Remeniscing Kuwait II

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Reminiscing Kuwait II A tale of a Country A single item used to have many different uses ... Today we need many different items to perform a single task. To every journey, there is a path ... to every path, there is a destination ... There was a time when Kuwait was on its way to being an Arab utopia through the vision of its enlightened leaders. Unfortunately, time often manages to twist history right in front of

our eyes, without us even having the slightest of notice. Let us take you through the journey of time from 1936 to 1964, by screening a collection of historic articles, pictures portraying different aspects of Kuwaiti lifestyle during that period.

By taking you through that journey, we will let you decide of where we were, where we are, and what went wrong along the way...

Exhibitions Corniche Event Gallery

May 2007

Kuwait Marina Hotel Reminiscing Kuwait

December 2007

Sultan Gallery Harmony

December 2008

Athar Gallery Jeddah Harmony Remix

February 2010

Tilal Gallery Grand Opening Group Exhibition Sultan Gallery Reminiscing Kuwait II

October 2010 April 2011

Artists Ali Sultan

Hamad Al Saab

Audio engineer and Lectures graphic design and audio engineering Since 1999 he has worked as a sound engineer, composer and graphic designer / art director on various personal and commercial projects.

Acquired a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems and International Organization Behaviour from Washington DC in 1999. Worked as an auditor and now he is specialized in interior consultation and Furniture design.

Hamad and Ali are a Pop Art duo who enjoys presenting the Arab culture and history through their contemporary vision by using digital art base and mixed media on canvas in attempt to create their own principle, No Rules, in their artwork. Their artwork had the honour to be distributed through art collectors around the world such as GCC, Egypt, Lebanon, Paris, Monaco, London, LA, NY, and more. Their first exhibition was in Kuwait in 2006 presenting the first collection of the Arab celebrities that lead them to the international art journey and relationship with many international art appreciators

Bus Stop

Waiting for change ‌ in glamour.

Mixed media on canvas; Acrylic, Epoxy, Swarovski Crystals: 130 cm x 160 cm - 2011

Mixed media on canvas mounted on wood: hand colored Iris Print, acrylics, threads fixated on nails 170 cm x 100 cm - 2011


When a child holds a pen for the first time, he draws paths‌ But when an adult holds a pen with a particular agenda, he creates a web that could prevent a child from pursuing his path.

6arab I

Mixed media on canvas: Acrylics, enamel, silk paint, epoxy 150 cm x 150 cm - 2011

‌ Where music goes beyond lyrics and sound, to become a dance of the free soul.

6arab II Mixed media on canvas: Acrylics, silk paint, epoxy 130 cm x 160 cm - 2011

‌ Where music goes beyond lyrics and sound, to become an expression of the free soul.

Public Communication

Where are they now? Mixed media on canvas: Acrylics, enamel, silk paint, epoxy 130 cm x 160 cm - 2011


It was once said that Kuwait was the only country in the region where a commoner can become richer than the ruler. It was a state where merchants and people of different backgrounds and faiths can live in perfect harmony and balance. Mixed media on canvas mounted: Acrylics, enamel, silk paint, epoxy 110 cm x 125 cm - 2011

Stop, Think

Do we have to take a U-turn or create a new path? Mixed media on canvas: Silk Paint, Enamel 110 cm x 125 cm 2011


Once upon a time … not too long ago … “how are you?” Used to actually come from the heart.

Mixed media on canvas: Acrylics, silk paint, epoxy 130 cm x 160 cm - 2011

‫‪Samriya III‬‬ ‫نحت أنا لوأبرى‬ ‫نوح الحمامة‬ ‫نحت أنا لوبرى‬ ‫ما يطيق الصبرى‬ ‫يامل لقلب‬ ‫ما يطيق الصبرى‬ ‫وان طرى محبوبي‬ ‫يفز قلبي‬ ‫وان طرى محبوبي‬ ‫يانظير عيوني‬ ‫ودعتك اهلل‬ ‫يانظير عيوني‬ ‫ال اعبد اال اللي فوقي‬ ‫رب البرية‬ ‫ال اعبد اال اللي فوقي‬ ‫وان نطحني شوقي‬ ‫نذر عليه‬ ‫وان نطحني شوقي‬ ‫هللوا ياساده‬ ‫ثم اذكروا اهلل‬ ‫هللوا ياساده‬ ‫الصوم عامين‬ ‫ثم أعيد شهري‬ ‫الصوم عامين‬ ‫في منامه غافي‬ ‫حيث الحبيب‬ ‫في منامه غافي‬ ‫للحبيب وسادة‬ ‫الحط زندي‬ ‫للحبيب وسادة‬

‫‪Samriya II‬‬ ‫ياسعود بات من الشهر خمسة‬ ‫وعشرين‬ ‫ماشفت خلي‬ ‫خايف عليه من الخطر بين البساتين‬ ‫شرقي حولي‬ ‫خوفي يشوقه غرسهم والمنظر الزين‬ ‫ماي وظلي‬ ‫ما احلى قوامه لي مشى مابين اثنين‬ ‫واقبل يهلي‬ ‫نافل عليهم بالقدم والخشم والعين‬ ‫ردفه يتلي‬ ‫بيني زبينه نلتقي مابين عيدين‬ ‫واكبر غلي‬ ‫ياسعود مابصويحبي شي من الشين‬ ‫كود التغلي‬ ‫يرضى ويزعل صاحبي وإن زاد يومين‬ ‫ياخذ ويخلي‬

‫‪Samriya I‬‬ ‫يامتلف الروح لي ما تنظر لحالي‬ ‫الناس نامت وأنا عيني سهيرة‬ ‫يهل دمعي كما وبل الخيال‬ ‫من حر مابه حشاه مثل السعيره‬ ‫بغيت اصيده وأقول العذر تالي‬ ‫وأالقي الشر بوجوه شريره‬ ‫أشق ييبي إلي منه طرالي‬ ‫وأصير عقب الفرح ضايج حظيره‬ ‫قلت هال يا بعد من لي ومالي‬ ‫وش جاب الشر يا شال الذخيره‬ ‫راعي الهوى ال يهاب وال يبالي‬ ‫ليصار مجبور ما طاوع شويره‬ ‫بغيت لي ياهوا بالي توالي‬ ‫أنا بديرة ومحبوبي بديره‬ ‫اهلل ينوي للخل مانوا لي‬ ‫يامن يامن يعم الناس خيره‬ ‫أحمد ولي السما في كل حال‬ ‫والعسر واليسر شر وعابه كثيره‬

‫‪Mixed media on canvas: , enamel, silk paint, 100 cm x 100 cm - 2011‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


Finding joy used to be just outside the doorstep‌ Purity used to be the first impression before judgment‌

Mixed media on canvas: Enamel, silk paint, epoxy 110 cm x 220 cm - 2011

Visit Our Website

Hamad & Ali

Al Bariha - Video Art

Video Art: PAL, 4:3, Duration 1.29 min.

Giving Back to our Community A tale of Support 20% of all profits from the Reminiscing Kuwait II exhibition sales will be donated to Kuwait Dream Centre for Children with special needs. “We don’t not look at a nationality when a child is in need, we see a child who has special needs.” Dawn Jawhar

Kuwait Dream Centre is situated in the Khaldiya area of Kuwait city. We opened our doors in October 2007 offering a much needed centre to children with special educational needs. We have fast gained a reputation as one of Kuwait’s best Nurseries, we offer a well structured programme to children aged between 2/12 to 5/12 years old. The nursery caters to a number of cases; we have children with Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autistic children. As you may know the government of Kuwait is very generous with special needs children who are Kuwaiti. However Kuwait Dream Centre recognizes that every child has the right to improvement, it is our policy to focus on the strengths of a child never the weakness. We do not look at a nationality when a child comes to us, we see a child who has special needs. That’s why we decided that each year we will allocate ten children who are none Kuwaiti, a place at Dream Centre. We have children of Lebanese, Indian, and Egyptian nationalities; all other these children attend full time with full services such as speech, occupational and physical therapy sessions. Some of their families are extremely low income families we do not turn a child away provided we have a vacancy. We do however work throughout, to cover the costs of offering these ten children a place at the centre. We believe if we offer such children a place by the grace of Allah we will be guided. The centre also runs an afternoon programme for children again many none Kuwaiti children attend and many come free or for as little as 20KD, we do depend on donations in order to continue with our programmes, we have an open door policy and welcome any one at any time, to come and see the most wonderful happy children. Any donation is spent completely on the centre to improve the lives of those less fortunate. We look forward to hearing from you in the future. For more information please contact: Dawn Jawhar Director of Kuwait Dream Centre Mobile 99371758

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