РЕЦЕНЗЕНТ: НИКИТЮК С. І. – викладач англійської мови Кам’янець-Подільського національного університету імені Івана Огієнка
Попель О. О., Юрчик С. В. ReadingForBeginners.Навчальний посібник для загальноосвітніх шкіл / О. О.Попель, С. В.Юрчик
Кам’янець-Подільський, 2016. – С. Даний навчальний посібник містить тексти для читання, адаптовані для учнів початкових класів. Тексти супроводжуються різноплановими завданнями, що дозволять вчителю перевірити рівень розуміння учнями прочитаного. Посібник допоможе учням вдосконалювати навички читання, збільшувати лексичний запас та розвивати вміння працювати з післятекстовими завданнями, а саме давати відповіді на запитання, визначати правдиві та неправдиві твердження, доповнювати та закінчувати речення за текстом, визначати правильний варіант з кількох запропонованих тощо. Даний посібник можна використовувати у різний спосіб: для колективної роботи в класі, для роботи в групах та для перевірки рівня сформованості в учнів навичок читання.
Схвалено науково-методичною радою Кам’янець-Подільської загальноосвітньої школи № 17 (протокол № 2 від 18.11.2016 р. )
Передмова READINGFORBEGINNERS – це посібник, створений на допомогу вчителям, що навчають англійської мови учнів молодших класів, та спрямований на розвиток навичок читання та розуміння прочитаного, а також контроль рівня сформованості цих навичок у дітей.Посібник складається з двох частин. У першій частині зібрані тексти для учнів третього класу, а у другій – для четвертого. Кожен текст супроводжується різноплановими завданнями.Даний посібник допоможе вчителеві не тільки перевірити рівень сформованості в учнів навичок читання, а й розвивати логічне мислення дітей, поглиблювати їх словниковий запас та виробляти вміння працювати з тестовими завданнями.Тексти та завдання до них дібрані таким чином, щоб стимулювати пізнавальний інтерес молодших школярів та розвивати у них позитивнумотивацію до вивчення англійськоїмови,яка є одним з найважливіших психологічних факторів успішності вивчення іноземної мови.
Розділ 1 MYFRIEND I have gotafriend. His name is Tim. He is 8. Tim has got black hair and blue eyes. He has got many toys. Не has got cars, balls and teddy bears.
Put true (+) or false(-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I have got a brother. I have got a friend. His name is Tim. He has got black hair and green eyes. He has got many cars, balls and animals.
Choose the correct variant: 1. The boy’s name is …. a) Jack
b) Jimmy
2. He is my …. a) Cousin b) brother 3. He’s …. a) ten b) eight
c) Tim c)friend c) nine 5
4. He’s got….hair. a) black b) red 5. He has got …. a) animals
b) cars
c) blond c) trains
Answer the questions: 1. What’s the boy’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. What colour is his hair? 4. What toys has he got?
MY SISTER Jane is my sister. She is 11. She is very kind and pretty, but sometimes she is strict. She has got blond hair and green eyes. She likes music. I loveher! 6
Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I have got a sister. She is eight. Sheisverykind and strict. She has got dark hair and blue eyes. She likes cartoons.
Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What’s the girl’s name? How old is she? What colour is her hair? What colour are her eyes? What does she like? Find the endings of the sentences: 1. Jane is my …. 2. She is …. 7
3. She is very kind and…. 4. She has got …. 5. She likes ….
MY BEST FRIENDS I've got many friends. They are my classmates Lucy and Ann. They are 8.They are from class 3B. Their classroom is downstairs. Lucy sits with her brother Tim. Ann sits with me.They are good friends. Choose the correct variant: 1. The girls’ name are…. a) Lucy and Ann b) Lucy and Mary 2. They are my…. a) cousins b)classmates 3. They are …. a) ten b) eight 4. Lucy sits with …. a) Tim
b) Tom
5. Ann sits with… a) me
b) Tim
Find the endings of the sentences: 1. I've got many ….
2. They are my … 9
3. 4. 5. 6.
They are…. They are from … Lucy sits with …. Ann sits with ….. Answer the questions: 1. What are the girls’ names? 2. What class are they from? 3. Where is their classroom?
MY FAVOURITE ANIMAL My favourite animal is a tiger. It is orange and black. It has got two eyes. It has got four legs. It has got a long tail and small eyes. It can run and jump. It is strong and beautiful.
Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
This is a tiger. It is yellow and black. It has got two eyes. It has got four legs. It has got a short tail and big eyes. It can walk and jump. It is strong and beautiful.
Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4.
My favourite animal is a ….. It is …. and ….. It has got ….. eyes. It has got …. legs.
5. It has got a …. tail and ….. eyes. 6. It can ….. and ….. 7. It is strong and …..
Translate into English: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Моя улюблена тварина тигр. У нього два ока і чотири ноги. Він вміє бігати та стрибати. Він сильний і гарний.
My favourite pet is a parrot. It is green, yellow, blue and red. It has got a short neck, two wings and a long tail. I teach him to talk. It knows many words. It lives in the cage. It can eat seeds, fruit and vegetables. I like my parrot because it is funny.
Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
My favourite pet is a dog. It lives in the cage. I teach my parrot to talk. My parrot has got a short tail. It is green, yellow, blue and red. It can eat seeds, fruit and vegetables. I like my parrot because it is clever.
Answer the questions: 1. What is your favourite pet?
2. 3. 4. 5.
What does it look like? Where does it live? What do you give him to eat? Why do you like it?
Translate into English: 1. Мій улюблений домашній улюбленець є папуга. 2. У нього коротка шия,два крила і довгий хвіст. 3. Я вчу його розмовляти. 4. Він живе у клітці. 5. Я люблю свого папугу.
Kate is a girl. This is Kate’s bike. It is big. It has got two big wheels. The bike is on the grass. But Kate can’t ride a bike. She is scared and very sad.
Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
This is Kate’s skateboard. It’s small. It hasn’t got big wheels. It’s under the tree. Kate can ride a bike. She’s brave and happy.
Find the endings of the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Kate is a…. This is Kate’s …. It is …. It has got …. The bike is …. But Kate can’t ….
7. She is …. and very ….
Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What’s the girls’s name? What has she got? Where is her bike? Can Kate ride a bike? Is she happy?
Ann and Sophia are at the cafe. Ann is thirsty. She’s got a cup of tea. There are some cakes on her plate too. Sophia is hungry. She’s got potatoes, sausage and some salad.
Read and write A (Ann), S (Sophia) or AS (Ann and Sophia): ThirstyHungry PotatoesSausageCakeSalad – Cup of teaFind the endings of the sentences: 1. Ann and Sophia are at the ….
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Ann is …. She’s got a …. On her plate there are …. Sophia is …. She’s got ….
Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Ann and Sophia are at the cafe. Ann is hungry. She’s got an orange juice. There are some cakes on her plate too. Sophia is thirsty. She’s got potatoes, chiken and some salad.
MY DAY I usually get up at seven o'clock. I make my bed, wash my face, dressand have breakfast. I have got a cup of tea and a sandwich for breakfast. Then I go to school. I have five lessons every day. After dinner I do my homework. Then I go for a walk with my friends, watch TV, read books or play my favourite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I usually go to bed at ten o'clock. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. I usually get up at seven o'clock. 2. I have got a cereal and a cup of tea for breakfast. 3. I’ve got six lessons every day. 4. I have supper with my friends. 5. I usually go to bed at ten o'clock.
Choose the correct variant: 1. I get up at….o’clock. a) six b) seven 2. I have got a …. and a sandwich for breakfast. a) cup of tea b) glass of juice 3. I have …. Lessonsevery day. a) six b) five 4. I do my homework after…. a) school
b) dinner
5. I usually go to bed at…. a) ten b) nine Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
When do you get up ? What do you do in the morning? What have you got for breakfast? What do you do after school? When do you usually go to bed? FAVOURITE LESSON
Nick loves Maths. He has got Maths on Mondayand Tuesday. There is a nice Maths classroomat his school. There are many books and copybooks in the classroom. There is a new blackboard there. Nick likes to do sums and count at Maths.
Choose the correct variant: 1. a) 2. a)
Nick loves …. Maths b) Art His lessons are on…. Monday and Friday b) Monday and Tuesday 3. There is a new…. a) blackboard
b) computer
4. Nick likes to …. a) do sums and count b) read and write Complete the sentences:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Nick loves ….. He has got Maths on …. and …. There is a nice …. in his school. There are many …. and …. inthe classroom. 5. Nick likes to …. and …. at Maths.
Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Who loves Maths? When has Nick got Maths? What has he got in the classroom? What does Nick like to do?
Anna and Tania are twins. Anna likes music and Tania likes reading books. After school they do their homework. Then Anna listens to music and sings songs. Tania sits in her room with a book. In the evening the girls help their mum about the house.
Read and write A (Anna), T (Tania) or AT (Anna and Tania): Twins ___ Homework ___ Music ___ Songs ___ Reading ___ Book ___ Help mum ___
Match beginnigs of the sentences with their endings: 1. Anna and Tania 2. Anna likes… 3. Tania likes… 4. After school they… 5. Then Anna… 6. Tania sits… 7. The girls help…
a) reading books b) are twins. c) do their homework. d) music. e) in her room with a book. f) their mum about the house. g) listens to her CDs.
Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What do the twins like? What do they do after school? Who listens to music and sings songs? Where is Tania? What do girls do in the evening? GRANDMOTHER’S BIRTHDAY
Today is grandmothers’s birthday. Mum makes a big cake with candles. My brother decorates the living room with the balloons. I make a card for granny. I stick a picture of flowers on the card. She likes flowers. And this is a present from Grandpa. It’s a book. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. It’sgrandmother’s birthday today. 2. Mum buys sweets. 3. My brother decorates the living room with the balloons. 4. I make a present for Granny. 5. Granny likes flowers. 6. Grandpa buys flowers. Choose the correct answer: 1. What holiday is it? a) Mum’s birthday c) Grany’s birthday 2. What does mum do? a) makes a cake
b) buys sweets
3. Who decorates the living room? a) My brother
b) My mother
4. What is on the card? a) cakes
b) flowers
5. What is the present from Grandpa? a) a book
b) flowers
Find the endings of the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Today is grandmother’s…. Mum makes a big cake…. My brother decorates the living room…. I make a card…. I stick a picture of flowers….
6. KATE’S DAY 7.
Kate is from London. She is 8. She is a schoolgirl. She must wake up at 7. At 8 o’clock Kate goes to school. Her favourite days are Monday and Friday. She has got Maths on these days. She likes Maths. Kate doesn’t like Music because she doesn’t like singing. Kate isn’t at school now. She is at the camp. The camp is in Germany. Kate likes it very much.
8. 9.
Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Kate is from London. She doesn’t go to school. She wakes up at 8. Kate likes Monday and Friday. She has got Maths on Friday. The girl likes singing. Kate isn’t at home now. She is in Germany.
10. Complete the sentences: 8
camp school London Maths
girl 7 Fridaу
school Germany
11. 12. 13.
Kate is from…. She is…. She is a….. She must wake up at…. At 8 o’clock Kate goes to…. Her favourite days are Monday and…. She has got…. on these days. She likes Maths. Kate doesn’t like…. because she doesn’t like singing. Kate isn’t at…. now. She is at the…. The camp is in …. Kate likes it very much.
14. Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Where is Kate from? How old is she? When does she wake up? What are her favourite days? What is her favourite lesson? Where is Kate now?
15. 16.
18. My mother’s name is Olena Ivanivna. She is 38. She is kind and pretty. She has got long brown hair and green eyes. My mother is a teacher. She teaches History at school. 19. 20. Put the sentences in 21. the correct order: 1. My mother is a teacher. 2. She teaches History at school. 3. She is kind and pretty. 4. My mother’s name is Olena Ivanivna. 5. She has got long brown hair and green eyes. 6. She is 38. 22. 23. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
My mother’s name is Oksana Ivanivna. She is 28. She is kind and pretty. She has got long brown hair and brown eyes. My mother is a teacher. She teaches Maths at school.
24. Match beginings of the sentences with their endings:
1. My mother’s name is 2. She is 3. She is kind and 4. She has got long 5. My mother is 25.
a) pretty b) a teacher c) brown hair d) Olena e) 38
26. Answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
What is your mother’s name? How old is she? What hair and eyes has she got? What does she teach at school?
27. 28.
29. FRED 30. Fred is from the USA. He is a singer in the band. He is 18. He is very handsome. His hair is brown and his eyes are green. His favourite colour is yellow. He is good at sports.
31. Answer the questions: 1. Where is Fred from? 2. Is he a singer? 3. How old is he? 4. What colour is his hair? 5. What colour are his eyes? 6. What is his favourite colour? 7. Is he good at dancing? 32. 33. POLLY 34. Polly is from Poland. She is an artist. She is 21. She is very pretty. Her hair is blond and her eyes are blue. Her favourite colour is white. She is good at dancing. 35. Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Where is Polly from? Is she an artist? How old is she? What colour is her hair? What colour are her eyes?
6. What is her favourite colour? 7. Is she good at dancing? 36. Answer the questions about both people: 1. Who is from Poland? 2. Who is a singer? 3. Who is 18? 4. Who is good at dancing? 5. Who is good at sports? 6. Who likes white colour? 37. 38.
39. PARTY 40. I love parties. My favourite party is my birthday. My friends come with some nice presents. My mother bakes a big cake with candles. My father blows up many colourfulballoons. We have fun, play games and sing different songs. I get presents from my grandparents.
41. 42. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I do notlove parties. My favourite party is my birthday. My relatives come with some food. Mum buys sweets. My father decorates the living room with the balloons. 6. We have fun, play games and sing different songs. 7. I get presents from my grandparents. 43. Choose the correct answer: 1. What’s my favourite party? 44. a) my birthday birthday
b) my brother’s
2. Who comes to my favourite holiday? 45. 46.
a) my friends
b) my classmates
3. What does your mum do?
a) bakes a cake
b) buys sweets
4. Who decorates my room?
a) my brother
5. What can we do on your party?
b) my father
51. a) have fun, play games and sing songs 52. b) have fun, play games, sing and dance 53. 54. 55.
56. ANN’S HOBBIES 57. Ann has got a hobby. She usually gets up early and runs before school. After school she likes to ride a bike with her friends near the house. Also she loves music. She always goes to the choir on
Fridays and sings in the church on Sundays. She sometimes watches TV if it rains outside. She isn’t alone because she has a lot of friends. 58. 59. Complete the sentences: 60. Ann has got …. She usually gets up ….and runs before ….. After school she likes …..with her friends near her home. Also she loves ….. She always goes to the choir …..and sings in the church …... She sometimes watches …..if it rains outside. She isn’t alone because she has a lot of ….. 61. 62. Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Why does she usually get up early? When does she ride a bike? What kind of music does she like? What does she do if it rains outside?
5. Why isn’t she alone? 63.
64. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. The girl has got a hobby. 2. She usually gets up early and 65. has breakfast. 3. After school she likes to play music. 4. She always goes to the choir and sings in the church on Saturday. 5. She sometimes watches cartoons ifit rains outside. 6. She isn’t alone because she has a lot of friends. 66.
68. Some people say, ”There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”. It means that all seasons and all kinds of weather are good.Autumn is full of colours: red, yellow, brown. You wear
coats and boots. Also you must take an umbrella.In winter many people like to ski and skate. You usually put on gloves or mittens for playing snowballs and making a snowman.In spring nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The trees begin to bloom.Most children like summer because they have holidays and rest after a school year. 69. 70. Complete the sentences: 71. Some people say, ”There is no bad …., there are bad ....”. It means that all seasons and all kinds of weather are…. 72. Autumn is full of colours: …., …., …. You wear coats and …. Also you must take ….
73. In winter many people like to ….and …. You usually put on ….or…. for playing snowballs and making …. 74. In ….nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The trees begin …. 75. Most children like ….because they have ….and rest after a school year. 76. 77. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 78.
Answer the questions:
How many seasons are there in a year? What is your favouriteseasons? What season is it now? What season comes after winter ? What season comes after summer? What season domost children like?
80. I live in Kamianets-Podilskyi. It’s a beautiful old town.There are many interesting places and a lot of things to do there. There are many museums, galleries and squares in my town. It’s a town that is never boring. It is full of historical buildings and also there are a lot of modern buildings. My town is famous for the Old Fortress. 81. 82. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. I live in Kamianets-Podilskyi. 2. It’s a beautiful new town. 3. There are museums, galleries, shops and a zoo. 4. It is full of historical and modern buildings. 5. My town is famous for its parks. 83. 84.
85. Complete the sentences: town 86.
modern galleries
Kamianets-Podilskyi 87. 88. I live in …. It’s a beautiful town. There are a lot of things to do there. There are many museums, ….and squares in my town. It’s a town that is never boring. It is full of historical ….and also there are a lot of buildings.My ….is famous for the Old Fortress. 89. Answer the questions: 1. Where do you live? 2. What is there in the town ? 3. What is Kamianets-Podilskyi famous for? 90. 91. 92. 93.
94. MY ROOM 95. I live in a house. Our house is big. There are five rooms there . There is a living-room, three bedrooms and my father’s study. My room is on the first floor. It is big and light. In my room I have a bed, a desk, a chair and bookshelves. 96. Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I live in a flat. Our house is big. There are six rooms. My room is on the second floor. It is big and light. In my room I have a bed, a desk, an armchair and bookshelves.
97. Complete the sentences: 98. Big bed
five room house light bookshelves bedrooms
99. I live in a…. Our house is …. There are…. rooms there. There is a living-room, three…. and my father’s study. My… is on the first floor. It is big and…. In my room I have a…., a desk, a chair and….. 100.Match beginnings of the sentences with their endings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I live in Our house is There are My room is It is big and In my room I have
a) five rooms there b) light c) on the first floor d) a house e)big f) a bed and a desk
101.Translate into English 1. 2. 3. 4.
Я живу в будинку. Там п’ять кімнат. Моя кімната на першому поверсі. Вона велика і світла. 102.
104.My name is Kate. I am ten. I’m in the fourth form. I go to school every day. I have five lessons every day. My favourite lesson is English. We have got Ehglish twice a week. We study new wofds, read texts and write dictations. Every lesson we play different games. 105.Answer the question: 1. 2. 3. 4.
How old are you? How many lessons do you have? What is your favourite lesson? What do you usually do at English?
106.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
My name is Kate. I’m in the fifth form. I have got four lessons every day. My favourite lesson is Math. We have got Ehglish four times a week.
107.Match beginnings of the sentences with their endings:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
We write dictations Every lesson We have got English I’m in I have got
a)we play games b)the 4th form c) at English d)five lessons e)twice a week
108.Translate into English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Я навчаюся у четвертому класі. Кожного дня я ходжу до школи. Я маю п’ять уроків кожного дня. Мій улюблений предмет англійська. Ми маємо уроки двічі на тиждень.
109. 110. 111. 112. 113.
114.MY COUNTRY 115.I live in Ukraine. There are many rivers, seas, lakes and mountains there.
People speak Ukrainian. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. Kyiv is a big and beautiful city. It is situated on the Dnipro River. There are many museums, theatres, cinemas, galleries and universities in Kyiv. It is also famous for its wonderfulsquares, streets and parks. 116.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. I live in Ukraine. 2. There are not many rivers, seas, lakes and mountains there. 3. People speak Ukrainian. 4. Kyiv is a small and beautiful city. 5. There are many museums, theatres, cinemas, galleries and universities in Kyiv. 6. It is also famous for its wonderfulsquares, streets and parks. 117.Complete the sentences: 118.Capital mountains rivers River city
museums squares
119.I live in Ukraine. Ther are many…., seas, lakes and …. there. People speak Ukrainian. The ….of Ukraine is Kyiv. Kyiv is a big and beautiful….. It is situated on the Dnipro …..There are many…., theatres, cinemas, squares and universities in Kyiv. It is also famous for its wonderful…., streets and parks. 120.
121. 122. 123. 124. 125.
Answer the questions: 1. Where do you live? 2. Are there many rivers there? 3. Where is Kyiv situated? 4. What is Kyiv famous for? 126.
127.MY WINTER HOLIDAYS 128.Winter holidays start at the end of December and finish in January. We
celebrate New Year and Christmas at this time. We don’t go to school and can spend a lot of time outdoors. We always ski and skate. I like to play snowballs and make snowmen with my friends. In the evening I like to read books and watch TV. I like winter very much. 129. 130.Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
When do winter holidays start? When do winter holidays finish? What holidays do we celebrate at this time? What do children do during winter holidays? 5. Why do you like winter holidays? 131. 132.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. We celebrate Christmas in winter. 2. We can spend a lot of time at home.
3. We always ski and skate. 4. I like to play snowballs and make snowmen. 5. In the evening I like to write letters and watch TV. 133.Complete the sentences: 134.TVski January
school snowballs read December
135.Winter holidays start at the end of ....and finish in .... We celebrate New Year and Christmas at this time. We don’t go to….and can spend a lot of time outdoors. We always….and…... I like to play…. and make snowmen with my friends. In the evening I like to…. books and watch…. I like winter very much. 136. 137.
139.Wendy is going to have a picnic. She writes a card to her friends. “Dear Jill and Sam. Please come to my house at 9 o’clock on Sunday. Take your swimming things. From Wendy”. The children are happy. Jill is going to wear her new shorts anda T-shirt. She is going to take her camera. Sam is going to take his diving things. He likes diving and watching fish.It’s Sunday. Wendy’s father is going to take the children in his boat. He has got a map. He says, “First we are going along the river, under the bridges and past the fish market. Then we are going round the castle. You can take photos. Next we are going to the beach and have a picnic.”They all go into the boat but suddenly it starts raining. Oh, no! What a pity! 140.Put true (+) or false (-):
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sam writes a card to his friends. Jill is going to take an umbrella. Sam is going to take his diving things. There are bridges and a fish market. They are going to have a picnic in the castle.
141.Put the sentences in the correct order: 1. Wendy is going to have a picnic. 2. Wendy’s father is going to take the children in his boat. 3. She writes a card to her friends. 4. Butit starts raining. 5. He has got a map. 142.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Please come to my house at …. o’clock. Jill is going to wear her new …. and …. Sam likes diving and …. First we are going to…. Next we are going to …. and have …. Suddenly it starts …. 143.
144.NEW YEAR’S NIGHT 145.The New Year is here. Mum, Dad, Grandma and my aunt are sitting at the table. They are eating meat, potatoes, carrots and peas. I and my cousins don’t want any vegetables or meat. We are at the New Year tree in the living room and we want to open our presents. There are lots of nice boxes. What’s inside? Look! There is a pretty little bird. It is singing loudly. And in the big box? Oh, it’s a funny panda! I love pandas. They live in China. Let’s open that small red box. There are lovely earrings. They are not ours. It’s a present for Mum. We like the presents.Look! It’s snowing behind the window. There are some people outside. They are happy. They are playing snowballs. Let’s go and make a snowman.
146.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The family is in the shop. The children are at the New Year tree. They don’t want any vegetables or meat. The children like the presents. There is a funny panda in the big box.
147.Choose the correct variant: 148.1. It’s Mum’s birthday/New Year. 149.2.The family is eating/cooking vegetables and meat. 150.3. Pandas live in Australia/China. 151.4. It’s snowing outside and some people are playing snowballs/football. 152.Correct the wrong word: 1. Mum, Dad, Grandma and my uncle are at the table. 2. The children want to open a box of sweets. 3. The bird sings quietly. 4. The earrings in the red box are for Grandma.
5. It’s raining behind the window. 6. Some people outside are sad.
153.BUSY HOLIDAYS 154.The holiday is coming. Andy’s family is at home. Mother is cooking a holiday dinner. A big cake is on the table. Andy is washing the dishes. Sue is writing holiday postcards for her aunt and uncle. Mrs. Green is carrying flowers for the holiday table. They are red and yellow and they are very beautiful. Mr. Green is watching TV. He likes Mr. Macaroni’s singing. Father is in the shop. He wants some sweets and fruit. They are happy but they are all busy. 155.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. Mother is cooking a holiday dinner. 2. Fatheris washing the dishes. 3. Mrs. Green is carrying fruit for the holiday table. 4. The flowers are red and yellow. 5. Mr. Green is singing. 6. Father is in theshop.
156. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Answer the questions:
Is Andy’s family at home? Where is the cake? What is Sue doing? What does father want in the shop? Who is singing on TV? Are they happy?
157. 158.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Mother is cooking …. Andy is washing …. Sue is writing postcards for …. Mrs. Green is carrying … Father wants some … They are happy but …
159.LATE AGAIN 160.It’s 8 o’clock. Tom wakes up and looks at the clock.” Oh, dear! It’s time to go to school! I’m late.”Tom jumps out of bed. He doesn’t brush his teeth or wash his face. He doesn’t brush his hair. He doesn’t have breakfast. Tom puts on his trousers, shirt and jacket and runs to school.In the afternoon Tom comes home. He doesn’t do his homework. He goes to play with his friends. Then he playscomputer games. “I have a lot of time,” he thinks.It’s 10 o’clock in the evening. It’s time to go to bed. But Tom does his homework.Next morning Tom opens his eyes and looks at the clock…” Oh, no. It’s 8 o’clock! I am late again!” 161.Complete the sentences: 1. It’s …. o’clock. 2. It’s time to ….
3. He puts on his …. 4. He doesn’t do…. 5. It’s 10 o’clock…. 162.Match beginnings of the sentences with their endings 1. Tom wakes up 2. He doesn’t brush his teeth 3. Tom puts on his trousers, shirt and jacket 4. In the afternoon 5. He goes to play 6. Then he plays
a) and runs to school. b) Tom comes home. c) with his friends. d) and looks at the clock. e) or wash his face. f) computer games.
163.Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
When does Tom get up? Does he have breakfast? Does he brush his hair? What does he think? 5. When is it time to go to bed?
164.NOT READY ANDSCARED 165.It’s Monday. I am at school. This is my classroom. There are no pupils because it’s 8 o’clock. I look at the posters on the wall. They are nice. Oh! Who is this, under the table? It’s my friend Sam. 166.“Why are you under the table, Sam? And why are you so sad?” 167.“We have English today and I am not ready. I can’t read and write the new words. So I’m scared.”Be brave, Sam! 168.“My mother is always angry when I get bad marks”. 169.“Don’t you do your homework every day?” 170.“I do. But on Sunday I visit my granny. She’s so happy! I eat pizza and drink a milkshake. My granny is a cook. Then I help my granny. After that I go out to
play. There is a nice playground at her house. When I come home I am very tired.” 171.The teacher comes into the classroom. She can hear Sam. She says, “Sam, you can do your homework on Saturday and help your granny on Sunday. And today you have to stay after the lessons and do your homework at school.” 172.Put the sentences in the correct order 173.1. We have English and I’m not ready. 174.2. The teacher comes into the classroom. 175.3. But on Sunday I visit my granny. 176.4. I am at school. 177.5. When I come home I’m very tired. 178.6. You have to do your homework at school.
179. 180. 181.Fill in the gaps: 1. I look at the _________ 2. Why are you _____
on the wall. the table?
3. I can’t _______ words.
and _______
the new
4. I eat _______
and drink ___________
. 5. Then I _______
my granny.
6. There is a nice ____________ house. 182. 183.Answer the questions: 1. What day is it?
at her
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Where is Sam? When is Sam’s mum angry? What does Sam do on Sundays? What does he eat and drink at his granny’s? Why does he have to stay after the lessons?
184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195.
196. 197.AT THE SUPERMARKET 198.Amy is at the supermarket. She looks at the stalls. “What a lot of yummy things!” she thinks. “Apples! They are sweet and juicy. And grapes! I like grapes too. Here are fresh figs. Oh, no. They are 62 pence. I can’t buy them.” 199.Then she goes to the sweet stall. There are sweets of all colours: blue, red, yellow and purple. Amy thinks, “No, Mum says sweets are not good for me.” Amy looks at the wall in front of her. There is a poster. It says, “Best ice cream! Come and have chocolate, vanilla and banana ice cream!” Amy is hungry. She runs to the pizza stall. She says, “One chicken and tomato pizza, please.” “Sorry, we don’t have any chicken. You are too late.”
200. 201.Put true (+) or false(-): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Amy is at the supermarket. She can buy figs. There are biscuits on the poster. Amy is hungry. She wants a fish and olive pizza.
202.Choose the correct variant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Amy likes/doesn’t like grapes. Here are fresh eggs/figs. There are sweets/ apples of all colours. Sweets are / are not good for me. Come and have chocolate, vanilla and banana cake / ice cream.
203.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The apples are ….and juicy. There are sweets of all colours: … The figs are …. pence. Amy looks at the wall ….of her. One …. and …. pizza, please!
204.A FUNNY LESSON 205.It’s quarter past ten. The sun is shining and it’s hot. The children are having Sport. Some boys are playing tennis. Some are running. The girls are jumping over the balls. The teacher is watching the children.Suddenly a cat is coming to the sports ground. It’s a grey cat with a long tail. It slowly walks across the ground and sits down next to the ladder. It looks at the children for a minute. Then it comes up to the girls and jumps over the ball. The teacher says, “Look! We have a new pupil.”Then the cat runs with the boys. Next it catches the yellow tennis ball. The children are happy. “Whose cat is this? “, the teacher says. “It’s a good sportsman.” 206.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. It’s three o’clock.
2. 3. 4. 5.
The children are having Sport. The boys are playing basketball. A cat is coming onto the sports ground. The cat jumps over the ball.
207.Match beginnings of the sentences with their endings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The sun is shining Some boys are The teacher is The cat It runs Next it catches
a) watching the children. b) and it’s hot. c) sits down next to the ladder. d) with the boys. e) the yellow ball. f) playing tennis
209.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The girls are jumping over the b…. The cat looks at the c…. The t.… says,” We have a new pupil.” The children are h…. The cat is a g…. sportsman.
210.IT’S JUSTA DREAM 211.Today we are going to the zoo with granny. It’s only quarter to six in the morning but I can’t sleep. I can’t wait to be there and see the animals. I love animals! I can hear Mum and Dad talking in the kitchen. They usually get up early because they work at the airport and go there by 8 o’clock bus. Granny is not asleep either. She always gets up earlier than my parents. I think she is making breakfast for me and my sister.It’s very windy outside now. Suddenly the window opens… and the wind takes me out. I fly and see lots of people. They are wearing coats and hats. Then I am at the zoo. But there are no cages and the animals are walking under the trees. Some children are feeding the giraffes. They are giving them pastries. I cry,” Don’t feed the animals! They are
not hungry!”Then I hear my granny saying, “Why are you crying? Be quiet. It’s just a dream.” 212.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. Today we are going to the airport with granny. 2. It’s quarter to six in the morning. 3. Granny gets up later than Mum and Dad. 4. I fly and see lots of houses. 5. There are no cages at the zoo. 213.Choose the correct variant: 1. I can’t sleep because… a) I am hungry b) I can’t wait to be there. 2. My parents work... a) at the zoo. b) at the airport 3. They go to work by… a) car b) 8 o’clock bus 4. Granny is making… a) breakfast b) lunch 5. The window opens and… a) the wind takes me out b) I am cold
215.AT THEBEACH 216.Molly and Pam are sisters. They are twins. They have brown hair and green eyes. Molly has a yellow dress and a hat and Pam has green shorts and a T-shirt. Today they are at the beach with their uncle and aunt. The girls have a cousin, Tom. But he is not at the beach. Tom is a baby so he is with his granny at home.The day is hot and the sisters are in the water. Molly likes swimming and Pam likes playing with a ball. Their aunt and uncle are under the umbrella. They have two ice creams. “Do you want ice cream, girls?”, asks the uncle. And the girls say, “Oh, yes, we do!” It’s very nice here at the beach! 217.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. Molly and Pam are friends. 2. They have brown hair and blue eyes. 3. The girls are at the beach.
4. Molly likes reading. 5. Pam likes playing with a ball. 6. They want ice cream. 218.Choose the correct variant: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Molly’s dress and hat are pink/yellow. Pam has green shorts/shoes. Tom is at the beach/ home. The sisters are under the umbrella/in the water. 5. Pam likes playing with a ball/ a teddy bear. 219.Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Where are the girls today? Who is Tom? Is he a big boy? What’s the weather like? Who is under the umbrella? 6. How many ice creams do they have?
220.PEAS FOR THE BIRDS 221.Fred and his little sister Peg go to the park. It’s January. The day is cold and sunny but it’s windy. Fred wears his warm green jacket, trousers and boots. Peg wears her pink coat and hat. They take their dog Barky with them.The children come to the park. The trees are white with snow. Peg sees some birds in the trees.“Look, Fred! There are twentyfour birds. I can count.They are cold and want something to eat.Fred, I have some sweets.”The birds don’t want any sweets.” Look! I have lots of peas in my bag.”Fred puts the peas under the tree. The birds fly down to the ground for lunch. Suddenly Barky runs to the birds and barks. The birds fly up in the sky.Barky! You are a bad dog! 222.
223.Match beginnings of the sentences with their endings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The children go They take their The trees are The birds Fred puts
a) white with snow b) dog Barky c) the peas for birds d) to the park. e) want to eat
224.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The day is …. and …. Fred wears his warm …., …. and …. There are …. birds. The birds don’t want any …. The birds fly down to the ground for ….
225.Answer the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What month is it? What colour are Peg’s coat and hat? What can Peg do? Who has a bag with peas? Who runs to the birds?
227.What do you know about crocodiles? They are big wild animals. They live in the rivers of Africa and America. Crocodiles are long with short legs and big mouths. With their sharp teeth they hunt big animals.Do you know that crocodiles can cry? But don’t believe their tears! They do it just to wet their eyes. Some people like crocodiles and keep them as pets at home. But I like only Hena-the-Crocodile. He is very kind and funny. He wears ahat and a jacket. And he is much cleverer and nicer than the crocodiles in the river. He is the best children’s friend. 228.Choose the correct variant: 1. Crocodiles live in the pond/river. 2. Crocodiles have short legs/tail. 3. They can/can’t hunt big animals.
4. Some people keep them on farms/at home. 5. I don’t like/like crocodiles. 229.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. Crocodiles are pets. 2. They hunt big animals with their sharp teeth. 3. They have small mouths. 4. Crocodiles can dance. 5. Hena-the-Crocodile is very kind and funny. 230.Fill in the gaps: 1. Crocodiles live in the …. of Africa and Ametrica. 2. Crocodiles are long with …. legs and …. mouths. 3. They cry to ….their eyes. 4. Hena-the-Crocodile wears a …. and a … 5. He is the best children’s ….
231.GETTING READY FOR THE WEDDING 232.It’s June. The weather is great. It’s sunny but it’s not hot. We are getting ready for the wedding. My sister is the lovely bride. She’s wearing a big white dress. Mum is cooking. My brother is cleaning the house. Dad is washing the car. Only Grandfather is not busy. He is watching TV. He is very old.Look! The postman is taking the invitations.The guests are coming in the afternoon. Oh! It’s quarter past eleven! We’ve got very little time left. 233.Put true (T) or false (F): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
It’s April. My sister is the bride. She’s wearing a short pink dress. Grandfather is washing the car. The postman is taking the invitations. It’s eleven o’clock.
234.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The weather is …. It’s .… but it’s not …. She is wearing a big white …. My…. is cleaning the house. Grandfather is very … The guests are coming ….
235.Answer the questions: 1. What is the weather like? 2. Who is cooking? 3. What is the brother doing? 4. Who is washing the car? 5. What is grandfather doing? 6. What’s the time? 236.
237.A SUNDAY IN THE PARK 238.It’s Sunday. I’m in the park. The day is sunny. The birds are singing. There are lots of people. I can see some children going down the slide. Two men are riding their bikes. A girl with yellow ribbons is swinging on the swing. Five boys are playing with a ball.It’s hot in August and I’m thirsty. I’m sitting in the café. The waiter is carrying my strawberry ice cream. Yummy! Oh, no! The ball is flying just into my plate. O-o-ops! No ice cream for me. I drink some orange juice and look at my watch. It’s three o’clock. It’s time to go shopping. Mum has her birthday in August so I and Dad want to buy her a pretty ring and earrings. 239.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. I’m in the park. 2. There are no people in the park. 3. It’s Sunday.
4. Dad has a birthday. 5. I’ve got a watch. 240.Match beginnings of the sentences with their endings: 1. Some children are 2. Two men are 3. A girl with yellow ribbons is 4. Five boys are 5. The birds are
a) swinging on the swing. b) singing. c) playing ball. d) going down the slide. e) riding their bikes
241.Correct the wrong word: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I am sitting in the supermarket. I am hungry. The waiter is carrying my milkshake. The bird is flying into my plate. My aunt and I want to buy Mum a ring and earrings.
242.A TRIP TO THE FARM 243.We were on the farm on Monday. There were lots of animals and birds: cows, horses, sheep and geese. There was also a baby donkey and a baby goat. They were very naughty and very loud. They like to run after the people on the farm. It was fun to play with them. We were faster and very happy.The trees in the garden were big and old. The farmer was kind to give us some apples and pears. There was some food in our lunch boxes. So we were not hungry.After the trip we were happy but tired. It was a nice day. Our teacher likes taking photos so there are some photos from the farm on my fridge now. 244.Choose the correct variant: 1. What day was that? 245. a) Tuesday
b) Monday
246. 2. What baby animals were on the farm? 247.a) a donkey and a goat cat
b) a pig and a
248.3. What fruit were on the farm? 249.a) plums and cherries pears
b) apples and
250.4. What is on the fridge? 251. a) some photos
b) a calendar
252.Complete the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
There were lots of …. and ….. The baby animals were very ….. The trees in the garden were big and …. The farmer was kind to give us …. After the trip we were …. but tired.
253.Put true (+) or false (-): 1. The baby animals like to sleep. 2. We were faster and very happy.
3. The trees in the garden were small. 4. Our teacher likes drawing pictures. 5. There are some photos from the zoo on my fridge.
254.Список використаної літератури: 255. 1. Бурлакова А. П. The ABC Fun. M.: Просвіта, 1981. 2. Верещагіна І. М. Читаємо самі. М.: Просвіта, 1981. 3. Натальїн В. П. Тексти для аудіювання англійською мовою. К.: Радянська школа, 1989. 4. Halliwell S. Teaching English in the primary classroom. Longman, 1992. 5. Колодяжна Л. This is Great Britain. Айріс прес, 1999. 6. Learning Teaching. Oxford: Heineman, 1994. 7. Рогова Г. В. English in two years. M.: Просвіта, 1993. 256. 257.
258.Зміст 259. 1. Передмова……………………………...2 2. Розділ 1.My Friend…………………..3-4 3. My Sister……………………………..5-6 4. My Best Friends……………………...7-8 5. My Favourite Animal……………….9-10 6. My Pet……………………………..11-12 7. Kate’s Bike………………………...13-14 8. At The Café………………………..15-16 9. My Day…………………………….17-18 10. Favourite Lesson…………….19-20 11. Twins………………………..21-22 12. Grandmother’s Birthday……23-24 13. Kate’s Day…………………..25-26 14. My Mother…………………..27-28 15. Fred And Polly………………29-30 16. Parties……………………….31-32 17. Ann’s Hobbies………………33-34 18. The Weather…………………35-36 19. My Town…………………….37-38 20. My Room……………………39-40 21. My Favourite Lesson………..41-42
22. My Country………………….43-44 23. My Winter Holidays………...45-46 24. Розділ 2. Spoiled Sunday…...47-48 25. New Year’s Night…………...49-50 26. Busy Holidays……………….51-52 27. Late Again…………………..53-54 28. Not Ready And Scared………55-58 29. At The Supermarket…………59-60 30. A Funny Lesson……………..61-62 31. It’s Just A Dream……………63-64 32. At The Beach………………...65-66 33. Peas For Birds……………….67-68 34. Crocodiles…………………...69-70 35. Getting Ready For The Wedding…………………………...71-72 36. A Sunday In The Park………73-74 37. A Trip To The Farm………...75-76 38. Список використаної літератури 260.