Are YOUNG ADULTS As Healthy As They Feel? story by Taylor Thompson, FNP, HopeHealth
A startling statistic shows a whopping 50 percent of those ages 25-40 do not have an established primary care provider. In recent years, millennials have been drawn to walk-in clinics for sick visits instead of developing a traditional relationship with a provider. This has forced the health care industry to ask some difficult questions about why the provider/patient relationship seems to be upheld primarily by baby boomers, and why it is fizzling out among younger generations. For me, answering that question was a no-brainer. What does anyone do in this world today if they want to know people’s opinions? That’s right, I took to Facebook to pose the questions:
• Do you have a primary care provider that you see on a regular basis?
• If you do, what are some things you wish were different about the care you receive?
• If you don’t, why not?
While I received a wide array of answers, there appeared to be a few trends from both groups. Among those who stated they did have a primary care provider, many were displeased with the inability to call and get an appointment within the time frame they wanted. Several also mentioned experiencing long wait times upon arrival, followed by feeling rushed during the actual face-to-face time with their provider.
Many who did not have a primary care provider disclosed they generally feel “young and healthy.” Others reported lack of easy access to care, the inconvenience of scheduling appointments, and not wanting to being tied down to one physical location as reasons for not establishing and/or maintaining care. Unfortunately, this mindset may result in missed opportunities for chronic condition prevention through lifestyle modifications and vaccinations. Stress and lifestyle choices made during young adulthood can set individuals up for some major chronic health issues in later years. Even those who feel young and healthy should seek care for routine health maintenance and screenings.
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June May 2021