Berni Bersedih Hati

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Buku Cerita Mewarnai Bilingual (Inggris-Indonesia)


Seri Emosi: Berni Bersedih Hati Oleh Sylvia Tanuadji Hak Cipta Š 2010, pada penerbit

Tokoh-tokoh dalam Cerita

Penerjemah : Lennywati Editor : James Yanuar Desain Sampul & Ilustrasi : Felly Meilinda

Jero Jerapah baik hati.

Diterbitkan oleh: PT. VISI ANUGERAH INDONESIA Jl. Karasak Lama 2 – Bandung 40235 Telp. : 022-522 5739 Fax : 022-521 1854 Email : ISBN : 978-602-8073-43-1 Cetakan Pertama, April 2010 Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin penerbit.

Member of CBA Indonesia No : 05/PBL-BS/1108/CBA-Ina

Member of IKAPI No : 185/JBA/2010

Pai Pemberani tapi sedikit ceroboh.

Berni Beruang lembut sedikit manja.

Musim hujan sudah berlalu. Bunga-bunga di tepi sungai terlihat cantik.

The rainy season had passed. The flowers along the river bank looked pretty.


Hari itu Berni berjalan sendiri saja ke sungai. Dia ingin minum air sepuasnya.

Berni was walking all alone to the river on that day. She wanted to drink it up.


Setelah puas minum, Berni melihat sekelilingnya. “Oh, cantik sekali bunga itu,” dia mendekat, menciumnya lalu memetiknya.

After had enough, Berni looked around. “Wow, that flower is so pretty,” she got closer to it, sniffed it in and then plucked it.


Berni membawa bunga itu kembali ke hutan. Kemudian menanamnya di depan rumahnya.

Berni took the flower and went back to the woods. Then she planted it in front of his house.


Pai dan Jero datang mencari Berni. Sebab Berni tidak ada di tempat mereka biasa bermain.

Pai and Jero were looking up for Berni to her house. It was because they couldn’t find her at the usual place.


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