Brandmagasin VisitHerning 2021/2022

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Ω Skarrildhus Sinatur Hotel & Konference

HÅNDVÆRK I ET MODERNE KØKKEN Craftsmanship in a modern kitchen

På Skarrildhus Sinatur Hotel, sydvest for Herning, tager de det med natur alvorligt. Fra rengøringsassistent til direktør er der enighed om, at naturen binder os sammen, og at hensynet – og glæden – ved naturen står centralt i husets værdisæt. Anne Cathrine er køkkenchefen, som er ansvarlig for at levendegøre værdisæt og strategier. Sammen med medarbejderne i køkkenet og restauranten genopfinder hun de lokale råvarer for at få mest muligt ud af dem. For selvfølgelig er de dyrere. Den økologiske kylling, som er opvokset lige i nærheden, koster mere, end den der er fløjet ind fra verdens hjørner. Derfor skal Anne Cathrine have mest muligt ud af den. - Vi laver mad med begge ben på jorden, men gerne moderne og alt er hjemmelavet. Vi sylter, hengemmer og fermenterer, så vi får mest muligt ud af råvaren, siger Anne Cathrine Christensen, Køkkenchef, Sinatur Hotel Skarrildhus Det er håndværket, det handler om. Håndværket hos landmanden, der dyrker råvaren, håndværket hos kokken, som får mest muligt ud af råvaren, og håndværket hos tjeneren, som sørger for, at vi alle lærer mere om det, vi spiser. For Skarrildhus er det vigtigt at have en markant profil og den tiltrækker ofte gæster, der også vægter disse værdier. Men det her med naturen og bæredygtigheden er ikke bare en branding-øvelse. På ingen måde. Kun hvis man i hjertet har passionen for at arbejde med naturen og bæredygtigheden, bliver et værdisæt noget man lever.


At Skarrildhus Sinatur Hotel, south-west of Herning, they take nature very seriously. The whole team from the cleaners right up to the manager, agrees that nature is what binds us together. It is this care of and joy from nature that is central to the hotel’s values. Anne Cathrine is the head chef and she is responsible for bringing these values and strategies to life. Together with the kitchen staff, she works her magic with local produce to get the most out of every last piece. Because, of course, local produce is expensive. The irony is that an organic chicken that was raised just around the corner costs more than one which was flown in from a producer across the world. That is why Anne Cathrine and her team work so hard to get the most out of their local produce. - We cook with both feet on the ground, but also in a modern way, and everything is homemade. We pickle, store and ferment, so that we really make the most of the produce, Anne Cathrine Christensen, chef, Sinatur Hotel Skarrildhus. It is all about craftsmanship. From the craftsmanship of the farmer who grows the produce, to the craftsmanship of the chef who makes the most out of the produce, right down to the craftsmanship of the waiter who makes sure that every guest learns more about the food itself. It is important to Skarrildhus that they have a unique profile, and it is this uniqueness that often attracts guests with similar values to them. But this focus on nature and sustainability is not just a branding exercise. Not by any means. It is only when you truly have a passion for working with nature and sustainability in your heart, that it becomes a value you can actually live by.

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