffer Egelund is proud to present the young Tokyo-based artist, Yuichi Hirako’s third solo exhibition “Sprout”. The exhibition consists of a series of new paintings and sculptures where the Japanese artist seeks towards the light and examines the beneficial interaction between human and nature. It is the modern urbanized human being own relationship with the wild nature, which is central to Hirako’s artistic work. In a exuberant dream world where human life intermarriage with the primeval forest, Hirako identifies with both humor and insight the state of the civilization. Yuichi Hirako’s universe is a world of hybrids, where figures alternate between human state and growing plant, and the realm of plants is an all-dominating explosive power. The renaissance artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo painted fantastic portrait heads made out of flowers, vegetables or fruits. In Hirakos paintings it seems like these plant people have been attributed bodies to walk around in a fairytale-like universe. Animated brushwork and pulsating colouring forms a world where the boundaries between culture and nature, man and plant and indoors/outdoors are non-existent. In the art of Hirako it is not only nature and man that meet but also Western and Eastern notions. In Japan plants have earlier been given a godlike status, a phenomenon called Shinboku. In Western myths and fairy tales the wood and wild nature have been associated with quite other meanings; this is the habitat of witches, trolls and other horrific creatures. Hirako’s forests contain the holy and magical as well as the gloomy and threatening; this artist uses equally sized portions of light and dark colours. Yuichi Hirako (b. 1982 in Okayama, Japan) graduated from Wimbledon College of Art in London in 2005. He now lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. Since his graduation he has exhibited at national as well as international venues including; The Museum of Modern Art (Gunma) in Japan, Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Museum of Kyoto, Temporary Contemporary in London. He has received several art prizes from which could be mentioned VOCA 2013 (Vision of Contemporary Art), Tokyo Wonderwall Prize 2010 and Shell Art Award 2009.

YUICHI HIRAKO SOLOUDSTILLING SPROUT OKT. 13 – NOV. 25 Galleri Christoffer Egelund er stolt af, at kunne præsentere den unge Tokyobaserede kunstner, Yuichi Hirakos tredje soloudstilling “Sprout”. Udstillingen består en serie nye malerier og skulpturer, hvor den japanske kunstner søger mod lyset og undersøger den gavnlige interaktion, der sker i mødet mellem mennesker og natur. Det er netop det moderne, urbaniserede menneskes eget forhold til naturen, der er kernen i Hirakos kunstneriske virke. I farvesprudlende drømmescenarier, hvor det moderne menneskeliv gror sammen med urskoven, indkredser Hirako, med både humor og indsigt, civilisationens tilstand. Yuichi Hirakos univers er en verden af hybrider, hvor figurer bevæger sig flydende imellem at være plante og menneske, og hvor planteriget er en altdominerende eksplosiv naturkraft. Renæssancekunstneren Giuseppe Arcimboldo malede i 1500-tallet fantasifulde portræthoveder sammenstykket af blomster, frugt eller grøntsager. I Hirakos malerier synes disse at have fået kroppe for at vandre rundt i et eventyrligt univers. Med livlige penselstrøg og et pulserende kolorit tilbyder kunstneren os en verden, hvor grænserne mellem kultur og natur, menneske og plante samt inde og ude er ikke-eksisterende. I Hirakos kunst er det ikke blot natur og menneske, der mødes, men også vestlige og østlige forestillinger. I Japan har man tidligere tillagt planter en guddommelig status, et fænomen kaldet Shinboku. I vestlige sagn og eventyr har skoven været tillagt en anden betydning; Her er det trolde, hekse og andre sære skabninger, der holder til i skovens mørke, og rummer nærmere uhygge og mystik. Hos Hirako rummer skoven det hellige og magiske såvel som det dunkle og truende, og der er lige dele lyse og mørke farver på paletten. Yuichi Hirako (f. 1982 i Okayama, Japan) er uddannet på Wimbledon College of Art i London. Han bor og arbejder i dag i Tokyo. Siden sin afgang fra Wimbledon College of Art i 2005 har han afholdt flere udstillinger i ind- og udland blandt andet på The Museum of Modern Art (Gunma) i Japan, Museum of Contemporary Art i Tokyo, The Museum of Kyoto, Temporary Contemporary i London, m.fl. Han har modtaget flere priser for sit arbejde herunder VOCA 2013 (Vision of Contemporary Art), Tokyo Wonderwall Prize 2010 samt Shell Art Award 2009.

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 16, Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 194 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Sleep Soundly 6, Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 130 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Haze 6, Acrylic on Canvas, 2017, W 72,7 x H 91 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Haze 7, Acrylic on Canvas, 2017, W 72,7 x H 91 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Pattern of Grain 13 Acrylic on Canvas, 2017, W 72,7 x H 91 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 16, Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 194 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO My Phantom 27, 2016 Mixed Media, 20 x 29 cm.

YUICHI HIRAKO My Phantom 17, 2016 Mixed Media, 19 x 22 cm.

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 15, Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 194 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Green Master 40 Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 116,7 x H 91 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 16, Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 194 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Green Master 41 Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 130 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 14 Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 130 x H 162 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Pattern of Grain 16, Acrylic on Canvas, 2017, W 91 x H 72,7 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Haze 8 Acrylic on Canvas, 2017, W 91 x H 72,7 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 24 Acrylic on Canvas, 2017, W 72,7 x H 91 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Green Master 44 Acrylic on Canvas, 2016, W 91 x H 116,7 cm

YUICHI HIRAKO Lost in Thought 2 Acrylic on Canvas, 2015, W 116,7 x H 116,7 cm

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS / CV YUICHI HIRAKO 1982 Born in Okayama, Japan 2006 B.F.A., Wimbledon College of Art, BA(Hons) Fine Art : Painting Lives and works in Tokyo [Solo exhibitions] 2019″Dandelion” Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2018″Leftover” Dai-ichi Life Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2018″BLOOM” YIRI Arts Taipei Space, Taipei, Taiwan 2018″Seeding” YIRI Arts Taichung Space, Taichung, Taiwan 2018″Project N 71″ Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2018″Dazzling Leaves” Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2017″SPROUT” Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2017″Greening” Waiting Room, Tokyo, Japan 2016″Our way to the Forest” Fouladi Projects, San Francisco, USA 2016″Phantom Forest” YIRI ARTS Pier-2 Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2015″Bark Feeder” Dai-ichi Life Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2015″Grafted Tree” Waiting Room, Tokyo, Japan 2014″Wooden Works″ hpgrp Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2014″The Bark of Mind″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2013″The Luminous Plant″ Satellite, Okayama, Japan 2013″The Forest City” YIRI ARTS Fujin Space, Taipei, Taiwan 2013″The Thick Forest” The Drawing Room Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 2013″The Leaf Scar” Waiting Room, Tokyo, Japan 2012″The Wooden Clapper″ The Drawing Room, Manila, The Philippines 2012″The Green Pieces″ GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo, Japan 2012″Memories of My Garden : Hidden Forest″ INAX Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2012″Sleeping in the Pine Forest″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2011″Memories of My Garden : Song″ Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan 2010″Yuichi Hirako : Memories of My Garden″ GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo, Japan [Group exhibitions] 2019″Look and Talk″ Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan 2019″CYGNUS LOOP″ Gallery BATON, Seoul, South Korea 2019″SUMMERTIME 19″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018″LIGHT, NON-LIGHT″ Chapterii, Seoul, South Korea 2018″MUSUBI″ Galerie Da-End, Paris, France 2018″PLAYING FIELDS″ Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2018″SUMMERTIME 18″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2017″All Artists″ Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2017″SUMMERTIME 17″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2017″New Works” The Drawing Room, Manila, The Philippines 2017″Après Toronto” Laroche/Joncas, Montréal, Canada 2016″Happily ever after″ Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2016″SUMMERTIME 16″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015″Inaugural Show” The Drawing Room, Manila, The Philippines 2015″XMAS’15″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015″Egg of Shibuya” Shibuya City Hall, Tokyo, Japan 2015″KASAI NO HITO” YIRI ARTS Pier-2 Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2015″SUMMERTIME 15″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015″HEISEI WAVE 2.0″ YIRI ARTS Fujin Space, Taipei, Taiwan 2015″Behind the painted smile″ Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlamds 2015″Eternal lines″ Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlamds 2015″Collections″ Gallery in The Dai-ichi Life Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2014″Salon Zerp″ Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlamds 2014″XMAS’14″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2014″SUMMER GROUP SHOW – FROM NOW ON -” Waiting Room, Tokyo, Japan 2014″SUMMERTIME 14″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2014″11th INUJIMA JIKAN” INUJIMA, Okayama, Japan 2014″Collector’s EYE ″ Kashiwa Public Gallery, Chiba, Japan 2014″Collections″ Gallery in The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited, Tokyo, Japan 2013″XMAS’13″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2013~2014″Art Now:Memories of Body” Tenjinyama Cultural Plaza, Takahashi Historial Museum, Nagi Museum Of Contemporary, Okayama, Japan 2013″Considering the Source” Fouladi Projects, San Francisco, USA 2013″SUMMERTIME 13″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2013″Snack JIKKA” JIKKA, Tokyo, Japan 2013″GENESIS” YIRI ARTS Fujin Space, Taipei, Taiwan 2013″PSYCHOTROPICS” The Drawing Room Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 2013″VOCA Prize 2013″ Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan 2013″Tokyo Painting II –Mindscape between interior and exterior–″ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan 2013″HOTCHPOTCH″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2012″XMAS’12″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2012″SUMMERTIME 12″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2012″Back to the Nature″ Fuma Contemporary Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2011″Mr,I Prize″ Okayama Tenjinyama Plaza, Okayama, Japan 2011″XMAS’11″ Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, Denmark 2011″D Art Biennale Art Award 2011″ Y++ Gallery Triwizart, Beijing, China 2011″D Art Biennale″ Daitec, Aichi, Japan 2011″Arts Challenge 2011″ Aichi Arts Center, Aichi, Japan 2011″Regenerate- Part.1″ GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo, Japan 2010″The 10th Gunma Biennale for Young Artists 2010″ The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, Japan 2010″Tokyo Wonder Wall 2010″ Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan 2009″Amuse Art Jam 09″ The Museum of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan 2009″Shell Art Award 2009″ Daikanyama Hill Side Forum, Tokyo, Japan 2009″TOKYO WONDER SEEDS 2009″ WONDER SITE Sibuya, Tokyo, Japan 2008″GEISAI 11″ Tokyo Big Site, Tokyo, Japan 2006″Amuse Art Jam 06″ The Museum of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan 2006″Stepsiblings″ Temporary Contemporary, London, UK 2005″Cocktail″ Nolia’s Gallery, London, UK 2005″Free Range″ G3 Gallery, London, UK 2005″’05Degree show,″ Wimbledon School of Art, London, UK [Others] 2013″Hold the Leaf Apex” B.A.S Window, Okayama, Japan (supported by Fukutake Education and Culture Foundation) 2012~2013 Permanent Exhibition, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan [Awards] 2013″VOCA(Vision of Contemporary Art)” The VOCA Encouragement Prize 2011″D Art Biennale″ Outstanding Performance Award 2011″Arts Challenge 2011″ Finalist Nominated 2010″The 10th Gunma Biennale for Young Artists 2010″ Finalist Nominated 2010″Tokyo Wonder Wall 2010″ Tokyo Wonder Wall Prize 2009″Shell Art Award 2009″ Finalist Nominated [Public Collections] The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited, Japan Akzonovel Art Foundation, The Netherlands Jean Pigozzi Collection, Switzerland The VandenBroek Foundation, The Netherlands

IMPRESSUM TEXT Galleri Christoffer Egelund

PHOTO GCE IMPRESSION Edition 500 Graphic design Galleri Christoffer Egelund COPYRIGHT Galleri Christoffer Egelund Yuichi Hirako CONTACT INFO@CHRISTOFFEREGELUND.DK +45 33939200 WWW.CHRISTOFFEREGELUND.DK




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