May 2022

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May Flowers & Faith written by Dr. Michael C. Crawford, First Baptist Church of Florence

"Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole of creation." - Matthew 11:28 Perhaps you have heard the saying, "April showers bring May flowers." In warmer and southern climates such as ours, this saying is normally true. However, it is believed that this phrase is rooted more in meteorology than it is in botany. In other words, this phrase is used to help us to get through, what is often referred to as the dreariness of the rainy season, by focusing upon the sun-filled days and growth that comes in the merry month of May. Metaphorically, it means to push through the difficult times of life, looking forward to better times ahead. I suggest that we examine this phrase from a theological perspective, along with a key truth that may be derived from botany.

Senior Pastor, Dr. Michael C. Crawford

Sunday Mornings 10:30 AM Sunday Evenings 6:00 PM Wednesday Evenings Adults/Youth/Children 6:00 PM 300 S Irby St, Florence


May 2022

Most years, we celebrate our resurrected Lord during the month of April, although Easter has been known to come in March. Like the April showers, there are some events that occur during the Holy Week observance that can seem dreary. For example, the weeping of Jesus as He overlooked Jerusalem; Peter denying Jesus on three occasions, prior to the rooster crowing; and of course, the suffering and Crucifixion of Christ on Golgotha’s Hill. However, when we focus upon the outcome, then our outlook changes. The outcome is the empty tomb and our resurrected Lord, so the outlook is not one of dreariness, but of faith. Christ’s victory over sin and death assures us of our victory when we place our faith in Him. Perhaps you are wondering where this key truth of botany comes in. Here it is. Life begins in the seed of the plant. The warmth of the soil and those April

showers hasten the seed to germinate, take root, and grow. It is in the process of maturing that we find the flowering of our plants. The flowers of May are a showcase of color and pleasing fragrances that stem from the life that began as a seed and received proper care. April showers bring May flowers. So, why a lesson on Easter in this publication for May, and why am I bringing up this old English proverb, "April showers bring May flowers?" As I think about the resurrection of Christ as a central tenet of our Christian faith, I am reminded of the planting of seeds. Believing in Jesus and in His bodily resurrection is just the beginning of our faith. The beginning of our life in Christ is like a seed that has been planted. Care is required and so it must be watered, perhaps some nutrients added to the soil, and plenty of sunlight. This seed must germinate and grow, so that the showcase of God’s grace may be known. This is accomplished by the Holy Spirit as He works in us and through us, to grow us in the likeness of Jesus. A Chrisitan in full bloom shares the grace of God through worship, prayer, various ministries, missions, Bible study, fellowship, spiritual disciplines, and the list goes on. However, this bloom is never more beautiful or fragrant than when the Gospel message is shared with others. In April, we celebrated Easter. Now, let us continue to share the grace of God and the Gospel message to those in need. April showers bring May flowers.

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