Il-festa ta’ Jum San Valentinu, jum il-maħbubin, hi attività oħra li tagħmel parti mill-kalendarju kulturali vast li joffri Għawdex.
Dan il-kalendarju joffri xi ħaġa għal kulħadd u għal kull età u huwa mfassal b’reqqa mid-Direttorat għall-Wirt Kulturali fi ħdan il-Ministeru għal Għawdex, li jesponi t-talenti u l-ħiliet tal-artisti u tal-esibituri Għawdxin, flimkien ma’ oħrajn mistiedna. Dan il-kalendarju joffri tiżwiqa ta’ produzzjonijiet, minn wirjiet sa kunċerti, minn festivals tematiċi sa produzzjonijiet teatrali.
Permezz ta’ dawn l-attivitajiet inkomplu nassiguraw li Għawdex ikun destinazzjoni matul is-sena kollha filwaqt li nkomplu nsaħħu l-aspett kulturali għani li toffri gżiritna, u dan bit-tama li Għawdex jiġi magħżul bħala l-Belt talKultura Ewropea għas-sena 2031.
Matul dawn il-jiem li fihom niċċelebraw l-imħabba, ser inwasslulkom programm interessanti ta’ attivitajiet li saru sinonimi ma’ dawn il-jiem kif ukoll oħrajn innovattivi, fosthom kunċert li se jsir fi Pjazza Indipendenza, fil-qalba tal-Belt Victoria.
Nistedinkom tingħaqdu magħna mhux biss f’dawn iljiem fejn niċċelebraw l-imħabba, iżda wkoll għal diversi attivitajiet li għandna preparati għalikom matul is-sena kollha.
Clint Camilleri
Minister for Gozo
The rich and extensive Gozo Cultural Calendar continues with Saint Valentine’s weekend, an event which has, during the last few years, established itself as an important item in Gozo’s cultural scenario.

The Gozo Cultural Calendar, which falls within the remit of the Cultural Heritage Directorate, is a showcase for local talent, featuring performances delivered by both Maltese and international artists. With a calendar focused on different productions, ranging from opera to musical concerts, from thematic festivals to theatre productions or static exhibitions, we ensure that the Cultural Calendar meets the high expectations of the locals and tourists alike.

The Saint Valentine’s programme will be presenting well established events which have now become synonymous with this time of the year, while our creative team will surprise you all with new attractions and activities including the well established live concert at Independence Square, in the heart of our city, Victoria.
Through a well organised and interesting calendar of events, we do our utmost to make sure that Gozo remains a top touristic destination in the Mediterranean, an island which is further enhanced by its splendid weather. Beside granting a platform to various talents, we are investing a lot in this sector, as one of our main objectives is that of having the region of Gozo chosen as the European Cultural City for 2031.
I would like to invite all of you to join us over the coming days in which we first and foremost celebrate love, but above all, we will kick-start our jam-packed calendar for 2023!
Clint Camilleri Minister for Gozo

L-informazzjoni f’dan il-ktejjeb ġiet miġbura b’reqqa u attenzjoni. Il-Ministeru għal Għawdex ma jerfa’ l-ebda responsabbilità għal kull tibdil li jista’ jinqala’ fl-attivitajiet.
The information in this booklet has been collected with thorough attention. The Ministry for Gozo is not responsible for any changes that might happen within the programme.