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War history experiences

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Autumn Experiences

Autumn Experiences

We welcome you to learn more about the Narvik campaign, the Battle of Narvik, and WWII during your visit.

In April 1940, the battling parties in Europe all look to a town far to the north: From Narvik, iron ore from Sweden is shipped all over the world. Iron ore that can keep the German war machine going, iron ore that under British control can hinder its continuance. April 9th 1940, Narvik is invaded by Nazi-Germany. April 10th and 13th, the great powers of Nazi-Germany and Great Britain engage in one of the largest Naval Battles to ever take part in the Atlantic Ocean – the Battle of Narvik has begun. When the German invasion happens April 9th 1940, the Norwegian battleships “Eidsvold” and “Norge” are positioned close to Narvik. The old battleships are swiftly sunk by a top modern German fleet as the German fleet lurk its way into the Ofotfjord, under the cover of a snowstorm. Narvik falls into German hands – some surrender, others fight back. When the German Kriegsmarine and the British Royal Navy engage in intense battles in the Ofotfjord the following days, both parties suffer massive losses – losses that will affect all battles to come. 62 DAYS OF WAR Norwegian soldiers on neutrality guard and at mobilisation takes on the battle in the mountains. Allied forces from Great Britain, France and Poland come to aid. Together, they fight a German army trying to gain control over Narvik and strategic areas in the region. The Germans are forced into a smaller and smaller area, and Norwegian and Allied forces gain back control over Narvik May 28th. The German troops find themselves forced up against the border between Norway and Sweden, ready for leaving Norway through Sweden. It is Hitler’s first strategic loss! But then the Allied forces leave Northern Norway for the Western Front. After 62 days of fierce battles in the fjords and mountains, the declaration of capitulation takes place June 10th 1940. 64 ships, 86 planes, and 8500 lives are lost during the Narvik Campaign.


FIVE HARD YEARS OF OCCUPATION The Germans take over and introduce many sanctions. They occupy homes, are encouraged to impregnate Norwegian women, and establish over 600 prison camps for Norwegian and foreign prisoners. The civilian population is faced with difficult choices: Are you to agree or disagree with the German occupying force? Restrictions on food and other necessary items are hard, people experience increasing levels of uncertainty and control, and around them are horrendous prison camps where humans are severely mistreated. But life must move on; babies are being born, providing food and clothing requires creativity, and numerous companies enter into cooperation with the Germans to keep the wheels turning. Norway and Narvik are liberated from the German iron heel May 8th 1945 – peace has arrived! Then the treason and collaboration trials begin. Close to 93,000 Norwegians are accused of choosing the German side. Some are acquitted, others are punished, for what? It is the last time Norway practice death penalty. In other parts of the world, war ravages on. It ends when USA drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

Scene from the movie "The Battle of Narvik - Hitler´s First defeat" that was partly filmed in the Narvik region.

EXPERIENCE THE HISTORY The Narvik region offers a variety of activities and guided tours for both families and adults that will let you learn and experience part of this history.

Narvik where it all happened!

Take part in our activities and guided tours to feel and learn why Narvik was the center of attention during 62 dramatic days of war in 1940. www.kampenomnarvik.no

The Kids at Narvik War Museum

Welcome to Narvik War Museum for 2 hours of learning through taste, activities, and artifacts, creating an understanding of why Narvik becomes so important during the Second World War. www.kampenomnarvik.no

Family walk in underground bunkers

We invite your family to an eventful walk in narrow and dark Nazi-bunkers underground – once occupied by soldiers and weapons, today a memory of a dramatic history. www.kampenomnarvik.no

Narvik War Museum

Experiences and learning for the whole family. Narvik War Museum invites you to an interactive tour with exhibitions, artefacts from World War II, and modern technology. www.warmuseum.no

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