Vision Magazine December 2009 Edition

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Danish Christmas Traditions Lost and Found by Bente Mirow


t wasn’t until I couldn’t see it anymore that I really saw it. The light, the intentions and the mood around Christmas in Denmark was a marathon of festivities spreading over the entire month of December and culminating in four Christmaspregnant days, each uniquely filled with their own set of rituals, traditions and food. By far, this is the greatest celebration of the year in Denmark. Like everyone else, I took the whole package for granted as a child and enjoyed it with a mixture of endless impatience and a deep warm fuzzy feeling inside that enveloped me and made me feel safe and enchanted. I watched the food, the drink and the people with awe and fascination. Food was a big deal. There was “Little Christmas Eve” on the 23rd with aebleskiver (traditional Danish pancakes) and glogg (heated spiced wine). There was Christmas Eve on the 24th with the special rice dessert with the hidden almond game, and on the 25th and the 26th, there were the all-day “luncheons,” food orgies with no beginning and no end. Endless culinary delights covered a very large table and hot dishes were placed on an odd arrangement lifting them up from the table. I imagined that they had taken the elevator up to the second floor to see the food. In reality, of course, it was because one very large table was not big enough to hold all the food my family was intent on eating. As I grew older, I started to question the bombastic proportions of it all. In

addition, my interests and longings now tended towards exotic places where the sun shone more. I would now willingly give up what December in Denmark had to offer me in exchange for being somewhere else. As I established myself as a temporary (I thought) immigrant in a new country, I slowly came to realize the extent of how the climate, culture, history and social context under which we start our lives affect how we see and meet the world. Moving away and facing another set of values can cause a strange form of confusion. Where was the calendar candle on December 1, divided into 24 small sections to be burned each day until the candle showed Christmas was here? How were endless candles going to create the atmosphere of Christmas when it wasn’t even cold or dark? How could electric lights on the Christmas tree possibly substitute the real candles and the bucket of water below the tree? Worst of all, marzipan was nowhere to be found in this country of too much, but too little of the right things. And so it wasn’t until that light, those intentions and that mood of Christmas was not available to me, that I started to understand the effort and meaning behind what it had been. continued on page 40

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C ATA LY S T F O R C O N S C I O U S L I V I N G December Theme: Honoring Traditions


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living arts extreme buddhism

24-27 features huna wisdom dream in africa



viewpoint the airport yogi

Executive Editor/Publisher Sydney L. Murray /


holistic living elderberry salt for healing


community resources


vision café


greek to me the last cut is the deepest


holistic products


ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions






visionary artist Mara Berendt Friedman

Editor Elyssa Paige / Graphic Design Nick Zetlmaier Producer Joseph McDonald Contributing Writers Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses,


mindstates how can I give? create a ritual critters, funerals and holy water


culture solstice celebration kumeyaay traditions


astrology december 2009 forecast


earthwatch breaking oil addiction


regional mysterium dk hair

Patricia Alfano, Heidi Harmony Cohen-Wolff, Bente Mirow, Dr. Matthew B. James, Daphne Carpenter, Vanessa King, Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH, Danielle Goodman, Kiva Rose Ashlie Rodriquez, Lance Charles, Alegra Marcel Bartzat, Barbara Schiffman, CHt and Cat Williford, MCC Sales Sydney L. Murray / Elyssa Paige / Vibhooti Kumar Titania Mehn / Michelle Colucci / Joseph McDonald Sunshine Carr / Jacqueline Prairie / Jacquelyn Powell Listings: Online & Print Sales Elyssa Paige / Interns Ashlie Rodriguez / Danielle Goodman

by Adam Tan -

Vision Magazine® is a ® registered trademark of Vision Global, Inc. published on a monthly basis and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions are available for $27 for 12 issues (one year). All rights reserved. Advanced written permission must be obtained from Vision Magazine for partial or complete reproduction of any part or whole of Vision Magazine, including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed in Vision Magazine do not necessarily represent those of Vision Global, Inc., its employees or representatives. Vision Magazine disclaims any responsibility for claims made by its advertisers. Artwork, fiction, letters to the Editor, and manuscripts are welcome, however, unsolicited manuscripts without SASE will not be returned. Copyright © 2009 Vision Magazine

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D EC E M B ER 20 0 9

T he A irpor t Yogi

v i e w p o i n t

by Daphne Carpenter


hen I walked into the waiting area at Gate 29 of the Dallas airport, I saw a spectacle unfolding. As my eyes scanned the room for a seat, a man was on the ground in the middle of the room, in Supported Pigeon pose (Salamba Kapotasana), a hip opening yoga posture. He was balanced on his right thigh while his left leg was extended behind him, and very true to the posture, his chest was lifted with bird-like majesty. I blinked my eyes. Was this guy doing yoga? Yes, he was. The airport yogi was a Caucasian middle-aged man wearing dark grey slacks and a mauve-colored business shirt. He was practicing a full-sequenced set of yoga postures (asanas) right there in the waiting area. And this wasn’t your ordinary gentle yoga-stretch sequence, the kind you read about in magazines under headlines like “Stay Calm: Yoga Your Way through Highway Traffic” or “Stretches from Your Airplane Seat.” Oh no, this had to have been at the caliber of a Level Two Vinyasa Flow class. His stretches were very vigorous. It was December and there were myriad travelers shooting out from all directions. You could feel the swift wind of human bodies crossing paths momentarily in the rush to make it to their holiday destinations. I spotted a seat and quickly made my way into the small sectioned-off area where I would wait for my transfer flight to Brazil—which wouldn’t be leaving for another nine grueling hours. Now I was right next to the yogi. He stretched himself further out into pigeon position and walked his hands out in front of him until his chest met the ground. When his strawberry-blondish crown of disheveled hair was pointing right towards

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me with his face towards the floor, I looked around, slightly bewildered, to see other passengers’ reactions. Was this as strange to everybody else as it was to me? Then I saw that a man across from me was watching my reaction with an amused smile on his face. His eyes were lifted like crescent moons and he looked like a happy-faced emoticon. He saw that I was the newest person entering the circus scene and when our eyes met, I started to laugh, although somewhat quietly. Damn. I didn’t want to do that. It was all his fault, that happy faced-emoticon guy. If our eyes hadn’t connected in complacent glances of amusement, I might have been able to restrain myself. I truly didn’t want to offend my fellow yogi. But honestly, I found the situation funny and had to look away to avoid triggering a chain reaction of laughter around us. Then I wondered if the situation was a setup for some TV reality show, where they secretly film people’s reactions to bizarre events. When the yogi moved into Cat-Cow pose—with his torso vacillating up and down, accentuating the arch in his back—he did little to restrain the blissful look on his face as the energy traveled up his spine and out through the crown of his head. With his close proximity, it was hard not to “feel” him and his deeply concentrated Ujjayi breath blowing in my direction. As the session continued, I started to get annoyed at what felt like an erotic performance of yoga at Gate 29. I caught myself starting to judge him. I knew I was wrong, but in my flawed human-ness, it just happened. “Couldn’t he just move closer to the wall, out of the way?” I scowled to myself from under my breath. But really I was just jealous of his profound sense of not caring what anyone else thought. He lacked the self-consciousness that prevented any of us other yogis from living out our practice so freely, and in such proximity to strangers. He didn’t feel like he was in anyone’s way or doing anything wrong. He was focused and centered in his Light Body and he had cleared away the energy blocks that had lodged themselves in the backs of his legs and in his lower back—those mean ones we get from sitting on the airplane for cruel, prolonged periods. This guy was ready to board that plane as a new man, flexible, and refreshed. A loud cleansing-breath escaped his mouth. “Haahhhh,” he exhaled, indifferent to the curious stares in his direction. “Flight 2079 to Burbank has been delayed,” announced a female voice over the intercom. I wondered if that might have been his flight. If it was, he didn’t seem to be the least bit concerned. He just kept flexing and pointing his toes, which were warmed by a pair of knee length, thin black dad-socks. Wondering what he would do next, I started taking notes in my journal, partly to be able to write a story about him, but mostly to pretend that I wasn’t completely intrigued by what he was doing. continued on page 41


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h o l i s t i c

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The Tradition of Elderberry for Immune Health by Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH


n our modern world, it seems that so much emphasis is placed on the newest and latest remedies. Forgotten are many of our past remedies and herbs that have continually demonstrated their healing abilities over time. One of these time-honored herbs is elderberry (sambucus nigra). Long praised throughout history for its strong anti-viral benefits, elderberry has been used for centuries for cold and flu symptoms. The dark black berries from the elder shrub have also been used as a healthy and therapeutic food since 5 BC. The writings of Hippocrates describe the use of tonics derived from elderberry. Further, there is record of the ancient Greeks and Romans using it to shorten the severity and duration of respiratory distress. In the Middle Ages, elderberry was traditionally used to help support the immune system. In Europe, where the tree is native, it is consumed throughout the winter season to promote immune health. Lastly, the flavorful berries have long been used to make preserves, wines, and cordials. Cold, flu, upper respiratory symptoms, and fever have all been treated with elderberry for centuries. It has mild diuretic and laxative properties, meaning that it helps to cleanse the body and it is a diaphoretic that brings on sweating (which means it can help break a fever). In animal studies of colitis (colon inflammation that usually causes diarrhea), elderberry has been shown to have a healing effect. Elderberry is rich in a number of constituents with health-supportive properties, including flavonoids (hyperoside, isoquercitrin, rutin), lectins, and anthocyanins (chrysanthemin, sambucin, sanbucyanin), as well as vitamins C, B1, B2, and B6. Flavonoids, otherwise known as antioxidants, help your body’s immune system to fight unwelcome viral invaders. Pharmacologic studies demonstrate that the powerful antioxidant capacity of elderberry matches the power of blueberry to put excess free radicals, which are associated with accelerated aging and chronic diseases, out of commission. Studies also demonstrate that elderberry reduces low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation—the free radical attacks on “bad” LDL cholesterol that make it even more hazardous to your heart’s health. Elderberry inhibits neuraminidase, the enzyme used by viruses to spread infection to host cells. These sorts of envelope viruses account for about half of cold and flu occurrences, including the hot button H1N1 virus. Elderberry constituents literally “coat” the virus, preventing it from attaching to receptor sites so that it ends up bouncing off. Once coated, it can be more easily detected by the immune system, which then can dispatch it. What’s more, in placebo-controlled, double-blind studies, elderberry has been shown to disarm flu viruses and actually prevent them from replicating in the body. A study in the July 2009 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Phytochemistry indicated that elderberry extract prevents H1N1 influenza infection. The summary of this research states: “New scientific evidence demonstrates that elderberries can block flu viruses. This research involved a specific, reproducible elderberry extract developed by HerbalScience Group LLC, (called Immunity Take Care by New Chapter) and succeeded in identifying key chemical components of the extract that inhibited in vitro infection and were shown to bind directly to Human Influenza A (H1N1) virus particles. The binding blocked the ability of the viruses to enter host cells, and thereby effectively preventing H1N1 infection in vitro.” Because elderberry is an immune modulator rather than an immune stimulator, it is safe to take daily as a preventative against cold and flu viruses, as well as V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

to treat symptoms of cold and flu. Immune modulators balance and strengthen immune function in the body, whereas immune stimulators can create a hyperactive immune system. So when it comes to cold and flu season, I believe that an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure and that an elderberry lozenge a day can help keep the cold and flu viruses away. Elderberry is a traditionally honored herb with therapeutic benefits that have withstood the test of time. For more articles and information on the elderberry, visit or call 858.673.0224. Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH, resides in Rancho Bernardo, CA. She is a Clinical Nutritionist, Herbalist, author of The Cleanse Cookbook and the founder of Christine’s Cleanse Corner, Inc., a whole-food nutritional supplement company that has been specializing in nutritional education and internal cleansing for over 14 years. She is the Editor and Publisher of the free monthly “Transform Your Health” Newsletter, as well as a consultant on nutrition, diet, and internal cleansing. As an inspirational speaker on health, nutrition and spirituality, she is also a Spiritualist Minister at Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association in Escondido, CA. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Suggestions and ideas presented in this document are for information only and should not be interpreted as medical advice, meant for diagnosing illness, or for prescriptive purposes. The information in this document is not to be used to replace the services or instructions of a physician or qualified healthcare practitioner.


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An Ancient Healing Ritual with Modern Appeal by Alegra Marcel Bartzat


alt has been used by humans for millennia, from flavoring and curing foods, to disinfecting wounds, cleaning and relaxing. Our relationship to salt is one of necessity and great social significance. Salt is used in religious and cultural practices nearly as much as it used in cooking and medicine. Salt is a grounding mineral, typically made of sodium, potassium, magnesium, or calcium bound to other minerals in similar chemical arrangements. It is either evaporated from seawater or mined from mineral deposits in the Earth. Sea salt is a better source for ritual use, as it contains a closer chemical relationship to its source. Table salt—otherwise known as sodium chloride, a combination of sodium and chlorine—is most common, but it lacks other essential minerals and is typically a highly refined product. As a beauty product and a spiritual remedy, table salt lacks many of the qualities we seek. Sea salt, on the other hand, has many minerals that vary depending on the sea it comes form. Like hot springs, various chemical combinations have different healing properties. All of the added minerals generally help to relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as help improve the quality of the skin.

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Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate and contains no sodium at all. If it is consumed, it is primarily used medicinally as a laxative. Epsom salt is more widely used in a bath because sulfates found in it can penetrate the skin to help relieve aching muscles and remove toxins. With so many salts available, it is a wonder that more people do not use salt in healing or beauty rituals. Alone, a salty bath can be a meditative and physically healing endeavor. With friends, mixing our own personalized bath salts can be a joyful community process in which we address our physical and emotional needs. We can create bath salts as a meaningful ritual to share with each other our own unique reasons for mixing in certain herbs or essential oils. We can also write a mantra to read when we take the bath, bringing the ritual to full circle. Bath salts are very easy to make with either Epsom salt or sea salts. As part of a healing ritual, every choice adds meaning to the bath salt mixture. If you are dreaming of a fellowship to France, add French sea salt. If you need a mental escape, look for sea salt from Bali to represent a mental vacation. Once you have your salts selected, you then move on to the herbs and scents. Extracted from various plants, essential oils are one of the best ways to add healing and meaning to your bath salts. They are easy to use and do not make a mess in your bathtub later. Be sure to use only the highest quality, pure oils. Since many oils are created synthetically in a lab, they’re chemically different than the real stuff and can be harmful or irritating to the skin. You always want to add a little “carrier” oil to your bath salts. A mild oil such as olive helps disperse the essential oils, thereby preventing any irritation on your skin from essential oils that may be too concentrated. A few of my favorite essential oils are lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint. These mix very well together and offer an amazing suite of healing properties. Lavender is calming and soothing, bringing deep relaxation. Eucalyptus and peppermint are revitalizing and detoxifying, as well as good for clearing your lungs and sinuses. These three mixed together offer a great escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, and can be used as part of a de-stress ritual. I also find them good for regaining focus on specific goals. Herbs can also be fun, and they can add color to your bath salt ritual. I recommend a mortar and pestle, because ground herbs will go down the drain without a problem, while whole leaf herbs can sometimes cause drainage issues. Green tea is a fantastic addition. Tea is part of a daily ritual for many people, so adding it to a special bath ceremony can add meaning—not to mention that it’s great for your skin and has antioxidant properties. Whether you gather with friends or do it alone, set aside a block of time to think about why you are drawn to mixing your own bath salts and what you hope to gain from it. Taking a bath can be great for your muscles, your skin, and your mind. The hot water depresses your heart rate, calming your mind and relieving stress. Soothing salts penetrate your skin and body, removing toxins and further relaxing your body. When you mix the salts yourself, you add a richer layer of meaning and intention to the process, turning a simple act of relaxing into a meaningful form of prayer. Alegra Marcel Bartzat lives in San Diego. She is a salt party hostess, providing you and your guests with all the materials and expertise you need to make your own customized bath salts. Learn more at


D EC E M B ER 20 0 9

g r e e k

The Last Cut Is The Deepest

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© 2009 by Michael Raysses


ne of life’s greatest mysteries is that I rarely discover the value of an experience until long after it’s over. For instance, when I worked in the steel mills to put myself through college, it was just a dirty means to a necessary end. It was years before I understood that watching the process of steel being made from its rawest elements imbued me with an essential curiosity to question how something is created, and to comprehend the forces that contribute to that result. As with steel, so it is with life’s more esoteric commodities: custom, ritual, and especially tradition. In the mid-60s, barbershops were one of the last bastions of the male Old Guard. My Dad’s establishment, The Sportsmen’s, was a Rubicon of testosterone. Pictures of old fishing boats covered the walls. There was an ancient cash register that chimed like a cathedral on Sunday morning when the cash drawer was opened, along with a seemingly endless supply of Doublemint gum in the tray where hundred dollar bills would have gone had there been any exchanged. But all of that was mere backdrop to the row of barber chairs that anchored the shop. They were lofty thrones in which leather, porcelain and metal merged in perfect harmony. To me, they were the eighth wonder of the world. As if it were yesterday, I remember the first time I ascended to my Dad’s chair and came to rest on the padded plank that stretched across its arms so that even a speck of a boy my size could sit properly. Unknowingly, a tradition was born that day. When the haircut was over, my Father splashed Old Spice on my face, picked me up out of the chair, threw me in the air, and kissed me roughly, the whiskers from his mustache pricking me with the most sublime fusion of pleasure and pain imaginable. I had no idea that this tradition (and that sensation) was an augur of things to come. A time was coming when how you wore your hair had political significance, and as that reality evolved, our relationship increasingly played out on what would become the battlefield of my scalp. Pop’s first volley on my hair was crude chemical warfare. A strategic dab of ineffective Brylcreem led him to use an industrial-strength goop that was so densely unctuous he could have molded my hair into an octagon. I went to any extent to sabotage his efforts, which only brought out the tactician in him. My Father’s response to my counter-offensive was a scorched earth policy he called “once around the block.” It was a crew cut, which was devastating enough on its own. One summer, though, he sheared me on the day before school let out for the summer, knowing I would have to return to school for one last day and take a lot of ridicule in the process. From then on, the die was cast. My tresses developed a mind of their own, coiling out in maddening loops. And even though Dad closed his shop, he continued to cut my hair. It was where we confronted each other within the confines of well-defined roles. By high school, the warfare had taken on a guerrilla aspect. My hair hung over my eyes, shielding them from direct scrutiny. It flew unfettered, catching V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

the wind, coming to rest wherever it fell. He felt it reflected poorly on him and nothing irked him more. Sitting for a haircut became hand-to-hand combat. Though Pop was blessed with hands that could flutter above my head with nary a sound beyond the rhapsody of his scissor’s serenade, when I was in his crosshairs, they became truncheons. And when I didn’t sit properly, the metal comb he pulled through the thicket that sprang from my head fell flatly on the crown of my skull. Matters reached a nadir when I came home from college one year with hair to my shoulders. Dad didn’t so much as surrender as he just walked away, and for awhile an armistice was declared—our tradition was in abeyance. A couple of years later we resumed our relative positions. My long hair was gone, but the scars of our fight were still fresh. One day as Pop was finishing me up, I mused that someday I should cut his hair. His scissors fell mute: “That day will never come, son.” Why is it that statements like that almost always dictate their opposite? That day came years later when Dad fell gravely ill and I had gone home to see him. He could no longer attend to himself, and when the topic of his hair came up, I froze. Then Pop did the unimaginable—he asked me if I would give him a trim. I paused for what felt like an eternity, and then agreed. Life becomes time-lapse photography in moments like that. As I draped the cape over his sagging shoulders, I felt a surreal sense of role-reversal. Instinctively, I did the only thing I could—I began aping his mannerisms and gestures in an attempt to become him, if only for the next few minutes. Miraculously, it worked. I lifted the wisps of his hair with the same metal comb he had used on me and trimmed away at the limp strands. Our exercise in empathy ended when he asked me to trim his moustache. As the last snips ended, I saw him looking at us in the mirror. I imagined him to be entranced by the torrent of memories pouring off our reflection. When he stood up, he patted my face gently. Then he kissed me on the cheek, and all the pain of his whiskers was gone. A tradition died when my Father passed. It left me with the realization that the best way to honor tradition is to participate in it fully while it’s still vital, to let it go when it dies, and to have the wherewithal to create new ones when that happens. Michael Raysses is a writer/actor/National Public Radio commentator living in Los Angeles. E-mail him at MichaelRaysses@hotmail. com.


D EC E M B ER 20 0 9

L i f e Q u a k e ™

Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor

sacred way if you are in that space with yourself. Have fun with this! Dear Dr. Toni: I am dreading Christmas. I can’t afford to go home and visit my family. My kids want gifts and I don’t have the money to buy them much this year. I’m not sleeping at night because I am self-employed and business is down. Can you enlighten me as to a way to salvage this holiday so that my kids don’t think I’m the L.A. scrooge? Eager to Transform Bah Humbug

Dr. Toni Galardi

Dear Dr. Toni: The holidays are coming and I am alone again. It isn’t enough to go and volunteer at a homeless shelter. My body is aching to be touched and massage is not enough. I need to feel passion through touch but I don’t want to just go out and have casual sex with a stranger. I have been turning to food as my lover…a lot. What do I do? Jonesing For Touch Dear Jonesing: My heart goes out to you. You are not alone in your experience; at this time of year when people are with their families or a partner, it is particularly poignant if we are without intimate connection. Because most of us were not raised to give love to ourselves on a physical level, the opportunity here is to learn how to have a sacred sexual relationship with yourself. How do you like to be touched? If you don’t know, experiment. Begin by touching your arms lightly, stroking them from your shoulder all the way to your hands. How does that feel? Notice what comes up emotionally as you touch different parts of your body. Allow for tender or scary feelings to come up. Most importantly, cherish yourself. If you feel inclined during this process, allow for self-pleasuring in whatever way you need and give that gift of presence, safety and acceptance. Now, sit in front of the mirror with a candle in the dark and make eye contact. Allow yourself to deeply connect to your soul through your eyes. After about 10 minutes, go back to lying down and imagine you have a lover next to you. Turn to that imaginary lover and look into his or her eyes and feel the connection—the one you had to yourself when you were sitting in front of the mirror. Now imagine he or she is touching you exactly as you would like to be touched. Go through the entire scenario from a place of deep intimacy. The last step is to bring that connection to your day. Be in your sensuality as you do the dishes, drive your car, eat your lunch and I dare say, as you interact with others. You can be very loving and sensual even with children and animals in a very

Dear Eager: Many people are experiencing the same frustration you are this year. If this were the holiday of getting I would say that you are truly handicapped, but it is not. If I could, I would put up a big billboard in every town in America that says, “Remember, the point of GETTING the Christmas spirit is BEING the Christmas spirit.” The gift of Christmas doesn’t come in a beautifully decorated box with a bow. It is being in the presence of love for yourself and a great model for your children. If you go to, there is a five-minute video from “Good Day LA” where I talk about how to inexpensively model for your kids the true spirit of the holiday through giving back to those who have even less than you do. We are in a massive evolutionary shift on our planet. It is requiring us to leave behind the old tribal mores for love. This economic contraction is here to assist us in releasing our old ideas of what makes us happy. Something needs to change if we are going to evolve. Transforming our old inner concepts of Christmas that reek of a Hallmark TV afternoon special into our own version of It’s a Wonderful Life (watch this film if you haven’t seen it) allows us to see that our value to our children is in who we are, not what toys they get from us. Your children take their cues from you. If you clear out the guilt you are feeling about not being Santa Claus and choose to stand for being love, not doing love through material buying, they will get it and follow suit. When we are brave and break from cultural programming, it is only then that our creativity can blossom. For example, go through the events section of your newspaper and find out what free concerts or other Christmas-themed events are happening that are geared toward kids. Make it a family project to go through old toys and clothing that are no longer being used. Donate them to a charity that supports homeless families and take your children with you so that they can experience the contribution. To all of my readers: Create a new Norman Rockwell painting in your mind’s eye for the possibility of who you and your children can be this holiday season. Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, public speaker, and the author of her new book, The LifeQuake Phenomenon: How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval. Dr. Galardi works by phone internationally with people in transition and can be reached at 310.712.2600. To submit questions for “Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor,” contact



D EC E M B ER 20 0 9

How Ca n I Give?

m i n d s t a t e s

Reflections on Living Well with Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith by Sydney L. Murray


e have a choice to look at our lives as one of tribulation or one of joy. If you live in a place of contribution and service, your life will have more meaning. Take yourself out of yourself by giving to others. Yesterday I was in the middle of a research project when I received an urgent call to help out at a safe house for battered women. I hadn’t been to this place in over three years, but I was apprised of the situation and came immediately. Accepting this call for help changed my day, my month and maybe even changed my perspective on the past year. No matter what challenges I was encountering there are situations others are experiencing that are far graver and more difficult than mine. I wonder if I would have immediately concurred to help out in this situation if I had not been thinking about the words of Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith in his new PBS Special “The Answer is You.” He asks, “How Can I Give, How Can I Grow and What Can I Celebrate?” As I pondered how I could give, I spoke with Stephen Powers, head of Agape Media International and expressed that we all have so many ways to give in our everyday lives. Those words stayed with me for the last few days as I asked myself over and over, “How Can I Give?” It is the vast actions over our lifetimes that mean the most—whole periods devoted to a specific issue or social cause. Although I’ve been devoted to larger causes, I’ve mostly forgotten the day-today gestures of giving. Just yesterday, speaking with a woman for three hours and talking her out of a very dangerous situation inspired me to understand that I can help someone every day. The point was that they called and I showed up. This act of service took me out of my own situation and is the perspective that is at the heart of Reverend Beckwith’s message: “How Can I Give?” I have never heard these words so poignantly and vitally until now. They are a mantra in my heart and mind. I will focus on them until I am fully immersed and cognizant of this question. Then I will move onto “How Can I Grow?” and “What Can I Celebrate?” Beckwith is a man who has moved so many with his spirit and wisdom. He


inspires thousands every day and is a messenger of self-responsibility and love. “The Answer is You” shows us that we cannot help anyone else until we help ourselves. And at the heart of this idea is compassion. I asked myself, “How can I help a total stranger?” Coming from a place of compassion and love, I know that we are more alike than different. How many daily opportunities are available for me to offer support, physical labor, an inspirational message or a kind word? We know that our thoughts can create our reality so I ask you, in this holiday season, to ask the most important question, which is the one Beckwith has posed: “How can I give?” So many people are in a place of lack and fear and if we shift this in our own minds and hearts by offering service to others, many of us can truly begin to see how much we do have—and be grateful for it. The holidays this year have a different feel for me and perhaps it is the same for many people in our country. The very best in all of us can come out this year. Now is the time to come back to the basics by being with the people that we love and being of service to others, even total strangers, through compassionate action. Now is the time. For more information on the PBS special and to pledge for this extraordinary movement of love and service, visit and go to the Agape Media International section, or visit Change our world and pledge to PBS to support Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith and the Agape message of peace and love this holiday season. Learn more at


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R e c l aim i ng Ri t u a l by Heidi Harmony Cohen-Wolff


iccans, Native Americans, Kabbalists, Essenes, and other followers of ancient world religions have based many of their practices on the cycles of the seasons, the moon, and various celestial patterns. But the new world mostly feared magic and healing craft, shunning it as illegitimate or evil. A system once drenched in earth-based traditions now only slightly captures its essence, leaving many westerners in church or temple feeling lost or unmoved. Dogmatic religious interpretation is largely based upon rules, regulations, judgments and commercialized holidays. The rich history and sacred connection of ritual has become lost in translation.

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However, as the human race continues to blend into a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, the boundaries of religious identities dissolve and we emerge renewed with celebratory possibilities. Perhaps you’ve always been intrigued with ritual but steered away due to misinterpretations or just not knowing where to begin. If you desire to reclaim the practices of our ancestors and rediscover ceremonial observance which truly resonates on your soul level, I will offer you a basic formula for earth-based ritual that I have come to use throughout the years. You can create a group ritual for full and new moons, equinoxes and solstices, house blessings, weddings, baby showers, healing or manifestation. I encourage you to mold the ritual to your liking. The group can choose to have one facilitator guide the process or delegate different roles to those in the circle. Needless to say, it is righteous to respect each others’ boundaries and comfort zones. Setting Sacred Space Adorning our surroundings or altar with art and soft fabrics is a most auspicious and delightful experience that helps to create sacred space. We can set up indoors or it is even more powerful to be outside. A table, the floor, or the ground can be used as an altar. We can choose any healing objects that fill us with joy, awe, and connection—flowers, pinecones, rocks, candles, herbs, statues, or pictures of our favorite deities, gurus, saints, animals, and loved ones which symbolize a quality we may be needing more of in our lives. Elemental Cleansing and Calling in the Four Directions I begin the ritual with an elemental cleansing of the space. The elements that I prefer to cleanse with are fire (with candles), water (in a chalice or bowl), air (with sage or other herbs for smoke and a feather to fan the aroma), and earth (with salt). They are placed on the altar or in four corners of the space at their directional correlation, which I will discuss shortly. The words I use are: Light, light, light this space By the power of fire, I cleanse this place. Continue with each element, tailoring it depending on what you are using. Sprinkle, spread, spray, or move the elements around during their call so that they come in contact with each individual so as to enhance our oneness with them. The order of the call varies among different sects. I like to begin with the south and go clockwise. The four directions can be beckoned with song, dance, instruments or vocal invocations, especially poetry. One of my favorite books to work with is Earth Prayers from around the World: 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for Honoring the Earth, edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon. Carolyn Anderson Each element relates to a 313-381-0379 direction. The south relates


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to fire and symbolizes our spirit, creativity, passion, purification, fertility, sexual energy, drive, and the power to transform and manifest. The west is related to water and our blood. It represents how we flow through life, dissolve boundaries, release holding, and cleanse. The north pertains to earth and our body and is symbolic of our strength, nobleness, groundedness, control, endurance, and our power to grow and harvest. The east correlates to air and our breath, representing our life force, vastness, clarity, imagination, our power to sweep out old patterns, and the ecstasy of movement and dance. Casting a Circle Now we are ready to cast a circle. I find this most effective by combining movement and song. You can use a wand or talking stick to trace the circle. As we hold hands and walk in a clockwise circle, we sing: We are a circle within a circle With no beginning and never ending. For a few minutes we sing this faster and faster to raise the frequency. It helps if we visualize a circle of love and light surrounding us and spreading out into the entire universe. God/Goddess Now that our circle is cast, we can honor and call in the energy of God/Goddess or Mother/Father in whatever form we connect to. I sometimes play a CD of devotional music (some of my favorite artists are Fantuzzi and Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe), or use a group song or verbal calling: We all come from the Goddess And to her we shall return Like a drop of rain Flowing to the ocean. The chorus is chanting various Goddesses’ names. You can do this for the Gods as well. Sometimes we envision a general all-encompassing spirit. Other times we call in a specific manifestation of creator or a deity related to the ritual we are performing that encompasses qualities we may desire to attract, such as healing, fertility, or clarity. If you’d like to manifest a goal or dream, Ganesh, the Hindu God of success, is perfect for removing obstacles. Kuan Yin, the Tibetan Goddess of compassion, is ideal for helping to end suffering on a personal or global level. Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of wealth and abundance, is helpful to call in as well. The Core The core is how we choose to express our holiday or goal and usually takes the bulk of the time. It can be a musical jam or drum circle, a guided meditation, dance, or labyrinth. Other possibilities are an outdoor exploration, an arts and




















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Cri t t e rs , Fu n e ra ls and Ho l y Wa t e r by Patricia Alfano


atin chants and incense filled the air as I held my pet duck, Peepers in my arms. It was the annual Blessing of the Animals, and I was going to make sure my feathered friend had a prominent place in the afterlife. I had raised Peepers from a duckling, so he was used to being manhandled by me and my five-year-old friends. He patiently endured being carried to tea parties, dressed in doll clothes and forced to attend theatrical performances that sometimes went on for hours. Now, he was about to be anointed for his unconditional love. Exactly when the tradition of blessing animals began has as many stories as a dog has fleas. Some speculate it is rooted in paganism, while others attribute the practice to early Christianity. The Natural History Museum in Los Angeles estimates that honoring pets by including them in human burials began between 9,000 and 14,000 years ago. Early in the last century, the Catholic ceremony was held January 17, the day of San Antonio de Abad (St. Anthony of the Desert), official patron saint of animals. Currently, it is held either in the spring (because of better weather), or around October 4, honoring St. Francis of Assisi, who is known for his love of animals. Sometimes St. Clare, an Italian noblewoman who chose a life of poverty, is also recognized. Notably, St. Clare was a vegetarian. With his beak nestled in the crook of my arm, Peepers ignored the parade of relatively well-behaved animals making their way to the main altar. We gingerly inched our way up the aisle alongside Brother Fox and Sister Fish while Cousin Goat trailed behind, nibbling on the fringe of my jacket. Behind the goat was the neighborhood science geek carrying a jar of algae. An assortment of mutts attempted to mate with the ankles of strangers, while a poodle named Princess had a small accident near one of the statues. But all was forgiven. It was their day. The bishop, a wiry old man who was able to fling holy water with pinpoint accuracy, stood behind a railing that protected him from the horde. Amidst a cacophony of hosannas, animal sounds and a parrot singing I Left my Heart in San Francisco followed by loud swearing, the menagerie was blessed. A few drops of holy water landed on Peeper’s head, but he was unfazed as he slept soundly in my arms; his little duck body warm against my chest. The ceremony concluded with a sermon encouraging the animals to live in peace with one another. I don’t think the critters were entirely convinced, because just then a nasty fight broke out between Sparkles the cat and something that was either a rodent or a Chihuahua. Growing up, I remember most traditions like this as fun, if for no other reason but to socialize and find out the latest gossip. We fasted or feasted, sang or were silent, and mourned or celebrated on queue. There was one big exception—and that was the ritual of burying our dead. Funerals in my family were spectacles of unbelievable proportion. Part religious ceremony, part theater and part Roman feast, they defied description and encouraged outrageous and unconventional behavior. For instance, we have a tradition where anyone who wishes to speak after the funeral Mass may stand at the podium and do so. It was not unusual for folks to pepper their feelings of loss with political statements, or squeeze in a free advertisement if they provided services for the event. Mostly the opportunity was used V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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to voice any suppressed feelings people had for relatives, siblings or in-laws. The holy water droplets were still wet on the silkdraped casket at Uncle Federico’s service when Aunt Rosalie decided to take the podium and air her long list of grievances against the family of the deceased. This instigated heckling from the audience, which quickly turned into a shouting match. “Sfacciato,” (cheeky) my cousin angrily commented after the service was over and we shuffled out the door. Heated words were still being exchanged as we negotiated our way down the steps to greet Uncle Enrico, who was holding a watermelon. Food always provided the necessary balm to prevent murder from taking place at these events and the watermelon was Uncle Enrico’s contribution to keeping the peace. Funeral traditions were held in honor of my pets, too. Our yard was filled with the buried remains of all my beloved non-human friends. Shoeboxes were saved for the parakeets, canaries, lizards and hamsters, while the cardboard boxes that once contained appliances worked for the larger breeds. The elaborate pet burials were followed by tear-filled tea parties where we talked about Rex or FiFi. My childhood friends and I learned a lot about loving and caring for animals from the feathered, finned, scaled, shelled, and fur people. Our experiences helped us through the landmines of childhood and taught us to love and care for each other in the process. That love and support would sustain me the day I returned from kindergarten and was met with eerie silence instead of Peeper’s loud and clumsy greeting. Frantically, I searched the house, the yard and the water-filled tub looking for him. Concern turned to panic as I ran back and forth calling his name. My mother sat me down and explained that Peepers had to be taken to a park with a small pond. He had drawn complaints from the neighbors with his constant


m i n d s t a t e s quacking while I was at school and I could no longer keep him. The room began to spin and I became hysterical, begging to be taken to see him. Afraid of my uncharacteristic behavior and uncontrollable sobbing, she obliged. The pond was enclosed by a cyclone fence that tore the skin on my fingers as I tried to pull it down. Anxiously I ran back and forth, shaking the fence and calling to him. “Where is he? Where? I don’t see him!” A similar duck was pointed out to me as my beloved pet. But I knew it wasn’t. There was no eye contact, no fat little body swaying up to greet me. No familiar quack. Sadly I went home with a heart so heavy, I thought it would fall out of my chest and onto the floor where we once played. Days passed, then weeks, then years. I was in my late teens when during the course of a conversation, one of my relatives revealed to me that Peepers had been given away to someone who later sold him to a butcher. I thought about his last moments on Earth. Did he know what was happening? Did he wonder where I was, or think someone would come to rescue him? Just how much awareness do the beasts that we dismiss as dumb actually have? Decades later, I still think about my little friend and whenever I see the familiar procession of the traditional Blessing of the Animals, I offer up a prayer for Peepers. Patricia Alfano lives in beautiful Ocean Beach, CA and works at a local university. Contact her at or visit her blog at www.bohemianopus. com.


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c u l t u r e inter Solstice marks the shift of the seasons from harvesting crops to rejuvenating the Earth. In 2009, this longest night of the year falls on December 21. While the notion of winter usually evokes images of warm coats, mittens and boots, in ancient times Winter Solstice was honored as the turning point when the sun begins warming the Earth a little bit longer every day. Like the Earth, our moods are affected by the abundance of darkness at this time of year. Medical studies have shown that many people—especially women—get depressed as daylight diminishes steadily between October and December. So the gradual return of light helps us begin feeling more optimistic and hopeful as we prepare for a new year. Winter Solstice Legends and Lore In both ancient and modern religions, the sun’s rebirth has long been celebrated by lighting candles and dancing under the stars at Christmas, Chanukah and Kwanzaa. In Goddess or Celtic traditions, Solstice marks the first of the year’s Sabbats, which mark the phases of the changing seasons. It follows Samhain or All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) on October 31, which denotes the start of the lengthening nights to foster introspection and rest. As winter moves into spring, the Earth regains its strength—and so do we. Winter Solstice marks the birth of new life and the rebirth of the Goddess. Many cultures and


Happy Re-Birthday: Celebrating the Light’s Return at Winter Solstice

traditions honor Sun Goddesses at Yuletide such as Sunna (Scandinavia), Lucia (Sweden), Befana (Italy), Rhiannon (Wales), Grainne (Ireland) and Sun Woman (Australia). Others honor Fire Goddesses like Pele (Polynesia), Oya (Africa) and Fuji (Japan). After the decline of matriarchy, most religions transformed their Sun Goddesses into Sun Gods, retaining only Moon Goddesses to reign over the night sky. Sun Goddesses are key figures in many cultures’ Winter Solstice legends. The Japanese believe Sun Goddess Amaterasu retreated into a cave to escape her Storm God brother Susu-wo-no, plunging the world into darkness. The people begged Amaterasu to return when their crops stopped growing. Months passed but she would not emerge from her cave until sacred clown Alarming Woman finally charmed Amaterasu to come close to the cave’s mouth. Then by Barbara Schiffman, CHt she yanked Amaterasu out as if through a birth and Cat Williford, MCC canal. The metaphor of going underground during this time of year is echoed in the Greek myth of Persephone. She goes into the Underworld for six months of the year until her mother, Demeter, brings her out. In the Hopi Indian observance of Soyal, fires are lit and creation stories told to help the kachinas (spirit helpers) emerge from dark kivas (sacred caves) so they can live with the people for six months as daylight increases. Other traditions consider the Goddess to be the Sun’s mother and so many sacred birth legends echo the Christmas story. In Celtic lore, Rhiannon gives birth to sacred son Pryderi. In Egyptian tradition, Isis rebirths Horus. In Roman myths, Leto gives birth to sun god Apollo. Symbols from ancient ceremonies used in today’s Solstice celebrations include evergreen trees, mistletoe and holly which represent how seeds and the color green remain alive even in dark months. Flames on candles and Yule logs echo the sun’s returning light and warmth, as does the color red. Winter Solstice and Renewal Winter Solstice can be celebrated as a re-birthday for modern Gods and Goddesses. As we release the old year and prepare for the new, it is an ideal time to complete projects and resolve unfinished business in relationships so that we can move on with a clean slate. continued on page 44



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Th e Gif t of Tri ba l Trad i ti on

c u l t u r e

by Danielle Goodman


n intriguing woman with a beautifully traditional calendar remains extremely flexible with the woven basket upon her head and an abalone shifting of celestial events and the changing conditions shell around her neck greets me warmly of each year. Astronomy has served as a valuable guide with “Howka, mamuyuth miñay? ” Although Karen for various customs in relation to the seasons, such as Vigneault is speaking in a language I don’t understand, indicating when plants could be harvested. I realize she’s welcoming me with a common salutation Practical products for everyday life are made with that means, “Hello, how are you doing?” materials abundant in nature. Baskets are woven Vigneault is part of the native Kumeyaay tribe, which from grass or willows and can be waterproofed for the extends from San Diego County out to Arizona all the handling of water or the use as hats. Bark or reeds from way to the ocean, and down to Baja, California towards willow can also be used to make traditional skirts for Ensenada, Mexico. I was lucky enough to experience women, which Vigneault wears when she participates some of the Kumeyaay tradition and history through in tribal dances. Vigneault’s passionate storytelling. Another custom that Vigneault shares is her tattoo, Prior to the settlement of the Spanish and European which consists of three vertical lines along her chin. settlers, the Kumeyaay thrived as independent hunterThe chin tattoo is specifically performed on adolescent gatherers. They cherished the land that supported them Kumeyaay women as a rite of passage. Today, few as sacred. women share this once common attribute. Today, like many native tribes that remain in what Vigneault shares her inspiration to receive her tattoo: Karen Vigneault holds an image of the last is now California, the Kumeyaay have adapted to their “Our rite of passage ceremonies were wiped out due hereditary Kumeyaay chief at Mesa Grande displacement, deriving the funds they need to sustain to the oppressors and religion. I was inspired by Anna themselves from the casino industry. Sandoval, who was the first female Kumeyaay leader of our local reservation. She is For nearly 40 years, Vigneault has been collecting articles, photographs and the only other person from our tribe that I knew who had it. When I was younger, various artifacts on the Kumeyaay. Now, as the founder of the non-profit Kumeyaay I was always in awe about how she preserved one of the old ways of women. I Historical Society, she hopes to utilize these historical treasures to create insight always wanted to do the same but thought deeply about when and how. So on my and awareness on the Kumeyaay tribe. Through a collaboration with the San 50th birthday I had the ceremony. I invited many women from my reservation Diego Women’s History Museum, she hopes to make these items available for that are close to me. We did it the traditional way, using an agave needle.” research and cultural presentations, as well as to preserve them for her tribe. Kumeyaay customs feed into the strong philosophy that everything comes It is clear that addressing the challenge to honor the Kumeyaay heritage and from nature. The spiritual connection with the environment rests in the tribe’s traditions within a changing world is important to Vigneault. Certain customs conscious use of the gifts of the Creator, or Amayaha. This is illustrated through may have faded over the tribe’s long history, but today, they are being brought the Kumeyaay’s many allegorical bird songs, which serve as an alternative from back to life. written language to enforce collective teachings within the tribe such as morals, Certain traditions, such as funeral ceremonies, which are about liberating the geography, food, and history. Spirit from Earth, are now a mix of Catholic and Kumeyaay rituals. However, continued on page 46 customs like basketry, language, and pottery continue to thrive and are being taught to young tribal members in hopes of strengthening the foundation of fading practices. Vigneault points out, “The past is what we learn from. Our past is our future. The Creator gave our elders these gifts that have become our traditions. They kept Massage Technician • Massage Therapist these traditions alive because they are a part of who we are.” Holistic Health Practitioner During the month of December, the Kumeyaay celebrate Winter Solstice, known as Hilyati, along with other natural cycles throughout the year. The tribe’s

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A d r i e n n e

A b e y t a

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast that blends the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events: To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or (See her ad at the bottom of the page)

Aries: Moon (7 of Pentacles) 3/21-4/19 In the midst of indecision, we often find ourselves contemplating what we don’t have. It seems that fear is a companion to the unknown and as we move further into uncharted territories, we feel its unnerving presence. The temptation to check out is ever-present as what you consider to be a valiant effort becomes another drop in the ocean. This is not a period to initiate anything, but rather a time to improve upon what you have. Use this period of indecision to take a break. Quiet your mind and trust what you already know. Taurus: Devil (10 of Cups) 4/20-5/21 When we love something so much, it’s hard to imagine our life without it. Dependency develops, tricking us into believing that the object is responsible for our happiness. Inevitably, happiness fades and objects disappear—then what? Notice when your feelings are contingent upon people or things. If you weren’t afraid to lose the person or thing, would you feel differently? When you worship something, it becomes your god, but when it fails to fulfill you, it can become your keeper. An emotional situation has more control over you than you are admitting—let go so that you can see the situation clearly. Gemini: Hanged Man (Knight of Swords) 5/22 – 6/21 Sometimes when we feel the most stuck, we have more mobility than we realize. You’re naturally curious, but your mind gets impatient, wanting answers now. Be patient—you’ll know more soon. A whirlwind of unexpected events will likely trigger off a state of panic this month, and although you may want to react—don’t! There is nothing to be solved and nothing you can do that will bring about the changes needed right now. Your state of mind has great influence over your situation; remember that your reality is a creation of your mind. Cancer: Strength (Ace of Pentacles) 6/22 – 7/22 To effect change in the world, we must first create that change in ourselves. It’s easy to profess what’s right and wrong, but not so easy to be an example of these convictions. There are periods in life when you must account for your behavior, and, even more importantly, your contradictions. A frustrating situation is currently offering you this opportunity. Refrain from controlling things and you’ll uncover an area of vulnerability. This area is asking to be developed, so walk your talk and be proactive in your efforts to change. Leo: Emperor (7 of Cups) 7/23 – 8/23 Given the choice between pursuing work or pleasure, freedom or responsibility, youth or wisdom, most people would opt for what they think they “should” do. Your internal references of authority are self-imposed; unfortunately, they can be overly judgmental and critical. You must work within your value system to find a balance along this spectrum. Keep in mind that these values are subject to change. This month you’ll be faced with a perplexing situation that challenges those notions. Before swinging too far in any one direction, look at this experience as a way to clarify your value system. Virgo: Magician (9 of Wands) 8/24 – 9/22 In all situations, we have choices about how we can act and an array of tools from which to choose. Furthermore, our actions or inactions always produce an effect. In essence, our decisions create our reality. Even when circumstances seem beyond your control, you are responsible for how you interact. The pressure will be intense this month, but so is your motivation to make things happen. Be conscious of which tools you choose. An unexpected opportunity presents itself in the most awkward circumstance. So instead of complaining about problems, keep an eye out for hidden advantages.

Libra: High Priestess (2 of Wands) 9/23 – 10/23 With new experiences comes a period of adjustment and with adjustment, patience is required. We don’t usually have a problem forming our desires, but ironically, we do struggle with how our desires form us. Something you have been wanting or pursuing has, in reality, become more than just a thought, but instead of feeling satisfied, you’re confused and restless. Let go of your expectations and be mindful of your feelings; holding on to an ideal will only stunt further growth. It may be better to limit your goals to something measurable and concrete. Scorpio: Wheel of Fortune (Queen of Cups) 10/24 – 11/22 Life is a constant flow between calm and tumultuous waters and when we learn how to maneuver through the currents, we discover the importance of each. You’re famous for harboring deep emotions, but not always as good at expressing them. Be prepared for a turn of events as the tide shifts and lands you in another place. You will also encounter the charms of a person who can either help or hurt you. Do not let this fascination take you too far off course. Neither good nor bad, this experience will propel you into the next phase. Sagittarius: Death (4 of Swords) 11/23 – 12/21 Our mind can be a faithful servant when we train it; however, it can also be our worst enemy if we let it go wild. Notice how your thoughts cause a procession of feelings and as one dominates, your thoughts serve it. It’s time to get your mind in shape and take charge of what you give your attention to. Thoughts are powerful agents of change and when you use them wisely, anything is possible. A current ailment will likely improve if you adjust your thoughts. Symptoms are symbols of deeper realities—where you have pain, there’s room for gain. Capricorn: World (3 of Wands) 12/22– 1/20 Success is something that, when attained, inspires growth in unforeseen areas. It’s as though we need to see the fruits of our labor before adventuring in another direction. The stars are smiling on you this month; the time is right to act on your secret wishes. Believe in yourself and the Universe will conspire to give you what you want. There’s nothing more fulfilling than to live the life you desire. Be courageous and act now! Aquarius: Justice (King of Cups) 1/21 – 2/18 When we hold tightly to our opinions, we fail to empathize with others, and unfortunately, we also fail to grow. Knowledge is thought to be attained through the pursuits of the mind, and although you may be educated this way, you are deprived of real learning, which occurs through an encounter with another or through the direct experience of what is being taught. A conflict will arise which requires you to make judgments from your heart, not your head. Right or wrong is not the point—saving the relationship is. There is much to be learned in this conflict, so listen! Pisces: Star (9 of Swords) 2/19 – 3/20 When our hope is motivated by fear, it is an illusion; we may wish for something better with no real expectation that it will happen. Imagine how many thoughts you have in a day, then recognize the few you choose to ponder over and over. Take inventory and be honest about the quality of thoughts you are choosing. What seems so bad right now is nothing more than added attention to the negative side of an issue. Turn it around and begin focusing on what you want to create. Where there is hope there must be optimism.

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The 12 Steps Reinterpreted by Lance Charles “God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.” – Serenity Prayer


ave you ever seen a person in the throws of their addiction? Is there anything they will not do to get that next drink, fix or pill? After successfully using the 12step program, I have to remember that I am one drink away from my disease. My choice is to be joyous and free of my addiction. The alternatives are jail, institutions, or death. I walk a thin line on the vast highway of my destiny. Over 35 years after breaking my addiction, I still go to meetings that remind me of a disease that is cunning, baffling, powerful, and patient. If I do not remind myself, I can easily regress. If I listened to the media and corporate advertising, then I could have the perfect girl, the perfect guy, and the perfect life if I just popped the top on the beer that turns blue when it becomes perfectly cold. Right? Flashy marketing campaigns don’t mention the flipside—the true cost of addiction. It’s the estrangement of families, physical illness, suffering and even violence. Aren’t we outraged when someone breaks into a home to steal the family jewels for the next hit of crack, fix of heroin, or gulp of alcohol? In our quest for oil, coal and nuclear energy, we have done this to millions of people around the world. What is the difference between the act of a desperate addict looking to get high and our insane desire for carbon fuels? Just look at what we are doing to our planet. Mining has devastated countless people and local economies and clean water is under attack on a daily basis. The atrocities we have committed for our energy addiction is beyond comprehension. We have to admit that this is wrong and that we are addicted to a lifestyle that cannot last. Remember that the energy we deal with—oil, coal and nuclear power—are inexpensive and heavily subsidized. Corporate tactics are cunning and powerful. The industry will go to any length to stay in business. But without us, they cannot survive. We must not give in. These are the steps we can take as a program of recovery. 1) Admit that we are powerless over our energy usage. We are addicted to harmful oil, coal and nuclear power. 2) Believe that the sun can restore us to a natural balance on this planet. 3) Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God or our higher power. 4) Take a fearless energy inventory of our oil consumption and waste intensive technologies. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

e a r t h w a t c h 5) Admit to all living things the exact nature of our wrongs. 6) Be entirely ready to let the sun, wind and water provide clean energy. 7) Humbly ask that God remove all of our energy shortcomings. 8) Make a list of all living things we harmed or destroyed. Become willing to make amends to them all. 9) Do whatever possible to make amends, except when to do so would harm other living things. 10) Continue to take inventory of our desire to use and produce dirty fuel. When we find wrongdoing, we promptly close the business. 11) Seek to improve our ability to reduce our need for carbon-based and waste intensive energy systems through prayer and meditation, open discussion and public debate. 12) As a result of these steps and becoming completely honest about our energy production and usage, we understand our ability to preserve or destroy our ecosystem. After reading these steps, many of you might say, “What an order! We can’t go though with it.” Don’t be discouraged or afraid. The point is that we have to be willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles found in these steps are guides to progress and they may lead to eventual perfection. As we try to hold onto our old forms of energy, the results will be nil until we let go completely. Half measures avail us nothing. Now we are at the turning point to ask for God’s protection and care with complete abandon so that we may learn a new way to live that serves all life on this planet. Since 1989, Lance Charles has been working to provide quality affordable housing that includes water purification, edible landscapes and clean sustainable wind and solar energy. His company, WholEarth Development Corporation, positively affects the building industry through demonstration and specification of new technologies and sustainable building materials. Visit or call 818.266.3834 to find out more.


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Seagull Distribution Company D EC E M B ER 20 0 9

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Mysterium: A Haven to Nurture your Soul by Ashlie Rodriguez


radled in a comfy Orange County cache is Mysterium, a place of creativity and spiritual regeneration. Owned and operated by Marla and Robert Ladd, the multifaceted theater, gallery, healing center and retail shop’s mission is to help actualize each level of the labyrinth we call life. Inside Mysterium, life’s little aggravations are instantly washed away. Vibrant colors illuminated by twinkling crystals and whispering wind chimes offer a vacation from the coarse concrete and steel constructs that make up our material world. Soft lighting illuminates veils draped against a décor of blue and purple. The delicious fragrance of candles and incense soothes the senses while calming melodies serenade all who enter Mysterium’s doors. Marla, a theater director and educator, found a life partner in Robert, a photographer, painter and sculptor. Combining not only their artistic passion, but their quest for conscious and spiritual living, the Ladds opened Mysterium as a place for art and spirituality to be celebrated under one roof. “Mysterium is designed to nurture the creative and spiritual aspects of our mind-body-spirit experience,” explains Marla. “We offer classes and workshops in the practical, visual, performance, and energized arts, along with hands-on experiential activities.” People of all paths and purposes find a warm and welcoming atmosphere inside Mysterium. Marla makes sure to greet every guest with a cup of tea or warm cider in the winter and an icy water or lemonade in the hot summer months. Her days are fueled not by

financial aspirations, but by the friendships she and Robert cultivate along the way. “We have had so many clients that come and hang out just to be in a place where they are respected,” reflects Marla. “Our clients matter to us so very much. It fills my heart with joy that we can offer so many people so much.” For the seeker of spirit, Mysterium offers astrology, tarot and psychic readings led by a team of spiritual guides. There are yoga and meditation classes for those in need of a guided healing practice. The Goddess Workshop Retreat reveals how to tap into the goddess energy through art, dance, drama and music, while the weekly Sunset Circle is open to anyone who wants to share their gratitude and experiences with others. Being artists, the Ladds help individuals develop artistically through a sundry of theater and dance classes. They also offer local art in their retail shop and online store. “If we teach people music, perhaps they will sing,” envisions Marla. “If we teach them to appreciate the arts, they will have something important that touches their souls and gives them a reason to make the world better.” Beginning acting classes are available for children and adults, as well as on-camera classes geared for the more experienced. Actors are given a chance to exhibit their training through stage productions held in Mysterium’s 45-seat black box theater, which transforms for each new show. “Our next production is called A Very Special Xmas Special, which will be an oldfashioned-holiday-TV-variety-show kind of experience,” Marla points out. “We will touch on as many holiday traditions as we can—Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and more. There will be music and sketches, cookies and hot chocolate for all.” Marla, being as multifaceted as Mysterium, also practices the healing art of Reiki. Many of her guests have found improvements in their health after attending sessions, returning with tears of joy and a renewed sense of hope for the future. “I have a client who was not able to walk upon his first [treatment],” says Marla. “He left using a walker. The next visit he left using a cane. The third visit he left unassisted and got into his car, which he drove for the first time in 10 years.” Overall, Mysterium is a community—a space where a wide range of people come together to become a part of a larger experience. It is a nurturing haven that every soul can call home. Mysterium is located at 3122 East Chapman Ave, Orange, CA. For ticket information regarding A Very Special Xmas Special or other events and classes, call 714.602.7975, visit or e-mail



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Bright and Beautiful this Holiday Season at dk hair by Sydney L. Murray


find myself touching my skin and rubbing my knuckles along my cheeks because my skin feels so soft. I just had a soothing facial with Cody Montarbo at dk hair and my time with him was a welcome respite from an otherwise busy day. Cody was full of information, offering me his 10-year history in the skin care industry. Being so passionate about his service, he now has his own line of skin care. His positive outlook on life has played an equally vital role in his success and his very presence was uplifting and comforting. “My work is important to me because I love what I do,” Cody professed. “I am absolutely in love with helping people. I get to meet amazing people every day and have the opportunity to interact with them on a level of complete trust.” I had neglected my face for a few months but Cody was more than complimentary and positive. “We can take care of all of your needs,” he told me. I love the fact that he uses the best of both medical-grade and holistic products. As he explained, the origin of the medical-grade products is natural. The facial was very relaxing with some elements of deep penetration. I loved the lactic acid facial as Cody explained, “Cleopatra was onto something. Lactic acid offers extreme hydration and plumps up fine lines and wrinkles found deep within your skin’s layers. This treatment will brighten any type of skin from young to mature and evens out skin tone from sun damage and other lifestyles that are harmful to our skin.” What could be better? Perhaps the fact that Cody’s treatment goes beyond the physical elements of a facial. “Touching someone’s face is very sacred, and I am always honored,” he expressed humbly. “I am able to change someone’s skin drastically in a way they never thought possible. I, too, am amazed at the transformation of people’s skin time and time again. I cannot tell you what it feels like to have someone tell me, ‘Cody, I love you and you have changed my life.’” The effects of those changes are lasting because of Cody’s passion for education. “Every person’s skin is very different and a cookie-cutter approach can be very misleading,” he explained. “I want people to understand that if they have any concerns or goals, we can achieve optimal skin health together. With proper knowledge, you have the power to stop believing the lies that the cosmetic industry tells people every day that amount to billions of dollars each year. They make

money on insecurity. I believe in offering treatments with results you can see.” Beyond the salon, Cody empowers his clients with advice for home care that is realistic, easy, and tailored to their specific skin types, concerns and goals. “What I often see is young women wearing anti-aging creams and the latest this or that. They come in with moderate acne, wrinkles and major sun damage. They’re wearing a cream that causes skin breakouts because they think, ‘I don’t want to age.’ This is the reason I see so many people who are never really happy with the skin they have and are always looking to buy the most expensive cream they can find. “I am a firm believer in sunscreen with a minimum of 30 SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Also we need to cleanse our skin two times daily with the right cleanser and use products based on our areas of concerns and goals.” Cody really walks his talk, adding, “I really want to change the skin care industry by leading with a positive approach and proper education.” This really is the whole experience of dk hair—caring professional people in a great atmosphere. And it was so fun to run into a friend, Blakelyn, whom I didn’t realize was a dk hair aficionado, as well as having Ken Bradshaw, the “k” in dk hair, offer me an invitation: “Stay and let me do a deep conditioning treatment on your hair and then let me blow it out.” Every time I have been to dk hair, they offer a special treat like this one, which really makes the experience special. I think that there is no better gift to offer yourself or a loved one this month than to book a facial with Cody. He is not only extremely knowledgeable, but his very presence is soothing. I know it sounds a little grandiose, but he really improved the quality and look of my skin in one session. Two days after the facial, I am still receiving compliments. To experience this metropolitan hair and skin oasis, to relax and feel comfortable while you enjoy beauty and balance, visit, call 619.546.4550, or drop by dk hair at 3785 6th Ave #100A in San Diego, CA.

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Be supported in connecting to your Self and God, to get to the root of your issues and heal from the inside out. You will learn to...

x Witness and transform old patterns x Connect to a higher awareness x Live your life’s purpose Phone sessions are available


Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


D EC E M B ER 20 0 9

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Share the Way B

uddha said, “Share the way.” What does this mean? In the context that Buddha spoke the words, it is usually understood to signify “share the Path” or “teach.” However, we can interpret this statement more broadly and find that this recommendation is quite relevant for us all. What “share the way” does not mean is to become some kind of zealous missionary. Some time ago, I ran into an old acquaintance who looked happy and smiled as we approached each other on the street. It was clear that she was fairly bursting to tell me something and I encouraged her by asking how she was doing and by commenting on how happy she looked. “Well,” she said, “I joined this group.” She proceeded to tell me about a spiritual organization she had joined, and how it had changed her life. “That’s excellent news,” I responded sincerely. “Congratulations.” Then she began to explain how she knew now that anyone who was not involved in this particular organization was not living the life they

could or should be. She expressed to me that everyone on Earth should eventually follow the specific life methodology she had discovered, or they would never find success or happiness. It was a shame that her enthusiasm shined under the cloud of this belief. Obviously, her idea of “sharing the way,” was to tell everyone that the path she had chosen to follow was the only path anyone should pursue if they were halfway intelligent. This is called egotism. A particular spiritual path appeared to work wonderfully for this woman, but that does not mean it is the appropriate approach for another. Thinking that what works for you is what must work for others reflects, quite simply, a lack of compassion. It is the absence of appreciation for another person’s unique circumstances, needs and desires. It is the inability to see life from another’s perspective. With this attitude, everyone else’s suffering becomes merely a reflection of one’s own, seen through a mirror, rather than a lens. This is truly the opposite of what Buddha was suggesting through his teaching to “share the way.” In fact, the teaching is an instruction to share your heart—not your particular life choices. He was encouraging his disciples to share what they had each gained from the way, but not necessarily the exact steps they took to achieve their goals, which might be specific to their own individual needs. There’s an old proverb that says, “There are many paths up the mountain. And they all have the same view of the noonday sun.” It is monumentally important not to assume that the specific path your feet followed will be in another’s best interests. It is also important not to be so egotistical as to believe that the methodology you discovered is the only way to achieve a particular goal. No, what Buddha’s teaching suggests is that we should share not just our efforts, but the fruits of our efforts. For example, if you are feeling especially happy and fulfilled one day as you are paying for your groceries, why not compliment the cashier? Look her in the eye, smile at her and say, “thank you” genuinely as she hands you your change. How many people do you think have shared such kindness with her throughout her day? Answer: probably not enough. Sharing joy doesn’t even need words. To succeed at this exercise we don’t need to convince anyone of anything. We can just be one less selfish, greedy, moody person in a particular place and time. If you have discovered a spiritual path, a teacher, or even a restaurant, movie, or book that really rocked your world, it is fine to recommend it to another. But more importantly, if an experience made you happier, wiser or stronger, then what you should endeavor to do is share your happiness, wisdom, and strength with others. You can do this just by putting your hand on a friend’s shoulder at the right time. Or stopping, when you happen to be in a rush, to help a frustrated associate pick up a stack of papers that went flying after he tripped on his way down the hall. Now, if you decide to teach spiritual exercises that worked for you, that’s fine. You just need to be very clear that you are offering one route “up the mountain” (out of a potentially infinite number of other kinds) that you know to be successful at producing a particular set of results. This is the essence of humility, another of Buddha’s—and many other great prophets’—classic teachings. You see, if we believe an experience we have had is

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l i v i n g a r t s somehow superior to experiences others have had, then by associating ourselves fascinating pathways to higher consciousness we have the privilege to know about with the source of this experience, we can begin to believe that we are superior to and pursue, even though we may have chosen to travel only one. others as individuals. This sets up an inherent “us and them” duality that is the Most importantly, any seeker in any discipline—but without question in antithesis of any pursuit of spiritual attainment or personal growth. Extreme Buddhism—must cultivate a hearty sense of humor. It is generally when Extreme Buddhism is a Way, one of many wonderful Ways an individual can you start to take yourself too seriously that you begin to look critically upon other follow to attain Enlightenment. It is founded in the principles of advanced tantric people and other Ways. Buddhist mysticism and it is for those unusual seekers who wish to become People who are interested in evolution and self-discovery are generally seeking liberated in a single incarnation. Attaining freedom in one lifetime, when it might to recognize Eternity within themselves, and of course, to then experience the normally require thousands of lifetimes of wisdom, peace and bliss that this realization dedicated spiritual discipline, obviously requires brings. There is no such thing in a true seeker’s an extreme level of focus and will. We say this mind as “my way” and “their way,” with one path is “harder, faster and more outrageous” superior and one inferior. There is only The because you might find yourself doing things Way, the one Way: Life. What difference does it you never would have imagined as you strive make how we experience Life, as long as we allow to peel away layers of ego and attachment so Life to teach us? What difference does it make “However many holy words you read, quickly and ruthlessly. how these teachings guide us, as long as they However many you speak, There are always concerns—usually from lead us to the profound Truths we are seeking? What good will they do you those who only see the name Extreme Buddhism It is the Truths we have realized that Buddha If you do not act upon them? but have not explored its teachings—that one encourages us to share. How? By offering the Give up the old ways—passion, enmity, folly. cannot be extreme and still follow Buddha’s best of ourselves and the fruit of our best efforts Know the truth and find peace. Share the way.” Middle Way. In fact, the Middle Way refers to to whomever crosses our path—quietly, simply, – Dhammapada: Sayings of the Buddha moderation in practices, not depth or intensity sincerely, and with great humility. of the journey. For example, as Buddha discovered, fasting until you are too weak “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re to meditate doesn’t lead to enlightenment. It only allows an immature seeker to not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” - H. Jackson Browne prove to others how “devout” he is. Instead, it is useful to eat enough for strength, but at the same time, not to overeat so that it becomes an exercise in indulgence. Experience Extreme Buddhism : The Shortest Path for the Darkest Age - Harder, The “Extreme” practitioner would go deeply into the act of eating, seeing the food Faster, More Outrageous at JW Marriott San Francisco December 11 and 12. For as a manifestation of the Divine, experiencing waves of God consciousness from more information on Extreme Buddhism, visit or view their the taste and sensation of every morsel that passes his lips. This is the meaning page on Facebook. of Extreme—not too much or too little, but rather, deep and rich. It is the razor’s edge, experienced in high-definition 3D surround sound. Extreme Buddhism is like going out on high seas in a sailboat in rushing wind, sails tight and full, boat keeling on edge, a fine point between sailing and sinking, while you cut clean and fast across the water. How fast can you go? How far can you go? It all depends upon how tightly you can hold those sails, how surgically you can balance the weight of the boat on its edge, and how long you can hang on like that, gripping the sides, wind-whipped and wet. Is it exhilarating and terrifyingly joyful, or cold, miserable and pressurefilled? That’s up to the sailor and crew. It’s not for everyone and there are other ways to get to the far side of the world. It’s a choice. But if it is the choice for you, one thing is certain: Your journey will be rapid, a bit wild, and never, ever dull. Will this practice work for everyone? Of course not. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to. In fact, it is both exciting and enriching to celebrate the many colorful,



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Huna: Connecting with Ancient Wisdom


by Dr. Matthew B. James

ow many of us know came into conflict with modern who our ancestors belief systems that sought to “A Ohe Pau Ko Ike I Kou Halau - Think not that all wisdom is in your school.” were, let alone how displace it. There was a time – Ancient Hawaiian Saying they lived and what they believed? when the landowners of Hawaii Why did the ancient people of the attempted to abolish the ancient Earth not need coaches, experts, consultants, or psychotherapists? It seems that Hawaiian ways, causing the beliefs and practices to be forced underground. This with each passing generation, we become more disconnected from traditional story has repeated itself throughout history all over the world. beliefs that gave life meaning and order for thousands of years. Incredibly, teaching Huna was illegal in the State of Hawaii until as recently as Many people have given up on the religions of their parents. Others are so busy the late 1980s. Thankfully, that mindset has changed as more and more people pursuing a career, making a living or raising a family that they don’t take the time come to the islands to learn about the ancient teachings that hold the wisdom we to practice or understand the traditions of their lineage. often find in modern personal growth courses. There is a longing to find our roots, to connect with those who came before us. For instance, the Law of Attraction featured in the hit film The Secret—the idea This longing is behind the surging interest in indigenous beliefs and traditions that we draw to our lives the things, good or bad, that occupy our thoughts—is that do not view mind, body and spirit as separate, but connected. part Huna. But Huna also covers three other universal laws found in spiritual Huna is the ancient Hawaiian paths worldwide. The first is the law understanding of energy, healing of cause and effect, which means that and life that I teach and have learned to gain maximum power, you take through my lineage and experience. It responsibility for everything that is is believed to date back 35,000 years to happening in your universe. Next is the the original teachings of the peoples of law of perception as projection, or the the Earth. idea that in some way, shape or form, Huna provides a direct link to some the world you see outside yourself is a of the most ancient wisdom of our projection of who and what you are. distant ancestors. These teachings Last is the law of cycles and rhythms remain as viable today as they were for which tells us that everything we indigenous people who practiced them experience is part of the natural flow of for thousands of years. three universal forms of energy: birth, People who study Huna experience growth and completion (or death). joy, satisfaction and peace in their lives. Studying Huna teaches you how to They have more energy and a deeper live your life in accordance with these sense of spirituality. Through learning laws. how to let go of negative thoughts Open-minded Empowerment and emotions, they have discovered Many people are attracted to Huna how to truly forgive others in order to because of its positive, empowering experience a more peaceful existence message. Basically, Huna says “whatfull of new possibilities. ever you think you are, you are more Huna is more than just a self-help than that.” Our work is to understand or motivational program. The longer I who we really are, then demonstrate study this ancient system, the more I am astounded to find that ideas sometimes that balance and power in our lives. viewed as novel have in fact existed for millennia. People are sometimes surprised when I tell them that Huna is not a religion, nor Our Hawaiian ancestors knew how to harness the energy inherent in nature and should it take the place of their faith or beliefs. Instead, it is a very inclusive system live in peace with themselves, each other and their environment. They looked at the that embraces other faiths as well as modern science. People who study Huna and world with open eyes, seeking knowledge and not prejudging other belief systems. practice its teachings find that it can deepen their own spiritual traditions. And they practiced an idea that is at the core of success in business today—that we Today thousands of students come to Hawaii to learn about and embrace the are each personally responsible for creating positive change in our lives. open philosophy of Huna. They include everyone from healthcare professionals to The Original “Secret” elite athletes and trainers in human potential. So let me give you a brief overview of Huna, meaning “secret” or “hidden wisdom,” is the term used for the modern some of the basic concepts of Huna. Keep in mind that I hold nine-day workshops approach to the ancient Hawaiian system for living, originally known as on this topic that delve more deeply into these teachings than is possible in a single Ho’omana. article. In Hawaiian, ho’o means “to make” and mana is “energy.” Taken together, Honoring Your Lineage Ho’omana means “to make life-force energy.” In other words, this system teaches Huna teaches three concepts vital to creating a life of meaning, purpose and people how to get in touch with their life-force energy, how to move it, and how to freedom. The first is to know and honor your history and lineage—both your understand their connection with the environment and with others. personal history and the experience of those who came before you. When you Like many ancient indigenous teachings worldwide, the practice of Ho’omana know your history and lineage, you create a foundation upon which you can V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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pursue your life’s purpose. This idea is particularly important in the Huna tradition, in which specific lineages emphasize different aspects of the teachings. My family and I have been entrusted to carry on the Kuauhaoali’i lineage and the lineage of the Bray family. These lineages emphasize energy work and mental and physical wellbeing. As part of my study of Huna, I have been privileged to learn from “Uncle” George Na’ope, who was named by the State of Hawaii as a Golden Living Treasure. Uncle George is probably the world’s foremost expert on hula and chanting. He says that when you respect your lineage and chant, all your teachers and their teachers line up behind you, as if they are chanting through you in that moment. This concept can be applied to anything, from our personal lives to our businesses and government. How many times have we repeated mistakes because we did not take the time to study our history and truly know where we have come from? Mindful in the Moment Secondly, Huna teaches that we have to know where we are now. The concept is called Ala, which translates into being aware. This state of being is vastly different from the constant focus on the future that permeates so much of western culture. I travel often, and when I get to a new place, I see people get off the plane and jump right on their cell phones. They push through the baggage claim not even stopping to look around and see where they are. We spend so much time daydreaming about the future that we forget to focus on where we are. The concept of Ala is that you are intimately connected to everything around you—the environment, the people, and the economy. If you are not aware of what is going on around you, you won’t be able to take action. Intentional Action Many people wonder why they don’t get 100 percent in their careers, their relationships, or their spiritual paths. If you don’t put 100 percent in, you won’t get 100 percent out. Huna asks: What are you doing right now to achieve your goals? Being completely committed to what you are doing will move you into the future to achieve the things you have dreamed of, rather than just dreaming. These three elements—knowing where you come from, where you are now and taking committed action—were common across cultures in ancient times. The principles of Huna take these ways of being that were second nature to our ancestors and make them relevant to our lives today. Letting Go of the Negative Huna principles also empower us to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, as well as limiting decisions, in order to gain a better understanding of our higher selves and harness the mana (energy/power) that we each possess. One of the prime areas of Huna that I teach is Ho‘oponopono, the traditional Hawaiian technique for forgiveness. Learning to forgive ourselves and others is essential if we want to take control of our lives and make positive changes. By learning how to let go of negative thoughts, feelings and limiting decisions, we are better able to trust our instincts. This empowers us to bring about positive change, not only in ourselves, but in the world around us. When we accept responsibility for change rather than criticizing others for not changing, we lead by example. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

f e a t u r e Measuring Success It is possible to achieve quick and lasting change in our lives but first we must evaluate our ambitions. As part of the modern Huna training, we urge clients to make sure their goals fit the “SMART” model based upon these characteristics: S pecific M easurable A chievable R esources T oward what you want It is easy to see how we can apply this model to each and every decision we make. By establishing goals that are measurable, achievable and realistic, we make progress toward the change we wish to see in our lives. Connected with the World around Us Huna teaches that we all have four “bodies”—The Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. The way these interact with each other is the primary concern of Huna. For instance, you may consciously have control over your physical body, yet the physical body is ruled by the emotional. The emotional body is ruled by the mental body, and the mental body is ruled by the spiritual body. This is why the Hawaiian concept of being pono, or “right with ourselves,” is critical. At our core, we are spiritual beings, and this affects every aspect of our lives. One theme of Huna, now popular in many personal development programs, is balance—a concept that Hawaiians have practiced for thousands of years. According to Huna, everything in our world is made up of the four elements of creation: air, fire, water, and earth. Huna teaches us to recognize the elements present in all things and balance them within ourselves. Another principle of Huna reflected from the natural world is the concept of cycles and rhythms. Huna teaches that our world—our entire experience of what we call reality—occurs as a flow of energy. As I mentioned earlier, the ancient Hawaiians understood that there are three basic energies experienced in all cycles and rhythms: birth, growth or becoming, and completion (or death). These cycles are reflected in the seasons of nature, and the seasons give us a model for living. While spring and winter represent birth and death, summer and fall are part of the period when growth moves to completion. Summer represents the peak of transformation. Fall is when the seasonal curve moves toward completion, a time when we can release those things that we no longer need as we bring the year to an end. Winter is a time to ponder what we want to become in the coming year. Seeing our spirituality reflected through the seasons helps us to grow by asking ourselves questions such as: What have I learned from what I have put into creation? What do I want to change, transform or bring to completion in the winter? What aspect do I want to keep for the coming spring? Harnessing energy. Releasing limitations. Living intentionally and in harmony with others and our world. These ideas are rooted in the foundations of humanity and passed down to us through Huna to improve our lives today. Matthew B. James, PhD, international trainer, lecturer and educator, is President of American Pacific University and the Empowerment Partnership. His work is dedicated to creating personal transformation by teaching Huna, the ancient science of consciousness and energy healing, using cutting edge therapeutic techniques. Contact Dr. James at 800.800.MIND or or visit There are two hypnotherapy trainings coming up in San Diego, CA, December 4-6 and in Newport Beach, CA, December 11-13. For more information, visit


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A Dream in Africa

An Interview with Jacqueline Prairie of GAIO

by Vanessa King


watched a child today draw-ing with glorious, creative abandon. Books were on my own through many countries when I was 21 and found that people weren’t strewn about her on the grass with pages open to fantastical designs. She able to progress in life with a lack of so many things—specifically schooling. I kept moved with the joy of freedom to wonder, unencumbered by the burdens of wondering what I could do to help this imbalance in Africa. the world. I was reminded of my own childhood filled with books that took me to Throughout my career, education was a large part of my role in Information worlds I wanted to visit and people I wanted to help. I remember my seemingly wise Technology. The world seemed to be putting more emphasis on education and that uncle who told me, “You’ll get over it, all those dreams of helping the world.” kept bringing me back to the children that I had met in Africa decades before. Children instinctively know their VM: What inspired you to choose dreams and passions because they are Ghana? part of their daily thoughts. There are JP: In early 2008, I decided that I no boundaries to their imaginations. needed to put this thought of helping Children are free to dream no matter into action. I was in the research where they live, rich or poor. However, stages when a friend of mine bumped reality ultimately begins to set in with into someone else who was trying to its pain and doubt slowly dismantling make a difference in Africa. We met ideas or imposing restrictions on what and he told me that he had some can be. friends in Ghana. The hardest We are lucky here in the part of setting something up “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a bulwark against West to see dreams as possible is finding land. Since he had poverty, and a building block of development, an essential and to have avenues in which some contacts, we went to complement to investments in roads, dams, clinics, and factories. For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in to explore our ideas, books to Ghana together in February general, a basic human right. Literacy is the road to human learn about our passions, and 2009. And if anyone needs progress and the means through which every man, woman and teachers to guide us. Some inspiration to go to Ghana, child can realize his or her full potential.” children aren’t so lucky. They then you must know that it - Kofi Annan, Ghanaian diplomat, seventh Secretary General of the must imagine without books or produces the best chocolate! United Nations, winner of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize places to read them, struggling VM: What is your to keep their dreams alive. impression of Ghana and its I met a woman recently people? who is living her own lifelong JP: The Ghanaians are the dream while helping children most respectful and sincere find their own inspiration. people I have ever met. I have Filled with passion and a love become family so quickly for a people she barely knows because they invited me in (but who have become family and welcomed me so readily. to her soul), Jacqueline Prairie There is also one particular has devoted her not-so-spare time to helping build a library on the Gold Coast Ghanaian man who stole my heart on that first trip. We are now engaged, so I of Africa. She started with nothing and as her commitment grew, the pieces of guess you could say that I found not only my calling, but a great love! her dream came together as she began construction on an immaculately planned VM: What inspired you to open the library in Akwatia? building in Akwatia, Ghana. I asked Prairie for an interview to learn about how JP: It was a merging of concepts, timing, and meetings. I have always had the she began her dream to build a library so far from her IT job in Montreal—with wish to help bring education to African children. Ghana is a stable country but no funds, no initial contacts, and no prior knowledge of Ghana except an inherent Akwatia is a diamond-mining town that has become densely populated due to understanding and innate connection with its people. people traveling there in search of diamonds. The community is impoverished and A jewelry designer and Director of Information Technology, Prairie is a mass of its resources are very limited. wild blonde waves and a wide grin. Her French Canadian accent and flamboyant VM: What will the library do for the community? hello quickly calm after we sit. After we talk awhile, her smile fades and her eyes JP: The library is situated close to several schools in the middle of the village. It sadden. “The weeds are growing through the cinder blocks. Construction has will have books as well as Internet access with approximately 10 stations. The plan stalled.” The pain is obvious that her dream, her calling, and her love of Ghana is to entice the children and adults alike to come in and gain access to information. and its children have needs. For two years she has done so much alone and while The need for emphasizing education to the locals is paramount. There are over so many have assisted, she needs more help. We discussed those needs, her plans, 6000 children in the village and the surrounding area who will benefit from this her patience, and more importantly, about the place her heart calls home. library. Education is not thought of as a priority and this does not help to better the low standard of living. Some of the children are drawn to the concept of Vision Magazine: How did you start GAIO? finding a big diamond rather than attending classes. Jacqueline Prairie: GAIO stands for Ghana Africa International Operations. The center will host seminars on various topics including agriculture, gardening, It is the idea of bridging the world. micro-financing, and banking. We are looking into the possibility of having solar GAIO came from a long ago dream to help children in Africa. I had traveled power [as the energy source for the building]as well. The thought is to have the V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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local labor force erect the building and learn about solar power at the same time. VM: Did you have any help here or abroad in starting the center? Are you still looking for help? JP: While I started this project solo, I was fortunate to meet the Regional Chief of Akwatia, Nana Akwatiahene. During our meeting, I learned that he felt education was a priority but it was not taken seriously by the people in his community. Only 10 years ago, girls in that area did not attend school. This particular Regional Chief changed that and now girls do attend school, although only one percent goes on to high school. Since we both had the same vision, we are now working together to make it a reality. What we need now is to raise money. There are plenty of local craftsman to perform the work (and they need the work) to build the structure, but we need funds to continue to pay them, as well as for the materials. So far we have the land and complete building plans, and construction has started on the foundation. We are at a standstill until we obtain more funding. Ideally, it would be great if people with expertise in solar power, construction, education, and technology could come over and oversee that part of the project! VM: How are you raising funds for the center? JP: The GAIO Web site,, explains the project and has a link for direct donations to help purchase small items such as books and desks, to larger items such as electricity and plumbing. All donations are tax deductible and GAIO is in the midst of becoming a non-profit. I am planning a fundraising event February 25 in San Diego. We are looking for sponsors at the Diamond, Gold and Cocoa Levels. The sponsors will be announced at the event and they will have the chance to promote to our guests. In addition, their names will be on prominent engraved plaques at the center in Akwatia. I have already confirmed the event to be held at an amazing location called Fixtures in La Jolla, CA (fi, but I am still in need of some donations in the food and wine department. Anyone who donates food will have the chance to cook on premises and showcase their restaurant in Fixtures’ multiple designer kitchens. I have live music scheduled but am still looking for more! During the event, there will be original photographs of the local children for auction and all proceeds will go to the center. We are planning for 300 guests and tickets will be sold on our site for $75 with the goal of raising $90,000 to make the library a modern educational center. The best part of the evening is that the Regional Chief of Akwatia is planning to be at the event! It is such an honor to have him here and we are lucky to experience this unusual visit from a Chief. We are hoping to find a generous donor to help cover the cost of his flight since he is trying to cover the expenses himself to support the center. VM: How has your life changed since going to Ghana? Have you felt inspired to do more or change in some way? JP: Everyday I think about Ghana. How sincere and kind the people are in spite of poverty. I think about ways to help them. I always bring large duffel bags full of clothing but last time I brought vegetable seeds and household items. I keep thinking of people I have met and wish that I could give them $100 toward their little store so they could purchase more stock, or $200 to purchase an oven to bake more goods to sell at the market to survive. Ghana has this incredible sense of community and spirit of sharing. Everyone helps each other out; therefore, they each have time for one another. Here in the Wild Wild West we seem to always be running and not appreciating each other. As for me, I feel I have no need to buy anything new. After seeing how little Ghanaians use and need, I try to be less wasteful and more thankful. VM: What lesson did you receive from your new friends in Ghana? JP: Exercise patience. Africans have a very different sense of time than we do. That makes you think about what’s really important. VM: Any final thought or memory of Ghana that holds a special place in your heart? JP: One story that sticks out is when we were driving past a school. The boys were playing soccer in the schoolyard. Without missing a beat, one boy wearing shoes ran towards another boy without shoes. The first boy took off his left shoe and handed it to the second boy, who placed that shoe on his right foot. They then continued to run off and play the game, each with their “kicker foot” covered. But the most outstanding part is that there were no words exchanged. This simple and profound act was normal for them. We need more of that kind of generosity and thoughtfulness. To meet Jacqueline Prairie and help finish the library, come to GAIO’s inspirational fundraiser at Fixtures in La Jolla, CA, February 25, 2010. Purchase tickets, donate, or learn more at Vanessa King has been a massage therapist and freelance writer since 1991. She will be donating $10 to support GAIO’s cause for every one-hour massage she gives. Contact her at V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Creating New Healing Traditions by Kiva Rose Hardin

“Clothe yourself in your authority. You speak not only as yourself or for yourself. You will speak and act with the courage and endurance that has been yours through the long, beautiful aeons of your life story.” – Joanna Macy


tradition is the transmission of customs, practices and knowledge passed from one generation to another, an unbroken thread of wisdom that evolves and yet remains intrinsically true to itself as it moves from mother to child, teacher to student, and earth to human. From the Latin tradere, meaning to pass or hand over, a tradition is not a static dogma or dictated method, but rather a living web of knowledge and practice that can both unite and

inform those who choose to participate in its dance. They are not simply the ragged remnants of the past, but a vital aspect of today’s music, healing modalities, art, gardening, and nearly every aspect of the human journey. We may most clearly understand the blending of traditions in the folk music passed from one generation, people and place to another. The melodies shift and align themselves to the musician and the audience with the current context of place and time. Over years of adaptation, the lilting tunes of Ireland and the driving rhythms of Africa have twined together in the ancient hills to become the familiar, yet completely unique tradition of Appalachian music. Likewise, the skill to mend wounds, heal hurts and facilitate bodily and spiritual wholeness has traveled across every continent, changing with the needs and affinities of every new generation and evolving with the plants that grow in each location. The experience and wisdom of our teachers and those who’ve come

The Wellness Center 1281 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103 Suite A:

Optimum Health Chiropractic Wellness Center Dr. Dan Nuet 619.417.0249

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Suite G:

Vision Magazine Catalyst For Conscious Living 619.294.2393



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before lay the groundwork for each student’s understanding of tradition. Much of what an herbalist learns, for example, are not simple facts or memorized methods but subtle techniques that are best passed from one individual to another, tailored to suit the situation and the person. It is for this very reason that my partner Jesse Wolf Hardin and I have concentrated our healing and herbal knowledge into a cohesive practice for current students and future generations. The Anima Tradition of Herbalism is a way of perceiving and acting that is specifically designed for those seeking the perceptual and practical skills necessary for personal, interpersonal, and global healing. It is grounded in common sense principles and skills, rather than complicated or artificial structures. “The Anima Tradition is a contemporary herbal and lifeways practice rooted in the lessons of the natural world, and manifest in intuitive ways of healing. At the core of this comprehensive practice is personal response-ability, trusting our intuition and instincts, feeling empowered to act on what we know, believing in our calling and power to help heal ourselves, each other and our world.” – Jesse Wolf Hardin In the Anima Tradition of Herbalism, to be truly healthy is to be whole, and medicine is anything that contributes to that wholeness. The Anima Tradition provides a unique collection of tools and insights that contribute meaningfully to that wholeness of self, of our loved ones and community, and of the living land we’re each a part of. It teaches the use of whole plants rather than isolated constituents. It sees the healing of the body, emotions, psyche, family and ecology as inseparable, interrelated and interdependent, providing a combined lifeways and healing practice that encourages not only physical wellbeing but the fullest experiencing of conscious existence—not only curing illness but heeding a calling and fulfilling our dreams. The Anima Tradition takes a vitalist approach to all living and healing, tapping the power of the anima: the animate essence and motivational force impelling all life—from the unfurling vine tendril to the wheeling ravens overhead and the herbalist gathering her special plants, inspiring and providing our body’s innate ability to heal itself. It manifests in our conscious creativity, as well as in the unconscious call for healing focus when we’re hurt, in the instinctual urge to either run from or confront a threatening situation, and through expenditures of will such as when we respond to an urgent need with renewed vigor no matter how tired we thought we were. The vitalist perspective leads the Anima herbalist to facilitate healing through nourishing the body’s natural processes and triggering gentle shifts, rather than forceful suppression or other heroic methods. Like the land we gather herbs from, the Anima practitioner knows that the human body is also a complex ecology that thrives upon diversity. Viruses and bacteria are seen not as enemies or “bugs” to be automatically eliminated, but as cohabitants to be kept in balance. In the Anima Tradition, every moment is considered decisive, every choice pivotal, and every action of significant consequence. Individuals are indeed response-able, able to respond to the shifting balance of themselves, as well as their relationships, surroundings and world. Like the medicine women and shamans, grannywives and curanderas that came before, the Anima Herbal practitioner rallies when there are things to be done and contributes to wholeness every day in their individual ways. We have created a contemporary tradition, true to our times, one that empowers the conscious co-creation of our world and our lives. Kiva Rose is cofounder of the Animá Lifeways and Herbal Traditions and a practicing Medicine Woman. She and her partners tend a riverside sanctuary and ancient place of power in the enchanted Southwest, offering correspondence courses and healing consultations, wilderness retreats, workshops and the September 2010 Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference. Learn more at,, and V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Conscious Life Expo: Opening Doors to Enlightenment by Elyssa Paige “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.” – Albert Einstein


he year was 1975. A new age was emerging from the haze of the hippie days. People were coming together with a focused intention of raising the consciousness of the planet. They were on a quest to become the co-creators of a new world. At the core of this movement was a universal embrace of myriad concepts of health, values and traditions. Ideas that may have at one time been at odds with each other were coming together, like science and religion turning the ideological battlefield into a celebration of peace and common respect. During this transformational period, alternative models of science, spirituality, and healing were coming to the forefront of American culture—and they needed a place for expression. The Whole Earth Company answered the call by producing the Whole Earth Expo to provide a haven of knowledge from new age thought to natural products and alternative lifestyles. This first expo of its kind was thriving by the mid-70s and more shows focused on body, mind and spirit began popping up as the movement gained momentum. In the early 80s, the National Health Federation began producing expos and by 1983, the Whole Life Expo, produced by Whole Life Times, provided New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco with a gathering for exploration and enlightenment. The late-80s brought an outburst of Whole Life Expos to cities all over the country. A national community was born. Fast forward to 2001, when the Whole Life Expos became a notion of the past after 9/11. Robert Quicksilver stepped up to fill the void. Recognizing the need for a large expo in the Los Angeles area that would be a creative gathering to cultivate community and celebrate diversity, he produced the first Conscious Life Expo in 2003. And it was a hit. Today, the Conscious Life Expo continues to honor the tradition of creating a progressive community, bringing cutting edge speakers and exhibitors to Los Angeles every year. Taking place February 12-14, 2010 at the LAX Hilton, the eighth annual show promises to be a revolutionary experience, marking a new


decade and our place within it as we unite to create a turning point in human history. Quicksilver explains what the Conscious Life Expo is all about: “The primary intention is simple: to participate in the conscious co-creation of a new world, a world based on new paradigms in science, spirituality, longevity, local and global community, relationships, health and wellbeing. And while we cocreate this new holistic model through our authentic self-expression, we also participate in a powerful and passionate celebration of life and love.” The 2010 expo will be a three-day extravaganza where thousands of people from all walks of life will join to celebrate, network and learn from each other through lectures, workshops, post-conference intensives and live entertainment. The amazing lineup of speakers features Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford, Gregg Braden, Jean Houston, Zecharia Sitchin, Judith Orloff, and a live video conference with Ram Dass, to name a few. There will be hundreds of exhibitors sharing an incredible range of products and services to heal and inspire, from the latest health technologies to ancient healing modalities, from superfood to spiritual books and music, from massage to aura photography—there is something for everyone at this visionary gathering. Just when you thought the expo couldn’t get any better, the Conscious Life Film Festival features three days of alternative feature length and short films. This is the place to see up and coming films that focus on spirituality, social justice, beauty and more. The Conscious Life Expo is abundant with opportunity for inspiration, empowerment, creativity, and perhaps most importantly, community. As Quicksilver puts it, “The purpose is to bring us all together. [The Conscious Life Expo] is a three-day gathering of the tribes, a three-day celebration of evolution and consciousness and a three-day brainstorming session on who we are, where we are and where we are going.” The eighth annual Conscious Life Expo will be held February 12-14 at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles. Tickets go on sale December 15. For more information, visit or call 800.367.5777.


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h o l i s t i c

Acholi Beads

p r o d u c t s

Colorful Evening Clutch


fter 23 years of civil war in Uganda, East Africa, hope remains alive. When the Acholi people escaped the crossfire to the capital of Uganda, they faced colonial discrimination and could only find refuge in a hillside slum. The only way to support their families was through hard labor in a stone quarry making less than $1 a day. That was before Acholi Beads offered them a new way of life. Made from recycled magazines, calendars and posters, Acholi Beads are handcrafted by the women of Uganda. These beautiful beads are pulling the Acholi women out of poverty through fair trade practices. During their first year of partnership with Acholi Beads, the women earned as much money as they would have if they’d worked every day for 10 years in the quarry. Now they can provide food and education to their families. What’s more, the jewelry is exquisitely crafted. Each unique bead has vibrant swirls of color and different shapes that come together to create a striking work of art. Since they’re so colorful, they blend with anything you wear. Each time I go out with my long strand of beads, I receive so many compliments and my favorite part is telling telling the story of how these beads came to be. Acholi Beads is about reinventing business to support the women of Uganda while taking powerful strides to reduce waste and protect the environment. What more could you ask for in a holiday gift?


hy not promote social justice while making a fashion statement? Global Goods Partners creates the opportunity for us to create change as conscious consumers. This non-profit organization dedicates its energy to alleviating poverty, supporting sustainable communities, and maintaining fair trade practices in developing countries. The Colorful Evening Clutch is one of the organization’s many handcrafted artisan products offered worldwide. Created by members of the Afghan Institute of Learning, this clutch represents the centuries-old tradition of embroidery in Afghanistan. Not only can you celebrate this colorful and elaborate craft, but your purchase makes a difference in the lives of the artists and the communities that they live in. It paves the way for economic independence for Afghan women and families, as well as supporting health and education services for over 350,000 Afghan women and girls. Because of scarce resources, each clutch is unique with exquisite embroidery of vibrant patterns and sparkling beads. Packed with a main compartment, a zippered pocket, and a Velcro closure, this little bag will have you ready for the town. It also comes with an attached wrist strap for a comfortable fit and hold. Global Goods Partners provides access to exquisite crafts from all over the world. Be a conscious consumer; exercise your purchase power to support and empower extraordinary artists who strive to keep their crafts—and their communities—alive. To purchase the Colorful Evening Clutch, 8” x 4”, $44, and other handcrafted products or to engage in change with Global Goods Partners, visit or call 212.461.3647. – DG

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r e v i e w s

Out ofrandma, theI Broom Closet want to be a witch when I grow up.” What if you had to reveal to your family that you were a witch or wanted to


become one? Probably not so easy. For some, it takes an enlightened second to figure out how we want to live, but for many of us it can take a lifetime, especially considering the risk of being judged or misunderstood. Out of the Broom Closet, edited by Arin Murphy-Hiscock, is about embracing your identity, even if it’s one that may face criticism by the masses. In this inspiring anthology, you’ll find a collection of 50 true stories of witches who found and embraced the craft. Wicca is the fastest growing religion in the United States today. Many Wiccans travel a bumpy road of indecision to finally embrace their beliefs. It’s having to tell your high school girlfriend that you’re Wiccan, or struggling to honor the tradition you’ve been raised with all your life. These are the heartfelt experiences of real people in Out of the Broom Closet. As a High Priestess within the Black Forest Clan, Murphy-Hiscock is a strong voice within the growing realm of Wicca and is the author of several books. Out of the Broom Closet provides insight and encouragement so that Wiccans old and new can embrace their true path without hesitation. Out of the Broom Closet, $12.95, is available through Provenance Press at For more information on Arin Murphy-Hiscock, visit – DG

Kabbalah for Inner Peace erpetual stress, anxiety and self-doubt are just some of the side effects of what Gerald Epstein, MD, calls “our inner terrorists.” These


mental-health minions block our communication with the spiritual realm, leaving us enslaved by the material world—frustrated, aggravated, and longing for peace. As a physician and pioneer in the use of mental imagery to heal mental and physical ailments, Epstein’s latest book, Kabbalah for Inner Peace: Imagery and Insights to Guide You through Your Day, delves into the imbalances that lie at the root of our daily stress. This inspirational book fuses the ancient mystical wisdom of the Kabbalah with 60 visual exercises that help us conquer negativity, reopen our spiritual passageways, and find strength amid life’s challenges. From financial fears to insomnia, physical pain and past traumas, Epstein illustrates how to recognize and confront the source of suffering through short mental imagery exercises. With closed eyes, deep breaths and a clear mind, we can learn how to connect with the energy of the universe, visualize its flowing power, and rediscover our innate self-healer. According to Epstein, the disconnection between people and the divine force comes from constant external stimuli from work, finances, television and myriad distractions. Yet through these daily exercises, we can tune out the racket and transcend into a mystical union that brings healing, balance and harmony to our lives. For more information on Dr. Gerald Epstein or to purchase Kabbalah for Inner Peace: Imagery and Insights to Guide You through Your Day, $20, visit – AR


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PSYCHIC MEDIUM MEET MEDIUM MICHELE FLETCHER An Evidential, Medium, Psychic, Empath, Medical Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer And Spiritual Counselor. Visit her websites at www.mysticshift. com 03/10

REAL ESTATE AGENTS OF POSSIBILITY We help you attract and manifest the home of your dreams. 02/10

REIKI SACREDTRANSFORMATION.NET offers 30 CEU’s to nurses, acupuncturists, LCSW & MFT for Level 1-2 Reiki along with in-depth energy healing course. Contact 619.204.0504 for more info. 12/09

RENTALS MEDITATIVE SPACE FOR RENT IN THE EYE OF BUDDHA RETAIL STORE. Rent our upstairs meeting room per hour or day for special events, meetings, trainings, meditations, or yoga classes. 700sq feet. Parking available. 4247 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103. Call for more information 619.296.1150 03/10 CLASSROOM AND/OR THERAPY ROOM RENTALS: Different sizes available! Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 12/09


SOUND HEALING SOUND HEALING WORKSHOPS AND PRIVATE SESSIONS in Santa Barbara and via Skype with Christine M. Grimm. See or call 805.698.3580. 01/10

SPIRITUAL COUNSELING / REIKI TRAINING SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR, METAPHYSICAL MINISTER, Reiki, Karuna® Reiki Master, Empowerment Readings, Meditation Training, Energy Healing, Attunements, Wendy Chaffin, www.SacredDiscoveries. com, Pacific Beach, 858.270.2908. Phone Sessions Available, Credit Accepted. 12/09

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SPIRITUAL READING/TRAINING SPIRITUAL READINGS/TRAINING WITH LINDA BERRY. Personal One-On-One. Spirituality, Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot, Numerology, Native Indian. Spiritual Discovery Center, La Mesa. 619.507.6395, 12/09

SURROGATE WANTED SEEK HEALTHY, POSITIVE WOMAN TO CONCEIVE AND BEAR A CHILD NATURALLY, FREE OF CHEMICALS. “Surrogate mom.” Willing to pay good amount so I can then adopt as legal, custodial parent. You can choose to be completely non-involved after birth to being involved, at any future time and to whatever amount you wish, as separate parent. I am sincere, tested very healthy in all aspects, holistic, deeply caring, love kids, have time, commitment, heartfelt appreciation, resources. Sincere inquiries only: “Loving Dad”, P.O. Box 566, Cardiff, CA, 92007. Please also e-mail to: lrluke7@ 12/09



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YOGA SVAROOPA® YOGA INTENSIVE WEEKEND: GATEWAY OF THE HEART Vidyadevi (Bombay Stillman) returns to San Diego February 27-28, 2010. Sponsored by SD Svaroopa® Yoga Connection. or Sandy 858.735.5534 12/09 200-HOUR VINYASA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with Prana Yoga founder Gerhard Gessner, E-RYT. February – May 2010. Three-month program: seven weekends and ten Wednesday evenings. Call for details or to get an application today! FREE INFO SESSION DECEMBER 12, 10:30am. Prana Yoga Center La Jolla,, tel. 858.456.2806 12/09

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“How Can I Give?” continued from page 4



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But it really sank in when I became a mother. Suddenly the traditions of comfort and familiarity became the bond to bridge the gap between the past and future, to honor where we came from and to connect the old with the new. It became my responsibility to pass along the pieces of the Christmas I had known growing up, almost as if I was recording important family information. I found myself going far beyond overboard in incorporating every single little feature I could possibly muster. Christmas was indeed a serious matter. For my kids, it was different from how the other children celebrated. My daughter talks about being torn between feeling like an outsider for not having the same traditions as everyone else and feeling special because of those very differences. “I always felt that our traditions had so much more meaning and it was difficult to relate to the traditions of others. I had this feeling that we were celebrating different holidays and yet using the same name for them. Whenever I would go and visit friends and their families for a holiday get-together, I felt nervous and out of the loop because I wasn’t familiar with their traditions. Making gingerbread houses, opening presents in the morning, eggnog—all of these things were completely foreign to me and my friends thought I was odd for not understanding. In spite of that, ultimately it gave me a sense of pride in being different and rooted in something,” she says. As my kids grew up, it became necessary to distill the package down to a more reasonable version. I started to feel ridiculous in my sentimental attempts at keeping it all up and my kids started to feel it was too much unhealthy eating, too much money, and too much trying too hard. So together we weeded out and created our own family’s version from the pieces we found most significant. As we cut and reshaped, we questioned what it all means and how it matters. Julie, now 23, explains: “There will always be the sense of nostalgia for the elaborate traditions and the magic of Christmas as a child, but I feel that I have reached a place within myself where all those traditions can be expressed in smaller ways and passed on.” Even though she can’t pick any favorite tradition over another, as there were just too many, she muses, ”Imagine a family of Danes bursting at the buttons and shoveling rice pudding into their mouths in the search for the one almond and an extra little gift. It was just too much fun.” Having been part of the Danish traditions from the beginning of their lives with their grandparents, my kids feel that even when it is not possible to be with their grandparents for Christmas, celebrating those traditions honors them and holds them in their hearts. Since Julie has become a grownup, she has embraced the traditions and adapted them to her own world. She now shares them with the people who are close to her, the same people who never understood her traditions as children, and for whom she has now turned certain parts into much anticipated and loved traditions as well. Julie plans to revive many of the more elaborate customs once she has her own children. “Every tradition I pass on will be in the hopes that a little bit of my family and my childhood can live on with them,” she says. For myself, after nearly 28 years under the California sun, I treasure the Danish holiday traditions more than ever. In spite of now living and thinking in English, when Christmas comes around, the English words don’t work—they don’t match, and they don’t measure up to how I feel and what we do. My kids and I continue to stoke the fire of our shared traditions, keeping the core while building new twists and going a little lighter on the endurance test. Bente Mirow is a freelance writer and editor living in San Rafael, CA. Visit her at or contact her at



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“The Airport Yogi” continued from page 6


“Inward focus,” I had to remind myself. But the airport yogi was the shining centerpiece of the room and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him for more than 20 seconds. Meanwhile, the next pose was Tree (Vrksasana), a balance posture, and I continued to chuckle inside. His expression was so serious, and as he faced me, he looked like a lone tree in a forest of animals. On his face was neither a frown nor a smile—only a pure look of deep concentration. At this point, I noticed two athletic looking guys in baseball caps talking about which postures they thought they could pull off. But their voices indicated a touch of sarcasm—they were mocking him. Still riding the eternal om wave of consciousness, the yogi worked his way into a very flat-footed Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) and then slowly walked his hands back to his feet. Finally, like ice cream melting on a summer day, he began to roll up with his eyes closed, half a vertebra at a time. He stood up tall like a mountain and stretched his hands above him, as if lighting bolts were shooting out from his fingers. I could almost see the energy radiating out of him like fireworks. His hands came together at his heart center in Anjali Mudra. With his eyes still closed, amongst the chaos of holiday traffic and ridiculing stares, he tucked his chin in and bowed his head slightly. In his moment of peace, I saw his lips whisper, “Namaste.” I finally stopped judging. Daphne Carpenter is a time traveler who stays healthy by surrounding herself with people who have positive attitudes and by contorting her body into strange positions while trying to remember to breathe. Contact her at



“Reclaiming Ritual” continued from page 13

crafts project or seed planting. Another idea is to write down our dreams, desires, or things we’d like to release or heal and burn them in a cauldron or fire pit. Be creative and feel free to combine ideas for the core portion of the ritual. We can end this section by sharing our experience or ideas that we have written down. This helps to integrate our work and set up a more co-creative group process. Ending Salutation and Closing Circle Our final work is to shout out or affirm prayers. We can pray for our family, friends, co-workers, or our own healing, as well as humanity’s evolution, world peace, the wellness of the planet, animals or people who suffer. We can also call out our favorite items, traits, and blessings we desire to be bountiful in our lives, such as friendship, health, good sex or chocolate! The ending entails thanking and releasing those energies and elements that came to do this work with us. We then close the circle: May the circle be open, but unbroken May the love of God and Goddess Be ever in your heart Merry meet And merry part And merry meet again A group om is lovely for sealing the ritual. It is also customary to break bread (or cake) and wine (or grape juice) and enjoy fruits, nuts and seeds together. We are privileged to live in a time and place in which freedom of expression is not only tolerated, but encouraged. Ritual is a glorious experience that we all have access to in reawakening centuries of buried cultures and teachings once lost. Blessed be. Heidi Harmony Cohen-Wolff is a Holistic Health Practitioner and sacred bellyfusion dancer who practices ritual to celebrate life. She is available to facilitate ceremonies and can be reached at 619.379.5525 or V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Learn about Maitreya Introductory Presentation 3 pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave - SD SD cable public access channel Wed 9:30 pm Cox Sat 5:30 pm Time Warner

For LA/SF info about events & Transmission Meditation groups: LA: (818) 785-6300 SF:


SATURDAY FREE 2 HOUR WORKSHOP! Your Body’s Secret Language Revealed! How to understand your body’s Emotional, Mental, And Spiritual Messages! Learn how to decode your body’s Vibrational Language and how to harness your EMOTIONS. What pain is really about (surprise!) Learn your body’s spiritual language…it’s not what you think! 10am-12pm Carlsbad. Call Now! 760.692.0252. Space is Limited To 20 people. 12/09

REFLEXOLOGY: Learn and experience zone therapy, foot and hand reflexology, more. Hand, ear, back reflexology on December 12th. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, www.naturalhealinginst. com. 12/09

Visit our booth at local street fairs Serve through Transmission Meditation 9:30 am Sun, 7 pm Tue and 8 pm Fri in San Diego (619) 223-6703

DECEMBER 3 THURSDAY ECLECTICBELLY DANCE FOR LOVE... TIME TO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR AND DANCE YOUR WISHES. We will surrender to the night’s womb and discover the self-well of endless possibilities through meditation, eclecticbelly dance moves, musical exploration and more. $20 for one, $35 for two. 7-9pm, In The Mudra Yoga and Dance Studio, 21835 Sherman Way, Canoga Park. Pre-registration preferred. Wear comfy clothing, bring a yoga mat/ blanky if you have. Doors open at 6:45pm. Women only event., / 323.493.3899 to register. 12/09

COME LEARN YOUR 4 BEST DIRECTIONS AND ACTIVATE THE FENG SHUI IN YOUR BODY At Feng Shui For Your Body we give you more “Aha!” moments. FREE 1 hour class, 961 Turquoise St. San Diego. Dec. 2, 16 & Jan. 6 at 5:30. 858.488.8655. www. 12/09 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

OPENING RECEPTION - “Susie Reneau & Friends present “The Gift of Art” an assemblage of finely crafted gifts of art. 6:30–9PM. Continues through December at the Women’s History Museum, corner of 23rd and Broadway in Golden Hill, San Diego. 619.233.7963 info@ 12/09

PEPPER LEWIS AND GAIA BRING 2010 & BEYOND: Tough Matters, Big Questions. Seaside Center – 12–6. $100. Contact Bea Wragee 858.484.3513,, PepperLewis. com 12/09


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DECEMBER 6 SUNDAY IGNITE HEARTBRAIN POTENTIAL offers Initiation of Energy centers’ Activation and simple practices to develop higher consciousness while igniting human latent potential through integration of spiritual (Heart energy) and scientific understanding (Brain energy). Energy work in Reconnection with Cosmic Energy for soul & body harmony. Seminars and Consultations by Minh Dannerstedt, Ph.D., Hado Instructor. Lake Forest-CA. 10AM – 4PM. Consultations: by appointment.,, 949.280.7716 12/09 DECEMBER 9 WEDNESDAY FREE OPEN MEDITATION presented by Golden Rose Psychic Services in Hillcrest, San Diego. 6:30pm-8:00pm. Visit or 619.922.6775. 12/09

DECEMBER 10 THURSDAY ECLECTICBELLY DANCE FOR LOVE... TIME TO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR AND DANCE YOUR WISHES. We will surrender to the night’s womb and discover the self-well of endless possibilities through meditation, eclecticbelly dance moves, musical exploration and more. $30 for one, $50 for two. 7-9pm, The Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Circle Suite A, Irvine, CA. Pre-registration preferred. Wear comfy clothing, bring a yoga mat/blanky if you have. Doors open at 6:45pm. Women only event. www., eclecticbelly2@gmail. com / 323.493.3899 to register. 12/09 DECEMBER 11

FRIDAY ECLECTICBELLY DANCE FOR LOVE... TIME TO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR AND DANCE YOUR WISHES. We will surrender to the night’s womb and discover the self-well of endless possibilities through meditation, eclecticbelly dance moves, musical exploration and more. $20 for one, $35 for two. 7-9pm, Saraswati’s Arms, 1252 N. Monte Vista Ave. #11, Upland, CA. Pre-registration preferred. Wear comfy clothing, bring a yoga mat/blanky if you have. Doors open at 6:45pm. Women only event., / 323.493.3899 to register. 12/09


SATURDAY ECLECTICBELLY DANCE FOR LOVE... TIME TO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR AND DANCE YOUR WISHES. We will surrender to the night’s womb and discover the self-well of endless possibilities through meditation, eclecticbelly dance moves, musical exploration and more. $20 for one, $35 for two. 6-8pm, Yoga Grounds, 3857 Foothill Blvd. #1, La Crescenta, CA. Preregistration preferred. Wear comfy clothing, bring a yoga mat/blanky if you have. Doors open at 5:45pm. Women only event. www., eclecticbelly2@gmail. com / 323.493.3899 to register. 12/09

DECEMBER 12 - 13

SATURDAY - SUNDAY RAISE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON WITH “GIFTS FOR THE SOUL” 10am-8pm. Live Music, Free Vegan Buffet for the first 200 attendees each day! Winter Solstice Concert on Saturday Night-8pm-Midnight. LAX Hilton Hotel - 5711 Century Blvd, Los Angeles. General Admission: $5 or bring a new, unwrapped gift for a child or teen and get in free! giftshow@, 800.367.5777, 12/09


SUNDAY ECLECTICBELLY DANCE FOR LOVE... TIME TO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR AND DANCE YOUR WISHES. We will surrender to the night’s womb and discover the self-well of endless possibilities through meditation, eclecticbelly dance moves, musical exploration and more. $20 for one, $35 for two. 6-8pm, Practical Magicka, 17909 Bellflower Blvd, Bellflower, CA. Preregistration preferred. Wear comfy clothing, bring a yoga mat/blanky if you have. Doors open at 5:45pm. Women only event. www., eclecticbelly2@gmail. com / 323.493.3899 to register. 12/09 CHANNELED TEACHINGS - Dialogue with Jerhoam Energy Transmission 10am - 5pm John Oliver (star of TV’s hit series “Haunting Evidence”) is Jerhoam’s oracle. Call Craig at 310.617.4877 for prepaid Tuition info. 12/09 COME JOIN US AT THE LA COSTA RESORT AND SPA FOR THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS TRANSFORMATION CIRCLES For details and registration visit 12/09


SUNDAY THERAPEUTIC & TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING BREATHING: Corrective and healing techniques. Experiential!! Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 12/09


TUESDAY FREE HOLISTIC HEALTH AND FITNESS EVENT! Lecture Discussion on Dis-Ease Prevention, Fitness Classes, Vendors, Raffles, Healthy Food! 5:30-8:30pm. UPAKA Center, 6875 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego (Vendor Spots Available)., 619.819.6493, 12/09

AN EVENING OF FOOD, FILM AND DISCUSSION-FREE! “The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil” Learn how Cuba transitioned from industrial agriculture to local organic urban gardens. 5:30-7:30pm, Encinitas Library, San Diego. Zero-waste eventPlease bring mug and plate to enjoy local organic snacks! 760.633.2827, jbolden@ 12/09

DECEMBER 19 SATURDAY WINTER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION Renowned Spirit Mediums Uki MacIsaac & Elivia Melodey will unite in sacred ceremony to welcome back the return of the Light. Potluck, Crystal Vibrations Concert, Guided Meditation and Spirit Messages for all! 5-9 PM. Cost just $20 prepaid, $25 at the door. Bring a friend and pay only $30 for two! (prepaid). At the Center for Spiritual Development in Carlsbad. Reserve early by calling 800.883.2840 or email 12/09 DECEMBER 22

TUESDAY “MYSTICAL READERS SALON” Holiday Party Event $20, 7pm. Tarot, Palmistry, Astrology, Numerology Readings. Spiritual Discovery with Linda Berry and Jim Ellis, Lemon Grove. 619.507.6395,, www. 12/09

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DECEMBER 24 THURSDAY CHRISTMAS EVE CRYSTAL VIBRATIONS CONCERT Come bask in the music of the Angels! Celebrate the Magic of the Season with music from Elivia Melodey’s 45 singing crystal bowls, Celtic Harp, flutes, Didjeredu and Celestial vocals. 3-5 PM Love Donation. Location: The lower hall at Swedenborg Church, 4144 Campus Ave (corner of Campus and Tyler) in San Diego. For more information call: 619.296.5662 12/09


FRIDAY WOMEN’S NEW YEAR’S DAY SPIRITUAL RETREAT Release the old & bring in the new in this powerful, fun-filled Women’s Spiritual Retreat!! 9:30-5pm. Potluck. Love Donation. Materials fee $5. 7641 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach. Register 714.478.9561 12/09

JANUARY 2 SATURDAY HOLISTIC HEALING FAIR AT THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT 9am-5pm. FREE READINGS 9am-10am - Highest Quality Healers. First Saturday of every month. Lake Forest, CA. 949.340.7408 www. 12/09 JANUARY 4 MONDAY INTRODUCING FIRST MONDAYS AT THE IMAGINE CENTER – We’re normally closed on Mondays, but starting January 4 we will open our doors on the first Monday of each month from 10am – 7pm especially for Service Professionals who also have Mondays free. First Mondays will be Service Professionals Day at The Imagine Center, with 10% off all retail merchandise with your business card. We offer intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment including books, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot and oracle cards and yoga wear. We are located at 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356, between Reseda and Yolanda. Free parking in the rear. Call 818.345.1100 or visit our online store at 12/09 JANUARY 5 TUESDAY RADICAL FORGIVENESS - FREE INTRO. Let go of unresolved resentment. Start the New Year with a New You! 7-9pm To register call 619.563.8971 www. 01/10


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JANUARY 9 SATURDAY FIREWALK TO KICK OFF THE NEXT DECADE WITH A RUSH!!! Learn how to walk on hot coal this magical evening and positively shift your life to be AWE and WOW for the next 10 years. 3:30-7:30pm. Call 619.573.6638 or visit 12/09 JANUARY 13 WEDNESDAY CRYSTAL USE AND AWARENESS CLASS – Starting January 13, learn how to select and use crystals for healing and renewal. Classes taught by Paul Ka’iwi, third generation energy worker and 1999 graduate of Touch Therapy Institute of Encino, CA. You will learn how to feel crystal energy, select the right crystal, understand the chakras, scan the body with crystals, cleanse and program crystals. Tuition is $160 for the four week class, payable at $40 per session or $140 in advance ($20 discount). Tuition includes a set of 7 stones. Classes held on Wednesdays, 7–9pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at www. 12/09 JANUARY 15 FRIDAY “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!” Dr. Pat Allen’s All-Day Workshop for “Effective Communication Strategies” 10am-4pm at the beautiful Estancia Hotel, La Jolla, California. Register at 949.677.1451, www. 12/09 JANUARY 15 - 17

FRIDAY - SUNDAY CERTIFIED, REGISTERED: YOGA INSTRUCTOR, SOMATICS, & MOVEMENT THERAPIST (RYT, YISMT)™. Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, www. 12/09


SATURDAY FREE 2 HOUR WORKSHOP! Your Body’s Secret Language Revealed! How to understand your body’s Emotional, Mental, And Spiritual Messages! Learn how to decode your body’s Vibrational Language and how to harness your EMOTIONS. What pain is really about (surprise!) Learn your body’s spiritual language…it’s not what you think! 10am-12pm Carlsbad. Call Now! 760.692.0252. Space is Limited To 20 people. 01/10


SATURDAY TRANSCENDENTAL REBIRTHING™ One-day Intensive Workshop: 9am to complete. Transform your Life & Rebirth in Brilliance! In San Diego w/ Swami Deviananda 858.405.5088 01/10 MASSAGE TECHNICIAN 100 HR. PROGRAM. Required for Massage Therapist License. Special Discounts. Comprehensive training with the most experienced, licensed instructor in USA! Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 12/09

JANUARY 23 SATURDAY FENG SHUI CLASS – Quick Fix tips for managing the flow of energy in the home, led by Lucretia, on January 23; 1:00 – 2:30PM at The Imagine Center in Tarzana, CA. Lucretia is a Feng Shui Practitioner and Interior Design Consultant with a notable list of clients such as Wayne Brady, Petermichael Escovedo and Jeff Kos to name just a few. Many of her clients report positive changes in the most critical areas of their lives from rebalancing the energy in their homes. Class will be held at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at www. 12/09


Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association


Incorporated and Serving ALL in California Since 1896

SaturdaysHealing 1:00pm Church 2:00pm Sundays Healing 10:00am Church 11:00am

Psychic Fair

1st Sat. of Month, 10:00am-4:00pm

Certification and Personal Growth Classes

SATURDAY INTUITIVE LIVING Transcendental Rebirthing™ Special Event: 10am – 7pm. Rebirth alignment with Higher Self! In San Diego, w/ Swami Deviananda 858.405.5088 / www.sacredrebirthing. com 02/10


FIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30AM-11:30AM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 03/10 OM SPIRITUAL CENTER SUNDAY 10AM SERVICE All Faiths are welcome! 1233 Camino Del Rio South-Mission Valley, San Diego, 92108 Ph: 858.213.7061. For more details: 03/10 SPICA - WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month at Myztic Isle Bookstore in La Mesa. 9am. 619.588.6483 for information. 02/10


CLINICAL HERBOLOGY. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. 7:00 – 9:45 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 12/09

HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the lifehealing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8pm; Sundays - 10am. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 12/09

THURSDAYS FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30 PM. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 01/10

• Mediumship • Healing • Ministerial • Ordinations

Private Readings Available Information about Speakers & Directions


Escondido, CA

MONDAYS FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30pm by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 02/10




TUESDAYS MEDITATION SERVICE, PRACTICAL BUDDHISM CLASS, SUTRA STUDY 6-8pm, no charge, all welcome. Center for American Buddhist Practice, www. for complete schedule. Location: Eye of Buddha, 4247 Park Blvd., 92103. 619.459.9313. 12/09 CLINICAL NUTRITION. Introductory or full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. 7:00 – 9:45pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 12/09

WEDNESDAYS MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION: Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7PM-8PM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 03/10


“Happy Re-Birthday” continued from page 16

What do you need to feel safe and secure as you rebirth yourself into the new year? You can celebrate alone or in a circle of likeminded and supportive friends to release the past and celebrate all the ways you’ve evolved in 2009. Celebrating Solstice This is an ideal time to clean house, literally and figuratively. This freshens your environmental energy so you can move from winter to spring with a clean slate. Sort through cupboards and closets to remove items that weigh you down emotionally or no longer serve you. Swap clothing that doesn’t fits your lifestyle or body anymore with friends who are also cleaning house. Donate items to a needy family or charity. File all the papers on your desk, toss out old magazines and put your financial books in order (which will make tax preparation easier in April). By literally putting your house in order, you will feel lighter and more energized. Write a list of projects and communications that still feel unfinished for you. Decide which no longer interest you and which ones you want to continue working on in the new year. Now reflect on the year that’s ending by writing out a list of your accomplishments in 2009. For this list you can use special paper or ink with the colors of the season: red for the fire of rebirth and renewal, green for growth and love. Next write a paragraph describing your overall experience of 2009. When you’re done, take a few minutes to sit in quiet gratitude. If you like, you can imagine you’re moving through a cosmic birth canal to emerge afresh into 2010. Envision yourself as you wish to be in the new year or see and feel yourself as an infant ready to start over. Take your first big breath as you open your eyes and see the world anew. No matter how you choose to celebrate Winter Solstice, gift yourself with the knowledge that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Dozens of cells in your body are new, as are your thoughts and feelings. All that you are is constantly evolving. Let Winter Solstice remind you to make 2010 a year of renewal and rejuvenation as you celebrate the return of the light in everything you do. Barbara Schiffman is a Life and Soul Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified One-Hour Mastermind Director. Blending astrology, natural elements, tarot archetypes and guided imagery, she helps people evolve from the inside out. Contact her at 818.415.3479 or Cat Williford, MCC is an international Professional Coach, Trainer of Coaches and Ceremonial Priestess who infuses the boardroom with spiritual grounding. Contact her at 805.271.1155 or Order the authors’ Winter Solstice Ritual e-book or Barbara’s Guided Imagery CD Kits at


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v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

Mara Berendt Friedman

Rooted in Reverence, Seated in Spirit

For almost two decades, Mara has been creating paintings that honor the Feminine Aspect of Spirit. Drawing inspiration from the cycle of the seasons and universal symbols and form, she enjoys weaving together influences from diverse indigenous cultures. Through her work, she shares her deep appreciation for the exquisite Beauty that both surrounds and is within us all. In 1994, Friedman founded New Moon Visions, which reproduces her work as artgifts that are offered around the world. Her images have been featured in books, calendars and other publications. It is her great joy that community service organizations have used her work as visual inspiration for their clients, reminding women of their deep beauty, strength and wisdom. In 1999, Friedman founded Stream (Souls Together Rejoicing in Expressive Arts and Magic), which offers classes in “sacred creative play” to vision-seekers of all ages. Teaching is a very important aspect of her life, balancing the solitary passion of painting with the deep fulfillment of sharing with community. To learn more about Stream, request a catalog, or inquire about original paintings and artgifts, contact New Moon Visions at 800.701.6984 or visit Mara Friedman travels often Dancing with the Sun with her “rainbow warrior art show” and lives in a cozy studio in the Oregon woods with her beloved cat, Rumi. Contact her at

Olivia Cloud Walker

Beloved Heart Warrior, May you face fear with love as you walk thru the dark doorway of doubt. May you enter the radiant field of faith and be tenderly held in trust’s embrace. May you be carried by gentle clouds of compassion. May you wear the golden crown of freedom! - Mara 2007

Enter the Rainbow Door



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“The Gift of Tribal Tradition” continued from page 17

Songs can also be sung about anything you see and hear—like plants, the sky, and the mountains, to name a few. The metaphorical reference to animals substantiates the concept of being united with the natural environment. Today, these ancestral bird songs are used as a unifying element for commemorative ceremonies and rituals. The customs of the Kumeyaay are being preserved for the sake of tribal identity and spiritual expression. “They are the essence of us as Kumeyaay people,” Vigneault explains. “It is through our language, songs, dances, and ceremonies that the Creator hears our prayers.” The Kumeyaay present a way of life that focuses on honoring tradition and strengthening culture. Through their wisdom, we can reflect on our own lives and find inspiration to honor our own customs as our journeys continue to evolve. Isn’t that what life is all about? For more information on Karen Vigneault and the Kumeyaay Historical Society, visit Find out more about the Women’s History Museum at Danielle Goodman is a graphic designer and writer with a passion for art and culture and an interest in the connection they share. Contact her at danigood23@

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Conference and Sacred Temple Tour

Bringing Together: Jose Arguelles Jacque Fresco Stanislav Grof Graham Hancock John Major Jenkins John Kimmey Roxanne Meadows Christine Page Daniel Pinchbeck Russell Targ Miguel Angel Vergara Conference and Sacred Temple Tour:

Coba | Ek Balam | Muyil | Chichen Itza For more information: | email: Tel: (1) 505 559 4632 or (44) 020 8133 4994 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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