lear n more about the use of Iver mectin and A Annua for both cancer and Covid, see the many studies posted online.[4] ] U S D e p a r t m e n t o f D e f e n s e M e d i c a l
Advertising SEETA SHIWMANGAL (seeta@vitalitymagazine com) CADEGAN Listings SHIWMANGAL (listings@vitalitymagazine com) MD PHD MD
Ahhh, here comes fall, my favourite season of the year In this issue of Vitality, we con tinue to offer alter native perspectives and natural solutions for some of the most pressing health issues of our time. Of course, Covid remains top of mind for many people, especially those who’ve expe rienced vaccine injuries or long haul symp toms Among the vaccine side effects now being recorded by gover nment and militar y databases around the world [1][2][3] we f ind that the rate of cancer in vaccinated persons has increased signif icantly. It’s not that the shot is causing cancer, but rather the inflam mator y mRNA nanopar ticles in the shot could be triggering latent diseases and/or increasing cancer risk by blocking tumour repair genes, according to Dr Richard Urso and Dr Ryan Cole
Epidemiolog y Database showed 300% increased rate of cancer post Covid vaccine, says Pam Long [2] CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Repor ting System recorded a significant increase in cancers repor ted by vaccinated individuals between 2020 and 2022 [3] U K Gov confirms 9 in every 10 COVI D Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated https://expose news com/2022/08/ 27/9 in 10 covid deaths past year vaccinated/ [4] The Madagascar Protocol (Ar temisia annua) & Ivermectin for Treatment of COVI D 19 http://www spentamexico org/v15 n2/A0 15(2)1 18en pdf ....................... (Note: To post comments/questions or share your stories, see extended version of this column at: https://tinyurl com/Woodford Sept2022)
Manager SEETA
Cover Design KING & KO DESIGN Contributing Writers FRED HUI,
[ 1
Those interested to know more about inflammation and how to reduce it will enjoy the feature this month by Nutritionist Julie Daniluk Here she explains how to boost your metabolism and lose weight with anti inflammator y foods. High on the prefer red list are asparagus and avocado for their antioxidant proper ties, while apples and pomeg ranates get star treatment for detoxing the liver and cleansing the blood And her recipes are ter rif ic. So not only do anti inflammator y foods help to prevent disease, they can work to rev up your engine and bur n off the pounds Also notewor thy is a repor t by Dr. Fred Hui on alter native medicine for autoim mune diseases (page 4) In it he describes how ozone therapy, chelation therapy, and food allergy elimination can aid recover y from rheumatoid ar thritis, psoriasis, colitis, and more This is exciting news because the prednisone and NSAIDs typically used by
Vitality is published 4X per year in digital magazine format, as well as 12X per year in a newsletter format For a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to our digital magazine, please visit www vitalitymagazine com or email: subscribe@vitalitymagazine com We welcome contributions from writers, photographers, and others No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent
t h e r e i s a n h e r b a l e q u iva l e n t c a l l e d Ar temisia Annua (Wor mwood) which is widely available in health food stores. To 2 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com W o o d f o r d Files Wester n medicine can have ver y serious side effects So, enjoy the magazine! We’ll be back next month with our October newslet ter Meantime, follow us on Twitter @VitalityOnline Julia Woodford, Editor
Production Department PATRICK
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To help people deal with increased cancer risks, this month we bring you an updated feature by Dr. Zoltan Rona on “Alter native Medicine for Cancer” Here we lear n about removing inflammator y triggers from the diet that are linked to cancer, while at the same time increasing consumption of nutri tional medicines and therapeutic enzymes. His ar ticle also contains an interesting note on Iver mectin, a dr ug used successfully in various countries to prevent or treat Covid. While it is not legal for use here in Canada,

FA L L 2 0 2 2 FEATURES 4 N E W S & N O T E S Curcumin Has Positive Effect on Diabetes; Alternatives to Prednisone and NSAIDS; Help for Covid Long Haulers; Niacin An Effective Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction 10 BOOST YOUR METABOLISM and Lose Weight with Anti Inflammatory Foods 16 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE FOR CANCER from Therapeutic Diets to Nutritional Medicine to Proteolytic Enzymes 22 HEALING GRIEF THROUGH SACRED CEREMONY DEPARTMENTS 32 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Events, Classes, and Workshops Across Ontario 33 SER VICE DIRECTOR Y Toronto’s Comprehensive Monthly Health Resource ............................................................................................... STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: While we recognize that, in some ways, our world is in crisis, we feel a great need at the same time to provide an antidote to the very distress ing messages being broadcast worldwide To help initiate new visions, we aim to inform you of the many worthwhile choices available for a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle All Vitality articles represent the views of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publisher. We accept no responsi bility for the variability in outcomes achieved by the usage of these views, and they are not meant to replace the advice of a physician ISSN 1180 0291 Established October 1989 www vitalitymagazine com VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 3 WHOLEEBODY OF MEDICAL TH A NEW GE THERMO ENERAHERMOGRAPHY OGRAPHY $399 DIGESTIVE PriceFEMALEMEN’SADRENAL/THYROIDINFLAMMATIONDISORDERSATISSUESTHTEHEALAAPROSTTHBREASTHEALincludescomplimentary ½ hour appointment with a with your healthcare professional. toxins are held and possible infections. Report can be shared Detailed Report – see where your body is stressed,THwhereAL HEALCHRONICDENTTTERNINFECTIONSYME PAATLYMEL PA THBRAIN LIVER/KIDNEYHEAL FUNCTION Naturopathic Doctor to review your results. 2906 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON www.enclinic.ca 416-236-3444

Curcumin is a traditional www vitalitymagazine com reports on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging from Around the World COMPILED BY JULIA WOODFORD
medicine with several prop er ties such as being antioxi d a n t , a n t i i n f l a m m a t o r y, anti cancer, and anti micro bial, which may have utility for treating diabetes compli cations
This study, based on the system biology approach, aimed to investigate the effect of curcumin on critical genes and pathways related to diabetes. Conclusion: Curcumin targeted several important genes involved in diabetes, supporting the pre vious research suggesting that it may have utility as a therapeutic agent in diabetes
NEWS & NOTES Research
In one study, curcumin had a positive effect on genes involved with diabetes; in another, omega 3 lowered blood pressure
Therapeutic Role of Curcumin in Diabetes: An Analysis Based on Bioinformatic Findings Mah moudi A, Atkin SL, Nikiforov NG, Sahebkar A. Nutrients. 2022; 14(15):3244 Report courtesy of the Council for Responsible Nutrition ALTERNATIVES TO PREDNISONE & NSAIDS FOR AUTOIMMUNE ARTHRITIS, PSORIASIS, AND COLITIS Dr Fred Hui, MD In cases of autoimmune dis e a s e s u c h a s r h e u m a t o i d ar thritis, psoriasis, and coli tis, there are often foreign invaders involved that are attacking the immune sys tem I believe that there are t h r e e m a j o r c a t eg o r i e s o f foreign substances that the immune system can react to, and I have developed a treat ment protocol to deal with each one: 1) Infections: In the case of lingering infections such as chlamydia or her pes, my treatment approach involves High Dose (10 Pass) Ozone T h e r a py M e d i c a l o z o n e (O3) is a for m of oxygen that has been used as a pow erful disinfectant for over 150 years. It inactivates bac t e r i a , v i r u s e s , a n d f u n g i O z o n e a l s o h a s m u l t i p l e b e n e f i t s f o r t h e b o d y,
OPTIMUM DOSE OF OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS FOR LOWERING BLOOD PRESSURE Analyzing 71 trials compris ing almost 5,000 subjects, investigators concluded that the optimal combined intake of omega 3 f atty acids (docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, or both) in order to lower blood pressure is between 2 grams and 3 grams per day. Doses of omega 3 fatty acid intake above the recommended 3 g/d may be associated with additional benef its in lower ing BP among groups at high risk for cardiovascular dis eases. They recently pub lished their f indings in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Intake and Blood Pressure: A Dose Response Meta Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Zhang X, Ritonja JA, Zhou N, Chen BE, Li X J Am Hear t Assoc 2022 Jun 7;11(11):e025071. Courtesy of the Council for Responsible Nutrition CURCUMIN HAS POSITIVE EFFECT ON GENES RESPONSIBLE FOR DIABETES In a recent study, scientists looked at the possibility that curcumin (a constituent of tur meric root) could have a positive effect on diabetes They found that curcumin targeted 35 genes responsi ble for diabetes, and they call for more clinical trials to prove a therapeutic effect is an increasing ly prevalent global disease caused by the impair ment in insulin production or insulin f u n c t i o n D i a b e t e s i n t h e l o n g t e r m c a u s e s b o t h m i c r ova s c u l a r a n d m a c r ova s c u l a r c o m p l i c a t i o n s t h a t m ay r e s u l t i n r e t i n o p a t hy, n e p h r o p a t hy, neuropathy, peripheral ar te rial disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease

Persistent elevation of D dimer protein in the blood and the presence of rouleaux for mation of the red blood cells, especially when advanced in deg ree, appear to be reliable markers of persistent spike protein related illness The measures noted in my full length ar ticle, par ticularly the vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide nebulization, should result in the disappearance of the D dimer in the blood while nor malizing the appearance of the red blood cells examined with dark f ield microscopy Even though new research is taking place daily that may modify therapeutic recommendations, it appears that taking measures to eliminate D dimer from the blood and to main tain a consistently nor mal appearance of the blood is a ver y practical and eff icient way to cur tail the ongoing morbidity and mor tality secondar y to the persistent spike protein presence seen in chronic COVID and in post COVID vac cination patients
2) Food Allergies: In the case of gastrointestinal disor ders and leaky gut, my approach is to detect food allergies with blood tests and eliminate the offending foods in order to repair the autoimmune disease.
including strengthening the immune system and stimulat ing oxygen metabolism at the level of the mitochondria. Thus, instead of suppressing the body’s immune system, we are suppor ting it. We use a 10 Pass High dose ozone thera py because it delivers more ozone in a shor ter amount of time and leads to better saturation of red blood cells with oxygen without damaging them.
by Dr Thomas Levy, MD, JD As the pandemic continues, there is an increasing number of patients with chronic COVID symptoms and patients with post COVID vaccination symptoms. Fur ther more, there is an increasing number of vaccinated individuals who still end up contracting a COVID infection. This is resulting in a substantial amount of morbidity and mor tali ty around the world
3) Heavy Metals: When heavy metals such as lead and mercur y are causing autoimmune symptoms, my treatment approach involves Chelation Therapy. Using agents that have the ability to “magnetically bind” to heavy metals will free the body of these contaminants. It is wise to remove these heavy metals because they compromise nor mal body functions
There are many vaccinated individuals who feel well yet
6 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com
The presence and persistence of the COVID spike pro tein, along with the chronic colonization of the COVID vir us itself in the aerodigestive tract as well as in the lower gut, appear to be major reasons for illness in this g roup of patients
The above is excerpted from a longer ar ticle by Dr Hui To see the full ar ticle, plus a link to patient testimonials, or to post questions / comments, go to: https://tinyurl com/HuionAutoimmuneDisease

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remain cautious about potential future side effects, and who really have no easy access to D dimer testing or dark f ield examination of their blood Such persons can follow a broad spectr um supplementation regimen featuring vita min C, magnesium chloride, vitamin D, zinc, and a good multivitamin/multimineral supplement free of iron, copper, and calcium. Periodic but regular hydrogen peroxide nebu lization should be included as well This regimen will offer good spike protein protection while optimizing long ter m health Fur ther more, such a long ter m supplementation regimen is advisable regardless of how much of the proto col discussed above is followed. (The above is an excerpt from a longer piece published by the Or thomolecular News Service The views presented in this ar ticle are the author's and not necessarily those of all members of the Or thomolecular Medicine News Service Editorial Review Board ) To see an indepth ar ticle on the subject by Dr Levy, go to: “Resolving Long Haul COVI D and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein”, posted at: https://tinyurl com/LevyonCovid IS NIACIN AN EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION?
by W Todd Penberthy, PhD and Andrew W Saul
There is solid evidence that niacin (the standard for m of vitamin B3) on its own can help effectively treat erectile dysfunction (ED) [1] Niacin’s long ter m circulator y benef its may include facilitating a male's erection, which is dependent on blood supply to the penis, because niacin nor malizes blood lipids. Niacinamide will not achieve this [2,3] It is impor tant to appreciate that an ED diagnosis likely denotes g reater signif icance than just the loss of ability to have satisfactor y sex In fact, ED is considered to be one the earliest indicators of atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis ease the most common age-related cause of death [4] Hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, tobacco abuse, dia betes, or coronar y ar ter y disease are common risk factors present in ED [5] For tunately, pennies a day of over the counter high dose niacin has been established as an effective treatment for directly addressing atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, hyper
8 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com

Note: The above is excer pted from a longer ar ticle on n i a c i n f o r e r e c t i l e d y s f u n c t i o n , p u bl i s h e d by t h e Or thomolecular News Ser vice http://www or thomolecu lar.org. To access the complete ar ticle and live links to ref erences on Vitality’s website, visit: https://tinyurl com/niac inforerectiledysfunction
3] Parsons W (2000) Cholesterol Control Without Diet Lilac Press I SB N 13: 978 0966256871 Nehra A, Jackson G, Miner M, et al (2012) The Princeton I Mayo Clin Proc 87:766 778 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22862865 Miner M, Seftel
cholesterolemia, and coronar y disease And niacin has been used safely and effectively for over 60 years in clinical medicine [6 8] Generally, the higher the dose of niacin, the more effective it is.[9] It is always best to take it with food and not in a fasted state
References: 1] Ng C F, Lee C P, Ho AL, et al (2011) Effect of niacin on erectile function in men suffering erectile dysfunction and dyslipidemia J Sex Med 8:2883 2893 https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/21810191
I I C o n s e n s u s R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r t h e M a n a g e m e n t o f E r e c t i l e Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease
AD, Nehra A, et al (2012) Prognostic utility of erec tile dysfunction for cardiovascular disease in younger men and those w i t h d i a b e t e s A m H e a r t J 16 4 : 21 28 https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/22795278 6] Carlson L A (2005) Nicotinic acid: the broad spectrum lipid drug A 50 t h a n n i v e r s a r y r e v i e w J I n t e r n M e d 258 : 9 4 114 https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/16018787 7] Creider JC, Hegele R A, Joy TR (2012) Niacin: another look at an underutilized lipid lowering medication Nat Rev Endocrinol 8:517 528 https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/22349076 8] Guy ton J R, Bays H E (2007) Safety considerations with niacin ther a p y A m e r i c a n J o u r n a l o f C a r d i o l o g y 9 9 : 22 C 31 C https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/17368274 9] Pieper JA (2002) Understanding niacin formulations. Am J Manag Care 8:S308 S314 https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/12240702 10] Preckshot J (1999) Male impotency and the compounding phar m a c i s t I n t J P h a r m C o m p d 3 : 8 0 8 3 https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/23985547 11] Canner P L, Berge KG, Wenger N K, et al (1986) Fifteen year mor tality in Coronary Drug Project patients: long term benefit with niacin J Am Coll Cardiol https://pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov/3782631 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 9www vitalitymagazine com
2] Hoffer A, Saul AW, Foster H D (2015) Niacin: The Real Story Basic Health Pubs I SB N 13: 978 1591202752 Summary and detailed con tents at http://www doctoryourself com/niacinreviews html

• Allergenic foods: If you are allergic to 10
The high level of insulin raises cor tisol (the stress hor mone), which causes your body to hold onto and deposit fat rather than bur ning it for energy (insulin resistance) By reducing insulin resistance, we are able to move more calories into the cells to be bur ned as fuel Foods that can slow metabolism and cause inflammation include:
Thyroid health is the most impor tant to focus on when you need to tur n up the fat bur ning fur nace The thyroid gland is a small organ with a big job. Located just below the Adam’s apple, the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland controls all your main bodily functions including metabolic rate. It does this via two hor mones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thy roxine (T4), which act on each organ to control the rate at which the body bur ns calories for energy A def iciency of thyroid hor mones (aka hypothyroidism) leads to a general slowing of metabolism the rate at which the body bur ns calories
wheat and continue to eat it, inflammation and intestinal damage can occur Remove hard to digest proteins such as gluten and dair y from the diet. Take Care of Your Thyroid
• Ref ined sugars and other carbohy d r a t e s ( e g c a n d y, c o o k i e s , s o d a s , processed foods and white bread)[i]
Organic Tip: Organically g rown vegeta bles, fr uits, seeds and animal products can keep your fat bur ning system r unning at full tilt because they don’t expose the thy roid to toxins. Non organic, convention ally g rown produce contains chemicals that can block metabolism, mainly by interfering with the liver and thyroid A re you concer ned that your food cravings increase as the weather tur ns cold? Since prehistoric times, humans have tended to consume larger quantities of food in the fall in order to sur vive food shor tages in the winter But now that we have access to g reat food all year round, an appetite shift to heavy carbs and fats simply adds up to extra pounds on our waistlines To prevent this fat accumulation, the solution is to embrace anti-inflammator y foods that balance our weight without the need for dieting. When we embrace slimming meals that heal, we can satisfy our cravings naturally, and balance our metabolism at the same time.
• Alcohol and caffeine ir ritate the gut wall; this includes pop (diet and regular), conven tional coffee, and black tea.
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, processed sugars and other high glycemic starches increase inflammation Eating foods that you are allergic to causes inflammation and destabilizes your insulin and blood sugar levels
Nutritionist Julie Daniluk is the award winning, bestselling author of Meals That Heal Inflammation & Slimming Meals That Heal o o s t Yo u r M e t a b o l i s m a n d L o s e We i g h t T h i s Fa l l w i t h
VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com
The Link Between Inf lammation and Weight Gain
T h e A n t i - I n f l a m m a t o r y M e n u b y J u l i e D a n i l u k , R H N
The most impor tant nutrient for thyroid health is iodine. It helps regulate the rate of energy production and body weight, and promotes proper g rowth. Look for iodine in unref ined salt, ocean f ish, sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, arame, hijike, etc), and vegetables g rown in iodine rich soils (Note: Iodine taken in sup plement for m is best super vised by a natur opath, physician, or other health profession al )

4 MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS such as shiitake, maiitake, and cordyceps are ver y high in polyphenols nutrients that protect liver cells from damage. Suppor ting the liver is critical in f ighting inflammation in the body as this is where the hor mones responsible for weight balance are metabolized [vi]
ASPARAGUS AND AVOCADO have the ability to boost levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that r a m p s u p t h e i m m u n e s y s t e m , wa r d i n g o ff i nva d i n g pathogens that are an underlying cause of inflammation [ii] Asparagus is also a wonderful source of thyroid boosting selenium, while avocados are proven to reduce appetite 2 F I S H R I C H I N O M E G A - 3 FAT T Y AC I D S (salmon, her ring, sardines, krill) help increase metab olism They contain eicosapentaenoic acid, an anti inflam mator y type of omega 3 f atty acid [iii] One study pub lished in the American Society for Nutrition newsletter indicated that the oil in f ish induces anti inflammator y gene expression.[iv] Omega 3s balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation, helping to regulate metabolism Take omega 3 supplements (2 3,000 millig rams per day) of combined EPA and DHA (Ed note: Shellf ish like shrimp and lobster can trigger inflammation and are best avoided.)
Top 10 Picks for Anti Inf lammatory Metabolism Boosters
TURMERIC AND GINGER ROOT have the abil ity to clear painful inflammation by inhibiting the
POMEGRANATES have been found to halt the enzyme reactions that the body uses in triggering inflammation and pain [v] And their high f ibre content dra matically reduces sugar cravings. Fur ther, research has shown that drinking pomeg ranate juice improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure, and delays the oxidation of LDL cho lesterol in patients with coronar y hear t disease

effects of arachadonic acid, a fat responsible for triggering inflamma tion and ultimately pain [vii] Spicy foods have constituents that can kick the metabolism into a higher gear; cooking soups with a table spoon of cur r y powder can boost your metabolic rate 6
APPLES contain calcium D glucarate, a phyto chemical that plays an impor tant role in liver detoxi f ication and estrogen balance by increasing glucuronida tion [xii] As sex hor mones become balanced, metabolism is able to ramp up into high gear. My favourite type of apple is the organic Canadian variety, Ambrosia, because it is slow to brown Avoid the GMO non browning apple lear n more at www.CBAN.ca Drinking anti inflammatory pomeg ranate juice helps to reduce sugar cravings
12 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com
SEEDS SUCH AS FLAX, HEMP, CHIA, and per illa (aka shiso) are high in alpha linolenic acid, a type of anti-inflammator y Omega 3 fat [viii] Seeds also contain plant sterols which are powerful immune modulators capa ble of reducing allergies, a cause of inflammation [ix] Hemp hear ts are a top choice because they contain all the essential amino acids in an easily digestible for m Two tablespoons (30 g) of hemp hear ts contain 7 g rams of protein equiva lent to the amount found in a large boiled egg.
BERRIES help to build one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants superoxide dismutase SOD is impor tant in reducing oxidative stress in our bodies, a key factor in liver suppor t and the prevention of joint pain Ber ries are also rich in flavanoids that reduce inflammation and repair cellular damage [xi] Ber ries high in SOD include goji, wolfber r y, acai, and blueber r y Also high in SOD is chaga (a fungus that g rows on birch trees).
HERBAL TEA Green tea has long been heralded for its ability to crank up metabo lism. Researchers conducted a series of studies in dieters and found that those who drank g reen tea lost more weight than those who didn’t, suggesting that the active ing redient, catechin, may improve fat oxidation and ther mogenesis the body’s production of energy, or heat, from digestion [x] As well, the herb known as ‘Honeybush’ is now available in Canada An animal study, jointly conducted by the Medical Research Council of South Africa, the University of Stellenbosch, and the University of Souther n Denmark, conf ir med that an infusion of ‘Honeybush’ resulted in a lowering of blood sugar It also had a cholesterol lowering effect when fed to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic rodents.

10FRESH HERBS Rosemar y, sage, oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme, and mint all contain rosmarinic acid, which has been shown in clinical trials to reduce stress [xiii] and inflammation [xiv] Stress reduction is the key to boosting metabolism as we age.
Metabolism-Boosting Oil
Coconut oil provides energy without fat accumulation Traditional sources of fat in the diet are metabolized by the body into individual fatty acids, and then reg rouped into bundles of fat and protein called ‘lipoproteins’ These lipo proteins are sent into the bloodstream so that the fatty acids can be deposited into our fat cells But with coconut oil, instead of being packaged into lipoproteins and circulated in the bloodstream, the medium chain fatty acids are sent directly to the liver where they are conver ted into energy These fats do not raise blood sugar, so they’re a good option for anyone wanting to avoid the insulin spike that can cr ush the metabolism Cold pressed coconut oil has a ther mogenic or calorie bur ning effect that directly boosts metabolism. This is because the medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil are easily absorbed by the energy producing organelles of the cells Studies have shown that, after eating a meal contain ing medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil, the
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www vitalitymagazine com14 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 The
3) Pour oil dressing over salad and top with hemp seeds.
1/2 cup red pepper, sliced 2/3 cup blueber ries
4 cups Northern Fruit (apple, pear, plum, peach, or ber ries) G8 Smoothie
These recipes are from my book Slimming Meals That Heal, reprinted with per mission of Random House Canada. Stress Busting Harvest Salad (Makes 2 large salads)
If you want a tr ue stress busting salad this combo will do the trick The sprouts provide g reat B vitamins that nourish the ner vous system The red pepper provides exceptional vita min C that is impor tant for adrenal health. Blueber ries have been shown in clinical trials to reduce the stress hor mone cor tisol. 4 cups sunflower and pea sprouts
1) Combine sprouts, pepper, ber ries and snow peas into a large bowl
2) Combine oil, pesto, honey and salt into a small mason jar and shake vigorously until well mixed
This is a fun and delicious way to ser ve fr uit for breakfast Spir ulina is one of nature’s most powerful superfoods It contains a highly digestible for m of complete protein and various minerals that boosts the immune system to f ight off bacteria and vir uses. When the fr uit is added to the sauce and mixed with the salad, it looks like it has been painted rich g reen. (Makes 4 ser vings)
Painted Fruit
Breakfast Make sure you eat breakfast, as it literally wakes up your metabolism According to the National Weight Control Registr y, 78% of people who lose weight (66 pounds or more) eat a mor ning meal ever y day
1 cup snow peas 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
metabolism stays elevated for at least 24 hours! Not only will you be bur ning calories at a faster rate, you will have more energy [xv] I think it is best to r e p l a c e a l l t r a n s f a t s w i t h coconut oil for cooking, as trans fats slow the body’s ability to bur n fat Eating trans fats (such as those found in margarine, french fries, cor n chips, pizza, etc ) can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, both of which cripple metabolism and cause weight gain.
2 Tbsp pesto or lemon juice 1 tsp honey pinch pink salt 1/4 cup hemp hear ts (shelled hemp seed)

1 1/2 cups chopped celer y 2 cups chopped apple, unpeeled
2 Tbsp apple juice 1 tsp spir ulina powder
1 Tbsp hemp seeds 1/2 tsp cinnamon
4) Add the cinnamon and nutmeg and combine.
6) Top with a sprinkle of bee pollen, coconut or maca pow der, if desired.
1 tsp spir ulina or chlorella powder (or other g reen pow der)
1 cup chopped cucumber, unpeeled
1 tsp lemon flavoured f ish oil or hemp oil
1/4 tsp nutmeg
The G8 Smoothie Here G8 stands for a g roup of eight of the ‘nutrition’ world’s wealthiest sources of anti inflammator y goodness! Make this drink instead of buying a sodium f illed, 8 vegetable concoction from the store. (Makes 2 large ser vings)
1 tsp lemon or lime juice 1/4 cup nut or seed butter
5) Pour over fr uit and mix
1) Cut up the fr uit into cubes and mix together in a bowl
1 Tbsp raw honey or coconut nectar
2) Squeeze lemon or lime juice over the fr uit to protect it from oxidation
Additional energy boosts: 1 tsp bee pollen, coconut flakes, or maca powder
1 1/2 cups water 1 tsp g round ginger 1/4 tsp tur meric powder
Optional Booster: 1 Tbsp sustainable f ish oil
1) Place all ing redients into a blender and blend until smooth. Readers: For a complete reference list and live links to the cited references, along with a report on probiotics for revving metabolism, see the extended version of this article posted at: https://vitalitymagazine com/article/boost/ Nutritionist and T V personality, Julie Daniluk is the award win ning, bestselling author of Meals That Heal Inflammation & Slimming Meals That Heal. Her 3rd book, Hot Detox, was on the Canadian Bestseller’s list for 11 weeks in 2017 Julie’s 4th book, Becoming Sugar Free, will be released on September 7, 2021. Julie has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows, including The Dr Oz Show She is in her 11th season as a resi dent exper t for The Marilyn Denis Show Check out more infor mation at juliedaniluk com and connect with her on Facebook & Instag ram @juliedaniluk
VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 15www vitalitymagazine com
3) In a separate bowl, blend together the nut butter, honey or coconut nectar, apple juice, spir ulina, and hemp
2 Tbsp lemon juice

Conventional medicine rightfully advises peo ple not to smoke, and to only drink alcohol in moderation But not much of anything else is offered in ter ms of proactive prevention or complementar y medical treatments Some doctors have even advised their cancer patients to avoid using nutritional supplements for fear of “protecting cancer cells” from being killed off by radiation and chemotherapy.
The main issue that appears to be controver sial is the swallowing of antioxidant pills while using radiation and chemotherapy Do the two treatments conflict with each other making treatment results worse? Some studies show that the use of high dose antioxidants
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Diabetes (or even simply high blood sugar) is linked to increased risk for sever al cancers including colon, breast, pancreat ic, liver, uterine, and bladder cancer Enzymes, and Antioxidants
The most used diabetes dr ug, Metfor min, was proven to lower cancer risk by as much as 54% in one study. On the other hand, some studies indicate that the use of long acting insulin may increase cancer risk It’s possible to control blood sugar better by following either a Paleo or Ketogenic diet
Selenium has a power ful anti cancer effect, especially when used in combination with other antioxidant nutrients
makes chemotherapy more effective, less toxic, and creates better overall treatment results Unfor tunately, there are also studies that show the opposite In other words, we do not have a def initive answer about whether it’s advisable to use antioxidants during chemotherapy. To be safe, if one is receiving radiation or chemother apy, antioxidants should be used only at a different time either a few days before or after receiving con ventional treatment. This compromise appears to be satisfactor y to both oncologists and practitioners of Complementar y Medicine There are no admonish ments for eating high antioxidant foods while receiving conventional cancer treatments, only if those antioxi dants are in pill for m. Apparently, something magical must be occur ring when you transfor m garlic, broccoli, blueber ries, pomeg ranates, cod liver oil, and citr us fr uits into pills
KETO DIET In the 1970s, the late Dr Rober t Atkins was able to show that a “no carbohydrate” (ketogenic) diet could reverse diabetes and obesity. Over the past decade, various versions of this diet have been advo cated by many scientists and nutritionists with generally good results. The ketogenic diet is strict, and evidence suggests it can f ight both diabetes and cancer. This diet is therefore appro priate as par t of the treatment for both diabetes and cancer T he Covid 19 pandemic has signif icantly affected the rate of serious diseases such as cancer. Death rates from different cancers have increased signif icantly due in par t to neglect of screening, delays in surgeries, and the can cellation of cancer monitoring visits.
One example of the failure of conventional medicine is in regards to pancreatic cancer. The overall pancreatic cancer 5 year sur vival rate is 9%, and that’s with surger y and chemotherapy. With the placebo effect being as high as 72% according to Psycholog y Today, a sur vival rate of 9% is hardly something one can brag about.
So, keeping all this in mind, what are the best strate gies to consider, after getting a cancer diagnosis?
The single most impor tant thing to do with diet is control blood sugar. Overly high levels of blood sugar may damage a person’s DNA, thereby heightening cancer risk Diabetes (or even simply high blood sugar) is associated with increased risks for several cancers including colon, breast, pancreatic, liver, uterine, and bladder cancers, as well as non Hodgkins lymphoma. High levels of insulin seen in Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes, combined with high blood sugar levels and inflammation, all increase cancer risk

The ketogenic diet forbids processed foods, diet soda, veg etable oil, high carbohydrate vegetables (potatoes, cor n), sugar y fr uits, g rains, and sugar y foods
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The ketogenic diet allows leafy g reen vegetables, cauli flower, broccoli, f ish and seafood (limit due to mercur y), meat (organic g rass fed meat is best), organ meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, ber ries, avocados, olives, coconut oil, and ghee Fats endorsed by the ketogenic diet (from organic sources) include avocados, olives, coconuts and coconut oil, butter, other nut oils (almond, walnut), raw dair y (unpasteurized) unless there’s a known allergy, raw nuts and seeds, eggs, g rass fed meats, f ish oil (but not f ish).
The keto diet requires a reduction of carbs down to about 5% of a person’s daily intake From there, 75% of remaining calories will come from fat, and 20% from protein.
Fats not allowed on the ketogenic diet include: Palm ker nel oil (palmitoleic acid interferes with fatty acid metabolism); Hydrogenated and par tially hydrogenated fats; margarine (high in hydrogenated fats); Cottonseed oil (hydrogenated with pesticide residues); Soybean oil (usually GMO, pro inflammator y); Fried foods, including donuts Paleo diet is not as strict as the keto

genic diet and people f ind it generally easier to follow. It is m o s t a p p l i c a bl e f o r d i a b e t e s and cancer prevention. It elimi n a t e s g r a i n s , l eg u m e s , processed sugar, and most dair y products
sup 18 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com The drug
the herb Ar temisia Annua Spin usingg t Re with spin aininal Pl elieP the C nal dec .C., NDti edCer . N.Dr. ., Homeopath, HOMN.D ractitioner,aechnic PX TeOXd C Pragnellaichard. R om 519.941.7553 1.800.397.3085 l drpragnell.c tic Chiroprac& C Naturalleyy VaHockle 397.3085 linic ropathic LearnHumanAura.orgStartsintheAuraWellBeingtomakeitshine
The main foods permitted on the Paleo diet include: meat and f ish; eggs; nuts and seeds; fr uits; vegetables (except cor n, which is a g rain); selected fats and oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, tallow, g h e e / b u t t e r ; m i n i m a l ly processed sweeteners including raw honey, maple syr up, coconut sugar, raw stevia, and xylitol
Foods that control blood sugar include: avocados; ar ugu la; fatty f ish and seafood (sardines, mackerel, salmon but there are concer ns about high mercur y content, the f ish with highest mercur y levels include tuna and sea bass); garlic and onions; sour cher ries; unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar; organic leafy g reens (spinach, kale, chard); broc coli sprouts; lentils; flax and chia seeds; chocolate contain i n g 8 0 % o r h i g h e r c o c o a ; bl u e b e r r i e s , bl a c k b e r r i e s ; almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pine nuts; eggs; coffee Eat organic: A recent study examined the diets of 68,946 French adults over four to f ive years It was found that those who ate the most organic food were 25% less likely to develop cancer Specif ically, they were 73% less likely to develop non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and 21% less likely to develop post menopausal breast cancer
n VITAMIN D 40,0000 to 50,000 IU weekly is shown to have strong anti inflammator y effects. It’s impor tant to reduce inflammation as much as possible because inflammation is what causes cancer to spread. Vitamin D needs to be taken with vitamin K2 (about 120 mcg per 1,000 IU of vitamin D3) to prevent calcium deposits into ar teries and organs like the kidneys Vitamin K2 has a synergistic effect with vitamin D and has anti cancer effects on its own Note: There are vegan for ms of vitamin D and K2 and many com panies sell them in combination liquid and pill for ms n VITAMIN C 3,000 to 6,000 mg daily taken orally, and also used in much higher IV doses (50,000 75,000 mg per infusion) at least twice a week High dose IV vitamin C (HDIVC) has been shown to increase the body’s production of peroxide which is toxic to cancer cells but leaves healthy cells intact According to Nobel Prize winning Dr Otto Warburg, cancer is an oxygen def iciency disease and Ivermectin is basically altered copy of

Most people have no signif icant side effects from the megadoses and many repor t higher energy with the infu sions In cases of disseminated cancer the die-off reaction of cancer cells can cause headaches, nausea, and vomiting all of which can be avoided by lowering the dose or just drink ing more water during the procedure.
High variable doses have long been used successfully, especially by famous cancer specialists like Dr Nicholas Gonzalez Enzymes have especially been effective for those suffering from pancreatic cancer One patient of mine with pancreat ic cancer takes 30 or more enzyme tablets daily and has been doing so for well over a decade He continues to be in remission. A person can generally star t off with a few tablets between meals and g radually increase the dose as tolerated In the past, one patient of mine was keeping her pancreat ic cancer under good control but had to go off her enzymes due to cost considerations Unfor tunately, the cancer sud denly spread to her liver and elsewhere and she succumbed to her illness (Note: Such enzymes can include protease, bromelain, and especially pancreatin by Wobenzyme or Inflazyme )
www vitalitymagazine com VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 19 plying peroxide to cancer cells inhibits their g rowth and spread. HDIVC thus actually delivers oxygen to all cells leaving healthy cells to thrive while killing cancer cells.
n SELENIUM 600 mcg daily has a powerful anti can cer effect, especially when used in combination with other antioxidant nutrients. Selenium is found in high amounts in Brazil nuts n CURCUMIN 3,000 to 6,000 mg daily has been shown to have strong anti cancer effects. In fact, some can cer clinics use it intravenously in even higher doses to suc cessfully treat cancer that has spread to the liver. Tur meric has only 3% of its content as curcumin but will still function ver y well as a cancer preventive food

AGED BLACK GARLIC A recent study found that aged black garlic extract (ABGE) may prove benef icial in preventing or inhibiting cancers but the underlying mecha nisms have not been fully elucidated. A deodorized for m is available in capsule for m; a few capsules taken with meals each day could provide some long ter m benef its.
NALTREXONE 2 5 to 4 5 mg, is a dr ug refer red to as LDN (low dose naltrexone) that is used in these ver y low doses to stimulate the immune system in f ighting cancer spread. In high doses it can be lifesaving in opiate overdos es In low doses it has been limited to nonexistent side effects but is wasted as a therapy in people who use opiates for pain control This dr ug is available only from com pounding phar macies on prescription
n ARTEMISIA ANNUA this herbal remedy (also known as “Sweet Annie”) is one type of wor mwood used for 1st demonstrated by Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla.
n VITAMIN A 10,000 IU daily is another ver y important antioxidant. Some authors have recommended it in much higher doses but side effects on the liver are one lim iting factor for high dose intake. Vitamin A is a common component of many multivitamin supplements but some people just do not absorb enough of it from their diet because of food allergies and insuff icient secretion of pan creatic digestive enzymes For most of these individuals, supplementing with pancreatin (pancreatic enzymes) should help resolve the absor ption issue n
BERBERINE 500 mg 3 times daily This herbal remedy works similarly to the dr ug Metfor min and can help control insulin resistance and high blood sugars, especially in diabetics. It also has potent anti microbial effects and can keep har mful bacteria at bay in the gastrointestinal tract
One capsule daily will help balance other antioxidants taken in ver y high doses. Zinc, B complex, vitamin E and numer ous other nutrients will make up for those not available from poor diets or destroyed by prescription dr ugs.
PROBIOTICS are friendly bacteria that usually inhab it the gut and are well documented optimizers of the immune system Seventy percent or more of our immune system is controlled by what happens in the gut, and friendly bacteria are the most important component of it. These bacteria mod ulate the immune system by increasing the numbers of cer tain white blood cells (T lymphocytes). Probiotics also help improve digestion and protect the body from pathogens such as candida albicans. Use a broad spectrum (different species) probiotic supplement daily n M U LT I V I TA M I N / M I N E R A L S U P P L E M E N T
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ree EEbook Access thhe P our HigherConsHHighersciousnesssciousness.caSelfca hundreds, if not thousands of years to treat malaria and par asites naturally. It has also been studied for effectiveness against especially breast cancer It has recently become popular as one of many alter native therapies for Covid 19. In fact, the dr ug Iver mectin is basically an altered copy of this herb. Iver mectin is not available in Canada for the treat ment of Covid but Ar temisia Annua is available from any health food store in tincture or capsule for m n BLACK SEED OIL (Nigella Sativa) is an anti inflammator y oil that has some evidence behind it as an anti cancer remedy Benef its can be achieved with doses as low as 1 tsp daily. Traditionally black seed oil has been effective against asthma, Type 2 diabetes, liver stress, and skin conditions including eczema and acne. Side effects are rare and it does not interact with any medications n OX Y G E N T H E R A P I E S ( I V Pe r ox i d e , O z o n e Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) “All nor mal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen a r ule without exception Deprive a cell 35 percent of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous ” Otto Warburg, MD (Nobel Prize in Physiology Winner, 1931)
Dr Zoltan P Rona, M D, M Sc, practises Complementary Medicine in Thornhill and is the medical editor of The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. He has also published sever al Canadian bestselling books, including Vitamin D, The Sunshine Vitamin To see more of Dr Rona’s ar ticles, please visit: www highlevelwellness ca For appointments, call (905) 764 8700; office located at: 390 Steeles Ave W , Unit 19, Thornhill, Ontario www vitalitymagazine
Readers: For a complete list of References with live links, or to post comments and questions, see extended version of this article posted at: https://tinyurl com/RonaonCancer
CONCLUSION As you can guess, I have just scratched the surface of what o n e c a n d o t o b o t h p r eve n t a n d t r e a t c a n c e r u s i n g Complementar y Medicine. For example, there are many cancer f ighting whole foods and teas such as chlorella, g reen tea, shiitake, maitake and reishi mushrooms, other mushrooms, cr uciferous vegetables such as broccoli for their content of indole 3 carbinol, resveratrol from red wine or g rapes, ginger, frankincense and many others. In Ralph W Moss’ book, “Cancer Therapies” over 100 different natural therapies that either prevent or treat differ ent cancers are discussed I’m sure that the majority of these have at least some merits. Work with a natural health care practitioner for a personalized plan to prevent and treat can cer more comprehensively.

When the wind blows, c a n yo u h e a r t h e voices of the ancestors of your past whispering your name? Do you celebrate the memories of times shared and reach outward to feel t h e i r p r e s e n c e , k n ow i n g they have come to bring you healing and blessings? As we jour ney through life we touch the lives of people around us, just as we are touched by them Some of these connections are deep, meaningful, long ter m rela t i o n s h i p s , a n d o t h e r s l a s t only for a season The rela tionships we experience with our family members and our friends each move us in different ways, f illing us with s t o r i e s o f j oy, s a d n e s s , reg ret, fear, and love. When we are in right relationship with our loved ones, we a r e g i f t e d w i t h g r e a t healing. Our spiritual hear t is nourished and we share a feeling of connectedness and joy. When life becomes chal lenging however, we can fall out of right relationship with one another This is when we forget to forgive, love, and honour one another, and our emotions build as we suffer in silence in these poorly managed relationships.
A n d s i n c e we often see death as an ending and/or failure of the body to overcome a disease or injur y, we perceive the loss as a reflection of f inality where we can no longer connect with the person once they have expired. Consequently, we become burdened with wor r y about their state of being after they pass We hope they have found peace and often wish that we could connect with them just one more time so that we can BY SACHI FLYING EAGLE MEDICINE WOMAN
Healing Grief Through Sacred Ceremony and Honouring Our Emotions receive or give forgiveness
Our g rief, nonetheless, is often left unacknowledged o r r e p r e s s e d b e c a u s e we have not been taught how to g rieve, nor have we been given an accepted g rieving protocol. When faced with our mor tality we realize how uncomfor table we feel with the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that surface around our g rieving process T h i s i n a b i l i t y t o f u l ly acknowledge and release our g rief causes sickness to g row i n o u r s p i r i t u a l h e a r t E m o t i o n s s u c h a s f e a r, anger, and reg ret can take on a life of their own inside of us, making us feel disconnected from ourselves and others. Sometimes we star t to avoid social connections. Connecting with the Spirit of Loved Ones If we were to honour our emotions, we would realize that we fear what has hap pened to our loved one, we f e e l a n g e r a t b e i n g l e f t behind, and we reg ret the things we’ve left unsaid and undone Fur ther more, there is a silent wondering about whether our loved ones can hear us, and if they are still with us after they pass There is much confusion To Indigenous peoples, the spirit world is simply another dimension that exists alongside our everyday world. As such, it is believed that we can connect with the spirits of those who have passed before us.
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Grieving the Loss of Our Dear Departed
Regardless of their length or nature, however, each of the relationships we experience helps us to lear n about our selves and become who we are. We continue to car r y the memories and our connection to that person with us through life even after they have passed into the spirit world This is the reason that we immediately feel their loss deep within when we lose s o m e o n e .

VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 23www vitalitymagazine com and controversy about what happens during and after we pass into the spirit world, as much of this knowledge has been forgotten, hidden, or unacknowledged. Yet the wisdom that mod er n people lack about death a n d d y i n g i s i n h e r e n t i n ancient Indigenous cultures. To Indigenous peoples, the spirit world is simply anothe r d i m e n s i o n t h a t ex i s t s a l o n g s i d e o u r eve r y d ay world. As such, it is believed that we can connect with the spirits of those who have passed before us. This is possible because we are made up of three par ts: mind, body and spirit When our body expires it is retur ned to Mother Ear th. As Mother Ear th receives us, we become par t of her natural cy c l e s . O u r b o d y, i n t h i s case, is seen as a vessel that houses our spirit. Our spirit does not die As it transitions from this realm into the spir it world it jour neys back to our place with Creator. It is o n o u r j o u r n ey b a c k t o Creator that we experience a r e b i r t h i n g i n t o a s t a t e o f p e a c e a n d k n ow i n g n e s s where we no longer car r y our burdens and our mind is set free. This rebir thing takes some time as our loved one not only releases their burdens, but also moves away from their place in this world as they know it. Considering this view may allow those of us who are l e f t b e h i n d t o n av i ga t e through our emotions so we can release our loved one into the Spirit world with an open hear t and feel more peace during g rieving.

In our society today, there is a lack of strong therapeutic or communi ty suppor t when we experience a loss. Consequently, g rieving can be a ver y lonely and arduous time for many of us.
Ceremonies to Aid the Grieving Process In Indigenous cultures the mour ning period is encour aged for at least ten days During this time, a focused e ff o r t i s m a d e t o c o m e together as a community to suppor t the g rieving process through ceremony. The Pipe Ceremony and The Feast of the Dead assist with both the c e l e b r a t i o n o f t h o s e wh o have passed and the healing of those who are still living. Solace is found through cer e m o ny, c e l e b r a t i o n , a n d communication. A s t h e S a c r e d P i p e i s f illed, the ancestors of the four sacred directions are called in and the spirits of each direction are asked to o ff e r t h e i r g u i d a n c e a n d healing, both to the living and non living. It is believed that, during this ceremony, the Sacred Pipe lifts our p r aye r s a n d g r i e f u p t o Creator as the smoke rises to the heavens. It is here that all prayers and messages can be heard by our loved ones It is also believed that the Sacred Pipe allows messages to be sent from our loved ones to the living, who often need g u i d a n c e a n d c o m f o r t i n their time of mour ning. The Pipe Ceremony sup por ts us through our g riev ing process by allowing us to send healing and prayers t o o u r l ove d o n e wh i l e releasing wor ries and hon ouring our g rieving process. The Feast of the Dead is another ceremony practised by Indigenous clans all over the world. Many clans pre pare a feast in honour of the d e a d a n d o ff e r t i m e f o r stor y telling and connecting to their loved one. Ceremonial dancing and a s h a r i n g o f b e l o n g i n g s amongst family and commu nity members of the one who has passed is common p l a c e T h i s s h a r i n g o f belongings allows a letting go for those who are g riev i n g a n d i n s p i r e s s u p p o r t from community members Although the ceremonial feast for each clan may dif fer based on the beliefs spe cif ic to that clan or tribe, the intention is the same It is
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perfor med to celebrate the life of the individual who has passed and inspire heal ing for all involved by allow ing a deep reconnection to one another. In our society today, there is a lack of strong therapeu tic or community suppor t when we experience a loss. We have also forgotten the ways of healing ourselves through ceremonial medi cines. Consequently, g riev ing can be a ver y lonely and arduous time for many of us A l t h o u g h t h e P i p e Ceremony is only perfor med by pipe car riers, the Feast of the Dead can be perfor med in a g roup setting or in the privacy of your own home, thus allowing you to heal t h r o u g h a c e l e b r a t i o n o f your loved one, their life and what they meant to you. The Feast of the Dead for Deep Healing P r e p a r e a n a l t a r i n yo u r h o m e t h a t h o n o u r s yo u r loved one Items on the altar c a n i n c l u d e a p i c t u r e , a m e a n i n g f u l b e l o n g i n g o f t h e i r s , a n d / o r s o m e t h i n g they had gifted to you Other i t e m s t h a t s t r e n g t h e n t h e power of an altar include a white candle and aventurine. Some may also wish to add items that reflect their reli gious connection to Creator. The sacred medicines sage and sweetg rass are also par t of the altar Smudge yourself and your altar with sage. It lifts away heavy energies and purif ies the space After using sage, l i g h t t h e swe e t g r a s s . S we e t g r a s s i nv i t e s t h e ancestors to come in so they can create a sacred space for
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you and your loved one Allow the smoke of sweetg rass to f ill your space and then ask Creator and the ancestors to assist your loved one to come forward. Leave the sacred plant medicines on your altar. Prepare a meal with the intention of celebrating your loved one Set two places at your table; one for you, and one for your loved one. Then invite them to join you. As you eat your meal, speak to your loved one in spirit about your feel ings, reg rets, and joys Share your deepest thoughts and prayers with them Speak from your hear t and tr ust that they can hear you. When you feel satisf ied with what you have shared, sit quietly and listen for their messages, which will come in many different for ms Some messages are heard, some are seen as visions, and some are felt. It may take some time to inter pret these messages so it is best to tr ust yourself and sit through the experience until you have a sense that it is complete It is common to cr y during the experience as it brings g reat healing to all involved.
YOGA PROGRAMS STARTING UP THIS FALL n SUNLILYOGA Star ting on September 6 and continu ing through the fall season, Sunlily Yoga is hosting a Kripalu inspired yoga prog ram in Thor nhill and Richmond Hill. You can par ticipate in person or on online Schedule: • Tuesdays 9:30 am 10:45 am (for all levels) - Zoom • Wednesdays 7:30 pm 8:45 pm (gen tle/moderate level) In person • Fridays 9:30 am 10:45 am (for all levels) Zoom • Saturdays 9:00 am 10:15 am (all levels) St Mar y's Anglican Church in Richmond Hill (In person) For more info on schedules / fees, visit: www.sunlilyoga.ca, email: aida@sunlilyoga ca or call (905) 770-9210
The Feast of the Dead is a powerful Indigenous ceremony that brings deep healing to our heart Celebrating and hon ouring our loved ones through ceremonial feasting offers a nourishing way to release regrets, sadness, and fear. It also allows us to dispel our personal fears around death and dying, thus f illing our heart with a renewed sense of joy and sereni ty. For many moons, navigating through grief with ceremony and feasting has offered those suffering from loss a healthy way to cope with and release grief in a safe and sacred way Some of us may choose not to believe in allowing our selves to g rieve in this way because we have been taught that “it is not real unless we can see it,” and that we need empir ical evidence for something to exist When dealing with the spirit world, however, we have a choice in the approach we wish to take. We can choose to believe that we have to move forward without our loved one, or we can invite them to con tinue walking with us on our jour ney, while they whisper to us through the wind, letting us know they will always be with us.
Sachi, Flying Eagle Medicine Woman is an Indigenous healer prac tising in Yorkville (Toronto) She uses Indigenous medicine and practices to achieve spiritual and psycholog ical mending and re patterning. Her sessions focus on restoring health and for tification from an Indigenous perspective Sachi also offers Indigenous teachings and rites in Chacaruna training, Death and dying guide training and health practitioner development training For more information or to book an appointment please call 647 930 1832 or visit sacredmedicineways com FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com U N I T Y N E W S
This fall, you are invited to explore the g r e a t my s t e r y t h r o u g h Yoga n i d r a online “Yoga nidra is a deep medita tion that invites you to sit within your self and listen to what the universe is really tr ying to tell you. Tabitha is a gentle guide, leading you to what you need ” Join her ever y Wednesday at 7:30 pm on Zoom for a 45 minute Yoga nidra, guided meditation class where you can rest in the comfor t of your own home, and still be in the sup por tive environment of your community of practitioners. Also offered: Chair Yoga on Zoom, Saturdays at 10 am and Tuesdays at 9 am. Contact Tabitha at peaceiswithinyou@ gmail.com, visit www.tabithakot.com Tel: (905) 510 6948 Aida Neves, founder of Sunlilyoga Tabitha Kot, teacher of Yoga Nidra and Chair Yoga classes
Take time to give g ratitude to Creator. Place your loved one’s plate of food outside as an offering of g ratitude to the spirit world for assisting with your ceremonial feast Then while sitting in stillness, allow your hear t to f ill with peace as much g rief lifts away.
Healing Grief ~ Continued from page 25 26 VITALITY MAGAZINE

LETTER TO EDITOR CLASSIFIEDS B UY / SELL B U N D LE ANY 12 H EALTH / F ITN ESS e books for $20 78 Email htpng@outlook com for complete listing S ET O F S O L F E G G I O T U N I N G F O R KS used in sound healing by Elana Vinnik Retired Call (647) 894 0025 Asking $150 M 2 A K U P O RT E L E CT R O D E RMAL Screening device for sale. Per fect condition at used price C o n t a c t k r o p h e a l t h @ g m a i l . c o m for details H EALTH P RODUCTS F R E E KAN G E N WATE R F O R TH I RT Y DAYS Visit: http:// www.kangenpeachtree.com Store at: 2239 Bloor St W Toronto SPACE FOR R ENT T R E AT M E N T R O O M S AVA I L AB LE with soothing beach theme at excellent monthly rates for var i o u s w e l l n e s s p r a c t i t i o n e r s a t Healing Bay Wellness Even ideal for workshops or Reiki events For more info: https://www alterna tivehealer.ca/clinic rental/ H I D D E N B U D D H A H E A L I N G C E NTE R: The Per fect Place to Host Your Retreat Rental space for retreat leaders, year round Contact Lidia: (416) 912 1721, Visit: www hiddenbuddhahealing center com WRITING/EDITING SERVICES TORONTO AUTHOR of 17 pub lished books offers editorial servic es to writers of fiction, non fiction, poetry, plays, stories I can help Please send inquiries to TorontoBookDoc@gmail com Vitality’s Classifieds, Calendars, and Ser vice Director y listings are pr iced at 50 cents per word + HST For one pr ice your ad will be included in the magazine and on our website For more infor mation or to place your ad, email: listings@vitalitymagazine com Next issue: WINTER 22/23 Deadline October 20 www vitalitymagazine com VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 27
On the Risks of Osteoporosis Drugs Re: “Building Better Bones” by D r Z o l t a n R o n a , M D , https://vitalitymagazine com/ar ti c l e / b u i l d i n g b e t t e r b o n e s h o w t o p r e v e n t a n d r e v e r s e o s t e o porosis/ Dear Vitality, I wa s ve r y g l a d t o r e a d s o m e t h i n g a b o u t t h e d r u g , Fosamax in your magazine. I have seen Dr Rona myself many years ago, met him again wh e n h e c a m e u p t o Orangeville to give a talk one evening I also worked at H a r m o ny W h o l e Fo o d s i n Orangeville and so I was aware 30 years ago about the dr ug Fosamax for bone density I had a ver y close friend who worked in a Shoppers Dr ug Mar t phar macy in the K i n g sway a r e a o f To r o n t o She was devoted to Fosamax and took this dr ug for years until she began to experience vomiting and an inability to retain her food. It tur ned out she had oesophageal cancer (a p o s s i bl e s i d e e ff e c t o f Fosamax) It was a br utal can c e r a s c a n c e r s g o , b u t s h e fought long and hard to main tain herself independently and her family suppor ted her I refused to take Fosamax when it was suggested to me Knowing of its side effects, Dr. Rona is right this is a dr ug which should be removed from the phar maceutical market and it should be done immediately. A death like my friend experi enced was hor rif ic. She bore it well and with g reat strength b u t t h i s d r u g n e e d s t o b e removed from public use S a n d ra S m a l l P ro u d fo o t , Mono, Ont R e a d e rs : To s u b m i t y o u r comments or questions about any article, email: editorial@ vitalitymagazine.com

Fritillary, Pear, and Rock Sugar Drink
and Nourish
These are simple remedies with few ing redients which can be obtained from any Chinatown herbal phar macy and/or Asian super market.
For those without signif icant lung symptoms, a course of self administered kitchen treatment is suff icient to revital ize the lungs at this time of year When there are complex problems, as in the case of asthma, chronic coughs, immune def iciency, or sinus infections, consulting a qualif ied herbalist is recommended.
28 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com
This tea moisturizes the lungs, expels phlegm and calms cough. Flax seeds appear in old Wester n herbal manuals as a remedy for lung consumption, and “spitting blood.” The slightly lubricating consistency of this tea will attest to the action of flax seeds upon the lung. Honey is a well known expectorant and cough remedy 1 Tbsp whole flax seeds 1 tsp honey Pour 1 cup boiling water over flax seeds and allow to steep 10 minutes Strain and add honey
It is said in Chinese medicine that the lungs hate dr yness. Dr y fall air, pollution, chemicals, and smoke can all cause dr yness to invade and har m the lungs. The proper moisture level of the lungs can be likened to a moist sponge after it has been r ung out. The consistency of the lung fluids should be a little thicker than water and a lit tle thinner than egg whites, and clear Anything less (or more, as in the case of excessive phlegm) begins to impair their optimum function
As one of the tastiest and most famous fall tonics, this recipe is appropriate for lungs that tend to be hot and dr y, such as the lungs of smokers, chronic sore throat sufferers, those that become easily hoarse, or have dr y lips and frequent thirst It can also be taken in the absence of the above symptoms if dr y indoor air feels uncomfor table 30 g rams f inely g round Fritillar y bulb (Chuang Bei Mu)
It is quite possible to treat sinus infections quickly and effectively with Chinese herbal formulas, and avoid the need for antibiotics Strengthen the Respiratory
As the humid days of summer give way to the brittle, dr y air of fall, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners begin to tur n their attention to the lungs and their associated functions. Fall is the season of the lungs, presenting both a vulnerabil ity (i.e. the onset of respirator y infections), as well as an oppor tunity to strengthen and nourish these vital organs The lungs are ver y receptive to herbal tonics at this time, and many conditions such as asthma, smoking damage, chronic cough, and susceptibility to bronchitis or sinusitis can be ver y well treated
Boil in 5 cups of water for 1 hour. Strain and take 1 2 cups per day, war m. Store excess in fridge for up to 3 days. (* A word on sugar, which appears in these and many other TCM kitchen remedies Raw or crystallized “rock” sugar is considered a very useful tonic, because it simultaneously strengthens and cools perfect attributes for autumn lung treatment In contrast, white sugar, while also cooling, is
This is an excellent tonic for asthma sufferers, especially if the asthma is not par ticularly severe It is perfect for those who get occa sional mild attacks, or those in remission It should be taken preventively between asth ma episodes, and not as a treatment If the asthma is poorly controlled and the person is on daily puffers, a more complex treat ment is needed and a TCM herbalist should be consulted. 30 g rams sliced red lingzhi mushroom 40 g rams dried red dates 10 g rams rock sugar or raw cane sugar
2 Asian or regular pears, peeled and quar tered 2 Tbsp rock sugar, or 1 Tbsp of organic raw cane sugar Bring all ing redients to a boil in 4 cups of water, then reduce heat to minimum and simmer, covered, for 30 min utes. Strain and drink cool, 1 or 2 cups per day. Store excess in the fridge for no more than 3 days. Eat pear pieces if desired Can be taken regularly through the fall Whole Flax Tea with Honey
Lingzhi Mushroom and Red Date Soup

Other foods or herbs which moisten the lungs are sun flower seeds, almonds, lily bulbs, soft boiled eggs and pork A pear, almond, and pork soup is sometimes ser ved in Chinese restaurants in the fall and is a pleasant, comfor ting soup. If making it at home, be sure to use ver y lean pork and pork bones, and simmer for a long time.
If you suffer from asthma, chronic cough, or bronchitis, immune def iciency or sinus infections, fall is a good time to consult a TCM herbalist for individualized treatment Here are some case histories.
ASTHMA: Case History A 58 year old man presented with a medical diagnosis of asthma. He wheezed upon climbing stairs and was taking cor ticosteroid and bron chodilator inhalers The inhalers were not par ticularly effec tive, and he was subsequently told he may have emphysema and COPD from smoking since childhood His job had also exposed him to ver y dr ying solvents and dust over many years My questioning revealed that he only brought up ver y small, dr y, and hard clumps of brownish phlegm, resembling g ravel. He had war m palms and occasional night sweating, and constant thirst for small sips of water His tongue was entirely peeled of coating in the front ‘lung section’. (The
quite damp and phlegm producing, and brown sugars are warming to the digestive organs and the uterus )
VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 29www vitalitymagazine com

tongue coating is a marker of body fluids ) He had a thin build, and was unable to put on weight. All of this clearly pointed to def iciency of lung fluids, also known as ‘Lung Yin def iciency’ in Chinese medicine Herbs such as Fritillar y, Scrophularia root, Trichosanthis fr uit, and Apricot seed were used to moisten the lung, expel phlegm, and reduce cough and wheeze. The patient’s response to the f irst week of herbal treatment was dramatic: night sweating had stopped, the phlegm had liquef ied and was easier to bring up, and the wheezing and pressure in the chest had markedly decreased Within a few weeks he was off his inhalers and able to climb huge staircases in industrial buildings, which his job required Follow up testing by a pulmonar y specialist revealed no asthma, emphysema, or COPD. After several months of continued treatment, he gained 12 pounds This is a cer tain indicator of the fact that benef icial fluids were now building not only in the lungs, but the whole body A deep re hydration was taking place. Treatment will continue this fall in order to take advan tage of this season’s oppor tunity to restore the lung tissues and prevent any recur rence. We may use powerful tonics such as American ginseng, lily bulb, polygonatum root, and fritillar y bulb to lubricate the lungs.
Chronic, persistent cough usually develops after a lung infection such as bronchitis (even if it was treated with antibiotics), after a bad cold, or as a consequence of smok ing. It may last for weeks or months and usually presents with a dr y throat and sticky, diff icult to expectorate, yellowish mucus. If a second course of antibiotics is pre scribed, it typically doesn’t work
30 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com
BRONCHITIS / CHRONIC COUGH: Acute bronchitis is an infection of the large bronchi (airway tubes) in the upper lungs It is caused by viral or bacterial agents, and may prog ress to pneumonia or asthma if untreated. For this rea son, and especially in those who know that they are prone to bronchitis, it is advisable to initiate timely treatment Chinese herbs can treat acute bronchitis ver y well indeed, often eliminating the need for antibiotics The famous for mula Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (Clear the Qi and Transfor m Phlegm For mula) is one possible prescription, taken in tea for m until the infection clears. If asthma exists concur rent ly, the for mula is modif ied with additional bronchodilating herbs to prevent complications It is impor tant to note that herbal pills are generally not suff icient to deal with an acute infection, unless prescribed at a ver y high dosage
TCM treats this type of dr y, chronic cough with moisten ing herbs, as above, as well as herbs that specif ically relieve coughing Aster root or Cynanchium root are good exam ples, and when prepared with honey, their cough relieving and lung moistening ability is increased As well, moder n research has shown them to have a strong expectorant and bronchodilating action, and as such these herbs can also be used for phlegmy or asthmatic coughs

Readers: To read an additional section on “Immune Def iciency” or to post comments and questions, see the extended version of this article posted at: https://vitality magazine com/article/autumn is lung season/ Adina Stanescu, R TCM P is director of The TCM Skin and Internal Clinic in Toronto She has 25 years experience treating inflammatory skin disease, allerg ic and autoimmune conditions, and gastrointestinal disorders with Traditional Chinese Medicine To make an appointment, email adina@thetcmclinic com or visit her website at www thetcmclinic com TeL 416 968 3308 416 572-2788
For tunately, there are many herbal for mulas that strengthen the lungs and their defensive function They var y according to the condition and age of the patient, but may include Astragalus root, Nor th American ginseng, Codonopsis root, Schisandra ber ries, or the famous Goji ber r y. It is impor tant not to tr y and self treat Occasionally, the lungs will have excessive phlegm, and in such cases this must be cleared before strong tonics can be prescribed. It is also not appro priate to take tonic for mulas during a bout of influenza, but only between infections. Immune for mulas can be taken in pill, powder, tea or syr up for m. Syr ups are especially good for children, as they are quite pleasant and easy to administer, while packing a strong immune punch
Lastly, at the beginning of the season, consider visiting your herbalist to get a supply of medicines to have on hand, should an infection strike. Treatment of colds and ‘flus with TCM is much like surf ing: timing is ever ything. By the time you get an appointment and the infection has already been around for two or three days, results are not the best. But if treatment is begun right away, the results can be spectacular
212 Bathurst St. ( at Queen St. ) Toronto, M5T 2R9
Quanfu Zhou
SINUS INFECTIONS: It is said in Chinese medicine that the lungs “open into the nose.” It is through the nose that viral or bacterial pathogens may penetrate, and as such, healthy nasal mucosa is ver y impor tant for immunity against colds, influenza, and sinus infections
As with the lungs, we don’t want these tissues to be too wet or too dr y. If there are year round allergies, it is likely that there is excessive phlegm in the nasal cavity, as well as chronic inflammation. The patient blows out thick mucus and may be prone to sinus headaches and secondar y bacte rial infections following the common cold. In such cases, we use herbs such as Scutellaria root, Dahurican angelica, and Houttynia cordata to remove heat and phlegm from the nose, kill bacteria and restore the mucous lining. It is absolutely possible to treat sinus infections quickly and effectively with herbs and avoid the need for antibiotics. This is par ticularly indicated for those who get several infections a year and who are likely to have become resist ant to conventional medication. If the course of treatment is followed to the end, the sinus infections will not recur Conclusion
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Happy Autumn Equinox Thursday, Sept 22nd S E PT 21 TH E P OWE R O F G R ATITU D E. 6:45 pm Bloor Gladstone Public Library Free Discussion g roup: h t t p s : / / w w w. m e e t u p . c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ a n d h t t p s : / / w w w E c k a n k a r o r g o r call 1 866 I AM SOU L S E PT 27 M I N D F U LN ESS M E D ITATI O N 7:30 8:30 pm Please visit: www marlenegeorge com (905) 796 0101 O CT. 1 2 H E LP YO U RS E LF & OT H E R S l i v e a s t r e s s f r e e l i f e Laughter is the key Receive world r e c o g n i z e d c e r t i f i c a t i o n a s a Laughter Yoga Leader Attend in per s o n o r o n l i n e R e g i s t e r h e r e : h t t p : / / w w w L a u g h t e r Tr a i n i n g c a , (416) 469 2033 (landline) O CT 6 R E I K I S HAR E 7 to 9 pm Vi s i t : w w w m a r l e n e g e o r g e c o m (905) 796 0101 O CT 12 H EALI N G C I RC LE 7:30 to 8:30 pm www marlenegeorge com (905) 796 0101 O CT 15 F I N D I N G YO U R LI F E'S P U R P OS E 11 am Beaches Public Library Free Discussion g roup: h t t p s : / / w w w. m e e t u p . c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www Eckankar org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L O CT 15 R E I K I I C E RTI F I CATI O N Learn how to treat yourself & others I n c l u d e s P r i n c i p l e s o f H e a l i n g , c h a k r a s , e n d o c r i n e g l a n d s Illustrated Workbook Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience (416) 960 1690 virg inia@theinnereye ca O CT 15 R E I K I 1 9 am 4 pm www. marlenegeorge.com (905) 796 0101. O CT 19 TH E POWER OF GRATITU DE 6:45 pm North York Central Library Free discussion g roup: h t t p s : / / w w w m e e t u p c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ and https://www.Eckankar.org or call 1 866 I AM SOUL O CT 19 S EC R ETS O F D IVI N E C R EATIVIT Y 6:45 pm Bloor Gladstone Public Library Free Discussion g roup: h t t p s : / / w w w. m e e t u p . c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www Eckankar org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L O CT 25 M I N D F U LN ESS M E D ITATI O N 7:30 8:30 pm www.marlenegeorge.com (905) 796 0101 N OV 3 R E I K I S HAR E 7 to 9 pm Visit www marlenegeorge com call (905) 796 0101 N OV 12 H U – YO U R K EY TO S P I R I T U A L L I V I N G 11 a m B e a c h e s P u b l i c L i b r a r y Fr e e D i s c u s s i o n h t t p s : / / w w w. m e e t u p . c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www Eckankar org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L N OV 16 S EC R ETS O F D IVI N E C R EATIVIT Y 6:45 pm Nor th York Central Library. Free discussion g roup: h t t p s : / / w w w m e e t u p c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www Eckankar org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L S E PT 3 S P I R ITUAL STR ESS R E LI E F 11 am Beaches Public Library Free Discussion g roup: h t t p s : / / w w w m e e t u p c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www Eckankar org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L S E PT 8 R E I K I S HAR E 7 9 pm www. marlenegeorge com (905) 796 0101 S E PT 10 N OV 19 E U RY TH MY C L ASS ES Saturdays 1:30 2:45 pm, led by per formance eury thmist Lois Macaulay plus Kim Kendrick, piano and recitation Eury thmy is an ar t of movement with spiritual depth and harmonizing vitality Trinity St Paul Church Full series $250, single class $25 Call (416) 921 1043, or email lois@bellnet ca S E PT 14 H EALI N G C I RC LE 7:30 8:30 pm www.marlenegeorge.com (905) 796 0101 S E PT 17 R E I K I I C E RTI F I CATI O N Learn how to treat yourself & others I n c l u d e s P r i n c i p l e s o f H e a l i n g , c h a k r a s , e n d o c r i n e g l a n d s Illustrated Workbook Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience (416) 960 1690 virg inia@theinnereye ca S E PT 17 R E I K I 1 9 am 4 pm www marlenegeorge com (905) 796 0101 S E PT 21 H U YO U R K EY TO S P I R ITUAL LIVI N G. 6:45 pm. Nor th York Central Library Free discussion h t t p s : / / w w w. m e e t u p . c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www Eckankar org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L 32 VITALITY MAGAZINE FALL 2022 www vitalitymagazine com N OV 16 H EALI N G C I RC LE 7:30 8:30 pm www marlenegeorge com (905) 796 0101. N OV 16 D IVI N E G U I DAN C E 6:45 pm Bloor Gladstone Public Library Free Discussion Information at: h t t p s : / / w w w m e e t u p c o m / t o r o n t o spiritual experiences g roup/events/ https://www.Eckankar.org or call 1 866 I AM SOU L N OV 19 R E I K I I C E RTI F I CATI O N Learn how to treat yourself & others I n c l u d e s P r i n c i p l e s o f H e a l i n g , c h a k r a s , e n d o c r i n e g l a n d s Illustrated Workbook. Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience (416) 960 1690 virg inia@theinnereye ca N OV 19 R E I K I 11 9 am 4 pm marlenegeorge com (905) 796 0101 N O V 2 6 L E A R N I N G TO M O V E F O RWAR D 9 am 4 pm www mar lenegeorge com (905) 796 0101 N OV 29 M I N D F U LN ESS M E D ITA TI O N 7:30 8:30 pm www marlene george com (905) 796 0101
AU R AS AN D ALC H E MY Join our free online session each Thursday night at 8 pm to study and discuss t h e s e f a s c i n a t i n g t o p i c s . Vi s i t w w w h u m a n a u r a o r g t o v i e w t h e course materials To reg ister, email bookstudy@humanaura org or visit www higherconsciousness ca AWA R E N E S S T H R O U G H M O V EM E NT classes. Stay flexible and learn to move with ease and efficiency Classes online and in person Visit https://www feldenkraiscentre com/ e v e n t s / c a t e g o r i e s / o n l i n e classes/single classes/ or send email to: abigail@feldenkraiscentre com H E A L I N G T R A N S F O R M AT I O N C L I N I C : B i o e n e r g y h e a l i n g t h a t g ives remarkable results to a wide variety of conditions Change every thing in just four days a month P l e a s e c o n t a c t E l l e n L e w i n b e r g : ( 416 ) 20 3 274 4 , o r e m a i l : e l l e n @ h e a l i n g t r a n s f o r m a t i o n c a , visit: www healing transformation ca R E I K I I I C E RTI F I CATI O N All day c l a s s b y a p p o i n t m e n t I n c l u d e s H e a l i n g Sy m b o l s , L o n g d i s t a n c e h e a l i n g . I l l u s t r a t e d Wo r k b o o k . Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' expe rience Call (416) 960 1690 or email: virg inia@theinnereye ca F R E E TAI C H I AT C EC I L CO M M U N IT Y C E NTR E Every Monday morning 9 10am at 58 Cecil St., south of College, just steps from Spadina www g reeneconomics net/Cecil Mo nday TaiChi htm Reg istration: (416) 392 1090

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