BUSINESS story by Patricia Altman
Nature and Artistry
A Truly Wonderful Combination At an early age, Angela Pecca fell in love with flowers. It was inevitable that she would one day share this love in growing a business. On June 3, 2019, Angela became the proud owner of Consider the Lilies in Downtown Florence. Now, she along with her wonderful and talented staff get to be creative while bringing joy and light to others through floral arrangements. It all began with a family drive through Holland, on the Western Coast of the Netherlands, when Angela’s attraction to the beautiful shapes, sizes, and colors of flowers began. “At some point during that drive, I fell asleep and when I awoke and looked out of the window there were tulips as far as the eye could see,” Angela describes. “It was absolutely beautiful!”
184 West Evans Street, Florence, SC Call 843.472.5202 to place your orders! Visit us online at:
May 2022
However, the real, and funny, story of how she got involved in the flower business is due to her being a “bad child” as she says. “I lived with my stepfather and stepmother (long story) and when we moved to California they would not let me go to school until they had the proper paperwork. I had been babysitting for a neighbor until school started, but after that I was free to roam wherever I wanted.” At some point, Angela’s stepfather noticed her misbehaving and decided it was time to find her a job to keep her busy. The lady she babysat for just so happened to be the manager of a flower shop. “My stepfather took me there and asked her to make me work without pay and to keep me in the store until he could pick me up in the afternoons. I ended up loving it and had a flair for it!” Angela’s career in the flower business began at the age of 16 and it has been a passion ever since. Even when not working in a shop, she would decorate for parties, weddings, baby showers, and more. “I always loved making everything beautiful!”