Vision Magazine The Great Approach 2012 Beckons

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inside Catalyst for Conscious Living


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Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Micahael Raysses, Shannon Nies, Cari Drolet, Susan M. Pichini, Silvana Spano, Patrick Coady, Daphne Carpenter, Maria Vanderford, Diana Spears, Elyssa Paige, Rev. April Cunningham, John Chandler, Dr. Ginger Marable, PhD, CHI, Louix Dor Dempriey

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Viewpoint The Great Approach 2012 Beckons


Holistic Living Fountain of Youth?


Greek To Me Food for Thought, Word and Deed Redux


Ask The LifequakeTM Doctor Advice About Life Transitions


11-15 Mindstates Pachamama Consciousness Emotional Freedom Technique Knowphest 16-17 Culture New Reality A Rebirthing Experience 18

Astrology November 2012 Forcast


Culture Aikido for the Soul


Healing Arts Demystifying 2012


Features Entering a New Era with George Noory Breathe in the Life of Your Dreams


Community Resources


Vision Café Alchemy 2012 2012: Crystal Reflections of Change Bragg Celebrating 100 Years of Health Great American Smokeout Sedona




Visionary Artist Mario Covic

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On the Cover “The Awakening” by Mario Covic November 2012 Theme: The Great Approach 2012 NEXT MONTH,

December 2012 Theme: Conscious Community

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The great approach-

2012 Beckons by Cari Drolet


e fatuously hoped that we might pluck from the human tragedy itself a consciousness of a common destiny which should bring its own healing, that we might extract from life’s very misfortunes a power of cooperation which should be effective against them. As we approach the end of the year it is important to look at where we came from. The housing crisis certainly did cause panic and chaos throughout the nation and forced us all to really look at our actions and our motives as to why we ended up here and how we would need to move forward stronger with awareness to prevent the same mistakes from occurring. In 2012 there were a lot of efforts within the financial institutions to make short sales more favorable to a homeowner rather than just walk away from their properties and allow it to foreclose by offering large incentives and tightening up their systems to allow short sales to close faster making the process more effective and efficient. With the nationwide unemployment issue along with other hardships such as death, divorce and value depreciation; homeowners are still defaulting on their mortgages. We have experienced low inventories this year which has made it difficult for buyers to get accepted offers however; I believe homeowners are holding off on making a decision to sell to see if the Mortgage Debt Relief Act will be extended into next year which will allow homeowners to be free from paying taxes on the cancellation of debt. I believe after elections we will see a lot more homeowners putting their homes on the market therefore bringing about more inventories. Thus far in 2012, we have seen a steady appreciation of home prices, and while next year will likely be a bit more volatile, the positive trend should continue but I also believe we are not completely out of the woods yet. It is my opinion that it will be another 3 years before we truly stop the bleeding. What life lessons can we take from the debacle in the housing industry to make us stronger in 2013? Since most people’s wealth is tied to their house this is something we need to look at. Don’t ever leverage yourself particularly just because everyone else is. You don’t have to keep up with the Jones’ just make sure that you are protected. This leads into being comfortable in your own skin rather than relying on


Hardships, though they do not feel good and there are growing pains that come along with it, there are many hidden blessings that give us so much hope for the future and the ability to unite in love and compassion and blaze a trail for those still lost in the fire.

others or property values to keep your self- esteem up. Things can go down even when the experts tell you they cannot so do your own homework or find a trusted advisor that can help you. Don’t get sucked in by the sales person. Just because you lost your house it doesn’t mean that all is lost. There are billionaires that do not own a house as they do not want to be tied to one location. There is freedom from a lack of possessions and the bills that come with it. Is the dream of owning a Cari Drolet home your dream or is it because you have bought into the slogan “Americas Dream”? I encourage you to make your own decisions and stop pointing a finger at others for your lack of convictions. If your health is good and you are emotionally strong then you are ahead of the rest regardless of whether you have the mansion or not. It has been my experience those who do own massive houses wish for the simple things in life. The more you have the more pressure there is too maintain it. I am not saying that you should not own a home. I am just saying that your motivation to buy should be pure in intent and not bite off more than you can chew. . I have seen many people go through transitions this year. I have a friend who experienced a divorce which caused him to sell his house and then lost both of his parents in a year period. It is amazing to see his journey and his change of perspective. It certainly has made him very humble and appreciative of his life and what he has and he has walked through it all with grace and dignity. Though there is a sense of loss there is also compassion and understanding for others. When we are emptied of self that is when god’s grace comes in and gives us the opportunity to fill that emptiness with good choices, right action and respect for all humanity. I have had my share of ups and downs this year and I can honestly say that at the time I felt defeated to some degree. I was forced to look at all of my points of character that led me into the unfavorable conditions I put myself into. What were my motivations? What drove me to want the things I had? Were they serving me? How could I be of better use to myself and others? I am so grateful today for all of those experiences. I have softness in my heart today and a deep desire to help others whether it is helping a homeowner short sale their property or being a listening ear and a hand to hold when someone is in need of a friend. Hardships, though they do not feel good and there are growing pains that come along with it, there are many hidden blessings that give us so much hope for the future and the ability to unite in love and compassion and blaze a trail for those still lost in the fire. Let’s be that light and shine brighter than ever. What do we have to lose? Using our experience in hopes that others might be healed. What greater way to bounce back from adversity so that nothing that we go through in life is in vain. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with peace, love and light and Happy New Year. Cari Drolet Founder and CEO of Lotus Realty Group and Certifeid Distressed Property expert. Not only helps homeowners short sale their property, also helps homeowners buy and sell homes traditionally. Office 858-764-7300.

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Fountain of Youth??? Combating Oxidative Stress – The Aging Factor by Susan M Pichini


e’re all getting older and there’s nothing we can do about it! But we may have some control over how we age, and how fast it happens. We are living longer than any generation—but are we living healthier? At the turn of the last century, the average age for men was 46 years; for women it was 48 years. Now, it’s 75 years and 80 years respectively, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medical science has done wonders to keep us alive, but at what cost? Are those quality years or just existence? Dr. Mehmet Oz says, “Aging is really not about preventing disease; getting rid of heart disease and cancer gains us less than a decade of life. Rather, we need to slow the rate of aging to avoid the frailty that would make longevity less desirable.” Many factors contribute to the aging process: what we eat, what we breathe, how much (or how little) we exercise, and how much sun we’ve soaked up over the years, to name a few. All of these, the good and the bad, lead to what’s known as oxidative stress in our bodies. It’s not the kind of stress we feel outwardly, just like we don’t feel our cholesterol levels or blood pressure. In simplistic terms, oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals (oxidants) and their elimination by antioxidants. When we were young, our bodies produced enough of these antioxidant enzymes naturally. But with the passage of time, things change. The reality is that on a daily basis, our cells are bombarded by the polluted air we breathe, the food we eat, our own digestive process, and even exercising—all producing these free radicals inside our cells. Ironically, free radicals are the product of our normal cellular metabolism, our natural biological processes. And that’s not a bad thing. It’s when they get out of control or out of balance (oxidative stress) that it can lead to health problems. It’s then that our cells don’t operate optimally for our best health. Instead, the proliferation of free radicals leads to cell damage, which in turn can result in a host of ailments. Oxidative stress has been clinically shown to contribute to aging and the many diseases associated with it, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Studies even indicate that oxidative stress is an important factor in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. In addition, oxidative stress has been linked to osteoarthritis, inflammation, dementia, autism, erectile dysfunction, and metabolic syndrome. Scientific studies continue to produce this connection at a prolific rate. So oxidative stress is a term you’ll be hearing more and more about. It’s becoming commonplace in the medical community as more is being learned about it. Currently, the National Institutes of Health has published more than 101,000 studies on oxidative stress at The equation is simple. Harness oxidative stress and the aging process slows down. As a result, we may live longer and healthier lives. Expect to see more re-

On his quest, McCord experimented with five different botanicals, harvested in their natural state in China and India. These are milk thistle, green tea extract, bacopa. ashwagandha and turmeric. search in the near future revealing ways to lower oxidative stress on a cellular level in our bodies. Since free radicals are oxidants, the natural thought was to combat them with known dietary antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, and foods like berries and oranges. As good as it sounded, the science just wasn’t there to prove that these antioxidants did the job—they’re just not powerful enough. They don’t eliminate enough free radicals to make a difference. Picture this: In order to see results, you would have to take 120 vitamin C tablets of 500 mgs each. This equates to 375 oranges, 12 pounds of blueberries, or drinking 57 glasses of red wine—per day. Even if you’re an oenophile, that’s still a lot of wine! continued on page 8

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HOLISTIC LIVING Dr. Joe McCord, a biochemist and scientist credited with contributing to the discovery of free radicals, says that aging can be defined, biochemically, as the slow progression of cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. Like wear and tear on a car, you can view aging as the slow oxidation or rusting of your body. After about 40 years of research, he discovered that oxidative stress was reduced by an average of 40 percent with a specific, synergistic combination of plant foods. These herbs, most of which have been used for centuries in traditional Eastern and Indian medicine, kick start an aging/disease-fighting factor in the body called Nrf2 (Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2). Once activated, Nrf2 then stimulates our DNA to start producing more of its own antioxidant enzymes. Up to about age 20, our bodies do just that on their own, naturally producing enough of these enzymes to keep free radicals under control and oxidative stress at bay. But once our bodies stop growing, our cells slowly become overrun by them. And we can’t scavenge them up fast enough to keep the balance in check. Therefore, the damage to our cells caused by oxidative stress accelerates the aging process. It’s a slow progression. The powerhouse antioxidant enzymes that our body naturally produces are superoxide dismutase (co-discovered by Dr. McCord), catalase and glutathione. Glutathione is what Dr. Oz calls the superhero of antioxidants. Most serious chronic diseases are associated with low levels of

glutathione, including Parkinson’s disease. So the blueprint lies in our genes; the issue is waking them up by increasing production of these enzymes, thereby helping the body help itself. On his quest, McCord experimented with five different botanicals, harvested in their natural state in China and India. These are milk thistle, green tea extract, bacopa, ashwagandha, and turmeric. It was the synergy of the exact formula of these herbs that caused the cellular reaction he was looking for. Yet this synergistic blend is not an antioxidant. Rather, it’s a catalyst which wakes up these natural-born enzymes. McCord found that this supplement super charged the body to produce these enzymes at a rapid pace—millions of them—thus allowing them to continue their onslaught on the free radicals inundating our cells and causing us to rust from the inside out. McCord called his formulation Protandim. Through various scientific studies, this potent Nrf2 activator was clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by at least 40 percent. Currently, there are 11 published peer-reviewed studies on Protandim and the number is growing. Universities worldwide are funding their own independent studies investigating the anti-aging, healthpromoting and oxidative stress-reducing capabilities of Protandim. In our quest for wellness and a longer, healthier life, we need to take a proactive role and do all we can to combat the ill effects of aging. It starts at a cellular level. Healthier cells lead to a healthier body and a better quality of life. Fountain of youth? You decide.

“Oxidative stress has been clinically shown to contribute to aging and the many diseases associated with it, including cancer, cardio vascular disease, and diabetes. Studies even indicate that oxidative stress is an important factor in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.”

Susan M. Pichini is a journalist with more than 25 years experience in broadcast news and print. She is currently a freelance writer with an interest in health issues, travel, and real estate. To learn more about the powerful anti-aging effects of Protandim, please contact her at 619.981.4035 or go to smpichini.


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Food for Thought, Word and Deed Redux


© 2012 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

have an odd sense of memory. It’s amorphous, defying shape. In some places, it’s smooth and unremarkable. In others, it’s jagged and dangerous in ways I don’t see until I’ve run my fingers over it, accidentally drawing blood. Then, when I bleed, I reflexively lick my wound, savoring the memory that lives in my body’s wine. One of my sharpest memories from childhood is of being on a playground. I’m crouched on an elevated stand that’s perched high atop a metal slide. From my vantage point, I can see the entire playground without being seen. I look down. On the merry-go-round a few yards from where the slide ends is a group of three kids. They’re complaining because they don’t have anyone to make the ride spin. I hear this and a plan takes shape. Before I even know what I’m doing, I’m off. I shoot down the slide, hitting the ground with my feet afire. When I get to the merry-go-round, I push it furiously. Quickly, I have it swirling faster and faster and the children shriek with delight. Just when I reach Mach 1, I let go of the bar I’ve been clutching, whip back up the slide and collapse into a pile behind the walls of elevated stand. My chest is heaving as I hear my playmates’ laughter. As the merry-go-round slows to a crawl, I hear one of of them say, “Who was that? Where did he go?” As their joy subsides, mine begins.

other show. There were absolutely no prospects in sight. I took a job waiting tables. One day after I had just gotten off work and was waiting to catch a bus, a freezing rain began to pelt me. Though I had an umbrella, the rain fell with such intensity that using it seemed futile. Besides, I was so miserable, it only seemed right that I stand in the rain getting lashed. Just then, a woman approached me and asked, “Are you Michael Raysses?” I didn’t recognize her, and the question only made me feel worse. I wanted to say no, to deny being me. Instead, I just nodded my head. Her eyes lit up and she said, “Be kind—Rewind!” She proceeded to tell me how much she loved the play and how it touched her. Then she squeezed my hand and told me I was destined for great things.

Besides, I was so miserable, it only seemed right that I stand in the rain getting lashed.

The people feed me. We all hunger. We all yearn. It could be the desire to feed others or the need to be fed. Maybe it’s the same for you. Perhaps all that’s important is that we honor both forces in our thoughts, words, and even the smallest of deeds—because it doesn’t take a lot to fill us up. Bon appetit. Author’s note: Beyond the obvious looming importance of November 6, 2012 as the date on which we will choose our next president, Californians have the added responsibility of voting on a proposition that would require food manufacturers to label foods that include genetically modified ingredients, Prop 37. As of October 14, 2012, well over $35,000,000 had been spent by the likes of Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont, continued on page 39

I feed myself. I have waited tables on and off for many years. One Saturday night more than a few years ago, I was working in a fine-dining restaurant, serving a couple of men who seemed a little out of place. They were just looking for a good meal, they explained. In an attempt to figure out what they might like to eat, I asked where they were from. One of them ignored the question, while the other one’s eyes darkened. Finally, he said, “America,” his voice flat and tired. Later, I asked him again where he was from. This time I heard an audible drawl in his response that chilled me. I knew he was from New Orleans, his voice haunted by the ghost of Katrina. By the time it came for him to settle his bill, I had arranged for the restaurant to buy his meal. When I told him there was no charge, he went to tip me. I asked him to give the money to someone back in New Orleans who really needed it. With a tear in his eye, he took my hand between his and told me he knew exactly who he would give it to. He thanked me profusely and was gone. I feed the people. When I was living in Chicago, I was in a play in which I portrayed a Lebanese immigrant who came to this country and achieved the American dream. The character worked in a video store and in one of his monologues, there was a line where I uttered the words “Be kind—Rewind.” I spoke the words in a way that brought the house down. The play was a hit, and I was fortunate enough to receive generous reviews. For a guy just getting his feet wet, it was a heady experience. Unfortunately, it proved to be an exception to the rule. After that, I went through a long drought, acting-wise. Time went by and I was unable to find anW W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • N OVE M B E R 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E



Ask the

Perhaps if you wait until you are over the oxytocin withdrawal, it will be easier to decide.

LifeQuake™ Doctor Dr. Toni Galardi


hanksgiving is often celebrated as a time to give thanks, not just a day to pig out. What if we started this practice at the beginning of November and didn’t end it until January 1, 2013? Now you might think, why stop with January 1—and you would be right, but if we don’t give ourselves a structure of time to begin a practice, whether it is a new health ritual or exercise routine, we tend to drop off within a few days. So, here is the practice: At the end of every day, reflect on what brought you joy. It might have been something seemingly insignificant, like a joke someone told or gazing at an arrangement of flowers. When you recall the events that day, give thanks for the experience they gave you. After a couple of weeks of doing this exercise, notice what it is that comprises the essence of your life and really brings you happiness. The answer may surprise you. Happy Thanks to all of my readers for giving me your time in reading this column! Dear Dr. Galardi: I own a jewelry business in Santa Monica, CA with my family. I have been a widow for seven years. Six months ago, I became reacquainted with a college sweetheart through Facebook. My departed husband was a very well known physician in Los Angeles and well loved, both by his colleagues and my children. The man I am currently seeing is a teacher. When he came out to visit me, my children and friends kept comparing him to my dead husband. By the time he left, I was comparing him to my husband as well. However, I really enjoyed his company and I find that I am missing him. I don’t know how to make my children understand that I do deserve a life after their father. My friends look at him in materialistic terms, thinking he is after my money. He was here for two weeks and now that he is gone, I really miss him. It felt really good to be in the arms of a loving man again. He wants to come out and visit me again in December when he has winter break. What should I do? Dear Reader: Reconnecting with someone who knew you when you were young has probably made it easier to open up sexually again after the death of your husband. Loving sex for a woman produces large amounts of oxytocin. This chemical creates feelings of bonding and wellbeing. If you broke it off recently, you may be feeling the effects of the “love chemical” withdrawal. This man may have come back to reawaken you to life. When a partner that


we’ve enjoyed a good marriage with passes away, a part of us goes with them. You have been in a winter-like mourning for some time and perhaps Spring has come through this man. I suggest you take the time to go through this withdrawal and then evaluate how important a common lifestyle is to your happiness. In other words, as we age, we are not as flexible about downsizing or simplifying our lives for another. Women who have been well supported financially by their husbands tend to look to men to upgrade them economically, not the reverse. Look at your values. Is it more important to be with someone who is kind, loving, and with whom you are sexually compatible or is it more important to be with someone who can pick up the tab for a certain lifestyle? Are you in love with this man or is he safe because he was your first lover after losing your husband? Perhaps if you wait until you are over the oxytocin withdrawal, it will be easier to decide. In the meantime, do things that bring you joy and connection. This will also raise oxytocin. My sense is that you will never know if he is truly the one until you venture out and risk dating other men. If you give yourself time to move beyond the identity of widow and actually become single again, you will discover if your college school sweetheart is the guy for you. I also would suggest that you stop listening to other people’s opinions about this, get quiet and listen to your own heart. Do what is good for you, not your family. Psychological adulthood comes when we can individuate from our tribe’s mores and stand for what is authentic to our own happiness. Spending time figuring out what you truly value now is a great exercise for the beginning of new life passages. If you have a question for The LifeQuake Doctor, write to DrToni@LifeQuake. net. Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, life transitions strategist, and author. She is available for consult through, Skype, or by calling her office at 310.890.6832.

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Pachamama Conscious ne s s Creating Worldwide Community to Save the Amazon Rainforest by Silvana Spano and Patrick Coady


f you have come here to help us, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because you know your liberation is bound with ours, then let us work together. These words of an anonymous indigenous elder to the West‚ show a depth of understanding about the state of world affairs that literally stopped us in our tracks. We were traveling in South America, and we were being introduced to the Pachamama Alliance at an eco-village conference in Colombia. We heard this quote from an alliance symposium presenter, as he introduced the idea of working with the local indigenous people to effect positive

change. Soon, we too were trained workshop facilitators and very quickly ended up moving to Ecuador, where it had all started. A big part of the reason we ended up moving to‚ the middle of the world‚ and becoming involved in the conscious Pachamama Alliance community is because of the extraordinary work that they do, and its importance at this time. The Pachamama Alliance initially began as a partnership between Lynne and Bill Twist, an extraordinary couple from San Francisco, and the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Threatened with deforestation and the destruction of their way of life, the Achuar‚ pleas for help were not only heard but resulted in the fermation of one of the most remarkabley alliances in the environmental movement. Lynne, Bill and the Achuar knew that the destruction of the rainforest would also spell disaster for the rest of the world, and so they went about educating the general public, companies and governments. The work of those touched by the plight of the indigenous people is now having a very positive effect. A new consciousness is emerging, and although it is only just being birthed, it is powerful. In Ecuador, the people recently changed their constitution so that it protects the inalienable rights of Mother Earth (Pachamama). In Brazil, continued on page 39

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Emotional Freedom Technique: Tapping for Transformation and Healing A Conversation with Tessa Cason by Shannon Nies


or the November issue, Vision Magazine had the opportunity to speak with Tessa Cason, EFT Practitioner and Director of Soft Winds Spiritual Learning Center in San Diego, CA. She shared with us her knowledge of Emotional Freedom Technique and how its simple yet powerful “tapping” process aids in transformation and self-healing. Vision Magazine: Please provide a brief history on Emotional Freedom Technique. Tessa Cason: EFT was invented by a man named Gary Craig in 1994. He had studied with Roger Callahan, who had a process called Thought Field Therapy. TFT had a number of different protocols, and Gary wanted to have just one protocol…[that] we can use for changing mis-beliefs and the quality of our lives. VM: Who can benefit from EFT? TC: Anybody and everybody can benefit from EFT. I’ve had children as small as five and six years old do EFT. I’ve had senior citizens do EFT. It’s a very simple process that involves tapping. It takes less than 30 seconds to clear any kind of an emotional trauma, any kind of hurt, any kind of a mis-belief that we want to change. VM: Could you give me some examples of mis-beliefs that people have encountered that you have helped to change? TC: One might be that it’s not okay or safe to be powerful. So, we can use EFT to change that particular belief. There may be some beliefs that are behind that, such as, “powerful people are greedy,” or “powerful people are controlling and dominating.” We have to get down a little bit deeper to find out why it is not okay or safe to change, be powerful, or empower other people. Once we’re able to get down [to that deeper level], we can use tapping to change our mis-beliefs. The body has its own infinite wisdom. Our bodies will automatically gravitate towards health, wealth, and wellbeing. We just have to take the mis-beliefs out of the way, and then our bodies will take over healing. For instance, if you cut your finger, you don’t sit there and think about what you have to do to heal the cut. Your body has infinite wisdom, so it knows what it needs to do to heal. We just have to create the circumstances and the conditions for that healing to take place. VM: How did you get interested in EFT? TC: In 2000, I was a life coach. My clients had assignments, and they weren’t getting them done. And I thought, okay, we have to get down to where the beliefs are so that we can change them. Then [my clients] can get whatever it is [accomplished]. Say somebody wanted to start a new business. If they don’t [for example] have the right education or social skills that they needed, then they didn’t do the necessary homework to take a look at what it was that they needed to do to start a business. So, I went into [a place called] The Controversial Bookstore and talked with a woman there who said, “Here’s a new book that just came out. It’s called, Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT.” Initially, I thought that EFT was really silly because, how can tapping your head change your life? So, I had some of my clients at the time try EFT. They came back and said, “Wow, my life is really different.” At that point I really started to study what EFT was, how it impacted us, and how it really got down to change beliefs on a subconscious level. As a result of that work, I ended up writing 86 books on EFT tapping. The most important part of EFT tapping is the statements that we make. I have 86 books on


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I think that with December 21, 2012, we’re seeing people wanting to make some new shifts. People really do want to improve their lives; they want to grow. They want to get the most out of their lives that they can while they’re here, rather than just settling. People are willing to go for their dreams now.

“We just have to take the mis-beliefs out of the way, and then our body will take over healing.”

—Tessa Cason

different topics that will give you the statements that you need to make to tap. In the beginning of 2012, I opened up a spiritual learning center in San Diego. I teach classes on EFT, Developing Your Intuition, Identifying Your Archetypes, Muscle Testing, How to Word Questions for Your Intuition, and How to Use a Pendulum. In January, I’m going to bring in some other instructors. We will be teaching month-long classes where we meet once a week for a month. So, there are going to be some new classes and workshops that are going to be offered at the beginning of the year [2013]. VM: What would a session with you look like? TC: When a client comes in, we need to understand just what it is that they want to get accomplished. So, we start off with [asking], why are you here? What do you want to get accomplished? I have a Biopulsar machine, which is a reflexology machine that will tell me what is going on energetically with 45 different organs, and it gives me a percentage at which each of the chakras are functioning. With that information, in connection with what it is that they want to accomplish, we then will take a look at the beliefs that may be blocking them. I do a number of different sessions. One is life coaching, where we can take a look at what you’re trying to create. Another one may be an EFT session, where we’re trying to make changes and transform our lives. And another is intuitive reading, where they want some additional information about what’s going on in their lives. Then we can take a look at the Angel

cards, combine that with what’s going on, and give them some additional assistance with making changes in their lives. VM: Our theme for November is The Great Approach—2012 Beckons. What is your perspective on December 21, 2012? Do you see it as a time of transformation, an end of an era and the beginning of another? What are your thoughts? TC: I do see it as a transformation. I’m seeing it in my clients where their lives may have [seemed] okay, and now they’re starting to realize that there are things that are missing. They’re starting to take a look inside—what do they need to change so that they can fulfill their destiny? We’re now moving into the Age of Aquarius, [which is] very futuristic and [oriented in] technology. So, we’re leaving behind the Age of Pisces, which [has to do with] more modern emotions. Now we don’t really have a lot of time to get things healed. We do have new technologies like EFT coming in, and some of the other technologies that are really continued on page 39

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Knowphest by Daphne Carpenter


t the opening-night party for Knowphest, Allyson and Alex Grey walked into the main downstairs gallery, arm-in-arm as partners. The room was in full-effect, with a wild party taking place—a unicyclist was hopping over people lying down, the seductive, snake charming Shimmy Sisters were working their belly dance magic, a madman was juggling, and glowing stilt walkers towered over everything like cosmic giraffes. The Greys stepped up to their hot-pink-and-black primed canvas and went right to work. Simultaneously, a crowd mushroomed back to watch the dramatic live art performance by the couple, who have been studio mates for 37 years. They were in their element. Grooving his body to the music, Grey painted pale-pink “Net of Being” faces on the canvas, while his soul mate Allyson scribed her iconic “secret language” designs—adding a modern-ancient effect to the mural. She describes secret writing as “the sensual nature of what is.”


Honorary Speakers Allyson Grey and Alex Grey

At the high point in the session, when DJ and producer David Starfire had thrown on his Bob Marley, “Get Up, Stand Up” dubstep mix (which Grey was particularly digging), the visionary artist paused from painting and turned towards the DJ booth to flash a deep smile and a wave of respectful acknowledgement. The energy was incredible. Knowphest is a “total immersion experience focused on navigating [the] earth’s present shift to a higher level of consciousness,” say the organizers. “The presenters, artists and performers have lived lives dedicated to

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M I N D S TAT E S finding answers.” Set at the eve of the convergence of the Mayan, Chinese, Egyptian [and Tibetan] calendars, the creators of Knowphest want to set up environments where people can “navigate unexplored territories…and learn what we didn’t know.” Jordan Maxwell, the independent scholar and preeminent researcher in the field of religious and occult philosophy, was presented with the Knowphest Pursuit of Knowledge Award. Upon accepting the honor he said, “The very nature of man cries out for freedom.” His mission here on earth has always been “to help the human race awaken to the fact that real wisdom and knowledge have been hidden from us by the people who run this planet.” On exhibit were works by some of today’s most prominent visionary artists, such as Android Jones, Shawn Hocking, and Luke Brown. Some of my favorite pieces were Ishka Lha’s “Avatara,” Autumn Skye Morrison’s “Harmonic Convergence,” and Jesse Noemind’s “Ambrosia.” As I walked around the space that weekend, my conceptual brain kept trying to grasp how these artists can implement incredibly complex visions onto canvas with such dexterity, skill and precision. The extraordinary works were enough to

leave you mystified by the extent of the conscious mind. Grey shared what makes this style of art iconic. Some of the themes found cross-culturally, in visionary or “psychedelic art,” as Grey called it, are auric fields, light bodies, visionary glyphs, scale shifts, brightly colored sacred geometric patterns, and an interpretation of dimensions. “Art is its own evolutionary, creative force,” he explained. Grey—who once worked in Harvard Medical School’s anatomy department preparing cadavers for dissection and studying the human body— referred to art as “a recognition of our divine source.” He said that art is “a unique lens into a visionary dimension that’s inherent in the cosmic body, and in our cosmic ancestry.” He opened one of his lectures by acknowledging Terence McKenna’s “Stoned Monkey” theory, in which the late ethnobotanist theorized that our tree-dwelling, primate ancestors came out from the trees at the end of the Ice Age and began eating what was growing from the earth—including psilocybin mushrooms. With the introduction of psilocybin into the diet, continued on page 40

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New Reality:

A Rebirthing Experience by Maile Vanderford


he room was buzzing with electrical energy and there was a bright light permeating the room. I was in awe and could not move. I had to lie there for several minutes before I had the strength to sit up and walk back to the living room to join the others. I did not feel like talking about what had happened. I had no words for the experience. It was the most blissful, peaceful feeling I had ever known. This was my first experience with Rebirthing. How I got there is insignificant—unless you consider preserving your sanity of some importance… It was March of 1996. I missed work—being a litigation attorney, wearing a suit, going out to lunch and feeling accomplished. When I became a stayat-home mom, no one had warned me of the price I was really going to pay. Now I had no power. I was one of the kids who had to ask my dad/husband for permission to buy anything, go out to eat, or go anywhere for that matter. I felt isolated, depressed and very lonely. I was in between worlds. I no longer fit in with my work friends, while the other moms judged and distrusted me. I was one of those career types merely visiting the sacred territory of the stay-at-home mom. No one was interested in bonding with someone who would be going back to work. Plus I had a terrible secret. I was really a monster. At least that is what I thought about myself. I pictured all the other moms having blissful days with their children—learning, laughing, and bonding. I, on the other hand, woke up every morning scared to death that this was the day I would not win the battle with my inner rage. That this was the day I would lose control of that wave of intense energy and hurt one of my kids. I did not realize I had this problem until I became a stay-at-home mom.


As a child, I was not allowed to express any anger, which was ironic since my mom was a champ at expressing hers. Suppressing that rage became second nature for me. But as a stay-at-home mom, I had long silent hours with no one to talk to and all that repressed rage was resurfacing. I was always thought of as the “nice one,” so peaceful and kind. I felt like a fraud—nice on the outside, black and evil on the inside. I was actually able to keep up this façade for decades, until this point. They say that the difference between rage and anger is that anger discharges when you express it, while rage, on the other hand, does not discharge until you harm your “target.” I lived this distinction everyday and I knew from personal experience that it was true. So far I had won this battle, but it was exhausting and scary. I was ridden with guilt and shame that I felt so much rage at my two innocent and beautiful children. Then one day, I got a call from my former secretary. We had become friends at work, and continued this friendship after I quit my job. She was really excited about some woman she had met at the Whole Life Expo named Christina Thomas-Fraser. She told me that I had to read her book, Secrets. The title intrigued me, so I bought it. It was about Rebirthing, something having to do with releasing old emotional trauma. At first, I was not interested. It sounded stupid to me, until I read how impossible it was to mentally decide not to get angry. The book explained that when you have stored anger or rage within you, keeping it down was like trying to keep an inflated ball under the water. It takes up of all your energy and attention and if you aren’t completely concentrating on it, it comes bobbing back up to the surface. Rebirthing is an ancient breathing technique that is said to release trapped anger, rage, fear or grief energy so that you don’t have to keep it suppressed— it is released! That was all I needed to know. I didn’t know anything about

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C U LT U R E Rebirthing, but if I could release my rage with this technique, I was willing to try it. Christina was beautiful, normal looking. It was comforting that she wasn’t wearing crystals and chanting “om.” She almost looked like a business woman and was very kind. My friend and former secretary went in to see her first and the rest of us waited with anticipation in her living room. When she came out, I looked up expectantly. She shrugged and said that it was relaxing, but nothing much happened. I felt let down. Then Christina turned to me and said, “Okay, you are next. I will explain how the breathing is done and then we will go into the back room.” As she was talking, I suddenly saw what looked like a light behind her. It looked like a person, but made of light. Christina stopped talking and asked, “Are you looking at my aura?” Confused, I said, “What is an aura? This looks like a person standing behind you.” She smiled. “Oh, you see the spirit that works with me.” Excuse me. The what that works with you? I looked closer, and there was suddenly so much love beaming at me from whatever this was, that to my horror, I started to sob. Then I felt about a gazillion volts of electricity rushing up my legs. I was scared and confused. I did not read about this anywhere in her book. Christina jumped up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back room. She explained later that I was having a spontaneous Rebirth in which the process starts all on its own. She simply stared at me and I felt uncomfortable. Wasn’t she supposed to tell me how to do this special breathing she was talking about? She gently pushed me back, told me to lie down, and said, “Breathe, connecting the inhale to the exhale with no pause in between.” I started breathing as instructed, and I could feel that electricity coming up my legs into my knees. The pressure was building in my knees and it hurt. “My knees hurt,” I told her. She said, “I know, your knee chakras are blocked and I am clearing them right now.” Excuse me. My what are blocked? Whatever she was doing alleviated the pain. I could not see what she did as my eyes were shut very tightly, as if not being able to see would somehow keep out all the strangeness of this experience. The next thing I knew, I felt like my entire body was being squeezed by a gigantic invisible hand. My mind was trying to comprehend how this was possible. I had never experienced anything like this in my life. Suddenly I had this ridiculous thought, oh my God, my husband is going to kill me if I die on this woman’s table. Silly, right? The pressure kept building and building and I felt like my entire body was being literally crushed. “This hurts,” I kept repeating. “It’s okay,” she said. “Keep breathing, you are okay. I promise. You are re-experiencing your actual birth.” What???

Just when I thought I could not take anymore, the pressure released around the crown of my head, then down my neck, shoulders, torso, hips, and finally, my legs. My arms and legs were bent and shaking and I let out this loud infantile cry. Part of me was watching this whole thing, thinking, this is weird. Christina, with tears streaming down her face, held me, gazing lovingly into my eyes, saying, “You are a beautiful girl, I love you and you are wanted.” I realized that she was reprogramming me and changing my birth experience. The next day, I had no energy. I called Christina, and she explained that I had been born and it would take a couple of days to regain my normal strength. She was right. After that day, my life was permanently changed. I knew with the utmost certainty that there is indeed a force greater than us which is full of the most incredible loving energy. I would feel that electricity running through my body from that day on. A week after my session, I was put to the test. I had restored my kitchen chairs to their original cream color, just in time to witness my toddler son spilling grape juice all over one of them. Did I mention that it took six hours of scrubbing and that they were cloth cushions? Normally, I would have thrown a cartoon-like tantrum with my head ballooning out, eyes bulging, and screaming at the top of my lungs, “What do you think you’re doing? Are you f@$&#% crazy?!” Instead, I took a breath and a thought instantly came to me. What the heck was I thinking, handing a toddler grape juice and seating him on newly cleaned cream chairs? I was the f@&$#% crazy one! I actually laughed at the stupidity. Don’t get me wrong, I still felt irritated. But for me, irritation was a huge improvement over the aneurism I would normally have had over such an incident. Now equipped with the breathing technique Christina had taught me, I was able to quickly move through the irritation. I would work with this process over the next ten sessions and not even recognize myself several months later. What this gave me was hope, whereas before there was resignation, shame, and despair. What I have for others still marinating in their own rage is deep compassion and the knowledge that it doesn’t have to be that way. Maile Vanderford is a Rebirther certified by Christina Thomas-Fraser and Sondra Ray, one of the original founders of Rebirthing. Maile is also a certified Loving Relationships Trainer, Class Speaker, and Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy Practitioner. She practices Rebirthing and energy healing, along with a talented group of massage therapists, acupuncturists, and energy healers at The Centre, located at 573 S. Lake Ave, Suite D, Pasadena, CA 91101. For more information, call 818.468.7324 or visit

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992. W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • N OVE M B E R 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E


NOVEMBER 2012 FORECAST By Adrienne Abeyta

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries: Devil (Page of Wands) 3/21–4/19 “Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive.” An innocent curiosity has gotten you into some deep water–can you handle it? You’re in a precarious place this month, and it would be wise to be honest with yourself. Something or someone you are attached to is no longer a positive influence, and, although you think you are in control, an addiction is developing. The deeper you go, the darker it will become, and the harder it will be to find the truth. Skeletons may fall out of your closet around the 12th.

Libra: Empress (King of Cups) 9/23 – 10/23 The quality of your relationships is in question this month. It’s time to examine which ones are rooted in mutual respect and emotional generosity, and which are based on codependency and fear. To love someone is to trust and accept them while honoring your own needs. Your tendency to give is becoming a little controlling; there are hidden expectations thwarting your true expression of emotion. You may need to stop playing counselor or mother in order to relate authentically. The first week of the month is a great time to open up about your feelings with that special someone.

Taurus: Star (Ace of Pentacles) 4/20 – 5/21 Faith is often misunderstood as blind trust in some unseen, omnipotent force. Wishful thinking motivated by longing or worry is complacency at best. Having confidence in yourself and an understanding of how to apply your energy is faith that is founded upon self-assurance. Keep your intention focused this month and you will be amazed at what you manifest. This is no time to be passive. You must channel your energy in a deliberate fashion. The last weekend of the month is an intense one; doubts may creep closer to the surface, but you have the power to put them to rest.

Scorpio: Justice (Knight of Pentacles) 10/24 – 11/22 A quandary arises this month that causes you to reconsider how you interpret right and wrong. If you’re more apt to condemn someone else’s behavior and excuse your own, you’re looking for trouble. Take responsibility for your circumstances and look at how you play a part in their cause. Claiming a moral stance can be an excuse to not accept responsibility. A financially draining commitment may need to be reviewed. Let go of stubborn feelings of obligation and do what’s right for you. Though it may come through conflict, the 22nd will offer you the freedom you desire.

Gemini: Emperor (7 of Wands) 5/22 – 6/21 Power struggles are a natural part of life and are designed to teach you about your own capabilities. You will come up against a formidable opponent this month. The problem is that this opponent is invisible. Like a warrior who fights for a cause, it is your duty to defend the honor of your convictions. If you assert yourself for the sake of power, you will lose; you must approach this challenge with personal integrity and directness. The strength of your character will be measured by how you handle yourself. The weekend of the 10th begins your test of personal power.

Sagittarius: Fool (3 of Wands) 11/23 – 12/21 Before signing your power away, check the contract thoroughly, both literally and metaphorically. Smooth talkers come in every form, even as your own inner voice. You will be presented with an opportunity that’s “too good to be true.” The problem is, it may not be. The urge to leap into unknown territories will have severe consequences at this time. It would be better to channel that energy into pursuing a new interest or hobby. This restless feeling should diminish by the end of the month, so hang in there and hang on to your money.

Cancer: Lovers (10 of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22 An emotional situation has you rethinking your options. Your current path presents a fork in the road at which you must choose one thing and lose another. However, the decision is not as important as the motivation behind it; your values are put on display when you choose one thing over another, just like your relationships with others mirror your relationship with yourself. The beginning of the month contains seeds of temptation. Take time deciding what you want to grow, if anything, from them, and keep in mind that your choices affect those closest to you.

Capricorn: Sun (4 of Cups) 12/22 – 1/20 A life-changing event will allow you to pursue the next level of your goal. In relationships, this can mean a reunion or separation. Saying hello or goodbye has a profound effect on the momentum of your life. This period also provides an opportunity to reconcile old wounds, let go of past regrets and forgive the deeds that once offended you. Ambivalence could be obstructing the flow of future gain, so seek answers from within and be honest with others. Responsibilities increase rapidly around the 7th, so be sure to ask for any help you may need.

Leo: Wheel of Fortune (3 of Swords) 7/23 – 8/23 A twist of fate lands you face to face with an uncomfortable reality; be prepared to make changes to your plans. As complicated as your situation may seem, try not to stray too far from the original goal. The disruption can actually pave the road for new opportunities. Refrain from pessimistic thinking and be careful what you wish for! The full moon on the 28th will illuminate what needs to be utilized and what needs to be set aside. Be careful, also, about where you put your energy–once this ball gets rolling, there’s no stopping it.

Aquarius: Moon (6 of Swords) 1/21 – 2/18 Buckle up, because you’re in for an emotional roller-coaster ride. What begins as something cheerful may quickly become quite the opposite. Tolerance is needed to manage this journey, particularly when it comes to your feelings. Reacting impulsively will only deepen the chasm between you and others. Try looking at the situation from another perspective before settling into an opinion. If you really want to hear the truth, be prepared for the consequences. Trips planned around the 24th may land you in places you weren’t expecting, which might be exciting if you can stand the ambiguity.

Virgo: World (Queen of Pentacles) 8/24 – 9/22 Don’t believe everything you hear and keep your opinions to a minimum. The outcome of a current situation can easily become undermined if you listen to overly eager people, including yourself. There may be a tendency to say or do more than is necessary, so it would be better to be patient and hold your tongue at this time. And before making rash decisions about money, ask the advice of someone you trust. The 7th may be a day of controversy, so take extra precautions to avoid getting caught up in other people’s problems, especially those of family members.

Pisces: Temperance (2 of Pentacles) 2/19 – 3/20 Adaptability may be your forte, but this month it could also be your downfall. You’ve got too many balls in the air right now and are likely to run out of energy, so a redistribution of priorities is necessary. Be honest about what matters most to you, and why. Having too many obligations is stifling the fun and could be the cause of your relationship problems. Find a middle ground on which to reestablish your personal and professional affairs. The weekend of the 16th is a great time to take a gamble with someone or something.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

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Aikido for the Soul by Diana Spears

Aikido is a relaxed altered state allowing you to blend with the motion of the attacker and redirect the force of the attack, rather than oppose it head-on. It requires mental acuity and little physical strength.


uring the second half of 2012, it is important to ignore lower negative forces and choose a higher reality. If we all focus on the positive and stay grounded, the other realms will lose their power over our collective lives. While there are situations trying to put people into fear and chaos, it is important to radiate compassion and calm when we encounter people who have fallen into confusion. When a lower level of chaos comes into contact with higher loving vibrations, often a volcano of chaostrophy, or chaos meeting catastrophe, can ensue. That spewing volcano of madness is part of the healing and if you see it as such, you can be part of the movement to create, rather than react to the “stress on steroids” madness. You can be a powerful loving force by staying open and compassionate and most importantly, having a sense of humor about it. There is nothing to fear. The first step to the Aikido process is to deal with the last vestiges of your own inner fear. The opposite of fear is love. If you stay close to the divine spirit, you will be protected, guarded, guided and provided for, as you have been every year of your life since birth. Stay grounded, clear your energy and help others to do the same. Don’t feed the negative forces. Turn away from the TV, fear-based news stories, drama and chaos that try and keep you locked down, preventing you from doing what you need to do. Simplify. Being spiritually strong means being uncluttered, both inside yourself and outside your environment. When we declutter our homes, offices and spaces, we learn that we have all the resources (more than enough) to move forward and fulfill our destiny. We have unblocked the path towards a higher level of productivity. Rest. Get to bed early. Resist the urge to follow the crowd and adrenally exhaust yourself. Everything on this planet can be done more efficiently and successfully during a state of relaxation. Relax. Meditate and visualize a successful outcome to any issue in your life. Visualize your dreams coming true. Dream big, positive dreams. Turn your illusions from negative into positive by writing them down and staying focused. Honor your ancestors, family in spirit, guides, angels and the universal source. This is your hidden superpower team. Ask them for help, support, guidance and protection. Spend a significant amount of time every day in a state

of gratitude for your journey, blessings, spirit friends and ever increasing abundance. Be vigilant when it comes to fake sources of power. The only power is the source; if you stay connected to your higher self at all times, all other lower forms of power will slowly dissolve back to their rightful place. You have power—don’t allow anyone to intimidate it out of you. If your concentration is interrupted by lower destroy energy, get back to where you were before, as quickly as possible and ignore the destroy energy out of existence. Last but not least, be in a state of allowing. Allow the higher level you visualized to come down to the material realm. This takes patience, love and a sense of humor. Allow, resist nothing and see where the energy takes you. Take part in powerful, positive changes by participating in the higher levels of truth coming down onto the planet. We are small cogs in a humungous wheel. If we strive to maintain the sense of oneness and trust the big chief engineer (the Source), we will enjoy the ride, experiencing joy, happiness and unlimited love. Diana Spears is a magazine journalist/author, clairvoyant, public speaker and self help teacher, originally from Scotland UK. She will be available in San Diego and Orange County for one-on-one in person clairvoyant healing sessions. Spaces are limited. Call 702.553.9747 or e-mail for more information.

Don’t feed the negative forces. Turn away from the TV, fear-based news stories, drama and chaos that try and keep you locked down, preventing you from doing what you need to do.

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The Natural Healing Institute: Cultivating Health and Community by Elyssa Paige


re you doing your heart’s work? Have you thought about studying the healing arts, but are not sure where to begin? These days, it is an understatement to say that we can get caught up with our busy schedules. Posing an additional challenge to making a change is the lack of local access to the schools of our choice. A solution that is gaining recent popularity is distance learning. The Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy (NHI) began 16 years ago as a fully state-licensed residential college and clinic of natural healing, holistic health, and naturopathy. NHI has transformed three of their most successful residential programs into comprehensive distance learning programs that you can complete at your own pace from home, or anywhere in the world. These programs qualify you for professional certifications and licenses in Clinical Nutritionist Consultant (CNC), Certified Clinical Master Herbology (CCMH), and Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP). All of the course materials have been designed to provide self-healing and growth, to stimulate and develop effective therapists and practitioners, and to serve as a comprehensive resource throughout clinical practice. Programs include originally written material that is unique, comprehensive,

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in-depth, and proprietary in nature. Director Steve Schechter, ND, HHP, authored four of the core books used in NHI’s Herbology program, as well as one of the core books for the Nutrition program. He also wrote six of the books in the Holistic Health Practitioner program and co-wrote a course text with another Nutrition instructor. These books are part of curricula that has been developed over 15 years to provide students with comprehensive training for professional license/ certification and a successful clinical practice. Of equal importance is the in-depth self-help that the materials provide. “Healing includes, yet goes beyond curing people’s bodies,” says Schechter. “It is about empowering people to heal their lives.” NHI is a diploma granting state-licensed, state-approved vocational college. This means that the school must adhere to the state’s quality control standards by having all programs reviewed and approved by the state. Essentially, for licenses and certifications, states recognize training only from state-approved, state-licensed vocational colleges. This provides significant benefits. For example, when students graduate from a legitimate, state-approved, state-licensed school, they will be grandmothered or grandfathered in when programs later become licensed. States and cities grant licensing and give reciprocity only if students attended a state-approved, state-licensed school anywhere in the country. Why has NHI grown into the largest and most successful college of holistic health in California? Why is it broadly known as one of the best fully state–licensed colleges in the country? It is not just that it has the most popular and largest selection of programs and classes available. NHI believes in providing a professional and supportive environment, often going the extra distance to make sure that students receive personalized attention. Instructional materials are original and reliable. As the holistic and alternative health field grows, many new techniques continue to be developed while ancient teachings are rediscovered. Throughout the changes, NHI remains committed to the continual education of students, graduates, and staff. All of the faculty members are highly qualified, credentialed, statecertified professionals who have been both teaching and clinically practicing in the natural healing fields for many years. They are dedicated, caring, and genuine people—several of whom are nationally and internationally renowned. In developing vast, original, comprehensive, and in-depth curricula, Schechter draws upon over 45 years in the holistic medicine field, including clinical experience, research, training, public speaking, and teaching thousands of students who are now licensed and certified

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“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, ignites a heart, and inspires a spirit. We commit to helping each other live, grow, teach, and heal with joy, appreciation, and with reverence for life’s magnificent and magical forces.” – Steve Schechter, ND, HHP, Director of The Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy

NHI MISSION STATEMENT • To foster health, healing, joy, meaning, awareness, and appreciation. • To empower our family of students, clients and staff towards growth and fulfillment. • To provide exceptional natural healing or holistic health education. • To provide the highest caliber faculty based on their dedication and ability to inspire and transmit holistic health principles. • To provide premier instruction and services at the most affordable fees.

therapists. “We are committed to creating a community of instructors, therapists, staff, clients and students or learners by cultivating the highest standards of holistic health and healing,” Schechter explains. NHI’s distance learning programs are an exciting addition for the school. Each lesson must be completed, graded and assessed for progress before the next module can be completed. There are no final exams. Rather, there are final projects that help the student integrate all the information and transform it into practice as a competent and comprehensive therapist. As a way to foster community involvement, NHI asks both residential and distance learning students to donate or “tithe” a few hours of their time to any non-profit or community based organization or company that is socially responsible. This is because the concept of holistic health extends to healing our community and our world, as well as our own mind, body and spirit. It takes us outside our ego-based concerns so that we can connect more with others. Whether you explore a residential or distance learning program, NHI will provide a meaningful and empowering environment to meet your educational needs and enable you to fulfill your goals. “NHI is a culmination of my dreams and passions,” says Schechter. We invite you to become a part of our mission, our services and our community. We enjoy helping you find and do your life’s work—the work of your heart.”

• To enrich the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and healing of our students and clients, thereby enabling them to become more effective, integrated, sensitive and skillful therapists and people. • To deepen our connections: to ourselves, our community, and to our living planet.

Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy, Inc. is a state licensed and stateapproved college and clinic with distance learning programs in Certified Nutritionist Consultant (CNC), Certified Clinical Master Herbology, (CCMH) and Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP). They are located at 543 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 105, Encinitas, CA 92024. For more information, please call 760.943.8485, e-mail or visit

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Demystifying 2012 HEALING ARTS

by Louix Dor Dempriey


alk and hypotheses about 2012 and what will happen to the earth and the human race has become one of the hottest topics in the whole spiritual movement. Opinions and theories abound, most of them rooted in either fear, wishful thinking, or a combination of both. My intention, by joining the ranks of those who have written about it, is to first demystify it, then to alleviate people’s fears about it, but mostly to align the individual and collective consciousness of humanity in a way that will most source and best guide people’s lives in these tumultuous and most transformational times. One of My greatest hopes is to help people avert the drama, hype, and fallout that occurred during the whole “Y2K” debacle. Yes, it is true that the world is changing faster than most can comprehend, much less follow. It is true that we are at a pivotal turning point in the evolution of this species. My point is: It is already happening now! There will simply be more and more exponential change taking place. We are now in the Age of Enlightenment, moving out of the Piscean Age and into the Age of Aquarius. There are two major events happening at this time which are noteworthy. Whereas all individuals will experience their spiritual awakening at some point in a given lifetime—it is different for everyone, and happens at a specific age and moment for each person—what is happening now is that the planet itself is going through its spiritual awakening (by “planet” I am also referring to the human race, as a single entity). In other words, just as creatures evolved from the sea to, at some point, walk on land, the human race has now evolved to the point whereby it is now ready to live as love, in accordance with and in obedience to God’s will. What we are witnessing right now is our approach to crossing that threshold of consciousness—as an entire species. Furthermore, the human species is only at


the beginning of that window of transcendence, which really kicked into high gear with the “hippie” movement of the early 1960s. That was, you might say, the birth of humanity’s Awakening. This 2012 transition is tantamount to humanity’s consciousness now entering puberty. The planet and the human race is now quickly moving towards the point whereby and wherein the collective critical mass (i.e. more than 50 percent) of the Louix Dor Dempriey world’s population will have had its spiritual awakening and be living in the pursuit of self-purification, of alignment with Divine will, and with loving motive and purpose as its mainstay. The planet is nowhere near that figure as of yet; however, God needs this to happen, and so it shall. It is Destiny, not merely a nicety. Thy will be done—and is—always and everywhere. Everything and everyone is dispensable in achieving God’s will. Because most people are still so resistant to “surrendering to God’s will,” certain events have to happen to “invite”—and, if need be, coerce—this surrender and obedience to Divine will. This is the reasoning behind all the accelerated Earth changes (climate change, disease, droughts, storms, and other “catastrophes”) that we see. Whenever humans say “no” to this Destiny, the Universe (in this case, Mother Earth) enters and acts on our behalf to create the needed surrender for us. It is a simple inverse relationship, balancing on the fulcrum known as “free will” (i.e. our choices). The more we surrender and obey, the less has to happen by way of earth changes. The less we surrender, the more that has to happen to invite (or coerce, if human willfulness and resistance is high enough) surrender. The only choice any of us really has is whether we wish to follow the Path of Grace or the Path of Suffering. The outcome is the same. This principle is true on an individual level, as well as on the collective level. This leads Me to the second major point (which is really another way of expanding upon the first). What is falling away is the “free will zone.” Free will is a Divine dispensation (to use the power of God, any way we want),

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I find it very sad to see how many people have been buying into the many inane and insane theories and predictions about what is going to happen: the end of the world; the end of money and return to a system of only bartering; the end of all governments; total economic and political collapse and/or annihilation; invasion and takeover by a race from another planet; total destruction of all major cities… the list is as equally endless as it is absurd. — Louix Dor Dempriey originally bequeathed to us to use as a homing device for finding our way back into the arms and heart of The Creator. The fact that most humans still use it to gratify their senses and fulfill their carnal desires (in order to numb the pain of feeling separate from God) is what has caused all the trouble and damage to this planet and its people in the first place. The accelerated Light coming onto the planet is now making it more and more clear that “free” will is not so free after all. Moreover, the price of using it in self-serving and nonloving ways is becoming higher and higher. In other words, the acceleration is actually increasing the hitherto 10:1 ratio for the Law of Karma (i.e. reaping ten-fold that which we sow has risen up to 1,000-fold for some people). Love is reclaiming dominion of this planet whether anyone likes it, believes it, or not. Plain and simple. It is becoming more and more painful to use the gift of free will in non-accordance with God’s will. So how does 2012 play into all of this? As I said, the acceleration is increasing exponentially with every passing year. That is because this critical mass is earmarked by God to be reached in this 21st century. Considering that it is currently far lower than 50 percent, a lot has to happen very quickly, especially since the level (percentage) of human resistance to God/Love is still far, far greater than the rate of awakening/surrender to God/Love. (Notice, however, how fast people are awakening—in movies, media, art, music, politics, etc.) Nonetheless, one of the outpicturings of the massive resistance (the ones who still insist on saying, “No! i will do what i want, when i want, and do it my way!) is that a mass exodus is occurring. “No” to God is no longer an option, and more and more are discovering this, even though they would not know it in the way I have described. Your soul, by design, removes whatever stands between you and God. If the obstacle is your embodiment itself, your soul would happily remove that, since we are all immortal anyway. Perhaps the most pointless use of free will is waiting to see what will happen, while changing none of your non-loving habits and patterns. We each have the power to effect change on a global—and even Cosmic—level…each one

of us. What is called for, here and now, is adopting the “It’s all up to me” consciousness. Those who are waiting for 2012 will be waiting for 3012. The dates will come and go; and, yes, we will see many things in the news that will be of colossal and historical significance--but again, we are seeing them now! There will just be more and more of them. I find it very sad to see how many people have been buying into the many inane and insane theories and predictions about what is going to happen: the end of the world; the end of money and return to a system of bartering; the end of all governments; total economic and political collapse and/or annihilation; invasion and takeover by a race from another planet; total destruction of all major cities…the list is as equally endless as it is absurd. If, while reading this, you are thinking, “But you are still not saying what will actually happen at the end of 2012,” please consider that I am doing far more than that. This very question is predicated upon a focus that has been placed on the Physical Plane (the earth’s rotation slowing down, the end of the continued on page 41

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Entering a New Era: A Conversation with George Noory by Sydney L. Murray


n the wake of the destruction of Hurricane Sandy, as we pray for everyone who has been affected by this storm, I found it comforting to speak with George Noory. As a radio talk show host who has explored many hidden aspects of our lives, his steady demeanor and undeniable kindness offer a voice of reason and compassion. In discussing topics from extraterrestrials to alternative medicine on “Coast to Coast AM,” his humor is ever-apparent. Noory is launching a new show with that I believe will offer a deeper look at this man who never wants to cease exploring our world. Many say that we are at a crossroads in humanity. I believe 2012 is an opportunity to show that we all are capable of offering help to someone in need, while exploring the greatest depths of ourselves. Vision Magazine: I bet you really enjoy open phone lines and the chance to hear what’s on your listeners’ minds. Is there a recent topic or point of discussion that people are talking about? George Noory: I personally love open lines because this gives me an opportunity to really hear the people who listen to our show. The topics lately have been centered around the Mayan calendar date, December 21, 2012. People are a little confused and concerned about what may or may not happen. They are always interested in general topics, too: alternative medicine, our economic world wars, and supernatural things—they [the callers] do it all. VM: While you’re in the studio hosting the show, has there been anything strange that has happened while you’re talking to a guest or listener? GN: I did have a strange occurrence many years ago when I had a Ouija board in the studio and everything shut down: my computers, the lights on my audio board—everything. I had my producer take the board out and


then everything went back on again. That has probably been about the strangest thing that has happened. VM: Is there any one caller that stands out as being the most “out there?” GN: There was one guy who had called and said he was really close to suicide. He was telling me what had happened and why he had changed his mind. And he got in his car and just kept driving until he got to a small town where he saw a little lake, a park bench and ducks flying in and out. He said to himself, I am going to sit there and this is where I want to end my life. While he was sitting on this bench contemplating, a farmer sat down next to him, an old guy in coveralls. They just started talking and he said, “After about an hour, I felt great about myself. I thanked the guy; he saved my life.” [Leading to this experience,] his life was a mess—he didn’t like his job and he had broken up with his girlfriend. After about a year, he had new job, a new relationship, and he felt great about himself. He wanted to go back and thank this guy. So he went back to the town, though he did not get the man’s last name. But he figured that it’s a little city and thought, “I will go to the barber shop; maybe they know who he is.” He said, “When I walked in and asked the barber [if he knew this man] the barber said, ‘Yes, just go to the top of the hill on the right [there’s a house] and his daughter is there.’”

“The Quickening” is something that was coined by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell. Basically, it is that events and everything [around us] is just speeding up. It’s funny, the older we all get, the days and the years just click on by.

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F E AT U R E So he did. But the way the barber had said it [made it seem like] something might have been wrong. So he got to the house, knocked on the door and this young woman came to the door. He said, “Excuse me, but are you the daughter of so and so?” And she said, “Yes.” He said, “I just want to thank him because a year ago, when I was in a very bad state, he helped and I want to thank him.” And she said, “Stop right there, because you’re the fifth person to come up to my house and say that and Dad died 15 years ago.” It was just chilling. But we have had all kinds of calls like that. VM: I know your show has definitely affected a lot of people. I had a friend whose husband was listening to you and Richard Bartlett from Matrix Energetics. Her husband had a cancer diagnosis. As he was driving back to L.A. on a long trip, he caught your show and as he listened, he told me he was absorbing what both of you were saying and felt that he no longer had any tumors. A week later, he was told by his doctors that they could not find the tumors. You’ve helped so many people, directly and indirectly. What is your hope for humanity? GN: That people and governments continue to help other people. That if we can’t help people and give them some quality to their lives, then we have missed the boat. Though I am a staunch believer in life after death, I am in no hurry to move onto the other side. I have seen little babies, I look at them and I think, Gosh at this point they have no care in world; they don’t have to worry about bills, whether they get their food, or anything most of the time. But then when you look at other ones who don’t have that luxury, it is sad. I think that the people on this planet should help the other people on this planet. They have to; there is no other choice. VM: Guests and callers on your show sometimes mention “The Quickening.” Can you explain to our readers what this is? GN: “The Quickening” is something that was coined by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell. Basically, it is that events and everything [around us] is just speeding up. It’s funny, the older we all get, the days and the years just click on by. I can’t believe that we are in November already. So “The Quickening” is a speeding up of everything. And I am convinced it is happening. VM: Can you share a story about someone you admired growing up? GN: I had a boyhood friend, an idol basically. He was named Dr. Morgus and he was a zany mad scientist with his own little TV show in Detroit. Every experiment he conducted went wrong. He would try to grow

hair on a bald man and instead something would fall off. He was fun to watch. When I went to do “Coast to Coast,” I put out a word, “Does anybody know where Dr. Morgus is?” Because it was back in the 60s and 70s, somebody found him for me and he has been on the show. He is alive and kicking and remains a great friend. VM: You sometimes appear on the History Channel series “Ancient Aliens.” What do you feel was one of the most interesting topics covered on the show? GN: I am a believer in a higher power and a god, but I am also a believer that maybe our civilization was jumpstarted by extraterrestrials who had come here to get things going and start us up. I think that has been a big push of “Ancient Aliens.” VM: With 2012 approaching, I have seen more anticipated UFO activity and sightings. Are the two related? GN: Something is happening: either people are more aware of things in the sky, or we are getting visited more often. It is probably one of the two. Even police officers now are starting to see strange objects up there. And nobody knows what is going on. VM: Our theme is The Great Approach – 2012 Beckons. What do you think is going to happen on December 21st? GN: I think overall we are going into a solar event. Something is going to happen, maybe not on that date, but eventually we are going to get hit by an X flare from the sun. I don’t think the world is going to end and I don’t think anything specifically is going to happen on that date. I just think it is ironic that as we get close to that date, we hear more stories of X flares from the sun. We just saw what happened with Super Storm Sandy. I think what the Mayans were trying to convey to us was that we are in the midst of huge earth changes. Whatever they might be, I think we are right in that, right now. VM: Do you think people are going to point to Hurricane Sandy as being the beginning of this series of cataclysmic events? GN: The experts I’ve talked to believe we are going to get more and more of these kinds of super storms, that we are in a cycle and there is not much we can do about it. VM: Have you seen any mention of the 2012 Mayan Calendar in the mainstream media? GN: I don’t think mainstream has really picked up on it yet. Or if anything, they do little silly commercials on it. They are not taking it too seriously. Mainstream media generally doesn’t get to the bottom of some of these incredible issues that I think affect mankind. They are more concerned with current events, politics, and things like that. But I wish they would do a more thorough job of some of the things we cover. continued on page 46

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Breathe in the Life of Your Dreams An Interview with Rajah Sharma by Elyssa Paige


y now, thousands of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction. But have we all created the life we truly want? I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I’ve been successful at manifesting some intentions—you’d be amazed at how fast I can find a parking spot—but let’s say that my life’s vision is still a work in progress. Enter Rajah Sharma, creator of Mindless Manifestation. This “urban yogi” came from India over 30 years ago to now share a self-mastery system that bridges the teachings of the East and West. Mindless Manifestation is centered in rhythmic breathing to bring us to the origin of our thoughts, known as zero point. Here is where we can silence our mental chatter and really take control of our minds, breaking free of the limits our beliefs have constructed. Sharma’s work is a catalyst for the shift that the end of 2012 brings upon us. It’s just a matter of tuning in… Vision Magazine: Our theme this month is The Great Approach: 2012 Beckons. What do you think is the significance of being alive at this point in human history? Rajah Sharma: We are going through a very important phase in human evolution. I believe that 2012 is creating a shift in energy. It is just like a few hundred years ago when electricity was [discovered] and there was an industrial revolution. Now, things are expediting because The Information Age has made it so easy for us to gain knowledge immediately. The Internet boom of the 1990s produced many millionaires and billionaires. If people missed the boom, they will have a chance again because we are in what I call the age of manifestation. VM: I know you have tasted the American Dream, as well as what you have called the American Nightmare. Can you discuss your experience, as well as what led you to rediscover your eastern roots? RS: All over the world, people come to America to live The American Dream. We always want to go after the white picket fence, the houses, the cars, and the boats. I achieved that dream at a very early age. I am from India, where I went to school and was a chef by profession. I came here at the age of 24, bought my first restaurant, and tasted success quite early in my life. I had money, nice houses, cars, a family, and we went on trips all over world. But then came what I call the American Nightmare. People don’t always like to talk about


their failures, but I believe that my failures are what brought me to become who I am today. They made me search for the better part of myself and overcome my weaknesses. The nightmare was the part where I was not in control; it was divorce, bankruptcy, the loss of my house, my car, and everything that I had achieved. Rajah Sharma That was the time that I started looking at the Law of Attraction, quantum physics and how everything is created out of energy. The deeper I got into it, the more I understood what we were taught in the Hindu religion. Basically, everything is maya, or “illusion” in Sanskrit. We learned this at an early age, yet we did not quite understand it. My experience helped me to understand and bring that knowledge out to people now. VM: Why do you think that many people are successful using the Law of Attraction for small intentions, but have difficulty manifesting their big dreams? RS: The Law of Attraction is a very simple law. The process of manifestation is that you set an intention and keep your attention on it. Then you get into that vibration; you create that frequency and that’s what attracts. But what happens most of the time is people forget that this frequency is created with the mind. Take, for example, somebody who is used to making $2000 or $5000 a month who wants to make $20,000 or $50,000 a month. Even though intellectually they know this can happen and that other people are doing it, they are not able to do it simply because they don’t have the belief system. If they don’t believe that they can achieve it, the vibration of the body is not congruent with what they are trying to achieve. Anatomically, we are all the same; we have two arms, two legs, two ears, and two eyes. The only thing that is different is our thoughts and our thoughts create our reality. Basically, if you are not using your mind properly, you are creating negative energy. That is the block that comes in the way of the manifestation process. VM: I know that you studied psychology and world religion in college, which is so interesting because of how science and spirituality have long been perceived as opposite forces. What is your take on this subject? RS: At a very early age, I believe it was in 1978, my professor was talking about avatar in terms of gods taking a human form to help people. I was fascinated by this word avatar, or manifestation. It is like I was meant to talk about this subject; that’s why I went through the whole journey of the American Dream and the American Nightmare, and now I am teaching Mindless Manifestation and how to control your mind. It is about how science and religion are basically two sides of the same coin. We have come to a point where they have to merge together. Science does not have all the answers, nor does religion. It’s about putting them together and trying to find the right answers.

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The best way for us to get control of the mind is to take control of our breath. By breathing in certain patterns, we are able to infuse the mind, the psychic body, with what I call Vitagara, which is the life force that we get out of the air we breathe and the food we eat. VM: Specifically, can you discuss the connection between the Vedas and quantum physics? RS: Vedic knowledge always talks about the world as being maya. This means that whatever you see in your world, whatever you experience with your five senses and your mind is not real. It is an illusion. Quantum physics is saying the same thing in a different way, which is that everything in the universe is made of energy. We are living in a sea of energy, just like fish in the water. We are just so accustomed to this that we don’t pay attention to it. This is what they call waves of possibilities. Everything around us comes into existence only when there is an observer present; otherwise it turns into quantum soup, or a wave of possibility. When the Vedas are talking about maya, quantum physics is talking about waves of possibilities. It’s the same thing, just a different way of saying it. VM: I think that statement can be applied to so many religions of the world which have different ways of believing the same thing. Now we are building that bridge between religion and science. RS: Right. With science everything must be proven, while religion is more of a symbol. A lot of religions have things in common. For example, Hinduism has a story about infanticide: When Krishna was born, his uncle was trying to kill all the babies because he did not know which baby was going to become God. It’s the same thing with King Herod in the Bible, who [initiated] infanticide so the babies wouldn’t turn into Jesus. There was another one where Jesus was resurrected after three days, the same way that Sai Baba in the Hindu religion came back to life after three days. There are so many stories, which I believe are more symbolic than literal. Ultimately, when you really look at the depth of it, every religion talks about compassion and love. Now we are starting to understand that we are a part of this whole, this oneness, this unity. We are starting to get to that level. VM: What is the zero point of the mind and how can people get there? RS: I created a zero point matrix. Matrix means a formula. Zero point is a state of the mind where you are at a very tranquil point; it’s where the thought begins. We know that thoughts create our destiny and our thoughts will manifest always. Once you realize that there is a point where thoughts come from, you can decide if a particular thought is good for you—and if not, you let it go. To move from a negative to a positive vibration, you must first come to zero. To use a numerical example, let’s suppose somebody is at a minus five level and they want to rise to a plus five level. They must then go from minus

five, to minus four, minus three, till they come to that zero point—the beginning—to rise to the top level from plus one, plus two, and so on. The best way for us to get control of the mind is to take control of our breath. By breathing in certain patterns, we are able to infuse the mind, the psychic body, with what I call Vitagara, which is the life force that we get out of the air we breathe and the food we eat. Once you infuse the body with Vitagara, you are getting to that zero point level of the mind. VM: What can people expect from your upcoming seminar in L.A. on November 10? RS: It is going to be very experiential. My contention is that you can feel and touch the universal energy, the life force, when your mind is focused. We create this energy in the same way, for example, that we create electricity out of the sun with solar panels and we feel the same sunlight, or we create electricity out of the air with windmills and we breathe the same air—so this energy is out there. I am trying to show people how to touch and feel it. Once they have understanding and awareness of it, they can learn to use that energy to harness their life force and at the same time, they are able to control the mind and use it for their personal growth. VM: Can you share a powerful yet simple technique to silence the mind? RS: The best way for us to silence the mind is by focusing on the breath. Once you learn how to focus on the breath, it becomes very easy because now you are able to go inside. Secondly, it is all about discipline. The mind is your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s like a child and you can work with it, but you cannot force it; you cannot tell it not to think about something. If you tell a child, “Don’t touch that fire,” he still wants to go after that fire. So basically, treat the mind like a child. Give it good habits to keep it healthy. Focus on the breath and at the same time, feed the mind with good thoughts. Your breath, your etheric channels, and your aura are connected with the universal energy. The whole process of connecting with and controlling this energy is going to turn on your attractor factor so that you can manifest what you want in your life. That is what Mindless Manifestation is all about. In times of shift like this, if you know what is happening, you can take advantage and expand your life. Consciousness and mind technology is on the horizon and both science and religion will merge to play a role in it. I believe that on (December 12, 2012 at 12:12 a.m.), the shift will hit the fan. Mindless Manifestation is one of the pioneers to usher in this era. Rajah Sharma will be leading the Mindless Manifestation Seminar on November 10, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at the Marina Del Rey Hotel in Los Angeles. Learn more at and find out more about Rajah Sharma at

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Alchemy Event 2012 Cosmic Activation Global Activation, Ascension, Awakening and Transformation


he Sixth Alchemy Event 2012 Cosmic Activation is coming to Los Angeles November 16-18, including panels, lectures, special presentations, sound healing, meditation, and a luncheon banquet with speakers on both days. Alchemy Event is a global gathering of lightworkers, scientists, healers and truth seekers. It is a place where likeminded people come together to lead humanity into the Age of Aquarius to celebrate global peace and transformation. It’s about creating a new future for humanity beyond what has currently been programmed by cabal and the elite.

Hosts Princess Harakawa and With over 30 speakers Saeed David Farman, founder and 50 exhibitors, of New Hope for Humanity and Alchemy Event, invite you Alchemy Event is to explore such topics as Mayan expected to attract over Calendar and December 21, 1,000 attendees and an ET Disclosure, ET Contact, Ancient Aliens, Earth Changes, estimated 20,000 people Ufology, Paranormal Activity, worldwide will view a Nibiru, Annunaki, Prophecy, Consciousness, Health, Healing, live online broadcast live Meditation, Spirituality and at Metaphysics. With over 30 speakers and 50 exhibitors, Alchemy Event is expected to attract over 1,000 attendees and an estimated 20,000 people worldwide will view a live online broadcast live at This event will be firing the grid with VIP host speaker Princess Harakawa and keynote speakers Jordan Maxwell, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan, Saeed David Farman, Sean David Morton, Dr. Roger Leir, Michael Cremor, and Kerry Lynn Cassidy. Experience The Fifth Dimensional Healing performed by Zaratustra. Join Saeed David Farman as he activates the Cosmic Code with an Ascension Guided Meditation. Tune in with Chris Rials-Seitz who will perform sound healings on both days. Be in the presence of Aztec elder Mazatzin for a ceremonial dance and a lecture on how ancient indigenous cultures will help us return to the rhythm of the Cosmos. Listen to music by Mental Physix as they explore the boundaries of music and yoga. This Cosmic Activation Event is designed to activate a global message of hope and regeneration for the mind of humanity. It will expand global and cosmic consciousness, creating new solutions for the future of humankind. Alchemy Event 2012 Cosmic Activation will be held November 16-18 at the Olympic Collection Banquet Hall and Conference Center, 11301 Olympic Blvd, West Los Angles, California 90064. Attendees must be over 18 to attend.For more information, please visit, e-mail or call 310.355.0505.


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2012 :

Crystal Reflections on Change

by John Chandler

John Chandler is an intuitive healer and Reiki master who regularly employs the high energy crystals he gets from David Vince, proprietor of South American Imports. John and David talk about gems and crystals, as well as their role in transformation. John Chandler: I understand that your first gemstone buying trip to Brazil was back in 1985. How did this trip create change for you and your business? David Vince: I was actually in the Peruvian handicraft business prior to 1985. The guy that brought me to Peru for the first time asked me if I wanted to go to Brazil and I agreed to go. I asked what they had there, and he said, “Crystals and rocks.” The timing seemed to be really good because I think it was the start of the whole new crystal awareness period. In the mid-80s, there was this excitement about crystals and what energy they have. The timing was right. JC: Do you feel that by purchasing from other lands such as Brazil, India, and Peru, you may be helping to create change for local people and their families? DV: Most definitely with some of the products that we sell. In Brazil there are a lot of small cottage businesses and street sellers [who] have the lapidary equipment right in their backyards. They go out and buy the rough stones from the miners and they polish [them], make crystal spheres, or whatever it might be. I like to think that I’ve supported them throughout the last 20-25 years. The money goes back to the people who deserve it, for sure. That’s one thing that has kept me in the business—my love for the Brazilian people. They are very grateful and I just like the whole vibe down there. Being in the crystal business allows

I’m fortunate to be able to make my living from what the Earth produces, and then share the excitement and enjoyment with customers when they connect with pieces in my store.

me to go down there once a year at least. I’m always welcomed with open arms. JC: How have the cultural interactions you have experienced created change in your life? DV: I think it has affected me as a person. It’s gratifying to find the crystal that is just right for the person who needs it, and to make that connection. So when I do that, I feel that I am doing what I should be doing. I’m a link in the chain— the one who gets that crystal to that person who should have it. A lot of times, I feel I really did make the exact connection with what people are looking for. I don’t think I can take all the credit for it. I was probably steered into some of these places and situations. But I think the people felt pretty good about getting their crystals from me. JC: Do you feel that constantly being around the energy of these gemstones over the years has created any change for you personally? I know that sometimes you carry something in your pocket… DV: Yes, I always do. I feel like, for the most part, it has been very uplifting. I’m fortunate to be able to make my living from what the Earth continued on page 41

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Bragg: Celebrating 100 Years of Health by Elyssa Paige


n the early 20th century, Paul C. Bragg, ND, PhD pioneered a healthy way of life based on natural live foods, introducing the first health food stores in America. Attracting Olympic athletes, royalty and celebrities to his lectures and fitness programs, he developed health products from liquid amino acids to sea kelp seasonings. Today his daughter, Patricia Bragg, ND, PhD, continues his legacy as a worldwide health crusader. Together they co-authored ten “self-health” books, including the widely acclaimed Bragg Healthy Lifestyle and The Miracle of Fasting. Patricia Bragg is a dynamic health educator and life extension nutritionist who offers health and fitness seminars around the world, as well as on TV and radio. Walk into any health food store and you’ll be sure to discover an abundance of Bragg health products on the shelves. One absolute staple in my kitchen is Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, an all purpose seasoning made from soy beans and loaded with 16 amino acids. Free of preservatives, alcohol, gluten, and perhaps most importantly genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Bragg Liquid Aminos is a delicious and healthy alternative to soy sauce. I use it with salads, soups, and my personal favorite: quinoa mixed with fresh parsley, cilantro, chopped tomatoes and green onions. Simply delicious! If I had to choose one more Bragg product as a favorite (there are so many!), it


would have to be Bragg Organic Walk into any health Apple Cider Vinegar. It is unfiltered, unheated, and unpasfood store and you’ll teurized. I use it in that salad I be sure to discover an mentioned above with the Liquid abundance of Bragg Aminos. It is also healthful to take a teaspoon of Bragg Apple Cider health products on the Vinegar in a tall glass of water to shelves. One absolute support digestion and a healthy pH balance, not to mention the staple in my kitchen is capacity to detoxify and maintain Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, youthful skin. Even Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine used apple an all purpose seasoning cider vinegar for its incredible made from soy beans health qualities in 400 B.C.! and loaded with 16 Live food products (all of which amino acids. are non-GMO) are just a part of what Bragg is all about. It’s really a lifestyle. Patricia Bragg explains: “The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle is this: You are what you eat, drink, breathe, think, say, and do. It’s as simple as that. Most people jam their mouths with a lot of junk food and then they wonder why they get sick, age early, and die young. With your knife and fork, you can literally be digging your grave. Therefore we teach people to be their own health captains and to guard what they put into their mouths and into their bodies.” For more information, please visit or call 800.446.1990.

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Great American Smokeout— In One Hour? by Dr. Ginger Marable, PhD, CHt


ovember 15 will mark the American Cancer Society’s 37th annual Great American Smokeout, when America’s 45 million cigarette smokers, 13.2 million cigar smokers and 2.2 million pipe smokers are to give up tobacco for a day and make a plan to quit permanently. Smoking is the number one preventable cause of premature death worldwide. The World Health Organization has reported that tobacco killed 100,000,000 persons worldwide in the 20th century and could kill one billion this century. Most smokers know that they could save thousands of dollars a year, add many years to their lifespan and avoid painful, debilitating illness in the future. So why do people continue to smoke? Fear! Fear of losing their crutch—of uncontrollable cravings, stress, weight gain or failure. During the past decade, more than 100,000 smokers have successfully quit the smoking habit in about an hour with advanced, individualized hypnotherapy. No dangerous drugs or harmful chemicals, no needles, lasers or useless aids—just a safe, relaxing one-hour session in a comfortable chair. Hypnosis is a natural state that we enjoy throughout the day. It can be in the form of waking up relaxed and carefree, daydreaming, becoming engrossed in a book or movie, “zoning out” to music, or arriving safely at our destination without remembering the drive—and we stay in control because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. So the smoker must be highly motivated to stop smoking, as no one can force a person in hypnosis to do anything against his or her will. Dr. Mehmet Oz, in a television presentation called “Breathe Free,” stated that the average smoker tries six times to quit before finding success, offering these suggestions: Pick a date to quit, write a game plan including escape mechanisms, list reasons to quit and reasons to smoke, avoid triggers, join a support group, and use drug therapies.

With advanced, personalized hypnotherapy, a smoker who is motivated to quit can be free from the habit in about an hour—without drugs, support groups or escape mechanisms.

Dr. Oz also offered the best advice to smokers: Stop lying to yourself that cigarettes give you anything positive. With advanced, personalized hypnotherapy, a smoker who is motivated to quit can be free from the habit in about an hour— without drugs, support groups or escape mechanisms. The hypnotherapist assists the client to bring the subconscious mind, where habits reside, into agreement with the motivated conscious mind. This disconnects the habit and breaks up all the triggers such as that cigarette first thing in the morning and after meals. Then the client’s personal motivations for quitting are reinforced and all desire for tobacco is removed. The one-hour system has a scientifically documented 95% success rate and offers a lifetime guarantee: If a client should ever begin smoking again, s/he can have a free backup session. Dr. Ginger Marable, PhD, CHt is the owner of Absolutely Smoke Free—1 Hour! For a free telephone consultation with Dr. Ginger, call 760.420.2279 and visit

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SEDONA by Rev. April Leona Cunningham

Sedona calls your name, and if you answer her, she can show you the world. I sat on her summit to sketch her majesty, And as I looked upon the rich, red, radiant mountains, I saw her point the way to home. Time collapsed on itself and an opening was revealed to me. As I traveled through this vision quest, I found no attachments, only Freedom and the opportunity to understand forever. I knew then that everything just ended and began again, With me in the middle… Released from attachments, leaving me available for the truth. Coming back again, I knew that Sedona would always be with me; Connected to everything and nothing at all.


This drawing is a memory of an awakening. Rev. April Cunningham is President of Harmony Grove. You can visit their website or call or visit to see more of Rev. April’s art or take a spiritual art lesson 760.745.9176. Or email hgsapresident@yahoo. com

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“Greek To Me” continued from page 9

to name a few, to defeat this piece of legislation. This issue cuts to the marrow of your right as a human being to know what you’re eating. Opponents of this proposition have raised all manner of objections to this attempt to inject transparency into the marketplace; but the main thrust of their campaign has been to inundate the airwaves with obfuscation, fear, and half-truths; they are currently spending $1 million a day on ads in support of their morally indefensible stance. So this November 6th, we get a chance to make a difference. The eyes of the nation will be on us and how we fare against corporate megaliths who view us as nothing more than guinea pigs who pay for the privilege of submitting to their will. Vote for transparency, vote for awareness, and vote to inform the powers that would be that you’re not eating what they’re serving. Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator who lives in Malibu, California. You can follow him on Facebook at http://www.facebook. com/pages/Michael-Raysses/159019634181724. Or e-mail him at “Pachamama” continued from page 11

a judge recently halted work on the Belmonte Dam, a hydro electric project which threatened thousands of hectares of pristine rainforest, countless numbers of animals and the way of life for all the indigenous peoples of that region. The Pachamama Alliance has partners all over the world and has had tens of thousands of people attend their symposium training. So far the alliance has been able to protect the ancestral lands of the Achuar. There are always threats, and the organization must be vigilant. However, the idea is working and the movement is growing. The vision that inspires the Pachamama Alliance’s work is of ‚ a world that works for everyone: a socially just, environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilled human presence on the planet. As indicated on the organizations, Web site, the underlying assumptions are: that the probable future for earth will be complete collapse if present trends continue; that we already possess sufficient resources, technology and know-how to reverse these trends; that we are missing a sense of urgency and the popular and political will to act; and that we have a limited time window until 2014 to unite and change our current trajectory, or irreversible tipping points will be reached. The guiding principles behind the, Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream, symposium are that human beings are by nature collaborative, and that we are not separate from each other or Nature. Participants come together, and with the use of videos, personal reflection and group activities, interweave indigenous wisdom and modern knowledge to help transform how they see the world. This is a four-hour experiential workshop that is thought provoking, challenging, deeply moving and draws on some of the most respected social and scientific experts of our age. Today more than 3,500 volunteers have delivered the symposium in over 60 countries and in at least

The guiding principles behind the‚ Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream‚ symposium include that human beings are by nature collaborative, and that we are not separate from each other or Nature.

13 languages. How can you affect the social change that is so needed at this time? By transforming how you see the world and the possibilities for our future. This is the gift of the,Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream‚ symposium and the worldwide Pachamama Alliance consciousness movement. Silvana Spano and Patrick Coady spent the last 30 years living in Vancouver, Canada. As of 2012, they are residents of Ecuador and are passionate Pachamama Alliance facilitators. They organize four-day retreats in Vilcabamba, the sacred valley of longevity. The next retreat is December 18-21 2012 (end of the Mayan calendar). To know more about this and other retreats go to “Tessa Casson” continued from page 13

helping us to heal. I think that with December 21, 2012, we’re seeing people wanting to make some new shifts. People really do want to improve their lives; they want to grow. They want to get the most out of their lives that they can while they’re here, rather than just settling. People are willing to go for their dreams now. VM: What can we do as individuals to bring more balance into not only our own lives, but the world as a whole? TC: There are so many different demands on us that we have to set our priorities for ourselves. We have to decide what it is that we need: Do we need to exercise? Do we need to eat healthy? Do we need to socialize with friends? We have to create time for those things that are important to us in our lives. We can work; we can stress about everything. Something that we can do is make a list of those things that bring us enjoyment, that we feel fill us up, and then make it a priority to fulfill those different tasks that we actually need.

We have to get down a little bit deeper to find out why is it not okay or safe to change or to be powerful or to empower other people.

Soft Winds Spiritual Learning Center is located at 3954 Murphy Canyon Rd, Ste. D207, San Diego, CA. For more information, call 619.752.6582 or visit

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“Knowfest” continued from page 15

our primates brought on their own evolution of consciousness. In their lectures, the Greys—who have also spoken at Burning Man— are vividly open about their fondness for entheogens (plants or drugs said to invoke a spiritual experience and the divine within). They’ve called these substances the “glue” to the fabric of their relationship. (They met while they were tripping.) “The right to alter one’s state of awareness is our human right,” Grey affirmed. In sharing his support for the legalization of marijuana, he referred to the movement as an example of “an aggressive desire to control our own consciousness.” The couple also spoke about other means to achieve higher states of awareness—through ecstatic dance, drumming to induce trance states, and meditation. “Any gifted meditator has had glimpses of heaven realms,” said Alex. I found many moments of clarity over the weekend at Knowphest, one coming from Jose Ruiz Naupari’s talk about the Unknown God. With the assistance of his wife who was translating, Naupari, a contemporary

At the high point in the session, when DJ and producer David Starfire had thrown on his Bob Marley, “Get Up, Stand Up” dubstep mix (which Grey was particularly digging), the visionary artist paused from painting and turned towards the DJ booth to flash a deep smile and a wave of respectful acknowledgement. shaman from an Inca lineage of high priests in Peru, told the story of when Paul the Apostle traveled to ancient Greece and encountered a statue in honor of the Unknown God. Interested to find this esoteric monument, Ruiz said that Paul told the Greeks that this is the God that he knew. “This God has given each one of us life, breath, and all things,” said Paul, and that this “Unknown God doesn’t need anything, nor does this God inhabit temples.” With a prepared screen presentation, the Greys paid homage to some of the most iconic visionary artists in history, including Huichol Indian Tutukila Carrillo and his peyote inspired works. The audience was led on a journey back to the ritualistic use of the sacred Aztec Teonanacatl—known as “the flesh of the gods.” We were brought back to the days of Mazatec curandera Maria Sabina and saw images of Xochipilli along with the psychoactive plants and mushrooms adorning him on his statues. We visited the visionary art realms of ayahuasca and were led back through the Elysian mysteries, to a time were psychedelics were the foundation of early religion. Through the growth of Subscribe to “clairvoyant vision, we remap our consciousness,” mused Grey. With art as catalyst, we can transcend boundaries and arrive to an awareness of our innerconnectedness. Knowphest is an Today! emerging exhibition of this new, call toll free: alchemic paradigm.

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“2012 Crystals” continued from page 35

produces, and then share the excitement and enjoyment with customers when they connect with pieces in my store. JC: Comparing your gemstone business with your first business in handicrafts, have you noticed a difference in your interactions with your customers? DV: Now it’s totally different, a whole different energy of what I am doing now with the crystals from what I was doing before. When I was selling handicrafts, woven tapestries, ceramics and things like that, a lot of it was one time sales. It was more just a job—just buy something and try to make some money off it. Now we’re building relationships. A lot of people come back again and again. And I get a lot more hugs in the crystal business! It feels good. JC: Tell us about the gemstones that you carry at South American Imports, such as the Herkimer diamond from the U.S. DV: Well, as far as the Herkimers go, I’m very good friends with my main supplier, a guy who has a claim up in Herkimer, New York. I feel directly connected to what’s he’s finding. Also, his wife is the wire wrapper who does a lot of the jewelry in my store, so that makes an even stronger connection. It really is a pretty tight network of people who are fortunate to make their living off gemstones—and we all know it, too. We know that we are pretty lucky and it seems not so much a competitive thing; everyone seems to get along. If I don’t have something, I’ll call somebody who might have it and maybe they can make the sale. We’re offering a service and trying to track down things that people need at particular times. JC: A lot of people view 2012 as the year of change and transformation. Have you felt this in your life, and if so, in what way? DV: Business is good. In 2012, we’re having our best year ever. One thing I have noticed especially this year: There is a whole new awareness in younger people of crystals and crystal energy. The 20-30 age group is really into them now, and I see that being good for the industry in the long run. It’s like a new generation is into using the energy of the stones. And I think it actually helps me feel younger myself, dealing with these people on a special level. They are excited to find my store, and I’m excited that I’ve got people excited about what I do. It’s a win/win for sure, and I’ve seen that more in 2012 than anything else. Learn more about John Chandler, intuitive healer and Reiki master at or call 619.723.3828. Visit South American Imports at 2461 San Diego Avenue, #104, San Diego CA 92110 or online at For more information call 619.299.3877 or e-mail “Demystifying 2012” continued from page 23

Mayan calendar, influx of more advanced ET’s to help us, etc.). This all focuses on “what” will happen. I am giving you all a far greater and richer gift. I am shifting your focus to the Causal Plane, the “why” it is all happening. God has infinite resources (the “what’s”) available to achieve the “why.” It doesn’t matter whether or not more banks fail (and they will), if there are more natural disasters (and there shall be many, many more—bigger and more frequent), or whether economies continue to collapse (and they shall). These are only some of the ways God is finally getting humanity’s attention, finally getting us to see the sheer insignificance of our small stories, finally getting us to see and accept that there is a far greater and more beautiful plan for us than anyone has ever dreamed possible. And, of course, finally having our undivided attention, after we have exhausted all attempts to control our lives and have it “our” way, God’s voice will now be heard and obeyed—and the blessings from that union and co-creation shall rain upon this land and into the lives of ones, surrendered, in a way of which poets can only dream. What will serve God and this planet best is for each of us to place and keep

our focus on self-purification. Purify all four levels of your creation—thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds—more and more, every day. Be fully accountable to Truth and Love. Self-reflect and make changes. Use your gift of free will to attune to God’s will and to serve it to the best of your ability. More and more, surrender all your desires, so that God’s highest desires for you can be fulfilled. God cannot fill the chalice of one whose chalice is already full of small, petty desires of the flesh and of material gain—all of which are ephemeral and will be left behind. God cannot serve the one who is content in serving himself. Focus more and more on helping and serving others, and make the wellbeing of all your sisters and brothers as important as your own. This engenders selflessness, the highest attainment of the human spirit. Selflessness breeds unconditional love and endears one to God like nothing else. Do all this, and you will ride the crest of the wave called “2012” and be placed squarely, gracefully, and divinely into 2013, a year of tremendous Divine love on Planet Earth. Will there still be earth changes in 2013 and beyond? Absolutely. In fact, there will be even more than now. The only difference is that an enormous amount of human resistance will have been removed (gracefully or painfully), and there will be an unprecedented level of recognition of, as well as attunement and surrender to, the will of God. This is what “2012” is all about. As each of us goes through our “growing pains” in the process of waking up to the Truth, a glorious outcome will occur in this century. Human beings will have first and foremost learned to honor, respect, and care for the Earth as God, and to love and care for themselves and each other, as God loves and cares for us. Whatever it takes to achieve this inexorable outcome is simply what it takes. Like any child, we can learn willingly and gracefully, or we can kick, fight, argue, defy—and thereby suffer. The outcome is the same, individually and collectively. Above all, remember that all is happening in perfection in every moment, all according to God’s Master Plan for Creation. God uses whatever you bring to the table. Where there is surrender, there is no pain, regardless of circumstance. Join Louix Dor Dempriey on 12.12.12 for a free live internet event “2012 and Beyond.” On this special evening, He will further expand upon why this time period is the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth humanity has ever seen, and how you can make the most of it. Louix Dor Dempriey is a spiritual Master who has come into this world to help others restore their inherent divinity and live as unconditional love. Louix’s darshan, as well as His illuminating discourses, meditations, and ceremonies, have invoked profound transformation in thousands of people worldwide. He resides at Prema Drala Ashram in Laguna Hills, California. For more information, please visit


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Calendar OF EVENTS

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Space Sphere

Drops from the Sky

Nov. 1 and 15 Thursday CORRECTIVE MASSAGE SYSTEM – The Shoulder - Pinpoint the cause, provide corrective massage and exercises. Dr. Barry Green, Ph.D., H.H.P. founder of 4 schools of Massage. 6:30 pm, 3 Thursdays. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

This 3 foot diameter sphere, according to Benjamin Creme, comes from Mars and monitored the environment. Its physical discovery was designed as a sign to humanity of the spacebrothers' and the World Teacher Maitreya's presence. Learn more:

Introductory Presentations 3pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave San Diego & 6:30pm 2nd Thursday of month Philosophical Library 2091 E. Valley Parkway #D Escondido SD Cable Public Access Channel Time Warner Saturday 5:30pm COX San Diego Sunday 8:30pm Serve Humanity through Transmission Meditation (619) 531-0773


HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST Fall Institute Training Classes Nov 9th - Nov 11th, Offering credited & non-credited classes in Healing, Mediumship, Ministry, & other Spiritual topics. Schedule of classes online: www. classes.html or call on weekends for info. 760-745-9176

Nov. 10 Saturday

Nov. 3 Sat.

Namibia, 2011

Nov. 9-11 Fri.-Sat.

HARMONY GROVE PSYCHIC FAIR DAYS 1st Saturday of every month Mediums & Psychic Readers, Vendor Booths, Food, Services & Morewww., 10 am - 4 pm 760-745-9176

Nov. 3, 7 Dec.1, 2, 8, 9, 11-12 ZABA, THE 96lb CRYSTAL SKULL’S FULL EMBODIMENT Workshop, Light Body Activation & Healing Circle For info or to register, go to: www.

Nov. 11 Sunday

ONE WORLD ONE PEOPLE Global Outreach Concert featuring music from around the world One Heart One Mind, 11211 Sorrento Valley Rd., Ste G San Diego, CA 92121, $20 858-232-0260 7:00pm

Nov. 10 - 11, Sat & Sun CELEBRATION OF LIGHT CHURCH presents SATURDAY Workshop, “AKASHIC RECORDS” , Teacher, Rev. Dr. MARILYN ROSSNER, 9am-4pm, $65. SUNDAY Dr. Rossner is Speaker/ Medium at Church Service, 10:30am. Address: 1185 Vicente St., San Francisco. Info: 415.377.8350.

Nov. 29 Thursday CORRECTIVE MASSAGE SYSTEM – The Lower Back - Pinpoint the cause, provide corrective massage and exercises. Dr. Barry Green, Ph.D., H.H.P. founder of 4 schools of Massage. 6:30 pm, 3 Thursdays. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

DECEMBER Dec.1- Saturday

HARMONY GROVES Psychic Fair Days 1st Saturday of every month Mediums & Psychic Readers, Vendor Booths, Food, Services & Morewww., 10 am - 4 pm 760-745-9176

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Dec.1-9 Saturday, Sat.- Sun Woman In The Mirror, A Dancer’s Journey Devra Gregory’s one-woman show about life as a dancer, Michael Jackson impersonator and her Spiritual journey of empowerment. Lyceum 619-544-1000

December 11-12 Tues-Wed FREE (or by donation if you are able) 1212-12 Unity Gathering! Sacred Sound, Crystal Healing, Awareness & Love Activation

Dec. 12, 2012 CELEBRATE 12-12-12 Joshua Tree with Isabella Stoloff~Shaman & Deborah Shea~Channel. 12/12-12/15 Retreat $848.00 Lodging, meals, ceremonies or

Dec. 13.Thursday CORRECTIVE MASSAGE SYSTEM – The Lower Back - Pinpoint the cause, provide corrective massage and exercises. Dr. Barry Green, Ph.D., H.H.P. founder of 4 schools of Massage. 6:30 pm, 3 Thursdays. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

Dec. 12-18, Tues.-Sat. 2012 WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BE ON DEC. 21? How about Vilcabamba, Ecuador for the retreat of a lifetime Call 1-604-800-1319 www.bethetransformation. com

JANUARY 2013 Jan. 16 Wed.

MINDFULNESS-BASED STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM (MBSR) - An 8 WEEK PROGRAM. January 16th – March 13th 2013 This result oriented program empowers you how to work with your own stress, pain and illness and help you to move to greater levels of health and well-being. Free class January 9th www. 858-457-0191 ext 14 .

Jan. 25-27 Fri.-Sun.


Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapy (CCMA)™6:30 pm NHI had the first State Approved Aromatherapy Program in the U.S.!! Payment Plan or Nightly Charge Available Learn advanced clinical applications of aromatherapy both for self-help and to enhance your professional practice. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

AKASHIC RECORDS TRAININGS WITH BARBARA SCHIFFMAN. 2013 Akashic Practitioner Certification weekends begin January 25-27, LA/ Burbank, includes Past Life healing tools. Access the Akashic Records (your Soul’s energy-archive) for yourself and others with Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process. Info: 818-415-3479, www., AkashicLA

$8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998.


EXPERIENCE THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCESS AT A MUCH DEEPER LEVEL. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circles Adopted from the best-selling book by famed author, Deepak Chopra. These workshops will help you connect with you life at a much deeper level. With the practice of these laws you will be able to create affluence and abundance for yourself and others, have better relationships,and live the life you love. Our Day of Transformation also includes discounted Spa Day passes for $30 at the luxious La Costa Spa. after 3:PM. Also all attendees will receive a 15% discount at the Chopra Center store the day of the workshop except for jewelry. Tuition is $25 with advance registration and $30 at the door, and incluces the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra” and the Transformation Circles Companion Guide. For more information and to register for this fun and informative workshop and Day of Transformation please visit www. The Law of Intention and Desire November 11th - Harness the power of intention to fofill your dreams and desires The Law of Detachment- December 16th Access the creative force of the Universe through intention, surrender, and present moment awareness.


LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. www. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco. THEOSOPHY CLASS IN JULIAN/SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 theosophy@theosconf. org Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE JOURNEY” Practical Spirituality for everyday life at a deeper level 2-5pm more info www.


FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition. Net Mondays June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3.

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WEDNESDAY MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7p.m.-8p.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007. CERTIFIED CLINICAL MASTER HERBALIST (CCMH)™. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Certified Master

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a r t i s t

Mario Covic It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Where one look–one gesture–can say everything, photographer Mario Covic captures a moment through his lens. Traveling across America and the world in search of the next adventure, his love for the outdoors and an educational background in environmental science encourage his photographic pursuits. With a deep appreciation for the beauty and wonder of nature, Covic expresses his passion and inspiration“I am most interested in people as my subject.” he says. “I love the opportunity to expand my experiences through the people I meet, and capture their true essence in surrounding urban and natural settings. When photographing events, and even people, I love to capture the pure essence of real moments.” “In 2009, I quit my job as a Land Use/Environmental Planner for the County of San Diego to pursue a full time career in photography.” “I have gravitated toward yoga as a theme because of my own personal transformation as a result of my yoga practice. I want to achieve deep human connections and share the light and love that I see all around me while building a healthy, prosperous life.” Visit or e-mail me at mariocovicphotos@ thanks! ~Mario W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • N OVE M B E R 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E


“Geored Noory” continued from page 25

I did have a strange occurrence many years ago when I had a Ouija board in the studio and everything shut down: my computers, the lights on my audio board—everything.

VM: Are you going to be on air on the night of December 21st? GN: I sure am; it is a Friday night. I have a cast of hundreds coming in and we will be on the air the following Monday after that. VM: I understand you are launching a new show with What kind of format will that be in? GN: It is going to be a one-hour show with one solid guest taped before a studio audience who will give input, much like [the way] I take phone calls from my radio show. The subject matter will be much like my radio program: alternative medicine, spirituality, conspiracy, [and] supernatural events. VM: Do you think this will bring a new audience to your work? GN: I think it is going to help both. I think it will give us more exposure to the radio show and it will give more exposure to It will be a very relaxed setting. I am really excited about it. We will be taping four shows a month in Denver and airing them, I am not sure yet, but I believe it will be Thursdays or Fridays. The link is It is a subscription based Internet TV show and they are giving away ten days for free. VM: I know you have traveled quite a bit. Is there one place that you feel holds certain energy for you? GN: A lot of people say there are specialized ley lines in certain regions and areas. I have been to many cities and many regions. I just think there is power within us—not necessarily just the planet. VM: What is the one thing you believe is groundbreaking at this time in alternative health and healing? GN: I think it is remarkable that this planet has the ability to cure just about every ailment that is discovered on this planet. And many pharmaceutical drugs are based on natural plants. I am just in awe that the bark from the willow tree is turned into aspirin if you have a headache, for example. So for some reason this living planet; which is what Gaia means, is alive and somehow knows how to take care of its inhabitants.


VM If there is one thing that you do every day that makes a difference, what is it? GN: Waking up in the morning. I am serious—when I wake up in the morning I say, You know what, I made it through another night. Let’s take on the day! VM: If there were one person that has affected your life most deeply, who would you say that would be? GN: I would say that would be my parents, who gave me an upbringing of understanding and kindness towards other people. I think that has helped and developed me to bring me where I am today. Check out George Noory’s new show

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