! N E M O W R O I R R A W E
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The Healthy Weigh Now By Dr. Kenneth M. Brooks, FACC
ost of us are consuming too many processed foods, refined sugars, and starches such as grains, sweets, snack foods, etc . In order to regulate blood sugar, our pancreas secretes insulin to metabolize sugar (glucose). We don’t realize when carbohydrates are eaten, they are broken down into glucose, and whatever is not metabolized for energy is converted and stored as fat. When too many carbohydrates are consumed, the pancreas has to work too hard, resulting in insulin resistance. This leads to a drop in blood sugar which causes cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, beginning a vicious cycle of overeating, fat storage, and weight gain. The Healthy Weigh Now’s easy 3 Level Weight Loss Plan stops the cycle, promotes weight loss by using the fat your body has stored, and burns that fat for energy. Weekly meetings with our trained coaches guide you on the journey to a healthy weight. After weight loss, we are committed to providing you knowledge and guidance to maintain your weight loss for a life time. Our program is medically supervised by board certified Cardiologists who work closely with clients that have medical conditions. Whether you have 10 pounds or over 100 pounds to lose, THE HEALTHY WEIGH NOW is your key to success.
See quick results -- clients lose 2-5 lbs per week The Healthy Weigh Now can help:
√ Improve health by reducing blood pressure, insulin, and cholesterol
√ Lose fat and maintain muscle mass √ Learn valuable tools to assist in weight maintenance. For more information and to start losing today 703-707-8383
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Features/Highlights: Lose Weight and Keep it OFF! Personal Weekly Coaching with Body Composition Free Seminars Weekly Three Locations
Call today for an appointment 703 707 8383 Delicious Food And GLUTEN FREE Maintenance Lifetime Programs 1830 Town Center Drive Suite 401 Reston, VA 44055 Riverside Parkway Suite 244 Lansdowne, VA 3023 Hamaker Court Suite 100 Fairfax,VA educate. empower. inspire. inform.
3 Steps Toward YOUR Success! The Healthy Weigh Now
Dr. Kenneth M. Brooks, FACC
FACC Board Certified Cardiologist and Medical Director THWN Dr. Brooks has been in practice as an interventional cardiologist for more than 30 years addressing the ravages of a modern lifestyle that has led to an obesity epidemic. He has seen thousands of patients with high blood pressure, diabetes , high cholesterol, and has been frustrated by the increased need for medications. After extensive research on the effect of GLUTEN Dr. Brooks launched his own product line - The Healthy Weigh NowTM. Dr. Brooks is married and lives in Northern VA. educate. empower. inspire. inform.
“I am a 52 year old female and have been on The Healthy Weigh Now program for 5 months. So far I have lost 52 pounds and still going!! I plan on losing 36 more pounds. The coaches and staff at The Healthy Weigh Now have been excellent. On my journey my coach has always been there for me. I see her once a week and if I have questions at other times, I can email her. Getting on that scale every week and seeing that I am losing fat and not muscle has been life changing for me. I first started noticing the fat loss in my stomach. In addition to the products being low calorie and low carb, I believe the gluten free aspect has also contributed. After the first week on the diet I noticed I had much more energy and food tasted so much better. I was able to stop taking blood pressure pills after the first month. Knowing that being overweight increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer was my biggest reason for losing weight. A huge added bonus was not having to shop in the Woman’s department! My 20 year old daughter joined the program with me to lose 20 pounds. She had completed the program after 7 weeks and was ready for beach season. The coaches helped her transition to maintenance after her weight loss and she has kept her weight off. She attended The Healthy Weigh Now’s seminar on maintenance and still stops by the office to weigh herself every couple weeks. Even though she is no longer on the program, she found using one of The Healthy Weigh Now products for one meal per day has helped her maintain her weight.” September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
September Is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
september is National Yoga Month it’s a global celebration! find a FREE community event organized to celebrate the yogi in you!
restore your mind. breathe. relax.
id you know that one in THREE children in the United States is overweight or obese? Childhood obesity puts kids at risk for various health related problems that were once seen only in adults, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Here is the good news. Childhood obesity can be prevented. Make a difference at home, in your communities, at school and talk with health professionals. Daily steps can be taken to raise awareness about the obesity epidemic facing Americans.
a few ideas: •
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September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
did you know? If diagnosed at the localized stage, the 5 year survival rate is 93%. However, only 15% of all cases are diagnosed at this stage.
• • • • • • • • •
Make small changes daily. Changing habits takes time. Do one thing weekly and see how that works before making drastic changes all at once especially as it relates to food and exercise.. Keep fresh fruit around and rather than grab for a cookie, CHOOSE the fruit. It is always easier to choose the fruit if it is close at hand and available. The family that exercises together stays healthier together. Get active! Pick apples this fall and rather than bake a pie, enjoy fresh apples with great conversation. Encourage others to eat fresh seasonal fruits (usually cheaper in season.) Visit local farmer markets. Open usually on weekends, make it a family fun event. Everyone goes! (See list of local farmer markets) Make a physical plan for the entire family. Everyone cooks! Get everyone involved in the cooking and meal planning. Go on a family hike. Coordinate a learning opportunity. Ask your school nurse to host a nutrition assembly. Walk with your child(ren) to the school bus – Great exercise! As much as possible, delete all sugary drinks from your diet. Add information about obesity prevention to your school newsletter – monthly. Tweet tips for the month about National Obesity Awareness Month.
Symptoms can often be misdiagnosed. For more information and your annual check-up Make an appointment with your health professional today
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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The only dedicated women’s hospital in Virginia. And Maryland. And DC.
The new, expanded Inova Women’s Hospital opens in January 2016 at the Inova Fairfax Medical Campus. It makes sense for a woman to choose a woman’s hospital, and in our region, there’s one choice – Inova Women’s Hospital, the only dedicated women’s hospital. Inova’s world-class care in gynecology and gynecologic oncology is for women of all ages. A woman’s lifelong health is at the heart of Inova’s approach to personalized medicine, including genetic testing for premature birth and predictive genomic testing for women’s cancers. Women’s bodies are different. Their care should be too.
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
inova.org/women September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Table of Contents
september/october 2015
publisher’s page 7
Honoring The “Warriors”
health and wellness 2 13 17 33
The Healthy Weigh Now® Hormone Replacement Therapy Guard Your Mouth Healthy Can Be Simple
features 19 37
Warriors And Their Cancer Stories Bite Me Cancer
business 10
Facing Fear - Career Transitions
education 29 30
New Happy Home For Children College Planning Starts In Grade 8
home, fashion & entertainment 34 39
Closet Wardrobe Magic Are You Overseeding?
Founder Publisher / CEO: Dorri C. Scott Copy Editor and Digital Services Chelsea Snyder Graphic Design: Jelly Graphics Kerry Stavely Kathy Singel Printing: Bartash Printing - Philadelphia, PA Andre Fitch, Print Specialist Staff: Shannon Turner- Washington Business Development Coordinator Darnell Wise Lightbourn Community Events Liaison Pat Wirth Guest Columnist Brycen Scott Eades Intern Keaira Simpkins Intern The WOMAN Magazine Group Loudoun WOMAN Magazine Arlington WOMAN Prince William County WOMAN www.loudounwomanmagazine.com
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P.O. Box 802 | McLean, VA 22101 Phone: (301) 526-8440 publisher@vawoman.com
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For more WOMAN information visit LoudounWomanMagazine.com
3rd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Issue Including for the first time, Ovarian Cancer “Thrivers” and “Bite Me Cancer” The “Warriors,” their stories - in their own words. Be inspired! (Page 19)
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Publisher’s Page
september/october 2015 September Ovarian Cancer Month
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Hello Friends Four years ago we introduced you to our inaugural class of “ WOMAN “Thrivers”. This year we introduce you to our class of 2015 “Warriors” 3 breast cancer survivors including a male who shares his breast cancer story. (Yes! Men too can be diagnosed with breast cancer.) Celebrating a life-interrupted due to breast cancer, each “survivor-thriver” has raised the bar since our first edition. Two ladies from last year (Eileen Isola and Connie Bash) have updated us. Enjoy their success stories and inspirational updates. They are FEARLESS and all look great thanks to the creative artistry of photographer Valerie Cavalheri and makeup artist Jamie D’Agostino. (See Kelly and Nancy pages 19, 20 and 21) Added to the breast cancer issue, we are honoring one ovarian cancer “thrivers”. Her courageous stories brings light to the silent killer. And finally, be encouraged by a mother’s love, shared by Sharon Ferraro, who has never stopped fighting for her daughter Nikki, diagnosed with thyroid cancer in her teenage years. Their happy ending is a must read! Climbing new heights (and raising money) through events, races and auctions, September and October are filled with activities. Kindly, Dorri
Pictured Above: Warrior Women Nancy Barbour and Kelly Duckworth sharing a light moment after photo shoot with Dorri C. Scott ( Publisher) educate. empower. inspire. inform.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
2014 Vocal Arts Contestants
For more information, contact: Darnell Wise Lightbourn, Chairwoman, darnellw2000@yahoo.com, (703) 786-0786 Joan C. McIver, joanmciver889@yahoo.com, (202) 669-9077 Donation: $20 Adults / $10 Youth (10–18 years) Walker Chapel United Methodist Church 4102 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207
"We have been so pleasantly surprised by how warmly embraced we have been by the members of the Chamber. We have seen a significant increase in business, and have built strong business relationships since joining the Prince William Chamber." -- Rebecca Vaughan-King, Imagine
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Helping Women and Girls in Northern Virginia THRIVE! Join us to DIFFERENCE in the life of girls Mike... & MAKE KristiAHuber, Stone Tower Winery in Northern Virginia and women & Belfort Furniture
Inaugural Grant Recipient — Marymount University – Empowering Leaders in STEAM “ENLIST” with Fort Belvoir Elementary girls
Join the Business Women’s Giving Circle today! Members connect with each other personally and professionally and pool contributions for impactful grantmaking. (703) 879-7641 | www.cfnova.org | info@cfnova.org
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Together l e t ’ s p l a n fo r t h e f u tu re s o yo u c a n co n t i n u e a l l t h e g o o d yo u d o i n yo u r l i fe . Valerie P. Kaiser,* CFP® Kaiser Financial Solutions** CA Ins. Lic. # OF39945 8075 Leesburg Pike, Suite 200 Vienna, VA 22182 (703) 610-4073 valerie@kaiserfinancialsolutions.com www.kaiserfinancialsolutions.com
Make the long haul a joyride.
SMRU519187(Exp.10.10.2015) © 2015 New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
*An agent licensed to sell insurance through New York Life Insurance Company and a Registered Representative offering securities through NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, A Licensed Insurance Agency. **Independently owned and operated from NYLIFE Securities LLC and its affiliates and AARP. The AARP Life Insurance and Annuity Program individual life insurance products are issued and provided by New York Life Insurance Company (New York, NY 10010) and individual annuity products are issued and provided by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (Newark, DE 19713) a wholly-owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, not by AARP or its affiliates. These products are available to the public. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, producers or brokers. AARP group life insurance products are available under the AARP Life Insurance Program and are issued and provided by New York Life Insurance Company (New York, NY 10010). AARP Membership is required for Program eligibility. Specific products, features and/or gifts not available in all states or countries. AARP has established the AARP Life Insurance Trust to hold group life insurance policies for the benefit of AARP members. Complete terms and conditions are set forth in the group policy issued by New York Life to the Trustee of the AARP Life Insurance Trust. (Group Policy forms AA-08, AA-66, AA-67, AA-68) New York Life Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP.
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Val Connects the Dots…Career Transitions By Valerie P. Kaiser CFP®
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. Maya Angelou Facing your fears
hen I reflect on my journey and where I am today, I realize how far I have travelled. My story has many happy endings through determination, a network of support from family and friends and solid financial means. From Navy Junior to college grad, military wife and mother, divorced mother of three, remarriage, blended family, mother of five, grandmother of five and two careers, OH MY!! Each challenge I have faced was both life-enhancing and significant. Growing up in a Navy family, I moved nearly every year to face a new neighborhood, school and the “butterflies” of joining a new community. This lifestyle prepared me to fit in with many groups and situations. Living abroad in Italy and Germany gave me new perspectives to appreciate different cultures – that differences are to be noted and valued for their uniqueness; not viewed as being superior or inferior. My graduations from high school in Italy and college in Virginia seemed distant as I married an Army Officer at the age of 21 and we had three children in five years. I soon realized that I needed a better way for my children and
Valerie P. Kaiser, CFP® 703-610-4073 www.kaiserfinancialsolutions.com “It is important to me to enrich your life by taking any financial issues, concerns and questions off your mind. You’ve worked hard for all you have. I help you protect it and have a secure future with the freedom to do what you want. This is the greatest contribution I can make.”
me. Considering single parenthood with three young children and re-entering the workforce after 11 years as a homemaker, I courageously took the steps to dissolve my marriage. With the weight of making a decision that would affect so many, I know that to succeed, I needed financial stability for my children. I started my first career in Information Technology as a systems analyst, based on my education; a degree from The College of William & Mary in Business Management. Divorce means financial setbacks and many years of recovery. I was 34 and entering a new career at entry-level wages. The child support helped pay the mortgage, but the rest was on me. I labored over my monthly budget, counting each penny while sitting at the kitchen table with my ledger. I felt sure that I could make as long as there were no emergencies. Within the year, a promotion and new position at another firm allowed some breathing room. I doubled my salary in a year and caught up with my cohorts! Being a single parent was the most difficult challenge I have ever faced – working all day then coming home to work for another five hours. Yet, I was rewarded with growing strength and confidence. I felt invincible! In another 11 years, my entrepreneur career blossomed… to be continued.
Valerie Kaiser, CFP® is the founder of Kaiser Financial Solutions, a firm specializing in financial planning and wealth management services. She has more than 19 years of experience in financial planning, implementation and service. Valerie works with families and business owners who want a realistic approach to wealth accumulation and reduced investment risk with better coordination of personal and business assets; all to enhance retirement security and improve family wealth transfers. She holds the Certified Financial Planner™ professional designation and is both an Investment Advisor Representative (IAR) with Eagle Strategies, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor and a Registered Representative with NYLIFE Securities LLC. Valerie and her husband Bruce reside in Virginia where they enjoy being with their large family of five children, a daughter-in-law, son-inlaw and five grandchildren.
This educational, third-party article is provided as a courtesy by Valerie Kaiser, CFP®, Agent, (CA#0F39945) New York Life Insurance Company. To learn more about the information or topics discussed, please contact Valerie Kaiser, CFP® at 703-610-4073.
Proudly serving clients in Northern Va including, Loudoun, Arlington, Prince William, Fairfax and Winchester Counties. I am an Agent licensed to sell insurance through New York Life Insurance Company and may be licensed with various other independent unaffiliated insurance companies in the states of AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, MD, NC, NY, OH, OR, SC, TX, WV and VA. No insurance business may be conducted outside this/these state(s) referenced. CA License # 0F39945I am a Financial Adviser offering investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies LLC, A Registered Investment Adviser in the states of AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, MD, NC, NY, OH, OR, SC, TX, WV and VA. As such, these services are strictly intended for individuals residing in the states referenced. Additionally, I am a Registered Representative of and offer securities products & services through NYLIFE Securities LLC, (Member FINRA/SIPC), A Licensed Insurance Agency. In this regard, this communication is strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, MD, NC, NY, OH, OR, SC, TX, WV and VA. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside the specific state(s) referenced. My address is 8075 Leesburg Pike, Suite 200, Vienna, VA 22182 and my phone number is 703-610-4073.I offer a variety of products that can help you meet a number of insurance and financial needs, including, but not limited to college funding, retirement, managing costs for extended periods of care and lifetime income strategies. Please contact me to help you fully analyze your needs and recommend appropriate solutions. Neither Kaiser Financial Solutions, LLC nor New York Life Insurance Company, nor its agents, provides tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professional before making any decision. .Kaiser Financial Solutions, LLC is not owned or operated by New York Life Insurance Company or its affiliates.
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
dedicated to ending women’s cancers and domestic abuse
FOR MORE INFORMATION: call Dorothy Gandy at 571 209 1330 or visit www.marykay.com/dgandy
THE HOME AND GARDENS OF GEORGE C. MARSHALL 217 Edwards Ferry Road — Historic Leesburg — 703.777.1301 — www.georgecmarshall.org
The George C. Marshall International Center (GCMIC) preserves and advances Marshall’s legacy of peace through international cooperation by conducting education programs and international exchanges, creating historical exhibits, hosting community and private events, and continuing to restore and preserve The Marshall House in historic Leesburg, Virginia.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Hormone Replacement Therapy By Linda E. Coleman, MD Coleman Natural Health & Wellness SottoPelle® is a science-based, safe and effective bioidentical
hormone replacement therapy for men and women. Our method goes beyond just treating symptoms. SottoPelle® restores the hormonal balance it needs for optimum function. Unlike pills, patches, creams and other methods, SottoPelle® uses a unique form of pellet therapy that works around the clock for 3 months or longer. No mess. No hassle. No rollercoaster surging and plummeting of hormone levels. And it is the only hormone replacement therapy that responds when the body needs more. Research shows that testosterone and estrogen play important roles in your overall health. They support cardiovascular health, bone health, brain health, sexual vitality and many other functions. When menopause or andropause occur, hormone production fades. Without sufficient levels of testosterone and/or estradiol, the body’s systems become depleted, out of balance and simply cannot function well. Your body ages and the possibility of agingrelated disease looms. Many men and women feel like they’ve lost something they can’t regain—their quality of life. Today’s trends in medicine focus on the preventive and proactive. Staying healthy into old age depends on many things including lifestyle and genetics. It also makes perfect sense to replenish what the body needs. That’s why we supplement vitamins and minerals. It’s also why we use hormone replacement therapy to restore internal equilibrium. Linda Coleman, M.D. Coleman Primary Care 2 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite 400 Sterling, VA 20165 (703) 430-7090
SottoPelle’s unique hormone replacement therapy relies on science, not guesswork. Our pellet therapy incorporates many features that other hormone replacement methods lack, even other pellet therapies.
1 2 3 4
We use the highest quality bioidentical pellet implants for our therapy. We apply a proprietary, web-based application for accurate dosing We employ a unique pellet insertion procedure to ensure a steady, consistent dose. We’ve been doing this a long time. We are experts at what we do.
SottoPelle® bioidentical hormone replacement not only
relieves symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety, sleep disturbances, lack of sex drive and others, it also reestablishes vitality and well-being. Working in partnership with your body, our hormone replacement therapy recreates healthy balance. This, in turn, provides essential support to your body’s vital organs and systems.
Other Providers: John Coleman, M.D. Haritha Yalamanchilli, M.D. Hope Marshall, ANP Nathan Davidson, FNP
Website: www.colemanprimarycare.com Dr. Coleman graduated from medical school in 1984 and has been in practice for over 25 years. She is interested in a comprehensive care model to care for the “Total Patient.” Other Practices promote Warehouse Medicine... NOT HERE! Dr. Coleman will give you the personal touch. She likes to know about the events in your life that contribute to your health. She has a special interest in Diabetes, Hypertension and Woman’s Health. Dr. Coleman is always trying to think of innovative ways to promote your health and wellness. She has been voted one of America’s Top Physicians and received the Patients’ Choice Award.
Special Drawing for All that Attend Enter to Win FREE Facial $50 worth of Arbonne Products
Dr. Coleman is a proud mother and lives in Loudoun County with her son, who plays football for one of our local schools. In addition, she participates in several volunteer organizations that support the community and is an avid Buckeye Fan.
Thursday, September 17th 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Practice Philosophy – “My goal is to give the best medical care possible. Honest and open communication is paramount. There have been many advances in medical technology and treatment, however, the patient is always a person first. They all have the need and right to be treated with dignity, respect and compassion.”
2 Pidgeon Hill Drive Sterling, VA 20165
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
ARE YOU AWARE? By Dr. Gloria Ivey-Crowe
September is OVARIAN CANCER Awareness Month and October is BREAST CANCER Awareness Month. But did you know, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Awareness Month
is also recognized during the month of October. All three topics are important and affect women every day. How many people do you know whose life has been impacted by any one of these three? In some cases, by two of three. So lets’s review the facts regarding these three.
ver the past 50 years, medical attention and research, has been focused on the second leading cause of death in women, BREAST CANCER. The American Cancer Society estimates in 2013:
are more likely to develop breast cancer. However, African Americans are more likely to die from breast cancer. Smoking early, more than one pack a day, and long term use increases the risk of breast cancer. The number of drinks per day and the 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer quantity of alcohol consumed affects a woman’s risk. Excess 64,600 new cases of localized or carcinoma in situ weight gain after menopause may impact a woman’s breast 39,620 women will die from breast cancer cancer risk as well. The excess weight produces more adipose 2.8 million breast cancer survivors or fat, and the excess fat increases a woman’s estrogen levels. Estrogen can stimulate breast tissue. Diets high in fat which More attention and research has resulted in a significant decline can lead to weight gain may have an indirect effect on the risk in the number of new cases being diagnosed. Is this because of breast cancer. The importance of genetic factors in breast less women are using hormone replacement therapy or earlier cancer has been brought to the forefront with discussions on diagnosis?. Over the years, breast exams done by both the the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Although these are the two patient and her medical provider, have proven helpful most frequently discussed inherited factors, there are with regards to early diagnosis. other genes that impact the risk as well. These two “Dr. Gloria Ivey Crowe genes are responsible for helping to prevent the was a gem of a doctor A woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is 1 in development of cancer. A mutation or defect in after I was diagnosed 8. Risk factors for breast cancer include: age, either of these genes increases a woman’s risk with cancer.” I am race, smoking, drinking, weight, diet, genetic of developing both breast and ovarian cancer. grateful for the excellent factors, early start of menstrual cycles (before Early and long cycles increase the body’s care” “. ..great Doctor! age 12), late menopause (after age 55), exposure exposure to hormones and indirectly affect the She really cares” to hormones and various breast conditions. The risk. Estrogen’s impact is controversial and is still Nancy Finley Barbour older we get, our risks increases. White woman being investigated.
For more information call (703) 834-1071 or visit www.womenphysicians.org 14
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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ARE YOU AWARE? By Dr. Gloria Ivey-Crowe
pproximately 14,270 women died in 2014 from ovarian cancer. Most new cases of ovarian cancer are at a Stage 3 at the time of diagnosis, at which time the cancer has spread beyond the ovaries to the lymph nodes and outside the pelvis. Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women. Estimates for 2015; 21,290 NEW CASES - most in women over the age of 63 14,180 DEATHS Risk factors for ovarian cancer include: family history of breast or ovarian cancer, personal history of cancer, women over the age of
55, women who have never been pregnant, women on hormone replacement therapy. Any women with a first degree relative (mother, daughter, or sister) with ovarian cancer may also have an increased risk. Women with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. The symptoms of ovarian cancer may be very subtle and confused with other illnesses. The more common symptoms associated with ovarian cancer are: bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly or urinary urgency or frequency. Other related symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, indigestion, gas, constipation or diarrhea. Diagnostic testing includes an ultrasound, CT or MRI, and blood level of CA-125. Early diagnosis, early cure!
Dr. Gloria Ivey-Crowe
Dr. Gloria Ivey-Crowe received her M.D. degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine and did her residency training in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Georgetown University Hospital. Dr Ivey-Crowe is the owner of Women Physicians of Northern Virginia, an all female medical team, with an office in Reston and Ashburn, VA. Dr. Ivey-Crowe has three children. In her spare time she enjoys needlecraft and reading.
Women Physicians of Northern Virginia Visit one of our convenient offices:
44110 Ashburn Village Blvd Suite 237 | Ashburn | VA 1830 Town Center Drive Reston | VA
703 834 1071
www.womenphysicians.org educate. empower. inspire. inform.
he definition of domestic violence has changed over the years. Older women accepted many behaviors all in the name of love that are now designated as a form of abuse. Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of behavior that is used to gain or maintain power over an individual. Domestic violence may be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological. This behavior may intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone. Physical abuse includes any form of unwanted touching and may also include denying medical care or forcing another to consume alcohol or drugs. Sexual abuse involves any behavior which coerces another to engage in unwanted sexual activity or behavior. Emotional abuse is any behavior which undermines another’s self-worth or self-esteem. Economic abuse is not discussed as much but occurs as well. It is behavior that makes another financially dependent by maintain control over their acquisition, access to finances as well as resources such as school or employment that could better one’s financial situation. Psychological abuse covers a variety of behaviors which can include fear, intimidation, threatening, destruction of property or pets or forcing isolation from family, friends, coworkers or even classmates. Domestic violence affects persons of all ages, races, and socioeconomic status. Domestic violence affects the abuser and those around the abuser as well such as children, family members, friends, co-workers, witnesses, etc.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Amazing Pub WOMAN. lication! Amazing Amazing Resource for attrac ting patie n ts who ar finding m e e in the b e s t Loudoun publicatio n for wo Thank yo men. u - Dr. Glor ia Ivey-Cr owe us arvelo ’s is a m women. It n a d Wom bout ics an g a ia p o n in t e g e m in rs Vir cinat or wo ands dive s f a f n e io t for v cat comm ofits all ha em in prin s publi r e d r h rial a t p o e r h n m f s o e o N ubli gist M range g stories. a , to p r f y f f o n u a y S s, if ellin Point e generosit grace comp iny budget rning by th int to ur he Tu o ut t d P T e b s , . g s s e rnin tale ut o ienc n ble c abo ing Tu s bee e aud a wid ciation ha t, for allow e the publi memorate t t o a s o m c s c o u S c A ieve to ed Dorri ial to ages to ach eir emor sher, Publi agazine’s p ational m years h t 2 7 it c r o oli the m o build a n o fought f and s h ri! men r ct t w o o s je w t D o , r n p erica ffragis k you ector the su for all Am ort. Than ir tive D rial pp ge u u a c r s f e l f x u o E s cia , n m h e a t n ir M fi .W ragist icia D t Suff in - Patr o P g Turnin
business t a e r g a We got N of WOMA t u o d a le d! So please . .. e in z a mag u! Thank yo K. - Rebecca
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Than m avail aking th k you for a i is on ble to AL s special L. Th e tha and e like Y t OU. Y inspires publicat i staff our pub many - j on licat ust mak io e us - Kel pro n and ly Warr Duckwo ud. rt ior W oma h n
A friend o f mine fo magazine u in her doc nd the loved the tor’s offic e. I article wit h Val Kais the cover! er on And the o ther artic informati les were ve too. Th ank you! Getting a subscripti on... - Nancy C . Loudoun Resident
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
Mouthguards Offer Protection and A Piece of Mind
(For parents and the athlete) By John H. Jones III DDS
In all facets of life, parents want their children to be loved, protected successful. In the realm of sports, we want our children to be successful AND free from injury. Their welfare and especially their oral health is always a high priority. Helping and learning ways to protect our children who play a sport is important to me . I am concerned about preventing injuries in general. As an orthodontist, my primary mission in the area of injury prevention is to protect the orofacial area of the body from harm. Damage to this area without proper protection and information oftentimes produces negative results and a bad outcome. OUCH!!! Problems such as: loss of teeth, breakage of teeth, fracture to the lower jaw, impairment as a result of destructive force by a blow to the lower jaw and worse a blow that could possibly be transmitted to the base of the skull is not a pleasant thought or sight. Protective mouth pieces save parents and their young athletes in many ways.
“We have been fitting athletes and adults who play a sport for over 20 years.” “The mouth guard is a preventive and necessary piece of equipment that no one should leave home without – especially if playing a sport is your game.” - John Jones III Our Jones Orthodontics Custom Mouth Guard Program is not a new invention. Custom-made mouthguards are used by professional and amateur athletes in almost every sport, all over the world. This is due to the fact that they provide the highest level of protection, retention, comfort and fit without hindering speech or breathing during athletic activity. The custom-fit mouthguard is far superior to typical boil-and-bite mouthguards in fit, retention and the wearer’s compliance. This type of mouth guard maintains its shape and protection long after other mouthguards have worn out. Custom mouthguards excel in every category, allowing for maximum athletic performance. Custom mouth guards are made by dental professionals, who can also provide expert advice on intra oral problems, along with the immediate concerns about protection against orofacial injuries.
John H. Jones III DDS
Serving children and adults in Loudoun County for over 20 years Dr. Jones graduated form Purdue University. He continued his education a the Howard University College of Dentistry where he earned his DDS. The following year he completed the General Dental Residency program at The National Institute of Mental Health at St. elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, DC. He went on to complete his Orthodontic Residency at Georgetown University. Dr. Jones has been practicing Orthodontics in Sterling since 1993.
Jones Orthodontics
20 Pidgeon Hill Dr. #206 • Sterling, Va 20165 703-421-0893 • Jonesforsmiles.com educate. empower. inspire. inform.
Eddie Mason is a graduate of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a seven year veteran of the NFL, a former Washington Redskin and the owner and founder of Mase Training. At his well known training facility in Sterling, VA he offers exercise programs for adults and children on all fitness levels. He is a youth football coach in the area who has also custom designed workouts for middle school, high school, college and professional athletes. As a result of his observations, experience and success in the athletic arena and as a fitness professional, Coach Mason highly recommends a custom fitted mouth guard made by a dental professional, such as Dr. Jones, instead of the over the counter mouth guards available at most sporting goods stores.
Did you know?
• There are 50 million children who participate in organized sports in the US. About 10% will suffer an orofacial injury. • There are 29 sports that American Dental Association (ADA) recommends wearing mouth guards.
• More than 200,000 oral injuries are prevented annually by mouthguard use. • Athletes are 60% more likely to suffer damage to the mouth when not wearing a mouth guard. • About 5 million US youth lose teeth each year while playing sports.
Monday - Thursday: 8:15-6:00 Friday: Closed • Saturday: By appt
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
What would happen if YOU took one day off to invest in yourself?
Incredible things! November 20, 2015 • 7:30 AM–6:30 PM The National Conference Center • Leesburg, VA 20176
Women in business rarely take a day off; but when they do, they make it count. The 7th annual Virginia Women’s Business Conference is worthy of a day away—it’s THE one-day event for female business owners, leaders and movers. Featuring top influential speakers, actionable training workshops and impactful networking, this conference has become the “Must-Attend” business event of the year!
NOW $25 OFF Use Promo Code
VAWoman Sponsorship, Advertising, and Exhibitor opportunities available. For more information please call 703.777.8577 “Wow! Is all I can say about my experience at the conference yesterday. It far exceeded my expectations and lit a fire in me to go higher. I now feel a part of an exclusive club of awesome women business owners and leaders. Thank you for a fabulous event!”
Produced By
Major Sponsor Nova Medical Group In-Kind Sponsors communicate by design-x Copy General
Grand Sponsors
Media and Strategic Partners Dulles Regional Chamber NAWBO Greater DC Enterprising Women Northern Virginia Media Services Loudoun County Chamber Times Community Newspapers of Commerce VA WOMAN Magazine Group
—Alicia Lambert
Incredible Speakers | Amazing Networking | Training Workshops 18
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Meet Our Warriors f o Women 5 1 2 0 s r B o iv reast
v Cancer Sur
t started a year ago with the big question.... “what in the world should I wear?” After much discussion, the date and place was set. Greeted with hugs, smiles and happy hearts the ladies arrived and so the transformation began. Jamie made the ladies feel and look beautiful. Val captured the heart of her HOPE. We laughed out loud - a lot.
The perfect ending to a journey inspired... our Warriors; Nancy, Kelly and Eileen, ahhh - amazing!
Photo by: Cavalheri Photography Make up: Jamie D’Agostino
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
aid Do r f Not Be A of th e Answer
y story is about the importance of early detection. March 1, 2013 is forever etched in my brain. I listened to a voice message on my phone earlier in the day from my gynecologist, Dr. Gloria IveyCrowe. It was a Friday and I didn’t bother to call back because I was certain that the result of the biopsy I had a few days earlier was negative. No way did I have breast cancer. NOT ME. I received a call back late in the afternoon and was told that I did indeed have Ductal Cancinoma In Situ, DCIS. Thankfully this is an early stage and is referred to as stage zero breast cancer or pre-cancer with a 99% survival rate. The diagnosis that I had an early stage did not minimize the shock, worry or pain of being told I had breast cancer a month after celebrating my 50th birthday. NOT ME. I watched a few years earlier while one of my good friends, Trish, battled and survived Stage 4 breast cancer so I was aware that my faith in God and strength as a woman would get me through it as it did her. Again, that did not minimize my pain. NOT ME. I am not afraid to admit I cried – a lot.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Nancy Finley Barbour By Nancy Finley Barbour Photo by: Cavalheri Photography Make up: Jamie D’Agostino The next couple of months after the diagnosis were a blur of doctor’s appointments, decisions to make, a painful partial mastectomy with breast reconstruction, recovery, and healing. Two years later, I have days where I am still in pain. I went through radiation after surgery, but didn’t need chemotherapy so I did not lose my hair, the universal sign that a person is going through cancer. I had no outward evidence so many that saw me during this time didn’t know and I didn’t share. NOT ME. That was a mistake because I missed some much-needed support beyond my loving husband Paul, daughter Lindsey and a few close friends and family. My advice to women reading my story is to schedule your annual mammograms. Don’t skip the appointment or the follow up because you are afraid of the answer. I am a believer now because I know it could have been a lot worse. I am alive and well and have a testimony. YES, ME!
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
n a m o War or W ri
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have been an ER nurse for 20 years and I have shared in countless victories for patients as well as help them through their darkest hours. I have cared for babies taking their first breath of air to patients that have just taken their last breath and everything you could possibly imagine in between. I cheer for my patients, I hurt for my patients, and I can’t imagine any other profession that I would rather be in. Being an ER nurse makes me feel like I make a difference every day. I have always felt a certain degree of empathy for all of my patients in some way. My life, like many others, has come with its own difficulties and challenges. In 2004, when I was 37 weeks pregnant with my son, I received word that my husband had just been killed in a plane crash. I delivered my son 20 days later and carried him in my arms to his own father’s funeral when he was merely eight days old. Seven years later, I was blessed to find love a second time, and married a wonderful man who later legally adopted my son. As we approach our fourth year of marriage, I realize how difficult it has been. On the third day of our honeymoon, I suffered a head injury so severe that it kept me out of work for three months. The following year was not much better as I suffered two very difficult miscarriages. Yet, nothing could prepare me for those three awful words that were spoken to me in March, 2014 that again took me from being a nurse to being a patient: “You have cancer.” The unfairness of it hit me and I was immediately full of emotions: rage, fear, turmoil, sadness, and disbelief. As it sunk in, I had to decide how I was going to handle this new challenge that had been laid before me. If you know me, you know that I have been blessed with the educate. empower. inspire. inform.
Kelly Duckworth By: Kelly Duckworth Photo by: Cavalheri Photography Make up: Jamie D’Agostino ability to continually find the good things that come out of the bad. I am a very positive person, and my strength, resiliency and sense of humor have carried me through many a difficult time. On the day of my diagnosis, I decided my modus operandi would be no different. The following year would include several surgeries to remove cancer from my breast and lymph nodes, five months of chemotherapy, complications that put me in the ICU on multiple life-saving IV drips, and nearly seven weeks of daily radiation. My family and friends have given me the name “Warrior”; a perfect name for me based on my Irish heritage. My name, Kelly, means “Warrior” in Gaelic, and “Warrior” is the name given to breast cancer survivors. As I said, good things can always be found; you simply have to be willing to look for them. I have felt the unwavering love of my family, friends, and coworkers, who all wore a special “Team Warrior” t-shirt to support me during my treatment. Since being in remission, I have continued to better myself and help others by raising money and walking in the Avon 39 miles over two days and running in the Komen 5k the following weekend. I was a team captain for our local Relay for Life event, and was named “Nurse of the Year” by my peers this year! I have taught my son to persevere through difficult circumstances, as I have shown my own strength. No matter what happens, I will be a survivor, I will be a warrior.
Just you watch me.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Connie Bash
y journey with Breast Cancer began with the first dawn of the year 2000. My cancer was triple negative, meaning it was aggressive, likely to spread/ recur, and difficult to treat. Although it was a poor prognosis, I never allowed that to permeate my thinking. Throughout the entire year of 2000, we (my doctors and I, with the loving support of family and friends) took a hard line of attack… and won. During the treatment, I lived my life as normally as possible; and after, was determined to move forward without looking back. It took me years to become comfortable with the term survivor. I did not want my identity to be tied in so tightly with the disease. Grateful, I strived to give back in all areas of my life, including raising money for causes important to me, like Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure for Breast Cancer.
But it wasn’t until I was reporting on statistics of the disease - to raise awareness, prompt people to take charge of their health, and donate- that it hit me. It was important for me to own my Survivorship; not to define me, but to provide hope and be a source of strength for those entering this fight, and to honor those who did not get to wear the title Survivor. The by-product of surviving Breast Cancer is the proof that I am resilient and strong, and the knowledge that I can overcome any challenge put my way. Great traits for an entrepreneur! I know what I am made of, I trust myself, and am not afraid to pave my own way! Dorri, Thank you for celebrating women recognizing their strengths within!
Blessing and good health to all! Connie Bash
CHERRY BLOSSOM 9th Annual Cherry Blossom Walks, Fun Runs, & Pooch Prances for Breast Cancer
Join us!
Sunday Oct. 11
In-person registration opens: 11:30 AM Walks/Runs/Prances start: 1:00 PM Start Locations: ORGANIZED BY
Sanders Corner School 43100 Ashburn Farm Pkwy Ashburn, VA
Foxcroft School 22407 Foxhound Lane Middleburg, VA “Nanette’s Walk”
100% of our grant monies are directed locally to help in the fight against breast cancer!
Online registration, donations & information
Join the Ashburn Sponsor Circle!
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
CherryBlossomBreastCancerFoundation.org facebook.com/cbbreastcancerfoundation
Neighbors You Can Bank On.
Join the Middleburg Sponsor Circle!
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Eileen Isola
he story of how one year ago I came to meet the publisher, Dorri C. Scott, is worthy of its own telling. Out of that chance meeting, she asked me to join Virginia Woman Magazine as a Guest Columnist to share some of my cancer experiences, feelings, and discoveries.
appointments. And, Than k I threw myself into suppo you family and friend r ting me in s for my 39 mil the Avon 39 Walk – cance e breast r walk. a two-day, 39-mile walk through the Washington DC area -- confident that this would prove I. WAS. FINE. The Avon Walk was one of the most profound experiences of my life as I carried over 40 names of cancer victims on my race tag – names that friends messaged and texted me during the Walk as they followed me on Facebook.
One year later, I again reflect and write, and again take a leap off the vulnerability cliff with you. I shared last year how I emerged from “Cancer Year 1” battered but feeling victorious. My awesome, beautiful, always well accessorized breast surgeon, Dr. Bridget Oppong, had confirmed I was cancer free. However, the reconstruction work by the plastic surgeon left me with numerous physical and chronic pain problems which required continuous rehab, physical therapy, medications, and the “shopping” of my case to various medical institutions.
I demanded that my body perform; reverted to extreme compartmentalization to subjugate the anger and exhaustion; and vowed to make mince-meat out the emotional elephant that sat upon my heart and soul. A year later the Obstinate She-Warrior has awaken. The campaign I was waging was the wrong campaign. I was fighting the wrong enemy. And my body has been raging back. I hadn’t bothered to talk to it, consult it, ask it what it needed, wanted, or deserved. I hadn’t been silent. I hadn’t listened. I had set off on a campaign into Unknown, Uncertainty and Change that is cancer’s refuse and in doing so I had been raging against my body instead of with and for it.
One year ago, the Obstinate She-Warrior set off on a new campaign to conquer the physically debilitating hordes left by cancer that have been raging across my body. Those same enemy hordes were also out to destroy my emotional, spiritual, and financial life. It is an immutable cancer truth that it metastasizes to every other fiber of the life it has attacked, and leaves a destructive wake long after the murderous cells have been killed or rendered impotent. Having beaten the murderous cells, I was compelled to defeat in Athena-like fashion both the physical and emotional destruction it had left in its wake.
I now begin a new campaign. A campaign of peace. All peace deals begin with a cease-fire and a truce. I have ceased firing upon my body, and had a conversation with it asking if it would honor a truce while we work together to figure out what a lasting peace will look like – physically, emotionally, and financially. She said yes. We are a long way from an enduring peace as I write, but we have already negotiated the shape of the table. First steps on a journey of peace – and “oh my ach ing feet” healing.
I found a new surgeon who could fix some of the reconstruction issues and underwent more surgeries. I took almost no time off from my business. “I’m a business owner -- there’s no such thing as time off,” I rationalized. I put over 24,000 miles on my car booking medical appointments for 6 a.m. that were two hours away, and piggy-backing business meetings onto them for “efficiency.” I took all kinds of pain and sleep meds, and dutifully attended over 200 physical therapy and rehab n Isola y! Eilee . a d a t Wha pink r ter in a suppo educate. empower. inspire. inform.
By: Eileen Isola Photo by: Cavalheri Photography Make up: Jamie D’Agostino
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
he Business Women’s Giving Circle brings together successful women who want to have an impact on the women and girls in their community. Launched in 2014 by the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, it supports programs and organizations that promote innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership and inventive opportunities for girls and young women. Annual member contributions of $1,100 are pooled for grantmaking. From: Babies to Ballerinas Headshots to Harleys Tutus to Tattoos (& everything in between) Call: 703-472-8216
www.cavalheriphotography.net val@cavalheriphotography.net
Members can choose their level of involvement! Members can be involved as much or as little as they’d like, simply knowing that their involvement is making a huge impact in the community. • Make an impact through annual contributions • Network at social and educational events • Engage and participate with our grantees and on member-led committees Join by September 10 to be a part of the 2015 grant cycle! For more information, contact Sari Raskin at 703-879-7641 or sari.raskin@cfnova.org. www.cfnova.org/bwgc Members of the Business Women’s Giving Circle: Anja Allen – Senior Manager, IT Transformation, Ernst & Young Grace Anton – Interior Decorator Thank you to our Media Sponsor: Faith Boettger – Community Volunteer and Consultant Ginger Bonin – Managing Director, KPMG LLP Kristina Bouweiri – President, Reston Limousine Robin Reaves Burke- Owner, B3 Holdings, LLC PO BOX 802 | MCLEAN, VA 22101 | WWW.LOUDOUNWOMANMAGAZINE.COM Angel Campbell – Associate, McCandlish & Lillard, PC Lynne Celia - Agency Executive Senior Partner, Asset Management Group, Inc. Leigh Chowdhary - Communications Consultant Lisa Cines – Office Managing Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman Emily Daniels – Vice President, Wealth Planning Strategist, Wells Fargo Mara Desmedt - Senior Regional Sales Director, PlanSource Nancy Eberhardt – CEO, Pathwise Partners LLC Eileen Ellsworth – President, Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Robin Finnell - Agency Owner, The Doncaster Collection Nancy Fischer – Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Marjorie Fox – CEO, Fox, Joss & Yankee LLC Luanne Gutermuth – Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Development, Washington Gas Lilly Harris – President & CEO, Man-Machines Systems Assessment, Inc. Lauren Hottel - Senior Manager, Baker Tilly Dr. Carole Cameron Inge - Program Lead, Strategic Partnerships for SySTEMic Solutions at Northern Virginia Community College Lauri Isbrandtsen - Human Resources Consultant Amy Johnson - Director Nonprofit Programs, Coverent Tina Johnson – President & CEO, JP Events & Consulting Anne Reilly Jones – Principal, McCandlish & Lillard, PC Tanya La Force – Chairman, Children’s Science Center Cathy Lange – President & CEO, BusinessWorks of America, Inc. Allison Marie – Associate, ShounBach Kim Mason – Portfolio Management Director, First VP Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley Jen McCollum – Vice President of Donor Relations, Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Autumn McCullogh – Attorney, McCandlish & Lillard, PC Beatriz McNelly - Telecommunications Professional, Entrepreneur and Investor La Guardia Myers – Chief Ethics Officer, General Dynamics Corporation Jennifer Myers - President, SageVest Wealth Management Sharon Nelson – President, Sensei Enterprises Sarah Nutter – Dean, George Mason University’s School of Management Becky Parker – Vice President, Investments, RBC Wealth Management Amy Peck Abraham - Independent Professional Volunteer Susan Pierce - Architect, Commonwealth Home Design Lisa Poff – Director of Communications, Glassman wealth Services LLC Rose Price – Principal, VLP Financial Advisors Marcy Schwab – President, Inspired Leadership, LLC Carol S. Shapiro, MD, MBA Jennifer Siciliano – Vice President, Government Relations, Inova Health Systems Lynn Tadlock – Deputy Executive Director, Claude Moore Charitable Foundation Patricia Timbrook – President, T3 Design Corporation Karen Tovey – Director, Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney Karen Trowbridge – President & CEO, Trowbridge & Trowbridge, LLC Courtney von Bostel - Owner, Spot On Web Solutions, LLC Anne Marie Wemmlinger - Vice President, Revenue Management, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company LLC Judith “Tessie” Wilson - Chairman, College Access Fairfax Stefanie Zeldin Sigal - President, Open Chain USA/In2green
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Se p tember /October 20 14 | LO U D O U N WO MA N MA G A Z I NE
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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r p r u s I wa d s shocked an
Male Breast Cancer
Hello There
n November 01, 2001 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This condition may not raise eyebrows unless it happened to you and you happened to be a woman. In my case, breast cancer raised more than a few eyebrows since I am a man. Believe, me I was shocked and surprised. Nevertheless, I went through a mental experience that few men ever stop and think about, even in their wildest dreams.
Then on November 1, 2001 Dr. Smith called to tell me I had breast cancer. I was in shock, but not surprised because of my paternal family history of breast cancer. I needed to tell my family and close friends. I was scheduled for a double mastectomy on December 13, 2001.
From June 2002 through July 2002 I endured ten and a half weeks I guess you could say I found this lump many years ago. I just of radiation at The Northeast Cancer Center of Florida. I was told didn’t pay too much attention to it. I knew I had problems with I couldn’t have chemotherapy because of my levels of estrogen in my breast size, but always thought that it was due to the fact that my body and the chemo would make me even sicker. I was heavy. Guys who are fat usually have a lot of fatty tissue, so that’s what I thought it was. I’m sure people noticed that I had Fast forward to 2013 I met a young man online by the name of larger breasts then most men, but I didn’t know that it would turn Arthur Blast, who taught me about the BRCA gene, also known out to be cancer. I was on a mission to suppress them. I would wear as the breast cancer gene. All those years of going back and forth small tee-shirts, sometimes wearing them two sizes too small. I to my doctors and all my doctors knowing of my family history would even go so far as getting an ace bandage and wrap it around of breast cancer and it took me going online to discover I might my breast. The best thing that worked for me is when I wore a be a carrier of this gene. I was angry. Not at Mr. Blast, but at medium to large tee-shirt; this of course is after I had my doctors. They knew. They should have informed me. It’s sewn up the sides to compress the breast area. terrible how men are treated in the medical field This tactic seems to work for me for seven when it comes to breast cancer. Mr. Blast reached I started noticing little or eight years. As a matter of fact, I kept out and led me into the right direction. spots of blood on my tight up the deception until October 2001. white tees. Now I am Keeping my breast under wrap was not an Sadly on October 19 2013 my biggest easy job as you can see. supporter, my mama passed away, but I thinking, what in the hell continue to fight on with her spirit beside me. is going on now? Before the biopsy I did not or would not say anything to anyone because I just thought it I’ve had quite a few scares with the cancer trying was a twinge of pain here and there. When I to come back in 2014. I’ve had a few lymph nodes did discover the lump, it was April 2001. Ignoring it, until the removed and a small benign mass removal leading up to my BRCA late August 2001, when I started noticing little spots of blood gene testing in December of 2014 on my tight white tees. Now I am thinking, what in the hell is going on now? A lot of things went through my mind, but a I’m negative for both the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes but once discharge from my nipple? This was the furthest thing from my again I’m faced with the unknown. I have two gene mutations mind. The spots started getting larger and larger and when woke fairly new called MRE11A and NBN. The research available is up I would see more and more blood. The months of September only for women, I’ve yet to find anything out there for men. So and October were spent going back and forth to the doctors and once again I find myself a rarity in life. taking what seemed like an endless battery of tests. I don’t see Time after time when we go into doctor’s offices or women how women can get a mammogram every year. But I actually had images centers we never see brochures centered towards men with to get a mammogram. Next I was seen by Dr. Smith who said breast cancer. We need to do something about this. We need more it was probably a cyst. They found some calcifications from the research done for men with breast cancer. Men with breast cancer mammogram and the doctors just wanted to make sure that was are overlooked because we only make up 2% of all breast cancer all it was. So I had a biopsy done on that Monday October, 30, cases. 2350 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 in 2001. Since I had my biopsy, I still wore my tee-shirts sewn up the which 440 will lose their lives. That’s still too many. Hopefully we sides, not to hide my breast but to support them. I had to wait can educate more people about male breast cancer. all week for the results. We have changed the names in this article for patient privacy.
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
Always remember, knowledge is power. Thank you. September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Andrea Schwartz-Thomas I
was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer that spread to my liver and my lungs on July 4, 2014. It came as a shock to me because up until I started experiencing pain in my right hip and lower back, I considered myself in great health. On the morning of July 4th my mom decided it was time I go to the ER because I had a lot of bloating that none of my doctors could figure out. After getting a CAT scan of my chest, abdomen, and pelvic areas I was told about the cancer. The ER doctor recommended me to Dr. Charles Maurer and I was in his office on the 7th of July with him telling me he had a plan for me. I started chemo on the 28th of July and went through four treatments, each three weeks apart and then I went in for a total hysterectomy and the removal of part of my omentum. I finished with two more chemo treatments and Dr. Maurer put me into remission on January 29, 2015, 3 days shy of my 45th birthday. I think the most shocking part of this was my CA-125 numbers when they first tested me; I started at 25400 and I am now down to 22.
Andrea Schwartz-Thomas
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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What You Should Know About Mammograms
information provided by Care First –Blue Cross BlueShield www.carefirst.com
Many women are afraid of mammograms but having one is definitely worthwhile. In fact, it can even save a woman’s life. If the test is normal, you will feel better knowing that you are OK. If however; there is a problem, it is better to know early. Regular mammograms can detect breast cancer BEFORE it spreads. Treatment works best when the cancer is found early. Make an appointment to see your Doctor for a mammogram if you fall under any of these categories that pose a higher risk: • • • • • •
Your Mother OR sister has/had breast cancer You have Jewish ancestors from Eastern Europe (A certain gene is carried among this group) You had your first menstrual period before age 12 You NEVER had children OR you had your first child after age 30 You had radiation treatments to your chest area You have a lump, nipple, discharge, breast pain or dimpling of skin on the breast
Breast cancer is NOT a death sentence when detected early. Detection at later stages may be managed with all the new technologies and treatment available. It is never too late to be evaluated and undergo treatment. There is life after the diagnosis. FACE YOUR FEAR and TAKE CHARGE!!
When should I have a mammogram?
Starting at age 40 women should have a mammogram every 1 – 2 years. If you feel a lump, see or have questions about anything unusual in your breast contact your health care provider.
How do I get ready for my mammogram? • Make the appointment for 1 week after your period • When the breasts are less sensitive. • Wear a shirt with shorts, pants or skirt. • This makes it easier to undress from the waist up. • Do not wear deodorant, perfume, lotion or powder under arms or on your breasts on the day of your appointment. These products make shadows on the mammogram. educate. empower. inspire. inform.
For resources and additional information: Contact your Doctor American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2345 www.cancer.org The National Cancer Institute September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
FREE 3D Mammography
Our caring and compassionate staff at Reston Radiology Consultants:
ALWAYS at the following locations: Fair Oaks Imaging Center 703-385-5203 4001 Fair Ridge Drive Suite 103 Fairfax, Virginia 22033
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see our ad on the back cover!
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Showcasing Women-Owned Businesses in Northern Virginia and beyond Sterling Women provides a new networking opportunity for business women and men in Northern Virginia and beyond. Each month we invite a successful business woman located in Loudoun County to speak to our audience about her accomplishments. Upcoming Luncheons: September 10 October 8 The National Conference Center 18980 Upper Belmont Place Leesburg, VA 20176
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
For more information, please contact Sharon Ragland at 703.478.0500 x511 or sragland@restonlimo.com www.sterlingwomen.org educate. empower. inspire. inform.
A New Happy Home
for Children
By Rebecca Eseonu-Chukwu
Education is the “key” to opening the world of opportunities for all.
have always had the passion of working with children. As such, nine years ago when I had my first child, I started thinking hard on how I could spend some ‘mommy time” with him while enriching his personal development. Three years later our twin boys arrived. At this point, the urge to leave corporate America where I had worked for over 25 years as a certified public accountant, became intense. I started researching various educational enrichment programs for children. My kids attended an after school Math & English enrichment program where we lived in New Jersey. The owner of the program encouraged me to look at the Eye Level Learning Center franchisee offerings. She felt it was a much better program than the program she offered. I will never forget when she told me she had been watching me for over a year with keen interest on how organized & complete our boys homework assignments were prior to them attending class. She indicated that she wanted to sell her franchisee locations to someone who loved kids – that I had met that requirement. Even though she had nine potential buyers ahead of me, she felt more comfortable transitioning ownership to me. This was a huge encouragement! My husband & I finally decided to move back home to pursue this interest in the Northern Virginia area: Eye Level Learning Center of Sterling North opened its doors on July 1st, 2015.
Rebecca U. Eseonu-Chukwu is the President & CEO of Chosidera, inc. - an educational group and parent company of Eye Level Learning Center Sterling North. Rebecca is a CPA, has over 25 years of corporate experience and excited to be able to live her passion which includes preparing students for success with confidence. The proud mother of three young boys, she is married (Chris) and lives In Northern VA.
Eye Level Learning Center
20789 Great Falls Plaza, Suite #102 Sterling, VA 20165
Phone: 571-526-4193
Website www.eyelevelsterlingnorth.com educate. empower. inspire. inform.
Eye Level is an after-school program offering both enrichment and remediation in Math and English for children ages 3-14. Built on an educational philosophy and method where self-directed learning and critical thinking are at the core. Eye Level provides a customized learning experience that helps children develop academic skills, build confidence and establish a love of lifelong learning. Eye Level is unique due to its underlying philosophy that instructors must first become students of their own students. Only when an educator sees the learning challenge from the child’s perspective – the Eye Level – is he or she able to set appropriate goals and tailor a program to attain them, one successful step at a time. Eye Level was founded on the principal of fostering self-directed learning through individualized academic coaching at the pace and level needed by the child. The child is the ‘key’ to unlocking his/her full potential in the learning process.
The Magic There is a moment, when time stops for both child and teacher because the child has truly met a new idea. As an educator, those moments make every hour of pain-staking preparation and every long day of practicing concepts worth it. When that child truly grasps a new idea in math or English they are changed forever and for the better. Eye Level of Sterling North has been a wonderful place where I have experienced that moment over and over again. I look forward to continuing to share that with students and their families.
Eye Level program offerings include: The Math Curriculum Eye Level Math takes the student through a continuum of study areas covering basic skills, as well as advanced concepts and applications. Each level emphasizes critical thinking through reasoning skills such as sequencing, comparing, planning, hypothesizing, analyzing and critiquing. The English Curriculum Eye Level’s English curriculum takes students from the basic motor skills needed for reading and writing, through the building blocks of grammar, to the more complex concepts that allow the mastery of verbal and written communication. The Play Math Curriculum Eye Level Play Math is a collection of comprehensive learning materials designed to introduce mathematical concepts to preschool-aged children by providing the essential groundwork needed for learning and advancement. By incorporating exercises focused on the development of motor skills and math creativity – including math stories, drawing, finger games and theme studies, among others – Play Math develops logical and mathematical thinking abilities and builds creativity and skills. September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
A Fall Calendar for the College Bound Student… Starting in the 8th Grade! By Luanne Lee, CCPRS, YOUR COLLEGE PLANNING COACH
I know this sounds crazy but in this aggressive and extremely competitive college bound environment the best plan for success starts as early as the 1st day of 8th grade. Now, I am not talking about the SAVING for college, that my dear parents should start at BIRTH, and even then it won’t be enough in today’s world of average annual college inflation of 6 to 8 percent and average graduation rates of 6 years! We will focus on the financials in next months’ issue! Today we are going to address the academic and extra-curricular activities calendar for your children for optimal success for college admissions.
Grade 10 Grade 8 Although we are still in middle school the 8th grade will set the tone so they start and finish high school strong! Set a meeting with the guidance counselor to see if any classes will count for HS credits to carry over. This is a great age to check out different activities both in and out of school your student enjoys, is passionate about, and will stick with through HS and into college.
Grade 9 Start strong and stay strong academically! Your grades are now under a microscope for college admissions! So many students slack off in the 1st year of HS, and then get serious. The GPA records you send with your college application are from 9th through 11th grade. You can’t afford to have a lackluster 1st year in HS! Start looking into leadership roles in your extra-curricular activities. Ask your Guidance Counselor if you are on track with Math, Languages, and Advanced Placement courses.
Continue a strong, rigorous academic program, continued active leadership in your extra-curricular activities, and find a community project you can support, or even start. Something you will be consistent with and related to a possible career choice so you will stand out on those future college applications. Become the student any college would love to have represent them! Check in with your Guidance Counselor to find out when the year 10 PSAT will be and prepare for it!
ABOUT LUANNE LEE Luanne Lee is a licensed College Planning Relief® specialist with over 20 years in business and personal financial services. Married to Jim for 39 years, she is a proud mother of two young adults, three grandchildren, 3 dogs and 2 cats in the country near Loudoun.
Once again, these tips are only for the start of each year. You have a whole lot of work to do in the Winter, Spring and Summer of each year to accomplish your college bound plan of success. Good Luck! 30
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
A Fall Calendar for the College Bound Student‌ Starting in the 8th Grade! By Luanne Lee, CCPRS, YOUR COLLEGE PLANNING COACH
Grade 11 Of course, continue academics, leadership, volunteering and the PT job you started in the summer. Now we get down to the serious college quest that you started in the Spring of Grade 10! Continue researching colleges, job shadow and intern at different jobs of careers you are considering. Build relationships with teachers who will write your college recommendation letters. Register for SAT 1 and SAT 11 Subject Tests and SAT or ACT tests. Register and PREPARE for the PSAT in October! A high score may qualify you for the National Merit Scholarship competition, which is a door opener to 4 and 5 digit Merit Scholarships! Start researching and accumulating essays for 3rd party scholarships.
Grade 12 On the 1st day of Grade 12 you should have already COMPLETED your Common App Essay, Supplemental School Essays, most of your college applications and ready to submit for Early Action deadlines. Do NOT submit for Early Decision unless money is no object! KNOW your deadlines for applications and scholarships for all of the schools you are applying to. Give your recommender a resume and written request for their recommendation within the 1st 2 weeks of school. Continue to take a rigorous course load and study, study, study! Once again, these tips are only for the start of each year. You have a whole lot of work to do in the Winter, Spring and Summer of each year to accomplish your college bound plan of success. Good Luck! Once again, these tips are only for the start of each year. You have a whole lot of work to do in the Winter, Spring and Summer of each year to accomplish your college bound plan of success. Good Luck!
It’s Never Too Early Or Too Late To Start Planning! 703-928-9036 educate. empower. inspire. inform.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Upcoming It’s Our Birthday! Celebrate!
THE VA WOMAN MAGAZINE GROUP Also: • College Bound College Coach. Workshops • Va Women’s Business Conference Issue • Holiday And Your Pet • Women And Alzheimer’s
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Reservations and information at www.lcsj.org If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please call 703.771.3398
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Rebecca & Sugar educate. empower. inspire. inform.
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Call Rebecca Kaselow at (703) 431-2634 or email: rebecca@giftoftheearthoils.com September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Closet Wardrobe Magic By Robin Finnell
lthough the nights are getting cooler, summer is still in our hearts. So what’s a girl to do when the weather is warm by day and cool at night? A slow closet change out! In September, make room in your closet by putting away your linen and flowy maxi dresses. Pull out or purchase lighter weight, trendy layering pieces. The seventies are back with a vengeance and the motorcycle jacket reigns as queen for FALL 2015. A lightweight long sleeve summer or fall dress under a moto vest takes you from soft to edgy. Complement this with bootie sandals for warmer days and boots and opaque hosiery for cooler ones. A moto jacket or blazer over a sleeveless summer dress takes care of the chill or can be the best defense against the air conditioners still going full blast.
Feel great about You! Call and meet Robin for a private wardrobe consultation In her studio. Appointments available day and evening
Consider inserting a crisp white blouse under your sleeveless dress and wear it as a jumper. Then layer a jacket on top for more polish. The nice thing about layers is you can peel them off as the temps rise. For those who do not chill easily, a heavier weight dress, sleeveless or otherwise, might be all you need to transition. A Pashmina or cashmere wrap can add panache as well as warmth.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
October’s weather can be a bit of a surprise in our area, so it is essential that you determine what is missing from your winter wardrobe and move in a direction to fill any voids. Are those basic black pieces you reach for time and time again in great condition or do they need to be replaced? What new item is needed to jazz up last years closet? This season’s Doncaster pieces have the “pizazz” and “pop” to take you into the Fall/Winter season with a look that says you are at the top of your game! When you continue to put away the clothing pieces that are not weatherfriendly and pull out those pieces that are, you (and your closet) will be ready for winter in no time! Need help? I can help transition your closet, renew your basics or add some special wardrobe pieces. How to do a closet audit Doing a closet audit can be time consuming, so block out your calendar for a few hours. 1. Clean your room and make your bed. Take a shower and put on your make up (you want to be at your best when trying your pieces on). 2. As you pull items from the closet, put them in four piles (Keepers, Sleepers, Losers and Sometimers). 3. Be ruthless in your sorting, especially the giveaway or loser pile. These are the items to donate to charities if still in good condition.They could be items that don’t fit, are bad colors for your skin tone, the wrong styles for your body type, or bargains you never wore. educate. empower. inspire. inform.
What people are saying.... “Beautiful cover, beautiful lady!” - Pat Wirth, Executive Director, Turning Point “Awesome! So happy for you.” - Robin Walker NOVA resident FA L L 2015
“Beautiful (cover and lady) and well deserved. Congrats!” - Mali P. NOVA resident “Wow! You look great . I was so happy to see you in RED on Va WOMAN magazine cover. - Kristina Bouwieri, CEO Reston Limousine
4. “Keepers” are the items you reach for time and time again. Check to see if they are in good repair, still fit and are flattering. 5. “Sleepers” are the hidden gems that you can’t see because of overcrowding or pieces you don’t wear as often. 6. “Sometimers” are items such as special occasion dressing that should be kept at the back of the closet (or in a different closet) so you can access the pieces you wear often. 7. As you return items to your closet, place them by category: sleeveless blouses, short sleeve blouses, long sleeve blouses, etc. Then color code them from light to dark. Try using a color wheel as a guide starting with white or ivory and following the pattern. You’ll discover that finding your clothes is much easier and you’ll see more ways to mix and match, getting the most from your pieces.
Robin Finnell Wardrobe Stylist The Doncaster Collection 7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 123 Falls Church, VA (by appointment) rbfinnell@gmail.com
www.doncaster.com/robinbfinnell Robin Finnell has been dressing women for more than 20 years. With a degree in Fashion Merchandising, she began her career in retail management. After moving to the metro DC area 21 years ago, she became a volunteer with Suited for Change, a non-profit that provides low income women with clothing for their interviews and jobs, and she realized she had found her passion. Robin became a professional wardrobe stylist and image consultant more than 12 years ago and has never looked back. She is married and the proud mother of a college age son.
Fall Special For New Clients $25 off your first order & a special gift. Expires: October 31, 2015
educate. empower. inspire. inform.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
Turning Point Silent Sentinel Award Dinner By Patricia Wirth
he Silent Sentinel Award is given by the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Association to one or more women who exemplify the suffragists’ traits of leadership, determination and accomplishment in furthering women’s rights and opportunities. The Silent Sentinels is the name given to the women who picketed the White House in 1917 from dawn to dusk in all weather conditions to gain the right for women to vote. Please join us to honor the award recipients and to make the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial a reality! This event is planned to be a fun and informative evening where you will be treated to captivating speakers, deserving honorees and an opportunity to bid on and win exciting and memorable auction items. Our line-up of speakers at this time includes Rebecca Cooper, President/CEO Fox Talks and a reporter with ABC7/ WJLA-TV News in Washington and anchor of Washington Business Report; Jan Fox, a four-time Emmy winner, journalist, public speaker, and former teacher; Eleanor Clift a frequent TV guest, author, and Washington correspondent for the Daily Beast; and Edith Mayo, Curator Emeritus in political and women’s history at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. Please join us! To register, please go to our website at www. suffragistmemorial.org and click on Events. The Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is: “To build a garden-style, national memorial to
commemorate the suffrage struggle, focused on the suffragists whose brutal imprisonment at the Occoquan Workhouse served as a significant turning point in achieving a woman’s right to vote; and to educate, inspire and empower present and future generations to remain vigilant in the quest for equal rights.” For further information and to make a tax-deductible donation, find us on the web at www.suffragistmemorial.org.
Patricia D. Wirth Executive Director Turning Point Suffragist Memorial 703 201 3171
Silent Sentinel Award Dinner Thursday, September 17, 2015 The Woodlands at Algonkian 4700 Fairway Drive, Sterling, VA 20165
Change Your Life in 2015 Licenses Available In Your Area Woman Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted ... Join over 371 other counties that are publishing or have an option to publish in the United States and BE YOUR OWN BOSS! We are looking for a few bright, energetic, creative women and men to publish our trademarked, copyrighted newspapers IN YOUR COUNTY, IN YOUR STATE, IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Join the fastest growing educational Woman’s Newspaper syndicated in the United States. MINIMAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED! Maximum return ... Be your own boss, set your own hours and make your life mean more! ALL TRAINING PROVIDED! If you are interested in developing with us in 2015 in your STATE, in your COUNTY ...
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Bite Me Cancer
Mother shares love and lessons after learning my daughter has cancer.
By Sharon Ferraro
y daughter, Nikki, was diagnosed with Sporadic Medullary Thyroid Cancer at the age of 17 while she was a junior in high school. I never imagined how inspiring, spiritual and stressful the journey would be… or how strong I would have to be. When Nikki was diagnosed, it was two days after Easter. On Easter, Nikki was sent the Bible verse John 3:16 on her iPhone from her Young Life Leader that made a great impact on our perspective of her cancer diagnosis. The evening we received the diagnosis, John 3:16 came to me again. I felt such a chill when I saw it again, and I understood that if I really believed that verse, then everything would be okay, that Nikki belongs to God, I am her caregiver and now I have to “walk the talk.” It was a very powerful experience. I shared this story with Nikki, and this Bible verse became a guidepost theme for us.
full-time job, she loves her new apartment and we have a special relationship. For me, this is a journey of faith as well as a journey of cancer. Every experience of life is a blessing. I pray every day to have peace in this journey and to give Nikki the best possible life that God has to offer her.
Facts: Thyroid cancer is much more common in women than men, two to four times more women are diagnosed with thyroid cancer than men. There are different types of thyroid cancer. Most thyroid cancers can be treated successfully.
“ I knew I had to be strong for my daughter. I also knew I had to be stronger for myself” - Sharon ( Nikki’s mother sharing thoughts after hearing the diagnosis about her daughter’s cancer) At diagnosis, we were told there was no treatment for Nikki’s type of cancer other than surgery. A friend told me to stay positive about the future and not react based on the current medical information. That concept became consistently important for me. So, my husband and I decided to move forward with “normal” activities, and I remained positive for my daughter, including supporting her Relay for Life team, four weeks before her ninehour surgery (she raised $20,000 by the time of the Relay event a month after her surgery!). A few weeks after the Relay event, Nikki begged for a foundation to continue to help others, even with an upcoming vocal cord surgery, radiation/scans and her senior year of high school, Bite Me Cancer became a foundation in September 2010.
Q and A What is a thyroid? The thyroid is a tiny gland in the neck that can develop tiny nodules. Though not common, some of the nodules may become cancerous over time. What does a thyroid do? Its function is to provide hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
on to fterno a n u nce f xperie family e a d r n o a f r S JOIN U ite Me Cance s Reston. B t PM nes suppor LifeTime Fit 5 | 3:30-6:30 1 the 12, 20 . y, Sept a d r u t Sa
At diagnosis/surgery, I could not have imagined all that Nikki would accomplish and experience.She has led Bite Me Cancer (www.bitemecancer. org) to meet its annual goals to raise research funds for Thyroid Cancer and also to support/inspire teenagers battling cancer. She has inspired so many people, including me. She has great friends, she loves her new
Nikki the proud graduate, showing off her creatively designed cap. A proud member of the class of 2015, Nikki holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from James Madison University. Most recently she took a big step and started her career in marketing. educate. empower. inspire. inform.
With a Bite Me Cancer ticket, you can swim in the outdoor Olympic size pool, use the water slides, enjoy music, and try out some free demos of yoga, spin, cardio dance and other programs offered at the club.
Throughout our 5.5 years with cancer, I have prayed deeply and have lived a more inspired life. I have helped Nikki be positive and strong through faith. We’ve had great talks about her dreams/goals, have shared amazing experiences, and I’ve also worried. I’ve tried to focus on the blessings of everyday life, staying in the now, and feeling gratitude at all times. Many times the cancer did get in the way of my peace, but I prayed for guidance and somehow got through it.
Thyroid cancer is most often diagnosed between ages 25-65.
Individual Ticket Pricing: Adults: $25 Kids (ages 13-21): $15 Kids (ages 6-12): $10 Kids (under 5): $1 Lifetime Member: FREE with membership ID
www.BiteMeCancer.org/lifetime.asp Visit website to buy tickets, sponsor, or donate tickets to families.
September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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Nancy Greene, Esquire has worked with businesses for nineteen years to ensure that those businesses can weather owner disputes and other legal challenges. She educates her clients about the legal mistakes that have the potential to destroy their business. A member of the National Association of Professional Women and a NAPW Woman of the Year 2012/2013, Nancy loves working with other women business owners and helping them navigate the stormy waters of running a business in today’s litigious society. Opening her own law practice in 2013, Nancy understands what it takes to run a business.
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
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The Benefits of Aeration & Overseeding One of the best practices you can do for your lawn is to have it aerated and seeded on a regular basis. This practice reduces soil compaction and brings new life to old roots. What is Aeration? Aeration is the mechanical removal of soil cores from the lawn. These one to two inch cores are left on top of the lawn and as the cores break down, microbes feed on and break down thatch. Thatch is the spongy and often impervious layer of decaying material between the crown of the grass plants and the soil. Why is Aeration Needed? Not only does aeration help reduce soil compaction, but it allows water to reach deep and through the root zone. This benefits microorganisms living in the soil. These organisms break down existing thatch, improve soil quality and release additional nutrients for healthy plant development. Nutrients are easily taken in by the plant when aeration is completed. The holes created through aeration in the soil allow roots to expand, resulting in improved turf quality and vitality. When is the Best Time to Have Your Lawn Aerated and Overseeded? The most effective time of year for aeration and overseeding is in the fall for cool season grasses, such as tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, and in the spring or summer for warm season grasses, such as bermudagrass and zoysiagrass. NaturaLawn® of America’s proprietary grass seed is specially blended to provide your lawn a better defense against drought conditions and insect and disease attacks.
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September/October 2015 | LOUDOUN WOMAN MAGAZINE
• Through monthly self-examinations and routine Mammograms, women can detect Breast Cancer at onset to greatly improve their chances of survival. • Research and Technological advancements including 3-D Mammo and MRI have played a major role in Breast Imaging. • Schedule your Mammogram today as Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the perfect time to make your health the top priority. Reston Radiology Consultants Northern Virginia Locations Include: Fair Oaks Imaging Center 703-385-5203 4001 Fair Ridge Drive Suite 103, Fairfax, Virginia 22033 Loudoun Imaging Center/Ashburn 571-223-0230 20905 Professional Plaza Suite 100, Ashburn, Virginia 20147 MRI of Reston 703-478-0922 1800 Town Center Drive Suite 115, Reston, Virginia 20190 PET of Reston 703-478-0922 1800 Town Center Drive Suite 115, Reston, Virginia 20190 Pink Ribbon Facility (through Hologic)
Call today to schedule an appointment at any of our convenient locations in Northern Virginia or request an appointment online at our website
Like us on Facebook @ Reston Radiology Consultants