Inħobbok - Valentine's in Gozo 2022

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Kull organizzatur huwa responsabbli li josserva d-direttivi, li jinħarġu minn żmien għal żmien, kif mitluba mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa. Il-parteċipanti u l-udjenza huma mitluba jkunu responsabbli billi josservaw ir-regolamenti talavveniment u dawk maħruġa mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa, kif ukoll li l-maskra għandha tintlibes f’kull ħin. Minħabba s-sitwazzjoni preżenti jista’ jkun li ċerti avvenimenti jitħassru. Għalhekk nixtiequ navżawkom biex iżżuru l-paġna tagħna ta’ Facebook: Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo jew www.visitgozo. com għal aktar aġġornamenti. Every organiser is responsible for observing and adhering to the measures issued by the Health Authorities, which are constantly being updated. Participants and audiences are asked to be responsible by abiding to the regulations of these events and of those issued by the Health Authorities. Due to the current situation, some events might be cancelled. We kindly urge you to visit our Facebook page: Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo or to keep up to date.

Ix-xahar ta’ Frar huwa sinonimu mal-festa tal-maħbubin – Jum San Valentinu. Aktar ma jgħaddi ż-żmien din il-festa aktar qed tingħata importanza kemm fuq livell nazzjonali kif ukoll internazzjonali u għalhekk il-Ministeru għal Għawdex qed jara li f’dan iż-żmien niċċelebraw kull tip ta’ mħabba li teżisti. L-imħabba hi emozzjoni li l-bniedem iħaddan sa minn ċkunitu. Mit-twelid sal-mewt il-bniedem kapaċi jesperjenza l-imħabba taħt bosta forom: tama, fidi u rispett. L-imħabba hi suġġett universali, kontinwa u li tkisser il-barrieri ta’ razza u lingwa; fl-istess waqt hi espressa taħt forom differenti li tpaxxi l-għajn u toħloq sensazzjoni kif ukoll djalogu. Bħala Ministeru u Gvern irridu nwasslu l-messaġġ li fis-soċjetà tagħna m’hemmx lok għall-mibegħda. Irridu naħdmu biex bejnietna lkoll tirrenja biss l-imħabba. Din is-sena, minkejja d-diffikultajiet kollha li għadna nesperjenzaw minħabba l-pandemija, il-Ministeru għal Għawdex ħaseb biex b’responsabbiltà jerġa’ jorganizza l-programm ta’ San Valentinu f’Għawdex, jew kif nafuh aħjar bħala #inħobbok Valentine’s in Gozo. Il-programm hu wieħed ridott imma xorta waħda mżewwaq b’numru ta’ avvenimenti li joffru aspetti interessanti b’rabta ma’ din it-tema. L-attivitajiet se jkunu mifruxa f’diversi lokalitajiet u jikkonsistu f’kunċerti, wiri ta’ films u attivitajiet teatrali biex żgur nolqtu l-gosti ta’ kulħadd. Minbarra dan wieħed ikun jista’ jżur il-ġonna ta’ Villa Rundle li se jkunu mżejna għall-okkażjoni. Filwaqt li nawguralkom is-saħħa u s-serenità nħeġġiġkom biex tattendu għal dawn l-attivitajiet.

Clint Camilleri Ministru għal Għawdex

February is synonymous with Valentine’s Day. Over time, this holiday is becoming more popular on a national level and in the international sphere. Consequently, the Ministry for Gozo is making sure that during this period, we celebrate all the different facets of love we all embrace and cherish. Love is an emotion that the human kind experiences from an early age. Since birth, and up till the moment of one’s passing away, all of us are able to experience love in many forms along with hope, faith, and respect. Love is a universal, ongoing subject that breaks down barriers of race and language; at the same time it is expressed through usually different eye-catching media channels and frequently creates a sensation as well as dialogue. As a Ministry and Government, we must strive to send out a message which clearly states that there is no room for hatred within our society. We must do our utmost to spread love and care within our society. This year, despite all the difficulties we are still experiencing due to the pandemic, the Ministry for Gozo has thought of responsibly organizing the Valentine’s Day program in Gozo, or as we know it better as #inħobbok - Valentine’s in Gozo. The program is not a long one, but it is still a good mix of events that throw some light upon interesting aspects of this theme. The event will be spread over various locations and will consist of concerts, film screenings and theatrical activities which will surely appeal to everyone’s tastes. In addition, one can visit the gardens of Villa Rundle which will be decorated for the occasion. While wishing you health and serenity I encourage you all to go and check out these activities. Clint Camilleri Minister for Gozo

proudly presents

A Serenade for Valentine’s GAULITANUS STRING ORCHESTRA with the participation of sopranos





Reservations: All health and safety measures will be adhered to. Valid vaccination certificates must be presented.

Kull organizzatur huwa responsabbli li josserva d-direttivi, li jinħarġu minn żmien għal żmien, kif mitluba mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa. Il-parteċipanti u l-udjenza huma mitluba jkunu responsabbli billi josservaw ir-regolamenti talavveniment u dawk maħruġa mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa, kif ukoll li l-maskra għandha tintlibes f’kull ħin. Minħabba s-sitwazzjoni preżenti jista’ jkun li ċerti avvenimenti jitħassru. Għalhekk nixtiequ navżawkom biex iżżuru l-paġna tagħna ta’ Facebook: Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo jew www.visitgozo. com għal aktar aġġornamenti. Every organiser is responsible for observing and adhering to the measures issued by the Health Authorities, which are constantly being updated. Participants and audiences are asked to be responsible by abiding to the regulations of these events and of those issued by the Health Authorities. Due to the current situation, some events might be cancelled. We kindly urge you to visit our Facebook page: Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo or to keep up to date.

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