ERIC SANDE Executive Director
EVELINA DAVIDSON Finance/Membership Director
CONNOR CUBIC Marketing Director
by Eric Sande, Executive Director message DIRECTOR’SHere we are at the start of another new year and I’m chuckling as I think about the saying “Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes”, well, if last year was anything like toilet paper I must be on my last few squares. Can you believe its 2023?! I am sure you all have your new year’s resolutions in place and I hope you achieve them all. This year the Chamber has a new year’s resolution of getting our membership back over 800 members. We have been reaching out to our members post COVID and cleaning up our database and making sure we have the most accurate updated membership possible. Our resolution should be very obtainable and we hope all of you can help us with this goal. We welcome businesses of all sizes and types, from sole proprietorships to major corporations to retired individuals and anyone seeking to connect to the Redmond business community. If you know of a business that is not a member, and should be, let us know and we will invite them to come to a Coffee Clatter and tell them about the benefits of membership. This year is sure to be a fun adventure and we don’t want anyone missing out as the year zips by.
We are full speed ahead into the New Year and January is the Annual Dinner. This is one of the most exciting events of the year. You don’t want
to miss this event, the true highlight of the event are our table sponsors who try to “out do” and “out promote” each other. This year we will be at the Deschutes County Fair and Expo, so we will have plenty of room. Arriving early is the key to this event, as the seating is “open” and the centerpieces are yours to keep. The Annual Dinner is our chance to thank our Board members, volunteers, and Ambassadors for their support of the Chamber throughout the previous year. We also thank our outgoing President, Sean Neary, for his incredible leadership in 2022. Sean’s last duty as Board President will be to pass the gavel to our incoming President Brenda Turner. This is also the event where we announce the Redmond Citizen and Business of the Year, among others. Be sure to mark your calendar for January 27th, 6:00 pm at DCFE, and RSVP can be made to the Chamber.
The 2023-2024 Official Redmond Visitor & Business Directory is scheduled to be in your hands the first half of March. We continue to make updates to the guide each year and we are very excited to release our next issue. All of our current members will be listed in this piece and we encourage you to find out how you can increase your exposure in this great publication. Marketing Director Connor Cubic has limited advertising opportunities still available so be sure to give him a call here at the
Chamber. Directories are delivered to all of our members and are available at all member hotels/ motels, the Expo Center, the Redmond Airport, our tourism partners throughout Central Oregon and around the State. The Visitor and Business Directory is our number one response piece for all relocation and visitor requests, so don’t miss out. Be sure your Chamber contact information is updated and call Connor for advertising opportunities
Thank you to all of you our members, the many volunteers, the Chamber Board, and all of the supporters of the Chamber for another successful year. We are honored to work with you throughout the year. I also extend a very special thank you to the Chamber team, Amanda Joe Luelling, Connor Cubic, and Evelina Davidson for your dedication and support. I know I am truly blessed to work with the very best! From all of us here at the Redmond Chamber and Commerce & CVB, we wish you all a healthy, safe and Happy New Year!
Be sure to reach out and say hello!
Seal Master SealMaster.net zach@ sealmasterportland. com
BendBits bendbits.org bendbitsrunclub@ gmail.com
MonteVista Homes montevistahomes.com
Tri County Paving tricountypaving.net
Pence Construction john.williamson@ pence.net
RAPP - Redmond
Annual Pride Parade trevor4redmond@ gmail.com
Just Komfort Heating & Cooling justkomfort.com
Cascade Security Inc. casaofcentraloregon. org
CASA of Central Oregon casaofcentraloregon. org
Keystone Natural Beefkeystonenaturalbeef. com
The Redmond Spokesman published the 2022-2023 Redmond Community Guide in late October. On page eight of the guide, they printed an ad entitled 'The Entrepreneurial Ear, Insightful Business Coaching". I am very proud to have been noted in this Redmond Community Guide.
I also write a monthly article on the ABC's of Entrepreneurship, which appears on the first Tuesday of every month in the Redmond Spokesman.
I am offering to new prospective clients a 30 minute meet and greet private one on one session to see if I can be of assistance to my community of local
Redmond Entrepreneurs. This is a NO Charge no obligation offer extended thru the end of January 2023!
Kindly contact me at garyae@gmail.com or by phone at 541-292-6177. My web site is garyeinhorn. com.
in Toastmasters, my gross sales increased almost 30%!
This not to say that all entrepreneurs will necessarily experience these same results, but an increase in sales is to be expected.
Toastmasters of Redmond meets every Tuesday at the Church of Christ on 7th street from 12-1:00 PM.
Toastmasters of Redmond Toastmasters of Redmond is now actively recruiting for new members. As an entrepreneur for most of my life, I have found the confidence communication, and public speaking skills I gained from years in Toastmasters, to have been invaluable. After 1-2 years
Toastmasters of Redmond as an organization, is not affiliated with the Church of Christ.
Toastmasters of Redmond will be having an open house for newcomers on January 10th from 12-1:00 at the Church of Christ, 925 NW Seventh Street in Redmond. All newcomers are most welcome to attend and experience what a Toastmasters meeting is like.
The group is very supportive, community minded, and fun. If you would like further information, please call me at 541-292-6177 or e mail at garyae@gmail.com.
Healing Reins has been a proud member of the Central Oregon nonprofit
weekly for equine assisted services, and couldn’t do that without the help of over 80 volunteers a week. We can always use more help at the barn! There is no time requirement, no horse experience needed, and we have opportunities for volunteers of all ages. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering for Healing Reins and making an impact on the Central Oregon Community, contact our Volunteer Manager, Alyssa Elms at alyssae@healingreins.org.
scene since our inception in 1999. We currently see 180 participants
January is a time of renewed hope, a fresh outlook, and a great time to prepare a roadmap for your business in 2023. Reviewing your business plan is a critical element to set your business goals and worthy of keeping current.
If you haven’t given your business plan a tune up, you could risk the momentum of your business success. Don’t just wish for it, work for it!
Consider the last time you developed or reviewed your business plan. Has your strategy and vision changed? Are you achieving your mission and goals? How are you using your resources to succeed? Think of your business plan as a powerful tool to present to bankers and investors in order to secure financing. A well-constructed plan should be reviewed quarterly to help keep your business on track. At a minimum, you should prepare a budget for the coming year to project revenues and outline expenses. Taking the step to write a well conceived plan and following it can provide valuable dividends to your business throughout the year. A well thought out plan also helps you to pause and think objectively about key elements of your business venture and informs your decision-making on a regular basis. In addition, if you need to source financing, your plan is ready to go.
Your business plan will provide you a road map to guide day-to-day and even monthly decisions that may impact your business for years to come. Key elements to include are:
• A company description
• Description of your product or service
• An analysis of your market
• Details surrounding the organization and management
• A marketing and sales strategy
• Explanation of your competition and/or competitive advantage
- BENJAMIN FRANKLINThere are many resources available to help you write a business plan, here are a few places to begin. The US Small Business Administration (SBA) has a website that offers valuable tools in writing a plan and operating a business; they can be found on the web at: https://www.sba.gov/. SBA provides you with a step by step tool to get you started on your business plan. Oregon’s Small Business Development Center Network can be found at: https:// oregonsbdc.org/center/central-oregon-sbdc/. They provide advising, training, online courses, and resources for businesses throughout the state. The local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is located at COCC. SBDC provides expert advisors to provide guidance right here in Redmond. Call SBDC at (541) 383-7290 and set up an appointment with an advisor to review your business plan today.
It is one thing to develop a plan, but actually implementing it can also prove to be a challenge. There are two great organizations here in Central Oregon that can help you with the discipline to execute your newly adopted plan. They are:
Opportunity Knocks (OK), and the local chapter of the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).
• Opportunity Knocks is a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurial training and education in peer-constructed groups. Each OK group meets regularly to help each other solve a wide variety of challenges on a confidential basis. OK can be reached at 541-678-3706 or on the web at www.opp-knocks.org.
• SCORE counselors are retired executives with extensive expertise in various aspects of business, such as finance, marketing, manufacturing, or logistics. The local chapter can be reached at 541316-0662 or on the web at www.centraloregon. score.org.
In order to set the stage for a rewarding and accomplished 2023, we recommend writing or updating your business plan as all, or part, of your New Year’s resolution. We encourage you to work your plan for your business, not wish for it. Redmond Economic Development, Inc.’s motto is: guiding business forward. We have a vested interest in seeing your company prosper in our community and we wish you many new successes. Happy New Year!
Hayden’s mother, Virginia, did more than help found our company: she found the spirit of generosity in everyone she met. She knew a shoulder to lean on was stronger than any 2x4. And that leading by example was the greatest gift of all. For over 30 years, we’ve partnered with nonprofits, provided the dream of homeownership to deserving families, and empowered every team member to be the next generation of givers. We call it GIVE AS YOU GO. It turns out Virginia was right. The more we give, the more grateful we are.
What a year 2022 has been! So much has happened between January and December of last year, but we know one thing…we have enjoyed sharing it with all of you every step of the way. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have had the opportunity to serve our local community and our wonderful members who make this community what it is. I am so thrilled to bring in this new year with you and to see what new accomplishments come our way.
As we continue to close out 2022 and bring in 2023, I have been working diligently on updating all our member profiles and accounts to reflect accurate information as we start the new year together. There have been some announcements that have gone out last month regarding changes in our membership dues and levels and while it is never easy to have to announce such changes, the amount of support we have received in favor of these updates these past few weeks has been mind blowing and has definitely made my job easier and more rewarding.
I wanted to personally thank all of you who have taken the time to log into your membership portals or to call or email me to update your memberships to the appropriate level and category as our system previously had a flaw that grouped every member into the same category and level. It is not too late to make updates to or review your membership profile and I highly encourage each of you to do so if you have not done so already. We are working on finalizing our
Guide this month and will be sending this information to production shortly. While an email was sent out with all of our membership categories, levels and new annual dues in December with the exception of the Premier Sponsor Levels, I wanted to take a moment to quickly address the final updates to our Gold, Silver and Bronze memberships for those businesses who may be interested in upgrading to one of these levels. Below you will see the annual cost and value of each of these Premier Sponsor Levels:
Gold Premier Sponsor: $4,000.00
- Base Membership Dues: $225
Minimum Value (Varies On Category)
- Chamber Business News Monthly
Premier Level Sponsor Recognition:
$600 Value
- Corporate Sponsorship Banner (2’ x 5’): $250 Value
- Music On The Green Concert Series
Corporate Banner Sponsorship (6 Weeks): $3,000 Value
- Central Oregon Business Expo & Job Fair: $500 Value
• Standard 10x10 Booth Space
• Expo Luncheon Tickets (Qty. 2)
• Corporate Recognition
- Bacon, Brew & Balloon Festival VIP Tickets (Qty. 4): $300 Value
- Annual Golf Tournament: $2,000 Value
• One Team of 4 Players
• Golf Cart
• One On-Course Hole Sponsorship Sign
• Corporate Banner Sponsorship
• Corporate Recognition
-Chamber Annual Banquet
&Corporate Banner Sponsorship: $650 Value
• Annual Banquet Tickets (Qty. 2)
• Corporate Recognition
- Redmond Visitor & Business Guide
Highlighted Listing & Premier Level
Sponsor Recognition: $750 Value
- Upgrade To Platinum Membership
After 5 Consecutive Years
Silver Premier Sponsor: $2,500.00
- Base Membership Dues: $225
Minimum Value (Varies On Category)
- Chamber Business News Monthly
Premier Level Sponsor Recognition: $600 Value
- Corporate Sponsorship Banner (2’ x 5’): $250 Value
- Music On The Green Concert Series
Corporate Banner Sponsorship (6 Weeks): $3,000 Value
- Annual Golf Tournament: $2,000 Value
• One Team of 4 Players
• Golf Cart
• One On-Course Hole Sponsorship Sign
• Corporate Banner Sponsorship
• Corporate Recognition
-Chamber Annual Banquet Corporate Banner Sponsorship: $650 Value
• Annual Banquet Tickets (Qty. 2)
• Corporate Recognition
-Redmond Visitor & Business Guide
Highlighted Listing Premier Level Sponsor Recognition: $750 Value
Bronze Premier Sponsor: $1,000.00
- Base Membership Dues: $225
Minimum Value (Varies On Category)
- Chamber "Business News" Monthly
Premier Level Sponsor Recognition: $600 Value
- Corporate Sponsorship Banner Listing: $100 Value
- Music On The Green Concert Series
Corporate Banner Sponsorship (6 Weeks): $3,000 Value
- Chamber Annual Banquet & Corporate Banner Sponsorship: $650 Value
• Annual Banquet Tickets (Qty. 2)
• Corporate Recognition
- Redmond Visitor & Business Guide
Highlighted Listing & Premier Level
Sponsor Recognition: $750 Value
Please do not hesitate to call me at (541)923-5191 if there are any questions about any of our Premier Sponsor Levels or the benefits of each. This is also a great time to remind all of our members that the Redmond Chamber of Commerce does have a Referral Program. Many of you may not be aware that for every new member you refer to the Chamber, there is a $30 referral fee paid to the referring member. This is a great program that has not gotten much attention or recognition in the past but is a rewarding way to help spread the benefits of being a Redmond Chamber member to other businesses in our community. For more information on this Referral Program, please call or email me at the office.
There you have it! Another amazing year is here with great new benefits, growth and success coming your way. How exciting it is for us to watch our members grow and succeed throughout the year and 2023 is no exception to that. I continue to look forward to getting to know all of our members on a personal level and will be seeing you all at our many wonderful Chamber sponsored community events and networking opportunities.
Cheers, Evelina Davidson Membership & Finance DirectorJoin us in honoring those individuals and businesses who were outstanding in 2022. This is a exciting evening for Chamber members and the Redmond community to review the year’s accomplishments and look forward to the new year. Attendees will enjoy the wonderfully creative banquet tables decorated by member businesses, great giveaways, and who knows, perhaps you too will be taking home a coveted golden plate of your own!
This event is fun for all, and we, here at the Chamber, look forward to it every year. It’s our opportunity to thank our Chamber Members, and to thank the community at large for outstanding services or products throughout the year. Our member businesses elaborately decorate the tables, and those seated at the table get to keep the gifts and centerpieces.
The Awards Dinner is Friday, January 27, 2023 and starts at 6:00 p.m. at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center. The cost is $65 per person, and you will need to RSVP online by going to visitredmon-
doregon.com, hovering over the Events Tab, clicking on the Awards Banquet page, and registering! The seating is open and tables are not reserved, so arrive early to pick out the best table!
The Redmond Chamber recognized businesses in several categories including the Redmond Citizen of the Year. Nominations for this year’s awards were accepted through Dec. 20. The Redmond Chamber Executive Board reviewed all nominations before choosing the final award recipients.
Criteria for each category includes:
Citizen of the Year: Any citizen may be nominated for this award, which is selected based on outstanding service to the community in a volunteer capacity outside of his or her business, profession or vocation.
Business of the Year: This active Redmond Chamber member business should have demonstrated inspiration and resourcefulness in the development of its
business, product and/or service.
New Business or Product: This active Redmond Chamber member business must have recently opened or launched a new product, the development of which shows creativity and imagination.
Customer Service Award: This member business should excel in the area of outstanding service, providing an experience that is truly unique and rewarding to the customer.
We encourage you to be a part of this year’s event as we look at our entire community and recognize what makes it such a great place to live, work, and play.
RSVPs are required to attend this year’s Chamber Awards Banquet. To make a reservation, go to visitredmondoregon. com.
RSVP BY: Monday, Jan 13, 2023
$65 Per Person
RSVP Online at www.visitredmondoregon.com
EVENT: Friday, January 27, 2023
NO HOST BAR: 5:00 p.m.
DOORS OPEN: 6:00 p.m.
DINNER: 7:00 p.m.
AWARDS: 8:00 p.m.
JANUARY 31, 2023
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Address: City, State & Zip:
Returning Advertiser? (Y/N): If 'YES', should we run the same ad? (Y/N):
What size ad(s) would you like to reserve?
Visitors' Guide & Business Directory Distribution: Airport Visitor Information Kiosk; Central Oregon Visitor Centers; Deschutes Fair & Expo Center; Eagle Crest Sales & Concierge Departments; Redmond Convention/ Meeting/Event participants; regional chambers of commerce and visitors centers; restaurants and hotels throughout the region; mailed directly in response to thousands of Redmond Visitor and Relocation requests; utlized by Redmond Convention & Visitor Bureau to promote Redmond at trade fairs; and incoming convention planners.
Happy New Year everyone! Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate your digital strategies and start fresh with a new marketing plan. In this day and age, it is fully apparent that the main, if not only, way to organically grow on social media is to engage with and create short form video content. We see it everywhere now, and short form video content is taking over our daily lives. From Tik Tok, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, or Snapchat Spotlight, it is impossible to escape these platforms pushing 1530 second videos. I would guess that you have also been seeing this trend develop over the last few years, and maybe you are still wondering how you can use the popularity of video algorithms to boost your marketing efforts. The key really can be as simple as just getting started by dedicating time to recording and creating content. Think of a story you want to tell, a process you want to show off, or just focus on showing the mood/aesthetics of your business.If you work in a service or professional industry, you can create content explaining what you do or giving simple tips on topics related to what your business does.Another general tip for content is to follow trends. Trending audio or video formats tend to get a lot of views If you want to see organic growth on social media, it is key that you set aside some time to learn and create in this space. When getting started, be aware of your own limits, and go in with a strategy and a plan. Focus on being consistient and do not be sporatic. Some brands and creators have the capacity to push out multiple videos per day, for you it may be best to focus on simply uploading one video a week, or even less. Quality and consistiency will gain you a steady flow of engagement. Also keep in mind that you can repurpose all of your short form videos for upload on each platform, and as all of these major platforms are pushing their short form video sections, you will dramatically boost your digital reach.
If this topic has at all piqued your interest, and you want to go through some more data related to using video for marketing, there is a great report by WyzOwl and I will provide the link here so you can go check it out, (wyzowl.com/video-marketing-statistics/). This report contains a lot of interesting data and I would recommend giving it a look.
The Chamber engages in the community through programs and events that enhance the general quality of life.
The Chamber engages in the community through programs and events that enhance the general quality of life.
The Chamber is a hub that brokers connections for its members to customers, businesses, partners, mentors, and friends.
The Chamber assists the growth of local businesses both operationally and financially through effective promotion and business development opportunites.
The Chamber fosters relationships through social, civic, and professional engagement with prominent leaders in the community.
The Deschutes Public Library and SCORE have partnered for several years to offer in-person workshops on a variety of business topics. In February and March, join fellow entrepreneurs to learn about the most effective ways to create and execute your digital marketing plan.
An online presence is a critical marketing component for success in most businesses. For all the successes in this area, there are also many unproductive attempts. Why do some companies develop leads and new clients/sales from their online presence and others do not? What leads to digital/online marketing success? Are there some core basics that “make or break” your investment in this area? The answer is yes.
Find out how you too can create a digital marketing plan that will help your business grow and thrive in this informative two-part series from marketing experts Judy Balint and Lynn Woll. Session one addresses the importance of focused branding for success with online marketing, while session two covers the core modes of digital marketing, how they work, how effectiveness can be measured, and more. Use the links below to register for one or both sessions. Both sessions are in-person at the Downtown Bend Library.
• Demystifying Digital Marketing, Part 1, February 2, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Register at https://bit.ly/scorepartone
• Demystifying Digital Marketing, Part 2, March 2, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Register at https://bit.ly/scoreparttwo
In December, Gale Business: Insights (https://bit.ly/galebizinsights) replaced Business Insights: Global and, while much of the content remains the same, the search experience is greatly improved. Gale Business: Insights provides international business information offering the most comprehensive and convenient way to find case studies, indepth statistical data coupled with deep research, and the ability to compare global economies, countries and industries. It includes:
Over 450,000 company profi les
• MarketLine industry profi les
• Thomson Reuters financials
• Plunkett reports
• And more!
Try it out today from your home or office using your library card.
Social Media Marketing All-in-One by Michelle (https://bit.ly/socialkrasniak)
From evaluating the right social mix and planning your strategy to the really fun stuff--like creating videos on Snapchat and TikTok, diving deep on a podcast, or looking pretty on Pinterest--you'll find everything you need to get your social ducks in a row and say the right things. And once the campaign is over, you can follow the guidance here to evaluate success and iterate on your approach, before getting right back out there for an even bigger second bite.
The Good Life by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz (https://bit.ly/goodwaldinger)
What makes a life fulfi lling and meaningful? The simple but surprising answer is: relationships. The stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying, and overall healthier lives. Relationships in all their forms—friendships, romantic partnerships, families, coworkers, tennis partners, book club members, Bible study groups—all contribute to a happier, healthier life. And as The Good Life shows us, it's never too late to strengthen the relationships you have, and never too late to build new ones.
Check out the temporary Redmond Library in The Design Center at 2127 S Highway 97. There will be computers, seating, and new and hot titles for all ages. While the available browsing collections are smaller, you still have access to everything the library offers by placing holds for materials located at the other libraries. The new Redmond Library will open its doors in Fall 2024. For details, floor plans, and updates see https://www. deschuteslibrary.org/futurelibraries/redmond.
Looking for book recommendations? Check out the Deschutes Public Library’s Your Next Book service (https://bit.ly/DPLynb). Tell us about a few books or authors you’ve enjoyed and why, and we’ll place three books on hold for you or send you a personalized list of titles. The more you tell us, the better our suggestions will be. (541)
If you found the article on networking useful, sign-up for Business News from the Deschutes Public Library at https:// bit.ly/DPLNewsSignup. Th is is a quarterly newsletter with information about business related resources from the library and beyond.
It’s no secret there’s a labor shortage in Central Oregon, and Redmond is not immune. In an effort to assist Redmond Businesses, the Redmond Chamber of Commerce offers a Job Posting site called “Work in Redmond,” which is a place for our Chamber Members to post any and all positions for which they’re seeking candidates.
However, this isn’t just a plain, stale site with the same old listings. As an integrated part of your existing Member Profile, candidates will have the opportunity to learn about your business as they browse listings, which gives them the context and confidence that they are making the right decision by applying for your job.
Posting your open position couldn't be easier. Simply login to your Member Portal Profile on the home page of visitredmondoregon.com, then click on the jobs tab, put in your information, and click
Create. Your job will be visible from both your Member Directory page as well as from the main workinredmond.com page. If you need help logging in, feel free to either email: info@visitredmondoregon.com, or call the office at 541-923-5191. We encourage everyone needing employees to add their job posting as soon as possible.
FRIDAY JAN. 6, 2023
FRIDAY JAN. 13, 2023
3294 S HWY 97, REDMOND OR 97756
FRIDAY JAN. 20, 2023
2303 SW 1ST ST, REDMOND, OR 97756, USA
FRIDAY JAN. 27, 2023
To find the most up to date information go to redmondbuzz.com or the Chamber Facebook Page
With Events cancelling, changing, or rescheduling so rapidly, we invite you to go to www.redmondbuzz.com to keep up to date.
704 SW FOREST ST. 103 REDMOND OR 97756
5:30PM - 7:00PM