Vitality Magazine | Winter Issue 2022

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W o o d f o r d Files

Over the past few years, the news media has repor ted extensively on the strain that our hospitals are under as they cope with surges of sick patients and shor tages of staff at the same time. Yet strangely, the same media has completely ignored two big contributing factors to the problem:

1) Since 2020, thousands of professional nurses across Canada have been f ired after they refused to be injected with the experimental Covid vaccine. And even though it is now proven that the vaccine does not prevent transmission or infection, these nurses still have not been re hired (www canadianfrontlinenurses ca) [1]

2) So far, there are 93 Canadian doctors (young and old) who have died suddenly and unexpectedly since the roll out of the Covid vaccines. These shocking stats have been gathered from various medical data b a s e s by wh i s t l e bl owe r s D r. Wi l l i a m Makis and Dr Mark Trozzi who have been chronicling the sudden deaths of their col leagues who received the mandated 2nd, 3rd, or 4th shots. [2][3]

Not sur prisingly, the public is f inding it ver y diff icult to get timely treatment at hospitals and doctors’ off ices these days, so this month we bring you a feature by Zoltan Rona, MD, called “DIY Emergency Medicine” on 11 conditions you can treat at home. Hopefully this will equip you to act quickly when a crisis comes up, while

avoiding long wait times at hospitals. And if you wish to add your own favourite emergency health solutions, feel free to post them in the comments section at the end of Dr Rona’s ar ticle posted online at: tinyurl com/DIYEmergencyMed

On a lighter note, the holiday season is upon us so we bring you Pat Crocker’s “Gifts from the Kitchen” stor y this month. Fr o m M e d i t e r r a n e a n Pe s t o t o L e m o n C h u t n ey t o C h o c o l a t e A p p l e M o u s s e , these recipes will have you chopping, mixing, and boiling up a stor m creating homemade goodies for friends and family Meantime, our News & Notes section car ries some interesting research on men tal health. One study found that exercise is so good for the brain it can even slow senile dementia and fend off Alzheimer’s In regards to diet, the research is showing that processed meats (ham, bacon, hot dogs, etc.) can actually accelerate demen tia, although eating unprocessed meat does not. This is something to keep in mind when planning your holiday menus And if you throw some good supplements such as CoQ10 and probiotics into the mix, the result is a longer more energetic life Have a g reat winter, Julia Woodford PS Feel free to post comments on any article on our website.

[1] tinyurl com/Regarding transmission

[2] tinyurl com/drdeathtollrising

[3] tinyurl com/DrMakisondoctordeaths

• Denmark’s death statistics reveal that some thing horrible is going on in public health:

• Died Suddenly documentary world premiere: h t t p s : / / r u m b l e c o m / v 1 w a c 7 i w o r l d p r e m i e r died suddenly html

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While we recognize that, in some ways, our world is in crisis, we feel a need at the same time to provide an antidote to the very distressing mes sages being broadcast worldwide To help initiate new visions, we aim to inform you of the many worthwhile choices available for a healthy, fulfill ing lifestyle All Vitality articles rep resent the views of the writer, and not necessarily those of the pub lisher We accept no responsibility for the variability in outcomes achieved by the usage of these views, and they are not meant to replace the advice of a physician ISSN 1180 0291

Established October 1989

2 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com
W I N T E R 2 0 2 2 / 2 0 2 3 FEATURES 4 N E W S & N O T E S CoQ10 Effective for Reducing Fatigue; Probiotics Benef it Patients with Covid 19; Exercise Benef icial for those with Cognitive Decline; Processed Meat Linked to Dementia 10 GIFTS FROM THE KITCHEN Mediterranean Pesto; Lemon Chutney, and more 16 DIY EMERGENCY MEDICINE 11 Conditions You Can Treat at Home with Herbs, Vitamins, and Homeopathics 22 OVERCOMING ANXIETY Tips for Taming the Goliath of Our Time 28 HEALING COLITIS AND IBS with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture DEPARTMENTS 27 CLASSIFIEDS Buy/Sell; Health Products; Space for Rent 32 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Events, Classes, and Workshops Across Ontario 33 SER VICE DIRECTOR Y Toronto’s Comprehensive Monthly Health Resource ............................................................................................... Editor’s note: All Vitality ar ticles represent the views of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publisher We accept no responsi bility for the variability in outcomes achieved by the usage of these views, and they are not meant to replace the advice of a physician www vitalitymagazine com VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 3 1st demonstrated by Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla. POLARAID ® Great Deals for a Great Cause! Get a 25% discount for one PolarAid disc $80 $59.95 or call 1-450-486-7888 PolarAid® encourages the overall health of the body: “This will be the fourth PolarAid I’ve purchased! I fully believe in this product and it’s power! I’ve given them to family members and we’ve all had great success with it.” C.A.T. (Vista, CA) Your VITALITY booster! Your List -46%


It seems that ever yone feels t i r e d a n d f a t i g u e d t h e s e days. In fact, 45% of the general population can feel t e m p o r a r y f a t i g u e , a n d chronic fatigue can be felt by more than 10% of people. In a recent review, researchers found that CoQ10 supple ments can relieve the severi ty of fatigue. A b s t ra c t : E ffe c t i v e n e s s o f Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation fo r R e d u c i n g Fa t i g u e : A S y s t e m a t i c R ev i ew a n d M e t a A n a ly s i s o f R a n d o m i z e d Controlled Trials Tsai IC, Hsu C W, C h a n g C H , e t a l Fro n t P h a r m a c o l 2 0 2 2 Au g 2 4 ; 1 3 : 8 8 3 2 5 1 d o i : 1 0 3 3 8 9 / fphar.2022.883251.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a popular nutritional sup plement, an antioxidant, and an essential component of the mitochondrial electron transpor t chain Several clin ical studies have suggested that fatigue can be reduced by antioxidant supplementa tion But the data on this topic has been sparse to date Hence, we conducted this meta analysis with the aim of investigating the effec tiveness of fatigue reduction via CoQ10 supplementation. S p e c i f i c a l ly, we s e a r c h e d electronic databases for ran


Research reports on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging from Around the World

t h e C o Q 1 0 i n t e r ve n t i o n .

Based on the results of this meta analysis, we conclude that CoQ10 is an effective a n d s a f e s u p p l e m e n t f o r reducing fatigue symptoms

(Excerpted from a report submit ted October 2022, by the Council for Responsible Nutrition)


One study found probiotics were able to alleviate symptoms of Covid 19; another study showed CoQ10 works to relieve fatigue

d o m i z e d c o n t r o l l e d t r i a l s (RCTs) published from the d a t a b a s e i n c e p t i o n t o J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 . A r a n d o m e ff e c t s m o d e l wa s i m p l e mented to conduct the meta a n a ly s i s a m o n g 1 3 R C T s (with a total of 1,126 par tic ipants). As compared with the placebo g roups evaluat ed in each RCT, the CoQ10 g roup showed a statistically s i g n i f i c a n t r e d u c t i o n i n fatigue scores

T h e d i r e c t i o n s o f t h e treatment effects were con sistent between the healthy a n d d i s e a s e d p a r t i c i p a n t s

Compared with the placebo g roup, the effect of reduc ing f atigue was statistically signif icant in the subg roup using the CoQ10 only for mulation but not in the sub g roup using CoQ10 com pounds.

The results of our meta reg ression demonstrate that increases in the daily dose and treatment duration of C o Q 1 0 s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n were cor related with g reater fatigue reduction. There was only one adverse (gastroin testinal) event in the 602 par ticipants who underwent

A r e c e n t s y s t e m i c r ev i ew and meta analysis found that probiotics could be effective in alleviating symptoms of patients infected with Covid 1 9 T h e r ev i ew p r o c e s s found a statistically signif icant reduction in symptoms o f 5 1 % a m o n g p a t i e n t s .

R e s e a r c h e r s s u g g e s t t h a t supplementing with probiotics is an effective method of alleviating symptoms for patients with Covid 19

Abstract: Benef its of probiotic use on COVID 19: A systematic review and meta analysis Neris Almeida Viana S, do Reis Santos Pereira T, de Carvalho Alves J, et al Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2022 Sep 30:1 13 doi: 10 1080/10408 398 2022 2128713

SARS CoV 2 is the vir us that caused the new global pandemic, which has already r e s u l t e d i n m i l l i o n s o f deaths, affecting the world's h e a l t h a n d e c o n o my Probiotics have shown bene-

4 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

f its in a variety of diseases, including respirator y infections, and may be benef icial in the adjunctive treatment of Covid 19 This study analyzed the effectiveness of probiotics as adjunctive treatment in reducing symptoms of patients with Covid 19, through a systematic review with meta analysis.

The EMBASE (Elsevier), Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and Inter national Clinical Trials Registr y Platfor m (ICTRP) were searched through March 16, 2022. The risk ratio (RR) with 95% conf idence inter vals (CIs) was esti mated using a f ixed effect model RoB 2 and ROBINS I were used to assess the risk of bias of the included studies Nine studies were included (7 clinical trials and 2 cohor ts), of which three clinical trials comprised the meta analysis. Results showed that probiotics were associated with a sig nif icant 51% reduction in symptoms repor ted by Covid 19 patients. There was a signif icant improvement in cough, headaches, and diar rhea of patients on probiotic therapy. These f indings suggest that probiotic supplementation is effective in improving symptoms of Covid 19

(Excerpted from a report submitted October 2022, by the Council for Responsible Nutrition)

The following three reports are reprinted from the monthly “Literature Review & Commentary” by Dr Alan R Gaby, MD published in Townsend Letter for Doctors


A meta analysis was conducted on 19 randomized con trolled trials that examined the effect of physical exercise in patients with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impair ment The results demonstrated that exercise improved scores on the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) in both g roups of patients. In the g roup with mild cognitive impair ment, exercise appeared to have a strong effect for those with lower MMSE scores at baseline (lower scores indicate more cognitive impair ment) The effect sizes for physical exercise were similar to those achieved with donepezil (a cholinesterase inhibitor used to treat dementia)

Comment: This meta-analysis found that physical exercise is an effective inter vention for people with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impair ment. Future studies should examine what types of exercise and what level of exercise intensity and frequency are the most effective for preventing and treating these conditions

(Pisani S , et al A meta analysis of randomized controlled trials of physical activ ity in people with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impair ment with a com parison to donezezil Int Jour nal Geriatric Psychiatr y, 2021;36:1471 1487)


The association between meat consumption and risk of developing dementia was examined in the UK Biobank cohor t, which is a population based cohor t study of par tic ipants aged 40 to 69 years in the UK between 2006 and 2010

During a median follow up period of eight years (exclud ing cases that occur red in the f irst year of follow up),

6 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

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among 493,888 par ticipants, 2,896 new cases of all cause dementia were identif ied (1,006 case of Alzheimer’s dis ease, and 490 case of vascular dementia).

Each additional 25 g rams per day intake of processed meat was associated with increased risks of all cause dementia (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.44; p for trend = 0.001). In contrast, a 50 g ram per day increase in unprocessed red meat intake was associated with reduced risks of all cause dementia (HR = 0 70; p for trend less than 0 01) There were no signif icant associations between consumption of unprocessed poultr y or total meat and risk of Alzheimer’s disease or all cause dementia In addition, there were no signif icant associations between meat consumption and risk of vascular dementia

Comment: In this obser vational study, there was an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or any type of dementia with increasing consumption of processed meats. In contrast, consumption of unprocessed meat was associated with decreased risk of developing these condi tions. While obser vational studies cannot prove causation, it is notewor thy that consumption of processed meat has also been associated in other studies with an increased risk of developing colon cancer and Type 2 diabetes and an increased risk of readmission to the hospital in people with chronic obstr uctive pulmonar y disease.

Based on available evidence, it would be pr udent to keep consumption of processed meat such as ham, bacon, sausage, pepperoni, hot dogs, cor ned beef, and canned meat to a minimum Zhang H , et al Meat consumption and risk of incident dementia: cohor t stuidy of 493,888 UK Biobank par ticipants American Jour nal of Clinical Nutrition 2021:114:175 184


Of 61 children under the age of four months who were experiencing rectal bleeding, 58 had a resolution of the bleeding after cow’s milk protein was removed from their diet The median age of onset of rectal bleeding was 21 days, which cor responded to two days after the introduction of cow’s milk protein The children were re challenged with cow’s milk protein a median of 36 days after it had been removed from the diet Eighteen children experienced signif icant and persistent symptoms during the food chal lenge (such as a relapse of rectal bleeding, behavioural changes, diar rhea, or vomiting) and were considered to have cow’s milk protein allergy. Seventy f ive percent of the children acquired tolerance to cow’s milk protein before the age of 10 months

Comment: This study conf ir ms previous studies demon strating that allergy to cow’s milk protein is a common cause of rectal bleeding in infants. The majority of the chil dren developed what the stuidy authors called “tolerance” to cow’s milk protein, in that it no longer triggered the symptoms it had previously caused.

However, practitioners who work with hidden food aller

8 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

gy have found that childhood allergies sometimes resurface later in life, manifesting as conditions such as mig raines, ar thritis, fatigue, asthma, or perennial rhinitis. The symp tom evoking foods in adulthood are often the same ones that caused problems during childhood. That obser vation does not necessarily mean that children who develop toler ance to cow’s milk protein should continue to avoid it However, if new symptoms occur later in life, one should consider the possibility that cow’s milk protein is a con tributing factor.

Lemoine A, et al Rectal bleeding and cow’s milk protein induced procto colitis: A prospective study Clin Exp Allergy 2021;51:1242 1245

(The previous three reports are by Dr Alan Gaby, author of the book Nutritional Medicine, a comprehensive textbook for healthcare professionals Find more information about his book and other writings at:

These reports are reprinted with permission from Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine For information about subscriptions, visit their website: www towsendletter com, email: info@townsendletter com)


The longer this trial of almost 200 patients went on, the more it demonstrated the benef its of g reen tea extract on peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes mellitus.

Abstract: Green tea extract for mild to moderate diabetic peripheral neuropathy A randomized controlled trial Essmat A, Hussein MS. The present study included 194 patients with DPN, randomized into two g roups. Results: At base line and after 4 weeks of treatment, VAS, TCSS and VPT were comparable in the studied g roups However, after 8 weeks of treatment, patients in GTE g roup expressed lower VAS scores, signif icantly lower TCSS scores and signif i cantly lower VPT As treatment continued, the differences between g roups regarding the outcome parameters became more evident at 16 weeks. Conclusions: GTE intake may have a benef icial value in treatment of DPN.

(Excerpted from a report submitted in November 2022, by the Council for Responsible Nutrition)

VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 9 www vitalitymagazine com

Gifts from the Kitchen



a cook, I’m a foodie, and I’m an herb whisperer My life is seasonal and revolves around the only two places I love to be: a kitchen and a garden. I’m in my own garden, or visiting the gardens of others, from spring through sum mer. I’m in my own kitchen, or the kitchens of friends, throughout the fall Winter f inds me writing and testing recipes for the next book project. And through the rhythm of the seasons, my life is connected to family and friends through anniversaries, bir thdays, holiday celebrations and many other gift giving oppor tunities.

So it’s not unusual for me to spread the love with a jar of jam, or toss a playful punch with a tin of homemade Madras Cur r y Blend. There’s something deeply touching about opening a jar of chutney (homemade for heaven’s sake!) or popping the lid on a sweet and sassy chocolate mousse pack a spoon and I bet it’ll be eaten right from the jar before your eyes.

I promise that these special gifts won’t take you long to make And I hope you spend more time having fun thinking of ways to package, label and ador n them; that you express your own inventive creativity and think out of the box or jar or tin. So star t collecting interesting bottles, containers, bags, paper, ties, labels and cards and get into your favourite room to star t your home made gifts with the recipes below.


Mediterranean Pesto (Makes 2 cups)

4 large cloves garlic ½ cup pine nuts or sunflower seeds 3 oz (90 g) hard Italian cheese (Par mesan, Par migiano Reggiano or Pecorino), cut into small cubes

1 cup lightly packed fresh parsley

1 cup lightly packed fresh basil

1 cup lightly packed fresh mint or oregano

2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice ¾ cup olive oil (approx)

Freshly g round sea salt

In the bowl of a food processor or blender, process gar lic using the ‘pulse’ button or an on off technique until coarsely chopped.

Add pine nuts and cheese Process, using the ‘pulse’ but ton or an on off technique until nuts and cheese are coarse ly chopped. Add parsley, basil and mint to the bowl.

Drizzle lemon juice over and process for 30 seconds or just until leaves are coarsely chopped.

With the motor r unning, add oil in a steady stream through the opening in the lid. Keep adding oil and blend ing until the pesto has reached the desired consistency. Stir in salt to taste

Pack into sterilized jars, screw on cap, add your own customized handwritten label, and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

(If this is to be a gift, be sure to write stor age instr uctions on the label )

Lemon Chutney (Makes 4 cups)

8 organic lemons, scr ubbed

2 Tbsp kosher or pickling salt

4 large cloves garlic, minced

1/2 cup dried cur rants

1/2 cup chopped dried apricots

1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 cup organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

F u n a n d H e a l t h y H o m e m a d e G o o d i e s t o S h a r e w i t h F r i e n d s a n d F a m i l y
10 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com
A Home Economist, Culinary Herbalist, and award winning author, Pat Crocker has written 23 herb/healthy cookbooks Homemade Meditteranean Pesto

1 Tbsp freshly g rated ginger root

1 dried cayenne pepper, cr ushed

1 tsp g round cardamom

1 tsp cr ushed coriander

1/2 tsp dried hot red pepper flakes, optional 2 cups + 2 Tbsp packed brown sugar (or use 1 1/2 cups coconut sugar as a lower glycemic alter native)

Using a vegetable peeler, remove the zest from the lemons, being careful not to include the white pith. Using a paring knife, cut away and discard the white pith from around the lemons. Finely chop the zest. Coarsely chop the lemons, discarding the seeds

In a non reactive (glass) bowl, combine the zest, lemons and salt. Cover with a clean cloth and set aside in a cool place over night

In a Maslin pan or large saucepan, combine macerated lemon mixture, garlic, cur rants, apricots, lemon juice, vine gar, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, coriander and hot pepper flakes. Bring to a light simmer over high heat.

Reduce heat to medium and stir in the brown sugar Stir constantly until the sugar is dissolved. Adjust the heat to keep the mixture at a regular simmer and cook, stir ring fre quently for 30 to 45 minutes, or until the mixture becomes thick and mounds on a wooden spoon.

Meanwhile, heat four 1 cup (250 mL) mason jars in boil ing water and scald the lids, lifter, funnel and tongs.

Skim and discard any foam Fill hot jars, leaving a 1/4 inch (0 5 cm) headspace Remove air bubbles and add more hot chutney if necessar y, to leave a 1/4 inch (0.5 cm) head space

Wipe rims, top with flat lids and screw on metal rings. Retur n jars to the hot water bath, topping up with hot water if necessar y Bring to a full rolling boil and process jars for 10 minutes.

Remove the lid of canner (large pot) and wait 5 minutes before removing jars to a towel or rack to cool completely. Check seals, label, and store in a cool place for up to 1 year

VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 11 www vitalitymagazine com
Continued on next page


I found a well stocked Indian g rocer y store on Ger rard Street West in Toronto with an entire wall devoted to spices that are fresh, whole, and most impor tantly, decently priced. I’m sure there are similar spice sellers all across the city, and it’s impor tant that we seek them out and give them our business Always pur chase whole spices from stores t h a t s p e c i a l i z e i n s p i c e s , o r health food stores that have a large spice section Star t out with small quantities so that you always have fresh at hand.

Lemon Chutney makes for a tang y homemade g ift

Madras Curry Spice Blend (Makes ½ cup)

Cur r y is a blend of spices, not one spice, and ever yone has their own secret cur r y combinations, so feel free to experi ment with spices and amounts The heat in the blend below comes from the mustard, peppercor ns, and chiles. Of course, the fresher these spices are, the hotter they will be If you like the flavour but not the heat, reduce the amounts of those spices in this blend.

You will need two small, dark glass jars (1/4 cup capaci ty), plus lids and labels.

2 Tbsp fenug reek seeds (see Recipe Note)

2 Tbsp coriander seeds

1 Tbsp allspice ber ries

1 Tbsp mustard seeds

1 tsp peppercor ns

1 stick (4 inches) cinnamon, cr ushed

10 cardamom pods 5 dried chiles

2 Tbsp g round tur meric

In a small skillet or spice wok combine fenug reek, coriander, allspice, mustard, peppercor ns, cinnamon, car damom and chiles.

Toast spices over medium heat, stir ring frequently for 3 to 4 minutes, or until lightly coloured and frag rant. Remove from heat just as the seeds begin to pop Do not let the spices smoke and bur n Let cool

In a mor tar (using a pestle) or small electric g rinder, pound or g rind toasted spices until coarse or f inely g round Transfer to a bowl and mix in tur meric. Transfer to jars, add cap, apply label, and store the blend in a cool place for up to 3 months

Recipe Note: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum), a plant in the legume family, is the one spice closely associ ated with the flavour of curry, so it is almost always includ ed in curry blends

12 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

Chocolate Apple Mousse


Rich tasting, but not loaded with fat, this conser ve makes a sweet tar t chocolate sauce and topping for all sor ts of desser ts The keys to this textural delight: star t with cooking apples, cook them until they are soft, and purée them in a food processor or blender until silky smooth In the absence of a food processor, either a f ine sieve or a food mill will work for this pur pose You can double the recipe, but be sure to use a ver y deep and heavy bottomed pot because, when the puréed mixture is retur ned to the pan, it will spit when it bubbles

I’ve included directions for water bath canning the jars, the safest way to store this condiment You can use clean, sterilized jars and keep the mousse in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 weeks before giving away Be sure to instr uct recipi ents to “Store in the refrigerator and use within 2 weeks,” if you do not use the Water Bath technique to preser ve them (Makes 3 1/2 cups)

1 lemon

6 cups chopped apple (about 2 lb/1 kg)

3 cups g ranulated sugar (or use 2 cups coconut sugar as a lower glycemic alter native)

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Juice lemons and g rate the rind of one half In a Maslin* pan or canning kettle, combine lemon juice, lemon rind and apples Stir well to coat the apples with the lemon juice

In a bowl, combine sugar, cocoa powder and salt. Stir into apples and bring to a boil over medium heat, stir ring constantly Lower the heat and simmer gently, stir ring fre quently for 20 to 30 minutes or until apples are soft. Using a food processor and working in one or two batches, purée the apple mixture until smooth.

Meanwhile, heat four 1 cup mason jars in boiling water and scald the lids, lifter, funnel and tongs

Retur n the purée to a clean Maslin pan or canning kettle. Add vanilla and bring to a light boil over medium heat, stir ring constantly. Cook the mixture, stir ring constantly for 15 minutes, or until mixture thickens enough to mound on a wooden spoon

Fill the hot jars with the mixture, leaving a 1/4 inch headspace Run a thin, non metallic utensil around the inside of the jar to allow air to escape. Add more hot con ser ve, if necessar y, in order to leave a 1/4 inch headspace Wipe rims, top with flat lids and screw on metal rings Retur n the f illed jars to hot water bath, topping up with hot water if necessar y Bring to a full rolling boil and process jars for 15 minutes. Remove canner lid and wait 5 minutes

www vitalitymagazine com 14 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023
Chocolate Apple Mousse

before removing jars to a towel or rack to cool completely. Check seals, label and store in a cool place for up to 1 year

* A Maslin pan is a stainless steel, heavy bottomed can ning pan that is nar row at the base and wider at the top (to encourage surface evaporation) Alter nately, any heavy bot tomed pan large enough to hold 6 8 litres of liquid will suff ice

To Sterilize Jars: Stand jars up in a canner or stock pot Fill the pot with enough water to cover the jars by 1 inch. Bring the water to a full rolling boil Cover the pan and boil for 15 minutes. Remove lid and let the pot stand for 5 min utes before removing jars Remove and f ill one jar at a time and cap before f illing the next jar

To Scald Lids: Place rings and flat lid pieces in a pan. Bring a kettle of water to the boil and pour over lid pieces Set aside until lids are required. Use tongs to remove lids from the hot water

Polynesian Spice Blend (Makes ½ cup)

I use cinnamon as a sweet flavouring in both sweet and savour y dishes It impar ts an aromatic ‘Island’ taste to dish es My favourite g round, or stick, cinnamon is premium Vietnamese, but Cinnamomum zeylanicum is a close sec ond Both are much sweeter (with a pure, never bitter, cin namon flavour) than the common Cinnamomum cassia, which is the cinnamon most often found in super markets

For this recipe you will need two small dark glass jars (1/4 cup capacity), plus lids and labels.

¼ cup toasted coconut flakes

¼ cup coconut sugar cr ystals

1 Tbsp g round cinnamon

1 tsp g round allspice

1 tsp sea salt

½ tsp g round cloves

In a mor tar (using a pestle) or small electric g rinder, pound or g rind toasted coconut until coarse or f inely g round Transfer to a bowl and add coconut sugar, cinna mon, allspice, salt and cloves. Mix well and transfer to a jar.

Cap, label and store in a cool place for up to 3 months

(To view a recipe for Tandoori Spice Blend, see extended version of this article posted at www vitalitymagazine com)

Author bio: Pat Crocker has a pantry filled with preserves and exotic salts and spice blends for g ifts Her mission in life is to write with insight and experience, cook with play ful abandon, and eat whole food with gusto As a professional Home Economist (BA A, Ryerson U , Toronto) and Culinary Herbalist, Pat’s passion for healthy food is fused with her knowledge and love of herbs An award winning author, Pat has written 23 h e r b / h e a l t h y c o o k b o o k s , i n c l u d i n g T h e H e a l i n g H e r b s Cookb ook,The Juicing Bible, and her latest books, Cooking with Cannabis and The Herbalist’s Kitchen Visit her website at www patcrocker com

VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 15 www vitalitymagazine com

Do-It-Yourself Emergency Medicine: 11 Conditions You Can Treat at Home

The Ontario College of Family Physicians estimates that about 3 million people in Ontario will not have a family doctor by 2025. The Covid pandemic certainly has had an impact on this As well, aging physicians are increasingly retiring or dying at an accelerated pace, leaving many people without doctors The death rate of younger physicians in their 40s and 50s has also increased. People are then forced to use emergency rooms for both acute and chronic care

Are there simple strategies that you can safely adopt to avoid crowding the emergency rooms? This ar ticle is by no means comprehensive enough to suggest that you can avoid contact with a physician altogether, but at the ver y least it provides infor mation that allows you to take some control over various health challenges at home Of course, for serious traumas like car accidents you will need to go to the emergency room, but it’s best to have a good f irst aid kit handy in your home and car to at least stop bleeding


In ter ms of preventing allergies, avoid triggers like sugar, wheat, and dair y products as much as possible until symptoms clear and you feel stable


First and second deg ree bur ns respond nicely to pure aloe vera gel and topical vitamin E applied to the bur ned area Hydrogen peroxide can also be applied to keep the wound free of infection if needed, but is more applicable to cuts and abrasions.

(Hydrogen peroxide sprayed on cuts, scrapes, and cat scratches works quickly to kill bacteria and keep the wound disinfected as it heals )


Chest pain is a common cause of emergency room visits the main concer n here is hear t damage from a hear t attack If you cannot make it to the hospital in a reasonable amount of time, then it has often been rec ommended to take some ASA immediately to both reduce pain and prevent obstr uction of the ar teries with blood clots.

If the pain is due to acid reflux, then baking soda in hot water can also reduce chest pain by offsetting acidity (recommended dosage: 1/2 tsp soda dissolved in 4 oz glass of water) If the pain is due to intestinal gas, poor circulation, or excess blood clotting, then cayenne pepper may be appro priate; cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which has strong anti inflammator y proper ties and can help relieve chest pain. You can get this in capsules or a powder that can be mixed with fr uit juice

If the chest pain persists despite these emer gency measures then def initely consult a doctor.


As an emergency solu tion for constipation, one can use high dose vitamin C along with magnesium citrate

Aside from antihistamines, steroids, the Epi pen, and OTC decongestants, there are non dr ug alter natives that can both prevent and treat allergic reactions These include high dose vitamin C (6,000 mg or more to bowel tolerance i e until you get diar rhea) daily. Also effective are quercetin (3,000 mg daily) and stinging nettle tea or tincture

Respirator y syncytial vir us (RSV) is a common childhood vir us cur rently being blamed for the surge in pediatric emergency room visits across Canada Symptoms are similar to the com mon cold and include coughing, fever, r unny nose, and a loss of appetite and energy Testing can distinguish it from Covid 19 and the seasonal ‘flu. More serious cases involve dehydration and a need for intravenous fluids

Of course, like all viral illnesses including Covid 19, RSV can lead to superimposed bacterial infections like pneumonia and the need for antibi otics. It’s therefore ver y impor tant to treat the symptoms early to prevent the need for emergency room visits

Most of the cold and influenza remedies listed in my recent ar ticle on the subject [1] can be used for both preven tion and treatment Remedies that are most effective for a

16 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

sore throat and cough include echinacea tincture, manuka honey, oil of oregano, high dose vitamin D3/K2, C, NAC, cod liver oil, and zinc lozenges Astragalus and probiotics are also impor tant

As well, St. John’s wor t, goldenseal, berberine, colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, ginseng, pau d’arco and garlic are all good natural antibiotics and immune boosters. Keep these stocked in your home medicine cabinet and take as directed by a knowledgeable health professional or follow directions on the label.


Believe it or not, many people have gone to the emergency room to get help for constipation when laxatives were unsuccessful. Aside from obvious dietar y changes that involve drinking more water* and eating a high f ibre diet, one can also use high dose vitamin C to bowel tolerance (5,000 to 10,000 mg per day) and magnesium citrate (1,000 mg or more daily until bowels move well) in powder or cap sule for m.

The main side effect of high doses of vitamin C and mag nesium is diar rhea so just increase the dose to bowel toler ance (diar rhea level) and then lower the dosage until bowels move easily For the real stubbor n constipation cases, high doses of pantothenic acid (5,000 mg in a powdered for m mixed with fr uit juice) added to the vitamin C and magne

V 2 / 2023 17 www vitalitymagazine com Certified Organic Wild Mediterranean A Medicine Chest In A Bottle® Did you know? Oregano is derived from two Greek words: Óros – gános meaning “Joy of the Mountains” Certi ed Organic, Sustainably Harvested Wild Mediterranean Origanum Minuti orum Highest Carvacrol Potency Available A Family Owned Canadian Business Celebrating 20+ Years Oregano Is All We Do! Winner of 20 Gold Awards BEST PRODUCT

sium citrate can be effective

(Editor’s note: Adding a tea spoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to a glass of water, and sipping throughout the day, is helpful for relieving bowel stagnation. And adding kef ir to the diet (made from dairy or coconut milk) is an excellent source of probiotic bacteria that helps restore bowel regularity )


Diar rhea is something that can be caused by infections, food allergies (e.g. dair y and gluten), or by stress and anxiety If you haven’t deter mined the cause or cannot reach a doctor and have tried Pepto Bismol, Immodium, and/or electrolytes without success, then consider some natural alter natives These include plain calcium citrate in high doses (2,000 mg), pancreatic diges tive enzymes, and a good probiotic supplement If you sus pect parasites, tr y a combination of ar temisia annua (wor m wood), black walnut, garlic and cloves to eradicate them

In cases of suspected food poisoning, one can use activat ed charcoal capsules to bind and eliminate bowel toxins, so have these handy in case you are prone to gastrointestinal problems.


What about fever? According to Dr Christopher Vesey, ND, author of The Healing Power of Fever, “Contrar y to popular belief, a fever is not a symptom to be treated but a sign of a healthy, functioning immune system naturally working to heal the body. The rise in body temperature is caused by the intensif ication of effor ts by the body’s defenses as they f ight microbes and purify the inter nal ter rain. Lowering a fever through the use of dr ugs counters the body’s ability to f ight illness, infection, or poisoning and can g reatly lengthen recover y time.”

Fever is therefore the body’s way of f ighting an invading microbe, so suppressing it quickly with dr ugs prevents the immune system from adequately f ighting the illness Instead, some of the natural remedies you could use that suppor t the immune system include bone broth (e.g. chick en soup), apple cider vinegar, tur meric, oregano oil, tepid sponge baths, vitamin C, and echinacea tincture or tea. Hydration is ver y impor tant in f ighting high fevers and the child should be encouraged to drink water at least hourly

According to the Mayo Clinic, “A temperature up to 102 F (38 9 C) taken rectally for children ages 2 3, or taken oral ly for children older than 3, does not require medication.”

For temperatures above 102F, Mayo recommends Tylenol or Advil In these severe circumstances one can use Tylenol alter nating with Advil ever y 2 hours until the temperature goes well below 102F (38 9 C)

18 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com
thhe P our H HigherCons Higher Self sciousness ca
Oregano is a strong antiviral and antibac terial herb recom mended for colds and influenza
ree E Ebook Access

If the fever fails to come down and keeps rising, or if more serious complications arise (e.g. convulsions or other neurological signs) then hospitalization is likely required


Headache, muscle pains, and joint pains (especially if they are chronic but respond poorly to ASA, acetaminophen or ibuprofen) can also be helped by natural remedies These include cannabis, high dose echinacea, ginger, curcumin from tur meric, enzymes like ser rapeptase taken on an empty stomach, as well as pancreatic enzymes also on an empty stomach. There are several more of these natural pain reme dies discussed in my previous Vitality magazine ar ticles on the subject.[2]

Topical emergency pain remedies include DMSO gel and homeopathic Ar nica cream or pellets that are especially effective after spor ts injuries, sprains, strains and other acci dents DMSO is a plant derived solvent that allows whatev er herb or mineral you place or r ub in on top of it to pene trate deep into tissues and reverse inflammation as well as enhance healing DMSO breaks down into methyl sufonyl methane (MSM) which can be taken in high doses orally (6,000 12,000 mg daily) to reduce pain, swelling and chronic inflammation. Many people use this successfully for ar thritis relief


I’m not predicting that an atom bomb will fall anywhere near where you live, but global geopolitics is making nuclear war more likely these days Miso soup is one of several dietar y tools known to help clear radiation from the body. According to Naturopath Suzanne Bar tolini: “Miso soup was used as the primar y antidote for the effects of radiation poisoning after the Hiroshima bombing. A 1990 Hiroshima University study concluded that people who reg ularly consume miso soup may be up to f ive times more resistant to radiation poisoning than people who do not.”[3]

Fur ther more, one can be exposed to radiation while being a passenger on a jet or getting X rays, especially CT scans and other types of medical ir radiation Whether exposure is from nuclear war or ever yday medical procedures, a good antidote is potassium iodide. I usually recommend using 12 5 mg daily for at least a month after exposure, as well as a good B complex vitamin containing some niacin and niacinamide.

In ter ms of prevention, one can consume more sea veg etables daily such as kelp and dulse because their iodine content helps to protect the thyroid from radiation


N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that dissolves mucous and can help clear out nasal and sinus phlegm. Together with high doses of vitamin C, it often clears both sinusitis and bronchitis without antibiotics. If the sinus

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symptoms are triggered by seasonal allergies, one can also use stinging nettle tea or tincture and quercetin as a supple ment to offset symptoms

Other benef its of NAC include liver protection from dr ug overdoses (especially acetaminophen). NAC also boosts the body’s own production of glutathione, a major antioxidant that protects all our cells from damage.


Clove oil applied topically to the gums and teeth offers effective shor t-ter m relief from toothaches If you also take extra vitamin C (2,000 5,000 mg per day), this will help to keep the tooth infection under control until you can get to a dentist

Echinacea tincture applied topically, along with the clove oil, as well as CBD oil which can be swallowed from cannabis or hemp, are quite effective as alter natives to anal gesics including narcotics

A Note About Chronic Conditions

Different types of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and hear t rhythm abnor malities can be monitored at home on a regular basis, potentially saving one from a need to visit the emergency rooms Glucometers can be checked regularly for blood sugar monitoring, and one can also measure the blood pressure at home with a variety of electronic gadgets available from most phar macies. There are even now available applications that connect to a smar t phone that can monitor for a ver y common hear t rhythm dis turbance known as atrial f ibrillation.


Of course, there are many other health issues that have not been addressed here, but I think I’ve covered the major areas of concer n that drive people to the emergency rooms. If you wish to send in your questions regarding issues I haven’t covered, or wish to add your own DIY emergency medicine strategies, please post them in the comments section in the extended version of this ar ticle posted on Vitality’s website at:


• One in 5 Ontarians Could Be Without a Family Doctor by 2025: https://www ontariofamilyphysicians ca/news features/family medicine news/~260 1 in 5 Ontarians could be without a family doctor by 2025

• 28 OTC Medications: https://www primalsurvivor net/otc medications emergency/

• Young doctors are dying at a rate 12X higher: https://stevekirsch sub stack com/p/doctors in canada are dying at a

• Children’s Hospitals in Canada Overwhelmed: https://www theep o c h t i m e s c o m / c h i l d r e n s h o s p i t a l s a c r o s s c a n a d a r e p o r t b e i n g o v e r whelmed by kids with respiratory infections

• Natural remedies for fever: https://www naturalfoodseries com/11 natural home remedies fever/

• [ 1 ] B o o s t Yo u r D e f e n s e s A g a i n s t t h e F l u : https://vitalitymagazine com/article/boost defences flu/

WHOLE BODY E OF MEDICAL TH A NEW GE THERMO HERMOGRAPHY ENERA OGRAPHY $399 DIGESTIVE DISORDERS INFLAMMATION A ADRENAL/THYROID ISSUES TH TE HEAL A MEN’S PROST TH FEMALE BREAST HEAL Price includes complimentary ½ hour appointment with a with your healthcare professional. toxins are held and possible infections. Report can be shared Detailed Report – see where your body is stressed, where TH AL HEAL DENT CHRONIC INFECTIONS TTERN YME PAAT L LYME PA TH BRAIN HEAL LIVER/KIDNEY FUNCTION Naturopathic Doctor to review your results. 2906 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON 416-236-3444 20 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

https://vitalitymagazine com/ar ticle/top 20 favourite cures pain effec tive non drug strategies/

• [3] Protect Your Body from Radiation Damage with Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements https://vitalitymagazine com/article/radiation/ • Cayenne Pepper benefits: https://heartcareimaging com/cayenne pepper benefits your gut heart beyond/ • Radioprotective effects of miso explained: https://www.natural n e w

vivors html • Let Fever Do Its Job The meaning of fever in the pandemic era: https://www ncbi nlm nih gov/pmc/ar ticles/P MC7717216/

Fever/Christopher Vasey/9781594774379 * Mayo Clinic, Quick Guide to Treating a Fever: https://www mayoclin ic org/diseases conditions/fever/in depth/fever/ART 20050997?p=1

Zoltan P. Rona, M D, M Sc, offers consultations on nutrition and natural remedies in Thornhill He has recently retired from medical practice as a Complementary and Alternative medical practitioner and now strictly offers nutritional consultations He is the medical editor of The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing and has also pub lished several Canadian bestselling books, including Vitamin D, The Sunshine Vitamin To see more of Dr Rona’s ar ticles, visit: www highlevelwellness ca and for appointments, please call (905) 764 8700; office located at: 390 Steeles Ave W , Unit 19, Thornhill, Ontario

• [ 2 ] M y To p 20 Fa v o u r i t e C u r e s f o r Pa i n :
9 m i s o r a d i o p r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t s h i r o s
C h r i s t o p h e r Va s e y, N D , Th e H e a l i n g Po w e r o f Fe v e r : h t t p s : / / w w w s i m o n a n d s c h u s t e r c o m / b o o k s / Th e H e a l i n g Po w e r o f
s c o m / 0 4 976
h i m a s u r
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A n x i e t y i s u n c o m f o r t able The person is caught in a physical response that feels uncontrollable; sweat i n g , s t u t t e r i n g , wo r r y i n g , obsessing, sometimes hear t palpitations, faster breath ing, panicky feelings, lost feelings, clinginess, para noia and more Logic has a hard time sur passing these anxiety patter ns. The brain has developed thick neural pathways that reflect this type of mental/ emotional/ physical trauma response.

If the patter ns for anxiety ex i s t i n a p e r s o n , i t i s impor tant to cope with this s t a t e w i t h a va r i e t y o f strategies so that quality of life is not diminished alto gether Also, the immune system of those who have anxiety can become com promised, so taming this seeming giant is so cr ucial.

Ten Powerful Tools to Help You Cope with Anxiety

1) Deep, slow and con scious breathing is by far the simplest, cheapest and most effective tool that can quickly move the person to s t i m u l a t e t h e r e l a x a t i o n response and thus the p a r a s y m p a t h e t i c n e r vo u s system when in a height e n e d s t a t e o f b e i n g . B r e a t h i n g c a n b eg i n t h e slow but sure jour ney of b u i l d i n g t h e r e l a x a t i o n neural pathways that are cr ucial to inter r upting the anxiety auto response

Getting used to catching oneself at the beginning of an anxiety state and then consciously and deliberate ly slowing down the breathing will decelerate the hear t beat and mind. This will then gently shift the focus

VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 23 www vitalitymagazine com

Notice your internal running commentary

Are you constantly focusing on worst case scenarios?

back to a safe space. There are many breathing tech niques, but a simple one to slow down the breathing is to slowly breathe in to a count of three and out to a c o u n t o f t h r e e . S l ow ly increase the count to four in and four out, and f ive in and f ive out, etc

2) Positive and relaxing visualizations capitalize on the fact that the brain does not seem to differentiate between real or perceived events Creating a peaceful place in nature in one’s mind such as a beach, a mountain or water fall, and focusing on it regularly in g reat detail, can be effective in calming anxiety if done habitually. The bio chemistr y of relaxation will ensue

I often spend time in my off ice facilitating the creation of this safe, peaceful space in g reat sensor y specif ic details with my clients so that they can use the visual often when feeling anxious. This is a muscle that needs to be worked and practised in order to stay useful and to facilitate the creation of these par ticularly impor tant neural pathways that calm the wor r y centre down.

3) Create an Anxiety Thought Log, recording thoughts and processing events that create anxiety on a sheet of paper or in a jour nal When a situation occurs that brings on anxiety, begin to breathe in a slow way and sit down somewhere quiet as soon as possible. Begin to ask yourself a variety of questions:

A) What is the situation? Who are you with? Where are you? When did it happen?

B) What is the mood and what are all the feelings that are present during the event Write a list down of all the feel ings you are experiencing associated with the situation causing anxiety Then rate each feeling one to 10 on how intense each feeling is (increasing in intensity as the num ber increases).

C) What was going through my mind just before I star t ed to feel anxious? What am I afraid of ? What is the worst thing that I am wor ried about in this situation? What words, pictures or memories come up for me as I think of this situation?

D) What is the evidence that you have to suppor t the wor r y and fear thoughts? Avoid inter preting other people’s thoughts. You are not a mind reader.

E) What is the evidence that does not suppor t the wor r y and fear thoughts? Use logic and reality based thinking as much as possible

F) Find other more balanced thoughts about the situa tion. For each negative, fearful thought you discover in the log, circle it and create a separate page that consists of the opposite, more balanced and empowered thought

G) Rate your mood and feelings again after the thought

24 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

log process. Tune in to the new feeling state that is coming about. Rate the feelings one to 10 once again.

4) Separate what you have control over and what you do not. You do not have control over outcomes and over other people’s reactions and actions. You do have control over your own thoughts, feelings and perspectives on life.

5) Don’t overwhelm yourself . Deal with one thing at a time. Keep life simple. Know your limitations and don’t take on more than you can handle.

6) Take supplements to assist the brain chemistry. Essential Fatty Acids are a natural mood booster and have a calming effect (at least 4,000 mg of EPA and DHA com bined). A good vitamin B complex (100 mg per B) helps to suppor t the exhausted adrenal glands Vitamin D (at least 2,000 IUs) is proven to elevate mood and disposition Take 5Htp t his is the feel good amino acid precursor to sero tonin (100 to 200 mg in the mor ning).

7) Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins and thus plays an impor tant role in feeling good about life It helps to maintain calmness and is a good stress reliever.

8) Become aware of your present moment. Notice your inter nal r unning commentar y Are you constantly focusing on worst case scenarios? Begin encouraging yourself to create a constant positive r unning commentar y about life in general. Notice your inner thinking while doing mundane activities Aff ir m that “Ever ything is working out better that you expect ”

9) Don’t rush. Leave time for yourself when going out. Being in a r ushed state will often trigger anxiety

10) Get in touch with the child within you Parent him or her as you wish you had been treated. Give your inner child what it needs: love, acceptance, relaxation, respect, empower ment, nur turing, good choices, safety and uncon ditionality

All of these strategies have the potential, if used regular ly and diligently, to change lives Remember new neural pathways are the key They need repetition to be created Once the new pathways are developed, the auto response to triggers begins to shift. The process becomes easier in time.

Vi c t o r i a L o r i e n t Fa i b i s h M E d , R P, CCC , B C P P, R P E i s a R e l a t i o n s h i p E x p e r t , R e g i s t e r e d P s y c h o t h e r a p i s t , H o l i s t i c Psychotherapist, Life Coach, author, speaker Her other book is entitled Find Your Self Culture: Moving Past D epression and Anxiety to Monumental Self Acceptance. For appointments and more info, (416) 916 6066, visit www visualizationworks com

VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 25 www vitalitymagazine com


E ve r y d ay, D a n c i n g w i t h Pa r k i n s o n ’s ( DW P ) b r i n g s p e o p l e l iv i n g w i t h Pa r k i n s o n ’s d i s e a s e , a n d seniors who want to exercise, out of isolation and into an a r t i s t i c c o m m u n i t y wh e r e they can dance and connect with others, both online and in person in Toronto.

DWP provides free evi dence based dance classes and ar tistic experiences that enrich the lives of people w i t h Pa r k i n s o n ’s d i s e a s e , other seniors who want to stay connected and active, as well as care par tners, fami lies and friends.

DWP offers 365 days of free in person and vir tual prog ramming oppor tunities, in an effor t to break down bar riers to access, providing s e n i o r s o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r physical activity and social c o n n e c t i o n i n a n a r t i s t i c , inclusive and joyful setting Vir tual Classes: ● S e n i o rs D a i ly D a n c e C o n n e c t : ( Fr e e ) 1 1 : 0 0 11:30 am (Online via Zoom)

T h i s s e a t e d d a n c e a n d movement prog ram is open

to those living with PD and all other seniors Care par t ners are welcome, but not required. Register: https:// w w w d a n c i n g w i t h p a r k i n sons com/free classes

In Person Classes:

● DWP In Studio Dance Class (Bloor/Spadina): Free on Mondays 12:45 1:45 pm at Trinity St. Paul Centre: 4 2 7 B l o o r S t r e e t We s t , Toronto

Specif ically designed for p e o p l e l iv i n g w i t h Pa r k i n s o n ’s D i s e a s e ( P D ) and based on the Dance for PD method, this class begins seated, moves to standing b e h i n d a c h a i r, a n d t h e n throughout the dance space Open to people living with PD of all abilities. Walkers and wheelchairs welcome;

care par tners welcome, but n o t r e q u i r e d R eg i s t e r : h t t p s : / / w w w. d a n c i n g w i t h for in person class

● DWP In Studio Dance C l a s s ( B r o a d v i ew / D a n for th): Free, on Wednesdays 3 : 3 0 4 : 3 0 p m a t 7 2 1 Broadview Avenue, Toronto (lower level)

O ff e r e d i n p a r t n e r s h i p with the Woodg reen Seniors’ Active Living Centre, this class is open to seniors of all abilities, as well as those w i t h Pa r k i n s o n ’s D i s e a s e Register: https://www.danc ister for woodg reen class

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l : (647) 217 9252, or email: i n f o @ d a n c i n g w i t h p a r k i n sons com


This is a healing based pro g ram for before, during, and after menopause. It teaches women to take control of their health through easy to lear n breathing techniques a n d g e n t l e m ove m e n t s which create life force, in order to ease discomfor t, pain, mood swings, sweat ing, and ir ritations.

The goal is to reduce the intensity of any uncomfor t able feelings that come with hor monal imbalance, flush out the bad energies of the body, and bring in a healing energy Chi (or Qi)

Master Teresa developed this prog ram over the last decade as a woman who has ove r c o m e h e r ow n m e n o p a u s a l a n d p o s t menopausal discomfor ts and i s s u e s t h r o u g h Q i G o n g practice, all the while living a full and joyful life.

J o i n C h i G o n g : T h e N a t u ra l M e n o p a u s e S o l u tion™ and star t your discov er y jour ney to healing today.

The Five Modules Self Study Course was created from over two decades of

26 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com C O M M U N I T Y N E W S
Master Teresa Yeung is offering a Chi Gong program to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause Free dance classes for seniors and those living with Parkinson’s are offered online and in person

ex p e r i e n c e i n C h i G o n g , w i t h a f o c u s o n h o l i s t i c healing from the head to the toes, from the mind to the hear t Each module of Chi G o n g T h e N a t u r a l Menopause Solution focus es on a different aspect of h e a l i n g , w i t h c u s t o m i z e d C h i G o n g p r a c t i c e , t r a n s c r i p t s , wo r k s h e e t s a n d action items

Book a free consultation with Master Teresa online: master teresa yeung/


T h e G u e l p h O rga n i c C o n f e r e n c e , C a n a d a ’s l o n g e s t r u n n i n g o rga n i c m a r ke t i n g eve n t “ wh e r e f a r m e r s a n d c o n s u m e r s meet”, will be retur ning in 2023 for a hybrid in person and online event, now host ed by the Organic Council of Ontario (OCO)

Online prog ramming will take place from Januar y 23 2 7 , a n d t h e i r i n p e r s o n wo r k s h o p s a n d o rga n i c trade show will take place on Januar y 28 and 29 at the University of Guelph.

To view the prog ram of speakers and exhibitors, or to become a vendor, spon sor, or attendee, visit: https: //




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VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 27 www vitalitymagazine com

Traditional Chinese Herbs & Acupuncture for IBS and Colitis

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is also refer red to as spastic colon, ner vous bowel, or ir ritable colon. This condition is caused by excessive spasms of the large intestine. It is more com mon than colitis and probably the most frequent abdominal complaint brought to the attention of doctors In the U S , as many as one in f ive adults has the symptoms of Ir ritable Bowel Syndrome.

Colitis, on the other hand, is a disorder characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the colon Sometimes the entire length of the large intestine is involved This condition can frequently prog ress to ulcerative colitis

Making the Diagnosis

nied by severe abdominal cramping and pain, weight loss, anemia, and a loss of appetite. The disease usually begins in the rectum and lower por tion of the colon; in time the entire colon may be involved

Ulcerative colitis can be readily diagnosed by sigmoi doscopy as well as a barium enema and X ray study (These diagnostic tools are not suitable when an acute flare up is involved.) Examinations can also reveal that some cases of colitis arise from infectious diseases such as amoebiasis, or bacteria from food poisoning such as salmonellosis, or other unknown bacteria or vir uses

Hemor rhage is the most common complication of ulcerative colitis. Sometimes it can lead to severe infec tion, therefore requiring immediate surger y.

Causes of IBS and Colitis

From the Wester n medical standpoint there is no clear explanation of what causes intestinal inflammation, although there is recognition of contributing factors such as allergic response to cer tain foods or drinks, emotional distress, wrong diet, or heavy cigarette smoking. Any of these can contribute to the ir ritation of the intestinal tract. Some scholars believe the root cause to be an autoim mune disorder, and I tend to ag ree

As a side note, colon cancer tends to occur more frequently in patients with ulcerative colitis, espe cially in those who have had colitis since child hood.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theor y, IBS and colitis are categorized by a few different ter ms such as: 1) “Chi Bai Li” dysenter y; 2) middle bur ner disorder; 3) f ire stagnation in large intestine.

Mild to moderate IBS and colitis can be treated with the use of a special diet, along with Chinese herbs and acupuncture targeted to each individual

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosis of IBS is often based on a review of the symptoms and a process of elim ination of other disorders The major symptoms include abdominal cramping, excess of gas, bloating, diar rhea and/or constipation It is impor tant to note that a barium x ray, sigmoidoscopic examination, or colonoscopy can sometimes produce similar symptoms.

Colitis This disorder can be caused by several inflam mator y bowel conditions The main def ining symptom is diar rhea containing mucous with blood, often accompa-

Because TCM is based on a different theoretical model than Wester n medicine, I often think of it as ‘Macro Cor relation Concept’ TCM diagnosis is based on ‘Patter n Identif ication’, rather than the Wester n medical label for a disease.

In my 40 years of clinical experience, I have obser ved that most patients suffer from more than one disease at the same time For example, if a person comes to my clinic complaining of IBS or colitis symptoms, fur ther investi gation may reveal that he also suffers from other medical problems such as low sper m count, depression, anxiety, hiatal her nia, thyroid disease, or other problems.

According to TCM theor y, any diseases occur ring in the large intestine will have a connection with problems in the

28 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

lungs Grief is the emotion that is associated with the lungs, and I do f ind that many people who have longstanding g rief, or have had parents with persistent g rief, these people are at higher risk of developing IBS or colitis

Treatment of Common Syndromes

1) Hyperactivity of the “Liver Fire” and Insuff iciency of the Spleen (often induced by negative emotions)

Signs and Symptoms: This condition manifests as abdominal pain before diar rhea; after that the pain is decreased, or relieved, accompanied by distention and pain, epigastric fullness, and inability to eat.

TCM Tongue Observation: Typically there is a white coating on the tongue; it can be thin or thick (especially for someone who has a thick body). Pulse: thready and taut.

TCM Treatment Principle: This involves checking hyper function of the “Liver f ire” and strengthening the spleen

T C M C h i n e s e h e r b a l fo r m u l a : P r e s c r i p t i o n o f Impor tance for Diar rhea with pain: Radix Paeoniae Alba 15 g ram

Rhizoma Atractylodis Macroce Phalae 15 g ram

Radix Ledebouriellae 10 g ram

Pericar pium Citri Reticulatae 10 g ram

Radix Bupleuri 10 g ram Semen Coicis 15 g ram Semen Dolichoris 12 g ram Fr uctus Crataegi 12 g ram A c u p u n c t u re t re a t m e n t : A p p ly r e d u c e m e t h o d t o

VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 29 www vitalitymagazine com

acupuncture point Neiting (St 44), Xingglian (Liv 2), Jinsue (Du 8) Apply reinforce method to acupuncture point:Taihai (Sp 3), Shangwan (Ren 13), Pishu (U B 20)

2) Downward Flow of Damp heat Symptoms: Fever, abdominal pain, diar rhea, bur ning sensation in the anus, bloody and/or pur ulent stool with mucous.

TCM Tongue Observation: Yellow, thick, g reasy fur. Pulse: Rolling and rapid TCM Treatment Principle: Clearing away pathogenic heat and dampness

TCM Chinese Herbal formula: Decoction of Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis with additional ing redients: Radix Scutellariae 10 g ram; Rhizoma Coptidis 10 g r m Flos Lonicerae 30 g ram; Radix Pulsatillae 15 g ram Semen Plantaginis 10 g ram; Radix Aurantii 10 g ram A c u p u n c t u re t re a t m e n t : A p p ly r e d u c e m e t h o d t o acupuncture point: Yinlingquan (Sp 9), Hegu (L I 4), Tainshu (St 25), Dachangshu (U B 25)

3) Insuff iciency of the Spleen and Stomach Signs and Symptoms: Gassy diar rhea with undigested food in the stool, stuff iness in the abdomen, fatigue, anorexia.

TCM Tongue Observation: Pale colour with whitish fur

Pulse: Deep and weak

TCM Treatment Principle: Apply reinforcing method to spleen and stomach.

TCM Chinese formula Modif ied Power of Ginseng, Poris and Bighead Astractylodes: Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 15 g ram Semen Coisis 15 g r m Semen Nelumbinis 12 g ram Rhizoma Dioscoreae 12 g ram Rhizoma Astractylodis Macroce phalae 12 g ram Pericar pium Citri Reticulatae 10 g ram Radix Glycyr rhizae Praeparata 6 g ram

Acupuncture treatment: Apply reinforce method with Moxibustion to Zhongwan (Ren 12), Qihai (Ren 6).

4) Insuff iciency of the Spleen and Kidney Yang Signs and Symptoms: Early mor ning diar rhea, cold limbs, sore ness and weakness of the loins, paleness

TCM Tongue Observation: pale and tender; whitish fur coating. Pulse: Deep, thready and weak.

TCM Treatment Principle: War ming and tonifying the spleen and kidney yang.

TCM Chinese herbal formula: Four Miraculous Dr ugs with additional ing redients:

Fr uctus Psoraleae 10 g ram Semen Myristicae 10 g ram

Fr uctus Schisandrae 10 g ram Fr uctus Evodiae 10 g ram

Radix Aconiti Praeparata 10 g ram

Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 12 g ram

Rhizoma Atractylodis Macroe phalae 12 g ram

Halloysitum Rubr um 30 g ram

Radix Glycyr rhizae Praeparata 6 g ram

30 VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 www vitalitymagazine com

Acupuncture treatment: Apply reinforce method with moxibustion to acupuncture point: Shenshu (U B 23), Mingmen Du 4), TaiXi (K 3 ). Guanyan (Ren 4 , Baihui (Du 20 ), Baihui (U.B 20), Taixi (K3), Zhongwan (Ren 12). Zhangmen (Liv. 13 ) Note: This is the Eight Influential points dominating the Zang organs

In Summary

This is a diff icult disease to treat so I often incor porate meditation training such as “Qigong” to my patients, who benef it g reatly from this.

* Diet advice: hot por ridge such as millet por ridge is also recommended for daily diet (contact me for the recipe)

* Cold drinks and cold foods must be avoided

* Avoid a stressful lifestyle

Sufferers of IBS and colitis must f ind a good TCM prac titioner and acupuncturist who is highly trained and expe rienced. The above infor mation on herbal for mulas and acupuncture treatments are general guidelines; during treatment there may be adjustments needed to suit the individual case Mild to moderate IBS and colitis can be treated by a special diet, along with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. Advanced cases may require surger y to remove the par t of the colon most likely to prog ress to can cer. See your doctor if you have any persistent change in bowel habits or symptoms These could also be the signs of colon cancer!

Tom Fung is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and Acupuncturist in Markham, Ontario He is the founder and chief instructor of Self Balance Meditation Assn. He received a diploma of modern Chinese medicine and Acupuncture in 1975 He established the Tom Fung Holistic Acupuncture Clinic in Toronto in 1979 He g raduated as doctor of internal Chinese medicine, and received an Acupuncture cer tificate in Xiamen China University in 1985 Office: 179 Main St N , Markham, ON

For information or appointment, email: dr tomfung@gmail com, call: (905) 554 8849, or visit: www dr tomfungclinic ca

www vitalitymagazine com VITALITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2022 / 2023 31 416 572-2788 Chinese Mediicine Practitioner Over 30 yrs Clinical Experience; President of Toronto Institute of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture; Executive Director of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Quanfu Zhou Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic (established in 1988) 212 Bathurst St. ( at Queen St. ) Toronto, M5T 2R9

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