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V I T T O R I O V A L E N T I N I a












Cohousing Via del Porto


Prato Fashion Center


Ultrawall Green


Urban Center




Reversing Staveco


Custom Frame


The transparent facrtory


40 Frame House



Cohousing Via del Porto Bologna, Italy


Architectural project

Academic project

Abstract “Sharing of spaces and services by those who live in independent housing units but located in the same complex.” [trans. from voc. Treccani] Cohousing is a contemporary way of living; It is the most appropriate specialized intervention on a residential building in an incomparable corner in Bologna. The Park of Cavaticcio is an oasis of peace, an urban public space, in which the green meets the water of one of the canals crossing the city underground: Canal of Cavaticcio, that will unearth. The park is placed in the territorial area of the Ex-Manifattura Tabacchi (Ex-Tobacco Manufacturing), which concerns a surface area of 100.000m2, one of the largest cultural poles in Europe, to be subject to a detailed plan developed by Aldo Rossi in 1996. Renamed Manifattura delle Arti (Arts Manufacturing), this area

harbours the venue of MAMBo (Museum of Modern Art of Bologna) in the ex-bread oven, the municipal film library (one of the seventh most important art research and documentation centers) at the premises of the Ex-Manifattura, the Communication Discipline Department of University of Bologna in the Ex-Mulino Tamburi (Ex-Tamburi Mill), the venue of club “Il Cassero” in the ex-salt warehouse. The Cohousing tries to establish a dialogue with the water element: the area dedicated to the domestic partnership between the residents, which fills about 15% of the total built surface, is strategically located between the first floor and the basement and it looks up the canal and the rest of the park. Thereby the sharing of the spaces and the relationship between the families are encouraged.



Prato Fashion Center Prato, Italy


Architectural/landscape project

Academic project

Abstract One of the many Italian suburbs to retrain: Macrolotto Ø in Prato, now next to a complete ghettoized area, isolated from the rest of the city, and entirely managed by the Chinese community that established in this area for the massive presence of textile industries. The idea for the relaunch is based on the connection between two polarities: the subway station in the north and the civic center in the south, both close to realization, through the “Red Carpet Way”, a chromatic and easily recognizable crosswalk across the neighbourhood. The Concept refers to the so-called “red carpets”, typical fashion elements, with whom the ambition to have the advertising vocation in common is nourished. Besides, having the role of compass inside a monotone and disper-

sive urban fabric, the “Red Carpet Way” has the function of serving the new “Prato Fashion Center”, the residential and commercial complex designed in the center of the Macrolotto Ø, able to create the right functional mixitè and to give new life to the neighbourhood. “Prato Fashion Center” will stand on an area currently intended for the productive textile sector, which has been characterized by the presence of recent buildings and low aesthetic and architectural value industrial sheds. At its most important accesses or the junctions of the architectural complex recently constructed buildings, called gates, were spread: they have a landmark role, they are points of reference for tourists and curious people.



Ultrawall Green Ferrara, Italy


Urbanistic project

Academic/competition project

Abstract To re-use urban fabric, to reconnect existing green areas, to develop new attractive polarities, to propose new sustainable mobility models. Four strategic actions and one target: to enhance the landscape in the suburbs around Ferrara, improving its environmental, social and economical characteristics. The disposal, the landfill and the transformation into a light subway of part of the Ferrara-Codigoro railway track will make free strips of land, which will cross the urbanized area in the south of the old town. Ultrawall Green proposes to use these potential urban voids, like green corridors, to connect three new functional poles: the technological one, near physics, earth science and engineering departments;

the cultural one, near ex-Foro Boario (ex-Boario Forum) and ex-railway station (both decommissioned areas); the sports one, near San Giorgio island. The park will be crossed on foot, by bike and by small electric vehicles. The areas inside it will be accessible by three subway stations localized in the sectors indicated in the project. Ultrawall Green will reconnect the existing route realized on the ancient defensive walls of the city, through three “green bridges” over “Po di Volano” river. It will surround the historical center of Ferrara for almost 9 uninterrupted km, a suggestive walk through one of the most imposing defence systems of XVIth century.



Urban Center Pieve di Cento (Bologna), Italy


Technological/architectural Academic project project Abstract

This project was born from the need to create a place for the sponsorship of the initiatives for the city center by the municipal administration of Pieve di Cento, that is to say an iconic and well recognizable place. The design guidelines indicated a horizontal expansion, permeability and continuity between interior and outer areas, presence of a single big multifunctional space. The main targets are: containing as much as possible construction and building maintenance costs, without affecting quality and safety of structural and finishing materials; maximizing the energy efficiency, reducing the environmental impact. For this purpose, a mechanical ventilation, a manual handling for fixtures and curtains, photovoltaic panels, a rain water recovery for irrigation, a green roof, a high thermal performance envelope have

been used. Therefore, the project provides the realization of a single ground floor building, consequently, without unnecessary vertical connections, maximizing the available building area. The large central space, also working as the only connective hall, is defined by four volumes hosting the customer requested functions and by full height glass windows. The roof was designed like a continuous single plate, on which a stratigraphy of a green roof is put, as if it were an extrusion of the below ground. The external space is organized following the ground encumbrance of the Urban Center: it alternates full and empty volumes, related to the building. Benches, trees and perimetric hedges have been placed in order to create relax and socialization areas.



Adagio Marzocca (Ancona), Italy


Exposition/ compositive project

Exposition/ competition project

Abstract Adagio: indication of proceeding and together of expression. The space is designed like a music sheet upon which you can alight slowly and quietly. The beach is the director of the symphony, like an earthly limit among two elements. The viewer becomes the active part, he dialogues with the opera, he observes, contemplate, takes possession of it, establishing a relationship of complicity. Panels of light and solid matter make a fragmented space, able to turn itself out after every step, every word: a space that renews after every

frame. The elements of the “Talk Area”, the “Workshop Area”, the “Expo Area”, the “Food Area”, the “Book Area” and the “Video Area” are sudden moments, light shrills. We allow the director to reveal us with convenient and enough calm his natural fantasy. This is the concept on the basis of the project for the 6th edition of the “Demanio Marittimo Km278” temporary event, promoted by “Mappe” magazine every summer, which takes place on the Marche beach and in which worldwide culture, art and architecture meet for a night.



Reversing Staveco Bologna, Italy


Urbanistic/landscape/ architectural project


Abstract StaVeCo: stabilimento di veicoli da combattimento (establishment for vehicles of war). The name of a now decommissioned area, which is peculiar for its position, morphological features and regeneration potential. When it was entrusted to the municipality of Bologna from the State Property Agency (Demanio), it was immediately clear how could the Ex-Staveco become an important resource for the oldest western university city, steadily frequented by students, teachers and researchers from all over the country and the world. Located in the nobler area of Bologna, the Ex-Staveco offers a direct contact to the old town and to the hills at the same time: two realities which hardly find a bridge for an easy connection, giving a rapid relief valve to the city, from life inside the perimeter of the old town, featured by typical pressing rhythms for a regional capital like Bologna. Inserted, with other decommissioned areas in-

cluding several barracks at the end of their lives, into the town plan PUV – Programma Unitario di Valorizzazione – of Bologna, it represents a great opportunity for a building densification in the old town, as an answer to the urban sprawl, that is slowly enlarging the building boundary, running over the increasingly precious rural expanses of the city. Inaccessible for security reasons from the XVIII century and therefore literally subtracted to citizens, it would acquire the role of a new centrality and a new public space, for a city that needs pedestrian areas and meeting places, safe by traffic and oxygenated with vegetation, both lacking in the old town. From a hospitalization for militaries and a storage for weapons and tanks, it could become a safe harbour for students and citizens of any age, a pedestrian area in which you could escape from daily traffic and noise.



Custom frame 2019

Design project

On commission project

Abstract The main requirement of the client was to have three different furnishing accessories with a single and recognizable style, in three different home environments: the kitchen, the bedroom and the bathroom. All three should have work like storages for several kind of things: pots and dishes for the furniture in the kitchen, books for the one in the bedroom, towels and bottles of parfum for the one in the bathroom. It was difficult to standardise the three objects through them shape, due to the diversity of the spaces in the three different rooms. Therefore, three minimal modules have been

designed and they have been repeated many times until to fill the necessary space in all three different rooms. A small parallelepiped for the storage of small size objects, a cube for medium size objects and a bigger parallelepiped for more cumbersome objects. At this point, thanks to a puzzle style assembly, the most correct disposition of the modules has been found for every room and at last two different colour tones have been chosen to characterise the different modules: dark wood and white wood.



The transparent factory Beinasco (Torino), Italy


Landscape/architectural project

Competition project

Abstract To re-modernize a decommissioned industrial building, to re-design an office building, to re-valorise an external landscape. This is the design brief for the new operational headquarter of an Italian polycarbonate producer company, the plastic material that will characterize the subjects of intervention buildings. From an environment without an aesthetic identity to contemporary production site, thanks to design devices aimed to the wellness and the socialization of all users. The existing production complex, the subject of intervention, now represents an obsolete “object�, not anymore suitable for the contemporary production needs and the comfort of future workers, due to the indoor spaces disposition, the volumes and windows articulation, flows organization, outdoor areas placing, installations equipment. For these reasons, the settlement of the company takes the updating of the whole

buildings system through different and targeted interventions: demolitions and reconstructions, replacements of outer casing, additions and redistributions of volumes, reorganization of green areas. The future perspective is to realize spaces suitable for a smart factory (or industry 4.0) understood as both its founding concepts, like smart production, smart service, smart energy, and architectural quality, comfort and environmental sustainability concepts. In order to achieve these targets, the outer casing of the industrial building has been replaced to realize a transparent façade with more relationship with the natural external environment, the old and inadequate office building has been replaced with a new one accommodating contemporary offices, the green surroundings has been made easily available by people.



40 frame house

Canary Islands, Spain


Architectural/technological/ Competition project design project Abstract

The aim of the InHouse Company with this contest is to get a new single family house, using precast reinforced concrete panels made by the company, which will be shown to the clients. The building blocks of the project are the wall frames, 400 cm x 260 cm precast reinforced concrete panels, so as to comply with European standard measures for road transport. When repeated and put together, wall frames shape the building, reducing construction times. Each wall frame can be customized and have different degrees of “transparency” and can be used as a completely windowless wall or a completely windowed wall. The triangle – ancestral metaphor for transcendence – rends surfaces, makes them disappear and gives

a vertical upsurge to the interior. Furthermore, it frames the landscape, puts inside the building the warm and sunny atmosphere of a lovely beach, conveying at the same time a feeling of protection and safety to the observer. You can get a wide view of the outdoors from every corner and admire the sea, the earth and the sky with a single glance. During the day, the two pure volumes that form the building undergo a transformation: they change from telescopes directed towards the sea into lanterns lighting up the darkness. “40 Frame House” is designed with features that suit very well to a position in a dry climate zone with average yearly temperatures around 20° C and a location in a flat site.



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