Leisure Catering Store Design

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Leisure Catering Store Design

ISBN: 978-988-13542-0-4 Size: 248﹡290mm Pages: 336

Not like a starred hotel or a luxury restaurant, the so-called leisure catering store is small in scale but more “easygoing”. It’s a place you can hang out with your friends at any time. It is a bakery or dessert store, an ice cream or yogurt store, a candy or chocolate store, a hamburger or pizza store, or just a small bar at the corner of a street! As a part of restaurant category, the elements required for the design of the leisure catering store are much more different. In this book, what we look at is no longer the official restaurants. Let’s experience something fresh and friendly, enjoy the leisure catering store. Have a good time!

Burano Island Cafe Location: Incheon, Korea

Design Team: Ha-lim, Kim jae-jin, Seo mun-kyo

Design Agency: m4

Photography: Yoo Dae Sun

Designer: Yoon, Young-sub

As we mentioned above, to reproduce stars seen over a garret’s ceiling and the colors on houses as design elements, we designed truss structures, roofshaped, on the ceiling and dark blue ceiling between

Furthermore, lights were arranged randomly among the roof-shaped

the truss structures to remind people of sky at night.

truss structures to be seen like stars on the sky, and the colors from the houses in Baruno island were expressed on one side of the café’s walls by colored glass.

Burano island in Venetia, Italy is well-known as a quiet and clean island of

Our client likes extraordinary harmony of colors in Burano island, and she


couldn’t forget peaceful sceneries there.

This island is also famous for colorful houses with pastel colors which

Therefore, she wanted to have colors of Burano island in her café because

originated from painting fishing boats with variety colors.

she assumed seeing beautiful houses in variety colors in Burano island and stars over the ceiling of a garret would be brilliant.


Leisure Catering Store Design

Leisure Catering Store Design



Leisure Catering Store Design

Copyright © Artpower International Publishing Co., Ltd.

Leisure Catering Store Design


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