Vision Magazine October 2010 Issue

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October Theme: Symbolism ®

cover art Shirley LeMire

1281 University Avenue, Suite G • San Diego, California 92103


vision café signs, symbols & dreams sol food


theatre notes from underground

greek to me cross my heart


reviews yoga from putamayo


ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions


holistic businesses jois yoga


mindstates kundalini yoga stoked and broke




visionary artist Shirley LeMire


viewpoint stop *effing yourself


holistic living symbolic eating karma and reincarnation

9 Voice 619.294.2393

866.804.8444 Fax 619.296.1910 e-mail: Executive Editor/Publisher Sydney L. Murray

Copy Editor

14-15 living arts leaders causing leaders

Shannon Nies

Graphic Design


sustainable living zapped


astrology october 2010 forecast


healing arts symbolism today transformational breath spirit mountain retreat center hot wax and broken glass

Nick Zetlmaier •

Intern Amanda Hinds

Contributing Writers Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses, Amanda Hinds, Sean Kenniff, M.D., Brennan Lagasse, Shannon Nies, Krishanti, Marlene Buffa, Dr. Joeseph Costa, Charles Knoill MD, Chandanni Miglino

Sales Sydney L. Murray, Vibhooti Kumar, Roger Martinsen, Julie Matzel, Terry Nielsen

24-27 features ghetto physics new visionaries 28

Listings: Online & Print Sales

community resources

November Theme: Gratitude

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Honors a Rite of Passage • Holistic & Earth Friendly • Alternative Approach Creates Healing & Closure • Increases Family Involvement

Serving San Diego Communities

Editors Note for our September 2010 issue: • In our September 2010 issue we had an incorrect website, the correct website for Nicole Grace’s new book Bodhisattva is • In our September issue we regret the placement of an ad for alternative funerals on the same page as Miracle Ranch West, which is a cancer survivors retreat center. www. • Amanda Hinds our Visionary Artist AmandaJeanHinds

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v i e w p o i n t obody knew it, but I had a huge their own efforts. For me it’s a combination *effing problem . . . of things: fear of success; fear of failure; That’s not easy to admit, insecurity; some guilty feelings; and a because to the outside observer, my life dash of complacency. After reviewing the looks pretty remarkable. I’m a doctor—a available science and analyzing countless neurologist—and a good one. I’m fit and acts of self-sabotage in my own life, I am thankfully healthy. I earn a handsome salary. now convinced that we all have an inner I starred on the nation’s number one television voice that is discouraging, distracting, show—the first season of Survivor—and demanding, and damaging. Some experts I have made guest appearances on many call this voice the “internal enemy,” and by other popular programs. I’ve met scores listening to this internal enemy, we engage of celebrities, movers, and shakers. I’ve in self-defeating behaviors. I was surprised appeared in a movie and acted in a soap to learn that self-sabotage provides some opera. Millions of Americans watched me emotional and psychological comforts; for each week as I reported important health one, it allows us to stay the same. Emotional news on a major television network, and growth requires change, and it is always by Sean Kenniff M.D. I had my own health advice column in a uncomfortable, and self-sabotage may be *eff (ef’) n. An act of self-sabotage.—v. To sabotage one’s prominent U.S. daily newspaper. I have my some sort of ego-preserving psychological own efforts. *eff•ed. own radio show. I’ve dated kind, spectacular, default setting. But you don’t have to listen and brilliant women. I have a wonderful to that internal enemy, and you can even *eff•ing (ef’ing) v.i. To be in the act of self-sabotage. family, devoted friends, and few—if any— change your internal enemy into an ally if —adj. Of or pertaining to an act of self-sabotage. enemies. And along the way I’ve managed you know how to do it. And that’s what Stop to change several lives—and I’ve saved a few *Effing Yourself is about. *eff•er (ef’r) n. A person who repeatedly engages in selftoo. Sounds pretty good, right? If my story sounds familiar to you, then sabotage. I hid my secret well. this book is going to be tremendously On the inside, things were very different. I had no idea how much money I had helpful. For my own personal struggle with self-sabotage, I scoured the scientific in the bank. I had no growing investments. I didn’t own my car or my home. I had literature and enlisted the help of renowned experts in health, personal finance, little savings. I owed the IRS some money—okay, make that a lot of money. My career building, relationships, and romance. The valuable insight and guidance romantic life was in shambles, and like many men I had no clue what I was doing I received is provided in the following chapters. Unlike other books written on wrong. I had stopped exercising. I was gaining weight. I spent too much time self-sabotage, Stop *Effing Yourself will help you recognize the patterns in your drinking beer with my buddies. My body was hurting in weird places. I wasn’t own life, identify the ten biggest *effing problems you might be making in key life sleeping well. I was unhappy and stressed a lot of the time. I felt like a fraud—a areas, and provide you with ten explicit *effing solutions. Stop *Effing Yourself is house of cards teetering on collapse. Every day I lived in fear that my inadequacies not just a self-help book—it is a how-to manual. would be discovered. Sooner or later someone would see my string, start pulling, Now let me ask you something . . . and I’d unravel like a spool of yarn. I was paralyzed by uncertainty and insecurity. In a nutshell, I felt miserable about myself. So I did what anybody would do—I Do You Have an *Effing Problem? watched a lot of Oprah. But my problem was way beyond Oprah’s powerful pickTo *eff is human. We all self-sabotage from me-ups; it was even beyond the tough talk of Dr. Phil. I was a world-class self- time to time, but some people do it more saboteur, and I was royally *effed. frequently and with more gusto than others. This was self-sabotage. These messes were mine. Self-sabotage guarantees failure. That does not I don’t know what triggered that revelation, but one day, after years of ignorance, mean that people who sabotage themselves it happened. I decided to take a personal inventory. It was an honest and unpleasant are failures; in fact, quite the opposite is true. analysis of who I was, what I wanted to be, and what I had become. From my early Many people with big *effing problems are twenties to my early thirties, I had accomplished a lot but had grown very little. My driven, intelligent, artistic, and thoughtful impulsive inner child was not only running my life but ruining it. Some people, people, but they just never complete those as Pablo Picasso famously did, can harness that inner child to create breathtaking critical final steps to lifelong success. bursts of artistry. But my inner child was, in fact, a problem child—and it was Acts of self-sabotage always prevent you turning me into a problem adult. from living up to your fullest potential, For years I chose to spend out of control, and I failed to save money or invest it achieving your goals, or manifesting your dreams. And like a disease, wisely. I chose to work long hours. I chose to put limits and strains on romantic self-sabotage spreads quickly, moving from one area of your life to the next. relationships. I failed to nurture important friendships. I failed to prioritize a Sabotaging your finances has an immediate impact on your career and family healthy diet and exercise plan. I chose stress over simplicity. I chose haplessness and life. Sabotaging your marriage strains relationships with children and other family helplessness over happiness. And time after time when I was given opportunities members, but it can also have an immediate impact on your bank account—just to improve my situation, I either failed to act, or I chose actions that would make ask any divorcé. For some, self-sabotage becomes a way of life. Their plans never it harder for me to achieve my goals. From the moment I had my revelation, it seem to work out because they are subconsciously working against themselves. So was clear: if I wanted to start living my dreams, I had to first stop living my how big are your *effing problems? delusions. And I needed to stop immediately. Visit online at www.hcibooks or Health Communications Inc. 3201 S.W. 15th There are many fascinating psychological theories on why people sabotage Street, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 or call 800.441.5569 or 954.360.0909.




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Symbolic Eating by Brennan Lagasse


low down. That’s right, slow down and look at what you are eating; taste it, chew it, then swallow. Anything that gives us energy is nourishing, and because all life needs food, what we choose to put in our bodies symbolizes our social reality. All too often in this age of fast food, mystery meat, and eating without thinking, we wolf down substances but have little thought as to what we are putting in our bodies. Food is a primary source of energy, but looking outward at how energy is fostered through the food we eat illuminates a holistic aspect of symbolism and eating habits. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer at a young age. I didn’t know at the time, but later in life he would tell me of a dramatic choice he was forced to make: roll the dice with an operation that had a 50/50 chance of success, or dramatically alter the way he eats and try to kill the tumor with diet. There were many years that I felt embarrassed when friends would come over and ask, “Why does your kitchen smell so weird?” I’d simply tell them, “My father’s a macrobiotic.” If that didn’t shut them up, I’d explain he was on a special diet to be healthier. As weird as it seemed, the smell of seaweed, soaking beans, the long time it took to make brown rice, and just the fact we ate brown rice was symbolic of the value my father had for life and regaining his health. All of these things were new to me, and while I thought it was kind of weird at first, I realized as I got older, not only did the food my father ate cure him of cancer, but it taught me an important lesson about the lasting and outward effects of symbolic behavior. I remained a “regular kid” growing up through adolescence and my teenage years, meaning I ate fake food like McDonald’s, but the small lessons I took away from my father’s change in eating habits and lifestyle stuck with me. He would get so excited about how he’d think I’d feel after I took a shot of wheatgrass, even though I would cringe at the thought of that bitter “juice” I was forced to shoot. But he was right. It did give me energy, and if the nutritional value was really as high as what he told me (it is), then why wasn’t I doing more of this? Slowly, because of the lessons of my father, I made a huge shift in my eating habits, which ultimately paved the way for me to not only develop a sense of my own food politics, but also a sense of how far-reaching the effects of my choice in eating habits goes towards nourishing myself, others, and the planet. I became, and remain, a pescatarian, but only in that I eat sustainably harvested seafood that’s wild for my meat, and do my best to eat responsible dairy products and the most locally and organically grown produce when available. Now, nothing’s perfect, especially for someone who consumes dairy and wild/sustainably harvested fish, but believing in what I eat is a very powerful feeling and a profound gift to the universe. Most importantly, the food I choose to purchase and consume is symbolic of how I wish to promote peace, justice, and sustainability in the world. Over time, I’ve questioned whether I should strive to be an organic vegan locavore, and at the same questioned if it’s okay to consume free-range chicken and grass-fed beef. I don’t mean to diverge too much into food politics right now, but rather wish to articulate that buying food and eating food that is good for me and good for the earth symbolizes how I wish to live on this planet—to live consciously in my surroundings by promoting well-being for all. Symbolic behavior and symbolism itself are powerful entities that come in many forms, but how many forms are quite as far-reaching as the food we eat? When I stopped looking at fast food as a treat, and instead saw it for what it was— fake food that tastes good for a second, but actually nourishes nothing—I realized that V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

h o l i s t i c h e a l t h it symbolized many things that I feel marginalize a high quality life. Even the most justice fueled argument for fast food, that it’s accessible to low-income individuals, falls flat when we realize that the more this false food is made readily available, the more it pollutes the humans who eat it and the animals and ecosystems that created it. So if low-income people eat a lot of it, who faces the brunt of the burden? As I started eating more nutritiously dense vegetables, and shifted in such a way that I started craving brown rice and even wheat grass, I realized not only was this good for my body, but these so-called healthier food choices had social, economic, and environmental benefits as well. I realized these newfound eating habits were symbolic to the fact that I am thankful for life and want to live in a state of health by taking care of the life I’ve been given. Thus, they symbolize my intent to live in a conscious and righteous way. Was I naïve growing up? Yes. But open and willing to change? Absolutely. I learned that most fake foods lack nutrition because they are highly processed (they include additives and preservatives that your body doesn’t need) and create impacts far beyond the simple act of digesting something that lacks any nourishing qualities. For example, feedlot cows are tortured their whole lives, living in confinement and forced to eat genetically modified corn they can’t even digest. Their feces collect on the lots, and when it rains, the runoff washes into nearby waterways, impacting water quality, wildlife, and drinking water supplies. The land they live on is trampled to the point where it can never return to its natural state, and their flatulence produces the highly potent greenhouse gas methane. By eating Atlantic Cod, my demand as a consumer promotes the loss of a species so overfished it could disappear in my lifetime. Even vegetables that are not organically grown or locally produced travel thousands of miles just so I can eat them, all the while adding to the perpetuation of climate change and pollution of agricultural fields and the people that harvest them. “Whoa,” was my general thought. I asked myself, “The reason my father is alive is because of the exact way he eats, which is simultaneously a lighter way to live on the earth, doesn’t add to the torture of animals, the pollution of waterways and agricultural

continued on page 39

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ho l i s t i c

h e a l t h

Karma and Reincarnation - An Inter view with Barbara Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

by Shannon Nies arbara Martin, co-founder of the Spiritual Arts Institute in Sunland, do. And the thing is, we’re already given the tools to accomplish it all. It’s our free California, says she has been clairvoyant since early childhood. Having will that gets in the way because we either get detoured or we’ve sometimes put our this special gift of seeing auras and remembering some of her past lives attention where we shouldn’t. VM: Why do you feel that certain people remember parts of past lives? has allowed her to help others on their spiritual journeys. Barbara has worked with BM: They draw from their subconscious. Some people are more connected with the institute’s co-founder and director, Dimitri Moraitis, for over 26 years. They offer classes, workshops, and seminars to share their metaphysical knowledge and their subconscious whereas others are not. DM: But it also must be said it’s Barbara’s clairvoyance skills that allow her to passion for guiding people towards spiritual and self-awareness. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to speak with Barbara and Dimitri. remember. They asked Gandhi about reincarnation, why don’t we remember past lives? I think he said it really best. He said it’s nature’s Here is the conversation that we shared: kindness. You don’t really need to remember the details of it because all you have to do is look at your qualities Vision Magazine: What is reincarnation? right now. You were born out of your past. Your talents, Barbara Martin: Reincarnation means that you live your strengths, your weaknesses—they were all forged lifetime after lifetime. In other words, you don’t live just somewhere there. one life and that’s the end, but you go on to more lifetimes, There’s a beautiful story in the book about a woman and you come back because of the law of cause and effect. that came to Barbara, and she eventually confessed that Reincarnation is going on from time immemorial. she had murdered her husband. He was extremely cruel Dimitri Moraitis: It’s sometimes because of the law to her and the children, beating them up all the time and of necessity. The idea is that we go through numerous not giving them any money, practically starving them. It physical forms to gradually perfect ourselves, and haunted her, and Barbara worked with her for two years. hopefully we’re learning from each of these lives. We In the beginning she kept saying, I had no choice; I had might lose this physical shell, but our soul goes on, and to do it. Of course, she did have a choice, and that’s what Barbara’s trying to say— we will sort of gain another one later on from more experiences. we always have a choice. What happened was, rather than alleviating the karma, VM: How does this process of reincarnation really work? DM: It’s not happening by itself. There’s a miraculous unseen support she now compounded it. She’ll have to face that man again in a future life. VM: Your subtitle is “Unlocking Your 800 Lives to Enlightenment.” What do system that’s going on with each of us right now, and the minute you talk about reincarnation, of course you have to ask the question, okay, where are we? We pass the 800 lives symbolize? DM: It’s a mystical term. There was an equation that the mystics came up on from this life. The point is that this life does go on, and actually we’re familiar with this. with, which was 777. It’s an approximation; basically what it’s saying is it takes We just don’t remember it. Part of the gift that Barbara has is she brings back about 800 cycles through the Earth plane to fully mature the soul. The beginning conscious memories of these travels. So what happens is there is a journey that stages, about the first 200 lifetimes, are basically in the instinctual levels. We’re each of us goes through, and it’s remarkably similar [to] when we cross over. First just learning to understand what it’s like in physical life, and we’ve gone through of all, we have to be told that we died, and for some people that have not had any those types of experiences, very primitive lifetimes, but yet beautiful in their own of this training, it’s a big shock to find out that not only are they still “alive,” but way. And then there’s a stage of the intellectual development, and this is very important they’re in a form that’s very recognizable. We’re taken to a place on the other side where we actually get to see the life because at a certain point, God gave us our high mind, our ability to really be we lived, but from a very objective light, not our subjective way of remembering, self-aware. Once we got our intellectual level, our free will kicked in. When we but sort of the way God remembers. If it’s a beautiful experience, we’ll probably are shown our book of life, we’re going to be shown our actions according to our remember just how beautiful it was, and if it’s not so good, then it’ll hurt a little motives, so this is where karma was created. There’s an approximate cycle of 500 lifetimes in that intellectual level because there’s so much there. But at some point, bit because we’ll realize, gosh, did I really do that? We’re all looking for happiness and satisfaction in our life, but there is absolutely and no matter how smart or clever we are, no matter how rich we are, no matter nothing more satisfying than to know we came here and finished what we came to how many things we’ve achieved on this Earth, we’re going to start asking about the meaning of life. To awaken that spiritual part of us, it takes approximately another 100 lifetimes. It’s not one specific number; it’s like a many-faceted beautiful jewel. We fashion


continued on page 46

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g r e e k

Cross My Heart

t o

m e

here are many transitions to be negotiated if assured him that I’d be back. © 2010 Greek to Me you are lucky enough to burrow your way into The next morning when Reilly and I were having middle-age. I surrendered the obvious big breakfast he asked me if I was going to reconnect with by Michael Raysses issues early on. For instance, I’ve long since given up Penn at the bar any time soon. Without a moment’s trying to be actively cool in favor of not making a fool of hesitation, I said no. When he why, I reminded Reilly myself. And I don’t even feign knowing who the latest that I was from Gary, Indiana—what could I possibly hot actors and musicians are, something that happened have in common with Sean Penn? Bewildered, he shook around the time I pronounced ‘Beyonce’ so that it his head and said nothing more. rhymed with ‘séance.’ But I still envision being sharp. The years passed, Reilly’s star ascended; he became You know, smart. So I would like to tell you that when I John C. Reilly. Unfortunately, over time he no longer sat down to write this piece I seized on an approach that returned my calls and we lost touch. Though that involved 19th century French art and literature, but I pained me on many levels, I thought of him awhile ago didn’t. I came up with “Ben Casey”. It was a sixties TV when my chain broke. show whose opening titles consisted of a hand drawing Unlike Reilly, when I moved to Los Angeles to pursue the symbols for man, woman, birth, death, and infinity on a chalkboard, while a voice an acting career and for many years after, I was chained to an image of who I was. And intoned the same. The symbols foreshadowed the show’s ambit, which was how I that image became real as the cross that dangled from my neck. The tragedy is that the became a huge fan of symbols. They did the heavy lifting. Which only led me to chain bound me to a frozen picture of who I‘d been, keeping me from being someone appreciate phrases and gestures that packed symbolic meaning. And the one I most I might have become. readily embraced was when I crossed my heart after speaking to signify that I had just When the chain broke, it became relegated to hanging from my bulletin board, told an unimpeachable truth. It was gesture that came to be embodied in a gold cross affording me a distance that has only improved my vision. Ironically, the chain that I wore around my neck. breaking has made it easier to release the cross of my dated ways as I embrace a new The cross was a gift from my Mother. It’s an amalgam of the Greek letters alpha and kind of symbol—a brilliant opportunity to become an unchained version of the me omega, interwoven with the Orthodox cross itself. Symbolically, the alpha represents that is long overdue. I would really enjoy that—cross my heart. the beginning, the omega represents the end, and the cross everything in between. My love for it was heightened because that it hung from a chain given to me by a Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator. Email him at MichaelRaysses@hotmail. dear childhood friend. It was masculine yet ornate. When my Mother gifted me, the com. cross, the chain, and I all merged. And I found it only fitting that as the cross hung from the chain, it rested directly over my heart. Beyond its beauty, though, I embraced it because it represented things I believed in: family, friends, and a higher power. Which was all well and good. That is, until I had occasion to see it in a new light. to your body. Many years ago, Reilly, an actor friend of mine from Chicago, was in town filming a movie. He called from his hotel to join him for dinner. While we were there, his They just like each other.® phone rang—it was Sean Penn, who called to invite him out to dinner. Having just worked together on a film, he was instrumental in helping Reilly get established as an Study with a Master, Learn from the Best actor. Reilly hung up, and told me we were going out to dinner with Penn. Tibetan Yoga: We met at a famous Hollywood eatery. We arrived early, initially getting Los 10/9 with Jin Lian-Hua Angeles’ version of the Bum’s Rush, a social loop-de-loop in which someone ignores YOGA OF JOY you by looking right through you. However, that vanished the instant Penn arrived. As HOW TO CALM DOWN Even If You’re if by magic, we were escorted to the best table in the restaurant. The same people who did barrel rolls to avoid Reilly and me now hovered like hummingbirds to attend our Absolutely Nuts 10/24 with Fred Miller every need. This was my first tutorial in Hollywood’s social algebra: A non-celebrity + 2010-2011 Yoga Teachers' Training: A Celebrity = a Celebrity by Association. Reilly and I were special now, too. rs 300-Hou rly Later, we adjourned to Penn’s favorite watering hole, where a torrent of dignitaries 200 and 300 Hour Master Classes r a u te all stopped by to greet him. It was surreal. Cultural icons, sports figures, and artists of Offered Q begins r various levels of accomplishment, all paraded by us to chat with Penn. 200-Hou , 2011 y r a Now up to that point, he and Reilly had done most of the talking. I was content just bru 5 Introduce YOU to Your Inner Master! Fe taking things in. That changed, though, when Penn told a story in which he’d gotten into a high-speed chase involving the police. When the cops finally apprehended him, New Student Special: 10 Classes in 10 Days for $30! they treated him brusquely, which shocked him. Incredulous, I asked him what he With this Ad...Can you do it? expected; he looked stunned. I had friends who were cops, and they told me the hardest part of chasing someone was when the chase was over. Confronting the perpetrator For workshops, register online, by phone or drop by. was frightening because they didn’t know what they were going to have to deal with. YOGA AT THE VILLAGE 1306 Sonora (at Kenneth Rd.) Surprisingly, when I explained this to Penn, he understood. From that point on, he opened up to me a lot more. So much so, later in the wee hours of the morning when Glendale, CA 91201 • 818-265-9833 • we parted ways, he invited me back to the bar anytime I was in the neighborhood. I

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Ask the

the center of yourself, perhaps through meditation, and yet keep moving forward, you will be safe. I also think that the metaphor of the forest is that you “can’t see the forest through the trees” in this transition. However, the lushness of the trees may represent that prosperity is coming from having ventured forth from all that was safe in your previous foundation. Just keep listening inside daily for what step to take next.

LifeQuake™ Doctor Dr. Toni Galardi


utumn is officially here. As someone who coaches people on the fear of change, I love the fall. The green leaves turn such brilliant colors as they die. Isn’t that a great metaphor for life? We are always in the process of dying every moment of our lives. The question is, do we live and die expressing our full passion in our work and relationships? In keeping with my own philosophy, I decided to move to Northern California because I always felt so joyous here. What change can you make that would bring greater color to your lives? What can you do to live each day to the fullest and without regret? Dear Dr. Toni: I have been following your column for a couple of years now, and I noticed on your website that you do dream interpretation. I don’t have the money to do phone coaching with you, but I have had this dream I wondered if you could interpret: I am approaching a forest-like place, but as I get closer, a tornado surrounds me. At first I am frightened, but it seems to move with me as I move toward the trees. As I turn around and look behind me, my house has been destroyed. I keep moving and the tornado does not hurt me. When I go into the forest, it disappears. What do you think? Dismayed in Berkeley Dear Reader: I do love working with people’s dreams. Dreams are a great vehicle for preparing for change. Dreams that involve natural disasters can often portend great changes in one’s life. Without knowing anything about your “day life,” I would say this: Your home may symbolize your foundation and security. The fact that it was destroyed but the tornado didn’t touch you is significant. As you know, the eye of the tornado is often very peaceful, so if you go into

Dear Dr. Toni: I am a divorced, single mother with two sons. I have my own business and do not go to bars. I am probably the last holdout in women my age who have not done Internet dating. Because I have children, I question how safe it is to have men know my phone number and where I live. What do you think about this activity for women who live alone with children? Deborah H. Dear Reader: Dating, period, is a crapshoot. Obviously, it is helpful to be introduced by a friend, but the chances are slim of that happening very often. Even if you meet someone in a class or at an event, you never know about people until you spend some time with them. My advice is to get an answering service where people can leave messages in cyberspace. They cost about $11 a month. If you don’t want them to have your number, many Internet dating services have systems where you could communicate without your number being shown. Meet them away from your home and give out very little information until you feel comfortable that this is someone you want to see again. However, I also would suggest that you release all fear and pre-conceived ideas about doing this new adventure. If you bring fear and paranoia to each date, you will draw out the worst in people. Internet dating gives you an opportunity to cast a wide net across the world. Be very specific in what you are looking for, and share your authentic interests and a picture that most looks like who you are now. Good luck! Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, public speaker, and author of The LifeQuake Phenomenon: How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval. She can be reached through her website for speaking opportunities at or for phone consultation at 310.712.2600.



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Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training and Free Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath Events


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nown as a profoundly transformational, unique course that shifts people’s lives to be happier and healthier, this Kundalini Yoga course teaches posture refinement and how to meditate and relax deeply so that you sleep better. This training process will teach you how to build strength and flexibility with a daily commitment to yourself. It also provides you with the knowledge and inspiration to create a simple, yogic lifestyle that will help you maintain your physical body, peace of mind, and a connection to your soul. Graduates of this eight-month training and immersion course have much to say about their life-changing experiences. Liza, a graduate of the program says, “This is one of the most profound experiences of my life.” Another graduate, Erin, says of the program, “Because of this course I am the calmest and happiest I have ever been.” The yoga training course is fully certified by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) and the Yoga Alliance. This KRI certification program is being brought to the San Diego area for the third year by a host of senior teachers trained by Yogi Bhajan, the Master of Kundalini Yoga. The training equally benefits beginners, experienced yogis, and teachers from other traditions. Yoga is the original and master self-help system in its holistic completeness, its goals of self-mastery, and its ability to produce consistent results: people with strength of body, mind, and spirit living happily in this intense world. In the free Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath events, senior trainers will give an introduction to this vast system that can enhance one’s life. You will experience the magnificence of the Gong, an ancient healing instrument that does the meditation for you. It is an experience not to be missed. The Level 1 Kundalini Yoga teacher training will begin on October 30 at the San Dieguito Masonic Center. Visit for complete training information. The free Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath events will take place on October 9, 16, and 29 at Yoga Oasis, Ginger’s Garden, and San Dieguito Masonic Center, respectively. Find more information about the events at www.yogamurrieta. com and contact Atma at or 951.696.9063 x105 to reserve your space.



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photo by Bruce Jamieson Jr.

Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, teaches Matrix Energetics©, a consciousness technology for insight, spiritual growth and living a life unbound by the limits we have been trained to believe in. Teachable & transferable, Matrix Energetics© is accessible to everyone, from a ten-year old child to a medical professional. During this lifechanging weekend, we will learn the art of rewriting any rule of your reality about your health, your happiness, or even your understanding of what is physically possible.


t was a warm Thursday evening, and over 350 people filed into the historical La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas for a very special premiere. There were no black dresses, no suits, and no ties. Everyone was Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, has helped welcomed for who they were, whether it be in flip-flops or t-shirts. thousands of people since founding Matrix The premiere was for “Stoked and Broke,” a documentary written and directed by 27-year-old Emmy Award Energetics©. He is the author of Matrix Energetics: The winning producer and surfer Cyrus Sutton and featuring 21-year-old surfer and board designer, Ryan Burch. Science and Art of Transformation (Atria Books/Beyond Words), The Matrix Energetics Experience (Sounds True), Making their own bamboo rickshaws to carry their boards, and a few make-shift supplies, Sutton and Burch and The Physics of Miracles (Atria Books/Beyond Words). set out on a 30 mile, eight day walk down the San Diego coast. “You don’t have to go halfway around the world to have fun,” says Sutton. “You can have a great time with everything that is around us. It’s just [a matter of] Seattle, WA opening our eyes.” What originated as a minimalist surfing journey to find happiness in their own backyards turned into a search for the fine line between freedom and alienation. Levels 1 & 2: December 3 - 6, 2010 With no money in their pockets, Sutton and Burch resorted to panhandling, selling oranges and sage, and Practitioner Certification December 7, 2010 collecting cans. Through personal stories of travelers they met on the road, Sutton and Burch learned that Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport while the ocean can warm one’s heart, it can result in loneliness, an inability to build human relationships, and being distant from society. Upcoming Seminars: More than just a surf film, “Stoked and Broke” focuses on the responsibility each individual has in society and how human relationships are the core of our being. According to Sutton, the message is about being positive San Francisco, CA and sharing passions with other people. “Don’t keep them inside,” he says. “It’s our only responsibility in this Levels 1 & 2: January 28 - 31, 2011 life to share, because the more you share the more you are giving, and then it’s never ending that way”. Level 3: February 2 - 3, 2011 A native of Orange County, Sutton grew up in the height of 80s consumerism. “I used to wake up in the middle of the night with these nightmares at 5 a.m. The world was ending and San Diego, CA I was out of luck, because all I’ve ever known how to do in my life is buy and sell things,” says Sutton. “So Level 4: February 25-28, 2010 it was kind of this dooms day thing, this fear. I need to learn to be self-sufficient, I need to learn to actually make something or do something in my life, to make myself more powerful.” Knowing that there was more Scottsdale, AZ out there than ‘things,’ Sutton immersed himself into prolonged minimalist excursions that gave him insight into a world where happiness comes from everything around us. Levels 1 & 2: March 11-14, 2011 Sutton began his film career at the young age of 19, starting with Riding Waves. Other surf-related films he produced include Under the Sun and Tom’s Creation Plantation. At 23 he won an Emmy for his film, A Tsunami 1.800.269.9513 Relief Story, and his recent project, Korduroy TV, was voted the best surf blog in the world by Surfer Magazine’s WWW.MATRIXENERGETICS.COM “Battle of the Blogs.” According to Sutton, Korduroy TV is trying to teach people to spend less and surf more. “It’s do-it-yourself surfing,” says Sutton. “It’s re-empowering surfers. We have become such a consumer society, even surfers, somebody who gets their energy out in the ocean for free. So many people think they need to have the board shorts or the surf board. I just want to re-empower surfers to make the most of the ocean that is around them”. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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m i n d s t a t e s When Sutton is not working on his films or updating Korduroy TV, he takes to the waves. “Surfing is something that helps me enjoy my life on land even more,” he says. His future plans are to continue filming and creating. “This is an amazing time to be an artist because all the money is gone and for me it’s just all about the love. It’s been a really fun experience. I just want to continue making more and more—just expressing what it is that is going on in my head and sharing it with everyone.” Burch is also an outstanding surfer, focusing on breaking boundaries and exploring areas of surfing no one has yet discovered. While some surfers are money and power hungry, Burch is riding waves and teaching himself how surfboards move through the water by surfing numerous different boards. He remembers going to La Paloma Theatre as a child to see surf films—now he is in them. “I live my life around it. I don’t really worry about too much else,” Burch says. “This is so much fun right now. I’m just happy to sit back and enjoy it. It’s been a dream.” These two young men are prime examples of “stoked” individuals. As shown in the film, both Sutton and Burch are broke, but they still find time to do what they love

Amanda Hinds without being irresponsible. Throughout this film, lessons are learned and taught, and people are brought to realizations about their lives. This film is for the whole family; men, women, children, surfers, and non-surfers will all enjoy this heartfelt journey in search of happiness and life-changing experiences. For more information on Sutton and Burch, visit and make sure to catch their new film, “Stoked and Broke.” Amanda Hinds is a graduate from Kent State University with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications. She is currently a design intern at Vision Magazine and has created cover art for several issues as well as page designs for the magazine. AmandaJeanHinds. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Pe a c e a n d C o n n e c t i o n T h r o u g h M u s i c An Inter v iew w ith L ar i sa Stow by Shannon Nies


arisa Stow is one of many who will be speaking at the Leaders Causing Leaders Conference this November. She and other speakers will be sharing their incredible experiences, advice, and passion for the possibility of making positive changes in our world. It is about awakening the leader and visionary within ourselves. As one who is passionate about closing the bridge between different people and cultures, Larisa is a leader and visionary who will inspire others to follow her lead. Here is the conversation that I had with this truly inspiring woman: Vision Magazine: How does music really bring people and different cultures together? Larisa Stow: Music is a vibration. It takes you into an energy, a vibrational energy. So when people listen to music, when they experience music together, it’s literally everybody getting on, let’s say, a space ship together. They’re going on a journey together because it takes you in a similar vibrational frequency. So it doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter where you are on the planet; music is a vortex. VM: Do you feel that there is really this special oneness of all humans, that deep

down we desire all the same things? LS: I totally believe with every cell in my body that we are one, this meaning that we appear in form, but at the deepest level, we are just these atoms that are held together by magnetism. And the whole universe is held together by magnetism. Those are all interconnected; there’s nothing that happens in one part of the world that doesn’t affect the other part of the world. We’re all interconnected. Kind of like a tree in a sense, like the banyan tree where the roots are going all over, underneath the earth, and connecting and creating other banyan trees. And they look like they’re all separate banyan trees, and yet they’re all interconnected. It’s the same tree. I truly believe that we are one organism and different expressions of one organism. Personality-wise, no, I think we’re very different. But on a soul level, I think it’s the same. We all want the same thing: we all want love. We all want to love and to be loved, and we all hunger for connectedness. VM: How do you integrate other cultures into your music? LS: There’s different ways. One is, bringing in the sounds. I have an affinity for the East, for India and also Middle Eastern sounds. But even more so than that, vibrationally. There’s a vibration of connecting to different cultures and feeling different cultures and bringing them into the music.

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“The world’s going to transform if we all really step into it”

Synergistic presents

THE PRESENCE OF BREATH with Judith Kravitz and the work of Michael Brown

“Discover the two integrative tools that will change your life”

—Larissa Stow

Experiential weekend of insight and awareness into a deeper understanding of yourself and your world

VM: Could you explain what “spiritual kirtans” are? LS: Kirtan just literally means “call and response,” and the word originates from Hindu culture. And it’s a form of music. So if I sing something, then you sing it back to me. What I love about it is it just creates audience participation. It puts everybody in a place that creates rapport, VM: How long have you been involved with music, and what got you interested in the kind of music that you create now? LS: I’ve always loved music, ever since I was a kid. It’s the first thing I notice when I walk into supermarkets and when I go into other countries…the first thing I notice is their music. I’ve always been drawn to it, really feeling that it is universal. When I was really young, my dad taught himself how to play sitar, and we had tablas in the house…and my mom had a tambura. So I was exposed to those sounds, and my dad also played with Ravi Shankar, and I loved it. I just loved, loved, loved the sounds of India. I think my whole life I hungered to integrate those sounds into my songwriting, which I did eventually. In the beginning I was just a straight ahead pop/ rock solo artist/singer/songwriter. I really explored that. I was in the whole club scene, won the Singer/Songwriter of the Year through the Los Angeles Music Awards. And then after 9/11, that’s when everything shifted for me, and I was like that’s it, I’m incorporating sounds from different parts of the world because I wanted to create this feeling of connectedness within myself and also offer that up to those around me. VM: On your website, your bio says that you have certain “peace projects.” Are those just your peace prayers, or do you have other ways of spreading that peace? LS: The biggest thing that I’m doing that is really cool is I co-founded a non-profit called the Shakti Tribe Foundation. We go into prisons and jails, halfway houses, and detention centers and do peace concerts. I do follow-up workshops with the men and women after the peace concerts. It’s about tapping and touching into them and igniting that part of them that can make a difference in their own lives and the community around them. It’s so much fun. I just was there at Terminal Island prison last week on Friday, working with the men and sharing music, and giving them some tools to access the peace within themselves. And the whole band’s going to go back. We have another concert on October 24 there. I feel very, very passionate about that. That’s one of the things that I’m going to speak about at the Leaders Causing Leaders conference, looking at where in your life you have suffering or you had suffering and something that you’ve overcome to a certain degree and then go out and lead from that place. My coach in life, Martha Beck, calls it ‘Go to Hell.’ So wherever you went

4 powerful Transformational Breathing Sessions Introduction to The Presence Process and book Never before seen footage of Michael Brown talking about The Presence Process Profound changes at the causal level

Transformational Breath® with Judith Kravitz Judith is a Dr of Metaphysics, ordained minister, mother of eight and founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation. Author of “Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly”. She healed a cancerous growth on her throat with breathing, 33 years ago, has since trained thousands of individuals to empower themselves. She now travels the world sharing this amazing process. DATES November 20-21 - PLACE: Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California - COST $400 or $375 registration before 10/1 - CONTACT Jessica at Times 9-1 , 3-6

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We live in a world that is being bombarded by electrical impulses that control our computers, phones, cars and homes. What kind of effect do these EMFs (electro-maganetic frequencies) have on our bodies and our minds? Ann Louise Gittleman offers startling truths about these invisible hazards of the 21st century. by Sydney L. Murray Vision Magazine: What are symptoms include breaks in DNA, the activation of stress proteins or heat shock the effects of electromagnetic proteins, and aberrations of chromosomes. energy on our mind? Brain function changes from ELF [extremely low frequency] magnetic fields Ann Louise Gittleman: affect both melatonin and neurotransmitter levels, leading to sleep disorders, With the advent of the light anxiety, brain fog, depression, headaches, memory loss, and learning impairment. bulb over a century ago Most disturbing of all, The Swedish National Institute for Working Life found and current technological that people using cell phones for 2,000 cumulative hours had a 240 percent advancements, artificial elec- increased risk for malignant tumors on the side of head where they usually held tromagnetic fields (EMFs) their phone! now expose us to microwave EMFs are proving no less dangerous to other parts of our bodies. Cardiac and radio frequency radiation, symptoms of electro sensitivity include arrhythmias, fast or slow heart rate, and which have very negative effects palpitations. Respiratory symptoms like chronic bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis on our minds as well as our may be indications that you are electromagnetically sensitive. Neurological entire bodies. These insidious symptoms include seizures, dizziness, fatigue, tingling, tremors, and altered effects include major changes reflexes. Even seemingly unrelated symptoms like enlarged thyroids, dryness of in cellular communication and the mouth, eyes, dehydration, unusual thirst, nosebleeds, and ringing of the ears even alterations in brainwave activity. Studies have shown that wireless technologies have been associated with electro smog. like cell phones and cordless phones, which produce microwaves, can increase the The reality is that stealth or subliminal EMF stress, coming in under our permeability of the blood brain barrier resulting in changes in brain chemistry intellectual radar but picked up by the body’s internal antenna, can cause any due to the movement of substances in and out of the brain. Other EMF related number of serious health problems, boosting inflammation [and] raising the level of stress hormones (think cortisol) and blood sugar. In fact, a new type of diabetes, known as Type 3, has been linked to electro pollution. Chronic heartburn and acid reflux—risk factors for esophageal cancer—are just two of the many more serious symptoms of electro sensitivity syndrome. VM: What are the three top contributors of electronic pollution? AG: While there is really no way to actually quantify electro pollution because it has become so pervasive, I think that the number one contributor to electro Video and Multimedia Advertising pollution—so often overlooked—is electricity itself. This includes “dirty electricity,” which is defined as high frequency transients in our power lines caused by computers, dimmer switches, fax machines, copiers, energy efficient lighting TELL YOUR STORY like compact fluorescent lights, equipment that uses capacitors, switching devices, ADVERTISE IN A NEW WAY! and transformers. From the outside, dirty electricity can be carried inside through electrical wires or through ground rods or plumbing. And dirty electricity can According to the Wharton School of Business, ACKAGES: also enter your home, school, or office building through power lines from nearby Video/DVD brochures increase memory Basic properties. The second top contributor would be microwave emitting cell towers, retention by approximately 50% and expedite ·Full HD package; antennas, and phones. Third is probably microwave radiation from Wi-Fi with buying decisions by 72%. equipped with lighting which we are becoming blanketed with. if needed VM: What do you do on a daily basis to minimize electronic pollution? Through the expertise of our video, internet and AG: As an electro sensitive “canary” myself and one who had a benign parotid ·30-60 second video design teams we can, at an affordable price, reach gland tumor which studies have related to excessive cell phone use, I first made my ·3-4 hour video shoot those target customers you need to further your home environment as Zap-proof as possible. While doing research for the book, ·6-8 hour edit business. I hired a home and office remediation expert to assess my home environment for ·minimal graphics all types of pollutants—including EMFs. [We] had very high EMF readings in Packages beginning at the low price of $999.99 ·HD camera the master sleeping area and the home office where I spend over eight hours a and vary including: video, graphic design and soday. At the expert’s suggestion, we repainted both the master bedroom and the cial networking. home office with a special radio frequency (RF) shielding black paint, and then repainted the room and also installed a special RF tent over the bed. We installed a More packages available upon request! dedicated connection to an earthing rod for our grounding sheets and also covered all the electrical wiring in my office with a special shielding material. We also had to disable the wireless router…because of exceptionally high readings from

A New Book by Ann Louise Gittleman






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“internally sourced radio wave pollution.” We also replaced every phone in the house with old-fashioned corded ones. As it turned out, one of the phones…was actually a cordless DECT phone, which emitted a continually high amount of RF. I installed special filters to protect against the high levels of dirty electricity that were found in every room of the house, especially the exercise area and, of course, the bedroom! I also follow my own advice that I have written about in the dietary sections of Zapped. I take Ultra H-3 on a daily basis, which strengthens the cellular membranes, eat a high antioxidant diet that features artichokes, blueberries, cranberries, olive oil, tart cherries, wild-caught fish, [and] whey protein powder, and use exotic fruits like açai in my smoothies. I am a big artichoke lover, especially after learning that artichokes contain silymarin, which increases the body’s production of glutathione and SOD, the liver’s premier antioxidant and key enzyme diminished by EMF exposure. VM: Are there different health conditions in countries with modern infrastructure and those with more simple living conditions? AG: Some European countries (particularly the EU and Germany, where cell phone use and research has been going on for decades) are beginning to cut back on Wi-Fi and other forms of electro pollution. The National Library of France recently announced that it would dismantle wireless in its libraries, and the Paris library system has already done so. Consumers around the world have aggressively protested the proliferation of cell and wireless towers. In countries like Ireland and Spain, citizens have bulldozed these towers, while others have cheered them on. In this country, sadly, there is largely a deafening silence in terms of the health effects from EMFs. VM: Since our heart is electrical, how does it fair with electronic pollution? AG: Looking at cardiovascular health alone, EMFs adversely impact cholesterol, raising bad (LDL) cholesterol, while affecting heart rate, raising blood pressure, and reducing the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart. The constant stealth stress of electro pollution also elevates levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, as well as cholesterol and inflammation—all of which can lead to heart attack and stroke. Some researchers have also found a substantial increase in heart attacks, embolisms, and strokes among people living near cell towers. VM: How can we detoxify our homes? AG: I believe that the best way to detoxify your home is to know exactly what you are up against and how to easily measure the frequencies. Zapped provides a basic EMF quiz as well as detailed advice for electronic feng shui in terms of

s u s t a i n a b l e l i v i n g furniture placement, the right meters, filters, and other techniques—from the healthiest lighting to the safest hair dryers and baby monitors—that reduce all types of electro pollution in the home or the office. The book’s Resource Guide includes both EMF detection and mitigation devices that anyone can use to lower their exposure to the biologically active frequencies that are creating sleep disorders, body aches, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, diabetes, memory loss, and premature aging. VM: Do you believe that children should use cell phones? AG: No! Research finds that children’s brains absorb twice as much radiation from these phones as adult brains. Not only do youngsters have thinner skulls and smaller heads than adults, but their brains also continue developing during childhood and adolescence only increasing their risk. A starting Swedish study shows that young people are five times more likely to get brain tumors if they use a cell phone before they are 20. One study finds that a cell phone call lasting only two minutes can cause brain hyperactivity that lasts up to an hour in children. Our kids are also being chronically exposed in schools, libraries, malls, hotels, restaurants, and other public places that use wireless. VM: How can we protect ourselves? AG: Zapped offers many practical tips for protecting you and your family from the dangers of EMFs. Since most people aren’t going to give up their electronic and digital appliances, it’s important to know how to use them safely. For instance, getting a corded landline instead of using a cell or cordless phone can substantially reduce exposure. Text, rather than talk, if you must use a mobile device. Keep your laptop off your lap to protect your reproductive organs. Only have CT scans and X-rays when they’re absolutely necessary. Unplug all electrical equipment in your bedroom. Disable your wireless router or replace it entirely with a wired one. Sleep continued on page 39

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october b y


A d r i e n n e

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Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or (See her ad at the bottom of the page)

Aries: Star (King of Swords) 3/21-4/19 Faith is an enigma, not a concept to be intellectually understood. Because it is abstract, you must let go of the need for an explanation and trust the symbolic meaning. Give your mind a focus that does not involve the future or past; allow it to channel the impressions it naturally absorbs, then simply observe. As you become the master of your mind, you will live in the moment with acceptance and curiosity, not judgment and fear. A tough situation around the 20th will require more than a cool strategy. Before executing solutions, sit with the dilemma and see what unfolds. Taurus: Hierophant (Knight of Wands) 4/20-5/21 Your urge to break from the norm might conflict with your need to preserve the status quo. Ask yourself if this stimulus could be a meaningful factor in your personal growth. Excitement is paramount when you are on the verge of change, so take note of these seemingly erratic impulses. They whisper of truth, no matter how absurd they sound. Take small risks and do things reason tells you are fine, but worry wants you to avoid, such as sharing your opinions or reaching higher in your career. It’s likely that this month will mark the beginning of a goal set in motion. Gemini: Emperor (8 of Swords) 5/22 – 6/21 In a primitive sense, trying to control circumstances and people may offer you a temporary feeling of safety. However, with awareness, you will learn that you can only truly control your responses and reactions, and that what you focus your energy on dictates the quality of your interaction with life. Where you’re currently feeling trapped, you might ask yourself whether you’re directing your energy efficiently or relinquishing your power to an excuse, an outside influence, a mindset, or a fear. The challenge is not in acquiring power, but in directing it and accepting responsibility for all that you create. Cancer: Judgment (7 of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22 Getting beyond illusions is probably one of the hardest lessons in life. Similarly, continuously searching for pleasant experiences only leads to a path of longing. To live in balance is to acknowledge what is without needing to avoid or cling. Freedom is awaiting you when you’re willing to let go of fantasies. The euphoria of life is to be fully present to pure experience without being captured by it. Be real about the quality of your life. As you focus on more meaningful matters, you become more available to live—come what may. Leo: Lovers (6 of Pentacles) 7/23 – 8/23 Relationships are the perfect mirror for pointing out values, strengths, and weaknesses. Notice how what you admire in another is also something you want or value. It’s also true, although not as easily accepted, that what is disliked in others often reflects unsavory aspects in you. To a degree, people reflect back to you the self-image you have created. As you judge them, you also subconsciously judge yourself. Look closely at your relationships for the underlying dynamic. You may discover that you are more involved with a projection or expectation of that person than with the actual person. Issues regarding fairness will likely prompt a heated discussion. Virgo: Magician (8 of Pentacles) 8/24 – 9/22 You’re full of unrecognized potential, simmering over with capabilities that are unknown, yet somehow familiar. As you gravitate to areas that ignite your passion, you will diligently perfect your skills. Through focused energy, you’re able to develop these talents and fully express yourself. Your unique flair can be put to good use when refined through further study or practice. This is a great time to begin cultivating this gift and imagining how you might earn something for it. You are the master of your own providence, and as you become aligned with this truth, you’ll actualize your greatest dreams.

Libra: Temperance (5 of Wands) 9/23 – 10/23 As you know, life is about balance, which is not to say that differences are unimportant or that there’s a universal right and wrong. The totality of life experience is born out of the tension of opposites, but when you’re accepting and open, you have more clarity for resolution of that tension. The art to creating balance requires your discernment and flexibility amidst a constant state of change. There’s always room for adjustment if you’re willing to compromise. The struggles you’re experiencing can be resolved with a dose of compassion and creativity. If you feel blocked, find another route. Scorpio: Devil (7 of Pentacles) 10/24 – 11/22 It’s dangerous to become a slave to your attachments or to measure your worth by possessions or status, just as it’s dangerous to assume others judge you by what you do or have. Aren’t you tired of preserving something that is artificial? Wouldn’t you like to shatter this image? Something heavy in life is dulling your natural spark. You’ve become more concerned with what you do than who you are, and this has you chained to an illusion. Let go of burdensome activities and take the time to explore other ventures. You will be amazed at who you really are. Sagittarius: Strength (Five of Swords) 11/23 – 12/21 Power is often thought of as an ability to control or stop a difficult situation. Ironic as it may be, this force of energy often overwhelms the very resources needed to solve a problem. Challenges can be opportunities in disguise. To be aware of this, however, you must stay with the uncomfortable feelings long enough to see the opportunities. Strength is a quiet determination, unfolding from the inside and illuminating your personal boundaries. A power struggle around the 10th will test your ability to relinquish control. In this case, it is wiser to accept your limitations than prove your point. Capricorn: Hermit (10 of Pentacles) 12/22– 1/20 One of the most baffling ironies is that, although we are ultimately alone in this enormous universe, we are at the same time all one: a uni-verse. The feeling of separateness is often the root cause for sadness, anxiety, and depression. Your mind can keep you trapped if you identify yourself too strongly with your body, possessions, relationships, and/or status. To become aware of yourself in the context of the whole is to understand your deeper connection to all things, and, eventually, how you fit in. Find personal ways to honor yourself and the world. Aquarius: Justice (7 of Swords) 1/21 – 2/18 Breaking through self-made illusions can be very difficult, especially when social politics shadow authentic expression. In a world plagued by empty values, theory has replaced action; personal worth is based on competition, and people profess truth without conviction. This month, use honesty like a sword to skim away the film of superficiality. However, acknowledge your own masks before exposing those of others. If you cling too tightly to principles, you’re likely to lose a relationship; never be too proud to give or accept an apology. Be aware that around the 15th a verbal agreement you made last month could be proven to be fraudulent. Pisces: Fool (Page of Wands) 2/19 – 3/20 An unexpected message will almost fall from the sky and change your perception of reality. This could appear in the form of many things, and the excitement it generates will be a shock to your way of life. Get out of your own way and embrace the unknown, for something larger than you can fathom will come from this experience. Don’t be surprised by the random events that occur—it’s all part of the fun. A note of caution to those with compulsive behaviors: if it looks too good to be true, it is! Take care to avoid impulsive purchases.

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O CTO B ER 20 10

S ymb olism To day S

ymbolism is an integral part of the human experience and holds significant depth in our concept of human consciousness. Societies throughout the ages have relied on symbols to provide meaning and help them understand their existence in the world. There’s no avoiding the intensity of symbolism. Certain preconstructed symbols are so powerful that they determine exactly who we are and what our life path is; consider the set of astrological signs and numerological codes we’re assigned from the very moment we’re born. It’s very easy to unconsciously accept the meaning of symbols that define your life experience. After all, if you’re born a Pisces, there’s not much you can do about it. Yet, while that may be true to a certain extent, it doesn’t have to be your truth. There is so much more to the symbolically related determination of the path of your life than your astrological sign or numerological code. The best way to find your path is to search out symbolic imagery with personal meaning to you. It’s quite simple, really; all you have to do is tap into the great source of symbolism to find answers and solutions. Life takes on a whole new meaning when it’s lived symbolically. You don’t have to be a fanatic about it. Just put it out to the universe that you want to gain a greater sense of understanding, to feel more empowered and connected. The easiest way to do this is to first think about symbolism and what it means to you. Are you consciously aware of the symbolism that appears in your life? So many countless layers of symbolism have developed throughout the millennia that some constructs have actually been absorbed into the collective unconscious of the human race. As a result, we all have an unconscious understanding of the basic symbolism our culture has structured for us; it’s an intrinsic part of being human. Consider all the fables, myths, innumerable works of art, and entire religious belief systems that we’re exposed to. They are all structured around symbolism. Take a moment to visualize the common characters, images, and symbols that populate our consciousness and the responses they illicit: a star; the moon; an eagle; a snake; a pomegranate; Cinderella; Darth Vader; the Mona Lisa; the Star of David; the Holy Cross; Shiva Nataraja; Bart Simpson; and the Buddha. Symbolism holds a deeper power than we can even conceive. Have you ever wondered if you relate to a certain symbol because of your understanding of that symbol, or because humankind and/or your society have conditioned you to have that reaction, whether you’re aware of it or not? Symbolism possesses very deep mystical ties. The images contained in the tarot are meant to elicit responses that are locked into the collective psyche of human consciousness. This is why card divination has worked so well throughout the ages. The symbolism of the astrological system has long been used to determine people’s desires, impulses, and life paths. The I Ching, Runes, and other oracles are comprised of imagery that specifically helps us master and understand what’s happening in our world. Every indigenous culture has a powerful symbolic belief system tied to elements, plants, and animals of the earth. Symbols help us transcend ordinary human existence and gain a much deeper and more profound understanding of the nuances of life. You can master these systems to gain a greater understanding of what’s happening in your world. One of the best ways to start is to explore the symbolic systems V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

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by Krishanti

of divination that already exist to see what resonates with you. Take it a step further by getting in touch with your own intuition and empowering yourself by creating your own set of personal symbolisms to help you see and understand what’s happening in your life. Pay attention to the symbols that regularly appear for you, and take note of what they mean to you personally. If you’re inclined, you can support your own feelings with historical information on what the symbol means. As individuals, we have the power to create symbolism with our own specific meaning that holds the power to shape our lives. In order to start creating your own symbolism, consider symbols that often appear or hold a special meaning for you. Are you drawn to cloud patterns in the sky, or certain insects, plants, trees, or animals? Do you regularly see certain numbers? Also consider the effect that religious symbols, paintings, or portraits of iconic figures have on you. The next thing you might want to try is meditating on symbolism. Think about specific moments or periods of time when you’ve been happy, and see what images come to mind. Then reflect on difficult times, and see what image pops into your head. Don’t discount anything; an image of Wonder Woman can be just as symbolic as a flock of crows. continued on page 41

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O CTO B ER 20 10

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A Vision of Unity by Sydney L. Murray

“There is a newness about our time and we need to be sensitized to the awesome transformation that is being required of us.” —Thomas Berry, C.P.


recently had an opprtunity to speak with a really wise woman. What follows is my conversation with Esther Kennedy from Spirit Mountain Retreat Center in Idyllwild, California about her life and her work. Vision Magazine: How did Spirit Mountain Retreat come about and what are its influences? Esther Kennedy: The center began in 1985, and at that time was called Colombiere Center for Transforming Consciousness. Francis Rothluebber and Bill Murphy came here from Milwaukee, Wisconsin where they were directing a retreat center. So the center continued to unfold here, and the focus was always on the need to awaken to a fresh consciousness about life, about how we see the world, how we see one another, and how we transform to a more spiritual consciousness, one that is very grounded in everyday life. So, the center continues to move forward in that way. Then I came in 2002 and worked with Francis here. Then in 2005 she retired. Her interest was in the life and work of Shri Aurobindo, the India ritual teacher, and the mother. When Francis left here she devoted more of her time…to writings and a series of audio cassettes on the teachings of Shri Aurobindo and how they were calling us to a deeper consciousness. In 2005 I became director [of Spirit

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Mountain Retreat]. We got a new board, and the board said, let’s change the name to something more connected with the natural world. That’s how we came to Spirit Mountain Retreat. We had two basic goals at that time. One was to really get known here in Idyllwild, and the second one was to get grounded in Southern California, because many of the guests were coming from the Midwest. They had known Francis and Bill there. We have gotten known locally, and most of our guests that come here on retreat are coming from surrounding areas. We have a number of people coming from Northern California as well. I think people go on the Web, and that is our main way of being found, and of course Vision Magazine. We continue, [and] I think our focused has continued, to be one of…transforming our attitudes, transforming our perceptions, moving to an attitude of greater awareness and consciousness. I think in the East they talk about a fair amount of ignorance [which] keeps us asleep. So I think it’s trying to offer a place where people can come into greater awareness about aspects of their personal lives, but also their relationship to one another and to the whole earth and all the beings. We talk here about the whole community of life, which is not just humans, trying to walk in a way that honors that, appreciates it, takes care of it. We are just one among many beings on this planet. VM: Is there one symbol that reaches out to you? EK: It’s Earth, our home planet. It’s that blue jewel that [was seen by] the astronauts [from space]. Earth is the symbol to me, that brings me to tears… WOW…that image of Earth points me beyond—beyond separateness, beyond our own little territories, into wholeness. When I look at Earth, it gives me a vision of unity. A unity of life on this planet, [that] all is one. I just love looking at it, and [it] elicits the need to be aware that the earth is in a perilous place. Everything we know from climate change to overpopulation to attitudes of unlimited resources is limited. Maybe that is why I like it. There is limitation. When I look at the earth as a whole, I am reminded that resources are not unlimited, so there cannot be this constant, endless growth without really serious decision making. VM: When you hear the word ‘symbolism’, what comes to mind? EK: It points me to something bigger. It moves me into an intuitive space. It’s a pointer, and symbolism notes a deeper sacred meaning. Whether it’s the symbol of a ring, the deeper meaning is communion or union. It’s a sacredness to me. It takes me beyond the material into something that is more sacred. It takes me into mystery. We have a metal coyote attached to a tree trunk out here, and even though I see it every day, it is symbolic to me of a whole planet of coyotes up here, of predator and prey and that we share this earth and that we basically moved them off their own land. I’m willing to do that, but I want to do it with consciousness. When I was in Indonesia, every morning the women would bring a banana leaf, and on it it would have rice, incense and flowers and they took it to every alter in the family compound…that symbolic act lifted my heart. There’s more going on than the physical. VM: Our world is going through many profound changes. What do you see for our future? EK: I think we do live in a difficult time, and one of the major calls is to transform our consciousness to a level of seeing things that are beyond me, beyond you, beyond us—consciousness to see things as a whole. Right now I see a lot


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of our traditional ways of being are breaking apart, whether it’s in the field of religion, politics, economics, education, or legal. These institutions are all in major breakdown and hopefully breakthrough. If we have the courage, individually and as small groups, to study and learn what’s going on, and our participation in it, I think we have great reason to believe that we can turn some things around. I will not be without hope for that. We have some really tough times ahead of us where we will have to grapple with greed, lack of values, honesty, truth telling, and fear. I guess that is the biggest thing I sense. Fear has risen in a way that I have not ever lived. I have never lived with so much fear being spread around, and so I think that calls me [to know what] I need to be aware of what I am afraid [of], and I need to realize there is nothing to fear except fear itself. We have a lot of work to do in a sense of asking some of the questions of how do we want to be together, will we start listening to each other, or will we continue to isolate. If we can move toward turning to one another and looking for a sense of a common good, I think we have every reason to believe that we can make the shifts necessary. But a lot of old forms have to break apart before that is going to happen. I believe in the Phoenix [which] rises from the ashes, and I think that we’re in ash-making time. VM: Do you believe that love is the greatest force on Earth? EK: I think it is a misunderstood word. I think the demonism of love is essentially what we all came out of. I would even go so far as to say that 13.7 billion years ago when this whole unfolding of universe came, somewhere embedded in that unfolding was the energy of love, and it eventually manifested itself into a particular way when life began here on Earth. I don’t think there is anything as strong as love, particularly if it calls us out of our own small world into a great compassion, kindness toward all of the beings on this planet. So, love is a fire. It is an energy of fire. When we return to a sense of a really generous heart of love, we will have discovered fire for the second time. It is what is at the heart of everything. It is the greatest voice of earth. VM: If there’s one thing, what can each one of us do to change the world? EK: If we could learn how to speak the truth to one another, and how to receive the truth from one another. Mary Oliver has a poem, and she says our work is to

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h e a l i n g a r t s love the world, is loving the world. Thomas Merton just recently came out with a book, and it’s [called] “Learning to Love.” I think in some ways the one practical thing is to begin seeing each other as not separate and see the other as one self. Just trying to be a loving presence, with simple things, like a smile. The days I can show up and be here, I think that adds something energetically to the world. I think it’s why so many people right now are turning to develop a spiritual practice, to help keep themselves grounded and loving. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, despairing and fearful. It is increasing, and I think as we lose a sense of good, where we are all in this together, fear increases. We aren’t going to make it without each other… we work together. VM: Tell us about the events you are having in October and November. EK: We are doing a woman’s [event], built around women in leadership, arts, and creativity. It’s to lift up women in business, in the arts, and in leadership as a reminder to all women and men that it is within our power to be creative. We have a writing retreat. We are beginning a series on living through loss and transition. That will run for five weeks, for two hours on Thursday mornings. We have a day where we will be exploring the connection between Earth and spirit and awakening your intuition. Monthly we have days of mindfulness. We do actual practices, we don’t just talk about it. People also can just come for their private time of retreat. We have four possibilities, for four people to stay overnight. The word gratitude is coming to me. I think that the more we can awaken gratitude for just simply being alive and helping other to awaken gratitude, it’s a wonderful gift that we offer to the universe. It’s a simple practice. This is a very significant time to be alive. Spirit Mountain Retreat is a center in Idyllwild, California which provides an ideal atmosphere for personal reflection, spiritual guidance, and healing. Esther Kennedy is currently the co-director of Spirit Mountain Retreat. She offers private retreats, sabbaticals, and different offsite programs with her center. For more information on Spirit Mountain Retreat and what it has to offer, visit www.spiritmountainretreat. org, e-mail, or call 951.659.2523.

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O CTO B ER 20 10

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Hot Wax and Broken Glass

by Marlene Buffa ach morning I blow out the candle I lit the night before. A large glass globe sits inside of a metal stand, and the candle, either a short or tall pillar, rests inside the base of the globe. 4:30 a.m. The dogs woke me up. I reach for my candle, carefully grabbing the metal base with both hands. This time, the tall pillar candle, heavy and lit, hit the side of the globe and toppled the glass off the stand. Shards of glass and hot wax sprayed across the furniture, floor, and bed. Now I was really awake! Luckily, the flame went out in the fall. I instructed the dogs to stay away and thankfully no glass penetrated any paws that morning. I crawled across my bed to put on shoes and survey the damage and clean up the mess. While shattered and spilled, the glass and candle provided a poignant metaphor for my spiritual understanding.


Intensity of Purpose Prior to hard wired electricity, our ancestors used candlelight to illuminate the interior of the home. No matter how large the volume of wax, each candle emitted the same amount of light. The only way to increase the light was to multiply the number of candles or reflect the flame against another object. Some clever people placed sconces on the wall with a mirror or shiny metallic backing, thereby increasing the lumen power of the flame. As equals created at birth, our Creator instilled within each of us, the basis of an internal flame. While some of us never ignite the fire within and choose to remain pure potential, others use their passion to spark the flame of life’s purpose and shine brightly for the world to see. Enhancing and increasing the brightness of being, some folks choose to surround themselves with people and circumstances which provide the opportunity for the highest and best use of their energy, thereby increasing the effectiveness and reach of their essence. Shattered Effects A harbinger of negativity, superstitions warned that a broken mirror brought seven years of bad luck. If the poor soul believed in the tale of unpredictable misfortune, he not only faced cleaning up the shards of a mirror, but also years of punishment for one small accidental act. In fact, if the scattered remnants of glass were any indication, the back luck would be just as far reaching and difficult to remedy. Each ensuing scenario of broken vengeance could hold its own degree of breadth of impact and its own complications when attempting to clean up the situation. In life, we “own” or incorporate shortcomings suggested by history, ill-intentions of others, or at worst, our own self-doubt. When we buy into these “truths,” we begin to create a future which must live up to the folklore we defend as our fate. Not aware of the far reaches our limitations can spread, we attempt to pick up the pieces of our spirit which shattered at the moment we believed in something against our very nature and not in keeping with our highest self. Unless we carefully clean up life’s little messes, the widespread circle of negativity will remain hidden in the crevices of our fears and the corners of our consciousness, only to pierce our confidence when we unknowingly uncover them.

DC current for widespread electrical systems, nighttime illumination (other than the cosmos) was difficult. The world during the day varied vastly from an after dark experience. Undoubtedly the source of much folklore, rudimentary lighting by candle or gas lamps caused unrecognizable shadows. Dancing light cast by the slightest air movement most likely fostered tall tales of extra-worldly revelations and fear based illusions. Before we awaken to our true selves, we too appear different during times of truth and times of illusion. When we deny our talents and powerful nature, we fabricate tales of the unknown and imagine external forces lurking around and within us which frighten us from fully engaging in the present moment. If everything “out there” is an illusion, the truth lies within each of us; our experiences and interactions with the world bring us information and knowledge about ourselves as well as shed light on the limitations we impose out of fear. The truth remains that the world outside of us is distorted like pieced together broken glass. Wholeness exists within each of us should we choose to look deep within our glorious nature. While each of us entered into a human experience with a flame within to offer the world, some of us shine brighter not because of genetics, but due to choice. People focus on enhancing their gifts with enlightening people and circumstances which increases awareness and in turn, empowers others. By comprehending the far-reaching impact of negativity you slowly realize that to clean it up involves crawling around in the debris of that which you created in the first place. If you don’t address it, find it and sweep it up, it will resurface to impact you later on. The illusions of what you think you see about yourself and the world around you easily dissipate when you shine your own light of insight and understanding on your beliefs. When you realize the wax doesn’t make the flame brighter or duller, it merely provides a temporary constraint to contain the inner core (wick) that burns within you, you’ll realize the temporary human experience merely holds the bright burning spirit of who you are! Taking a quiet sideways glance at life, Marlene offers insight through her words from experiences. A student of new-thought teachings, Marlene finds practical spirituality around every corner and seeks wisdom through observation of life’s inter-relationships. Sometimes playful, sometimes poignant, always thought-provoking, her writing inspires readers in meaningful ways.

Illusions Before Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla engaged in the disagreement of AC vs. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


O CTO B ER 20 10

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Breathe Deep: A Conversation with Judith Kravitz by Sydney L. Murray

Our theme this month is symbolism, which for myself has many implications. My breath was not one of them. But of course what could be more symbolic than our life’s breath? I had the opportunity to speak with Judith Kravitz who has developed a method of healing that is based on over 30 years of studying and teaching what she calls Transformational Breath®. Vision Magazine: What is transformational breath? Judith Kravitz: Transformational breath is a breathing system that works on all the levels of our being, threefold. The first part is to open someone’s breathing mechanism so they can breath openly, freely and fully. The second is to use the breath and particular breathing pattern[s] to clear and integrate suppressed material in the subconscious. The third is to also use that same breathing pattern to access higher states of consciousness and higher individual expression. It all happens, [and] it’s amazing. VM: Why is breath so important to transformation? JK: The breath is the tool we’ve been given to be able to find the way back to source or to spirit, because it allows us to fully access and enter our body. It allows us to clear the blockages that keep us from attaining and reaching deeper states of consciousness because these patterns actually block our access to our higher consciousness and the higher dimensions of life. It’s necessary to free our breath because it is the life force and the tool we’ve been given to journey back into our home. VM: What would be a symbol you would think of regarding your teachings? JK: The symbol for the breath is fire and it is the fire in the heart of the threefold frame of love, light, and power. It is the symbol to access the heart, which is the doorway to the higher state, by burning out everything that no longer serves [us] and allowing us to really connect with our true self. VM: Can you give us a brief synopsis of what led you to teaching transformational breath? JK: I was one of the earlier healers in the 70s and came across some breath work, and soon after that I found out I had throat cancer. Because I had experience with the breath, I knew the breath was this incredible tool to bring more energy in and more awareness [to myself] as to what was going on. I made that decision to follow a selfhealing path and worked with the breath every day. Within six months the cancer was gone. I just knew that it was magical and I wanted to share it with the world. I felt the key element with that healing was breathing. I have been teaching and doing it now for thirty years. We are now the largest breath school on the planet. The importance of reconnecting with our breath and freeing our life force and having this direct access to spirit is so important now. VM: If there were one truth that you live by, what would it be? JK: To love. Love is always the answer. It’s about finding the love in any situation and allowing it to dominant everything that is going on. Love should always be the answer. continued on page 41 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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f e a t u r e

with E. Raymond Brown and william Arntz by Sydney L. Murray


e live in a time of unparalleled opportunity coupled with major challenges in our county and our world. A new film has really made me think about the way I look at the world. An array of powerful imagery, great music, and interviews are presented in creative ways from many different activists and teachers. Understanding the ‘game’ is the first way to understand ghetto physics. It is really about knowing what is going down in the game that is your life, community, and world. Ghetto physics asks that each person be honest with themselves and understand the ‘game’ as it is being played out. Most of us really know how we can change our life. We just don’t always do it. And on a global scale if we are honest about power and the way the world is changing we can say the pimps are the ones moving the game in their direction. The hos are those that are being moved around. Graphic imagery but true. In ghetto physics we are at one time or another the pimp or the ho. It’s an interesting analogy, and in a very complex world it does seem to simplify in stark imagery the relationships in our world. Recently I had the opportunity to speak with E. Raymond Brown known as E Ray and Will Arntz, the writer and director of Ghetto Physics, respectively. Their archetypes are powerful, strong, and true. Watch this film—it will provoke thought and conversation. Vision Magazine: What is ghetto physics? E. Raymond Brown – Producer/Writer/Director of Ghetto Physics: It is a concept that I wrote about my in book in 2003 called “Stand Up.” In the second chapter I wrote about how we create our reality from metaphysics and move into ghetto physics. If you force a set of rules on any group of people where some of the aspects of those rules contradict their internal nature, there are segments of that group that will always reverse that rule and create their own reality regardless. The conversation looks at raw dynamics in the social power gang and it looks at a broad interaction. I would say it also relates to soul physics. In our lives you have to look into and deal with distortion in terms of group interaction. On an everyday level you have to draw from something deep down in yourself that allows you to sustain your spirit and maybe even have a possibility of a creative way of expression in your life and work VM: Can you give me a definition of a pimp and a ho? EB: The pimp is the one who puts the game down. The ho is in the game. The pimp has the command where they can execute and pull out the game. It is an inter-dimensional phenomenon. The pimp has a more comfortable equilibrium to V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

deal with intense power dynamics. The ho is more uncomfortable with these power dynamics and seeks to be more subservient. So for each one of us we have different models of what’s real and what’s not real. VM: How do we empower ourselves with ghetto physics? EB: You have to develop on a spiritual level. To empower yourself, you have to be the pimp, you have to make it happen. If you don’t evolve, develop, and expand your understanding, then you are going to get manipulated. VM: What do you think the people need to stand up for today? EB: I relate it to the belief that in many indigenous cultures you arrive into this realm [our world] with the dream already woven into you. Then through the trials in life and its ups and downs you go through an initiation process, and you awaken to that purpose that is already within you. You’re already coated with the truth, but it can be blocked [from you] with paradigms that are being forced upon you by traditions and world views that surround you and are distorted. Or you have the case where these rules used to work and they don’t any more. World views are pimp views, the ones controlling the world game. VM: Was there any one moment for you that defined your personal power? EB: I would say from myself it was getting to the point that I was going to have to accept my nature as something that is controversial. I wanted to belong and be accepted but I realized that by embracing who I was I would ask the questions and demand the answers that were controversial. I have been involved in the music industry [specifically] hip-hop, and have worked with some of the top artists. I love pop culture, but I love to be connected with the earth. I need to connect with nature. VM: What do you think are the most important symbols that we see today that affect you? EB: The corporate symbols represent the new hierarchy. These are the new aristocracy. How can we shape the corporate world with our [spiritual] values? How do we bring those realms together? How do we get whole and discover the richness of being able to be whole. [The] soul is trying to work its way into our corporate dominant domain. I’m doing it with the ghetto physics conversation. I am in between the worlds. VM: What has been the reaction since you have been promoting this film? EB: There is a lot of interest. People are starting to evaluate what’s going on around them. VM: Do you have hope for the world?


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f e a t u r e me. I watched it and it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. That is a diamond in the rough, I said. Having done “What the Bleep,” I wasn’t looking for another film project. Instead of six months it took me two years. I was the editor, too. VM: What would you consider to be some of the important archetypes? WA: The one that is intriguing is the concept of the beneficent pimp. People tend to think that pimp is bad. But when you get to someone like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, they were a pimp in that they had an idea and they were out there sharing it with as many people as they could, for everyone’s benefit. The concept of the beneficent pimp, taking the energy that you could use as a tyrant, or taking the energy of a corporation that you could use to make a lot of money and screw people and doing good. Instead, taking that energy, the idea of how can we run this business, do it profitably and have the greatest amount of goods for the greatest amount of people. That shift in consciousness is what I think the planet needs right now. The idea of a beneficent pimp is very powerful. The one thing we didn’t get to in the movie is that if you take a beneficent pimp far enough, they become the ultimate ho, in that they become the servant to everyone. The servant for everyone is the perfect leader for everyone. You need both the pimp and the ho; one is not better than the other. VM: Do you have hope for our world? WA: Yes, now I think it’s 50/50. If I had to bet, I would say yes. There are ways in which a lot of things are getting better. 50 years ago when you’re making a movie, when you needed someone to shoot a horse, well, they would just shoot a horse. No one would dream of that today. So you see stuff like that; sensitivities have changed quite a bit. People are much more aware that the earth is a limited resource. I am very hopeful. VM: What is one thing each person could do to change the world? WA: Let’s unite, Let’s don’t fight and let’s get the money right…if everyone did that every day, the world would change. I would also add, go see “Ghetto Physics,” and if people go see it and like it, tell your friends. That is why “What The Bleep” did so well.

EB: We are going through our global initiation. The aspects themselves are requesting to be brought forth. It can take place in a very beautiful way or a very ruthless way (the game). The challenge is, how do we shape it in a more human way? Vision Magazine: What is ghetto physics? William Arntz – Producer/ Writer/Director of Ghetto Physics: It is basically talking about the physics of power. Power in a personal sense, vital sense, political sense, and economic sense. All the ways in which those forces interact. Because it’s ghetto physics, it’s done in a very straightforward, raw way. It’s real talk, as they say in the hood. Things are not sugar coated. VM: Is it about empowering ourselves? WA: In the beginning it’s really about you, and we talk about what it is in society, and in the end it comes back to the person. Giving these are the forces at play. How do you maneuver that in such a way that you are empowered and not being taken advantage of by the pimps, and not turned into some worked and trapped person in some job that you hate? How can you create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling for you? In the end it comes full circle and ends up being about the person and the choices they make. VM: What do you think people need to stand up for? WA: They have to stand up for what they really want to do and not be doing something because society tells them that’s what they need to do. In a larger sense, people need to stand up, and when they see a politician telling a lie, instead of just sitting there, just say no, that is not acceptable. VM: What do you think are the most important symbols in our world today? WA: The Haiti relief. The point that people didn’t wait for the government. To me that was symbolic of a different way that people are hooking up to the rest of the world. The Internet, it’s everything really. VM: What are the important symbols in ghetto physics? WA: The yin [and] yang symbol—that has the words pimp/ho in the design. Everything is a balance between the two. We all have aspects of both. You learn to play with different modes of being. VM: How did this film come about? WA: Earl Ray had written a book, and then he had the idea of making a movie, with no money or experience. He gets a rough copy of the movie to

Raymond E. Brown (Earl Ray) and William Arntz are the directors and writers of the film, Ghetto Physics: Will the Real Pimps and Hos Please Stand Up? William Arntz was also the co-director and co-writer of director of the documentaries, What the Bleep Do We Know!? and What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole. Ghetto Physics will be released in limited theaters in October 2010. For more details about the film and where to see it in theaters, please visit V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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f e a t u r e

The New

Vi s i o n a r i e s

Foreword by Sydney L. Murray and Interviews by Brennan Lagasse


e live in a time of unparalleled communication and therefore opportunity. When I think of the word ‘visionary,’ I think of someone with an uncommon view of the world and a view that could quite possibly be transformative. Robert Quicksilver, whom I have known for a number of years, is a visionary to me. He is the producer and creator of the Conscious Life Expos and offers a platform for consumers and teachers to gather and offer each other the opportunity to change their lives. There is nothing like being around like-minded people to change the way we live our lives and therefore the world. Brennan Lagasse had the opportunity to speak with two of the presenters, Kelly Carlin, and Da Vid from the Light Party. Vision Magazine: You’ve become well-known for being a catalyst of creativity. What helps you tap into your own creative self? Kelly Carlin: For me, part of it has been finding the urge to create and being willing to honor that urge and to take it seriously. That’s the first thing that I have to do, and that I still have to do every day. I have to believe that I have something to share and express with the world, so that’s always the first step for me. And then I give myself lots of room to “do it” wrong and be messy, and not messy in the sense of not having to be done well or thought out, just letting it kind of happen. I always give myself permission to just let whatever wants to come out come and not worry about what it’s going to look like because there’s always a process to edit and to fine tune and to craft. It’s really important to give yourself permission to create and then to also have a community of people around you who believe in your voice and believe in your talent, who believe in your point of view, and support them while they support you as you learn to do your craft, to do your work. You have to fail gracefully and learn from mistakes and also learn to be successful, have a great night, and hit one out of the park and to take that in and appreciate that. VM: You engage in many artistic forms. Do you work in a preferred medium, or do you equally enjoy writing, performance, spoken word, and making art? KC: Basically I’m a writer first. I really love writing. I also find I’m comfortable performing, and that’s an art form I’m learning to do more and more and get out of my comfort zone with. I find that I need to be in front of an audience every once in a while. It used to be once every few months and these days I’m doing it more often. I seem to be doing it at least twice or three times a month now, and that’s cool, but it’s two different things. When you’re writing, you’re by yourself with your thoughts that you’re crafting even though you are crafting it for an audience on some level, but it really is about your relationship with the work. When you’re V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

performing, it’s really about giving it away. It’s two different processes. Each definitely fills me up in a nice way. VM: Has your father, the late great George Carlin, shaped your identity and/ or politics in any way? KC: Absolutely. I was born in ‘63 so I grew up in the 60s and the 70s and was very much shaped by the culture [then] and certainly my father’s role in the culture. We were very much on the left and very much outsiders of mainstream culture. We were part of the group trying to change America from the outside in. So it had a big effect on me being someone who saw my dad as a real leader, someone who was speaking out. Not necessarily speaking out about specific issues, but speaking to speak the truth to power. That’s been my biggest training. I am someone…who questions the status quo no matter what side the status quo is on. I’m definitely more left, but at the same time I don’t have problems criticizing the left when they need to be criticized and knocked around a bit. More than anything I think he [George Carlin] taught me not just about my political views but really about the questioning [of] things and being willing to look at them from all of the angles that maybe other people aren’t looking at. VM: Sort of like the idea of the American Dream? KC: Yeah. I think what was always so engaging about his [George Carlin’s] work was he’d always take you on a ride on his shows where he would take you on a path, even one you thought you weren’t going to want to go down with him, and yet because of his amazing logic and creativity, and certainly his humor, you were willing to go down that path with him. I find that to be important to me, too. And that is why I’m doing a radio show, and it supports my lecture for the Conscious Life Expo, about waking from the American Dream, which is also the same name for my radio show. And that was inspired from a routine my father did for an HBO show where he talked about the ownership of America, and one of the last lines he reads is, “In order for you to believe in the American Dream you must be asleep.” I just thought that was such a great metaphor, so I’ve been using it to conceptualize and hold together things that I’m interested in talking to people about. I explore the things that I read and the things that I’m thinking about. The conversation I’m interested in is the dream of the 1950s, which is when that dream was really brought about and is certainly different 60 years later now. And it’s changing even more because our planet is changing, our consciousness is changing, our global economy is changing. There’s just so many different things that it’s like, what’s beyond this kind of stale image, stale metaphor, what’s really the new image that wants to emerge? What’s the new conversation that people want to have? So that’s why a lot of my guests that I’m interested in having on my radio show are who’s doing the work that is pushing our vision forward for our


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country, and certainly for the world, and how do we as individuals wake up ourselves and stay awake? VM: How does symbolism fit into your work? KC: I’m a storyteller, so I talk a lot about different events in my life and how they unfolded, but I also got my Master’s in archetypal, imaginal, [and] union psychology, so symbols are very near and dear to my heart and I certainly understand the power of them. But I think maybe one of things I’m interested in doing with my work as I go along is helping to create new symbols that have real synergy and potential to help people move to the next level, whatever humanity has to move towards. I think right now it so interesting in our country how it is really a site for symbols sight now. It’s like whoever is waving the flag or uses the word ‘freedom,’ there’s a lot of fighting over what these words mean and who gets to use them. Who’s a real American and who isn’t? So you can also see how the very power of symbols are used to make people think less and just kind of follow the symbols; but I also really do see the psychological purpose of symbols. No matter what the human psyche thinks in metaphor, works in metaphor, symbols are a part of that certainly. And certainly [in] the title of my show, “Waking from the American Dream,” I’m playing off of a symbol…of a white picket fence and the three kids and a two car garage and all of that. VM: Is there anything else you’d like to share with the readers of Vision? KC: Yeah, this is kind of a beginning for me. I feel like, speaking of symbols, I feel like I’m in my own way as the next generation from my father, and I feel like I’m keeping the torch alive for free thinking and thought in general in America, and I’m really excited and pleased to be part of the conversation. You can check out my first radio show that launched last week. It’s on www.newdissidentradio. com and the first show is archived. Vision Magazine: What led to the creation of the Light Party? When was it born? Da Vid, Founder of The Light Party: It all started when I wrote a book in 1976 called “Medicine Today, Healing Tomorrow.” The book is a heavy critique on the current allopathic model, which is the current system that deals with symptomatic medicine, drugs, surgery, etc., and at the time, I talked about the importance of nutrition, attitude, exercise, and prevention. I also said that if we do not get into prevention without moving into new modalities such as acupuncture, hypnosis, chiropractic and nutritional medicine, then we’d bankrupt the country. And I also knew at the same time that the health of our nation was very much involved with basic nutrition and that most of the food was demineralized. So that was a deep understanding I had that until people became more nutritionally conscious, particularly the medical profession, we would have had a mass health crisis. In 1984, I was guided to start what was originally called the Human Ecology Party based on my book called “The Human Ecology Program,” which was basically the ABCs of how to maintain your health and wellness which built the spiritual, mental, emotional, and biological components of who we are as human beings. The importance of diet, exercise, awareness, and deepening your own spiritual development to become more conscious meant we were able to gain more control over health. Becoming more conscious gives us more power to control our immediate environment, which is our body. But I extended away from that. I V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

f e a t u r e realized that it was the politics of clean water, clean air, organic foods, and ultimately the demilitarization of the planet, i.e. peace. So time moved on and we created a very coherent comprehensive program, which is born under the Light Party, our Seven Point Synergistic program, which serves to try and solve our current socioeconomic and ecological challenges. VM: Does the Seven Point Program serve as your agenda for the Light Party? DV: The number one point of the Light Party is Project Health. The strength of our nation is directly proportional to the health of our people. A corollary is healthy soil creates healthy plants and healthy plants create healthy people. So we’re back to ecology of the planet and the vital importance of healthy soil. But what most people probably don’t understand is that the fertilizers and the chemicalization of the soil has helped destroy the health of the soil. So herein lies the crux of the health problem, that soil needs to be remineralized and recreated so we have healthy soil, so we have proper minerals and micronutrients in our food. You can’t have biological health without it; that’s just fundamental. If you’re serious about health, well-oxygenated [and] wellmineralized blood is the key to biological health. Of course there’s psychological components to health and there are spiritual components to health. You can be a very healthy animal but be very unconscious. So what we created is an awareness program. The Light Party is really about education and inspiration. And we look at one other facet called Project Light. We will continue to research new clean energy technologies, which are on the horizon of various levels of development, which will hopefully move us away from our dependence on foreign oil. This brings us to the whole petrochemical industry where oil not only fuels the cars which create massive pollution, [but] also literally fuels war because we are fighting war in the Middle East for oil interests, and everybody knows that, I believe. We have a very detailed look at the current global economics, what are call eco-nomics, which deals with the idea that our economy should be mainly focused on how to restore the environment. If we don’t take care of the planet, then we don’t take care of the health of the environment. If we poison the environment, we are poisoning ourselves. How do we reverse this trend? With education, education, and more education. Today we’re at a place where most people know that most diseases are due to environmental toxicities. That’s pretty wellsubstantiated by science. Once we have the awareness of what the problem is, this is what the Light Party is really about: to analyze the problem; understand what the problem is; and work out solutions. So ultimately it is a consciousness issue because when we become more conscious, we understand these things implicitly and start making corrective actions on a personal level and then ultimately on a collective level. It’s really up to the people to demand peace, to demand freedom. As we demand and claim it and work towards it, then so be it and it shall come to that. Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Most people are dissatisfied with politics because they are hierarchical and has its money and its lobbyists and people think, can I really make a difference? One of the things we do in the Light Party is a thing called ‘sacred commitments.’ The sacred commitment is when you’re taking a definitive commitment for yourself, the planet, or the continued on page 44


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a r t | c inem a | perf orm a nc e a rt s | t hea t re | g

S i g n s , Sy m b o l s , a n d D r e a m s by Dr. Joseph Costa and Dr. Charles Knoll, MD


he Institute of Thought in San Diego, California is dedicated to providing the best possible therapists and training for individuals seeking self-growth and self-mastery. In August, the institute offered a Transpersonal Hypnotherapy class, “Signs, Symbols, and Dreams,” and shared the following insight with the attendees: In past-life work, the ‘Circle of Life’ shows you there is a system and a pattern to give you direction for tracing out what your dream symbols are about. It points out that there is a dream master or key in you that organizes your dreams and experiences, all to take you through life in a reasonable manner. In dreams, symbols and metaphors are used as a language. For past-life work, interpretations of dreams are used to develop a question which comes from that inner part of you—your Higher Self. A “brain dream” is when you actually wake up figuring it out. Creating the dream as you wake, the left-brain controls the dream for the purpose of making you do what it wants. A right-brain dream is creative and vivid. It contains the keys to the solutions that you need for whatever you are dealing with. Treat symbols like hints—arrows showing you a direction you might consider or review. Your Higher Self decides which life lesson you get for your life experience. It has the responsibility to guide you through all the challenges that come to you every day, and symbols are like road signs to point you along the way. For example, if you are driving along and you see a license plate or message on the back of the car in front of you, it acts as a reminder from your Higher Self of which way to go. It’s the Higher Self that decides which chakra to use for the purpose of attracting what you need. As thought generators, chakras function to attract to you signs and symbols so you know the direction to go for the circumstance or challenge. Most of my [Dr. Knoll’s] patients have chronic pains or disabilities from


conditions such as spinal cord injury, amputation, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or other diagnoses. I wanted the ability to help my patients see the big picture, as many of them have found themselves in tremendous suffering. Using hypnotherapy and regression therapy, I help people go within themselves, connect to that 99 percent that isn’t conscious and to see themselves in new ways and know themselves better. In the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy class, I shared one of my own symbolic dreams. In the dream, I found myself on a river, clinging to a rock. There was no sense of danger despite the fast current, but there was no point in clinging to the rock. The rock is a symbol of what I am holding onto because I don’t know if the stream is going to take me to a waterfall that could mean my death. The question in the dream would be, do I take a chance and let go, or stay with the rock and die because I have no food and I can’t go anywhere? I can wait for somebody to come along and save me, or leap from the rock and try to swim to survival. The question for the dreamer would be, am I clinging to someone or something in my life that is like the rock in the river, keeping me safe, or should I leave the ‘embrace’ that is security and try for greater things by letting go of the rock? Going downstream is like waking up in the morning and you don’t know what is going to happen to you that day. Do I worry and stay in bed or get up and face the challenges of life? The rock in me is nothing more than a symbol of temporary safety. Dr. Joseph Costa is a Transpersonal Psychologist and founder of the Institute of Thought in San Diego, California. Dr. Charles Knoll is a Doctor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and is currently pursuing a fellowship in Hypnotherapy and Altered States of Therapy at the Institute of Thought. The Institute of Thought will be lecturing on “Past-Lives and Ego Constructs, Grounding the Body” in San Diego on October 23 and 24. For more information on this event and future training programs and workshops, visit or call 619.516.3999.


O CTO B ER 20 10

n cafe

t r e | galle ries | p oet s | con v e rs ation | cu ltur e

by Shannon Nies

“We need to wean the American food system off its heavy 20th-century diet of fossil fuel and put it back on a diet of contemporary sunshine…[so] that we need not choose between the welfare of our families and the health of the environment— eating less oil and more sunlight will redound to the benefit of both.” —Michael Pollan


he 1st Annual Sol Food Festival will take place in downtown Santa Barbara, California on October 2. This community-created event is designed to celebrate local organic farmers for their hard work and dedication to growing healthy, sustainable food for themselves and for the Santa Barbara area. All food at the festival—fresh vegetables and fruit, wine, beer, and more—contains organic ingredients, which are grown locally. Although tickets are needed to buy the food, everything else at the festival is free. The festival will offer a variety of activities, from workshops and cooking demonstrations to films and music. Possibly one of the most anticipated activities of the festival will be the appearance of local celebrity Cat Cora, Food Network’s first female Iron Chef. Cat will be presenting recipe demonstrations as well as discussing seasonable foods and healthy eating. Named Bon Appétit Magazine’s Executive Chef, Cat Cora is truly a talented chef who combines flavor with healthy, wholesome foods. The ‘Sol’ part of the festival is especially highlighted with its focus on sustainable foods that are grown from all-natural elements: sun; soil; water; and air. Instead of using fossil fuels and manmade resources, the local growers at the festival use the natural resources that the earth provides us. To emphasize the importance of these natural resources, presenters at this event will discuss how to preserve them so that we will continue to have healthy, organic foods which will benefit our health as well as our environment. Join the community of Santa Barbara for a great celebration to raise awareness of organic, healthy, and delicious food. It will surely be an engaging and exciting way to learn how we, as individuals and as a larger community, can contribute to our own wellbeing and the well-being of the earth. The Sol Food Festival is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on October 2. It is located at the Plaza de Vera Cruz in Downtown Santa Barbara, across the street from the Saturday Farmer’s Market. Admission is free, including demos, discussions, and other activities. For more information, visit To learn about Cat Cora and view her recipes and cooking tips, visit V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


O CTO B ER 20 10

t h e a t r e

“The Underground Man is obsessive compulsive. He’s formidable intellectually. He has an argument for everything and his interior debates have led to a difficult life. They’ve stood in the way of his ability to make human relationships and stopped him from engaging on a human level. He’s stuck in his head.” —Co-Adapter and Director Robert Woodruff


ostoevsky was never an easy read for me. I still remember reading The Possessed when I was thirteen. Last night watching La Jolla Playhouse’s productions of Notes from Underground, I was struck by two things, the first being the incredible performance by Bill Camp who played the ‘Man’ found in Notes from Underground, a novella written by Fyodor Dostoevsky in 1860. Secondly, I was moved La Jolla Playhouse Review by Sydney L. Murray by the powerful interpretation of this important work which was co-adapted by Camp and the director Bill Woodruff. This was truly memorable theatre even though at times the subject matter was heavy and dark. Camp said, “So many things struck me when I first read Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, not the least of which was the velocity at which his ‘Man’ thinks and thus writes. There is such momentum created by him when he begins to tell the tale of himself and that one particular day on which he decides to secede from civilization. It is a masterpiece of writing, almost pure thought, and the ideas are certainly as relevant today as they were in the 1860s.” The tour de force performance by Camp truly was a thing to behold as the silence rung out at the end of his almost 93 minute monologue. And as amazing as he was, I was once again reminded why I loved Dostoevsky. Human anguish and torment are as alive and well as they were when he wrote Notes. But I don’t think I could have said it better than Christopher Ashley, the artistic director, who said, “Bill Camp’s daring portrayals and deft handling of dramatic texts from Shakespeare to Tony Kushner, have catapulted him into the rarified arena of ‘über-actor.’ I have seen him perform many times in New York and in theatres across the country. His profound and thrilling performance in this production holds the audience in its grip and doesn’t let go. As scornful, tormented and unlikable as he is, the Underground Man in the end is as human as we are—and it is Bill’s performance that brings us to that realization.” Theatre not to be missed! Visit or call 858.550.1010. Through Oct. 17, 2010. Caring for the PHYSICAL & MENTAL WELL-BEING OF ALL CREATURES

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O CTO B ER 20 10

r e v i e w


Yoga Music M

usic is so great when it adds that certain something to a moment or a day. I love to chill to world beat tunes in the car. That is why I really like a recent release from Putamayo. Their World Music’s most recent Yoga CD is a soothing blend of different sounds and world music. Yoga is a compilation featuring artists from around the world, such as The LueKnow Project, Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band, Shantala, and many others. Through their music, these artists promote peace and connectedness between people and a myriad of cultures. Putumayo World Music was founded in 1993 by Dan Storper and Michael Kraus. As a company dedicated to introducing people to music from different cultures, Putumayo integrates cultural influences from all over—India, Africa, Australia, the United States, just to name a few. Although the CD is entitled Yoga it is more than just music meant to be used for the practice of yoga and meditation. Office and car are good places for me. The company’s motto, “guaranteed to make you feel good,” comes into fruition in this CD. The peaceful, relaxing music is incredible to listen to anywhere and at any time. It puts one’s mind, body, and soul at ease and, at the same time, creates a space for reflection and new ideas. The integration of different cultures in Encinitas each song opens up the possibilities for how far-reaching music can be. Insurance Agency —SN Putumayo’s Yoga CD, as well as their other music compilations, can be purchased online on their website,, by phone at 888.788.8629, or from various retailers throughout the world.

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h o l i s t i c

b u s i n e s s

JOIS Yoga Shala by Chandanni Miglino

er— if we yields happiness both here and hereaft ch whi and nity mu com an hum ire ch is useful to the ent ard s the Self.” —Pattabhi Jois “If we practice the science of yoga, whi piness, and our minds will flood tow hap l itua spir and tal men l, sica phy attain practice it without fail , we will then


he grand opening of the JOIS Yoga Shala in Encinitas, California marks the flagship studio to the Jois family’s tribute to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois’ universal message of Ashtanga Yoga. Sonia Jones, founder and teachercertified Ashtanga practitioner, and her partner, Salima Ruffin, president of JOIS, have teamed up with Pattabhi Jois’ grandson, Sharath R., his daughter, Saraswathi Jois, and his son, Manju Jois, to create a venture in spreading the teachings, workshops, and practice of yoga to make Jois’ Ashtanga Yoga more available around the world. Sharath R. is the primary yoga master and conduit for Pattabhi Jois’ Ashtanga Yoga at JOIS. He is the Director of the Ashtanga Yoga Institute, also teaching in Mysore, India, home of Ashtanga Yoga, and is currently the only practitioner to have mastered all six levels of Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga Yoga literally means, “the eight limbs of yoga.” These ancient teachings date back to around 5,000 years and were recorded into text, known as the yoga sutras, by Patañjali, the father of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga translate into the science of how to live a complete and happy life. From moral conduct like truth, self-awareness, and non-violence, to adapting ways to exercise and

develop maximum flexibility within the mind, body, and spirit, Ashtanga Yoga embraces the core aspects of how to conduct a practice and a lifestyle that lead to the awakening, blossoming, and expansion within the individual. The beauty and message of JOIS is that yoga is available for absolutely everyone no matter who we are or how new we are to yoga. JOIS Ashtanga Yoga is a practice that can be utilized by all individuals who are seeking a deeper and more connected longing for complete health and individual growth. As soon as we step into the JOIS Yoga Shala in Encinitas, we are welcomed into a bright, clean and vibrant studio, a sacred space where we can breathe in the gift of Pattabhi Jois’ Ashtanga Yoga teachings, philosophy, and legacy. Featured in the stylish JOIS boutique is the JOIS signature yoga clothing line which echoes the relaxed confidence of the Ashtanga lifestyle. For more information on JOIS and all that it has to offer, please visit www.joisyoga. com. JOIS is located at 575 South Coast Highway, Encinitas, CA 90024. Chandanni Miglino is founder and CEO of WeDharma (, a company which strives to integrate Eastern and Western traditions of consciousness and mindfulness.

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WANTED CONSCIOUS BUSINESS IN THE HEART OF HILLCREST 100 square foot practitioner’s room that could be used for any number of conscious businesses from acupuncturist, chiropractor, massage, etc. High visibility building with great walk in traffic. Come by and see it today! 1281 University Avenue, ground floor in holistic building.

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O CTO B ER 20 10

“Symbolic Eating” continued from page 7


land, or perpetuate climate change?” The epiphany was at hand. Although my father was forced to make the decision to change his eating habits, he could have said no. Thankfully he didn’t. The symbolism of his choice ended up illuminating the fact that he valued his life enough to make such a dramatic shift. This shift represented the creation of a habit to give him not only the energy to live and heal his body, but the positive energy to play his part in promoting a harmonious life for all. Ultimately, I realized my dad’s misfortune in getting sick turned out to be a great lesson for my family in living consciously. Even though he would later tell me sometimes, he just wanted to give in and eat “regular” cookies made with refined white sugar, he knew how good he’d feel if he just ate a pear that was grown down the road without anything other than sunlight and rainwater. I guess he helped teach me that certain foods were more nutritious than others, but what I really found out was the food we eat is symbolic of our individual identities. Sustainable eating habits are truly a gesture of symbolism I trust we can all live better by. Actually, on a holistic level, when you believe in what you eat, honor sustainable eating habits, and can stand behind your choices for consuming a product that gives you the energy to live, you’re actually creating a symbolic gesture to the universe that gives thanks for the life you live, and the high quality of life you hope others are equally able to enjoy.

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Prayer for Reuniting Twin Flames

Brennan Lagasse is a writer and environmental consultant living in Lake Tahoe, CA. His recently published book, Waiting for the Snow to Fall: First Nations, Federal Policy, and Environmental Justice, explores the tenets of holistic sustainable land-use policy applied and understood through critical examination of the plan to expand the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort near Flagstaff, AZ. He can be reached at

In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame I pray that we reunite I call for the consuming of all portents of our returning negative karma, clouding our ability to recognize each other, and creating a sense of separation. I call to dissolve the human imposed self-limitations that keep us from the full expression of our twin flame identity, and the fulfillment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind.

“Zapped” continued from page 17

in “grounded” sheets or bed pads at night when your body needs to regenerate. Keep the bedroom as dark as possible to encourage melatonin secretion that helps to protect against degenerative disease. It’s also important to advocate that the FCC revises exposure guidelines which many EMF experts believe is up to a whopping thousand times higher than what is considered “natural” and “safe.” I believe we need to stop further wireless infrastructure development until more research is done. VM: What do you see in the future? AG: If the telecommunications industry has its way, we will be constantly bathed in a sea of artificial radiation from non-stop exposure from power lines, cell phone and broadcast towers, computers, Bluetooth headsets, and GPS receivers. We are becoming a virtual hot spot for electromagnetic energies that may be increasing even more with the new roll out of Wi-Max transmitters that are said to have a range of two square miles. Thanks to their lobbying efforts, Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 makes state and local governments powerless to stop cell towers and wireless antennas based on “environmental [i.e., human health]” concerns, so communities need to work together to repeal this legislation. So, don’t wait for the government to protect you. It’s every man for himself. This is why I created a healing haven in my own home. Zapped provides my readers with information they simply won’t get elsewhere, and a blueprint for saving themselves, their children, and ultimately the planet.

Laura Geralyn Kline • Healer • Spiritual Messenger • Twin Flame/Soulmate Reconnection



Ann Louise Gittleman is an author, holistic health and weight loss expert, and spokesperson who has been featured on TV shows such as “Dr. Phil,” “Good Morning America,” and “The Early Show.” Her most recent book, Zapped, which will be available October 2010, shows readers how to protect their minds and bodies from electro pollution. For more information, visit Zapped is published by Harper Collins, $25.99 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

I call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. I pray that We reunite Uniting Twin Flames ~ Susay


O CTO B ER 20 10

“Peace and Connection Through Music” continued from page 15


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San Diego Reader 2007

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to Hell in your life, you end up using that to help others. VM: What do you feel that currently needs to change in the world? How do you hope your music and your peace projects could help spark this, or at least contribute in some way? LS: One of the biggest things is that people are not self-expressed; they’re not really expressing who they are. People for the most part don’t feel safe to fully express who they are. I think we need to give each other permission to live really full out, in our creativity, in our spiritually, in our sexuality—on all levels, I think we need permission to really be who we are. I think when people are given that freedom and that permission it’s so much easier to feel a space of love and to open to that state. Because I think that’s really our natural state…to love and to be loved, but it’s covered by our fear that we can’t really be who we are. To allow ourselves to completely, completely just be outrageously authentic. And that’s one of my missions, is to give people permission. Life is too short…from head to toe, I’m going to live as authentically as I can possibly muster, and then in doing so, give other people permission. There’s just so much frickin’ love, but we can’t access that love if we’re not being authentic. VM: What are you going to share with the attendees at the Leaders Causing Leaders conference? LS: I do believe I will be giving a talk there. For me, it’s really important to be just really aligned so that I feel very passionate about it. If I’m going to open my mouth and speak, I want to be very passionate and know that I’m giving something that is of service to those who are listening. VM: What do you hope people at the conference will gain from their experience listening to you? LS: I hope that they are inspired to really tune in to the gift that they have within themselves to share in this lifetime. I really feel that most of us are only tapping into the smallest portion of what we’re capable of. I really hope that everyone walks away from that conference feeling like, yes, I can go out and share my gift and help and inspire others to do the same. Larisa Stow is a singer/songwriter known for her soul-searching, engaging music which combines music and sounds from different cultures. Not only does she contribute to peace and unity between cultures with her music, but she also has various nonprofit, charitable peace projects. To learn more about Larisa and her music, visit www. The Leaders Causing Leaders Conference: LEADERShift 2010 will take place November 6 and 7 at the Long Beach Convention Center. It will feature singers, authors, teachers, scientists, and others. The speakers will inspire attendees “to awaken the leader within” and strive to change the world. For more information about the conference, please visit or call 310.246.1466.

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O CTO B ER 20 10

“Symbolism Today” continued from page 19


Next, use a notebook with the intent of writing in it every day for a month. Take a few moments each day to write down symbols that appear to you, and think about what you’re going through and how you’re feeling when they come up. Do you see a certain pattern of numbers on the clock when you’re going through dramatic changes in your life? Have you seen certain animals before or after experiencing the loss of a loved one? Do you associate any feelings or intuitions, precognitive or otherwise, with a particular symbol, image, or design? Once your symbolism notebook is complete, review your notes and look for patterns and meanings. You’ll notice that, for example, you always see butterflies just before something wonderful happens, or that the moment you need encouragement, an image of the Buddha or a certain animal will appear. These symbols can help you gain a different perception of the world around you. Your own set of symbols is rich and wonderful, and very personal. They belong to you alone—your own treasure map of meaning that helps you navigate your way through life.




Krishanti is an intuitive consultant based in Los Angeles, California and offers a variety of types of sessions. Please visit or email intuitiveconsultations@ “Breathe Deep” continued from page 23

VM: If there is one thing that each one of us could do to change the world, what would that be? JK: I would say for people to have a meaningful relationship with their breath, to understand their breath and to use it as this amazing God-given tool to transcend anything. VM: How would your breathing techniques differ from others? JK: The master that was my guide basically said transformational breath is the yoga breath for integration. And yet our technique is done differently in that it is continuous and free and has a life of its own that once you start it actually takes over. It’s like an automatic deep movement of spirit through your being. We incorporate sound and profound hands-on [touch]. We work directly with spirit and we do precession movement and coaching. It’s very unique. This is a weekend where we are launching a new association with the Presence Process, which is a counterpart of transformational breath. If you combine transformational breath and the Presence Process by Michael Brown, it’s absolutely life changing. He has come to the understanding of how we got away from spirit and how we can use our awareness and breath to come back to our vibrational self. VM: What would be the most significant healing that you witnessed or experienced through this technique? JK: I’ve seen many physical symptoms go away as a result of this. One example is a lady in her 90s—I would call her “the walking dead”—[who] confessed to me before her session that she was ready to leave [this earth], and after the session she walked out and she was literally jumping around. She just got her life force back. This happened in one session. I’m forever impressed. VM: What do you see for our world? JK: I feel we are going through this very fast evolutionary step and that consciousness can shift in a moment. My sense is that we can transition. I have a lot of faith that spirit is in charge and that we are heading toward something more beautiful than imagined. They will experience the most profound transformation they could ever imagine. It is the most amazing opportunity for someone to be free and connect deeply with who they are.

Sunday Services on the science of yoga meditation and successful living





The teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda


For more information on the upcoming workshop, “The Presence of Breath,” please e-mail Jessica at or visit www. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E



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OCT 10

Seeking God in Today’s World

OCT 17

Reincarnation: The Soul’s Journey to Perfection

OCT 24

Experiencing the Light of God-Perception

OCT 31

The Art of Balanced Living

Self-Realization Fellowship


O CTO B ER 20 10

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O CTO B ER 20 10

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O CTO B ER 20 10

MASTERING TRUE LOVE—An online listener call-in radio show. Join Paul Reinig live as he interviews guests and shares testimony on how he learned to cultivate a safe and sacred space within through accepting all aspects of himself. Sunday’s at 6 pm PST. Mastering-True-Love. For information about Paul see Trance-Formation Circle – Stressed out??? Feeling overwhelmed & out of control? Losing sleep? Not getting what you want in life? Attend this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence & motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, this circle convenes on Sundays from 2 – 4pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. $10.00 donation at the door. Register at 818-345-1100 or online at http://www. FIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30AM-11:30AM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 11/10 ARE YOU READY FOR TRANSFORMATION? Please Visit www. Join us at La Costa Resort for the Seven Spiritual Lawa of Success. Tuition is $25 advance and $30 at the door. For more details visit

SUNDAYS ONENESS MEDITATION & ENERGY ATTUNEMENT – Offers deep breathing meditation and alignment of your personal energy field. An interactive “Oneness” group where each shares their gifts and holds the space for each other’s healing and empowerment. Don’t know your gifts? Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry creates safe space and delivers spirit messages to help clarify your calling. 11am – 1pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. $10 love offering. Register at 818-345-1100 or online at DEVOTIONAL SINGING MANTRA MUSIC Every Sunday 7-9pm. FREE! Led by Cass Smith, Donna & Teeto Cheema, Jim & Lynn Chow & Friends. Singing and chanting the sweet names of God, with love and devotion is the easiest and most effective way to reach liberation. 2845 Cacatua St. La Costa, CA 92009. 760.431.7658 or 760.753.3353. MONDAYS $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00 p.m. Tuesday’s @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998 FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30pm by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 10/10 TUESDAYS FIRST AID FOR THE SOUL – A healing circle for nurturing the soul. Join us to shift from highly stressful situations to a state of calmness and serenity, enabling wise choice. This group uses guided creative visualization to release and renew. Through self-healing with forgiveness, transformation, empowerment, and well-being are restored. Group meets bi-weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7 – 9pm; 10/5, 10/19, 11/2; at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Free parking in the rear. Call 818.345.1100 or register online at Group Led by Rosalba Fontanez, Theta Healing Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. $20 per session earns 15% Discount on crystals & candles with paid registration, valid through end of the month issued. CLINICAL NUTRITION. INTRODUCTORY or FULL CERTIFICATION. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Revised! 7:00-9:50 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485 enroll@naturalhealinginst. com or visit WEDNESDAYS CLINICAL MASTER HERBOLOGY. INTRODUCTORY or FULL CERTIFICATION. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00-9:50 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485 enroll@naturalhealinginst. com or visit

WEDNESDAYS MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION: Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7PM8PM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 11/10 WEEKLY PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASS–This class format supports development of your psychic abilities. Learn how to prepare to send and receive messages clearly and safely; connect to loving spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones to open and close energy fields and to explore various forms of intuitive abilities. 7 – 9 pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356. $25.00 fee. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at THURSDAYS METAPHYSICAL HOUR – explore and witness “Working with Crystals”. Host Mazda Lakpour, Master Hypnotist and Family Practitioner, will share knowledge and experience in this bi-weekly lesson. The group meets Thursday evening from 7 to 9pm on 10/7 & 10/21; new topic on 11/4. At The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356. $25 per session fee earns 15% discount on crystals & candles with paid registration, valid through end of the month issued. Register and get more information at 818.345.1100 or online at FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30 PM. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 01/11 FRIDAYS SPIRITUAL CINEMAN FRIDAYS 7:30 pm (Donation) The Center for Health and Wellbeing. 3636 Fifth Ave., San Diego, CA. 92103 www.integrativemedicinesandiego. com 619.814.5542 HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the lifehealing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8pm; Sundays - 10am. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300. Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 10/10 SATURDAYS RAW FOODS PREPARATION. Therapeutic. Live. Exotic. Gourmet. Medicinal Themes. Natural Healing Institute, Email enroll@naturalhealinginst. com or visit www.naturalhealinginst. com or call 760.943.8485 PSYCHIC SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES WITH CORRINE – Weekly practice circle will help increase your intuitive abilities and strengthen your connection with Spirit. Focus is to clearly and safely receive and deliver loving messages from/ to spirit guides, angels, and transitioned loved ones. Goal is to relate messages that are for the highest and best good of each participant. Saturdays, 1 – 3pm at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. $15 minimum donation. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

“The New Visionaries” continued from page 27

ecosystem, and then we lift everything through current political action alerts where you can decide to spend some of your valuable time to get behind a whole variety of issues, non-profits, and companies that are working to resolve many of the issues. We network with 50-60 thousand Non Governmental Organization (NGO) groups all over the world. We have a massive e-mail database of environmental groups, so we’re communicating and bringing to light the understanding that there are millions of people all over the world, here in the U.S. and beyond, who are really working to improve, the quality of life here on planet Earth. The first thing you need to [ask] is, how do you improve the quality of your own life? It’s as simple as talking about an agenda. You know we have to do some self-inquiry. Am I eating good food? Am I exercising? Am I learning to meditate or relax? How do we deal with stress? All of this is part of the educational and evolutionary process to become more human as you become more conscious, more aware, more efficient, more effective, more compassionate, more understanding of the fact that we are part of a collective unity that’s interdependent. We’re all a part of this amazing experiment in evolution of consciousness that goes not only for our planet and all of humanity, but extends out around the whole cosmos because we’re connected to the cosmos. VM: How does symbolism play a role in your work? DV: That’s the Artainment (available on YouTube). What we’ve done is create a new art form. It’s really quite evolutionary. What we’ve done is integrate consciousness and technology to activate people’s understanding of oneness and a deeper connection with their inner selves. When you watch these things you are not getting ideology. You’re getting an understanding of what spirituality is really about, and the symbols activate them like the diamond. As a symbol, it’s not just a pretty picture. It has energy inherent to initiate changes within [the] psyche. That’s what makes us different. We’re really strong in the arts and the power of music or art to transform people and bring in a positive message of understanding that one of the great gifts that we have as human beings is to create imagination. VM: How do we get this message ingrained in the mainstream? DV: That’s the challenge we have. If you look at what the Light Party is saying, its essential platform at various levels is already in the mainstream. People are becoming much more health conscious. We have a “self-induced health care crisis,” and people are looking for solutions. The information is there for people to understand the importance of exercise, proper nutrition, and spiritual development. More people are becoming health conscious through a natural need because people can’t really afford to be sick. There is also the absolute need for economic reconstruction. We address those [needs] and have a lot of solutions, like converting Alcatraz Island [in San Francisco] into a global peace center. Within that vision as Alcatraz as a symbol, really what we’re working on is planet Earth as one giant global peace center. It’s essential to find out what your life purpose is and where your passion lies, and to commit yourself as a human being is the most important thing you can do. It’s truly pretty simple. What’s not simple is the economic pressures of paying rent [and] the bills, but we have a lot going for us in America as much as there’s been poor choices. When you travel the world, you see most of the world lives in abject poverty. We have a responsibility, in cleaning this planet up and redistribution of wealth. Everybody’s basic needs need to be handled so everybody has the opportunity to live and thrive. We have the ability to create the world we want. THE NEW VISIONARIES PRESENTED by CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO. at the LAX Hilton. October 15-17th. An exhilarating 3 day event presenting an exciting program of trasformative lectures amd workshlops and exhibitors displaying breakthrough modalities and sustainable products. Experience! Discover! Conect! or call 800.367.5777.


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v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

Shirley LeMire

Shirley LeMire first began painting in 1965 and received her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1977 from San Diego State University as Magna Cum Laude. Her recent collection displays the colorful and spirited Cosmic Givers, celestial beings which can facilitate one’s desires. The Cosmic Givers are a series of channeled artworks, each offering various virtuous gifts. To fully create her exotic textures, LeMire uses materials lying around her house or garage, including recycled or shiny objects, fabrics, and earth materials. Her vibrant colors are reminiscent of the innocence and psychedelia of the mid to late 60s. These large captivating artworks are a sight to behold and can be seen at her next gallery opening in Los Angeles, California. Visit for more details. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 45 O CTO B ER 20 10

“Karma & Reincarnation” continued from page 8

each side of it; we learn the different aspects of love, we learn the different aspects of mind, of creative power, all these different traits of how to really have healthy and deep relationships with others, how to care for ourselves, care for the body, the planet. We develop what’s called the enlightened aura, a very beautiful, bright shimmering, elevating energy field, and then we’re ready to go on. We get off what the East Indians call the ‘wheel of necessity,’ and we go on to a greater, more heavenly lifestyle. Life unfolds gradually. Enjoy the moments that you’re in right now. Be persistent; don’t be lazy or slow, but at the same time, don’t push things before their time. Let life unfold as it’s meant to. The rose is going to bloom, but take the big picture of life. Realize that there’s a whole art going on here. Take a deep breath. Look at what’s in front of you. The business of today sets you up for the business of tomorrow. VM: I think when a lot of people think about karma they think of good and bad karma. What you would call those the different types of karma? DM: Good and bad are not wrong words to use, but you have to qualify it because karma is not a punishment. Karma is a harmonizing law. The job of karma is to try to bring life back into balance. If I do something that’s disturbing the natural equilibrium of life or if I hurt somebody or hurt myself, I’m unbalancing life because life’s natural state is harmony. So in that discordance, I have to bring life back into balance, and, that can be a painful process, as I’m retuning myself back into divine harmony. In the same way, if I do something beautiful, it’s adding to the harmony of life that’s already there, and the goodness that comes back to me is multiplied. So you want to see this as an opportunity to bring your life back into balance. And I guess the hard part sometimes to understand about karma is that we have done sometimes things that are not so great. That’s a hard thing to accept. We like to see ourselves in the highest possible light, and we should see ourselves in the highest possible light. But at the same time, we do have to take responsibility to realize that as souls, we have done it all. There’s an expression, “Fortune favors the bold.” When you do the thing that’s right, even though it’s a difficult thing to do and it does require courage and boldness, it’s like the universe stands behind you and gives you a power to do [something] that you didn’t even think you had. Many times we just either take the abuse when we should do something about it or there’s someone or something we’re supposed to help, and we don’t. We turn a blind eye, turn a deaf ear, and we say, that has nothing to do with me, I’m not getting involved with that. There might be a family member in distress and you’re doing nothing to help that family member and that’s your karma staring at you right in the face. So if you pay attention to the karma, you will alleviate it. And here’s the great part: you know your karma is over because the situation will just disappear. That disturbing person, that condition that you thought would never rectify itself, suddenly turns right side up and everything is back in balance again. VM: How do karma and reincarnation connect to spiritual growth? BM: Well, karma works with your spiritual growth, especially if you learn the lesson. You should always ask that question: what is my lesson? Realize that family, spouses, children are very karmic, and that’s where you should concentrate. DM: The process of reincarnation is the process of spiritual growth. The law by which that process is administered is the law of karma. So it is the process of reembodiment which is the process of growth. Behind every activity, every change with every person, everything in our job, everything in our finances, our health, it’s all part of a spiritual activity, and it’s all part of our spiritual growth. Barbara Martin and Dimitri Moraitis are the authors of the recently released book entitled Karma and Reincarnation: Unlocking the 800 Lives to Enlightenment.In 2005, they founded the Spiritual Arts Institute, which is dedicated to helping people with healing and spiritual growth. For more information about Barbara and Dimitri’s institution and their book, please visit or call 818.353.1716. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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